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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 7, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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>> there is no place where joe biden would beat donald trump in
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a debate. >> joe biden's agenda is more spending, more debt, more inflation, more crime and more illegal immigration. >> america is exceptional, and we are strong and resilient, and we will survive the horrific term of president joe biden. and we will retire him this november. >> this is the same time where dhs is going to capitol hill and saying we don't have enough money to do our mission p yet they have found $3 million or more somewhere in that their budget to spend on protecting the secretary. >> joe biden is asking for another 4-year term starting at 82 years old. if he wants to be the exception to the rule here, he needs to prove that. ♪ nothing to do, it's up to you. ♪ i've got nothing to say, but it's okay ♪ stuart: i love that song. finish look at that. new york city, midtown the manhattan. i say this almost every single day, it's deserted. okay, or stuart, move on. 11:00 eastern time. yes, it is. thursday, march the 7th, 2024.
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on the market, solid gain. dow's up 200, nasdaq's up 175. i think the s&p hit an all-time high earlier this morning. right now it's 5149. show me big tech, should be mostly higher. that's correct except for ap. apple. down to $168. meta, alphabet, amazon, microsoft if up. the yield on the 10-year treasury has been moving down. it's up a little bit now, but 4.10 is not exactly a lofty level compared to a week or two ago. now this. last fall senator bernie sanders visited the white house. he delivered a socialist message to president biden. he quoted fdr and what he'd said about corporations opposing the new deal of the 1930s. quote: they are unanimous in their hate for me, and i welcome their hatred. now, that as's a president taking a very strong anti-business position. you'll hear something similar
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tonight from president biden. bernie's socialist message got through just as it has since day one of the biden presidency. biden will rail against the billionaires. he'll raise the top corporate tax rate, he'll raise the minimum corporate tax. he'll end the tax deduction on any salaries over a million dollars, end the tax break for private or corporate jets. beating up bids is straight out of bernie sanders' playbook. business is the cash cow that's supposed to pay for all that spending. and then there's inflation. biden doesn't think he's got anything to do with it. no, it's those wicked corporations. how dare they put fewer chips in the bag and make you pay more. that's shrinkflation. pay more, getting less. he will completely ignore his government's wild spending that is the root cause of rising prices. the e whole thing will be a campaign speech. but it's not policy that people will be looking at, it's the mental and physical ability of the president to do the job. eight out of ten voters think he's just too old.
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tonight is a test. the democrats are terrified he'll fail. third hour of "varney" starts now. ♪ ♪ stuart: perfect -- that gentleman on the right-hand side of the screen, mr. ari fleischer, it's great to have him back on the show. tonight, my opinion, it's a test for biden. do you think he's going to fail? >> i don't think he's going to fail unless he falls down at the podium. [laughter] i mean, he's going to be -- and i don't think he's going to do that. stuart: right. >> he's going to be able to deliver a message to the democrats that the democrats want to hear. but, stuart, listening to everything you just explained, all these big, rich, greedy corporations existed prior to joe biden coming into office. so why didn't inflation exist then? if why did it only happen after he came into office and passed all those giant spending provisions and all those
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provisions to drive up the cost of energy the way democrats want oil and gas to be expensive, that way they can have renewables? >> in this was created by -- this was created by joe bide, and if that's why we have inflation. stuart: is it possible the president will be embarrassedded by pro-hamas demonstrators, so op of whom are the guests of democrat congress people? he could be embarrassed tonight. >> i don't think so. finish you know, state of the unions are generally pretty controlled events, and your party is there to reinforce you as the president. the democrats can't afford to put together, put on a national spectacle taking down the president tonight. so i'd be very surprised if any of the guests of the democrats were to do that. [laughter] maybe republicans should invite some pro-palestinian protesters, and they'd heckle the president. stuart: that'd be a dirty trick, wouldn't it? if take a look at this nwc headline -- pr -- nbc headline are, a clarion call.
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they suggest michigan's uncommitted voters' push was not an isolated event. how serious is this uncommitted challenge for biden? how does it play out? >> it's a real problem, and it's quite obvious. joe biden has hollowed out the democratic party. he has alienated many people because they know, one, he's too old. number two, they disagree with a lot of his policies. and amazingly, it's hamas' attack on israel that has split two traditional democrat coalitions. one is jewish-americans who are still 70 democratic voters, and the second is arab-americans who are an even larger percent democrat voters. and biden won't take strong stands. he's trying to appeal to both sides, and in the process he's angering everybody. so he does have problems. and add to it 18 to 29-year-olds, the biggest part of the democrat coalition who look at joe biden and say you've got to be kidding me. we're going to have a president
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who's going to be 82 years old? no thank you. he's got real problems with groups of people who were previously for him are not commitmented or are going to stay home -- committed or who are going to stay home. stuart: have you heard of any serious attempts to push the president aside to make way for another candidate in november? >> no, nothing yet, but my eye is on that. i give it in -- a one in three chance that just before the convention in august a large number of the democratic super delegates look at all the polls, and they say biden keeps getting defeated by trump. and the only purpose of a convention is to nominate somebody who can beat trump. so if biden can't do it, what are we doing? it's going to be extraordinarily late, and it's almost impossible to build a campaign with only three months to go. but if biden is a sure loser in the eyes of democrats, i would not be surprised to hear at that stage credible talk about who else can we get, can the convention look to somebody
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else. i only put it at one in three odds because it's so hard to do. i think the democrats are stuck with joe biden. and biden's a stubborn man. he thinks he's the only one who can beat donald trump, so i don't think he's going to want to step down no matter how old he is. stuart: please don't be such a strange ther, arkansas i fleischer. [laughter] we'd like you to come back soon. ari, or you're all right. thanks very much, appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. stuart: going to connect those the markets now. lou basenese is here with me for the hour. lucky guy. why do you think it's time the branch out from the magnificent seven? >> if you want to beat the market, your portfolio can't look like the market. with the exception of tesla, all of these stocks have had really nice runups. i'm not saying sell out of them, but it's a prudent move. it's great risk management to take some profits off the table and reallocate them somewhere else. s i've been talking about biotech as a having a comeback. that's happening. you've seen the sbi index up about 60% since october, but there's still a lot of bargains there.
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stuart: that's your big area, is finish isn't it? if biotech is something your firm concentrates on. >> it is. life sciences is where 70% of patents are filed in the world, biotech. the xbi's up, but names we've talked about before, q biofarm hama that has innovative immunoturn that's still undervalued. disclosure with, i do own that, but there's still other names that are trading and represent great bargains and, again, maul speculations can go a long way. stuart: does a guy like you who looks closely at individual stocks in industry groups, do you care about the fed, interest rates and when they might come down? why are you laughing at me? >> i don't know. we'll just roll with it -- lauren: killing me today. stuart: answer the question seriously, do you care? >> i do care, you have to care about the fed. the macro tail wynns impact the micro environment for these little stocks. lauren: do you think the fed can cut this year, in an election year? do you think they're close on
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inflation? >> identify been adamant that they were going to cut way later than everyone else thought. i think if they don't cut in june or july, there's no way they're cutting in september. everyone's coming around to that. now that as' not that contrarian of a thought. lauren: and i like your outfit. stuart: now here's your big moment talk to me about a know slow nor disk -- lauren: i'll be quick. their obesity pill, oral medication, is pretty effective. 13% weight loss in the first 3 months. stuart: a pill. lauren: a pill. the ceo speaking about it. injectables, the shot, that's going to dominate the worldwide rollout. the pill in the higher price markets, think the united states. >> the stock's up, you can expect this to continue for novo nordisk and eli lilly. we like eli a little bit better, but this is a trend like a.i. that is going to be around for a while. stuart: yes. a.i. and weight loss drugs are the twin towers --
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lauren: novo nor dis, 12th averagest company in the world, largest in europe. bj's, membership works, online sales up 28%. stuart: big lots. lauren: they reported a wider than expected loss, their comps fell almost 9%. pretty choppy demand. and i love when a retailer comes out and talks about the weather. wherever you blame the weather, it means something bad happened. i'd shop in any climate. stuart: i know you do. thank you, lauren. trump says he's going to do a play-by-play of tonight's state of the union address. we'll find out what we can expect to hear in the play-by-play. a college student has spent nearly $10,000 on flights between new york and florida every weekend. it's for his internalship. internship. how does he afford that? is it financial wily worthwhile? he's on the show, so we'll ask him. closing brand north face offers discounts to customers
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who complete their equity course including lessons like white people can't experience racism. clay travis takes that on next. ♪ any way you want it, that's the way you need it. ♪ any way you want it ♪ students...
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♪ ♪ stuart: m msnbc anchor andrea mitchell says her own network's polling is wrong. tell me more, lauren. lauren: that enthusiasm for biden is bigger than we actually
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think. see is, i'm afraid people are just not going to vote. they'll stay on the couch. she's saying the opposite. watch. >> that result leading me to think maybe that 5 a-point spread e in "the new york times" poll, in our poll, in the head to head matchup is not quite accurate. maybe the enthusiasm for joe biden is as their campaign has been claiming bigger than we think once it was a binary choice. lauren: yeah. it was "the new york times" poll and the nbc poll, her own network, that had trump up by 5 points which makes it outside the margin of error. i know. we're eight months out, a lot can happen, but that is not a good sign for the incumbent, and the media are making excuses, each dismissing the poll. if you look at that new york times poll, were you better off four years ago, 42% of people say, yes, trump's policies were better for them. 20% said they're better under biden. stuart: that's got nothing to do with enthusiasm one way or the
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other. have you seen much enthusiasm for biden? duds he bring out the clouds -- crowds? lauren: not. he's struggling to get the young vote and the black vote. >> a couple weeks ago we saw a poll that the 60% of voters have already decide. -- decided. stuart: there's this, cnn commentator van jones as a warning for nikki haley's supporters. roll tape. >> i think you need the say if you want to a year from now watch russian tanks rolling through europe, then, you know, endorse donald trump and get on that bandwagon. understand you're going to wake up one morning, can and you're going -- to see horror across europe and see american soldier, sailors having to go over there. if you want to continue to see the country being divided and unable to govern itself and treat itself well, get on that trump train. if. stuart: okay. let's bring in clay travis on this. to we, that's the extent of
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trump -- to me, that's the extent of trump hatred. blood on the streets if trump's elected, if haley voters or go for trump. that's ridiculous. >> i'd love to have seen pushback -- thanks for having me on -- and someone ask van jones if vlad many myrrh putin disrespects donald trump so much is, why didn't he invade ukraine for the four years trump was in office? why did he wait until joe biden was in office to invade ukraine in the first mace? second part, i would say if russia can't manage to make it through ukraine, what makes you suddenly think they're going to invite a nato country and bring on the entire onslaught of europe and american troops to be defending that territory? if i mean, it's nonsensical. i think this is part of the larger issue that we're seeing in this race as we get ready for the state of the union address tonight. when you sold donald trump as adolf hitler, when you sold donald trump as the antichrist effectively which is what
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democrats did in 2020 and then you elect joe biden and we have 8 million illegals pouring in across the southern border, we have record viability crime in many different -- violent crime in many different cities across america, inflation surges to a 40-year high, people don't feel good about their economic situation, you can't sell anybody on the idea that things are going to be worse under trump because we just had trump, and the things were not bad there. we had record high unemployment of all races. we had wage growth. we had 2.5-3% mortgage rates with e where now we've got 7 and 7.5% mortgage rates. people aren't dumb. they remember the difference. and i think what you just said is people definitely feel like they were better off when trump was in office than they do with biden in office. stuart: they do. you've heard of the north face company, i'm sure. they're offering a 20% discount for customers in britain who talk an equity course. this course teaches how white people never experience if racism and that the outdoors so
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pressive towards black people. -- oppressive. have at it, clay. >> i just wish that companies would focus on producing a good product at a good price. and not be concerned at all. i don't care what my fleece company thinks about anything on the planet, right? i don't care what they think about any issue, i just care is the fleece a decent price and is it warmer than it otherwise would be than their competitors. and i feel like, you know, everybody's dog food company telling me what they think about systemic racism is a fundamental sign that we're broken in this country, right? [laughter] i just want my cats and dogs to eat their food. i don't particularly care what the company thinks about global warming. and so i think 80%, 90% of americans and, frankly, global consumers are with me, and these companies just keep losing their way. and, frankly, this makes me not want to buy north face which could be the exact opposite of what marketing -- stuart: exactly. did you see this from netflix?
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they just announced their first ever live boxing event. friend of this show, jake paul, will take on mike tyson july 20th. i think this is a huge win for netflix, isn't it? >> yeah,, i did. oh, it's a monster win with. look, it's out orally ridiculous, i think it's on july 20th. i will be sitting down in front of my television watching this on july 20th. i love mike tyson, i think he's one with of the most electric athletes of any of our lives. even at 58, uh-uh want him to -- i want him to knock jawk paul out. i think this is something that everyone's not going to be able to look away from which is hard to do. it cuts through the noise. isn't it jake paul who also has the unbelievable drink that my kids can't not stop drinking, this energy drink? yes. i mean, they love this thing. it's unbelievable how successful he is. stuart: brilliant stroke by netflix, if you ask me. clay travis, you're all right. see you again soon.
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lou basenese, i want to get back to that north face thing. should companies bring their politics and offer discounts to customers to push wokism? if it doesn't seem like a good move to me. >> no one wants politics with their product. it doesn't lead to more profits. who are we hiring in marketing now with the bud light, i mean, market segmentation, we want to go after white privilege in britain as a discounting idea? just doesn't make sense. stuart: it has to be the ceos. >> it is. and clay brought it up, unless you're a brand that is distinctly and, police sitly political -- explicitly political. stuart: i want a good, warm fleece. market check, please, dow's up 120, nasdaq's up nearly 200 points. the s&p 500 hit a record earlier today. connect out bitcoin, please. check out bitcoin, please. look at it now, what's that, 67,3? okay. look at that surge over the past month. it was $44,000 at the start of
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february, and now it's, $67,300. how about that? coming up, it's exactly five months since the deadly attacks on october the 7th. hamas wants a guarantee of a permanent ceasefire to release the hostageses. a former idf spokesman will respond. donald trump says he's ready to debate joe biden anytime, anywhere, anyplace. will biden agree to a debate? trump's 2024 national press secretary is here after this. ♪ i'm going off the a rails on a crazy train ♪ businesses go further with 5g solutions.
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stuart: it's time for lou basenese's stock picks. i awe a part from the fact that the market is doing very well, nasdaq's up 200 points or we'll take that one. we've got this stock pick from lou, and it's called heart beam. >> yeah. stuart: go. >> we talked about this -- stuart: why's it down 10%? >> it's a risky, speculative investment. it's a company that we with actually backed. we talked about pact a call a.i. applications, not chatgpt that
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lets students cheat, but heart beam has a device that can detect cardiac irregularities outside of a hospital setting. it's a credit card-size ised twice that they're combining with a.i. capabilities that will allow you to monitor potential cardiac a events. this is a real world, practical application in a medical device of a.i. stuart: what happened? >> it was down 6%, suddenly you come on the air a -- >> we shine a light on some of these underknown names. people need to do their own research and do not be responding to anything on this. stuart: i do not believe you just moved the market. >> no. stuart: okay, madrigal. >> a much bigger company, much further along. it's a company i'm watching with extreme interest because they could have the first approved drug to treat fatty liver disease which is a leading cause of liver transplants and death. so march 14th ask a date that the fda will give a decision. the early data's been really compelling on this phase three drug, they would be the first in
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class and a potential blockbuster area. stuart: thank you, lou. donald trump is challenging president biden to a debate, quote, anytime, anywhere, anyplace. bryan llenas is with me. how's the biden campaign responding to that? [laughter] >> reporter: stuart, good morning. so far north the why is nor the biden campaign would say if president biden would accept the newest challenge by former president trump to battle it out on the debate stage. instead, the biden campaign releasing the following statement. quote with: i me donald trump's thirsty for attention and struggling to expand his appeal beyond the maga base, is and that's a conversation we'll have at the appropriate time in this cycle. but if he's so desperate to see president biden in prime time, he doesn't have to wait. former president trump says he will be watching tonight's prime time state of the union speech writing, quote, we will be doing a live play-by-play of crooked joe biden's state of the union address. i will correct in rapid response any and all inaccurate
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statements, especially pertaining to the border. republican alabama senator katie britt will provide the republican response to biden's state of the union tonight. britt is the youngest female republican to ever serve in the senate. she endorsed trump last year. now, trump as called for republicans to unite around a him as the presumptive republican nominee. house speaker mike johnson says he thinks trump will help republicans regain control of the house. >> his coat tails are humongous. i mean, we've already been working with the president. he knows how important it will be when he wins re-election to have a large house majority for the republican if party, and i believe we can deliver on that. look, we're thrilled that he's the nominee. it is not unusual after a tough primary season to have some unifying to do in the party, but he will do that. >> reporter: and mys spoke. obviously, republicans already have control of the house. they're hoping to expand their majority. virginia governor glenn youngkin, by the way, endorsed
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former president trump and, stuart, trump is hoping -- the campaign believes they can actually turn virginia red for the first time since 2004. stuart? stuart: wouldn't that be something? bryan with, thank you very much, indeed. i want to bring in the trump 2024 national press secretary. caroline, good to see you. if biden does not degree to a debate, he doesn't debate, doesn't that just confirm the idea that he's too old and he can't do the job? >> yes. well, i don't think this is about age, stuart. i think this is about mental competency. stuart: sure. >> and joe biden is clearly mentally incompetent. why won't his campaign or the white house agree to a debate with the now-presumptive nominee of the republican party, president trump? if it's because biden's handlers know that he is not cognitively up for the task. he can hardly speak off of a teleprompter, he can hardly walk up the stairs of air force one without tripping over his own feet. his own justice department said that he is not cognity --
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cognitively stable enough to stand trial. if he can't do that, how can he possibly lead e this country for another four years? the american people deserve a debate on the issues, on the immigration crisis at our southern border, on our economy, on the wars that we're seeing all over this world. president trump is ready to do that, and he's ready to lead on day one. stuart: okay. i've got a complaint. i know the campaignn't wants to win over nikki haley's voters, but i don't think you do that with name calling. for example, i take issue with trump's new nickname for california governor, calling him newscum. i don't think that's a good idea. i object to that kind of language. how about you? >> well, i think that what governor gavin newsom has done to the great state, once great state of california is terrible. you see -- stuart: excuse me. are you okay with bringing back -- excuse me. are you okay, are you saying it's okay to bring that kind of language to a presidential campaign, newscum? that's okay?
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>> i think the real problem here, stu, is the policies of the deranged democrats -- stuart: no. >> from gavin newsom to finish. stuart: i think your campaign has a problem with language like that. you don't agree with me, but i think your campaign has a problem with language like that. >> well, i don't think voters, respectfully, agree with you either, stu. if you look at the resounding wins that president trump can has -- stuart: so you think you're going to win over haley voters with language like that? do you? you win over moderates and women with language like that? really? >> president trump is winning with independents and with women right now. and he's winning in every single battle ground state across this country. he's never been in a stronger position to win. and it's because people like that he tells it like it is. he calls the shots as he sees them, and he's ready to deliver on the issues that actually really matter to the american people. if we see a massive immigration crisis in this nation right now that is tearing apart american communities. that's what real americans are concerned about across this
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country, and president trump has put forth many tangible policy solutions to solve these crises. we need to not be so afraid of using tough rhetoric when we have a president and leaders across this country who are destroying -- stuart: actually it is not tough rhetoric, it is obscene. thanks very much for joining us. caroline leavitt is. come on back. i don't mind -- >> anytime, stu. stuart: i promise. i'm upset at language like that. i'm a prude if. >> all right. stuart: thank you very much, indeed. see you soon. all right, an msnbc host is calling trump a coward when it comes to debating biden. what's that about? lauren: joe scarborough, and he says trump doesn't know the issues, and if it is a debate on policy, biden wins hands down. watch. >> it's a damn shame that donald trump won't submit to this because he's such a coward when it comes to politics. but it would be great to have joe biden right there, donald trump right there around any a table and say there's no
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shouting there's no this, there's no insults. we're going to ask you about policy. and actually have them talk about -- because joe biden, like i said, can take you around the world a hundred times. lauren: he also said biden is now at his best intellectually and and analytically. stuart: okay. [laughter] lauren: we'll just let that one live for a little bit. stuart: right. president biden's asking for advice ahead of the state of the union. lauren lauren yeah. stuart: who's he talking to? if. lauren: hollywood presidents, as in people who have play played in movies and is on tv shows. watch this video he just posted. >> some of you might know what a big speech like i have have to do coming up, the state of the union. any advice you have for me delivering my speech? >> i would always wind down with popcorn and red wine. [laughter] >> one thing that always bears remembering, there's no crying in politics.
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>> well, what i hope is my politics doesn't make anybody else cry. [laughter] stuart: i don't with get it. lauren: well, he -- stuart: he's asking actors for advice on how to be a president? lauren: yeah. to try to draw people in because that's how you get people enthused. i don't know how that attracts younger people. i'm not sure about that. anyway, it is getting mixed reviews. some people love it, and other people just roll their eyes. stuart: eye roll, first sign of divorce. lauren a way to retweet it. stuart: ignore my last remark. coming up, there's a new trend -- i like this. it's called cool-cationing. you don't go to the beach, you go to somewhere cool, as in cold. but activists are worried about the impact on the climate, oh, no. we'll explain it. the houthis carried out their first fatal strike on a
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cargo ship off the coast of yemen. three people killed. we have a live report with the latest on that coming up for you. ♪ ♪ planning to move? join the 6 million families who discovered a smarter, more flexible way to move, with pods. save up to 20% now for a limited time. whether you're moving across town or across the country.
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♪ stuart: three sailors are dead and four injured after a you think -- houthi missile attack on a cargo ship in the gulf of aden. trey yingst with the latest. >> reporter: hey, stuart, good morning. iran-backed groups across the middle east continue to escalate attacks against israel, its allies and commercial shipping lanes. we do know a houthi attack yesterday from yemen left three sailors dead and four others critically wounded. the bulk carrier vessel was traveling off the coast of yemen when it was hit. the indian navy responded and
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rescued the surviving 21 crew members. this comes as fighting inside gaza enters its 153rd day. palestinians in desperate if need of international support received more aid today from the united arab emirates whose military conducted an aid a drop over gaza. the israeli military also announced that two dozen aid trucks made it to the northern part of the strip over the past day. for now, there is no end in sight for the war. hamas said their negotiating team actually left cairo today without a deal in place. talks are set to resume next week for a possible ceasefire. finally, we do go to israel's northern border where more than 20 rockets have been launched from southern lebanon by iran-backed groups today. the israeli military does continue to respond, striking new positions inside lebanon. clearly, we're looking at three different fronts from yemen to lebanon to gaza, the israeli military bracing for what could be a violent month with possible
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escalation during the holy month of ramadan. stuart tour trey, thank you very much, indeed. jonathan, a former idf spokesman, joins us here in new york city. hamas if wants a permanent ceasefire. that's a nonstarter, isn't it? >> it's a nonstarter because a permanent ceasefire means that hamas wins and that they get away with massacring more than 1,000 israeli civilians on the 7th of october. and that didn't going to happen. stuart: do you think they will ever give up their hostages? because that's their best tool, that's their best weapon. >> well, for the sake of civilians in gaza and for the sake of the future of the gaza strip, that would be the best thing to do because that would most likely end the war, if hamas surrendered unconditionally and handed over our hostage as, 134 of them. most of them still alive. if they do that, then that would probably end the war, and and it would save a lot of bombs, a lot of killing, a lot of starving
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people and a lot of unnecessary suffering. stuart: you don't think they'll do it, dow -- do you? >> i do not. i think this is what they calculated all along. the only thing they perhaps if didn't calculate was the strength of israeli resolve and despite the fact that they took 240 hostages, we still went in, we still attacked them, and we remain committed to dismantling hamas and making sure that they won't govern the gaza strip the ever again. stuart: in the face of world public opinion which is frequently against israel and in the face of pressure if from our administration here to stop the fighting in gaza, can you resist those calls? can you keep at the job of going after hamas? >> yes. i don't think that israel has a choice. and i think that what israel needs to be doing slightly better is communicating the efforts that it is doing in order to care for noncombatants on the battlefield. and i think it would be wise and a good thing to do to build a humanitarian zone under israeli control and make sure that the
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palestinians who are stuck in rafah if are evacuated there and then force the u.n. organizations that are supposed to be doing that from the beginning to actually join in with the israeli plan, evacuate civilians there and then clear the way for the absolutely necessary last stage of the war which is to go into rafah, dismantle what's left of hamas and then start the next stage of rebuilding gaza. stuart: at the state of the union address tonight, i understand that some democrats have invited pro-hamas people to sit with them and watch the performance. they are likely to interrupt and try to disturb the proceedings. what's your response to that? >> these people are enemies of america. they hate israel reel, but i think they hate america just as much. and i think that's very questionable, to have people like this in the greatest country when the state of the union is being addressed. i hope that they won't be able to do so, and i hope that they'll be ashamed for
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disrupting, those proceedings. i also know that there will be families of israeli hostages there, and i'm glad to see that american legislators are keeping that -- stuart: jonathan, good stuff. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you, sir. stuart: please come back. >> thank you. stuart: we're just receiving this, there is some significance here. sweden has now officially joined nato. that's what russia's done for europe, forced a lot more people into nato. sweden, by the way, if it's a member of nato, is no longer neutral. show me the dow 30, and we get a sense of the market. i say that every day. it's a split. half up, half down. the dow is up 116 points, 38,7777. coming up, we're talking to an nyu student who travels from new york to florida every weekend for his internship at the ritz carlton hotel in nape 8s, florida. -- naples, florida. why not just get an internship
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in new york in the young man is negotiation -- going to explain himself next. ♪ come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away. ♪ if you can use some exotic booze, there's a bar ♪ investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks? or, let curiosity light the way. at t. rowe price, we ask smart questions about opportunities like advances in healthcare and how these innovations will create a healthier world tomorrow. better questions. better outcomes. with dexcom g7, the most accurate cgm, you can achieve diabetes results without fingersticks. see how exercise affects your glucose, making it easier to spend time in range and lower your a1c. ♪ ♪
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stuart: all right. special guest today, my next guest is a student at new york university. every weekend he flies to naples, florida, for his internship at the ritz carlton hotel. vincent is with me now, sitting we me in new york city. >> hiking thank you. stuart: i have been to the ritz carlton in naples. wonderful place. >> it's fantastic, yeah. stuart: why didn't you two for an internship at a beautiful hotel in new york city? >> well, there's multiple layers to this actually. stuart: oh, really? [laughter] enter yeah. in fact, i'll just start off by saying the internship market in general is incredibly competitive right now. so you've got people applying with, say, perfect test score, perfect gpa, everything, and they send 200 applications in, they don't get a single offer. so the way that this works is it's basically luck of the draw. i could have applied to every single internship in the entire country and not gotten a single one in new york. stuart: so how come you got one
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at the ritz carlton in naples? >> so this is the other aspect to in that kind of makes it a little bit interesting in my favor. so i have a very unique circumstance. first of all, i'm a freshman. freshmen do not intern at hotels really. the hotel internship programs generally are infrastructured -- structured more for juniors, seniors and recent college graduates. so that the kind of limited me a little bit. but then at the same time, i'm also a full-time student, double majoring in two things that are not hospitality, so i also don't have really the prerequisites so to -- stuart: okay, you're spending $10,000 on this, right? >> yes. over six months. so it's about $500 a week which flying back and forth to naples, that's really penny-pinching because naples is pretty expensive as i'm sure you probably know. but it's not easy, actually. there have been times where i
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had to, you know, sleep at the airport or just, you know, book a completely different flight because my flight price, like, increased -- stuart: so it makes sense financially for you to spend $10,000 commuting as opposed to staying in new york with your parents or friends or whatever, right? makes sense. >> yes. i mean, in a perfect world -- stuart: how much longer are you going to do this for? >> about a month. it's -- i started back in, like, the end of november. stuart: and is the internship good? >> worth it. stuart: you happy? >> yeah, it's fantastic. i've learned so much just about the ritz carlton philosophy and, you know, customer sentriesty, all of that -- sentriesty. just sort of anticipating the needs and wants of your guest. that is a skill that they have kind of adopted and basically -- stuart: okay. would you just stay there til the end of the show? we're going to put you on the there trivia question because you're a double major to nyu. you should know the answer.
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[laughter] meanwhile, we're talking about people ditching summer vacation cans at the beach and going to colder places. lauren: like the arctic. they want to avoid a heat wave, they want to avoid wildfires. they're concerned about the environment and climate change. so there's a big increase in what's called a cool-cation. think polar cruise to see the northern lights in iceland or norway. it's a trend. stuart: what's this got to do with -- are. lauren: well, it's an increase in demand from a british travel company, up 235%. some people are deciding not to go to the hot, common popular places to avoid climate change, but they're contributing to climate change by populate aring these other areas. stuart: oh, i think i got that. okay. tease. now it's time for the thursday trivia question. [laughter] vincent, you're playing, but you don't have to give us the answer yet. who was the tallest president?
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lyndon johnson, thomas jefferson, abraham lincoln or donald trump? the answer when we return. many. ♪ ♪ ♪ .. you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain.
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from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. stuart: i know the answer to
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this. who was the tallest person? lyndon johnson, thomas jefferson, abraham like or donald trump? vincent is staying with us. you go first? >> lincoln. >> ashley? ashley: he is not clear. >> abraham lincoln. >> sweep across the board. 6 foot 4, lyndon johnson was a close second of 6 with 31/2. james madison was 5 foot 4. thanks for sticking around. for the full hour, don't forget, send your friday feedback, we will keep the messages short if you want a better chance. coast-to-coast starts now.


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