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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  February 26, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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kudlow: i still can't get it in my head who have just say, may god watch over lincoln riley made a wonderful girl rest in peace and somehow maybe once again, close the lobos border is country and everybody should watch my powell was mcconnell. liz: thank you lori remember get a happening others and now
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lincoln really never going to stand the stories and thank you so much and some are lighter terrific we have senators tommy and ron johnson coming up, way better positive fresno this white house, is historically cover the worst of the border of hussman had nda [once a new gag is breaking news, this a your let go no legal now accused of murdering george nursing student, lincoln riley introduced of the federalist editor-in-chief probably and it is going to have you on that is good to see with this monday night, so you make a former president companies going to the border on thursday and he will pass texas, president biden is going to brownsville, he's announced that afternoon is about transplants when you make of it to be fizzling the second time in 50 years the present braided on the border. molly: yes will both men are associated with border but for president trump people remember that he ran his 20 ceasing, campaign on problems of the born
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during his administration, he worked to cause of dollars border rest prison invited ran for office in 2020, and a pledge to open up the border and he did just that when he took office it was some of the very first things he did is about of these are different, trump was reminded people the importance of the border but he was to say that and so that was not really problem insofar as it was a problem, he is there to take care of it and i don't know how well the message will resonate with about her speech of i'm the action to present by due to into trust policies because the critics are single you know, republicans drop the senate border build the republican should be blamed to be the white house is avoiding questions according to edward morrison what the president waited three years and finally talk about one executive action make a buck the state of the union have any duty to. molly: i believe is more than 90 joe biden loved it and the senate border built is really everything you need to know about it, you know he did not see support coming from people who really want to secure the
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border and do not want to codify into law a lot of present braided through his executive actions of course even he is admitting outcome of that he 20 said that he cannot do anything whenever discussing that porterville was not really porterville is really ukraine hunting bill nice admitting it will source of executive actions he could take with this is an issue that is important so a lot of voters both republican and democrat any really has kind of sealed his fate with the years of actions that is taking to keep that were open. liz: and i think american voters are finally waking up there sing this is the worst white house on the border tamika turning to former president trump you in south carolina handily and it was trump 59 percent had a 40 percent, exit polls show the south carolina voters say, yes, it is a border crisis and also very upset about record inflation trump is swept for state so far i look on an extra nevada and south carolina and what do you think.
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mollie: trump will clearly be the republican nominee is free country mechanic and ruin the republican primary as long as she wants she does run the risk right now, being viewed almost like a liz cheney type of character as she makes more more of her campaign about fighting double trump particularly when as you know from the issues and motivate republican voters right now, really all the voters are some of these issues like a completely open border and the lawlessness that this signifies that the crime that is associated with it, economic problems they lack of success economically, foreign policy problems as well. liz: so there's is billionaire charles cope the network, americans for prosperity action was financial support, nikki had his campaign is listen to former president trump nikki here watch this. trump: and outcome there's the spirit that i have ever seen and we ran to grant races. >> i back my back but there is never been ever there's never been spirit like this and i just
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want to say that i have never seen the republican party so unified as it is right now i was just informed that we got double the number of votes that is ever been received in a great state of south carolina. >> i said earlier this become the no matter what happens in south carolina, i would continue to run for president i'm a woman of my word and i'm not giving up this fight when the majority of americans disapprove the both donald trump, and joe biden. we are headed to be as you can borrow that we are headed to the super tuesday state, through out all of next week. liz: so staying through the super ticket again he said that she is independent thing conservative members coming back to good european what you think. mollie: flurries by many to give her money given her support is not because they love her view so much as they understand that the longer she stays in the
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race, the more it hurts donald trump and so is going to be the nominee so you wonder why is she running merely to her president trump's chances in the general election because she's trying to position herself pretty third-party front such as well equals again, this is why she has to be careful because republicans and upwards up with his efforts of security can become something like a liz cheney character to be able to head no labels of the yes we would take on nikki haley is interesting emily think you so much for joining us is good to see you again in the story, top michigan democrats, everything will come they warned the president, faces a significant protest vote against president biden michigan state primary tomorrow pretty travel is live in detroit with more gradients good to see you. >> you as well michigan progresses like congresswoman and rashida tlaib are leading this charge have the voters selected and commanded not fight on the ballot tomorrow they're frustrated with biden's handling of the war in gaza they wanted
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to call for cease-fire meanwhile present invited supporters here, our student downplaying the threat of this uncommitted campaign but also, telling to participate in it. >> we will see what happens is not unusual to have abutting out of anybody concerned about what is happening in gaza he should be voting for president biden. >> on the republican side former president trump is expecting a big when hear michigan tomorrow and at the polling is correct when he could defeat former south carolina governor, nikki and by an even larger margin than his decisive victory in her home state over the weekend and another to haley this past weekend, would you just mentioned was, the cope network super pack americans for prosperity action, decided to stop spinning in support of her but her campaign is still bringing in small grassroots donations more than $1 million since her loss in south carolina
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and in an interview with me here in michigan haley shut down speculation about a third-party run i'm a republican i'm not running as any other party or independent and i will continue to say this is not about my political career, this is about the future of america. >> we overrun as a third-party candidate. >> i said no, over and over again i have no interest in a third-party candidacy. >> as far as the top issues for gop voters here in michigan, one of them liz, interestingly is immigration, even though i can literally see canada right now come across the northern border, spoken voters are really concerned about the crisis at the southern border and that is driving them to the polls. liz: thank you gradient 20 is now, american majority seo that right and wall street from another, carol roughness we do see both and your reaction to the report. >> will i think that tomorrow
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michigan going to see from point again definitively and it's appalling the nikki la staying in is my friend molly pointed out earlier, the longer she season, the more damaging it is for trump heading into the general but even more subtle is she's going to lose valley tomorrow michigan shoulders horribly and super tuesday their 16 seats and lot of these are point a, california this would be coming numerical impossibility to have any chance and just which is what you really up just to be the nominee susan we have this wife she's taking the race what is our ultimate goal. as of the benefit the republican party i will tell you the much sweetie what we hear you loud and clear carol the schedule reacting to michigan governor gretchen witmer, warned about tomorrow's in primary the money is for the president right here also from democrat congresswoman debbie dingell and that the state michigan not really privilege voters are split between democrats and republicans watch. >> you know i'm just not sure what to expect over there a lot of different things it can impact whatever's on tuesday.
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don't know that we have about nine months to the general election we are taking received very seriously should look for michigan's approval statement want to make that clear, is been professing as long as i've been doing is intelligent emily purple for now november. liz: carol your reaction a list of the recent polls have understood the u.s. is on the wrong track go-ahead. >> yes warming is pretty funny. carol: is preventing that they thank you so going be some sort of a surprise michigan hard week we all know what is going on. the only surprised greatest report could be that the people who pick uncommitted, thinking that is a nickname for joe biden's disease uncommitted to the presidency selected be the only place primitive get a surprise. i think were pretty clear about what is going to happen if i think of the trajectory to sailors, this reminds me of that thing from the titanic with rose is been 84 years that if you
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like we are 12 just different way for we've been doing this for 84 years we all know 20 joe biden i guess former president trump think we need to get to that conclusion so that we can forward. liz: ncos report and top of what carol said, democrats owners worried that the president is using no cards and closed-door private meetings without that doing stage and q&a sessions with them and he can only read off of the teleprompter democrat voters worried that he cannot handle the race in the debates pretty and you know you can see the slow, human italian tv, is making fun of the president also to watch the president again we have new sound coming out of them they made another gaffe annual hear from billionaire hedge fund manager blackman will the tape. >> i want to say president biden presidency and good evening president biden. [inaudible]. >> travel 17000 miles throughout
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the country country and in china as well in the tibet photo entering here. >> is a nursing for the country having him as a presidential candidate on the president of the country coming it is crazy. and you know just going to get worse and worse every day that he waits, he is handing the election to trump. suite you know the present claims that he player troubled 70 million chinese president xi jinping inside of the u.s. and in china and just keep piling up and you don't want to see this presidency right. >> you don't and it makes us incredible week as a nation on the international stage and i thinkable of but the fact remains that i don't see any real moves to replace bided think you're going to well the rubber will hit the road june or july and you have to decide before the august or do you see, is bided unattainable outcome of
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her cognitive decline in for scandals that might continue to build up but it would have to been approved a delicate revolt in the for the d&c in august to change the nominee and the question becomes, you know who the nominee is this really they really going to give up the power and it will be such a hail mary pass liz, they have to be pushed to extreme measures to be the general election opening i just do not see it happening at this moment although i still out the 50s uses something might happen at the augustine see right now i think of us are stuck with biden's we do know lbj in eight on the going to run again address we don't know carol, you don't have of everything, we are just talking about the election is at the kitchen table on the federal reserve's favorite inflation gauge, and the most of the her for personal consumption expenditure price index and so you see all of the inflation is pushing towards 18 percent, compounded under this white house final word. >> we do have this expectation
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be seeing will run again and we know that this less mild inflation is going to be difficult printed people predicted a soft landing i think they got way in front of themselves and given the tenor of her fiscal situation, i think that going to be living with inflation for a long time. so that is going to be a centerpiece about people going to have to make some decisions on because certainly do not think this is going to be under control before we get to november. liz: planet ned bryant carol roth think you for joining us to see you and can you sooner tommy turberville sooner ron johnson from the police detective ted williams and facebook expert carol frederick murder suspect william george nursing student lincoln by the la like an illegal alien the new york lego after he was arrested over the cases of kayla hamilton others that they didn't company is divided and investigators only governor kitty hobbs, said yes, the real serious water crisis
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and is lawlessness printed but alexandria cortez, falsely claims there is not the story, this news coming in, 40 caesar w the move and against a growing election interference problem. it is a threat russia or china, artificial intelligence silicon valley report claims that bided center visitor logs were deleted for years covering the hundred biting and because of her documents controversies customer congressional investigators sam dooley is here drinking is nda right demands of pro se that is an unconstitutional gag order former president trump new york's most case in all this is coming up on the evening edit. ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience,
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of what we've already seen in the case which is, just aggressive position for the district attorney to make no sense to really go with the lawn was a concern he, that when his will be intimidated the only witnesses as understand and or michael cohen or potentially trp administration official going to be intimidated by anything the president said in the president has a right to coming to the trial for somen the iter should only be restricted and most narrow of cases and yet we have seen every prosecutor almost every prosecutor in these cases, rush it is hard to get a gag order and contrast that with effective in the middle of campaign season and president trump is criticizing him about these cases and taking away his writing to defend himself. use those accusations and the stars to smack of something that could be coordinated is something that is just a little tort sweetie will sam is also this, this fight, foer president trump today did
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formally file an expected appeal. liz: of the $454 million civil judgment, with interest was filed against him over allegations that he fraudulently inflated financial statements in the trump team is calling this an excessive fine in violation of the eighth amendment the notices of appeal do not indicate the trumps secured in the field find it under the law he was a supposed one, just up enforcement of the judgment when you of all of this news. sam: surprised him and he immediately appeal to yes two plus the appeal bond, with amicably 30 days of the judgment so he is time to principal at any also has time to your point about it being cruel and unusual punishment robust with the judge to say, i have a strong appeal and should not make me post as much of a bonded he confounds a motion for the appellate court, in cases cases like this, where there is an astronomical
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judgment hello legal issues the judgments below, the course will sometimes they you know, you have to postpone we do not have to post all of the bond, because it would be unreasonable to do so sweetie of new york attorney attorney general letitia james tweeting out the interest binding upon this case had just been talking about seizing properties like 40 wallace rated this move on to the federal classified documents case and ts legal team appealed the case as well and presidential immunity but also the special counsel jack smith, was unlawfully in a constitutionally appointed that his office should not exist at all and he was never by the senate is according to the filing he likes these royal who are either former president of, he faces 40 charge in this case bragg's former attorney general come as of the jack smith has no more authority here and tim slipped and he that that in the past and there is no statute specifically authorizing the attorney general.
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rather than the president come up with the advice and consent of the senate to appoint special counsel like this. sam: so yes, and is a very powerful argument think it is an interesting argument because it relies on recent supreme court authority clarified and reaffirmed traditional understandings of separation of powers in the form is because there had been some precedents that was not faithful to the original unitary structure of the constitution. that's been been revised and quarterback and so now you have this challenge that i think that is supporting arguments, i think that he could very well succeed because edessa scary scenario and this person was not having advice and continuous exercising extraordinary amount of power to wear special counsel robert her cannot determine if joe biden is classified documents and provided center think think the pen biden to get security
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reportedly deleted all of the visitor long since 2017 through 2021 and that is an issue this covers the years of the hundred biting controversies as well and final word. sam: is disturbingly need to know more about it i cannot remember who was in the report but it certainly should event is something that hur should've exhaustively exported you would expect them to be there. liz: thank you for joining us tonight to see you and president of biden will be with congressional leaders of ukraine 80 else lawmakers demand every step it up and finally act, to tighten u.s. border security arizona governor democrat kitty hobbs, said that americans wanted to stop in america's want and into the lawlessness of the border is like putting sandy ocasio-cortez, is getting mocked and ridicules for falsely claiming that there is no border crisis that on the evening edit
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coming up. >> you know what to be paying for what is happened last three years and fourthly, be honest i think that we have another nine months of this administration allowing this to happen before that we can see any sort of rubber the resolution. the border. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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liz: recited to have back in the show serum services senator tommy turberville the sweetest see you again center we would like you to please if you can, please a tight going to hear sound arizona democrat governor getting up and she will then you'll hear from part of congressman alexandria case you cortez must watch this. >> we need something americans want sanity and an end to the lawlessness of the voters living president is using his executive authority to do any of those things congress is already authorized the president does not need new laws he needs a backbone of the make sure that
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he enforce the immigration laws that are already in the books. reporter: the idea that republicans and orders when election say that we need to medically seal border when they know that would be while its self sabotage from the u.s. economy they are sing available let's do it anyway and that is what they are doing rolling back child labor laws well being xenophobic and anti- rent as they are and, while jetting of this, yes, this false narrative by this being a crisis to false narrative this is a crisis, to what the government is reporting about illegal alien crime and you know, kidnappings and murder hunters crossing you think of congressman visio your senator. >> well you can't keep up with her sometimes off the wall she has these crazy comments is, this goes back to what happened
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in europe the last ten or 15 years they just a lot of mass immigration is kind of an experiment knowing, that the united states of america is number one goal for globalist so work in europe and they've almost ruined almost every city in europe, third world country, the old save his gathered enough for safe something is happening here now were third world country to be cities but these are venture partners thing inside of the graph and thinking the other with things that they will tell you later on this is amazing to see how these people work but were in trouble. eight in 10000 people are coming across today so would have it with murder. go back to one thing were losing 300 people a day to fentanyl, 300 a day and is just amazing, that the market people are not more outrage you did they are they should be. liz: will you make of criticism of senate republicans for stopping the senate order welcome that would help aid to
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ukraine. >> well that was a border bill as a giveaway liz, i think that have their family just want come up with something to use against us in the election next year and has nothing to do with any kind of new laws and help the board replace. governor abbott just said company have all of the laws the need we do not need to do anymore laws just with alonzo we have president trump stop it you do not want to stop in there globalist of the more more people to come here, for one reason, no sir take care of them, they want them here to vote and change the redistricting of each rich st state. liz: will center, former official say the growth you what you say, the president can stop the border crisis had exploded on his watch with existing laws in the books and a section 212f of the immigration and nationality act and plus 2018 supreme court ruling plus a 22006 to secure defense events and invited but for you know
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this is about crime and criminal gangs and for illegal aliens accused of a string of robberies and home invasions doing things like wi-fi use and other knockout surveillance cameras what you make of the illegal immigrant from when in venezuela in the case is accused of murdering george a nursing student, we can riley anything of kayla helpful to occasionally going to missus will be make of this case. tommy: want to create gangs here when you are basically homeless, fatherless motherless when you have a bunch of gives like come into the united states on the going to live somehow and so, just what is happening at times where you get the ones where the gangs that are taking over but is such as the big cities is even in the smaller cities and towns, and rural alabama you're starting to see more and more of these young people is teresa looking for something to do. getting in trouble and hear from the sheriff's in a hear from police chiefs all across alabama those are in trouble there being
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overrun and you gotta do something is nothing we can really do it was you have power of your right all of the powers in place across i could care less about stopping what is going on right now the border. liz: thank you for joining us tonight it is good to see you. tommy: thank you neo as well. liz: and sooner ron johnson is a pleasure to see you again and so what you make of a president is hosting congressional leaders to try to break the deadlock of ukraine aid turn of a partial government shut down this friday in the lawmakers are demanding border security is going up and when you think senator. ron: well the sinners turberville was talking president biden was an open border because this problem the fact of the matter is, president trump under existing law is able to secure the border then president biden is the exact same authority open backup is so president biden could've had creative package in israel a
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package and taiwan aid package and only needed to do was to agree to secure the border we do not ask for immigration bill that made matters worse, only housework was enforce of mechanism, use the leverage ukraine funding, do actually force the president to use the authority has to secure the border itself is there for the taking and i said at the start of the process as we be doing the president a huge political favor if we forced him to secure the border and fourthly, leader mcconnell introduce secret negotiations and basically gives impressed political cover and others did not give america's care border. liz: motherless of problems with the former senate porterville was show former prior ukraine aid is really hated border security package so there is also the story but also this, we hear you don't senators are getting really frustrated the senate will not move of the impeachment trial of security
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secretary alejandro mayorkas c3 we obviously should hold the trial is our constitutional responsibility and duty but primarily what we need to do is on trial to show the public, what is happening on the border and you know i know people that's been covering the event the mainstream media, for years, ignored and encumbered and provided really started reporting this will mayor adams men and johnson new york and chicago started to say century city's conduct can handle and it will destroy the cities and so •-ellipsis the mainstream media could not cover for biden, the democrats viewed that is liability which is why they went to leader mcconnell to see if they could get some political cover and fortunately given to them suite it will center, would have to switch gears and began for a moment, and you know, there is this bill that is going to be debated about meeting the president and he does or is demanding tens of billions of dollars retrained and we haven't had a native attorney general would switch gears of the head of nato's income yes, ukraine
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should join nato that would anger even more of russia's pollution, watch this. >> the deep political talks the nato ukraine counsel, consulted with make decisions together in ukraine join nato and is the question but when an estimated repair you for this today company to continue to stand with ukraine, for your secretary and four hours security sweetie what happens if ukraine enjoys nato. ron: what i've been saying for quite some time now put him about is this work and listen morning prayers potential to vladimir putin russia has four times the population of ukraine average age ukrainian soldiers 43 years for people in the inner circle say, citizen weapons we need we don't have the meant to use them and is some point in
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time, when you face reality going to have to in this war with negotiating settlement in a policy should be driving toward bringing putting the negotiating table and sing the were going to admit ukraine today does not the way to bring vladimir putin the negotiating table suite you gotta think you for joining us this good to see you this going controversy hitting the 2020 race some taxpayers feel safe and award to say the story george her murder in the death of nursing student, lincoln riley, here in the u.s. illegally was previously arrested in new york let go of all enforcement reporting criminal illegally any and gangs run retail theft rings plus home invasion rings, using wi-fi and cell phone blockers to take the own security camera footage former police executive ted williams is going to join us and breaking it down next on the evening edit versus check in with buddies kelly o'grady and
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brian here for dagen mcdowell and sean duffy have a great show coming up in the bottom line. >> yes you do we have great show coming up for you would to fox news contributor charlie hur and also stacy washington and she is the host of stacy on the right pretty talk to them about nikki haley still seeing in recent by governor newsom calls biden gift. >> yes and talking about americans taking economic freedom plus congressman collins, you should not - chiefly is big news is decisions is down more the top of the art of first evening at it back after this. ile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside -
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liz: and joining sam former dc police and detective defense attorney ted williams, we are sing on the story because this is where the story ted, is a turning point in a hedge point termination start to wake up and say, we do second, you feel safe what is really going on here as of this illegal immigrant arrested for killing a georgia nursing student, think erotica was arrested new york city last september for child endangerment and he crossed illegally at the border and hosea borrow, and in 2022, the texas border in el
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paso from venezuela the negus arrested for child endangerment and then just let go now he's wanted for murder suspected of murder what was your reaction when you heard the story ted. ted: will is, please permit me to offer my deepest condolences to the riley family. and also, say her name, lincoln help riley, a 22 -year-old woman, student nursing student, who had everything to live for and her life was snuffed out by this illegal immigrant in this country and as you said he coming in september of 2022, he comes into the country illegally did this in him back over there let them out on parole and he wound up in new york, he wound up committing a crime september of 2023, in new york and there was not a detainment they sent him back out, they'd allowed him
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to stay in and as a result of that, we have a young woman who had every thing to to this country, is now dead and so i am really really upset but when i'm upset about lives, i am upset about the congress, the president, and how they handled the this border crisis printed is a crisis of the water and we cannot bring it all lincoln help riley back, but we can go unfiled try to do some of this border and encourage earlier this coming you mentioned, the case that i covered, out in iowa, money to put you remember the caseloads, and so nothing is changed, we are we going wake up and do something about this darned immigration problem in this country sweetie well you know, when you look at what
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happened here in new york, releasing the legal suspect, was on maricopa city county d.a., frazier mitchell, she's gettinge back to new york and accused murderer she is a fragment d.a. of the rebel putting back on the street because she 70s we confront. ted: will this the more the two das i can tell you that rachel mitchell is the best argument here. that is that she wants this guy and his name - roy, for murder mean, let me correct, for stepping to individuals there in arizona now and alvin bragg they brought back here for murder under normal circumstances, the va would deploy arizona lincoln park but she believes that the bragg suffering from the this guy could barely big background on the street. she has the better of the
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georgian. liz: what you know about this in your expertise, on enforcement receiving the source coming a nationwide wave of violent crimes across america lincoln, the criminal illegal alien gangs, retail theft rings, home invasion rings, enemies of venice footage common camera in a group of teenagers, we don't know if they were illegal from the broken to a wisconsin range rover dealership last week there suspected be part of the crime bring out of chicago when you make of these stories is this true that we see more more we do not know again the rush sure the suspects are but separate from the criminal illegal alien gangs committing crimes. ted: will yes, your fighting that's fourthly having all of the country and taking advantage the country is given them the ability to command and they certainly are doing illegal expedited so you for this was one, this wisconsin tape one takes the cake, we heard about retail merchandise being sold,
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but to find that these kids printed to the dealership until, my cars out of the dealership, that is unbelievable and i have never heard of such a thing that i don't you've ever heard of such a thing but what we have got to do a mr. started treat these kids as adults and prosecute them for organized crime is scary. liz: we hear you loud and clear from thank you so much for your service to america we appreciate you very much to have you back funding is coming from former facebook and will assume an expert on facebook, one and only girlfriend frederick in a new form of election interference in russia or china coming a major growing problem, silicon valley artificial intelligence, fake robo calls and deep think images and more we have 40 states try to crackdown on this on the evening edit.
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images know you have 40 c trying to crackdown what you think. >> yes god bless these 430 there are two facets of this that i think a really interesting the american air and one is the fact that technology like artificial intelligence can target particular users, and machine speed and scale, so we are talking the automation of propaganda, big issue within that synthetic community generative a.i. problem that you talk about these are digital forgeries and their facets and artificial intelligence like natural language processing that it was she did after these semantic interpretations of how humans use language and so effectively, these technologies make this fake content, much more humanlike which means that is much harder to detect because those two things are danger to do think there are a couple of solutions are, what about technological another legislative like this day started, transparency and labeling watermarks like what
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you do on fox like whenever you throb a.i. generated content, and generated of having the market better and citizen make their own choices face off of what they see sweetie an about consent but this is misinformed consent, we already had the national conversation twisted beyond recognition it's gone on prior elections and must go through the fake a.i. stuff coming in two days before the new hampshire primary in january, fake robo call, and a.i. generated imitation of president biden's voice, sent out to thousands of voters in new hampshire urging them not to vote in early january, and to - they retreated a.i. generated image, falsely showing former president trump with you girls before the private plane, traffickers jeffrey epstein, and other images show trump in handcuffs, bubblewrap and more anything is when you get worse.
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>> i was definitely going to get worse before it gets better which is why caesar stepping into the reach and good rent states like georgia and texas, they say that labeling them on mark if this is generated content from actors the rookie and organized fashion for a campaign, visually the payroll that's good thing obviously want to protect the individual since in your on him and i thought it was just cannot see mother, sharing content that they do not know is darker than you do not want to penalize as individual users always want to put penalties and civil liability on organizations that are doing this on purpose themselves, so that's a good first effort but then coming try to implement the use of a.i. tools they can help detected district some of the stuff and so content identification and you can fight fire with fire as i've said before and using add tools to about some of that bad a.i. that is used to propagandize and mislead that i think those are some quick solutions policy wise tactical wise sweet if you know
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google but official intelligence july the chaplain accused of making false images that they are spreading fathers, it's going to start sending messengers to hooters. >> will exactly right, if ignored that you cannot technology is not natural these people silicon valley can this echo chamber that i was was apparent that i saw close, they have their own values and they're going to be business valleys and technology, in this case, as woke we cannot allow it to happen especially when it warps next generation need to know truth from fiction because the talking the truth because these systems do not output truth. liz: interesting and you're so great and think you for being with us tonight with your expertise and we appreciate you we appreciate you viewer for watching i'm liz mcdonald think you for watching the evening edit on foxbusiness and now it is time for my buddies filling at the bottom line, take it away kelly and brian. brian: thank you liz. kelly: we appreciate you


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