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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 29, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EST

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(hume laughs) - ah yes, couldn't stay away huh? what mask are you wearing now? - but despite his claim to be avenging a wrong done to his family by wells fargo, charles boles never sends one dime home, revealing the truth about the real man. in february, 1888 boles and his alter ego, black bart, disappear for the last time, leaving behind a legacy of crime and a true legend of the real west. >> h hello, everyone.
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mitch mcconnell stuns everyone by announcing he's stepping down from the leadership post in november. listen. >> it's been the honor of my life, to lead my republican colleagues has been a privilege. it's time the next generation o leadership. >>and the eight term senator l continue to serve on capitolnd hill through september 27 as a senator, but who will take over as leader of republicans in the7 senate. we're going to s batore asking senators eric schmitt and ted cruz straight ahead. president biden delivering remarks from thestra white housn actions to fight crime and make communities safer across the u.s. guess what hn, te failed to men? the horrendous uptick of crime by illegal migrants. first up, fox news senior t congressionao l correspondent cd
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pergram live from capitol hill had on mitch mcconnell stepping down as leader. interesting day, chad. >> absolutely. mitch mcconnell is the longest serving senate leader from either party, from the majority and minority. he became leader in 2007. he suffered from health problems last year, quoted from the bookl on theoo floor. >> it's time for me to thinkd about another season, but father time remains undefeated. i'm no longer the young man sitting in the back, hoping colleagues would remember my name. >> mcconnell does not have as much control of senatece republican d as he once did. he failety od to get support for ukraine two weeks ago. senator cruz said it was time for mcconnell to go.ea mcconnell said knows how to
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read the room. >> believe me, i know the politics within my party at this particular momenartyt in time. i have many faults. politics is not one of them. >> mcconnell is known for res fusing to hold a hearing for d to hit on the supremlde court. he seabe established a new procl precedent for appointing supreme court justices. he .>> it's a political move he made as leader, changing the supreme court and as a result reversed roe versus wade and nor we live in the dobbs era and we see what that's created. mcp mcconnell stays on board until later this year, names to
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watch, john ac theume and john barrasso. >> another historical moment. we've hac d a lot of them, chad. thank you very much.d let's brina g in edward lawrencc on presidente biden's remarkse today, edward. >> reporter: the president going for his physical today. the president saying that everything is squared y away. he spent several hours at walter reed medical center. he did not get a cognitive test. the press secretary said hed didn't need one. >> the president does not need e test.tiv that's the assessment of the president's doctor and thels neurologist who has also made that assessment as well. a >> reporter: so after seeing hi doctor the president spoke about making communities safer and fightingg crime, highlighting w
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his administration isw spending on public safety in cities across the country. >> we have the largest federal investment fighting crime and preventing violent crime at anyi time ingn our history and that'a big deal. >> reporter: he did not mention crime by migrants crossing the:e border illegally, though. republicans calling out the president for crime especiallyln those committed by migrants. >> countless victims of crimese in new york cityss, in new york state, and across america because the people that come hereuse in violation of our law than k us, thank us by saying the heck with you, the heck with your children, the heck with america, to heck with your laws. >> reporter: and we're starting to see the impact of some of the crimes he by migrants in large
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cities around the country. the poll numbers have thetr president under water on immigration as well as crime. back trso you. >> that was quite an oversightr when youat consider what's happening in new york, chicago, la, et cetera. all these migrant gangs, thank you very much. joining us now, missouri senator, eric schmitt. it's great to o see you. you're a n newcomer compared to mitch mcconnell. nobody has been a leader thatbo long. i've gotdylead to start by sayig something positive. there's a lot ofan people saying negative things but without himo as bad as our whole legal system seems to be now with lawfare and all of the other of problems, in could be a lot worse, were it not for his work getting pretty good judicial appointments in, a right? >> i yeah.ppoint look at some of the big wins in the supreme court, thoseof are monumental and generational and certainly appreciate his service. i'm one of the younger members,w newe mr member, i'm the senator sitting in the back row as he
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referringed, hoping people know my name, recognize me walking around. now that he's made that aannouncement. i'm sure a lot of y attention wl turn to who will follow him. i was recently elected. i wantas r to see someone who is reform minded, conservative leader, someone who will lead us to greater prosperity, lead the party in the senate. it's an important role and i hopefully we'll be in n theil majorityl after november. >>the and you used a very interesting word, it can be used in different way, reform minded. what do you mean by reform and was senator mcconnell helping in reforming things orfo hindrance? >> i think there's arming few t. there's some of the inside baseball. look at the way chuck schumer runs the floor right now. it's omnibus monstrositiesth unveiled aert midnight, no timeo the read them, vote for this, avoid a government shutdown.enat
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the senate floor is supposed to be the world's most deliberate body. that's not what we see in washington. we couldn't see open amendment process, we don't see time to debate the i would likee to see that chan. that's some of the questionsir l i'll ask. t look, as a party we represent working people. we ought to be for energy dominance, ought to be for a secure border, ought to bebo moving legislationrd when we get in the majority after november that makes americans more prosperous. i think that's what people expect. when we get out on the campaign we talica k about things that wi actually go do and deliver those things for the american people.h i'm sure oveosr the next several months as this kind of unfolds there will be some of the a questions i'll be talkins g to y colleagues about. me oo mention a few people. there are personalities. m personalities are included with what we get from senators and some people look at senator --rs the longer term senators, not the newbies like you but senator cornyn or thune, as sharing in
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something in common with mitch m mcconnell, they care so muchs about the senate and sometimes carese less about of other thi. >> i've got a good relationship with all of them. whoever is running -- i don't know if anly ty of them actualla will throw their name in the had hat. r thishours aftet announcement but have important conversations, substantive conversations on what this lookt like moving forward. i can tell you that i am struck by the disconnect that happened that's here in washington in many h there are very different conversations we're having in washington, when you're talkingw to people about thhee things thy care about .to for m me i'll be looking for a leader that speaks the for that, that we're a party of thefi peoplegh, that we'll fight for they'll, we'll take on the
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ridiculous aj agenda we've seen from joe biden and the democrats d move the country in theth right direction. >>in maybe just move the county in the right direction. the senate kind of lost track of that, 40 years ago. do you think we can get back to regular order, like coming outre with a regular budget. >> i hope so. that's what people expect. a lot of the. tension you see l here, there is a bit of a pressure release valve whensu peoplere from different states have the chance to go on the senate floor and say i have an o idea, i have an amendment and you try to build support for righatt now rank and file membe, republicans and democrats, are shut out of that process. t be a situation where four people, two people io the house, two people in theth senate, are deciding somethinge that's like ana stone tablet ths no one can amend or change. i think that's theable kind of reform i'm looking for. there's conversations among members, republicans and democrat, i think there's a up that individualbb members want to beli empowered.
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you might win some. you might lose some. at least you get a shot.some that's why i ran for office, toa advocate for the peopluse of myf state tofi try to put this couny in the best position possible for the people be. that's the kind of stuff i think for me will be a big he focus. >> a let me switch to something you handled before you were ingo the senate. that's the continuing saga with the president and the student i loan forgiveness, something you helped challenge in the courts. the supreme court made a decision, you can't do all these hundred million dollar plans to retire student debt unless the congress weighs in and votes some kind of bill in order to do it and yet the president keepse on doing it. he's lost at the supreme court with biden versus you wereen part of bringing that decision to the supreme court and yet he continues to do it. who is going to stop him now? is there another state getting ready to sue him to take him to court again? >>othe i hope so. missouri, when we brought theer lawsuit withic other states
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including nebraska we had the standing vote because missouri had a servicing agency that was the big question before the supremmae court,te who can brin lawsuit. i was proud tong help leave the effort. it b saved taxpayers a half a trillion dollars.d he had no authority to do i he a do was cynical desire to t votes. it is another kindty you of refd like to see what happen where we disempower burea bureaucrats tht aren't answerable to anybody. voters can judge us by ourd be votes. these should be separateyo individual appropriation bills. it's a a lawless administratio. the democrats are the party of open borders and lawlessness.hi that's what we're seeing in their actions, whether it'sst student loans orud at the borde. >> that was going to be my nex
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questionbe, bringing it outin broadly and the next president, if he is a -- he or she is a republican, the question is will they tackle the sort of demise of faith that americans have in our system of law and order because of all the l law fare that's going on because of particular politicians or policies had don't like. is there any way to restore the trust that many americans have lost in our system of law and order? >> i think that's why theor republican party has tdeo be the reform party, we have to fightty against you abuses of the t administrativehe state.ab thuse recklessness we saw with e biden censorship regime, when i was attorney general we filed ae lawsuit thatne will be heardthat before the supreme court.ra thl e federal judge called itan orwelian i. t they'ro e trying to take presidt trump off the ballot and throw him in jail for the rest of his lifee . i don't need lectures from themr
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democrats about threats to democracy. >> i don't mean to press you too hard. n we do that? how do you regain trust that yon lost? >> i think we've got to get rid of a lot of the people at theid top who are leading the decisions.deci merrick garland, they're going after catholics, parents wholl showed up to school board meetings. wepare have to have -- >> and you're talking about dir. wray at the fbi. >>alki yeah. i've got legislation that says if you've been censored, an individual in america then cann sue that individual government bureaucrat to provide accountability. so it wouldn't just be a state like missouri and attorney a citizen, ifu as you've been censored, you can sue thats individual. thatn would i think send the i right message that we're not going to tolerate censorship.e that'sno one example. but i think making sure we havej a secure border has to be at the top of the list. you've seen the crime, you've seen the fentanyl. >> i don't know if you heard the president today, he was talking about crime.
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he said not a word about this dramatic and horrible increase in violent crime from a lot of the illegal migrants, many of whom presumably were let out of jail bi by venezuela's presid. president.isn't it irresponsiblt say a word about that? >> yes. by the way, venezuela, a lot of the criminal activity there, they got them out of the country and a lot of them are here now. this is a very inconvenientar truth for the bidenor administration. they're the party of open borders. this what is they believe.t th now we're seeing the resultser play out in reals time. you've got sanctuary cities pulling back because they've seen the disaster.'v the american people see we've got to p have a secure border. >> senator eric schmitt, one of the newcomers in the senate, thank you very mucf seh for beig here. good to see you. >> sure thing, david. >> coming up, senator ted cruz
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once called for mcconnell to step down and now he has. we'll ask who he thinks should replace him. and president biden heads to the border, will he take credit for what texas did to slow the flow of illegals, all of that when "kudlow" continues. .
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>> is time mitch mcconnell togo. >> i think i david: joining us is texasvi senator ted:d cruz. thank you for being here. certainly appears that leader mcconnell got the message, whether you ininly particular or combination of ae lot of folks saying the same thing. what is next in the search for hir s replacement? what kinf fod of leader are you
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looking for? >> well, listen, let me say at the outset that now is the time to recognize mitch's long and honorable service, that he's the longest leader m in senate histt and hehe made the judgment that now is the time to move on and i certainly respect that judgment. i will say in terms of legacy, i thin k he has many legacies but the most consequential i believe has been the nomination andis confirmation o tf hundreds of principal constitutionalists to the federal judiciary and at lunch today i told mitch, i said, look, that legacy will outlast all of us and so that's a lot to celebrate. >.david: absolutely. i was talking to senator schmidt about that. for all of the problems we had with our legal system right nowm th re law fare that's going on, the two tiered justice system,
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et cetera, imagine how much worse that would have been if he had not been leader of the senate. >> that's right. elections have consequences.ajor the republican majority in the senate produced clear results in terms of the u.s. supreme court and all the federal courts and then the american people elected donald trump as president in 2016 and that changed the course of history and if you look atum the supreme court now, we have principal constitutionalists there that are he defending the bill o f rights and fundamental liberties and the rule of law and that is incredibly important especially right now when we have what i believe is a lawless administration to have a court that holds them to account is really important. david: you have a leader of tha senate right now who actually has come out and said things about the supreme court that never used be said. i mean, has actually threatened members of the supreme court and when you'rede dealing with a majority leader like that, of
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talking about senator schumer, you can't play soft ball and some people say that was part of the problem with mitch mcconnell over the pastth coupleat years, he's playing far too much soft ball with a person o has brought a gun to a knife fight. >>n look, i have had long disagreements with mitch mcconnell for the 12 yearsad i've been in the senate, you played a snippet of that at then outset of tht e segment. myou views havtse not been subtr difficult to ascertain. b i think today with this announcement it's a time tod respect his car i haves. there -- his service. there is no couldn't theserv t doubt the senateconference willo should be the next leader. that will be a vigorous discussion. t many of my colleagues will put their name forward. what i would like to see is the next leader be someone who is strong, who has courage, who will actually stand up and fight ane d lead and i'd like to see e
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republican conference for us to. do what we said we would do, toc actually fight for theon promiss we said we would fight for andgh deliver on our promises and i think whoever the next leader is, i think that's really fronte and center most critical. david: nexi want to switch tor home state of texas because wect have a big day tomorrow with a former president and a current president both visiting, very different views on how to deal with the border.isit one president of course hader success in diminishing theesen number of migrants coming acrosc these border, that's donald tru. the other one is essentiallyro opened im t up, it's four timess worse than u it was in presidens trump's last year right now. i'm just wondering, do you thinr -- o af course, the texas border has been relatively secured by the people of texas, not by the federal government, but by thes governor, spending their ownen money in texas closing it up, a the migrant traffic has moved to nevada and toup california as ta result. but president biden's going toto go there tomorrow. do you think he'as going to take some kind of victory lap,
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claiming the diminishing number of migrants is a result ofe' something he's done. >> i will be at the southern border with president trump tomorrow. i'm glad president trump is coming t back. joe biden, s i was down at theha border just this weekend and in invited joe biden come tofo the border, and he did, the next day he announced he was coming buty it'sdi interesting, when i said come to the border, i come to the border and see the misery and suffering your open border policies have caused. look at the dead woulds dis, 853 migrants who died last year crossing illegally into the country, look in the eyes of thn little children brutalized by human traffickers, look at the eyes of women violently raped by you human traffickers, look at the families who lost over 100,000 loved ones to drug overdoses and take responsibility. you know what, david, i'm before dent joe biden will do -- i'mib confident joe biden will dilo ne of that. he went to the border one other
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time during his presidency, heis went to el paso and in el paso what they did is they cleaned iu all up so afterwards the white house said he didn't see a w single illegal immigrant. it was reminiscent is whennisc china's president xi went to san francisco and they removed thet homeless people anwhd criminals. david: it was reminiscent of the villages that joseph stalin used to set up. i think it's not just at the border, though. i thinl k all over the country w because thisbo thing has spread, the effects of this thing, not c only in terms of the cost but in terms of the crime, and we that horrible case of thebu murder of the woman down in georgia and the athens, georgia mayor was speaking in a press conference,e it turneord into a town hall. s coi want to play a snippet ofe and get your reaction. >> liar. >> liar. >> liar. >> liar. we're here to listen. >> liar. >> you're guilty and you've go blood onar your hands for this murder, sir. david: gui now, that is -- i dt
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think it always goes to those extremes but it shows the frustration of americans with the situation of the border and altratl of the things that resut from a an open border. it's a reason why it's become the number one issue in american politics, right? >>e nu well, listen, joe biden d democrats in congress are deliberately endangering the lives of every american. if you look at laken riley, shs murdered because of the democrats' open border policies. let's put facts to that statement. the venezuelan murderer who crossed into the country, wede apprehended him,re we had him in el paso. he was one of the illegale immigrants joe biden didn't sees in el paso, because his team didn't let him see any illegalt immigrants in el paso. but we had him and the biden administration released him. joe biden paroled him, let him go. what should have happened, we should have put him on a planeth
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and flown him back to venezuela and if biden had done that laken riley would be y alive today. after joe biden released thiswa murderer he left for new yorkim sigh. what happenefod in new york? new york city, they release oudl him, refused to notify i.c.e. if they kept him in jail in new york city, lake laken riley woub still beut alive. the democrats' policies are taking the lives of americans. in prince georges county, a 2-year-old child was murdered by another illegal alien releasedal by joe biden.ed these open b border consequences have real consequences and realc victims. david: senator, i wisonsequh wd more time. we've run out. thank you very much for being here and have a safe trip to texas tomorrow. we look yok forward to seeing y. >> thank you. a appreciate it. david: coming up, why do the bidens appear toto be so quiet china's role in the fentanyl
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crisis? peter schweizer tells us in hist new book and joins me coming up. trump gains more support from blue collar voters and younger voters. we'll talk j about that with liz peekch and joe concha, coming up on "kudlow." it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation.
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david: house republicans questioned hunter biden behind closed doors today in the h impeachmenunt inquiry intode president joe biden. our own hillary vaughn is live on capitol hill with all the hen details. hi, hillary. >> reporter: hi, david. thisilar closed door depositionh hunter biden just wrapped up ann we didte hear from chairman comr who said the next step is the public hearing that hunter biden asked for and of course the transcripts from this closedin door deposition todag y will be. released and we do know thereay will be something in those w transcripts because hunter biden did not plead the fifth he took multiple questions from lawmakers and answered those
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questions but democrats were quick to run out of the room this morning after hunter hadom been taking just an hour of questions to celebrate because they said that hunter biden has been vindicated. >> we are pouring over lots ofn e-mails and texts to try to torture out some meaning that doesn't exist there. >> he has gone text by text, e-mail by e-mail, innuendo by innuendo and completely debunked all of the consistent spir i conspiracy theoriesthe republics for the last year. >> reporter: republicans questioned hunter biden today about text the y obtained where hunter threatened a chinesech business partner and mentioned he was sitting with his father, joe biden. the message said i am sittingh here with mymy father we would like to understand why thed an commitment has not been fulfilled. hunter biden alluded to the communications in the opening remarks saying republicans havei taken myn communications out of
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context. examples include a few references to my family in e-mails or text that i sent when you i was in the darkest days ot my addiction. republicans say the addictionin doesn't explain what hunter was paid by thaie overseas business none do. hunter biden told lawmakers he joined the board at burisma to fight back against vladimir p putiutn and counter russian aaggression. >> there was no response whense he w was pressed on what he was actually delivering and making all of this money. of course he was selling theco brand.urid you can't hide behind the facton that you haved addictions. you can't say i didn't know i was sending something about ain text saying he my father was next to me.we i'm not surell because i'm undes the influence. how do you know he wasn't sitting next to you? s >> reporter: one of the reasons that hunter biden tried to avoil doing this closed door deposition all together was because him and his team were
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concerned about leaks from the room coming out from republicans but it you was democrats that r rush out of the roomep today tot talkhe to the press and spill ty about what w what was happeninge closed door interview. david: hillary, the thank you veryt much.u ve for more on this, let's bring in david schweizer, author of the new book, blood money, why the p powerful turn a blind eye while china kills americans. the democrats say he debunked d everemy e-mail and text and financial evidence that we have. what about one simple question that i don't think they've ever bothered to answer, eithered hunter or james which is why were foreign government related companies willing to give you millions of dollars. what did you do for those companies, right? >> you're right, david. by the way, they kept sending
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money. they sent 5 a m 5 million here, another million there. what hunter biden wants you to believe is they got nothing ineve return but they kept sendingth money. that's there'nds no legitimate business purpose that he provided for this, there was no product, they brought no capital to the table sofo it's really a farce. and that's i think the bottomin line. are we at the point in america where we're going toe say thatin the first familiarly of the united states or in -- family of the united states or in thisis case at the time the secondy family ooff the united states cn accept tens of millions ofions dollars from foreign adversariesnd it's not arsar problem. >>ies, and possibly affect forn policy that might relate to somg of the money that's coming into the family but i just want to go over some of the e-mails, texts an d money transfers that the democrats say totally exonerated hunter biden. the first one is the mysteriouss check -- there was two of them,
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one was for 200,000, the other was 40,000 that said loan repayment. the $200,000 check which is up on the screen now, coincides timing wiscoe with a particular business deal, did it not? and of course loan repayment,ic weather haveul any evidence of a loan ever having been made. but what about the timing of this check? >> yeah, no, that's exactly right. you see money disbursed to hunter biden involving a chinese deal, for example, and then the money gets passed around to thee family. the familyal members aren'ty performing any services for these chinese companies. so it's absurd to suggest otherwise. and look, the bottom line we have got to remember and i thine republicans have to be reminded of this, america's bribery laws are very clear. it doesn't matter if joe biden got a dime. if your family gets paid and you perform policy actions in retur for thospae funds, it is briber
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every bitht as much as if you gt the money yourself and that's the key thin yg here. so it doesn't matter if joe biden got money. i want to talk about joe that what's app text as well from hunter biden in which het saidth essentially my father is right here, he was talking to i one of his chinese business partners, said my father's goina to be very upset if you don't send me that now, we don't know specificallyt whether his father was right there ane d there are ways to track where cell phones are, whether joe biden's and hunter biden's phone were close to each other at that time but there is ach a lot of evidence like that, that exists, isn't there? >> yeah. there's not one example, there's not two examples, there'ss numerous examples and we know of course that joe biden would take phone calls from hunter biden and talk to business associates, to sort of show the flag. so who do you want to believe, hunter biden trying to spin a couple of these instances or the overwhelming accumulation of
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information? since when did hunter bidethoven become a credible witness on this stuff? they've lied since 2018 where we first exposed this stuff. david: peter schweizer. the book is called blood money, why the powerful turn a blind eye while china kills americans. you've got te poo come back to r more aboutan fentanyl and why maybe the biden administration is as tough as they should be against fentanyl. thank you very much for beinnisa here. appreciate it.nyan switching gears tok the 2024 election, joining me is joe concha, fox news contributor anl liz peek, syndicated columnist and fox news contributor. we had the primary last night or yesterday and among other details that came out, 100,000 demsde voted uncommitted, nikki haley losing big against trump. there's a figure you gave me ass you walked it n here of the numr of young people that are for biden right now you that astound
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me. >> it's not just arab americans who voted uncommitted in s michigan, ituc was also youngs people.vo if you look atti the numbers in ann arbor, college town, theyxa weremp overwhelmingly uncommitt. what i the mentioned coming in a harvard harris poll showingut two-thirds of gen z, 18 to 24 i 24-year-olds, approve of donald trump's presidency. a lot of them weren't votinge age, they were practically children when he was president. it's a strong indication that the animus that was supposed to be hele d by young people versus donald trump, i think it's bogus. i think it's changed. we saw that in michigan. i think we'll see a lot of it. david: then we have the blue votes leaving joe biden particularly but the democratic party in general.n wepr had shawn fain on a couple weeks ago, the uaw president, of course uaw, its home is inhe detroit. here's what he said. he favors biden but not all of hi s members do.av rollor tape.
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>> look, let me be clear about this. a greal t majority of our membes will not vote for president biden. yet some will. but that's the reality of this. the majority he was willing to say that. >> if the election were heldg today, davidto, liz, donald trur is your 47th president. for this reason. for starters, he's leading in every swing state, that's a poln that came up from the hill, soms by responsible till largehi margins, -ll- relatively largeis margins. he's p up 10 in nevada. he losarolt that state twice.ra five in michigan. if michigan goes to donald a trump, he will win in two groupm will putp, him over the line, b dog,th blue collar workers, especially in the auto industry. they saw what biden did as far as mandates around electric cars and knows how much that hurt them. and black and a hispanic as well. i've got a crazy number. this comes this week and it shows from howard university, they conducted a poll. they found in 2020 that 94% of l
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blacks supported joe biden.of that number is down to 49%. 45 point drop. if this holds you're looking at electorad l landslide for donald trump. david: and again, liz, it's the rerealignment, larry is talkingt abouhit the realignment, it's g to republicainn because they -- the democrats represent the woky elite. what d repo auto workers have ta with collegeut -- the governmeno bailing out college loans. >> g if joe biden really wantsy attract blue colla wr workers, e student loan give away,at expungement of student loans, terrible idea. the country arey ar college graduates. they don't think they should bee paying offal anybody's student s loans. if youul look at polling like t, economis bt does, every incomemi bracket, you gsto up, favors bin more and every -- as you go
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down, it favors donald trump.ll i don't even think it's a realignment. e for thee've been her last 10 years. i thinn hek it's wealthy elites. you can see it in the percentaga of college graduates voting for joe biden,lleg higher income pe, dondough lining up behind -- do lining up behind biden, he is the candidate of the elite andca trump is for the blue collars. >> thishat is a tape we have m fani willis, theut move to disqualify fani willis from the trial against trump. roll tape. >> doder you think it startedo before she hired him? do you see that? david: all right. you could barely hear it. he said dang. it means essentially he was setl up. he said something that wasn't youpu he reads a text that suggests is was not true.
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it was like you got me, that kind of a moment. that adds to the pile-on about the democratic message. in writing, it's all in these texts. nathan wady e had no business being hired for this kno he was because he was fanni wil willis. this case is over. david: coming up, art laffer is next. stick with "kudlow." with this thing, it's making me get an ice bath again. what do you mean? these straps are mind-blowing! they collect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep, so you know all you need for recovery. and you are? i'm an invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to... nasdaq 100 innovations like... wearable training optimization tech. uh, how long are you... i'm done. i'm okay.
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david: well, republicans from the senate to former president trump are fighting to stop c what's1 called a central bankis digital currency. it comes as more and more countries, china and russia ofit top among them, our enemies in other words, areco looking to destabilize king joining mes now to weigh in iso armit laffer, author of taxes he consequences. great to see you, art. s consequences too. >> dud ae to good to see you, d. david: americans have liked thm freedom to make transactions without having to worry about t big brother watching over those trans a actions.her doesn't this digital currency that janet yellen and a otherscr in treasury are p pushing
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interfere with that freedom? >> totally it does. what it does, it gives government morwhe and more cont over money. if you look at money, david, prior to 1913, the money supply in the u.s. was basically in private thsie government did define whaa dollar was, one 20th of an ounce of gold. they did new minting. it was the issue of currenciess from banks that caused it. cos we didn't have inflation for two centuries until 1913 when the w fed r was formed and the government started controlling. there's been enormous explosion of the amoun drot of money and f dropping of the value of the dollar. it's just wein need less government contrl and more private banking whichne is whaedt bitcoin is, which isch what he these other currencies are, as far as i know and ino believe. i think they are the answer to the government's money problem. david: the other thing folks
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want from their money, they wane the money they o earned today ty be worth the same as it was from a month or year from now. you can't do that with trillion dollar deficits year after year, can you? >> you can't, no, it's really not very feasible. what you need to do is control w thase quantity of money andl control the price of money. i love the rule where you guarantee the value of a dollar over five, 10, 15, 20 years so we can make loans and futuree transactions knowing what the value of the dollar will be. that's why you want stability of prices and frankly allowing a government digital co currency would undermine thatat possibility. we need to keep it in the w private hands and i think what's happening with bitcoin and the other currencies is just wonderful for the world, for the country. david: the last minute i want to talk about something near and dear to our hearts.d tax policy, which is something that i never got the sense had that mitch mcconnell -- he didtc
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wonders with y judicial appointments and approvals. jack kemp with senator williamsa roth created the wonderful tax cut bill tha tt was signed into law by president reagan, do you think we can find somebody like william roth to deal with taxpo policy ilin the senate. >> yes, we can. there are lots that will do ae greacat job. a guy named ted cruz, you justwe interviewed him,d he would be a perfect champion for this typed ofte thing. t billyp haggerty, the most most - david: nothing against mitch mcconnell. he didn't have the passion. hopefully we'll get it.bu love to have you, art.
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thank you very much. more "kudlow" right after this. h get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management.
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david: that's it for "kudlow." thanks for watching, folks


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