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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  March 5, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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those names. liz: you think those names, you think they are prices that are fair right now? the p-e ratios don't look like you are at incredible highs? >> they have had quite a run. be patient. let them come in a little bit. add them to a portfolio. take a long-term view, five years out you will be very happy. liz: you do think the fed tomorrow will make news or extremely cautious? >> maintaining optionality. the fed is riding data dependent. higher for longer unless something breaks. that's what we've been saying. liz: robert shine, thank you. i know 300 points down for the dow, it is way off session lows. [closing bell rings] tomorrow, the the boston celtics co-owner, bain capital senior advisor. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow.
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all right, super tuesday, donald trump in total command on the republican side. 15 states, 854 delegates up for grabs. we've got our own bret baier waiting right here to talk about it for us. to give us to start off. we have senator tommy tuberville on trump's common sense policies that seem to be working. kellyanne conway will stop by his historic political comeback. think about this a year or two ago, do you think he would be here? i don't know know. tough call. mark simone, joe concha whether joe biden is old or cognitively impaired or maybe both. first up let's go straight to our own grady trimble live in ashburn, virginia. good evening what can you tell us? >> reporter: larry, i can tell you as we've been talking to voters throughout the day today the economy is an issue that keeps coming up over and over again. the voters are comparing how
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they feel financially right now, and how they felt financially when former president trump was in office. the white house likes to tout the rate of inflation has come down. that wages are outpacing inflation but when we talk to voters the economy the white house is describe something not the economy they feel. >> everybody is feeling the crunch right now whether you're at a grocery store or whether you're going to buy other goods. my wife says it all the time, every time she comes home, every other week, strawberries are up again. it is getting to be bit out of hand. >> stock market is healthy, jobs are on the rise, at the same time cost of living prices are up. not right with the system. >> realtor, interest rates are discouraging people from buying. people are locked in with a golden handcuff with low interest rates they can't afford to move now because you have to pay more for less. >> reporter: on the campaign trail both former president trump and former south carolina governor nikki haley are promising to get the economy
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back on track. for her part haley has been criticizing rampant spending by both democrats and republicans in congress saying it is time to put an accountant in the white house. trump on the other hand is able to bring up his administration's tax and regulation cuts and also the lower grocery prices, gas prices, and interest rates when he was in office. trump says he will get rid of "bidenomics" and bring back what he calls, maga-nomics. so the performer president clearly leaning on his record and that's a message really resonating with a lot of voters we talked to, larry, because they think back to that time. they felt like they were in better financial shape back then. larry. larry: grady trimble thanks so much for all of that, we appreciate it. folks a couple quick thoughts. a year ago if you had suggested to a bunch of smart political pundits, left, right or center, a year later donald trump would be in complete control of every
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primary on super tuesday and the republican party and the republican nomination and the republican national committee, he would be the prohibitive favorite to win the general election in november, i don't think you would have had many takers to be perfectly honest. but that's exactly what's happening. it is one of the great political comebacks of all time. in fact just to stretch the point if you had asked pundits two years ago, better yet, three years ago i think you would have even fewer takers. again, that is exactly wha happening. that's where we find ourselves tonight as of this reporting, mr. trump has run on the issues and it's working. joe biden and the democrats are trying to throw him in jail for 750 years and that strategy looks like a colossal backfiring failure. "national review" editor rich lowery writes in this morning's "new york post" about trump nostalgia. that is an interesting point. people may be nostalgic for the
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strong trump economy, strong trump controls on the border, strong revival of america's world standing. people don't have any nostalgia for joe biden and his big government socialism with his taxing, borrowing, inflating, overregulating, war on fossil fuels in particular, the war against business in general. a recent "fox news poll" rating shows biden 58% mostly failed on helping the working class. shows 61% think he failed on improving the u.s. world image. 61% think he failed on handling the economy. 63% think he failed on making the u.s. safer. 69% think he failed to unify the country. 71% think he failed to improve border security. it's not good joe. it just doesn't look like people are that new you anymore. according to "the new york times" sienna college poll, women are 20% points more likely to say mr. trump's policies helped them
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more than mr. biden's have. if that is not a shocker i don't know what that is, women, "new york times," go figure. but the facts show when inflation is factored in, typical working class folks got a big pay raise under mr. trump and a big pay cut under mr. biden. and that's a killer politically. guaranteed folks will vote in favor of the guy who gave them the raise every time. with all this trump nostalgia or sound trumpian policies, all of a sudden he has created a new gop coalition that appears to include working folks of all stripes and colors, white, black, latino, female, young, you name it across the board. it has a reaganesque feel to it. there is a border war and people favor trump es "remain in mexico," catch and deport approach. there is an economic war. people favor trump's limited government, tax cuts, deregulate, drill, baby, drill approach. and trade and foreign policy folks prefer trump's america
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first approach. conrad black writes in "the new york sun" today that as the wheels come off the biden administration the incumbent's re-election strategy relies on prosecuting trump. that's a strategy that looks like it is either going to be deferred or collapsed all together and the hot stove news this afternoon suggests that mr. biden plans to get really mean and attack donald trump on the campaign trail. that is if he can muster the cognitive coherence to do it. personally i don't see trump quaking in his boots over that one. so folks here we are, super tuesday, advantage trump at the moment. all right, now, we are blessed, joining me now, our hero bret baier, anchor of "special report" on fox news and you're going to take us through the whole thing tonight and i'm looking forward to it. what everyone's political views are, i think if you went back a year or two years or three years, i don't think i'm being overstating it, you would not
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have expected trump to be in the position he is in. polls are not votes, i don't get all of that, but you wouldn't expect him to be where he is. what do you think, bret? >> no. tremendous comeback politically. even six months ago you would have said, boy this is going to be somebody else's race, ron desantis, nikki haley, whomever. i think what you're saying there in the open is right, people go back to the time of the trump administration and they feel how they felt at the kitchen table. they feel that they were feeling good about themselves, about their economy, about doing the budget on the back of an envelope. they felt good about foreign policy around the world. they felt good about maybe the border. they weren't worried about it every day as we see in poll after poll after poll. larry, there is a poll out today from the "the des moines regist" is really well-respected. trump is up 15 point in iowa. larry: really? wow. >> that is real change.
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that has shifted dramatically even since the iowa caucuses. you look at the recent polls, clearly the former president is in the pole position heading into the rest of the race. larry: i mean, part of this got to be biden's failures. i'm looking at our "fox poll" numbers and i think they're very revealing. i repeat polls are not votes, they're polls, but they're snapshots in time what folks may be thinking. biden has had a lost failures and there is a certain nostalgia for trump's positions and so forth. what is joe biden going to do? the story today was up on fox news i think, i've seen it elsewhere in "the wall street journal," he is going to come out fighting, will slash and burn -- i don't know what any of that means. what do you think biden is going to do? >> it has got to get ugly. you have to paint the other guy to be the worst thing ever so that it is the devil you know. i think that you're going to see a lot of that.
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i think you will see a lot of january 6th. you will see a lot of threat to democracy. you will see a lot of that. i think in the state of the union address he will try to hit on the economic numbers that are good, that he can tell the story. but there are other numbers really concerning like credit card debt, up 40%. i mean that's a big number that i know people are worried about. larry: coming out slashing trump just -- that's what everyone does to trump all the time, you know, 24/7. it doesn't sound like much of a strategy to me. conrad black, i think the illegal warfare thing but that may not be paying off either. >> clearly not paying off in the republican primary. it hasn't moved the needle there how it affects independents and suburban women we don't yet know how these other cases pan out but clearly the early stuff has only solidified support and maybe painted the picture that he tells that it is a political
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hack job. larry: yeah i know. nikki haley will probably retire from the race tonight. she has no plans. she has no events. she has no nothing. our friend jimmy failla says she will be recruited for "dancing with the stars." what do you see for nikki haley. that is a joke, just kidding. >> she doesn't have any ads planned. we don't have any speech planned tonight. that is sort of what we heard from florida governor ron desantis in the final day as well. i think that is where it is. what is crucial how the former president talks about her, talks about her supporters, is magnanimous or not to try to unify the party because that's really what the question is. will the disaffected republicans and independents who are skeptical of trump come home in the end for the general election? larry: people love the unity message. i really think they do. best one he had was the one he had in iowa. they love the unity message. away from the primaries krysten
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sinema said she would retire. do you have a comment on that? a really interesting woman in the senate. >> really interesting. you didn't know how she would vote each time. surprised democrats a lot of times, forming coalitions. a lot like senator joe manchin from west virginia, and that race then in arizona really leans towards care relake. she is going up against ruben gallego, traditional democrat in a place that has been purple, arizona, but you think the advantage guess to care relake orginizing where that is going. larry: we're working for you tonight. we're all coming back overtime. >> it will be fun. larry: we'll work for out on the state of the union night in washington, d.c. >> that sounds good. larry: you're a prince to come on the set, appreciate it. don't miss tonight's super tuesday special coverage, bret baier, martha maccallum do it all the time, they do it up great including a special appearance by yours truly.
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there will be a cast of thousands brief me. the ceremonies start at 7:00 p.m. eastern on fox news. somebody said something. we are a business show. stocks have had big down today. fox business's kelly o'grady has been very helpful. kelly, what was going on? i had this great introduction, i got bret baier on the set to dress the whole thing up, but now the stock market crashed. what's up? >> reporter: larry, i'm sporting red because that is what the stock market did today. all major indices finishing the read. the dow was down 404 points today. s&p 500 shedding gains, down roughly a percent. the tech-heavy nasdaq feeling pain today, that was down 1.65%. the story today is your megacap tech was leading this selloff. apple was getting hammered. that was down 2.8%. investors got spooked on the news iphone sales plunged in
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china, roughly 24%, so far in 2024. huawei, competitor there took a bite out of that apple, if you will. speaking of china, tesla finishing the day down. shipments from its shanghai factory hitting the lowest level in years. again that's another company seeing major competition from chinese competitors. you also saw microsoft, some of the other mag-7 lose a couple percentage each. to be clear all of these are up to date. these are the stocks that have seen the biggest gains this year. so really what you're seeing is a bit of profit-taking by investors here. let me give you something outside of tech before i leave you, larry. target, holiday quarter earnings were stronger than expected. the stock finished the day up 12%. finally the biggest brand of the year, bitcoin, hit an all-time high today 69,000. quickly retreating from that mountaintop. larry, i send it back to you, kelly, appreciate it very, very much coming up next on the show we continue our discussion of
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super tuesday. we have alabama senator tommy tuberville. why americans seem to like donald trump's common sense policies. talk a little bit how mr. trump will get to where he has to get. you have "kudlow," 4:00 p.m. monday through friday on fox business. if you can't catch us at 4:00, text your favorite nine-year-old and she will dvr the show. how to flick a political comeback. i'm kudlow. okay y'all we got ten orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up.
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larry: continuing our discussion on super tuesday, former president trump in total command here and joe biden's across the board failures standing out. a lot of middle class hopes of trumpian change in the air. so with us now to talk about all of it we welcome back our friend, alabama senator mr. tommy tuberville. senator tuberville as always, sir, senator, let me just play some sound from donald trump. i think this morning on "fox & friends." he was on the horn. take a listen to this for starters, please sir. >> we have a different country than we had even two years ago. this whole migrant invasion of our country, destruction of our
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country, you look what's happened to new york and chicago, you look what's happened to los angeles, we have a much different country in many ways but also from a voting standpoint. people that were modestly happy three years ago are devastated right now. frankly i think the democrats have themselves a big problem. larry: so you know the democrats have themselves a big problem. that's sure what the polls say, senator but he's right in a sense. things have changed radically in the last couple years, probably traceable to the border catastrophe and the crime but i would say also traceable to the inflation. now here we are "super tuesday," trump in control. how do you see this, senator tuberville? where is this going to take us? >> obviously trump is here in d.c. they can't stand him as you can tell by the vote last week here in d.c., he doesn't have a lot of friends but the rats are running for cover up here,
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larry. they know president trump will win today very big. in my state of alabama he will get 85, 90% of the vote, maybe more than that he will win the nomination next week statistically but at the end of the day, it is all about what biden has done. he has done nothing right for the country. when you're printing and borrowing $80,000 a second, larry, 4.6 million a minute, obviously you're going to have an uptick in terms of something like the stock market which went down today, by the way, but everything else is going to get worse. then we've got people coming into this country that hate the united states of america. they're coming here to have, to push harm on the american people. if we don't stop the border soon, we will pay a huge price. larry: do you think that is going to continue to be the number one issue, senator? >> 100%, 100% the border is, it is causing all kind of problems, larry. it is causing problems with our economy, with our health care,
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with our education, everything the border touches. we can't afford it. as president trump says when he gets into office they're going home. if we don't do that, we will continue to go in debt even more and more because we can't afford it. the people that work in this country that are paying the taxes can't afford to take care of all these people that are coming in. number one they can't speak the language. they don't want to work a lot of them. they just want an easy ride. the democrats want to give it to them but unfortunately for these people, you got to go home. larry: i mean i don't know what president biden is going to say about this at the state of the union thursday night but, but, but, senator tuberville, you know, it seems to me his so-called compromise plan and everything else is to enable a continuation of open borders and the invasion of the interior of this country, including the blue states and the sanctuary cities. in other words, i don't see
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anything, he has the executive authority to stop this. he doesn't want to stop it and that's why i wonder, you're probably going to be right, this issue is going to be with us unfortunately for the entire election and probably will prove to be the game-changer? >> there is no doubt about it, larry. people are sick of it. even democrats. they're not even trying to do anything at the border, not trying to help people in texas or arizona or california. as you just said the sanctuary cities made it even worse and they don't want them anymore. they created a scenario where a lot of democrats are saying enough is enough. we have to change our policies. again this might have been a god's way of saying okay we'll give president trump four years and then show how it can be done. then we'll give the democrats four years how it can't be done again then we'll bring back president trump. he is the only one that can save us, larry. he is the only one that has the nerve, the energy, to get this
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done because it will be very hard. that is the reason we have to have a strong senate, we have to have a strong house. we have to rally around him, after next week, when he wins the nomination, every house member and republican, every senate member, everybody that is involved in washington, d.c. as a republican has to get on president trump's side. we got to get him across the goal line in november. larry: one thing you know, just to conclude this, appreciate your time as always, in addition to using the executive authority to close the border as mr. trump will and he has the authority, i think we need policies, you know you mentioned speaking english. we had in the trump administration, we had a set of policies for legal immigration. you know, know some civics, know the constitution, know the declaration, know the history, be able to speak english and these visa lotteries for example. show people you can make an investment in our economy or that you have a job or an employer waiting for you. in other words there is a positive side to the immigration
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story which has been completely ignored by the biden administration. it is just, they don't care one wit about that but that could be part of the solution a constructive positive side for legal immigration. give you the last word. >> love for the country, larry, you have to love what this country is about. most of them don't want, don't know, don't care what this country is about. they see possibly a better life or a way that they can change this country into what europe is now, a socialist agenda for everybody, basically that is a european country. this country needs a heart transplant. we need to put donald trump's heart into this country again. if we do that, we got a chance to save it and i'm looking forward to it. larry: yes, sir. thank you, senator tommy tuberville, appreciate it very much. see you soon. folks coming up here on "kudlow," mr. trump is in total command on "super tuesday," total command. so we're going to ask former trump campaign manager and my dear friend kellyanne conway how
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did he get into this spot, how did he get here? not people a year ago, two years ago, three years ago, would not expect it. later on hillary clinton says trump and biden are both old. you know, it may not just be age but about a cognitive ability problem. nobody better. we have two experts on cognitive ability, mark simone and joe concha, and they will be here when "kudlow" returns.stme ♪. r money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) how so? (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client'' best interest. (fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products. (other money manager) then how do you make money? (fisher investments) we have a simple management fee, structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) your clients really come first then, huh? (fisher investments) yes. we make them a top priority, by getting to know their finances, family, health, lifestyle and more. (other money manager) wow, maybe we are different. (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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♪. larry: one question before the house going back to the river at the beginning of the show, here we are "super tuesday," mr. trump is in total command of the republican party, has a front running shot to win the election in november, how do he get here? a year ago, two years ago, three years ago, very few pundits or experts would have predicted this, joining us on set,
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kellyanne conway, former counselor to president trump, author of here's the deal, campaign manager in 2016, my dear friend. really, he is in a position today that very few people would have expected, even those who were his most loyal followers, et cetera, et cetera. how do you read that story? you. >> should never count donald trump out. people see in him a survivor and a strong fighter and they want both right now. the word people are really looking for in the presidency is strength. the opposite of strength is weakness. we see that every day. the opposite of strength is failure. we also see that every day. all the polls reflect it. the thing about president trump, it is a combination of luck and tenacity, his ability to peek around corners nobody seems to be able to. people say his base is his base, people are missing millions of voters who came from 2016 to 2020. he had a plus 13 delta from his historic come-from-behind win in 2016, larry, even better margin
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in 2020, to 74 million. that number will be higher this time if we have record turnout again, the reason is this combination, you have, i think donald trump has the hunger, the swagger, underdog, underestimated eat those of ethos of 2016, with the presidential record. he seems to have more of the job. he leaves all of his competitors more sour and dour, look at them all. their favorability rating goes down, their approval rating goes down, he seems to make them all miserable but at the same time he has joy on the job. people follow him, listen to him. they will get more security, more prosperity, more opportunity, more safety, more strength and more immediate results than they have. just as the democrats swore donald trump was a gift to joe biden in 2020, the real open secret is joe biden is a huge gift to donald trump in 2024. larry: rich lowery writes today in the paper, the "new york post," i mentioned earlier in the show, there is nostalgia for trump, there is
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nostalgia for trump's success. >> correct. larry: trump is a guy of success no matter what they try to pin on him in new york, on crazy lawfare suits, they want to be winners again. they feel like we're losers. they want to be upbeat. they want america to be strong again around the world. closinged border, improving the economy, yes of the it is an ethos here. >> yes. larry: it is not exactly carter malaise but may be carter malaise but they want a guy to lead them out of it, a tough guy. >> you have never known 3 1/2 years of success under joe biden. that's just a fact. they knew 3 1/2 years of prosperity and success and safety under trump. so they want that back. they know which one can deliver it, in other words. it is unprecedented times. the other thing here is that these prosecutions as persecution as many people see them increasingly, african-americans hispanics, college educated, "the new york times" wrote an op-ed about it, about two months ago, brilliant, a report about
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it, how college educated republicans learned to fall in love with donald trump again. that is bad news for nikki haley and others but what was the main reason? i thought it would read another story about the economy or inflation or the border, no, it was about these prosecutions and people are saying i may not like donald trump all the time or every tweet or every tone but my goodness, how much can you pick on one person without ever actually getting him? i think the most ridiculous looking people are all the never-trumpers, get trump, get trump, the wheels are off the bus, this is the indictment, this is the impeachment, this is the investigation, this the insult, this the insight and they look foolish because they're no match for the legion millions of trump voters who want that prosperity and that security back and larry, i will say now, i said in 2016 after "access hollywood," it is more true now, we like to kvetch and complain what offends us, we vote in the ballot box what affects us. that is the difference. larry: people remember they got a pay raise under trump of this
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had a pay cut under biden. in many ways that will be that simple. one point the coalition he is putting together, working-class people. >> yes. larry: white, black, latino. >> asian. larry: women, young, people who are working and want a pay increase. >> yes. larry: that's a huge -- they want security, right? think would like some law and order but they would also like a pay increase. >> it is surround sound coalition, larry. the whole defund the police -- larry: elites don't understand this. they don't understand this. >> fortunately for everyone elite they have 10 gardners, drivers, manicurists who are voting for donald trump this time. larry: that's correct. >> look part of it is the natural attrition away from biden. part is trump's message. i get stopped all the time, i get anecdotally, tell the president i am for him, i am for voting for him. these are not people democrats are losing to american. when you see the monster numbers
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in polling donald trump 23 from african-americans, if he gets half of that, it is over. 40% of hispanics, it is over. he doesn't need majority of women, folks in the suburbs, he needs to do better than the average republican does which he will. larry: he will. kellyanne conway, the best of the best. >> super, "super tuesday." larry: "super tuesday." switching gears, breakinger to this afternoon. a new witness' merged in the fani willis case in hotlanta, georgia it ain't good news for the prosecutors. madison scar pino standing by with all the details. madison, what can you tell us? >> reporter: larry two codefendants in donald trump as election interference case in georgia, filed a motion to disclose more evidence to disqualify district attorney fani willis from the case. both say they have witnesses that will testify. the relationship started to prior when willis around wade
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said it began. jack mcafee in a hearing heard arguments from both sides. he will decide whether to disqualify willis from march 15th. this stems from a filing by michael roman's attorney, ashley merchant alleging willis and wade had an affair. the filing alleges that willis financially benefited from the relationship. merchant has been called to testify before a senate special committee tomorrow in georgia's state capitol. she will be asked about texts presented in full ton county court between her and special counsel nathan wade es former partner. they allege that wade and willis's relationship started in 20 nist before he was hired as special prosecutor in this high-profile case. larry: thank you very much for the update. madison, we have our eye on that story. things may be changing rapidly down there.
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now let's talk about old age and cognitive ability. we have two experts about old age and doing knit tiff ability. mark simone, wor radio show most. the other joe concha. before you say a word, here is what clint clint said about old age. listen to this. >> somebody the other day said to me, well you know, joe biden's old. i said you know what? joe biden is old. let's go ahead and accept the reality. joe biden is old. so really, pick between your two old ones and figure out how you're going to go save our democracy, no matter where you stand on the political spectrum you want to maintain freedom and the rule of law and protection for people's fundamental rights or at least i used to think so. larry: all right, before you say another word, i want you to hear donald trump on a similar subject but with a slightly different angle.
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>> all right. >> here it comes. >> i think he is in bad shape. i think he's cognitively impaired. he certainly is physically impaired. not because of his age. i know people in their 80s and 90s that are 100%. they are as good as they were 25 years before. the whole thing is crazy. no, i personally personally i don't think he is going to make it. larry: all right, we almost got that finished. i think we lost it ad the end. mark simone, what donald trump is saying not about age, about cognitive ability and mental state. we know no know that's right. people well into 80s are smart as a tack. hilary and others mike a case they don't exist. >> hilary is trying to defend him, meanwhile hiding his medicine by trying to defend him. it is not about his age, warren buffett 94, sharp as can be. bernie marcus, goes to work
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every day, home depot. 95. larry: i have him on the show. wilbur ross is on my show, financial genius, commerce secretary, great investment bank i was on the show. 85 years old. i hope i'm not offending him by saying that, but he is a brilliant guy. he has not lost a step, not half a step. so age doesn't necessarily mean you can't get the job done, joe. >> can i ask, answer your question with a question? larry: yeah. >> what is in the chardonnay in chappaqua? if this is the argument now, joe biden's old so just accept it because this is the best you're going to do at this point, to your point it is not about age, it is about the policies that voters are rejecting, very simple. is he doing well on inflation? no. on crime? no. on the boarder? no. on immigration, no? foreign policy, no. education, no. i could go on but he underwater vastly in all those areas.
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85% of the americans say that joe biden doesn't have the mental a cutie in a "abc news poll," you can't reverse that. hillary clinton is saying he is old, you know what, you got to go with him any way, he will save democracy. why we witnessed the worst candidate in history. can not makes the argument. larry: she is trying to equate the two. in who sees trump, listens to trump, trump was on the phone today on "fox & friends." i was talking to brian about it on radio, on his radio show later in the day, he's sharp. he's fast. he is on his feet. everyone is going to miss, i might forget a last name or a first name or something, that is human nature but they're trying to level the playing field and it is not going to work. >> ultimate genius, those guys that can play four chess games at once, trump is doing that he is running four major trials at
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the same time. nobody in history has ever had four major trials in one year. it's never happened. larry: how he is doing? >> he is doing great. he will show them in the end. hilary is like the old woman in sunset boulevard. trying to make that comeback. she has been circling like a vulture. michelle obama -- larry: pulled out. >> pulled out. larry: i was crushed. how lucky can we get. joe, you crushed too? >> she likes her life, producing for netflix. the house is the size of zip code on martha's vineyard. she doesn't want any part of this campaign. i look at people's actions as much as their words. trump doing interviews obviously has a lot more energy than joe biden does. look at joe biden's schedule. monday had nothing on it. today he woke up in camp david. was it a four-day weekend we weren't told about it. larry: today is tuesday. what is he doing at camp david? >> he has been there since friday. larry: i got to get out.
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>> tomorrow nothing on his schedule again. this is an election year, larry. larry: trump will do six, seven events a day if he has to. >> shows us you want the job, mr. president. larry: mark simone, joe concha, two experts on old age. >> not me. larry: i'm the oldest guy on this set. there he goes again, president biden blaming inflation on companies price gouging. really? not so fast mr. biden, we'll get into it with michael falkander and our own edward lawrence. hang in there with "kudlow." we'll be right back. i think i'm as sharp as a tack. i have to get rid of my cold. but that will happen. ♪.
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larry: there he goes again, joe biden blaming corporate greed and price gouging and shrink-flation. our own edward lawrence is live at the white house. he will explain everything. edward, what is this, another gimmick? >> reporter: you know to go after this the president announced a strike force to go after unfair and illegal prices that is going to include the doj and the ftc. now the president says that the strike force is necessary, pointing to this post here on x by the cookie monster about shrink-flation. president biden: you don't even
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notice what they have done, when they charge you just as much for the same size bag of potato chips only a has a hell of a lot fewer chips in this. i tell you who did notice. the cookie monster. he pointed out his cookies are getting smaller. >> reporter: administration tried to defleck the blame for inflation to companies, you see, cpi inflation here since president biden came into office, and that prices all prices are up 18%. food prices year-over-year up about 21% since president biden took office. >> does the president again believe that shrink-flation and inflation are solely a company problem or did his policies play any role in that? >> so, also from my tweet. we said cs is for consumers getting ripped off, right? the president, the president has called on companies to stop, to stop, you know, taking advantage of americans. >> why did it take the cookie monster to speak up or an
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election year to get this strike force together? why not do it a couple years ago when inflation was 9%. >> i disagree with the premise of your question there. it did not take the cookie monster. feels like the cookie monster is responding to us what we've been saying about shrink-flation. she goes on to say the president did did not took many actions, to, when president biden canceled keystone pipeline, signed five trillionspending into law and inflation that added $3 trillion of to the economy according to association of manufacturers, stay with me, we'll bring in michael faulkender, american inches policy institute, former chief economist at treasury. falkander, d.j. norquist, you know, d.j., chief economist at, johnny rogers barbecue, burgers
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in north carolina, input costs that edward lawrence was talking, input costs, right, what are they going to do? ground beef, let's see, hotdogs up 12%, chicken breast up 36%, american cheese up 36%, bacon up 70%, french fries up 86%, italian dressing up 170%. what are these guys supposed to do? if all these input costs or wholesale costs commodities costs are going up, either they jack up prices to lose customers or yeah, they try to shrink the product a little bit, but either way they're between a rock and a hard place? >> that is exactly right, larry because not only have their raw material input costs gone up but of course their interest costs have gone up, their regulatory compliance costs have gone up, their labor costs have gone up due to biden inflation created by their poor policies and as you said there are two things companies do when they look at higher costs of input.
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they can pass the price increase pass the costs on consumers or in some cases it may be better for consumers to reduce the quantity of the package or quantity of the product they're providing. the notion that government is in a better decision to decide whether to pass on price increase through quantity or price, strikes me at root of free-market capitalism. whether a smaller package or higher price at the marketplace. let's not have federal government do that. larry: edward, task force, armed task force to go after business? do we know more about this alleged task force? >> reporter: not armed. a strike force. larry: strike force. >> reporter: generated out of this come tucks competition council that the president formed. this is one of the ideas. doj and ftc have along with that. what do they have in common?
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they can sue companies. they're looking for unfair or illegal pricing. president biden has done this before, in november of 2021 he directed the ftc to look for oil companies to see if they were gouging consumers. nothing ever came of that. it was a show it seemed because as we all knew the prices were being passed on to consumers for the policies that they saw here. you know, it might be the same situation here. it is an election year. things happen in election years and tail off after the election happens. larry: it is all talk. it is all politics. it is all show. they should quit spending their keisters off and stop inflation. falkander, rich lowery was on the set the other night. bought two french fries an a milkshake at mcdonald's. $17. two french fries and a milkshake, $17. that isn't shrink-flation. that is just inflation. i will give you the last word. >> yeah, larry the thing that we need to focus on is getting deregulation under control, we need to get taxes under control. get spending under control.
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there is no reason for government to be a doing all of this and causing price increases. larry: edward lawrence, mike falkander, great stuff. thanks to both of you. you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain. oooh! i can't wait for this family getaway! shingles doesn't care. shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks.
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we will see how the votes come out tonight. super tuesday, but it is donald trump in command. there's no question about that. and it is one of the great political comebacks and much more to come and liz mcdonald to come, that's the key point right now. >> liz: thank you very much. picking up on these stories. we appreciate you so much, larry. hi everyone. welcome to the


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