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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  February 27, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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free with details about how bonds can be an important part of your portfolio. hennion & walsh has specialized in fixed income and growth solutions for 30 years, and offers high-quality municipal bonds from across the country. they provide the potential for regular income are federally tax-free and have historically low risk. call today to request your free bond guide. 1-800-763-2763. that's 1-800-763-2763. larry: i'll tell you, you know,ing supply-side policies, drill, baby, drill, cutting tax rates, deregulation, none of that's going to cause inflation to go up, but it will improve the middle class and the rest of the economy. and here's liz macdonald to tell us the whole story. elizabeth: yes, we will, larry. we're going to make a good push for it. thank you so much is, the one and only larry kudlow.
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coming up, kellyanne conway, monica crowley, matthew whitaker. they're coming up in just a second. we are just three hours away from polls closing in michigan's primary. former president trump looks to add another victory, but president biden nation a big test today. big pushback from democrat voters in michigan. could this problem get bigger in the 2024 race? grady trimble is believe in bloomfield township, michigan, with thest. grady, good to see you. >> reporter: good the see you too, liz. if the policy leading up to today are correct, former president trump can expect another big victory in michigan. he's counting on support if michigan's blue collar workers but also voters, many of whom we've spoken to today, who say their top issues are crime, the economy and, yes, even all the way up north by the canadian border, what's a going on at the southern border or and immigration. what do you think of the current administration's handling of the border?
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[laughter] >> i think it could be a whole lot better, yeah. i don't think there's, i mean, i just don't know if there's a whole lot of handling of it, honestly. >> the border's terrible. the border's terrible. >> reporter: former south carolina governor nikki haley is doing everything or she can to stop trump or at least slow him down. she had two stops here in michigan this week, and for the rest of the week she's visiting super tuesday states, a couple stops in colorado today. and and while she's at these campaign events, she's trying to make the case that trump can't win a general election in november. on the democrat side, we've talked to several democrats when are not voting for president biden and instead are marking uncommitted on their ballots. some we've spoken to are worried about his age, but a lot of arab-americans here not happy with his handling of the war in gaza. they see voting uncommitted as a form of protest and a way to get president biden's attention in
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this critical swing state. >> so it is entirely possible that the uncommitted vote could sway the president's policy on this. i don't know what they're thinking. i don't know what they're hoping to accomplish with this. >> reporter: in today's gop if primary,s there are 16 delegates up for grabs, another 39 will be divvied up at a state gop-run convention this weekend bringing the total up for grabs to 55. and as you noted off the top, liz, just a few hours til polls close in most polling places here in michigan. elizabeth: we'll be staying on it. thank you so much, grady trimble. back with us now, former senior counsel to former president trump, kellyanne conway. what do you make of this democrat protest vote against president biden? michigan governor whitmer said, quote, i think there will be a sizable number of votes for uncommitted. in your estimation is this problem going to get into a
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bigger, blown-up issue for the president? >> yes, i think the problem already began when you have rfk jr., cornel if west, jill stein all a challenging him basically from the left are, and in the case of rfk jr., his most serious opponent from the libertarian perspective, they're already eating into joe biden's lead -- i mean, his take of the vote. elizabeth, when it's versus donald trump in a five-way race. but when you're going into one of the tates that you flip -- states that you flipped in 2020 and people are going out and saying you're the incumbent, you're the only choice in our party and we're going to vote against you with, a vote for uncommitted is a vote against joe biden and kamala harris, by the way. and i would remind everybody that two short years ago, in 2022, given -- gretchen whitmer, not the most intelligent or impressive governor that we have, frankly, she was overwhelmingly reelected by double digits and act three, reproductive freedom for all, was the big issue on the ballot
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where young people were register thing and voting on the same day. biden has december patched his official staff to the state of michigan to try to quell the fears and the anger and the protest vote of uncometted particularly among those arab-american population in places like deer born, michigan, where the mayors has come out against joe biden in an op-ed in the national newspaper in and around trump, the highest concentration of arab-americans per capita in the country, and they're upset with biden. trump won michigan narrowly in 2016, it flipped to biden in 2020. i think if he can't rely upon a core constituency here or there, he can kiss michigan good-bye. elizabeth: that's interesting. homeland security is warning top democrats like james carville also warning that there's folk to be protests at the democratic convention in august in chicago. you know, or protesters did demonstrate in the nbc lobby last night where the president
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was being interviewed. but with we'd like to get your reaction to president biden talking about a potential gaza ceasefire in an ice chrome shop. you're going to hear -- ice cream shop. watch this. >> reporter: or give us a -- [inaudible] when you think the ceasefire will start? >> well, i hope by the beginning of the weekend -- i mean, the end of the weekend. at least my national security advisor's telling me that we're close. we're close. it's not done yet. and my hope is by next monday we'll have a ceasefire if. >> that's big announcement from the president to be given in an ice cream shop. what with role is the u.s. playing here? >> i don't think it's a coincidence that it's on monday before the michigan primary, ask it and shows that the president is listening to his coalition. elizabeth: that was democrat ro khanna. you know, kellyanne, both israel and hamas downplaided the idea that a breakthrough was imminent. the other thing that happened, is happening to conservative foreign policy pro ifs feel the president is abandoning u.s.
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allies, israel, and john kirby today said, quote, we are willing to adjust the way we're approaching the cities reel-a maas war and the way we're taibt. what do you think of this? >> well, i think they have no choice. elizabeth, if you look at president biden's approval rating by issue, the worst one now is his handling of the israel-hamas war. second only to the border. the border is number two. but think about that. and here he's taken his worst issues -- issue in terms of handling and goes and either leaks, previews or gets ahead of israel and the palestinians by talking about a cease fire. so, and, look, it's so funny because you know they were saying, his handlers -- i think his communication staff, wow. that needs to be changed up. i think we're going to find out that joe biden's communications team and whoever's oathing camilla haste' telefronter were trump mobile,s no explanation for any of this -- kamala
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harris. they probably told him, hey, it'll look like you're more cool if you go to an ice cream shop. he looks so glib about a possible ceasefire. between israel and hamas. and he's speaking out of turn, frankly. so i think that his best strategy was when we saw less of him in 2020. biden from the basement. the more we see about him, the more doubts there are. but on the handling on these issues, people are really digging in. i was looking at polling just last night, elizabeth, the mainstream media and academic polls show that joe biden starting to lose democrats on the border is on the israel-hamas war. he needs to be super, super careful. elizabeth: interesting. kellyanne conway, always great too sew you. thanks for joining you -- to see you. now joining us, house majority whip tom emmer. congressman, let's have you sit tight for just a second. we want you to hear, listen to democratic congresswoman katie port. she appears to downplay the
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murder of 22-year-old georgia nursing student laken riley by an illegal immigrant and democrat james carville insult border agents, border neighborhoods and states struggling with border crimes, plus james carville insulted christians. take a listen to this. watch. >> well, i think when a horrible tragedy like this happens, i think whenever we're dealing with with violent crime there's a sense of outrage, of sadness and of loss. but i think the important thing to focus on is any one instance shouldn't shape our overall immigration policy. which has so many different facets including economic, choices about what workers to allow in. >> the border's become a giant photo op. the border is one of the stations of the cross now, everybody's got to stop by there. elizabeth: okay. the border's a photo op, it's a station of the cross, everybody's got to stop by there. gallup, congressman, reported
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immigration is the topmost important problem for voters, 28%. that's up from 20% just a monthing ago. congressman, gallop say says this is the first time this the border and immigration has been the single most important problem since 2019. what do you make of what they were just saying? >> well, they're doing what they've done from day one, they're denying what the issue is. keep in mind this president signed 64 executive orders since he took office essentially undoing all the great work that trump the trump administration if did to secure our border. and for james carville to take shots at people who have extreme concerns, laken riley's family, i mean, it's -- how many people need to get hurt? liz, this border thing, it's touching every community in this country. even in my state of minnesota, they apprehended someone on the terrorist watch list last march and let him go, and this
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al-shabaab guy was caught in minneapolis just a few weeks ago. so this is a serious problem, and for democrats to equivocate is outrageous. americans are starter than that, they know what's going on. they know who's responsible and, you know what? they're going to hold them accountable in the fall. elizabeth: congressman, governors are saying that the white house is equivocating as well, because georgia governor kemp fired off another letter to the president saying you're botching the border crisis, plus you're not giving the data that governors asked for last fall. they want detailed information about who is coming across unvetted plus where they are being he -- relocated. the white house has not done that yet. reports are coming in that the president is not considering declaring the border crisis a national emergency. he's instead doing an election year visit tomorrow -- excuse me, on thursday. former president trump will be going on thursday as well with. watch president biden here. [inaudible conversations]
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>> why go now? >> i plan to go thursday. what i didn't know was my good friend is going -- >> will you with meet migrants while you're there, mr. president? >> i'm not going to announce ahead of time. secret service doesn't like me announcing -- elizabeth: eating ice cream, talking about the border crisis. what do you think, congressman? >> pretty flippant. i mean, it's sad and disgusting both at the same time. so he's going to run down to texas for the send time since is he created this crisis, and he's going to go to brownsville. he's not even going to go to eagle pass with where the big problem is. brownsville, obviously, is down -- it's just another photo op, liz. he's going to go down there. they're going to clean it all up for him, tell him everything's good. you can refer to brian kemp, greg abbott, governor desantis, they've all a called this hot. -- out. why don't we start looking at some of the democrats? if eric adams in new york, even al a sharpton calling it an
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invasion at the southern border. this is a nonpartisan issue. there's a problem at the border that's been created by joe biden and his administration and, frankly, laken riley's blood is on his hands and mayorkas' hands. ed they need to do their job and protect the american people by securing our southern border: elizabeth: congressman 'em or, good to have you back on. thanks for joining us. >> thanks, liz. elizabeth: senator rick scott joining us tonight, or former acting u.s. attorney general matthew whitaker, former treasury secretary for public affairs monica crowley and john hopkins professor, dr. marty makary. we're keeping an eye op michigan for you. voter concerns grow about multiple crises like the border and the economy. and jpmorgan's top strategist warns america should brace for 1970s-style stagflation. senator john kennedy weighs in on that. plus, we're taking on a new york times column claiming that inflation will go up under trump. plus, another wild hearing today in the push to disqualify fulton
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county d.a. fani willis from georgia's trump 2020 case. we've got the details. and dr. phil in a a brand new fight with the hosts of "the view." they really did a smackdown fight there. we're going to show you that. and the white house is now going on the warpath to shut down media stories about president biden's age. but former obama top aides warn this, quote, is a very real issue. we've got that sound. plus, journalist batya ungar-sargon joins us. house gop judiciary chairs, oversight and ways and means subpoenaed special counsel robert hur and the doj to turn over transcripts of his interview with president biden after robert hur reported the president is, quote, an elderly man with cognitive issues. all of this on "the evening ed it d.s quick -- edit." ♪ ♪
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elizabeth: let's welcome back to the show journalist batya ungar-sargon. it's good to see you again. what do you make of this story, the chairs of house oversight, judiciary, ways and means, they subpoenaed9 the jus disdepartment to turn over special counsel robert hur's transcript of his interview with president biden after robert hur's report said the president is an elderly man with diminished faculties. they're running the biden impeachment inquiry.
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what do you make of this? >> so obviously, this is in the public interest. i want to make sure your viewers understand why the whole with report was so important and why it's important that it stay in the news, and it's because of this, liz: our national news media,6 of them are democrats -- 96% of them are democrats. and for the longest time, they were watching the president's decline and refusing to report on it because they behave en masse in the interest of the democratic a party. of and so they were witnessing this firsthand and refusing to report on it, and the hur report because it came out of the bind doj -- biden doj really broke the dam on that. finally, you're seeing the press corps start to report on the problems with his age, so it's great to keep reporting on it. elizabeth: and also former top aides to former president barack obama, they worked directly with then-vice president biden in the obama white house. they now say voter fears over biden's age is, quote, they're, quote, it's a very real issue.
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let's please get your reaction to this. watch. enter all jokes aside, according to recent polling, this is a real concern for american voters. how do you address that concern going forward as you come up to the 2024 election? >> well, a couple things. number one, you've got to take a look at the other guy, he's about as old as i am, but he can't remember his wife's name. [cheers and applause] number one. number two, it's about a how old your ideas are. i resent the hell out of it. [laughter] >> okay. [cheers and applause] >> if you watch joe biden speak, often times he sounds frail, and he sounds more frail than e used to even in 2019 and to 2020. he is must believey -- mumbley. more missteps like confusing mexico and egypt, that was not a win, but if you don't view bind being out there more as a net positive, then the argument he
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shouldn't be running is right. >> it is a very real issue, and ultimately, i think it's a threshold issue where if biden can't assuage those concerns particularly among his voters from 2020, then i don't think he can win the elections. elizabeth: i mean, that was dan pfeiffer. what do you think of this, bhatia? >> yeah, the dam is starting to break even on the democrats' side. at some point you can only tell voters for a certain amount of time who you gonna believe, or me or your lying eyes? and when 70% of the country, when a majority of democrats feel that the president is just too old to run again, they can only lie to us for so long about this, liz. elizabeth what's interesting, the hill and multiple report, the white house is again cracking down on reporters covering the president's age. the white house is trying to stop the media from covering this. doing things like complaining to the white house correspondents' association, calling in reporters to jawbone them about this. you know, multiple polls confirm
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voters are worried about this. nearly 8 out of 10 voters say it's a problem. 54 president of democrats -- 53% of -- 54% of democrats in a recent nbc poll. they're trying to get the media to stop covering it. >> 100 percent. and when you listen to how joe biden himself in that seth meyers interview responded to that, he said it matters how old your ideas are and that donald trump is trying to take us backwards. you know what, liz? a loot -- lot of americans would be very happy to go back to how things were four years ago before there were 10 million illegal immigrants who were not supposed to be here, before there was all of this crime and before, you know, all of this inflation had taken over. that was a pretty good time for most americans, and that is what they're thaib when they're going into the voting booth. and it looks like the democrats are figuring that out. elizabeth: got ya. thanks for joining us tonight.
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former acting u.s. attorney general matthew whitaker on new testimony from nathan wade's divorce player -- lawyer, this was the push to disqualify d.a. fani willis from the if trump 2020 case. it was a wild day. plus, monica crowley coming up. "the new york times" claims that inflation will go up if president trump is reelected. it averaged less than 2% under president trump. stay right there, we've got a lot of show coming up. ♪ if. ♪ if if. ♪ ♪ there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done.
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elizabeth: joining us now, former acting u.s. attorney general matthew whitaker. matthew, it's great to see you again. you know, matthew, it was another wild day in the push to disqualify fulton county d.a. pappny all lis from georgia's -- fani willis. the former divorce lawyer and law partner of nathan wade, terence bradley, he previously indicated that, yes, d.a. fani
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willis had a relationship and started it with trump prosecutor nathan wade in 2021, not 2022 like they testified. that's a conflict of interest. but now he claims amnesia today and no knowledge of this? >> yeah. it was must-watch tv today again from this hearing. you know, based on everything that i saw today, there's no doubt that this judge is going to determine that this witness was withholding information, knew more than he was willing to testify to. but this is one of the problems. often times the test is not what the truth is, it's what's admissible. and i think a lot of folks watching today were very frustrated with the line of questioning. but this is why we have to have cameras in the courtroom, you know, really for all these feedings, because you just can see how a witness is or isn't being honest when they're asked specific questions. elizabeth: yeah, that's right. cameras are transparency. you know, willis and wade testified they first became romantic in 2022.
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but lawyers for trump and co-defendant michael roman say, huh-uh, they've got multiple text messages and phone if calls showing it began in to 2021. and trump's attorney grilled terence bradley about a text exchange bradley had with ashley merchant, a lawyer for trump co-defendant michael roman where she asked if wade and willis had been involved before she became d.a., and he replied, text back, absolutely. he also acknowledged that at some point wade told him he was dating willis before 2022. what do you think? >> yeah. i think that's very damning evidence because, you know, it goes to the old were you telling the truth then or are you telling the truth now? if it's even more than that. she sent a motion if to exclude the prosecutors from this case to this witness, and he didn't object to it, say that anything was inaccurate in the contents of the filing and, in fact, at the time he was representing someone else in the same case. and so i think it's pretty
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obvious this judge knows what the truth is and what these, that these witnesses were all a suggesting something that is actually not true and that this relationship does date back to 2021 and before he was hired to be the special prosecutor for the trump and the other 18 co-defendants. elizabeth: okay. let's get your reaction to this. let's watch what happened in court today. watch. >> i do not have knowledge of it starting or when it started. >> terence, you told me it starts when -- started when they were both municipal court judges, correct? >> that is incorrect. >> you never cop firmed in writing that instead of magistrate court, it was municipal court when they started speaking? >> if you're speaking about that text message, you can go to that text message and read it, and i will explain the text message to you. but with you and i did not have a conversation about when it started. i recall him stating that at
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some point they were dating. i can't tell you what date that was. it was made many confidence. we were in the back of our office. our offices were the only two in the back. there was no one else present. that is all i can tell you at at this teem. meth elizabeth i mean, he doesn't seem to be a credible witness. what does this mean for the push to disqualify fani willis? >> well, remember, the judge is going to take this not in a vacuum, but based on what everyone else has not only submitted, but also these filings that were made on friday that a suggest that these two were exchanging text messages, many text messages in 2021 and also that he visited her house many times in 20 2021. so you take the totality of it, and i think this judge is going to conclude that they had a financial conflict and are probably going to kick them both off the case and possibly the entire fulton county office. elizabeth: the conflict is frank ifny willis hires prosecutor
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nathan the waite wade, then he takes her on luxury vacations and more. matthew i whitaker, thank you so much. we appreciate you. thanks for coming on. >> good to see you again. elizabeth: former treasury secretary for public affairses under former president trumping monica crowley. monica, it's good to see you again. okay, this story came out today. "the new york times" is getting ridiculed and mocked for its new story claiming inflation will go up if former president trump is reelected. but didn't it average just .9% under trump? that's below the fed's 2% target. >> yeah, you know, new york times, liz, just like everybody on the left are, they are master of projection. they always accuse the other side of what they themselves are guilty of. and in this case, you know, it's just a blatant falsehood about president trump's record. president trump, through a pro-growth economic strategy of a tax cuts, regulatory relief, unleashing our great energy sector and fairer trade deals,
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generated a booming goldilocks economy that had widespread economic growth with little to no inflation. and, in fact, coming out of the covid pandemic, which was the fastest economic recovery from any crisis is on record, liz, even in those circumstances he only had about 1.6 inflation. 1.6%. so he handed off to joe biden a thriving economy even post-covid, and it was joe biden and the democrats with hair complete out of control emergency-level spending absent the actual emergency that got us into this inflationary environment. elizabeth: you know what else is going on too? if that's so interesting what you're saying, because jpmorgan chase's chief market strategist, he warns the u.s. could be heading into 1970s-style stagflation. slow growth with historically high inflation. ceo jamie dimon also point out similarities between the '70s and now. large fiscal deficits, big government spending, tax and
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spending. stuff that you've been talking about, monica. you know, we did have back to back inflation reports in december and january, monica, came in higher than estimated. let's get your reaction to we're going to listen to senator john kennedy, and you're to going to hear president biden say is, quote, his 2020 agenda. 2020 agenda is to keep doing what he's doing. watch this. >> so much of the attention right now is on president biden's age. and it's true that it takes longer than a trip to jupiter for him to walk across a stage. but we can't lose sight of the fact that his economic policies have been almost every time reliably and depend if by wrong. -- dependably wrong. and his inflation is a cancer on the american dream. >> the 2020 agenda is to finish the job. elizabeth: the 2020 a agenda? it's 2024. monica, what did you think of what you just heard?
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>> well, look, they are trying to spin bidenomics as some sort of success, but, you know,ing liz, the american people are just not buying it because it contrasts so profoundly with their lived experience. namely, cat pick inflation if -- catastrophic inflation that is decimating the middle class, the working class and the poor. those are the groups that biden and the democrats profess to champion the most, yet they're the ones being squeezed every day when they go to the gas station or the grocery store. so they can put lipstick on this pig, liz, but it is still a pig, and most of the american people know it. and i think they also sense that inflation is persistent and stubborn with, and i think jpmorgan chase is exactly right when they're talking about how this could replicate the 1970s. we know the lesson of the '70s, liz, which is when you have this kind of persistent inflation -- elizabeth: yeah. >> -- it is very difficult and very painful to dislodge. elizabeth: yeah. and, you know, the other thing too that happened today,ing
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monica, or february consumer confidence, that headline number came in lower than expected. it came in at a disappointing 106.7. they were expecting 115. that's the weakest confidence level going back to november of last year. but when you talk about the gop vote iser base versus the democrat vote iser base, it looks like the but collar, working class voters, the middle class, is moving towards republicans, that democrats are shedding that voter base. this is after a even, you know, warren buffett is complaining about regulations harming his railroad and utility businesses. also, you know, trade agreements that strip, you know, people's lyely hoods. and then -- livelihoods. and then pandemic lockdowns and record inflation. kellogg's ceo advised consumers to eat cereal for dinner to save money. what do you think? >> yeah. you know, the ceo of kelloggs, his job is to get as many people eating fruit if loops as possible, right? [laughter] so i guess he thought he was doing his job there as ceo with.
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but, you know, it came off as so tone deaf. people can't even afford cereal anymore because of biden inflation. cereal is off the charts expensive along with everything else. and it sort of comes off, liz, as a let them eat cake kind of comment, which does not play well politically with the average person who's just struggling to get by. elizabeth: i know you like cap'n crunch personally, i'm pretty confident. >> i do. [laughter] elizabeth: me too. monica a crowley, you're terrific. thank you so much. coming up, senator rick scott will be with us. senators are slamming the biden white house's to sanctions against russia and the middle east claiming they're ineffective. they're trying to also avert a potential partial government shutdown this coming friday. also you've got this, israeli media's reporting the houthis are knocking out undersea internet telecom cables general excising communications -- jeopardizing communications for europe and asia with.
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but first, we want to check in with jackie deangelis and david asman filling in for dagen and sean. david: we love you, and i love cap'n crunch too. [laughter] thank you very much. we've got a good show coming up, the michigan primary going on as we speak. the polls are going to be closing as we are on air, and we've got tudor dixon. she ran for governor of michigan. she's going to tell us what's happening on the ground. and pat fallon from texas, congressman, he's going to be talking about a lot of things including, of course, what's happening at the border. jackie: we've also got marc morano, talking about state universities that are actually teaching kids to blow up pipelines. they are anti-energy. david: no. jackie: i know, right? and then rich lowry is here as well. we're talking about the biden economy because president biden says we've got the best economy in the world, but not everybody agrees. david: right. jackie: we'll see you at the top of the hour. pro ♪ to actively repair acid weakened enamel.
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elizabeth: okay, lawmakers are taking a closer look at the effectiveness of sanctions from the biden white house against russia and also against u.s. adversaries in the middle east to. senators have been warning they're having little impact. hillary vaughn live on capitol hill with the latest. hillary. >> reporter: good evening, liz. ukrainian troops are shocked when they're opening up russian missiles and finding u.s. chips
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inside of them. so u.s. lawmakers want to know how they got there, because with the sanctions that are in place russia should not be getting their hands on this prized u.s. technology, but they are and they are not jerry rigging the chips from something else either. >> it makes little sense that russia would buy $500 washing machine for a part that they could obtain more easily. unless if your washing machine can fly,s which i doubt, the the components when you find many russian drones do not fit in washing machines. >> reporter: the problem is massive. u.s. semiconductors have been discovered in russian drones, radios, missiles, even armor pd vehicles. the top five producers e of battlefield goods to russia between january and october of last year are intel, huawei, analog devices, amd and texas instruments. four out of the five, u.s. companies. ebbs permits today -- experts say stronger export controls need to be in place for third
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party countries that are sending these products to russiand should face consequences if those countries don't cooperate, but they also say there needs to be buy-in from tech companies to insure enforcement that their products are not making their way into rug weaponry. some republicans are doubtful that will do it. >> as interesting as this hearing may be in terms of, you know, sanctions being evaded, they're always going to be evaded. plug one hole, another hole's going to be opening up. it's going to be whack-a-mole. >> reporter: and it is whack-a-mole. russia has been using third party countries like kazahkstan to send these products to because they can't ship it directly to russia. exports from these four tech companies, intel, analog devices, amd and texas instruments increased 10,000 times from 2021 to 2022. liz? elizabeth: thank you, hillary vaughn. joining us now from senate armed services and senate homeland security, senator rick scott. senator, your reaction to hillary's great reporting there.
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so we're spend spending $113 billion,ing possibly another $60 billion on ukraine. we keep hearing the biden white house saying they're cracking down on russia. how is it that u.s. computer chips are ending up in russian missiles and bombs? >> clearly,, the biden administration's not doing their job. i don't know of an american company that wants to help russia, china or the ayatollah. i don't know of them. but if we have an administration that still thinks, you know, they want to apooz, you've got to be careful, all that stuff. guess what? that's why we have russia with all the money to go into ukraine and if continue the war, we've got the ayatollah with all the money they need and xi with all the money here -- he needs. we've got to get an administration that's going to take this seriously and say we have enemies. they're enemies against america, against our allies around the world, and we're going to crack down. they just supposedly put new sanctions on russia because navalny died. what were they doing the last two years? i thought they did these
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sanctions. and what are they going to -- doing to make sure they enforce this? so the biden administration is so inept, and i just don't think they take these things seriously. elizabeth: we're also hearing from reuters and the "wall street journal" that russia is using azerbaijan and other, you know, proxy nations to basically export russian oil to india and china. so, you know, and we've seen create ins say the president is not -- create ins say the president is not doing enough to crack down on, say, iran, going after iran's, you know, oil production, exports as a well. the president hosts congressional leaders at the white house today to talk about ukraine aid and to avoid a partial government shutdown. house speaker johnson and the president still the squaring off. speaker johnson saying you got to fix the border here. so what is going on right now with foreign policy and u.s. border policy? >> well, first off, we need to take care of americans first. americans first, americans first, americans first. that means we have got to secure the u.s. border.
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we have drugs, terrorists, criminals, human traffickerser coming across the border. 8 million people unvetted have come across the border. this is not that hard. trump did it with existing laws. we need a bill to force biden to secure the border. what did we get out of schumer and mcconnell? we had a bill that had some immigration stuff and might have been some nice to have. but nothing, nothing that was part of getting this border secure. so speaker johnson is saying the right things. let's secure our border, and let's start talking about our budget before we start talking about ukraine's budget. they're more focused on the ukraine budget and how they pay for their government than they are ours. in the united states, we have pent more time in the senate talking about ukraine's economy and what we're going to do to help them than we are with our budget. we don't even talk about our budget on the senate floor. we have no, we have no budget bills coming across. schumer and mcconnell need to get real and get this border secure, and let's fund our government before we worry about a government overseas.
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elizabeth: so are we going to go into a partial government shutdown on friday? >> ask schumer and mcconnell. it's up to them. i mean, they're the ones making the decision. look, i've been up here five years. they want a big spending bill where they decide on their own, those two guys decide on their own what's anytime, right? if with unbelievable amounts of earmarks, right, when we have $35 trillion worth of debt. so it's up to them. if we have a government shutdown, it's because they didn't do their job. we are, what, six months into our fiscal year? this should have been done last february and march and april, not this one. we're into the next fiscal year, and we still don't have a budget with. this is crazy. you would never run your business like this. elizabeth: yeah. i don't think we've had a budget on time since, like, the mid '90s. >> we don't even try. elizabeth: okay. senator scott, thank you so much. it's good to see you againful thanks for coming on. okay, the update on this story, dr. phil got in a knockdown fight with the hosts of "the view" over an
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historically bad move. school hutdowns in the pandemic -- shutdowns. dr. phil rattled "the view is," spilling out the impact on school children. dr. marty ma carry, he's terrific, he's going to break this down on "the evening edit" next. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research.
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choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. elizabeth: joining us now, dr. marty makary, good to see you, your reaction to dr. phil pushing back on the hosts of the view. >> who does that? who takes away the support system for the children? who shuts it down. >> there was also a pandemic, they were trading to save kid's lives. >> are you saying no
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schoolchildren died of covid. >> i am saying it was the safest group, they were the less vulnerable and a toward and will suffer -- they suffered and will suffer more from mismanagement of covid than from the expose use of covid, that is not an opinion that is a fact. elizabeth: what to you think. >> he is right, the mismanagement of covid caused more harm than the exposure in young healthy kids are if a lot of people in america. the wealthy, ruling class, life was good during covid, they could work in pajamas and have their kids get private tudors and spend time at country club, but you seize life was brutal -- you see that life was brutal for a lot of kids, closing schools for 50 million kids is the most damaging setback in the history of american educationi. >> were children safer from getting the virus.
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>> you have to have your head in the sand to ignore the data out of europe, where the schools were open free and clear, they had no increase in child hospitalizations or deaths from covid, that snsm could th-- is in. could that people like to ignore. elizabeth: dr. phil said that kids stopped livings their lives and started watching other people's lives on their smartphones, that is what they saw most depression. he said same federal agencies that knew that are the agencies that shut down the schools for two years, but now the w.h.o., they are coming up with a new global policy to do more shut downs. >> they are, dr. phil has talked to a lot of families. a third of girls in america have contemplated suicide or it suicidal thoughts, half of children in america d
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deal with anxiety or depression, adults created a mental health crisis for children in the current generation, that is what dr. phil is referring to. elizabeth: how come the view didn't know about this? >> i think people like to conveniently ignore the information that does not fit their narrative, their narrative is if we have to shut 50 million kids out of school to save one life let's do it. elizabeth: dr. marty makary, thank you so much for joining us. join us tomorrow, i'm elizabeth macdonald thank you for watching the "evening edit" on fox business, time for my friends taking over on the "the bottom line" for dagen and sean, jackie and david. >> thank you, lid. good to -- liz, good to se


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