tv The Evening Edit FOX Business March 13, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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larry: right, so important work is a got a blessing, work is a contribution community and the economy, keeps you have trouble and we should all work even harder and somebody of the work hard, this mcdonald right here are. liz: thank you and richard keeps you have trouble larry. [laughter] my favorite person in the world
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and the best ever we love you larry and thank you so much and i everybody and welcome to evening at it and i am liz mcdonald coming up in a moment senator blackburn, is been jeff and timber to come i can reach arlington, general keith kellogg about percent, to the how to section happening right now breaking is a big fight in dc and hillary fun she is live on capitol hill hillary, the house overwhelmingly passed a bill to man tiktok big event tiktok in the u.s. and young people really mad about this hillary. hillary: they are between was talking to him about tiktok in the house actually do something today 352 republicans and democrats and they join together to say that it is time for tiktok to break up with china and other five moves to the senate where the leader chuck schumer controls whether or not this bill is dead on arrival or to see if vote in the center for the white house is pushing schumer from day to act fast and impressed function senator john
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are on board and betterment treated let be very quick of this legislation to restrict tiktok, does not band the app and it summaries tyson chinese coming as 40 and prevents from accessing that data of americans especially our kids and later or should but this bill on the floor soon and tiktok reacted to the hospital today saying that this process was secret in the bill was room for one reason, it is a man we are hopeful that this animal consider the facts and listen to the constituents and realize that the impact on the economy and 7 million small businesses in the 170 million americans use our service some democrats say that they know what is at stake and they don't think that it will give you will just get better. >> first of all, this not a man on tiktok and omar grandmother of teenagers and i understand thing entertainment value, the educational value, the communities know you business value for some business on this this is not an attempt to be in tiktok, hit is attempt to make tiktok better, tic-tac-toe, a
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winner, a winner. hillary: several younger democratic lawmakers in the house, they were ones voting against this bill they were ones that use tiktok themselves to use that to communicate to the constituents and even congressman alexandra has who voted against about, fundraising off of her vote tonight, look for those sweetie was a always terrific at a spring and we welcome back to the show, from senate judiciary senator, marshall blackburn and is so great to have you want again and thank you so much for coming on where do you come down on tiktok because a lot of teenagers and young adults really mad about this. >> well last but we upset about tiktok, is the ball is in accord, they want to be in the american marketplace, they can separate themselves from the chinese communist party invites dance right now, has to talk is configured on through their relationships and because of
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china's national security law which requires the companies to share their data, tiktok testing of that over in the chinese communist party, thereby has access to all of your data and talk, is used as a soft propaganda tool by the chinese communist party and once they are in your phone, once you have that happen on your phone, own your computer, they have access to everything they number you go, which relationships arm, how you use different apps the most of the information because, detectives embedded become of the spyware that is the problem because of to tiktok must be the place on the subject yourself the chinese communist party that reconfigure your algorithms, put
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yourself on a different foundation so that you're not exercising spyware sweet if another 34 states man for state workers in india and its, britain and canada, australia and france demanded from official devices that we think the controversy is china built it to be purposely addictive some people stay haunted longer so that they can harvest personal information from the users like even location data but you know the people said, that we know their data is only shared with everybody we do not care. marsha: that's dangerous because of the chinese communist party is doing, is still running vista in beijing and they are building a virtual you have every one of their users we don't want them to have access to our kids. look at how tiktok weapon iced their platform last week and having people call their member
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of congress and say vote against this. they went through a huge campaign, you could click onto the button there and they would connect you with your member of congress mean this is how intrusive they are they have your location data and they can put you into their member of congress and i think the tiktok ended up making the point, for congress that this is a definite the dangerous out there can end up being weapon eyes in many different situations and it is all controlled by the chinese communist party speech it was the worst case scenario there than we know the tiktok was putting up anti- israel images and content is when the voters but with the worst case scenario for people who use it. marsha: we do not know the worst case scenario will be at what we
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do know is you said, what they did after october 7th we know how to use their platform this week to go after the u.s. house of representatives and they were flooded with calls think about what could happen in times of a national emergency for things they could happen during an election season and the problem is, that it is controlled by the chinese communist party. liz: got it, blackburn thank you for joining us and it's good to see you again. hil.marsha: good to see you. liz: is bringing byron york and former advisor steve moore that's a gentleman it is good to see you and byron came on and trump and biden, both clinch the nominations but this is happening right now by run. [laughter] and biden got above, five invited okay by you got no bump, the polls yahoo and abc they say
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that no bump providing even as at the state of the union and trump is either been invited, or any statistical tie and so byron how much as the uncommitted voting is biden of gaza matter now becoming is spreading into more be on michigan and that could really hurt joe biden. byron: what does matter a lot enforceable, we saw the christmas week just ecstatic part of the state of the union address think that that was a homerun and think that the biden the ages you and they felt will all of those problems were behind the more they were connected not to anything on that score and it will be have is a very tight race and we have had in the of seats where there's no uncommitted option, democrats they vote for uncommitted is a way of protesting joe biden's support of israel this is serious thing that as far as prep is concerned, he is just gotten off of actual primary. an actual challenge to him
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indicated a prayed and in georgia last night, fewer than o voted on election day, putting for her and so this probably behind them but we do have to look for people who might vote republican but just won't vote for trump. liz: this big news in the fall steve at he is in a persistent lead more so than the 2016 and the 2020 races at this point steve and he trailed at this point and he is now leading the studio hopeful trump went up to 40 these were sitting is fighting the state of the union and bring new poll from u.s. day today trump 40 percent, two minus 38 percent for this is a big back story steve, next seals reports the new polling shows the advantage with black latino and asian-american voters, they shrunk to its lowest level in more than 60 years you'll steve they could vote republican in numbers not seen since president
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eisenhower so trump he has been to stay on policy and yes is a policy messaging and what you think steve. steve: police, the problem joe biden there's just not enough of these overeducated college professors, people best degrees, that is the base of the money right now in the working-class americans as you were just saying, they are more and more inclined of over really us for better or worse and i think better, he has completely changed the republican into the party of working-class americans wealthiest americans are the ones who are poor biden, look, i'm not too surprised by these polls because this is with you repoll environment no system that every poll from last 24 months has said the people are upset about the direction of the economy and even if the economy has gotten a little bit better, for a lot of americans is so pretty mother so underwater on their incomes and so, we want
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this to be about the economy by the way we want to wear and running his joe biden's of the that he got the speech, makes it more likely that he's going to be the nominee sweetie but think to kitchen table issue right, hit is a kitchen table race and inflation and inflation compounded underfunding is often 18.6 percent byron listen to visitors coming in, watch vice president kamala harris breaking bad again, telling everybody to move along and having to see here about the economy and march this soundbite. >> rent is up like 40 of the 50 big cities in the country i like how you fight the bad vibes and then how do beat donald trump was a chicken on makes and winds cement will nobody wants to hear an economy lecture and i do appreciate that and we do and have actually corrected a lot. liz: [applause] [applause] she did not want to hear that. [laughter] nobody wants an economy or economic lecture anchor host
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person, don't talk to me about the economy to doubling your it will display because gallup the american zoo say they do want the economic lecture and inflation is number one issue and the vice president harris thinks that the corrected a lot really. byron: the obviously have not because inflation is a communicative prices have gone up and continue to go up and so the restorer they have not gone down and you know you were just discussing black americans, hispanic americans, the boat and their supports provided and obviously for the democrat to win the presidency, this what has to be really really high and it is not right now for joe biden and there is one reason in the americans and hispanic murderous all of the americans go to the grocery store and he also pay rent those are the reasons that if you not doing well and minority communities sea breeze and that is doing well overall.
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liz: the microphones been ring off of the hook for 35 and so steve and inflation historic about 3 percent steve, would byron is think of the big argument that biden white house made regarding inflation, while transitory investing thing to worry, no reasonably hamas will ever say that it is in transitory tory asleep sticking watch watch edward lawrence talking the treasury secretary jo in on this watch. >> well and as well in 2021, you did say that inflation is transitory be regressing now. >> i regret saying that it was transitory and it has come down but i think transitory means a few weeks or months to most people. liz: was turning out well okay, you know what, full steve, it is almost broke the word twists and turns, nobody believed it when they said it nobody believes that it is communis is trending down, but everybody sees that assent near 90 percent now stephen final word. steve: yes that's right and by
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the way, then as we go yesterday showed a trending up a little bit hand you know the most with the other big important news here is that if i were advising joe biden i'm not, i'm having trump but if i were i would tell him, rather the middle some gear a in several you are you know getting as independent voters and is sin, he comes over the 7 trillion-dollar budget of 5 trillion-dollar tax increase that is running way to the left and this not going to appeal to the voters. ke.liz: the right way too far lt across the democrat party and who knows if they can come back and will see in the election and byron and steve is so good to see you gentlemen try to going to have you want and lot of news is our coming in will bring congressman jeff and jim fenton keith kellogg american dh as secondary chad will cost lawmakers today really summing hunter biden and hunter biden demanded that he will only testify about selling access to
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his father in the u.s. government and only go to a public hearing and now he's refusing to attend one next week then will write down what is happening there and new major morning that if you director ray testifies the suspected terrorists have shown up that u.s. airports and so again way to the biden white house collapse of order just a generation after 911 their digging deeper into what former special cou robert hur testifieo about half president biden misled america had this big fine mortar and a judge and greenlighted building a border wall sing the biden white house cutting out new gotta do it i'm going to take it on and look who is also this legal legal caskey and angela georgia 2020 case and fulton county d.a. penniless content with this one, and a judge tosses out six of fani
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willis's counts including three against former president trump and harassment here. what will happen next all this coming up on the evening edit. okay y'all we got ten orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours.
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trump, they seem to be crumbling by the hour in the seam so jerry built and just build on bamboo sticks and what you make of judge murphy and georgia tossing out six charges in the georgia 2020 case against president trump the codefendant said that three tossing his former president trump annecy standing up to potential disqualify the after allegation of fani willis's misconduct in hiring her boyfriend in the case. hans: what he throughout were charges that he said were not specific enough for the defendants to adequately be able to defend themselves things argument charges that trump another's, and illegally solicited, state officials to violate their oath of office to uphold thank you west of the georgia constitution spike setting up the course. although, he did give them the ability, fani willis the ability
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to file a new indictment but to do this, they would have to reconvene grand jury and even if they did, was specific provision of the u.s. constitution she going to claim. donald trump violated but he was talking to the state legislatures. about are the elect or should be the represent the states by the u.s. constitution sent say legislatures have 100 percent power to determine who the electors are. so what she going to say there's nothing that she can cite that he violated. liz: we don't know where he goes the judge not to place the other counts including ten facing trump of the six charges tossed out, included two related to the phone call trump made in the georgia secretary of state, brad ralph and sperber he did not dismiss the ricoh catalyst listen to this in march this. >> the first count leader bit the very racketeering kill, there will still include their conduct in the park by yes it was still include the conduct
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and so i don't think that's really changes the type of evidence the d.a. will be able to introduce but it went does not affect on the charges look is embarrassing prosecutors as a screwup by prosecutors when you bring a charge and the judge throws it out before it even goes to trial. liz: so total embarrassment fani willis is this proven there is this former special counsel robert hur testified and classified documents case against president biden and yelp saying yes that he did keep u.s. secrets and willfully retain them 40 million-dollar memoir with his ghostwriter, and you we handyman and he wrote a column you know can't telling l special counsel jack smith as an indifference to fair trial rights trump that we have this dissolution prosecutions by the deadline to try to convict trump by election day and this is one thing of the return, it is a violation of this trump's due
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process rights to a fair trial this is what chris do nothing and they are so intolerably stubborn, the news blog can be symptom-free only gives them the way that they have torqued and twisted the law. hans: boat that is absolutely true and what's astonishing and astonishing about robert hur's testimony is that trump is being prosecuted exactly for the same thing for joe except nobody did for much longer period of time and for years and years and years and we now know that actually he covers classified materials in places where they were not protected by the secret service which was always been the case with the documents that trump had. liz: and hans spakovsky, thank you so much in the final word is the biden budget basically trump down to just fork million dollars in spending a special counsel offices pretty sure down from like 29 million this fiscal year this is a vote of
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confidence special councils no ad, hans spakovsky, thank you for joining us and it is so good to have you back audible to getting her into the story that we've been reporting on for you and if you director, wray wrangling people in dc with higher testimony that known or suspected terrorists have shown that u.s. airports so why does the generation after 911, we say goodbye divided collapse of order and coming up, congressman jeff now she and her judiciary take this on wednesday on my former special counsel robert hur testified to then vice president biden took the 8 million-dollar been warned that when otherness pleaded america about an incoming of the evening edit.
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do you come down on it and by the way it's good to see you one incident addressing the president does not have committed memory issues robert hur test my city does the wing of the trouble you think. jeff: while here is the deal them incoming he does have some cognitive problems, but that is the real issue here, he knew enough to make sure that he used classified documents in order to increase his own personal income by selling his memoirs the ghostwriter, the worked on this was using that material put it was part of his member that is what is really wrong here from there's a huge difference would president trump did what he did and president trump, had a right to declassified the documents when he was a senator, joe biden did not have that right and he did not have the right is a vice president said he kept the men very insecure areas any use them for his personal gain and that's what my take away was sweetie we don't know what information and again thank you to hunter biden when he was at the house and
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it's very hard because we understand the national archives of the government offices hundred offices have been obstructing the impeachment inquiry and what you just say that robert hur testified didn't willfully take and keep secrets and give it to his ghostwriter percent million dollar book the ghostwriter just try to destroy that according to robert hur is much president biden mislead america claiming that he did not do this and you'll hear from robert hur testifying watch this. biden: i do not share classified information i did not share it with my ghostwriter i did not guarantee did not. >> in a report joe biden viewed is no folks has never replace hopeful contemporaneous record of the most important moments of his vice presidency, the pride and money is why he knowingly violated the rules. and the oldest motives in the book card pride and money do you agree with that robert hur, you wrote that in report. >> that language does appear in
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the reportedly did identify evidence supporting those assessments. >> however he did find some evidence of criminality and he did find evidence pretty clear-cut evidence, the joe biden retain classified documents that he knew he retain them as evidence on the tape and he did not immediately turn them back over the other thing that i thank you so important to note is that joe biden did mislead the public to act in the white house then focusing of the report with the public did the white house weigh in with you investigation when i limits of the reporting think we can get the report changed. >> will they did request certain edison changes to the draft report. liz: as of the white house sensors they tried to censor special counsel robert hur's report and bully did that deal in the d.a. official to do that when after agent garland to do that and that the president goes on how the white house hundreds conference misleads america's think that i did not do any of this and i mean, this is it is
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the next level stuff and you use the white house are a national address and mislead america when it is in special counsel robert hur report thank yes, you did to take u.s. secrets for your $8 million memoir we go from here congressman. jeff: will all be surprised number one, this is the same president joe biden, who said that he was not a meetings with his son and his business meetings and he said that he did not get involved which is the businesses that all know we all know that is not true as well and they keep giving him a pass and the reality is, that he remembers what he wants to remember and he remembers how to make money and he remembers that he was to stay out of business conversations and tethered to the public but in reality was just one who case and i really want to draw the contrast year pretty president trump took records have the right to declassified them as a president of the united states and kept them it is secure area and president biden kept his records in many different locations
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including his garage where they were asked to collapse dog crate an old pilsner the garbage and it was unbelievable and as a senator he must've been taking records out of secure areas and bringing them home. liz: with a special counsel classified document case against pro, hit is under next credibility and feels like it should just not be tried it all if they're not going to bring this and what's going on with the president final word. jeff: they exonerated joe biden they should not even have a case against donald trump so you got it, thank you for joining us it is good to see you and were going to get you updated on this new fbi director information terror threats from the crisis that the southern border and u.s. air force as well and "fox news" julian turner live at the state of following horan julienned chile and it is good to see you again soon could see was low friends and was alarming news item to come out of listening to the intelligence the past few days as a number of
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known and suspected terrorist, trying to cross southern border into the u.s. has apparently been rise to be found under. jillian: for five years, take a listen. >> having negative individual known terrorist list of the no-fly list presented them at u.s. themselves at u.s. airports force, when centering the united states attempting to fly. >> i believe the answer to that is yes. jillian: the bigger threat of terrorism is perhaps even more alarming. >> the terrorist threat level we are contending with rhino is that a hold of another level from an already heightened terrorist threat level that we were seeing even before october 7 and you have seen a veritable rogue gallery foreign terrorist organizations calling for terrorist attacks against us in a way that we have not seen in a long long time. gillian: tourism hardly the only national security threat from the southern border read. >> that ran from drugs is at
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historic levels with mexican transnational criminal organizations applying and moving large amounts of synthetic opiates such as fentanyl the united states more than 100,000 americans have died from drug-related overdoses during the past year and most of those debts have been attributed to alissa printed no. gillian: the intelligence eaves revealed that they have concerns that the terrorist group prices, he is trying to develop relationships with human smuggling rings along the southern border originating in mexico liz. liz: we appreciate you very much and you are terrific reporting, think you for helping us out tonight and it is good to see them less welcome back the show for his reaction, for national security advisor to vice president pence the general keith kellogg general it is we do have you want in your reaction of the report is been priced five years, the terror threats and terrace coming into, try to cross the border and how would hassan have collapse the
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border generation after 911. keith: yes liz, thank you for having me and i think part of a district is trying to ignore and are just hoping i goes way that seems to be the pattern of this administration is basically commence whistle graveyard and then over time he will go away and marquez won't care listen to admit i'm just not talking about immigration, which is huge, and i think that the border security is our number one national security threat followed by the issues in the united states military in the near pre- regional threats in europe and middle east the prices will for the national security of the border is huge you look at the just the comments that were just made a by haynes who is the day and i and fbi director frank, those are stunning comments and i am glad you are bringing it out i hope people are bringing and paying attention with her so much going on and some of the issues that is actually sunny many look at the number that from across 7.2 billion and then you have the cutaways at
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1.2 million head on top of that, there's numbers are absolutely off the charts and it is just on through coming out of latin america anymore from the coming from over 115 different countries that even the fbi director wray say we don't know we have and were looking at and that is a very damning indictment of what was going on sweetie of yes it is a damning indictment and former top officials send a letter to the white house saying that we are worried about the mass casualty events forcibly could just throw a knapsack of candidates into a crowd hard in a a music video, edible part i also remember after 911, actually before 911, it was the attack on the retreat center in 1993, then they succeeded in 911 right and so that is with the danger that they can go after an airport as well for these other big venues with a lot of people get the headlines right and we need to have 14 democrats general 20 republican resolution to condemn
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bidens immigration policies never press joining that for refusing to take executive action on the border need to have a federal judge saying that biden stop it little portable over slavery prorated billions of dollars in funds that you former president trump worked on and so when you see the action of the border, but texas singletrack and parking avoided you are part of any see the biden white house suing texas and suing arizona over the border barriers and taking into the supreme court this seems like a white house that is so out of touch with americans demands for safety and that is their job. keith: the sheer number cell phone statistically, it is impossible for some of those people not to be some of the good guys and a lot of them are in fact out and then we have governor average trying to really really hard to try to control the immigration which is going on inside of texas and i think that we gotta congratulate him because the giveaway couple
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and governor desantis as well when they started to move the illegal migrants to major cities it was good because all of a sudden now the northern states they said we have a problem huge problem and they'll your part of it. liz: lt. general keith kellogg thank you so much for giving us your expertise tonight for serving american we appreciate you very much moving on to the story divided he demanded the public hearing and now today he said no i will not go to public hearing and color six weekend over him and his family suing government taxes in excess to joe biden has lawmakers now say that the buses the biden family made allegedly suing and canceling government access suppressing $30 million and they have are also on white house oversights we had at&t phone records and 13 years of phone records from hunter biden we would hear first from friends dagen mcdowell and hans spakovsky sean duffy and have
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hot in the bottom line. >> yes hot and mr. at the house to the upper chamber and will invest their, sinner parkway mullen as well as biden tries to sell his agenda and economy has homes and invite him say of wisconsin and party here to discuss. >> you are on the battlefield was going on you making your insurance go sky high in the governor will be of arkansas on the race for the white house and also posted of the union biden speaking of the joint according to the american people and watched it like the bootleggers in the mainstream media top of t the power. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours. nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years.
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liz: loser congressman temperature from house oversight and congressman it is good to see you again thank you for joining us that's okay let's get to this development that is coming in hunter biden's attorney informed oversight chair oversight committee chair james comer, that hunter biden will not attend a public hearing next week march 20, but didn't hunter biden demanded duty throw basically say we know what i'm only going to testify if there's a and what is going on. tim: he did rules because it is
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families all the way through this and he just continues to really just thumb his nose at the committee system the rest of the country i think that he realizes with the other people testifying beside me cannot stand up to the facts. liz: so this is happening and waited oversight republican subpoena at&t for 13 years of hunter biden's phone records. >> why did they are what he did not speak at what you guys want to look for the phone records. >> will obviously has conversations dealing with these business interests and i believe that they will show the trips when his father was overseas to these countries, and around the world, they will show that he in fact was making the same phone calls to those same areas filing a prison business center interest which is very shady as you will know how to believe
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that record won't just be a coincidence and you cannot just say that is a coincidence when he doesn't time and time again in effect, he will show his dealings with a rush of the guards and all these other people but they play under the mainstream media say there's no proof of there is just while the smoking guns around so much that you can hardly see because the smoking's coming out of the end of the miss completely completely in bed with a lot of these criminal elements that i know that's what it will showing it will show with our witnesses, it will show the be able to tell the times the dates that it will coincide with those phone calls. liz: so 30 million bucks, that's when we hear that the amount the biden family made including hundred pride in doing this and so do you guys have plans to possibly send criminal referrals over to the justice department with any of the players in this. tim: yes, i believe we do for
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the problem we have is with her own justice department as you know and they are compromised in our bed with his family and they refused to look at anything i do think of of this evidence of their having us are too busy chasing down mothers pta meetings and turn concern about the kids being taught pornography the public with public funds than they are to go after these people but as tony has that their coming is probably one of the better witnesses in his will he has incredible memory remember dates and times people of the table and locations in the amount of money that was in these conversations and i do not believe that hunter biden would want to be sitting behind him and all of this was going out sweetie of process of our next week will going to see on the news and congressman temperatures, think you for coming on the show and we do appreciate you very much and
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it's good to see you. tim: thank you. liz: okay this point, it is a big one, and for the republicans are pushing to stop the u.s. from counting illegal immigrants in sin says this would change house district think of number of electoral college votes and more and fewer research is saying that this could have a big impact on congressional seats and former acting dhs secretary-treasurer chad woelfel taking on entities ready to go and fired go in the evening edit next. (luke) so... i hear some of you are concerned about the fact that i'm taking over the company. well, rest assured, company's in great hands. marci, hit the vid'. (both lukes) homes-dot-com. we've done your home work. (luke) now, that is worth celebrating!
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elizabeth: let's get to it joining us now chad wolf, former homeland security secretary, what do you make of senate push against counting illegal immigrants in u.s. census, senat sense hagerty told us it will have an impact. >> i think there is an element of that' if you go back almost a year ago, congresswoman from new york saying she needed more illegals for redistricting purposes there is a concern as sanctuary cities and others in a lot of the blue states continue to encourage a lot of the illegal i immigration and those individuals are used to decide when states get
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increased congressional seats, you then have an impact in congress from a voting perspective, that is done without u.s. citizen, they can't vote in federal elections yet they are used to decide who can go to congress and vote, that is the concern, when we talk about a crisis of design, we keep getting asked, is this a political ends, i think for a lot of americans, the fact now talking about how this will help hem from a redistricting stand point that is a political end. elizabeth: it matters in how the federal government will spend billions in federal taxpayer money in different states too. you have seen this president biden you saw it, president biden did an executive order in 2021 ordering census, you have to count illegal migrants, trump pushed to stope if top it -- stop it.
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the other thing, is democrats in house at same time are pushing to stop voter i.d., they want to drop voter identification. senator lee here. >> i find it troubling these -- simple yes. if you ask most importance overwhelming majority of americans say you have to be a citizen to vote in federal election and be required to prove it show identification papers when you board a plane, to go to the doctor, to pick up a prescription all things require identification, why not voting, former president jimmy carter recommend states require voter to use a real i.d. coffe identification to ensure persons presents themselves at polling places are in
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fact those registeringed, i agree. elizabeth: cow counting illegal immigrants in census and no voter i.d. >> this idea this notion that by requiring individuals to show identification to vote is somehow voter intimidation, most importance shake their head rat that, you -- head at, that you need an idea to do just about anything these days, this idea it voter suppression does not hold water, combining both of the issues, not requiring voter i.d. and attracting more folks to certain districts because you get more representation in congress, american people are starting to see it for what it is. that is a political ends the crisis, is there for a political end that is to help those on the left. elizabeth: there is lawbreaking, this is flat out lawbreaking at the
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border, you can only claim asylum if you are suffering true political and religious persecution, you can't show up just for work, that is an abuse of the border, no other nation in the world is so abused with its border issues like the u.s. >> that is right. you combine this with knowing in biden administration -- they know that people are filing fraudulent asylum claims, yet they are still allowing them into the u.s., you combine that with as they go to sanctuary cities, they are then using it to decide representation in congress. this is laughable and transparent. elizabeth: got it. >> what they end goal. elizabeth: chad wolf thank you so much, we have to leave it there, now to dagen and sean. dagen: thank you. emac. elizabeth:
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