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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 28, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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stuart: sweet victory. that sweet victory. biden or trump, i don't know. trump had a sweet victory. good morning. it is 10:00 eastern. there is some reading action. dow is down 180. the 10 year treasury yield keeps creeping up. back to 430 on the 10 year. oil moving up heading higher. $79 a barrel as we speak. bitcoin, look at this. it is at $60,931. fox business alert, hunter biden is now testifying before
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the house oversight judiciary committees. part of president biden's impeachment inquiry. the republicans want to try to tie chinese and russian money directly to the president. it was not trump's run away victory. it was a democrat uncommitted vote, higher-than-expected. that's a threat to biden's campaign, badly split democrat party. michigan's democrat governor suggested the uncommitted might get 10,000 votes was on the ballot have yet been counted, the uncommitted tally as well over one hundred thousand. 13% of the vote. heavily arab american amtrak, 56% wrote in uncommitted. in dearborn 60 one%.
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biden has to worry about the use vote which is opposed to israel. the college town in michigan, one third voted uncommitted. many states have space for right ins. minnesota votes next week. in uncommitted right in campaign has started. democrats are badly split. most do support israel but a vocal minority does not. how long before biden is forced to change policy to protect his campaign. he has tried to do that. at an ice cream store he blurted out hopes for a cease-fire as if that would influence the michigan vote. it did not. what is next? desert israel to gain favor with possessives, bash benjamin netanyahu for going after terrorists? he won michigan by one hundred 50,000 votes in 2,020 but he has trouble in that state. 's energy policy, the electric vehicle push, migrants and over
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100,000 voters rejected. if he loses michigan he loses the election. second hour of varney getting warmed up. liz peek with us this wednesday morning. uncommitted votes are a real problem for biden. liz: one. one million muslims voted in 2020. in pennsylvania and georgia biden won by a slimmer margin than the member of muslim votes. to extrapolate from that it isn't just michigan that's a problem in his conflict. israel and palestine, it will be other swing states where the muslim vote could be determinative and the other things that came from this is the college count. this is a youth vote. i can't imagine the biden
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campaign isn't going to continue to push everything they can to win over young voters starting with student loan forgiveness which has been something they have been working on for months. stuart: vice president kamala harris announced the taxpayer would enroll students to sign up other voters. liz: i can't even imagine that the people because they aren't going to go to communities that are red and blue in equal numbers, they will be targeting democrat strongholds and as you say people working for the federal government receiving taxpayer salaries are going to be lining up democratic voters. i'm not surprised by this. democrats will do anything to win this election and what is so shameless to me is there excuse is donald trump is dangerous, that big a threat to democracy so we will take
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democracy and throw it out the window. stuart: three tracks they plan to take to take control of the executive branch. >> lying about everything biden is doing. even the new york times has had to come out and fact checked president biden which sent liberals into cataclysm of criticism not of president biden lying but the new york times. secondly they will fiddle with voting laws and what you are talking about, lining up democrat voters, student army in effect, that's the tip of the iceberg. expanding drop boxes, automatic voter registration in states where there's anonymous number of illegals or allowed to get drivers licenses, 2 million people who are undocumented, they can all get drivers licenses and will be automatically registered to vote. it is against the law, try
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governing, keep an eye on that 2 million. not going to happen. the third track, shameless to me, they will be going state to state handing out hundreds of millions of dollars still available to the white house because of this spending spree the federal government went on. kamala harris was in north carolina, tens of millions for mental health. she has been recently to pennsylvania. every day people are underestimating the impact of kamala harris. handing out money like jellybeans. and she's the vendor. stuart: jason chafchaffetz, wi democrats to provide without and committed vote?
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>> he's relating to the left, being pro-terrorist loses you america. his tendency is go to that progressive left but that instinct is wrong because 80% of americans understand what hamas did to israel was a terrorist attack and israel needs to win. stuart: a huge wedge, the youth vote, the palestinian vote. >> rashida tlaib is not the majority of america. if you want to appease her, like ice cream cones and say i am going to push israel before they finish the job i think that resonates long-term to the benefit of donald trump and not the benefit of democrats and president biden. stuart: sit still. recent polls show president biden facing an enthusiasm gap.
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let's turn this around. lauren: monmouth university polls, registered voters are enthusiastic about a second term. among registered democrats. his overall approval rating is at 38%. key demographics are pulling away. the one that surprised me as suburban women who came out strong for president biden four years ago. numbers are going down. he has the advantage but was up 10 points, now 6 points. stuart: can't explain. lauren: security, what's going on in the schools. >> safety at home, safety in the wallet, safety on the border in the fact that president biden is losing. he's cognitively not capable of doing the job.
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stuart: we wrapped that up nicely. we need to get to the markets. there is the markets. lots of red ink. nasdaq is down 80. show me bitcoin earlier this morning, $61,000, huge gain over the past week. it reduces the supply of bitcoin coming to the market, reduce the supply so up goes the price. there goes ethereum going straight up. the story on the financial markets to me this day is bitcoin and the cryptos. let's show you the movers and what's going on today. 5%. lauren: this is from the wall street journal, the department of justice launched an antitrust investigation. they are probing unitedhealth relationship's with doctors and
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medicare buildings, to lower healthcare costs which topped $13,000 on average for americans. one way to do that is only sure doj. stuart: i will interrupt you during the movers. we had a problem getting hold of david and he is on the air. i want you to explain this rally in bitcoin, $61,000. explain this. what is this? where is bitcoin going from here? david:good to be with you. the stars are aligning for bitcoin. in april, a four your marker where bitcoin essentially goes from 900 per day, supply gets cut in half, understand basic supply and demand fundamentals. understanding how actively people are purchasing inside
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these etfs, they are outstripping the mining, owning it to to one, we can't keep up supply and demand right now. that pushes the price up high. stuart: last time, bitcoin went straight up after that happened. are you expecting is this time around to push bitcoin to 100,000. >> usually after it occurs is when the bull market starts to happen. new buyers buying institutionally for schwab accounts, and to 200,000 at the end 25.
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and the analysts. this is one aspect of the crypto world, bitcoin. it's on a tear, watch out for ethereum, past the having timeframe. stuart: i own some ethereum. thanks very much. sorry we cut it short but got you on, thanks very much. one state could reinstate the nation's highest business tax. i know what you are talking about. lauren: they are reinstating the tax on businesses with $10 million profit. that 700 companies in new jersey. where does the money go? i get to talk about this, new jersey transit every single day, it's not reliable.
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trains constant canceled and the affairs will go up 15% over the summer. that money coming in from the superpowerful corporations would not be used to upset the price hike. new jersey transit is very expensive. stuart: wage increases, that's what's going on. lauren: like a café car. something cool. take off again. make it cool. show a movie. stuart: coming up, the attorney general of new york denied having a personal vendetta against trump. wisely teacher -- why is l leticia james taunting him. part of the investigation of the president, former acting attorney general matthew whitaker on what we can expect from this closed-door meeting next.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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stuart: on the markets the dow down 100, nasdaq down 81. hunter biden's closed-door deposition is underway and matthew whitaker, former acting attorney general, joined me now. may i offer an opinion? i think these committees want to try chinese and russian money directly to the president of the united states. am i right? >> there you go again practicing law. but yes.
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it is obviously today is the high-stakes long interview and they have all the documents, documents will tell his story consistent with all the evidence the house, gathering. we will know a lot more, where there's money flowing to joe biden as president from prices like china, romania or if they did a really good job filtering the money only to the biden family that's not name a to joe biden. stuart: if there is proof the money went to the president is that an impeachable offense? >> to some extent, yes it is but if it was when he was vice president certainly. if it was when he was running for president, i think so. there's a 2-year period where he was a private citizen and
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arguably could receive money from foreign countries but there's a lot of layers of issues like fara registration, foreign corrupt practices act and so many things that this is an onion. when you peel back a layer it gets more and more complicated and convoluted. the way biden conducted business made joe biden subject its impeachment inquiry and we will say if they come up with evidence. we what is this a good idea? it's kind of a show trial. >> i don't think it's a show trial. it's on the purview of the house, their ability to conduct oversight especially investigations into whether the president is compromised by a foreign adversary. i don't think there's a question this is a legitimate exercise of power but this interview will be a put up or shut up minute for the house. they think they have the information but we will see. stuart: new york attorney
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general leticia james taunting donald trump about the interest he owes in the civil fraud trial, hundreds of thousands of dollars trump has been accruing interest each day since the judgment. surely, this $355 million fine will not stand. what say you? >> i agree. the prosecutor is supposed to wear the white hat and do justice and be fair, and not be partisan but it's hard for the american people to believe these efforts weather from new york state, the manhattan da, what we see in fulton county, that there's an appearance of conflict, clearly partisan motives the targeted the president with these novel legal theories. much of this will fall by the wayside. to say that is election interference is a pretty accurate assessment of what's going on.
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stuart: jason is still with me. year chair of the oversight committee, are you not? what do you expect today? >> it is not just rhetoric. you can go to jail for lying get to the oversight committee. i am sick of hearing people say is there any evidence that ties president biden directly? $20 million flowing into the biden family. there are 80 visits from hunter biden's business associates to the president. 29,000 emails from hunter biden's business partners and associates to the white house, 29,000 of those and you have millions of dollars. jason galaand i asked who said that the former mayor of moscow, one of the russian oligarchs, at the end conversation president biden comes on the phone with this
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russian oligarch and says you take care of my son. there's $100 million real estate deal they got, diamonds that flow to the bidens. i could go on and on and on. they have enough evidence. now it's time to tie hunter biden to the allegations and say in your perspective, did you lena have that conversation with the president? if he denies it you've got this conflict of he said she said but let's look at the phone records and that's where the bidens get into trouble. stuart: a good idea of the factors, people get confused. jason:one hundred thousand dollars going to president biden's grandkids account. what did they know for that? the allegation is it was a thank you for opening the doors
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to do business in romania. the department of justice. that the allegation but there's a lot of money flowing to the bidens. stuart: you built a strong case right there. still ahead. kamala harris announced a plan to pay students to register people to vote, the nonpartisan poll watchers, taxpayer money for that. 100,000 democrats voted uncommitted in michigan's primary. biden's dwindling support among arab americans could pose a threat in november. in dearborn, mission, 61%. (♪)
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stuart: the dow is down 100, nasdaq down 100 points, 10 year treasury yield rising. maybe that is a factor. lauren is looking at the movies that netflix is moving. lauren: they are emboldened, they cracked down on passwords, that worked. they talk about increasing prices again. pricing power. do they have it?
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last price increase was $2 last year. at $20 a month. stuart: tell me about first solar. lauren: the stock is up 4%. i'm going to tell you sort manufacturer is out with earnings that impressed wall street. evercourses it is executing consistently, scaling manufacturing capacity in producing and shipping volume. morgan stanley makes the stock at one hundred 50 one, going to $245. stuart: nice prediction. tell me about wendy's. pricing with burgers. lauren: the uber thing for a wendy's meal. jason:what, pricing? lauren: going at noon and it will cost $2 more. they never planned on doing that. really? really? stock is up one%. they are redoing their menu,
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their digital menu screens. people were talking about the reason they do that is to change prices based on what they are doing and now they say no way. stuart: that was never a good idea. let's get back to the michigan primary. more than one hundred thousand democrats voted uncommitted, voting against president biden. grady trimble is in dearborn, michigan. breakdown the applications for the general election? >> reporter: president biden narrowly won michigan in the presidential election in 2020. the implications could be huge. where we are in dearborn is home to michigan's largest arab-american and muslim community in the country's largest muslim population per capita. they cast more than 50% of votes to uncommitted and in the two big college towns in
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michigan, a lot of protest votes there as well. more than 100,000 votes marking uncommitted in a democratic primary across the state taking away as much as 13% of the total from president biden. many of the folks who selected uncommitted are upset with president biden's stands on the war in gaza. the biden campaign is trying to win back the arab-american community which helped win the state by 150,000 votes in 2020 but these results show it hasn't been enough. there have been 200,000 muslim voters in michigan that could determine the outcome in this critical swing state. as we talk to democratic voters over the last several days it is clear the party is divided. >> right now i won't watch. >> i was excited this was a
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chance to bring down biden. >> are they helping donald trump? >> they are helping him in that situation. >> don't know what they are hoping to accomplish. >> reporter: the biden campaign and dnc after the win for president biden, no mention either of them of this uncommitted effort. they didn't say if the uncommitted folks who get to go to the convention this summer so that's a question. organizers claim they will have delegates at the convention because of the turnout at the primary and we should also point out as we look at supertuesday there are other states organizing similar campaigns. we will see if they get any momentum. stuart: grady trimble in dearborn, michigan.
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this effort, this uncommitted effort, credit push biden into changing his policy on israel? jason:he does so with peril because the closer he gets to hamas the further he gets from the american people, but i think he is going to lose to joe biden if he is on the ballot. i don't know that he will be on the ballot but if he is on the ballot i think he is going to lose michigan. there's broader problems for president biden than the israel/hamas conflict. it has to do with the combustible engine, the idea that president biden wants to put the fossil fuel industry out of business. those people make engines for automobiles and that is, donald trump is connecting with blue collar workers in big ways and i think trump wins big in michigan which swings the electoral college. stuart: where does this leave the rest of the democrat party which is in favor of israel?
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jason:the assumption democrats are firmly with israel is in question because you see some people who firmly are no doubt about it, the strength of israel has been a bipartisan support of republicans and democrats but they are too many democrats wishy-washy on this issue. susan: where does that leave jewish voters? jason:jewish voters are important block but there are a lot of christians that relate to jewish voters and believe in israel and don't want to see a terrorist attack go unimpeded and not finishing the job. that's what president biden originally committed to, not where he is today. people like when you take a definitive view. when you don't have an articulate voice to make the case this is why we are doing this and why we support israel, you can't get from here to there. you can't be licking ice cream in february in new york and make the case.
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stuart: president biden seemed to stumble over his words during the big four meeting at the white house yesterday. i don't want to pile on but role tape. >> president biden: we need to turn to -- deal with the israeli -- that also contains a significant portion of humanitarian assistance in palestinian areas. stuart: he can't do this another four years. jason:he has to read it from notecards, can't just talk from your heart and kamala harris has the same problem. she's not exactly better at this. stuart: we believe it right there. i don't want to pile on. at certain airports, tsa checkpoints no longer show it -- id. biden going to the border tomorrow is going to brownsville. bill melugin says 12 illegal
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like rent -- migrant applications, he will visit the border where there is no action. we will be back. ♪ ♪
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stuart: president biden will visit the border in brownsville, texas bridgewater residents saying about the president's visit? >> reporter: residents are saying he's looking for a photo opportunity. he's coming here to brownsville, texas, which is ground 0 for migrant crossings last year. for the processing center that is behind me.
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only two days ago only 12 encounters reported in brownsville, processing center very quiet, border crossings are still happening. migrants are shifting west after texas installed barriers and fences around brownsville, they are grateful to the state, watch this. >> patterns change where there's least resistance and texas is putting a fight, i hope other states noticed that because it can make a difference, when your state fights for you and the federal government will not do it it makes a difference. >> reporter: of this visit to brownsville will mark president biden's second visit to the border after he faced intense criticism for not coming to the border when migrant encounters hit an all-time record high. residents are wondering wise
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the president coming to brownsville now that border crossings have declined dramatically, he's looking for a follow-up to make it look like the border -- stuart: thank you very much. eric adams cracking down on violence at the migrant shelter. what is he doing? ashley: metal detectors will be installed after a fight broke out at the shelter when a security card was hit in the face. the third violent outbreak at the shelter the last several months. adam says the migrants are cooped up and violent behavior is unacceptable. take a listen. >> we are placing metal detectors there, to have a conversation with the people who are there and remind them,
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it's a privilege to be in the country, unacceptable to disrespect uniform personality. a thousand people in one setting, tell them they can't work. tempers flare. ashley: he is defender giving migrants prepaid credit cards. it the cheaper option, more efficient and cut down on food waste. he says local businesses will benefit. that program is going to cost new york city $53 million. stuart: jason is with me. the mayor's is dealing with a crisis not of his own making. he's doing the best of it. jason:i blame the city of new york and the state of new york for being a sanctuary city and sanctuary state, they provided
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the incentive to come here. free housing, free healthcare, all these things. i give mayor adams credit for being the first democrat i have heard to utter out loud let's revisit the sanctuary city status. when you have a middle alien who is here illegally and committing a crime, part of being a sanctuary city is you don't communicate with ice, immigration and customs enforcement or the enforcement removal office. get rid of the sanctuary city status and state. going to brownsville, nice photo up, get them to say we no longer are sanctuary cities, we will communicate, you commit a crime, you kick an officer, we? back to venezuela and until you take that stance, a metal detector, these fights didn't
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happen because there wasn't a metal detector. stuart: tsa pre-check no longer requires travelers to have a id. obvious question. which airports, what's going on here? ashley: united airlines has offered experience, a security checkpoint, chicago's o'hare airport, all as you say with no id required. the aim is to make the process as efficient and painless as possible. passengers can use a shortcut kiosk where the photo is taken and the tag is printed. they have their faces scanned and hand their bags to an agent. the final step of the paycheck line, a security scandal scanned their face and allowed them through. the backdrop feature is
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expected to be available next month but the technology should be in place by may. anything that helps get through faster. stuart: women's soccer legend, this is a tease. women's soccer legend carly lloyd didn't hold back after the team lost to mexico. we will tell you what the champion had to say about a stunning loss? handily defeated nikki haley, haley refuses to drop out. where is she going? curran h ajr deals with that next. ♪
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stuart: not all the gop is donald trump's party. nikki haley shows many republicans don't like the former president.
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boston editorial board member wrote that. what is haley's strategy? what is her goal? >> reporter: first and foremost, she's trying to as she says give a voice to people who are upset with the choices in front of them. she's just as critical of donald trump as she is of president biden and you can see that in the folks coming to her rallies and people i met at the polls. a small number of democrats, some independents and some disgruntled republicans. more practically, her staying in the race is pragmatic for the reason nobody knows what will happen in the next couple months was we have two older presidents. a lot of court cases going on. i think she is staying in as a plan b, more practically looking forward she's thinking of her long-term political career. stuart: that's not a positive reason to stay in, just in case two older guys don't make it to the finish line which that's
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not a very positive thing, is it? >> of course not. it's more has to do with the unexpected nature of this election. stuart: terribly sorry. keep talking. got the studio audio, keep going. >> it is a likely situation going forward. a lot of voters say they don't want to vote for donald trump if he is convicted but a lot of voters are unhappy with president biden's performance. she is here more as a statement than anything. stuart: many younger voters don't support israel. they are protesting on college campuses all over the country. they regard jews as oppressors.
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how will this affect their vote? >> michigan was a good example. you had 100,000 uncommitted votes. certainly younger voters are upset with the former president for what's going on in gaza and i think that will hurt him in that way but democrats have stronger turnout than republicans. young voters at the end of the day i expect will still turn out for president biden if donald trump is on the ballot. we will have to see. stuart: if they don't turn out for president biden, he loses. >> right and something that's important for the president to think about is the fact the most progressive people and his party are these young voters and they are doing the get out the vote rally, knocking on front doors, the ones advocating on college campuses. that the crucial vote. stuart: i wonder if the
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president will change his israel policy with that pressure in mind. sorry about the audio problem. see you again soon. before we go to another guest, i want to check bitcoin, that's making financial news. bitcoin is at $61,000 per coin. i don't know what the timeframe is but it is up $4000 to 61 right there. a former us soccer star railing against the women's world cup soccer team. come back in. what's carly lloyd saying? ashley: the team claims the rest of the world no longer fears the united states. lloyd has been miffed since the women's team got knocked out of the world cup by sweden in the round of 16. the team only managed a bronze medal at the 2,020 olympics in japan. she has been critical of the team's since of entitlement
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taking issue with players arriving in sunglasses and dancing on the field before kickoff. that appears to be a reference to megan wrapinknow who is often play music before world cup games, just retired last month. the national team has to get back to basics, do your job and put the work in. they just lost to mexico. they are definitely a team that needs help. carly lloyd calling them out. stuart: thank you very much. let me say thank you to jason cheaffetz. if you are not careful you will be invited back. still ahead, bill mcgurn on democrats wanting to pay college students with taxpayer money to register voters. kaylee magee white on what nikki haley is trying to accomplish by staying in the race. the 11:00 hour is next.
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>> there'


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