tv Kudlow FOX Business February 29, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EST
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david and for larry kudlow, president joe biden and former president donald trump, making competing stops the southern border today the illegal migrant crisis rages on and will bring in congresswoman and marjorie taylor stephen miller, way and were also going bring in donald trump's remarks when they began, and eagle pass taxes in these there with texas governor greg abbott so we will be taking of their shortly but let us start with georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor grayness stephen miller founder of america first legal white house senior policy advisor and getting i just want to let you know when donald trump starts to talk, we will dip into that will come back to you so hang on if we go for have to go so quickly been congresswoman, this is an incredible moment where americans was about the doubletalk over there with greg abbott, who is done an incredible amount of work, securing bill border by himself and not only without the cooperation from the federal government for the federal government is suing him because
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he is trying to do the job the federal government is not doing and he's been very successful in slowing the migrant surge which is moving west, the arizona and california, without position is borne out by the figures that clearly show donald trump is prosaically that smaller migration flow edward biden took over, like raising a whole country suffered. marjorie: that is why david, while all of america know who is to blame for the wide open border that is brought over 10 million illegal aliens into her country that is the biden administration in venezuela the effort in the house to be secretary alejandro mayorkas were waiting to find out when chuck schumer's going to hold the trial for those impeachment articles who were so that president trump is down the border today showing that he cares about stays like taxes and their right to defend themselves against an invasion and that's exactly what is happening, to
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texas but is happening to every state across the country because of the biden administration how we also have to point out that joe biden did not say that he would go to the border until after president trump already announced you strip their two day in that it was joe biden who followed of president trump. his number one issue across america is 30 democrats because all of america is learning from the illegal invasion that is brought an onslaught of people into her country and sadly and tragically, murdered and people like laken riley from the university of georgia suit murdered last week c1 stephen there's been so many pencils by this administration on a whole range of issues economic issues but particularly on the border that it would be the ultimate insult if joe biden was created this migration crisis that we have virtually all of the country now, and of course, their offshoots of that like the fentanyl poisonings and killing hundreds of thousands of
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americans, but he goes down to the border and he said part of it were slowed to a trickle, he claims credit for doing something that the texans have done, what happens if that happens i do you think america will know what's going on there really. stephen: yes, think it will, enemy let me first say, what a pleasure it is to be on with marjorie taylor green who led the effort to impeach alejandro mayorkas is the crucial moment for the united states senate to make this a moral choice forever u.s. senators and if to table this impeachment, 40 do anything, this also mayor alejandro mayorkas every senators that votes as an and accomplish to every single crime is being committed by the illegal laborers the joe biden is leading into this country that the only words when you're out of joe biden's mouth today are please forgive me, please forgive me to every family lost a loved one including especially
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including the family of laken riley because of the illegal these illegal i joe biden knowing full well that innocent americans would be monitored and beaten and assaulted the most horrible ways imaginable and that is the only thing joe biden should say and please forgive me and please please forgive me for what they've done to you and your families but he won't say it because he is the row empathy for the lives and families that he is destroyed by the dreams that he is shattering and futures that he is snuffed out paves monstrous policy of supporting and aiding and abetting this border invasion. david: will congresswoman a was he was exhibiting kennedy know the figures at 8.5 million migrant encounters since he took office and it does not include the estimated 1.7 million getaways as of the numbers are over 10 million and it was just a fraction of the during the trump administration primarily because of what trump did what
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biden did right after he was inaugurated to turn that around and so i mean, the numbers are well they could not be more clear good day. stephen: the number so i generally was 35th month in row. marjorie: the number skeptics eating, even the highest month them a better president trump entire for your administration and there are so many legal aliens in our country come is what is a guess years to deport them all that's why america supporting president trump are they know that the president to secure the border, they know that it was president trump and is border policies of the strongest that we have ever had that is why the republicans in the house castings are two, is the strongest portobello we look forward to seeing president trump sign it into law when america liked him in november of 2024 company comes into the white house in january of 2025, the congress needs to fight harder here in washington we need to stop passing crs need to stop fighting the biden
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administration is border policies are anti- american and america less than put every other country in the world first in the force of american taxpayers to pay for it printed mentally agree with stephen, is absolutely right, the biden administration divided himself has blood on his hands and secry americans has blood in his hands and chuck schumer the senate will have blood on their hands and if they refuse to take up the trial in the senate and for impeachment articles of secretary alejandro mayorkas sue and was sick see with you on gea what happened in your state with laken riley in the murder of laken riley, that is really put a face to a problem but ignore the fact that we've seen in their been thousands and hundreds of thousands of faces who have suffered with this one in particular the perpetrator allegedly a venezuela new came here illegally went to new york, was released because of their no
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bail policy. because of the refusal to cooperate with ice people are terribly fed up with all of this was all that happened with the mayor athens, georgia, who believes in open immigration, he does not call his nda were city but as well because it looks like that. they have a sheriff who follows the policies will he cut equity trying to convince the people that is city will he was breaking about the success that the city is now fighting crime without success, the so-called success did not prevent laken riley getting brutally murdered. marjorie: that's right i graduated from the university of georgia in athens georgia used to be wonderful town printed but now it's run by radical democrats like the mayor of athens i would rather protect illegal aliens and call them in athens man and senate admitted that this was a brutal killer should be in our country and precise medical or state
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adulation while they are in session right now, to consider not funding any city or county in the state of georgia the most to protect illegal aliens because they don't deserve the funding for the georgia printed taxpayers they do not deserve their hard-earned money that they're going to protect people that in the killing are georgia citizens in our students when their studying and pursuing their dreams and their american dreams with their college laken riley was such a wonderful person he enjoyed talking with her father learning more about her life we try to remember her in a moment of silence this week here in the house for but georgia and every single person in georgia i think the people across the country are really if this horrific murder of laken riley should have never happened c1 steve and i want to play a little bit from the mayor receiving from the chief of police, john williams essentially publisher down there pretty penny a share of athens
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children couple of other towns in that area when he was running for office, he said that the following about whether he would cooperate with ice, roll the tape. >> is only intention to sheriff to cooperate with those detainers that is something will be doing, we will do that or contributing to the culture of fear c1 stephen there was a reason why the venezuelan illegally marie was in athens. david: that's a reason sheriff like that with the mayor like that. stephen: yes a sheriff like that in the mayor like that yes and a president like the one that we have come a president who can end up in a support of the sanctuary cities, prisons new is used every single tool at his disposal, that if i secure think cities, but to fight the seat of texas were truly even is border resilience webinars law enforcement was elected criminal aliens, but to go after conservative christians have political dissidents at every
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turn, joe biden in the democrat party and invited officials have done everything in the power to ease the pathway for criminally la pig to sing american be released to be offending special ice is only data shows convicted into the trump era summa joe biden has released an additional 200,000 illegal aliens with criminal records, from a prisons and jails and they were in custody committee could have removed it, but he declined to remove because of his policy of nonenforcement and so again, these are all deaths that are attributable to joe biden in the senate democrats looking at you john, if you sign with alejandro mayorkas and this impeachment that you are an accessory to every one of these crimes be back congresswoman, there's concern, that by some people, that the conversations going on
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between the president right now is figure johnson, leading to something that would not be pleasing to those of us who want to strong border in the course of the headings are, from the house it was never brought to the table by senator schumer the city came in with their own version that did not even go to the house because it was not going to pass it out johnson is figure johnson and president biden are talking it is the concern you that may come up something not be acceptable to you. marjorie: he just concern me in the conversation the concerns me the most is that our speaker would give and on our border security and treated for $60 billion for ukraine that is a war in america's do not care about laughter poll shows that americans do not support funding a war in ukraine now i think we support his peace the country and we support border security for america and our home and homeland in the country the wheel of an american taxpayers pay for, that is the only border we should care about is on the board of the matters to
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americans pretty i do know what is the our speaker of the house for the republican speaker of the house working with the president that has worked hard border wide open and has been the best business partner with the mexican cartels i've ever had in their lifetime and enriching them beyond their wildest dreams of the speaker of the house needs to hold the line and that is with the wanted a republican majority for this congress and they expect us to do her job, not cave to a president that is failing america is leading the attack on texas and the american people. david: one oh questions even about money was going to happen to the wealth we know that the reason why the border was open, quest to increase the roles of the voting rolls of the democratic party. clearly, there is no other reason that i can think of for it and what about the move to turn 10 million mostly undocumented migrants do voters. stephen: let's be very clear, joe biden's first bill, is first bill that he sent to congress was a bill to make all illegal
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aliens into citizens and the only reason that bill did it become law is because that they were one or maybe two votes short getting rid of the filibuster in the senate and if they had come they would've eliminated the filibuster it would've fasted a partyline vote in all of these illegal aliens would not be u.s. citizens which means they can vote in the elections they can sponsor all of the relatives to come here and become citizens as well as if the first opportunity to get them that's exactly what they will do and in the meantime, this oppose any effort, to verify citizenship in american elections and that is of course all by design. david: folktale will let's listen to donald trump and oh okay, for some we don't have right now support have to leave it at that and come back i will give you as much of donald trump as we can possibly get, and congresswoman, stephen, thank you very much for being here really appreciate you coming in today in a way to venting, hold on and we are going to go to
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donald trump and please hang on. trump: will be more secure by the time we finish we will be soon i just want to think some friends of mine, brendan judd has been a friend from day one and he knew what we were all about and he knew what we were saying and doing and i think we were ahead of her time and general hamas, but somebody that has always right there and understands those texas rep military department as well is he could've any interest is more because you are in a war. and also mike you know who he is, he's been fantastic and is an incredible group that you put together and fortunately, and i might ask brandon to see a couple of words because right at the beginning of bolívar intuitively software i was happening in the governor was there and he really he really stepped it up it is been amazing and i came when i was lucky enough to receive his endorsement and i endorse him as well and very probably endorse him that a lot of things have
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happened in the last little while but this is an incredible incredible operation brandon would you like to say a couple of words. >> yes thank you president, thank you sir, want you to know if you are ages of my ages of the metastatic, they're absolutely mad the resident biden went to brownsville texas resident going to arizona, rather than to go to san diego, california rather than coming to eagle pass, texas, which is been the epicenter of the president trump is income right here is he seen. david: congresswoman marjorie taylor green coming been fighting up to segment with us and again you see this position when hear from president biden just moment, but when americans who think this is the number one issue devoted on november the seek there's an comparison between donald trump with a man who has been securing the texas border, the governor, and brandon judd who try to secure
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the border with president biden we don't know with you people say when you think they would think at first he used the congresswoman to wrap it up. stephen: with the countries could no people clinically going to your president trump in a recap today, talk about real enforcement real deportation, portable remained in mexico safe, there sitting in the illegal aliens of a large deportation operation and joe biden is what it's all about, is ridiculous preposterous, his bill, the senate and chris murphy professor ms. catch and release its emancipation levels and migration, that actually creates a new pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens you have one particle of the wants deportation because the trump party of one party the wants importation is a fighter party. david: congresswoman go his. marjorie: 's even laid out perfectly but i wanted to point, the something of the president trump to set his he is addressing people at the border there today, this is a war, this is what the american people know that we know that our country is at war and its own federal
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government but by joe biden and his administration that is a war with the american people, hit their waging the war against states like texas and enabling and causing innovation into the united states of america president trump is the man that we know and trust and he was a president for four years, we want him back in the white house again because we know that he will into that war against a market people and he will secure our border and he's already proven to america, that he can any will do it and he will do it once again. david: you cannot argue with the figures and they are very clear, that's all you need to be congresswoman, think you so much for being here and appreciated stephen miller great to see was always evanescent just dip into donald trump for a second here before we take a break. trump: we call if i didn't, like a private this a little bit long, so we'll just leave it but every time you have micro crime unit with a comes from coming allowing thousands and thousands and actually millions and millions of people to come could
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be 15 million or 18 million, by the time that he gets out of office because hopefully, biggest risk that we have is nine months is a long time, love about things can happen and i would say, that its beaches and rallies, and if you take the ten worst presidents in the history of our country, you're heading develop all of the problems in the lousy jobs that they have done, you can add develop and it sounds bad as this one man has done for our country but he said to her country is destroying the country and we were just talking before the general was saying that he cannot believe what is happening he cannot believe it is so sad unless you're almost half of all eyes arrestor they were charged for more than 33000 assaults, 3000 robberies, 6900 burglaries, 7500 weapons crimes and this is all micro crime, and 4306 crimes and 1600 kidnappings
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in 1700 sites murders these are the people that are coming into her country and they're coming from jails coming from prisons and they're coming from mental institutions of the coming from insane asylums, and their terrace and they are being loaded into our country rated and it is horrible. it is horrible and annual i know many of the leaders of the other countries is not just south america, all of the world the very big population coming in from jails from the congo when you look at the jails there and you take a look at the gel throughout the region but more importantly throughout the world, they're emptying out because they're dumping them into the united states of these guys are trying to be like like is wonderful. you do not have a clue i think they're looking for the votes and looking for that nobody is really been able to tell me how anybody could want to do this and you're always want to understand the business he always want to witness of the of this i do want to figure it also leave could do something this good or bad depending on what
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you are looking for when nobody can explain to me, as everybody said how horrible it is been nobody can expect to be how allowing millions of people from places unknown from countries unknown who do not speak languages, we have languages coming into her country and nobody here speaks languages the truly florida nobody speaks them in the pouring into her country are bringing with tremendous problems including medical problems as you know. we have title to and we had different things and to solve the problem. david: will continue to monitor donald trump and he is in eagle pass texas and the president biden is in brownsville texas a couple of hundred miles to these from her donald trump's will monitor all of this for you meanwhile, they will assist potentially on the verge of losing control of the georgia rico case against donald trump does the judge have evidence to disqualify her buses simply for
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taking up the former presence immunity gizmo talk about his legal analyst gregg jarrett, coming up. j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. so great getting to know you, let's take a look
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>> see what they are interesting fight to reward georgia the funding will assist the acting producer in this ♪ ♪ case against donald trump were unfocused stranger change in voting to talk about it's legal analyst, gregg jarrett and never hearing that are very well-paid love our assistant and various other things, they were apparently getting it on before he was hired and contrary to what they said under oath and ih to remove them from this case.
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>> will i think absolutely it is any of david like the picture right willis is self-destructing before our very eyes and her own misbehaviors ruined her credibility, i thank you so in trump, that is disintegrating. gregg: testimony again with her ex-lover and also his partner travis bradley that was a three's stooges, david bradley's testimony may have been vanilla company was texted, the willis might work absolutely having in a very before wade was hired which puts it a lie to their sworn statements earlier so based on the code of ethics, that i think the judge really has no choice here, he should disqualify both wade and willis and the question is, where does the case go from there. and if is so tainted. another prosecutors may decide that were not going to dismiss the charges. david: we real question is
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unclear who or when one of these people with each other but the main question is what will really doing the white house receivable, all these trips even wade took down to the white house and he was paid for by the way, i guess through the taxpayers of georgia. homicide about and if there was a look they instructed by somebody in the white house, as to how to carry things out because nathan way does not really know that much about this particular rico case which is very hard to prosecute, they were being asserted, wouldn't that be election interference. gregg: arguably it could be no we've not received any answers to why he billed to white house visits, eight hours of peace and whose meeting with in moberly talking about the maintenance is billing for the rico case, it has to be rico related right so you know they say oh no, no
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coordination with the biden campaign of the white house according to fani willis billing records that seem to indicate that. david: there are other things look out and we'd not really got into it on are also we don't know how sure it is but apparently there was a former biden aide, who paid the assistant d.a. in there about $130,000 to help out some political banners on the bar communications between the das office in fulton county thousand quickly want to move to the springs taking of trumps community case is eavesdropped without the supremes. gregg: he absolutely does printed in his argument is that i was acting consistent with my duties to a full the law that if i had evidence of election impropriety, faulty ballot counting, and it was incumbent on my duty to to look into it,
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to make the challenges and too big for recounts from the to file legal challenges and all of that should be protected by immunity but i think that the decision to take the case david, has both federal trials, brought by special counsel jack smith, on hold i think it likely means those trials will not happen before the presidential election. david: then will their entire strategy has been coordinated must be honest about is, if not in written or spoken word, hit at least with an audit a handshake him a whole strategy, to prevent donald trump from getting into the white house and a pimento before to get a conviction before the election has failed, to me and all of these in one way or another adjust falling away and i don't think that they will get any county conviction quickly, think of you had any the election to you. gregg: will the only case that may actually go to trial is the often break, new york case.
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i think jonathan turley take on that is correct the professor from george washington university said that the cases so week then it may backfire it may actually help donald trump. david: it already has. gregg: i do think he's right about it sue and i'm sorry we had short we had all that breaking is in is good to see own coming up over the fence key inflation gag crimson hundred and expecting where white house with the citibank and star in economy is in closing just how dependent joe biden yes, one is no cardinal going to talk about that and much more, when general gianno caldwell, went cut lowx. gianno caldwell, went cut lowx. continues. a summer in portugal gianno caldwell, went cut lowx. continues. with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once.
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digest, john carney, and former chair of the council of economic advisories, kevin hassett and kevin carney chris wohlers event, is governor and he was nominated by president trump, that he was brought to president trump by a guy named larry calvo you may have heard of and this piece, this basically said that while everybody down the name, he's inflation hawk this guy, is the revenge of the inflation hawk reason for betty was saying, you know the you had to have a recession in order to you know we had to have higher unemployment rate have inflation teresa know you can get inflation down and we haven't of jobs available so it won't increase in and he was rights was in the. kevin: i'm not so sure the fact is that inflation is down i'm sorry i just disagree will part of the team but the fact is,
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without inflation over the last few months has been accelerating rude and we also know that if you look back over the last 20 years of that inflation sometimes gives you look at had think in january so i'm just bought right now a little puzzling on inflation will ensure that is way above 2 percent and so the fed should not becoming resale but if you get they had a big fight with larry summers about whether it was possible to get it down this far has ever said no, without employment in a was right about that c1 will you think john by the way c5 boy think it was absolutely right as i was somers on people so there's no way to get inflation down without raising employment. john: we did as he looking for job openings and he said we could bring it down bring it down it will help bring down inflation and that's what happened but think of it as an appointment, it's not clear that inflation can keep coming down wohlers been cognizant of this and he said right now we have is
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almost is fully long scenario we have inflation coming down and unemployment staying very low, and the economy is growing, very fast pace of the can't keep going some point, hyperinflation asked to break higher or growth passes sodium wrong way to keep up. david: you wouldn't know this guy because if donald trump is elected in 2026, when jerome powell has to go away a donald trump said he will describe my be the next head of the fed right. john: deadly he would be one of the best of the heads of the fed we've had in a very long time because he has a very good analytical mind and he looks out the data and is able to say, you know this is what is happening in the economy and he does not just stick to a narrative and he actually says, it was the what is happening is on point to adjust the policy based on that. david: one thing that i think it would agree with kevin as he does disagree with thousands eight the only way to get inflation down is by having a recession he justly you have growth and lower inflation at
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the supply-side ocean right. kevin: right i think you can but again don't forget that the government debt held by the public with a by more than gdp right is that when you have fiscal policy, just putting the vital to the middle of the fed is really nowhere to be able to get to 2 percent so unable of the respecting the road for walter think anyone that argument that still has a lot of work to do my mind again, the reason people are so upset is that healing because bread for the cost gasoline, because of airfare and everything is up 35 - 50 persons is joe biden took office is why people are so concerned about this sweet if inflation recycle within were in a really much worse place. david: and john you have to admit is tough to get inflation down if you have a 2 trillion-dollar deficit in this were going about 1.6 trillion now an annual basis is probably going up to because are still spending without any pay.
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>> they vetted dividing the fence inflation by running a very reckless fiscal policy come overrunning the kind of fiscal deficits like you should see like the christ when human implement of it eight - 1012 percent of it already evident limited 3.7 percent of the snow reason to be doing this now doing it makes the fed's job much harder and i think this one reason that inflation is likely to keep going up really skip stuck where it is down some of these graves people have a fits getting year, cutting four times as likely stop when three times probably won't happen but i think that it will be forgiven cut will be oppressive. david: something's happening outside of the purview of the u.s. government this was happening in china and they are going what appears to be deflationary rather than an inflationary spiral that is that making it easier for the fed to get inflation down to some of the deflation spilling over into the rest of the world.
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>> right, you know it. if you look at it, there is asia, which is almost a recession if you look at the aggregate in europe they have a whole bunch of countries with negative growth last year's global demand has slowed quite a bit hard has been one of the reasons why inflation has moderated much the policy was a return theory point, i just looked at that tenure outlook and believe it or not, the next ten years, they say the debt held by the public is going to increase by about 5 trillion more in gdp okay, more than the increase of the gdp so that is how reckless his current fiscal policy is just a way i get really good ask him about this like if this happens will inflation be under control is no economic model is a this. david: will whoever is next present they have a big task ahead of them is great to see both think you for being here and appreciated in this johnny kevin switching gears now former speaker asked kevin mccarthy is laying out with president biden is really like in negotiations
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behind closed doors and take a listen. >> if he still has a patel pumper but it is for their cards and family met with him, that they would just be a couple of me would read from the cards just well it was like four of us yes and if you deviate like you did not see the negotiate with him that suing, he just sticks to the cards and if you go or deviate from the course he cannot continue on. david: the white house is pushing back was again, look at this the images of the president glued to his cards on his lap and meetings with world leaders having a very familiar to all of us now is "fox news" political analyst doug collins georgia congressman and gianno caldwell is great to see you both inducting your versus becoming presidency, remember that stalin used to have these fake phony villages maybe take reporters show rights of union must present behind them, just a
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façade and there was a this with his presidency is just a façade and use of videos is doing all of the workers, i. doug: will use it because the work is probably sitting in his lap the car this is been an obvious problem for a while and is also special menu go to press conference going to be of course we have pictures of the individual's response to the picture book on look, and press conference with health report by karine jean-pierre, she said he thinks a test everyday but here's the easiest way to prevent, putting before the board's lengthy asked real questions and let him have to deal with questions that he cannot prepare for us both thought late-night talkshow host which they prepping giving his aviators to pull process so you can tell he's actually able to process do the job. david: well, gianno caldwell, well when he does talk, and what
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he said this isn't true others talk about inflation and he was on yesterday, talking about crime is thinking america, the crime stats are getting better in every city in america is enjoyed by now pending doesn't give the smash and grab so with sharp carjackings oriented homage and once, that migrant crime, we have these horrific examples right in front of us. >> that we have million a national examples about crime in which you just mentioned and if i could really quickly in the city of chicago that's an example back in 2021, and we know that about 30000 folks over 30000 from the pump the migrants from the border, mostly venezuela and in 2021 moves about six venezuelans arrest to be for the micros begin to arrive and since then, migrant venezuelan has gone up, 12000 percent in the city of chicago, 12000 percent in terms of arrest this is a crisis the american people have lost faith
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joe biden's presidency had a look at the numbers and we look at the polling some 70 percent of americans including diverse, believe that joe biden has mishandled the border we never talk about his competency was an abc poll which they put together and respond trump and joe biden and trump is over find by 16 percent, he points and 40 percent when he comes to competency and effectiveness and another's numbers are bronzes that because that's a poll from last month we are in trouble here but there is the opportunity to change the page of the biden presidency and of every american is paying close attention to what many world leaders have left out and said well america is in decline. david: but when i saw him yesterday we realize he's not ready to turn the pages are voided do it and he didn't do it was regarded crime of the border issue and of course million minority communities in particular this event up with the fact that illegal immigrants are getting services turned over to them that citizens of the
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united states taxpaying citizens don't have particular minority committees. gianno: that's exactly what you see joe biden in places like los angeles, where saw the voters museum in new york and you're going to see him in chicago sure because the folks are so upset, and obviously african-americans have been very big part of the democratic stronghold those liberal cities, and if to be serious enough over democrats, we have verbal say celery old so this could be a real big upset sue and thank you only have ten seconds but it comes down to about atrocity trust your lying eyes are you trust joe biden what he saying. doug: exactly any of donald trump who has a record for stick to the immigration economics to these folks you have joe biden who - total reckless disregard in the last three and half years. david: it's great to see you gentlemen thank you and appreciate you coming up the crypto price insidious and here
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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jim iuorio director of tmj institutional services received generally do it on time first markets overall, still have legs and sieges of energy pushing it forward. jim: to be quite thing is still differently has energy and i still thank you so a tremendous amount of lose liquidity in the system is still never from the covid-19 funds they came in and you know i get into big coin, basically based on - getting into bed year and half ago to be aligned with the deep pockets as far as the stock market goes as of the same thing with eagle seven stock market is a worry that with the problems with makes start a service, i remember federal close down funding program emerge had problems with the bank commercial real estate start as a result believe the stock market will flex his muscles to try to push the fed made amazing and easy quickly they do nothing to be going will suffer from the sofi filling the two down, i prefer to be in bitcoin. david: ball big coin we just putting the present close to
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62100. jim: blanket it will be 65 in a few weeks. david: so would you buy into it is this level. jim: well okay and so did not have a positional ready to get of not getting with anybody is i've been building my physician slowly continuing to do that is difficult to buy something that is on parabolic like this particular when it is subject to volatile swings that i want to be involved in bitcoin for the next one year two years of fibers or tenures buying a right now, might be a little bit hard for me to do the going to do it but only small meals have a . big physician right now see what the government still spinning like drunken sailors doesn't that bother you select bothers me a lot is unbelievable to me john party just said about effective trying to fight inflation in the same government continues to spread like this, that's of the park the problems but goes i talked about some of the repo find is been dried up in the next couple of months, that's where the rubber meets the road and that is when i think things like gold and silver bitcoin eventually it
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stops, could do well. david: jim iuorio thank you very much and more condo, straight ahead, stay with us. sports tech like this smart fitness mirror. i'm also mr. leg day...1989! >> . anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. i go through a lot of pants. before investing carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at
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