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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 11, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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maria: america under selling pressure now industrials and 151, nasdaq done 51 in nasdaq lower by 20 as we await the consumer price index tomorrow morning. mark tepper final word. >> in a be interesting to see what investor appetite there is for read it and looking forward to nvidia, can nvidia bounce back about being d pipers on friday. jonathan fahey final word. >> thank you for having me like they get a be interesting to see how the immigration issue with the recent events in georgia. stuart: especially with the expectation that they want them to vote, thank you everybody, great show we will see you tomorrow.
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>> good morning, everyone, the rise and rise of bitcoin continues since it easy to invest in etf's arrived, it's gone straight up, today a new record high, 72000, it hit that mark, now it's at 719. the having takes place next month, the supply of bitcoin and investors like you, new highs for bitcoin, round the subject of record look at gold getting close to 2000, $200 an ounce, how about that, bitcoin and gold leading the market this monday morning, as further the dow industrials down about 160 points of the opening bell, s&p done 20, nasdaq and 95 take a look at nvidia, it is down this morning five hoppers on friday and down another 1% as of this monday, interest rates are steep but lower levels the yield on the ten year moving up a bit 4.08%, the two-year is now under
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4.5%. it just ticked about 4.5%, 451 right now. politics, biden apologizes to the undocumented community for using the word illegal to describe the alleged killer of lake and brightly, he went on to suggest that the migrants builte was confusing you illegal illegal migration, the president changed his tune he is calling for cease-fire in gaza and seems to be responding to domestic politics, he cannot win in november if he loses a muslim, arab-american progressive votes, they demand the cease-fire and biden obliges. on the show a measles outbreak among migrants at shelters in chicago, this highlights the problem of unvaccinated children crossing the border and attending schools across the country, the oscars, oppenheimer one big but barbie did not, propel the steady demonstrators
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block traffic and delayed the event. some of the stars were read cease-fire badges, the star turned out to be a man who was almost dark naked and of course the host got in the trump zynga, monday march 11, "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ ♪ ♪. stuart: i like to move it. i believe this is a reference to bitcoin, it is moving. >> 72000. >> i know that, i just reported it. stuart: how is your money doing, we started with bitcoin and gold at or near record highs, good morning lauren, happy monday. >> look at bitcoin, how could you not look at that, this is
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about rates, if inflation continues to cool, we find out tomorrow the fed is likely to cut rates which makes bitcoin attractive for its yields, bitcoin hit 72, throwing the e etf, the spot bitcoin etf could be approved in great britain, take a look at gold. stuart: i would take you up in a minute. >> 9% gain for micro strategy. gold is coming down a bit and hit a record on friday about 2195. this is the inflation story, tomorrow february cpi, the core rate annually is expected to increase 3.7% that will be the smallest increase since april of 2021. stuart: it is supposed to go up. lauren: coming down from january. still rising but not as much. stuart: that your explanation for gold? lauren: trying to inflation investors will be hunting for yield if inflation pulls. stuart: we have jessica.
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lauren: are you going to tell me i'm wrong? stuart: let's start with bitcoin. i think it's going up not so much because of rates and inflation but because of the having takes place in april, will you cut the supply of bitcoin. >> that is right, what happens gold starts to behave like it he of a commodity like oil or precious metals it's about supply and demand in the having remove supply from the market, demand is very high as a result of the etf's buying and now we have bitcoin which is the cat with nine lives has shown it could be every attack i called it the freddy krueger of financial assets because it cannot be killed and now you're at an all-time high in all these etf's are pouring into it, supply coming out, april 19 is the day of having. i think we will have a rally up to that day, a lot of vola volatility, this is a big speculation but probably going
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to move higher. stuart: what is your explanation for the price of gold nearly $2200 an ounce. >> gold is behaving in a way that i could ever recall that behaving this way before. as interest rates went up, gold prices came down, now there is no clear indication of when interest rates are going to go up again, down again, gold is still moving up, why is that happening, the central banks are buying physical gold, gold is a hedge against chaos in the world is in chaos and then you see our government that has over 35 trillion in debt and the debt is growing exponentially, the trajectory of the dollar does not look good so people are pouring money into gold and bitcoin. stuart: who would start we would start a monday morning with golden bitcoin we did not have that in the old days, i want to talk to you about cabrini, you
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coproduce that it came out friday, big deal how is it doing. >> people that were a lot more instrumental but i've been involved since the beginning, it is doing great, the theaters 2800 across america, what it is showing is an incredible woman francesca cabrini is being celebrated for her accomplishments by people who know her name but do not know who she is and what you see is a rotten tomatoes score, the higher the score the more the audience likes it wet 98% which shows that people really needed to be inspired. if you watch the oscars last night, there was a lot of dark movies coming out of hollywood. we put out a movie which is inspiring and positive and makes people feel good about life, it is definitely worth seeing. stuart: that's why you're on the
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show on a monday morning. jessica thank you very much indeed you are a mogul, let's do politics transportation secretary pete buttigieg defending president biden's age, watch this. >> how canadian 1-year-old income to be the candidate of change, that is so critical in presidential elections. >> look at the changes he's brought about, take some of the issues that matter most to newer generations. it's a good example what matters most is the age of a leader's ideas. stuart: look who's here, charlie hurt, the man himself, the new democrat talking point. actual age is not important. >> it sure is, it's really funny it's like the bat signal went up and everybody saying the same thing including joe biden but it doesn't make sense, when you look at the age of some of the ideas that we're seeing from joe biden they are the oldest ideas in the world and none of them work whether open borders were
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not prosecuting crimes or crimes against political enemies but not your political allies there very old ideas and they're not working people do not like them. stuart: former president trump is trying to quail fears that is looking for revenge in a second term. watch this. >> people think there's going to be revenge and i say the revenge will be success there doc would be revenge in a revenge stance, it's going to be success working to turn our country around and bring sense and common sense, people say you're conservative i'm not a conservative am a man of common sense. stuart: do you think he can convince people that he's a man of common sense. >> when we look back at the selection of donald trump winds up winning we will see the key turning moment a month or so ago when he first told sean hannity
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that that was what his intent is revenge would be success and he stuck with the statement since then and it's a great line and i think it's the most important unifying and if you want to bring nikki haley supporters back into the fold of donald trump camp, that is the way that you do it. if you want to win over a democrat who is hurting because of the policies of joe biden, that is how you do it. i think he can convince people and i think giving the measured statement the wise measured statement that allows voters to focus on is strictly the issues because donald trump winds on the issues i think he will be successful. stuart: did you see any video of trump arriving at the big fight in miami on saturday night. he walked into the stadium, enormous enthusiasm, contrast
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that with anywhere that joe biden goes, you never see crowds really enthusiastic it's a complete contradiction. there really is, i think that's a big reason why establishment politicians in both parties, they so dislike donald trump because they don't understand that. the idea like trump a politician would walk into a stadium like that and get that kind of reaction is terrifying to boring old politicians from washington who everybody, the only thing we can agree on, nobody likes them but there's an incredible enthusiasm for donald trump that doesn't exist for any of them and it weirds them out and frightens them but i think it's a marvelous thing and he crosses over and appeals to people that otherwise don't care about and of long given up on politics.
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good stuff we will see you again really soon. charlie hurt, donations came pouring into the biden campaign after the state of the union. >> immediate 24 hours $10 million. as 116,000 donations poured and that is grassroots and you say pretty good, it's a largest 24 hour hall yet, let's keep track at the end of january biden's campaign had 56 million in the bank, the dnc 24 million that is $80 million, on the other side the trump campaign have 30 million in the rnc about night. biden is the incumbent and he doesn't have all these legal bills but he had double or has doubled what trump had at the end of january. stuart: he has more money, check features monday morning, how do we open up the market on the downside, down 130 for the dow come up about 80 for the nasdaq a new report deals are generally six congressional committee allegedly suppressed testimony showing the trump administration
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wanted a national guard presence, if that is the case does not negate the idea of an insurrection we will get into it, then to the border crisis, president biden apologizes for calling laken riley's alleged murder illegal, he said undocumented migrants built this country former acting ice director tom homan will respond to that, he is next. ♪ money manager) you can't be that different. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought! (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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stuart: to members of the national guard in a border patrol agent were killed after the military helicopter crashed in texas.
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garrett joins me from eagle pass, what do we know. >> this happened in the agree of texas, the rio grande valley, an area with a lot of cartel activity, this crew was searching or tracking a group of folks who crossed into the country illegally when their helicopter had a mechanical issue and went down, three people died including two national guard soldiers from new york, 28-year-old casey from koski and, john grassia and 40-year-old chris luna, fourth guardsmen was on board and remain thinkable condition. as the investigation into that crash continues, officials are also preparing for a possible spring surge of migrants coming across the border, that is something that lawmakers are planning to present fbi director christopher wray on today at the threat assessment hearings.
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>> it is our southern border right now it is a major threat because what we've seen is 50 people in the terror watch list in the last four to half months we've seen more than 10000 people, crossed her southern border, were called special-interest aliens these individuals are being trafficked in from all over the world from very vulnerable places, there coming at the homeland which is a major issue for us. one of example, this weekend at rhode island, ice arrested the 23-year-old man from honduras who is wanted for murder he crossed the border illegally in 2021 and in 2023 he was found guilty of assault with a weapon and domestic violence and released from court despite an active immigration detainer for his custody. stuart: i get it, thank you very much, president biden is apologizing for referring to the migrants that refer to laken riley as illegal, roll tape. >> you use the word illegal when talking about the man who allegedly killed laken riley. >> undocumented person.
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i shouldn't have used illegal is undocumented. i'm not going to treat any of these people with disrespect. they built the country, the reason our economy is growing. stuart: tom homan joins us, i think the president is confusing legals and illegals. legals did help build this country, illegals have not. have i got that right? >> you got it right, spot on. it's a shame how we apologizes for using the term illegal when the fact is the immigration national polity act written by congress and title viii in statue, illegal alien is illegal and proper name used in a commander-in-chief i think you would stick to the legal term as defined by congress and president and second of all he apologize for using the term about the bag i when he missed pronounces laken riley's name. he was wrong both times. stuart: is trying to normalize open border by saying and confusing illegals and legals
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that is normalizing the open border and all was an invitation to common, you are building the country, huanan. >> is normalized it and we know he's open the border in historic immigration, no consequences everybody in the world knows you cross the board and get released within a day and fly to the city of your choice on taxpayer dime, will put you in a hotel, three meals a day, free medical care and work authorization everything that they came for not really asylum-seekers and on the end of that what else he prevents ice from making the arrest the secretary of homeland security since being in the country illegally on his own without a no conviction shouldn't be a target for ice arrest, now they know if they lose which nine out of ten well, no one is looking for them. stuart: don't you get tired of this, for years we've been saying the same thing and nothing changes. >> nothing changes but i think the tide is turning.
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i think the beautiful young lady in georgia, laken riley, i think that's awaken some people. i think now we have three years of historical immigration and i give all the credit to the fox network, they have been on the story for three years like you said you cannot deny the videos you cannot deny the report of bill melugin and griff jenkins on this issue, i think it's coming up to an election and i think people will take immigration number one we see that in the polls and i think fox has done a good job of touching the people and i been screaming for three years and i have take high blood pressure because of it but i truly believe in january 25 somebody in the house will force the laws of this country and protector sovereignty. stuart: got it, tom homan, keep on telling us how we really is. we always appreciate and we want to back soon.
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good stuff, good to see you. former governor of new york andrew cuomo is going after governor hochul after the migrant crisis. lauren: is going after president biden he said is a glaring example failed federal policy compounded by failures of the state and local level. he's tiptoeing back into politics and his own party in doing so he says the migrants say we want to go to new york, california, new york doesn't want more. he says new york state, no, just new york city and now new york city is complete the overw overwhelmed, think taxes, the new congestion taxi, crime makes living in new york city unsustainable, his words. stuart: i wonder cuomo is looking for a comeback. lauren: that's politics. stuart: check futures, monday morning ice event, ... hunter, nasdaq down 60, the opening bell is next. ♪
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stuart: check futures and what you see, the dow done 130, the nasdaq down 80 points. keith fitz-gerald with us. which company, which stock is in bigger trouble, apple or google. >> that is an interesting one, google is in more trouble. stuart: why. >> google for all of its great things is nothing more than involved in search is a one trick pony a.i. has eaten it bacon companies like walmart and amazon and internalizing their own versions of generative nai which takes away from the search engine. stuart: have a apple what's so good about that. >> apple is interesting i think the company is going to have an iphone moment on par when jobs release the iphone in 2007. they have been working behind the scenes in generative a.i. making very heavy investments not one of which we know about but come june i will eat my
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shorts if it doesn't have an amazing bombshell moment. stuart: why june that is three months away when you think there's going to be an a.i. iphone moment. >> the developer conference they will release the tools that they're working on and what's coming down the line and was coming under the hood in the car like many other projects apple works on was a smokescreen, they were using as a force to develop everything else off the radar. stuart: you don't worry about the china problem with iphone demand down in china. >> i do but they're moving to india and across asia and we've seen this and there probably late getting out of there but longer-term know it's nothing more than a speedbump in my m mind. stuart: a.i. judgment on apple comes in june. talk to me about nvidia down 5.5% on friday it's down one and a quarter percent, you're looking at 7% down when do we get a significant rebound if ever for nvidia.
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>> i think we will get one relatively quickly that comes down to the world of options and gamma risks. what that means every small move in the pricing in stock how much is the stock actually going to move i think they have stuck it to all of the cuomo buyers in the going to do it again within the next few days if i'm right. i hope i'm right i'm to go out and buy some more shares. stuart: there to do it again to the folks, nvidia is going down some more. >> i think there to take it down and scare the pants off of everybody and take it sharply higher while they accumulate positions. stuart: you would buy around 8.50, 860 comedy think the catcher wait for it to go up again and then sell it out from under you think that might happen. >> probably because i said so there to come running for me. it's always a risk. stuart: always a risk, well said, we will see you again real soon, the market is now open and
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were up into the races with the dow down 100 in the very early going, there's more sellers than buyers among the dow 30, down 100 points, the s&p 500 down today, the dow had a dreadful week last week not to go to start today, down 11 points, let's do point to percent and nasdaq 1.3%, limited losses so far this morning, show me big tech all over the place, apple is up alphabet, microsoft and amazon and meta are down. working to take a look of the price of nvidia it is down a fraction. 874 is your price the company is being sued, by whom and for w what. >> for copyright infringement they said their books were used to train one of nvidia's a.i. systems over three years time without their permission and they are seeking class action status.
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obviously material to shareholders but is a wake-up call to investors who are making their portfolios be more a.i. centric. i just said material to nvidia at 869 did you see friday they hit the record high of 975 and drop to 865 that's $110 swing in one day, there is volatility in a.i. even though it is a buzzword. stuart: even nvidia down. lauren: maybe it is material. stuart: how about boeing i think a couple of items of bad news the stock is up 94. lauren: a dreamliner had a technical problem being described from australia that landed in new zealand, passengers told a local newspaper that they were thrown about the plane, 50 injured, 13 hospitalized, one said the plane suddenly dropped out of the sky and some passengers hit their head on the ceiling of the plane, here in the u.s. and other report, this time the
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department of justice is investigating the door plugged the blue out on alaska flight that means potential criminal charges for boeing. investigators want to know if boeing breached a settlement by regulators about their flight controls their quality control. alaska airlines which had the door plugged blowout that is cooperated with the d.o.j. at what point does the public say instance here, and since there, this plane that plane and maybe get a little bit nervous to fly. stuart: i have not arrived at that point not on a large scale. lauren: how many do we need to know about and hear about. stuart: iphone sales in china, they have been slowing, a bit of a problem for apple. do we know what apple is doing about that. lauren: the try to be more present the opening of the eighth store in shanghai march the 21st. that brings the total to 47 stores in china.
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stuart: i think the communist party has been telling people don't buy western products like the iphone and that accounts for the downside moving sales. lauren: if you work for the chinese government you were told don't use apple phone use huawei. stuart: next case huawei they moved on from the covid vaccine but i don't know what they're working on now. lauren: oncology they expect to have eight blockbuster drugs by 2030 the stock is up to third enter to present that represents $10 billion in sales their push into cancer research and treatment informed by their siege and acquisition which went through the end of last year $43 billion. stuart: were going to get back to bitcoin, $72000, right now 72195. i see a theory on very solid rally over the 4000 mark, i am betting that crypto related stocks are also doing extremely well. stuart: they have news on their own can we pull up micro strategy up eight or 9% they
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acquired 12000 additional bitcoin, they now own 205,000 bitcoin that is $15 billion worth, there up 7%. also coinbase to 61 and jeffries upgraded 162245. stuart: micro strategy is a way of investing in bitcoin without going to the etf. as a proxy, they have a ton of these they just buy into them, netflix i believe there up this morning, the last time i checked, they are down. i thought 70 was bullish. oppenheimer raise their price target to 725. stuart: has nothing to do with the movie that the investment firm. lauren: oh yeah, the oscars were last night, netflix only got one oscar nominated for 19 and only got one oppenheimer loves netflix content. i guess that did not pay off yesterday.
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stuart: the stock is going down. $630 a share. what else do we have on the movers list the big board, five minutes in the dow is down 20, 38700, show me the dow winners. lauren: we have cpi tomorrow investors are nervous about what the fed will do with whatever we get on prices. stuart: we have some big tech winners nike, amgen, nike is back to $100 a share, the s&p 500 winners, show me we have xl energy, warner bros., moderna, lumina, not very many big names, large tech. lauren: you might see it on the nasdaq, why not let's view this together, xl, warner bros., moderna, lumina. lauren: no big tech, show me the ten year treasury yield i'm very interested in that. it's going up i solid all the way down close to 4%. now it's down to 4.08%. you might think that's an incremental small move and technically it is an awful lot
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of money has to move to make it move like that now you're up one basis points for oa. gold close to a record high close to $2200 an ounce, bitcoin will get a report on that, 72200 that another new high, the price of oil above, earlier this morning $80 a barrel now at 77, nat gas don't care down below $2. the average price of regular 3.09. in the average price for diesel no change 4.03. coming up, biden raised eyebrows with several gaffes during a campaign stop in pennsylvania. roll tape. >> pennsylvania i have a message for you, send me congress i support, we cut the deficit and we added more to the national debt than any president in his terminology history then under donald trump. embarrassing remarks came a day after the liberal media hype
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divided state of the union performance. joe concha takes it on shortly. president biden will release his spending wishlist today with over $34 trillion worth of debt, how do we get out of the spending and borrowing mass. economist stephen moore deals with it, he is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app.
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stuart: it is 941, in business for 11 minutes, nasdaq on ten points, working to keep checking bitcoin throughout the show because it hit new highs, now you're at 717, had been 722.
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bitcoin active, president biden set to release his budget for the 2025 fiscal year, edward lawrence at the white house, what can we expect. we can expect a wishlist of domestic spending programs from this president and what he would like to see. there will be negotiated cuts that was negotiated at last year with her then house speaker kevin mccarthy but this will echo the tax hikes the president has mentioned in the state of the union address the president looking to increase the corporate tax rate to 28% then raise the minimum corporate from 21% to 15% the president will call for a 15% billionaires tax and raise revenue to increase spending on the domestic programs and try to cut the federal deficit over ten years. >> now it is my goal to cut the federal deficit by 3 trillion more by making big corporation very wealthy and i'm a capitalist by the way you can
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make a million bucks, a billion bucks, good for you but pay your taxes. >> the president's budget will call for $9600 tax credit for homebuyers, there is no way the president will get everything that he wanted his budget is 35 days late being delivered to congress the third budget that is late for this president congressional committees had to wait on these numbers before they could start their work is sets the process back a whole month. republicans pledge to lookout for ways to cut. >> that is correct two quick things, your report is absolutely correct in joe biden did the dumbest thing ever he juiced federal spending with his rescue plan which created the disastrous inflation that has been crippling american consumers, when it comes to the federal budget i believe we will get this work done finally. the budget will be out at noon in the very windy washington, d.c. you can see the umbrella coming down all the latest from in the budget at noon today.
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stuart: you don't have to worry about your hair blowing all over the place. stuart: i would hate to be in your situation, thank you very much. stephen moore is with us this morning. his hair is in place, you're running an ad on a times square billboard with the national debt counter. my question how do we get out of this debt mess, conservatives like to think that we can grow our way out of it. i don't think that we can, what say you. >> if you look at the new budget that joe biden is introducing this morning. all i heard from edward lawrence, tax-and-spend, tax-and-spend, that is old-fashioned liberalism non- socialism and it's curious to me because i looked through some of the preliminary numbers and not to budget, there is not virtually a single program that joe biden wants to get rid of or cut. it is basically expand programs, the new housing initiatives and
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welfare programs and more and more taxes on the top 1%, by the way we talked about this a couple weeks ago the top 1% america the millionaires and billionaires are paying a must-have of the income tax, we have a system that is heavily depend on rich people we have to start taking a chainsaw to the budget and he won't even take tweezers to the budget. stuart: do you think i the republican party the republicans do you think they could take a chainsaw to spending i cannot see that. >> this is a problem. i think biden has been the most financially reckless president in history but i have been in this game 40 years. i was curious that the new budget that biden is coming out with is at a 6 trillion-dollar budget, four years ago when i arrived in the mid-1980s the entire federal budget was 1 trillion were now 16 trillion in the national debt was one and a half trillion. now it's 31 and a half trillion
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dollars you are right to say that neither party wants to get very serious about this but i want to return to something that you asked you think we can grow ourselves out of this we better get the economy growing if we can get back to a three k, 3.5% economic growth rate which is been a historical average, then you start to bend this curve down and you have the economy growing faster than the debt. but you cannot get there with an economy that is growing at one and a half to 2% as it is now. stuart: are regrowing at three and a third% and we still have a deficit of close to a trillion dollars? >> that is right we have a deficit but the point would be that the economy would be growing faster than the debt so the burden of the debt over time would fall but were nowhere near that, how are you going to grow the economy if you're going to raise taxes on capital gains, dividends, corporate tax rate did you know under the biden plan the united states would have the second-highest business tax rate in the world, we are
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supposed to be low taxes and every other country, ireland, england, france, even russia would have a more corporate tax rate in the united states how are we going to grow under that system be when we are the strongest economy under the world i think you would agree but isn't that the result deficit spending? >> imparted is, reducing the economy. it's like going on a drinking binge and feeling really good on a friday night and saturday morning you cannot get out of bed everyone knows there will be a day of reckoning and everyone knows we had to get the debt under control and you're not going to do it by simply raising taxes on 1% of the american taxpayers, it will not work. stuart: i want to know when the debt bomb explodes. >> you got a look at the billboard is going to explode one of these days. stuart: just around the corner i'm going to check it out. thank you very much indeed.
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former trump economic advisor gary cohn slamming biden on the inflation situation what is he saying. lauren: voters are mad about the accumulative effect of inflation and their right to blame biden for that. >> if you take a basket of groceries at the beginning of 2020 the simple basket that cost $100 it cost over $125 today because of the 4% one year end 7% one year end 7% the next year, they add up their cumulative, huge cumulative effect. >> when people are being told consumers you are wrong, they are right. >> they are completely right. lauren: he is obsessed voters are assessed with inflation because you feel everywhere you go and biden solution, knowing this and seeing this in the polls, it is the company's fault, let's blame the companies, let's tax the companies and blame the rich for doing everything wrong. stuart: thank you, the president has changed his tune he is openly called for a cease-fire in gaza, why the change,
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domestic politics that is my take at the top of our, food bills eating a family's budget groceries up 20% since biden took office we're live at all these with shoppers desperate search of discounts after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ next. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. aga... [ sigh ] next. next. if you don't pick one... oh, you have time. am i keeping you from your job. next.
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stuart: all the plans to invest $9 billion in open a hundred new stores across america by 2028. kelly sadberry joins us across chicago, why does aldi want to expand now? >> good morning it is growing exceptionally well that is because folks are drawn to it for its cheap prices the german-based grocery has been known as one of the cheapest grocery stores in the u.s. and that is because of some of the quirky attributes that people known for you to bag your own groceries need a quarter to use the cart and they do these things to make the prices what they are there not just corky to
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be quirky, aldi spoke about this during their announcement in his statement with up to 40% savings on groceries new customers are inspired to try us out in existing customers keep coming back. with a commitment to 800 stores in the next five years will be where shoppers need us and positively impacted the communities we serve if you don't have an aldi near you picture a store half the square footage of a typical kroger more than 90% of all these products are from the groceries private label grocery prices have skyrocketed 25% since 2019 outpacing overall inflation in a recent yugo survey is a lot of people are blaming major food corporations for being greedy stores and their suppliers have clashed over prices. in 2022 walmart ceo doug mcmillon asked companies to help us not have to pass something onto a customer that something be in the cost, a lighthouse reports as a grocery store profit margin are higher than pre-pandemic levels in customers
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are the ones feeling the pinch ahead of the cpi report simultaneously to the news of expanding aldi also finalize acquisition of southeastern groceries which runs winn-dixie's in harvey supermarket. if your viewer in the south winn-dixie may turn into the aldi format. stuart: still ahead arkansas governor mike huckabee, biden calling for cease-fire in gaza, iran's stockpile of enriched uranium keeps growing when will they play the nuclear card and declare they have a bomb, kt mcfarland on that, robert hur testifies before the house judiciary tomorrow he's the guy who says biden has diminished faculties. sandra smith on that later in the show through the 10:00 o'clock hour is next. ♪
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