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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  March 8, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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okay y'all we got ten orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours. larry: quick message to mr. biden. sir, you won't tax your way into prosperity. never happen. not once in the history of history. you want to grow the economy? cut taxes and regulations. i'm kudlow. watch liz mac don. that's the best way. growth message, liz mac donnell. elizabeth: larry, have a great
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weekend. thank you so much. that great coverage last night if, larry. we appreciate you. we've got news coming in, let's get right to house foreign affairs congresswoman nicole malliotakis. it's great to have you on again. we've got new developments. the media has been calling out the president's state of the union address as abnormal. the angriest, most divisive, most politicized speech ever. news now cocrossing, it looks like president biden ladies and gentlemen are rised and copied large chunks of his own 2022 state of the union addresses. there are 20 lines and more that he kept repeating from prior speeches. you were at the state of the union. isn't this a sign that this is an age issue? >> well, look, i definitely think it is showing not just a cognitive issue, but there's a laziness there. he continues to gaslight the american people and tell them that the state of the union is strong. two-thirds of americans believe
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that the country's headed in the wrong direction. they are struggling right now to keep a roof over their head with these high mortgage rates that have more than doubled since he's been in office, they have also been struggling with the high food prices, high electricity costs, energy costs because of his anti-energy policies, and they see what's happening at the southern border, and they know that it is the result of his executive orders and 60 plus policy changes the that he made to the trump administration's policies that have allowed for 10 million individuals to enter. so i think he's been very dishonest with the american people last night. and for him to say it was strong showed a real disconnect with what the american people are feeling, seeing and thinking. elizabeth: it's abnormal. it was an abnormal speech. there's more breaking news, the mother of laken riley, the georgia nursing student, reportedly murdered by an illegal immigrant just moments ago, slammed president biden for mispronouncing her daughter's name saying that's, quote, pathetic. you're going to say her name, at
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least get it right. >> yeah. yeah, it's very, it's veried sad. and it was preventable, and americans should be clear in that this would have not happened if it were not for the biden administration giving parole to her murderer and for bill de blasio 's 2014 law in new york city that actually prohibited nypd from cooperating with i.c.e. that's why he was on the street and was able to go to georgia to kill ms. riley. it is a strategy. it was preventable, and we're seeing federal, state and city policies of the democrats come to a head here. when i had an opportunity to spook to the president when he was walking down the aisleing i said to him, mr. president, you need to secure the border. americans are dying, and he said he needed authority. i said, you have the authority. you know you have the authority. use the authority to dismantle the border, now you need to use the same authority to put it back together. and that is the truth, liz. if people go look themselves at title viii, right? immigration nationality law,
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sections 1185 -- 1182 and 1225. read it. see what the authorities of the president are. he has the authority the right now to reinstate remain in mexico, to end catch and release, to make changes to asylum and parole, and he could shut town the border completely if he wanted to. elizabeth: so he was totally -- it's a tough word to say. people are saying he's been lying. let me back up. the media calling it the state of his campaign speech. not about the state of america. many are saying it feels like america needs a detox from it. it was not statesmanlike. he was yelling throughout it. he committed an ugly breach of decorum and norm, bullies and -- bullying and threatening the supreme court. he talked about snack chips before he ever devote -- got to the border. there were two-palestinian protesters outside, again, he's been in there for 50 years in d.c. it seems like this is what you get when somebody's been in tease for so long, they think --
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or in d.c. for so long, they think it's okay to keep lying to the american people, misleading them and flat out making things up on the fly ad hoc. even cnn slamming the speech. let's watch what happened. >> does anybody really think the tax code is fair? do you really think the wealthy and big corporations need another $2 trillion tax break? if i sure don't. and if with all due respect, justices, women are not without electoral the power. excuse me, electoral or political power. you're about to realize just how much -- [cheers and applause] >> he seemed like walt kowalski screaming at kids, get off my lawn. >> never heard one that was so political. >> he was obsessed with his political rival more than he was obsessed with the condition of the american people. this guy lectures us on unity, the soul of the nation, and he gives the most partisan convention speech in place of a state of the union that i've ever heard. it's the literal opposite of
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unity. it's so partisan. he's obsessed with taunting republicans. it's not statesmanlike. elizabeth: yeah. so how do you get back to normal? so biden, a lot of the divisiveness in this country is because of president biden. he is dividing the nation. he's been dividing the nation for years. he didn't mention the 13 u.s. soldiers killed in the botched afghanistan a exit. we had a gold star dad whose son was killed there arrested, put in cuffs. he didn't mention the three soldiers killed in the middle east by iran-backed militants. he downplayed rising grocery price, gas prices, inflation, crime. he spent more of his time attacking other people. he's the one dividing america. >> well, look, he had no choice, right? what was he going to do? because it's his fault. these are the policies that he put in place. he's the one that destroyed america's energy domestic production. he's the one whose horrible foreign policy has displayed such weakness, has enriched iran, has enriched iran to the point where now hamas is so well
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funded, they went after and attacks horrifically israel. russia would not have invaded ukraine. the afghanistan withdrawal, as you mentioned, killed 13 american soldiers. and remember, that was the decision to close the bagram air base, all prisoners released prior to the advantage -- evacuation of our citizens. and that was an isis-k fight per released from that jail that then went on and killed these 13 soldiers. and when i tell you this, the other part that's so crazy about it because we had somebody testify to it, the snipers tried to take him out, and his higher-up, his command told him not to. that's why we have 13 american soldiers who are now killed. that is the disaster of this administration. not to mention high interest rates, the federal reserve increasing the interest rates, americans can't purchase a home, they can't stay in their home. all while they're being told they've got to pay to give free shelter, free health care, free education to people who are in
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the country illegally. elizabeth: congresswoman, it just feels like america doesn't even know. i mean, i know a lot of, you know, conservatives and independent voters, swing voters, they see that they deserve better. it's almost like he thinks that yelling makes it right, that voters think, oh, just because he's yelling it's -- he must be saying something that's correct. >> yeah. i compared it to the simpsons, that old man that that yells at the cloud? that's what i compared it to this morning. you know what? if there's people out there like these hollywood elitists who are saying this was a fantastic speech. joy behar and henry winkler and barbra try sand is. again, they're -- barr barbra try sand. i truly believe that the president does have a cognitive issue here. it's sad, and i do believe that the people that are around him that have forced him the make awful decisions, and he's incompetent, and he shouldn't be the president because of that. elizabeth: got it. >> there are bad people within that administration that are doing the wrong hinge for this
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country. elizabeth: congressman malliotakis, have a good weekend. we hope to have you back soon. now let's bring in the chairman of o'leary ventures, mr. wonderful, he's kevin o'leary. kevin, it's so good to have you on again. what did you think of the speech last night? people are pointing out it looks like president biden copycatted his own speech from last year and the year prior. big chunks of it have been repeated. what do you think? >> well, going back in history of any state of the union address in an election year is always a stump speech from the campaign. always. doesn't matter who's in the white house, and that's what everybody expected, and that's 100% what they got. you can see right now what this next nine months is going to be like -- elizabeth: wait, but this was -- hang on, i've got to interrupt. lawmakers are calling it the most destructive, most divisive ever. senator john kennedy called it breathtakingly awful, lie after lie after lie. this is not normal, kevin. we've had other state of the unions, and i've watched them,
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where we have seen bipartisanship. we haven't seen something so explosively vitriolic out of a president like this one. >> you have perfectly defined what the campaign is going to be like for the next nine if months. you just nailed it. that is what it's going to be like on the campaign trail for both parties for the next cycle. it is going to be a very partisan election. it's going to be vitriolic, it's going to be just vicious. and and you've got a taste of it last night. why would you expect anything different going forward? elizabeth: you know what? i'm not saying expectations, hang on, i'm not saying expectations. it's not the state of the union. kevin, this is about bullying. americans are tired. they feel like they need a detox from what's going on. they don't want to hear a president yelling like this. he opened with ukraine and abortion. voter polls show americans are upset about rising costs of living, upset is about crime and the border. >> usually in an off-election
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year you're 100% right. the state of the union is a celebration of the success of america. not in this election cycle. this is about a bipartisan attack on the other side, and it came right back later in the response to it. i mean, this is going to be an unusual election -- elizabeth: i'm just saying -- >> i don't know how else to describe it. elizabeth: i'm just saying america deserves better. america deserves way better. america deserves to put this in the rearview. from people who never had a job like you have in the private sector, who have been in the government for 50 years, plagiarizing themselves, prior speeches. watch the gop rebuttal from senator katie britt. watch this. >> we have the worst inflation in 40 years and the highest credit card debt in our nation's history. and with soaring mortgage rates and sky-high childcare costs. our communities are less safe,
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and our country is less secure. elizabeth: i know i've been mixing it up with you, kevin. you've been a good sport. take it away. what's your final word? so we get it. we understand. we hear you loud and clear, and you're right, this is where it's going to roll out for the next few months. >> here's my final word -- elizabeth: yeah, take it away. >> i say to everybody, forget on the all the marketing. just listen to the policy. make your decision independently on the policy. not the rhetoric. not the vicious attacks. the policy matters. the rest, irrelevant. elizabeth: so who's got the policies? >> you choose. you listen for policy. and i expect this election to be all about policy. on immigration, on energy independence, on taxation is, on abortion. policy, policy, policy, policy. you check the box on which side you want. elizabeth: now, kevin, i love it, mixing it up with you.
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because you know what? when you get going, you nail it. so good, kevin o'leary. thank you for spending your friday night with us. it's good to see you again. we'll have you back on again, we hope, soon. >> take care. elizabeth: you too. coming up, brigadier general robert spaulding, former home depot ceo bob nardelli and gop pollster lee carter. we have a hot show. there's a growing backlash after a gold star dad was arrested at the state of the union for heckling the president. again, his son was one of the 13 soldiers murdered in that botched exit out of afghanistan. and "usa today" is weighing in, its judgment, president biden did not calm, quote, very real voter concerns about his age across the board. and the trump campaign is ramping it up. they're reaching out more and more to minority voters. polls show trump gaining with both black and hispanic voters in key swing states. and congress again probes china spy something on the u.s. we've got it.
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and the holes and weaknesses in the new jobs report that the white house is now touting. also this story, flying the unfriendly skies. a united flight just crashed off a runway. another united flight a tire fell off. plus another alaska air a incident, a cargo door where pets were stow thed left open. plus, texas lieutenant governor dan patrick. president biden waited 40 minutes before bringing up voters' main concern, his border crisis in that state of the union address. we have a house judiciary hearing zooming in on the biden white house secretly flying in 320,000 illegal immigrants into the u.s. all this coming up on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪ >> what we got was another political speech. nothing was mentioned about the border, the chinese balloon that flew over this country, the inflation, the supply chain shortages, and the list goes on and on. ♪ ♪
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golo is real and when you take release and follow the plan, it works. her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. elizabeth: let's welcome back to the show texas lieutenant governor dan patrick. governor, it's good to see you. what do you make of -- so the president waited 40 minutes before mentioning the border crisis that blew up on his watch in his state of the union address. what do you make of that?
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because polls from pew, quinnipiac, gallup, monmouth show that the border collapse is among voters' top concerns. what do you make of this, sir? >> first of all, i agree with everything you've been saying since the top of the show is. he's not going to debate donald trump, so that was the debate last night if. that's the last time the american audience will ever see him, and it was disrespectful. he should have been thrown out, and so the guy in the balcony who lost his son because, actually, the president was heckling the republicans, he was of taunt thing them. this was a campaign speech. this was not a state of the union speech. it was disgraceful. you're right on point. kevin was wrong on that,s by the way. in terms of the border, of course he wanted it at the end. that's not something he wants to talk about. i heard a guest say the state of the union speeches are about accomplishments. he has no accomplishments. there's nothing he can say. and what he said to america, they just tuned him out. they know better. and so on the border, here you have laken, let's say it right,
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the president couldn't even say this poor young lady's name correctly. do you realize how much that hurt that family? and he had a little thing written down, and he couldn't even pronounce it correctly? their 22-year-old daughter was killed at the hands of a venezuelan gang member that he let into this country, blood thirsty gang member. and so what can he say? if we've had thousands of young people just in texas killed by fentanyl, drugs just in texas alone in the last year. we have crime everywhere, terror tyes are gross -- terrorists are crossing the border. this phony lie about the bill the republicans killed, that was a terrible bill. and everyone knows it except senator lankford from oklahoma. he's the only republican that that liked it. elizabeth: you know, a lot of stuff you just covered there. it's important information the viewer needs. you know, let's -- to what you're saying, let's listen to what happened, and let's get your reaction to nancy pelosi and democrats more upset that biden used the world illegal --
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word illegal than about the murder of laken riley. watch this. [inaudible conversations] >> it's not about a him, it's not about me. i'd be a winner -- >> [inaudible] if. >> not really, i -- [inaudible conversations] >> lincoln, lincoln riley, an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal. that's right. but how many thousands of people being killed by illegals? to her parents, i say my heart goes out to you having lost children myself. >> what then-candidate joe biden said is, migrants should, quote, immediately surge to the border. they took him up on his offer. the democrats say, oh, no, no, it was trump who caused the problem. it's republicans who caused the problem. it's climate change that caused
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the problem. it's b.s.. >> also the notion that parole has been being abused for mass releases which is precisely how the individual got into the united states that killed laken riley, by mass releases. >> he should have said undocument withed, but that's not a big thing, okay? if what's the big -- elizabeth: okay. >> will let me stay something -- let's. elizabeth: her name is laken riley, not lincoln. go ahead. >> i was just going to say nancy pelosi and all those democrats ought to be ashamed of themselves for booing, for booing when the republicans brought with up laken riley's name. laken. not lincoln riley, mr. president. that's a football coach on the west coast. i've been to many funerals in my role as lieutenant governor. the one thing you always want to be sure is be respectful to the family. the worst thing you can ever do is pronounce the name of a lost loved one incorrectly. it was disgraceful. you know, he had that as a prop. you've got to realize, he knew that was coming. that was a prop. so he used this poor 22-year-old
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girl who was killed, again, by a blood thirsty venezuelan gang member, he used her as a prop to actually push back against the republicans if you think about it. and that poor gentleman up in the gallery that they took out, his son was one of the 13 killed in afghanistan. never mentioned. this president has blood on his hands from afghanistan to our border or. we have to realize in america all americans, i don't care if you're a democrat watching, an independent, if you're not a trump person. are you for this country? you've not to pick a side here. you've bot to pick a side. -- got to pick a side. are we a country that lives by the constitution, that has a secure border that keeps criminals in jail instead of releasing them into the streets and doesn't let gang members and terror the its cross our border? we're being insainted -- invaded. this is disgraceful, and we can't get him out of office soon enough. more americans will die at the hands of joe biden's policies.
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elizabeth: lieutenant governor dan patrick, thanks for joining us. we appreciate you comping on. coming up, gop pollster lee carter. the trump campaign is stepping it up, it's doing more outreach to minority voters especially in swing states as the new york times polling shows former president trump is surging with those minority voters in those battleground states. plus, former chrysler automotive ceo and chair, he also ran home depot,, the one and only bob nardelli. he is so smart. we've got more unsettling, new events in the nation's skies, more gear failures with airplanes. there's at least about four or five incidents in just over the past week. where is transportation secretary buttigieg? we're going to take it on on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪
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elizabeth: okay, let's get you updated on this story. you know, there was a decent jobs report.
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275,000 jobs in february. but, again, more abnormalities. there's a catch. watch out for this. the prior two months were revised down again. that makes it 12 months out of the last 3 months -- 13 months where the initial jobs report number looks great, but then they're revised down after the fact. we're staying on these numbers for you. let's bring in edward lawrenceing in washington with more details. >> reporter: president joe biden taking a victory lap over the john jobs report speaking at a campaign event in philadelphia if. the report, hotter than expected, means pressure if on inflation. you see where the jobs were created in february, and manufacturing lost 4,000 jobs. government hired 52,000 jobs. government adding an average of 60,000 jobs for month over the past three months. i pressed the acting labor secretary on if this is. sustainable. >> but, yeah, the government grew too because having strong government services so that people can rely and know that government's got their back whether we're putting out needed
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benefits, whether we are, you know, enforcing child labor laws, having people do our jobs in government makes life better too. >> reporter: when you dig into these numbers, average hourly earnings went up 4.3% in the past 12 months. that number has been 4% or above since july of 2021. the federal reserve looks at this and knows it will add upward pressure on inflation, thus pushing the fed to keep interest rates where they are and pushing a rate cut off. >> they spent more than $10 trillion which has led to inflation increasing by almost 18% since joe biden's taken the oath of office, and that means every american is paying more to put food on their table, clothes on their backs and gas this in their cars. >> reporter: every month experts believe we will see slower job growth. every month it outpaces expectations adding more pressure to inflation if. liz? elizabeth: edward lawrence, thank you so much. let's bring back in the former ceo and chairman of home depot and chrysler automotive, bob nardelli. bob, we need you.
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you're so smart. we're big fans of yours. so you heard edward's report. we're thinking you also saw the president touting the economy last night. when you see the government, which is now at a record 3 million workers, most in history, when you hear the president touting the economy, don't you need more private sector u.s. taxpayers to pay for more government workers? this feels upside down. >> well or, liz, thanks. it's great to be with you again, as always. you know, i listened to the state of the union last night. it was loud and seemed a little angry. but what i call that kind of headline is deceptively correct. it's just like the job report today. i always like to look one layer below as was mentioned. you know, the government has created twice the amount, number of jobs in '23 than they did in '22. so if you think about that in business when you have the debt that's increasing, cost out of control, usually you have to
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resize your option. so as a taxpayer, i'm not sure what my return on invested capital is when today created over 675,000 jobs last year and you look at manufacturing, the heart of this country, really lost jobs. so, again, deceptively correct. and if you with think about all the other things they talked about last night if, you know, let's take -- let's get on air force one and go if to moscow to buy drugs. well, listen, what he ought to do, first of all, is take care of 51 million people that are on medicare. today the system is brokenning. if you try to get your medications, you could pay full price. so a dear friend of mine who's a diabetic needs his medication, he can't get it because the system's down. he has to pay $800 for that medication if he wants it. normally under medicare it'd be about $30. elizabeth: that's terrible. >> so you just go down the list on inflation -- elizabeth: bob, so why don't -- it would be great if you ran for
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president because, you know, you have -- everything you spelled out is borne out in government records and documents, you know? we see it. we see the facts. but then you see this, so people see the state of the union. it's angry. they feel like they've been yelled at, like they need a detox from it. then you've got more chaos. watch this. at least four or five incidents in the nation's airways. a united flight houston airport this morning crashed off a runway, gear failure. a united flight from memphis also suffered -- that a same flight, gear failure. no injuries. a tire fell off a united flight, forced to make an emergency landing at lax. several cars in the parking lot damaged. and now this news coming in, another alaska air flight problem, came out of mexico, arrived at portland airport. cargo door open. passengers' pets were inside, bob. no bets -- pets lost. alaska air had that mid-air a door blowout too. so when you see this kind of chaos in the skies, people don't feel safe about this stuff.
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>> no, it is, it's frightening, you know in i'm on a plane two or three times a week. so, again, i have a lot of concern over those very issues. it's interesting that the demand is up for air travel was everybody's -- because everybody's been locked down for so long, and we do have people returning to work and calling on businesses. appropriately so. what's happening, i believe, is that we're getting a lot of what the term is pencil whipping of the may not if nance profiles for all these aircrafts out there. we have to make sure that we have diligence over the inspection, the repair and the maintenance that's not being done by the secretary of transportation. you're exactly right. and it's a major concern for us as people that fly on a regular basis like so many of us. and, in fact, the rates, if you look at a inflation, trying to get a seat on a plane today, i just i returned from california last night, it's like $1800 one way. it's out of sight. elizabeth: yeah. that's another point too.
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bob, wish you ran for president. just kidding. bob nardelli, you've been wonderful. have a great weekend. thank you for your hard work here. we appreciate you very much. let's get right to this more news coming in, let's get to gop pollster lee carter. lee, we are big fans of yours too. you're so smart. you're on the pulse of america. so "usa today" reporting the president's state of the union address did not ease, quote, very real concerns voters have about president biden's age. the polls show a majority of democrats believe -- and voters, the president's too old to serve another term. what do you think? >> well, i think what happened last night is there were some people who feel a little bit better about joe biden after they watched him last night and, you know, but not enough to really change the trajectory here because most people have concerns about joe biden's age. there were a fair number of people who watched who felt better about joe biden's policies. there's some indication that he moved the needle some.
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but not as much as he's moved in the last three state of the unions that he's done before. he had much more effective speeches than he did haas night. last night if he was yelling at the american people most of the time. butly tell you this, i talked to an independent voter, and he put it this way, i was bracing myself to watch the state of the union, vacillating between is it going to be terrible or not so terrible. at the end of the dating -- night, it was not so terrible, so that maybe made me feel better about joe biden. it's a pretty low bar. and that's what we're up against. a whole lot did not change, but there are some people who are looking for a reason to say joe biden is viable, and they're going to say, you know what? i think he's okay. if you think he's not, i don't think your mind was changed. elizabeth: got it. news coming in, the trump campaign is doing more outreach to black and hispanic voters in battle ground swing states. that new york times poll that you've been talking about, we've been reporting on, more than a fifth of black voters in six key swing states say they're going
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to vote for trump in 2024. that's enough to swing an election. trump's approval rating nation wild e among hispanics at 46% in that poll. even more stunning, biden at 40%. this is a 39-point swing in trump's favor over the past past four years. so he's getting a higher share now of black voters than any republican has ever received in presidential polls dating back to 1980. let's listen to former president trump here. watch this. >> joe biden and the radical left have abandoned everything black americans care about. they've really let you down. look, or we all understand that. they've thrown black americans overboard, and it's been not a pretty thing to watch. you take a look at some of these inner cities. but i and the republican party will fight for the black community like you have never had anybody fight for you before. [cheers and applause] 1.2 million african-americans lifted themselves out of poverty on the strength of the trump
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economy, the most in morn if a century. black americans saw their largest increase in home ownership ever recorded. elizabeth: now, lee, let's just stay on this one point for one second. i want to get your reaction to this. we've been watching anecdotally african-american and minority if voters and hispanic voters or in cities across the country. they're very angry the government is giving illegal immigrants money when it's hurting them, when they feel they've been left behind. are you seeing that? are you hearing that too? >> absolutely. eight in ten americans want a president who's going to fight back, who's going to fight the system that's not working for them. only 4% of americans believe the government's working for them, and that's part of donald trump's appeal. people believe he's going to fight to change the system that's not working for them. so he's really winning over votes that he didn't have before, and it's really going to be fascinating to watch especially in these swing states that matter the most. elizabeth: lee carter, we appreciate you very much. thanks for being so smart and
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good. have a good weekend. >> thank you for having me. elizabeth: now we've got retired brigadier general robert spalding coming up. there is growing backlash over the arrest of that a gold star dad at the state of the union address. he was heckling the president. his son one of 13 soldiers killed in that botched exit out of afghanistan. plus, there's new controversy, congressional haw a makers probing -- lawmakers probing again china-built cranes as a national security threat at u.s. ports. but first, we know my friends dagen and sean, they're really fired up. what you got coming up next hour on "the bottom line" in. sean: e-mack we have a a gold star father who was arrested by capitol police, we have marsha blackburn, the senator,rer here on that as well as that crane story. america popped the spy if balloon and so now china's sending spy cranes. if we have david asman to discuss. dagen: we also have patrick morrisey on, he is the attorney general from the fine state of
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west virginia. he along with nine other a.g.s filing a legal challenge to that securities and exchange commission climate disclosure rule. and congresswoman anna paulina luna on kids calling lawmakers protesting the outlawing of tiktok as we know it. well, basically who's behind that? the communist party of china. top of the hour. ♪ ♪ mit is the sky ♪ finish finishtime ♪ low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white
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i know what year it is. elizabeth: let's welcome retired brigadier general robert 1358ding. general spalding served in senior positions at the pentagon and state department for more than 26 years. it's great to have you on, general. what do you make of the gold star dad arrested for heckling president biden in the state of the union address? he lost his son, one of 13 killed in that watched exit out of -- botched exit out of afghanistan. when you saw that, what did you think? >> it is, it's just tragic. he not just lost his son, but his other son committed suicide because he was so distraught other it. -- over it. but i think it just tells you what's going on in our country today where we're taking dissenters which are typically protected by the constitution, and now we want to throw them in jail. i think it's just indicative of where our society's gone.
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elizabeth: you know, general, the afghanistan story's still hitting the president, right? it came up last night. some say, well, you know, he was just following through on trump's policies. others say, no, that's wrong. the president accelerated it, botched it, didn't listen to his military or experts and end then they contradicted him. where do you come town on this? >> absolutely. he was advised that this could end tragically, and he went ahead and do did it anyway, and and i think he went against the best military advice in this case. you know, they could have kept an air afield open, they could have been -- airfield open, they could have been able to protect those soldiers from that airfield. they decided not to. they decided to really kind of depend on the afghanis when they knew that they were, had never been depend dependable over, like, 20 years. so i think, you know, clearly, he made a mistake, and he was told that it was going to happen, and he did it anyway. elizabeth: let's move on to
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this, general. you know this chinese-built cranes used to lift cargo at ports throughout the u.s.? lawmakers again probing it. this popped up last year. they're finding it again. secret communication modems inside these cranes, 80% of these cranes built by china. so the fear is they're spying on u.s. trade. china is calling this, quote, paranoia. what a do you think? [laughter] >> the chinese have a beautiful model. you know, i'm really impressed because we spend money on the nsa to go out and do things when they just build it into their supply chain. i mean, it's a brilliant model if you think about it. instead of us paying for the nsa or instead of the chinese paying for their version of the nsa, they're getting us to pay for it by buying their products with those technologies already built into them. elizabeth: that's interesting, what you said. now, the modems had, it looks like they had active connections to these operational components inside the cranes.
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you know, it looks at least at some of the ports they were using this equipment. it doesn't -- it's unclear what the mode -- modems were for. china is saying that's status quo, you should have the modems inside that for data gathering. the fbi is saying, wait a second, this doesn't sound right. >> go back to african national congress when they built the network for it and they found out they're sending all, you know, at night they're sending all this traffic back to china. it isn't needed. they are clearly using this technology to gather intelligence. and this just -- they're brill with i can't at how they do it because they get us to pay for it. elizabeth: interesting stuff. writing deer general robert -- brigadier general robert spalding, thank you for your service to america. we appreciate you. >> thank you. elizabeth: have a good weekend. this story coming up, tax pros and economists say the president cannot grow the economy with tax
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hikes. he's going to get rid of the trump tax cuts. he's going to drive up your cost of living even higher. he's going to slunk u.s. g -- shrink u.s. gdp growth. economic pro e.j. an tony is going to break it down on "the evening edit" next. ♪ only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership. this looks like an actual farm. it looks cute on the app. [farm animal sounds] ♪ meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals
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>> let's get you updated on the big economic development to, e.j. antoni he's so smart research fellow at the heritage foundation, he is an economist, ej, the president says he wants to raise $3 trillion in new taxes on corporations in the upper bracket he wants to hike tax rates, raise the minimum tax, quadruple taxes on stock buybacks, can he do that with economic growth, what would
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happen. >> talk about blood from the stone. >> how much of the economy were confiscating. he never really seem to get above where we are already out. the laffer curve is a fama dominant just because you increase tax rates does not mean you will increase tax revenue, we saw that most recently with the tax cuts and the job act, even though we reduced the rate on corporations and top income earners, the actual amount of taxes paid by the groups increased in the years following in the passage of the act that only a couple of years hit all-time highs. >> what you are saying, when you talk the facts about taxes and tax system with people that are so ideological and so in the corner it's almost like arguing with a turnup or fighting with
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the statue, they just stay in their lane without the facts, politifact, fact checkers are calling a false, biden's claim that the upper tax bracket paid an 8% tax rate, that is false, that the meetup figure by biden political appointees, data from the u.s. treasury come up congressional budget, irs, taxation although sources find youth anywhere from 25% to 30% of the average tax rate on the top 1%. it hovered around 30% for a number of years for four decades. >> exactly, you make a great point, once you hit a certain level of your income being taken in terms of taxation, the wealthy have alternatives they have ways to hide the income legally and legally and they have choices such as deciding to not earn the income because it is not worth it to do all the
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work to earn income and keep so little of it. that is one of the key reasons why because you increase tax rates does not mean you're going to see an increase in tax revenue. every time the biden administration promises they will levy an additional 100 billion, $500 sextillion of new taxes, that does not mean they're going to collect that much but that does mean they will do that in economic hard. elizabeth: taken out of the economy and put into an a government that's been growing to big with 3 million workers, when you look at the tax data, tax rates for all federal taxes divided by family income, the top 1% pay an average rate of 31% this year it's versus 10 - 12% and is 0% of the bottom the rate near the bottom because of refundable tax credits, if you look at the people to pay into the system the federal income tax two thirds if it was households pay 0.
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>> absolutely and the crazy thing is, this points to the fact that we don't have a taxation problem we have a spending problem in washington, d.c. even with half of americans not actually paying federal income tax even with two thirds of households not having a positive tax liability you still have a near record amount of revenue coming into the treasury today and were running the biggest deficits we've ever seen outside of an emergency like a war or recession, is not a problem of not enough revenue, it's simply a problem of too much spending. the other good week and it's good to see you, you worked hard we hope to see you soon. >> thank you. elizabeth: that does it for us, have a good weekend, thank you for watching the evening of it. take it away we know you have a lot to talk abou


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