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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 19, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: rescue me is the
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reference to -- i don't know. lauren: my daily anthem. stuart: really mine. rescue me please. lauren: we are working on it. stuart: it is 10:00 eastern. let's get to the money, not much price movement, dow up 50, and exact down 42. largely because nvidia which is down this morning, 10 year treasury yield has been moving up, 4.31%. oil back above 80 a barrel, 82, 85, bitcoin, the decline in the price, 63,000 as of now. now this. justice in new york city has become a politicized joke. we preach the point donald trump has to come up with 1/$2 billion cash just to appeal the verdict in his forecast.
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according to forbes he's got the money, with $2 billion but it's not liquid. it is tied up in property. trump's lawyers say it's impossible to get the money, just can't get it. the right of appeal is fundamental. to be denied that right because you can't get half $1 billion for an excessive penalty is a denial of justice. it gets worse. if trump can't get the money by next monday, the attorney general, leticia james, would seize and sell trump's assets. the trump haters embedded in the legal system are dreaming of padlocks on trump and for what? there are no victims to pay off. usually there is a line of people out the door who last money and want it back. in this case nobody last money. trump is accused of inflating the value of his assets so the banks will loan him more money but they never change their loan terms. they made money.
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there are no victims here. james wrongly use the power of her office in a campaign in 2018, she said she was out to get donald trump. what she has done is undermine the rule of law, she has exposed and publicize the justice system where justice takes a backseat. is there a judge who will step in and say enough? will the new york bar association say something? apparently not. the city will spiral down. second hour of varney just getting started. ♪ stuart: brian brenberg with me. i came on strong, justice in new york city, politicized justice is a joke. >> the tip of the spirit donald trump at its about anybody ask anybody watching this says if they can do that to him, lots
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of money you can't raise, you lose, doesn't matter who you are, if us bows the wrong view, shop at the wrong place you speak the wrong words, this could be you next. that is what america sees and what's happening to donald trump. may work for him politically but it's a sad commentary on the rule of law and justice. stuart: sad spectacle. listen to what the white house is saying when asked about president biden's next press conference. watch this. >> when will the president hold another press conference, without having helicopter noise or jet noise in the background? >> the president as you just said the president takes questions pretty regularly, enjoys having engagement with all of you. >> is there talk of one? >> i don't have anything for you.
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the president enjoys engaging with all of you on a regular basis and he will continue to do that. stuart: i don't see how they can avoid any and all press conferences and a debate and call this a potential campaign. brian: he said take away the helicopter noise, all the background noise, the things you could blame in saying he didn't hear your question are you didn't hear him. this is your line. give it to us straight. no background noise, just the president and the press. any questions we want to ask and let's see what he can do. they don't want to do that. don't want to do the debates. i don't think we will get one and that a loss for america. stuart: it is a huge loss for america, a bad thing for their campaign. he cannot handle a press conference, cannot handle the debate, a huge negative. brian: they don't view that as a negative. they feel it's a positive for their campaign if he can stay out of that spotlight. a negative for people making
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decisions but that is what he needs to do given his circumstances. lauren: david axelrod says he can be funny, he can be aggressive, let him be joe on the debate stage, he should be able to take on donald trump. let's see it. brian: that is the worst advice david axelrod could give. stuart: unless you want biden out and somebody else in. he is obama's guy. stay there. you are with me for the hour. president biden's reelection campaign laid out its strategy to win in swing states. what is the strategy? lauren: make a relentless effort to reach voters in swing states. that is why the president went to pennsylvania and georgia after the state of the union, than wisconsin, than michigan, nevada, arizona. has clinic age and team tells fox he was aggressive and
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competitive, building the base to win in november. you have to build the base and trump cannot stand beyond amaga. trump responding it's time for joe biden and i to debate. we owe it to our country, that is true. anytime anywhere. stuart: it will never happen in our opinion. brian: they know he can build his base, get minority voters and suburban women and college graduates. he has shown it in other places. lauren: not doing well with the group. brian: he is making gains. stuart: jan musk claims his ketamine use is good for investors. after this. >> do you ever worry that this may get in the way of your government contracts and wall street as well? >> from the standpoint of wall street what matters is execution.
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if there's something i'm taking i should be taking it. stuart: i don't think elon musk liked that interview. scott shelladdy joins me now. 's drug use good for investors? tell me. >> what he is trying to say his prescription medicine should be good for investors. i am not a doctor. i don't take any of those drugs. i'm not depressed. if you have that problem it is a modern-day prozac. there's other things that may be more publicly accepted because ketamine has other uses but if this is something he's thinking of every couple weeks, with tesla, space x and the like, i don't have a problem with it.
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and you know what? by the way, everyone has to have the best mental health problem, why would anybody be behind a person looking out for their mental health? these interviews especially going to be controversial and he will be combated. he goes online with what elon musk stands for. it's a private issue with him. if this is what he needs, just like any prescription, keep going on and makes more space x. stuart: let's change the subject. let's see what you make of nvidia. >> you have been talking about it earlier. i'm looking for a better opportunity. i'm surprised it has pulled back on what they were talking about the last few days but 25
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years ago, 1988-2000 when we went to the boom, i wondered when we will have a balanced budget. we made record strides paying off the national debt. the national debt is around 33% or 123% today. and looking for something that will help our books. they are spending like drunken sailors. and they may run out of money. this is something that could help the country if you get behind it and the product comes through. listen to some of these announcements. they are incredible. stuart: they are incredible. thanks very much indeed. see you again soon. looking at movers, show me nordstrom, that is moving up today, 11%. lauren: the founding family are looking to take it private and have asked investment banks morgan stanley, reach out to private equity firms to gauge their interest. stuart: supermicro.
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lauren: they make the ai servers with nvidia chips, they launched this 2 million share offering and want to use proteins to support their operation, fill out their manufacturing capacity. research and develop. this is a stock at $882 that has gained 1000%. stuart: another one we missed. micro strategy. lauren: one more bitcoin. they on 115,000 bitcoin, more than 1% of the total in a distance. stock is down 15%. bitcoin is coming back a bit. record high, the largest spot etf. back to record levels. grayscale is the biggest one based on record outflows yesterday, 640,000.
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stuart: new yorkers who fled to low tax states texas and florida. it looks like some of them didn't save as much as they thought. this is bad news for guy like me. lauren: they save money but not as much. half-million new yorkers bled and is a report from smart assets, they are saving less now than at the start of the pandemic. consider $250,000 income. if they left new york in 2019 and moved to miami, they saved $150,000 in 2019 on that move. last year was $88,000. it's not as much. the mother in texas. what is the reason? home prices to rents, insurance. these places have become so popular, jacked up in price. the dollar is not going anywhere. stuart: don't turn people off of going to florida and texas. that is still a big savings. brian: the relocation marker.
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stuart: coming up, here's what we have for you. the house foreign affairs committee will hear directly from top biden officials on the withdrawal from afghanistan. we will tell you what we can expect from today's hearing. gang violence escalated, does the us military have a role in haiti? keith kellogg next. meet ron. ron eats, sleeps and breathes hoops, but oh how he can nail a software solution. you need ron. ron needs a retirement plan. work with principal so we can help you with a plan that's right for him. let our expertise round out yours. there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪)
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you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? did we peak your interest? you can get two unlimited lines for just $30 each a month. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible, it's happening. stuart: the state department had to evacuate 30 american citizens from haiti monday, nearly a thousand remain stranded.
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jillian turner at the state department. what's the plan for getting them out? jillian:what is remarkable is they are working, top priority to help get stranded americans out of haiti. so far thousand americans have reached out to the state department to ask for more information about how to escape the country. a dramatic uptick a couple days ago when the state told us that number was a few hundred. >> this is a fluid situation. the number of individuals who have reached out to us through the crisis is approaching a thousand and we are continuing to monitor the situation and evaluate the demand. >> reporter: the start department evacuated 30 american this over the weekend by a charter flight to miami after insisting two days prior there were no plans to rescue
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americans. >> security circumstances on the ground as well as feasibility of commercial options made it such that in the interest of american citizens. >> reporter: the biden administration hopes to rescue more americans over the coming days. >> there is active planning for that, active analysis of the risks of doing so. >> reporter: the parents of haitian and about the children say they've been separated during haiti's collapse and the state department has been helpful. >> in times like this when they say us systems should leave, we can't because we can't take our kids. they are coming to rescue some americans but they are not rescuing adopted children. >> reporter: the state department tells us they are concerned about claims from these parents, separated from haitian children, talk to and meet with adoption agencies in
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the us today. we've got a briefing coming up just about two hours from now, what exactly they are planning to do to help those families. stuart: lieutenant general keith kellogg joined me now. does the us military have a role in haiti other than guarding the embassy? keith:there's a better picture than this. when you look at haiti and it is on the same island, it is a pretty stable government. haiti has been a problem child in the caribbean the last couple decades. what needs to be done is fix this problem in haiti. we had the un involved, peacekeeping troops, their native language is english. we should look at the organization of american states.
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headquarters is a thousand yards from the white house. the president should pick up the phone and get a hold of the ambassador of the oas and say you need to solve this problem, 32 states in the oh af, they can do this. they've been involved in the caribbean before. 1965 the same island when they put peacekeeping troops on the island and the un data to the oas. the evacuation of us citizens, they need to figure this. and another example of them sleepwalking past the problem in haiti is on the billboard. adam: another subject that's precedent.
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is benjamin netanyahu ignoring president biden, let's go for a cease-fire. is he going directly to crush hamas? >> and the state department. we should be in full support of them. we should be more focused, i was just there, they are still fighting in excess essential thing. and remind everybody, 7 october, they killed americans.
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they should sit back and say benjamin netanyahu, this is your fight. finish it off. it is a big mistake. stuart: the statement from senator schumer and the backup from the president is nothing to do with israel but everything to do with the michigan elections and biden's trouble domestically. >> you are probably right. it is critical for the middle east. there is a flash point in the world today, not ukraine or russia, but the middle east. they need to start planning a domestic audience, and in israel, they should be in support of them. there is a moral signal to to this, what hamas did, what
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happened on 7 october, we should understand that and support that. stuart: i agree but it's difficult to ignore domestic politics in the domestic campaign. a pleasure to have you with us. elsewhere, former pentagon officials testify on the botched afghan withdrawal today. who is going to be there? ashley: retired general mark millie, former chair of the joint chiefs of staff is set to testify before the foreign affairs committee. also scheduled to appear as general kenneth mckenzie, former head of us central command oversees american troops across the middle east. september 2021, both generals told the senate committee they recommended maintaining a small force in afghanistan instead of the withdrawal. last year millie said the chaotic withdrawal was, quote, a strategic failure and he had lots of regrets.
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a separate review of that withdrawal faulted senior officials from failing to prepare for worst-case scenarios for listening to dissenting opinions. john kirby defended the withdrawal. watch this. >> this talk of chaos. at one point during the evacuation there was an aircraft taking off full of people. americans and afghans alike every 48 minutes and not one single mission was missed. ashley: not chaotic. never forget 13 us service members died, they targeted those crowds at the kabul airport. stuart: still had, the biden campaign sharpening its attempt on donald trump, just released a new attack ad that twists trump's words. watch this. >> tell your supporters no matter what, no biden. >> it is going to be a bloodbath.
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stuart: back to that. jason will respond to that in a moment. police cracking down on burglary, tourists. that's when gangs from south america brought homes and wealthy neighborhoods in california. that fly back to their own country with the loose. trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, you can spend less time searching and more time learning. trade brilliantly with schwab.
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stuart: on the markets, nasdaq down 112 points, much of that is nvidia which is sharply lower. down is up 66. tesla is moving down. lauren: tesla is lower, the energy department unveiling final rules that significantly soften their fuel economy requirement, with the big 3. stuart: what about robin hood? lauren: after four years of trying, and commission free trading, this is the bad news. it is a huge source of letter revenue, they make their trade.
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they are going to be profitable. stuart: international paper. lauren: is a 9% gain. stuart: the police department has launched a new task force to crack down on what they call burglary tourists, they fly here, rob mentions and fly back to their own country? william, what do you know about this? >> reporter: tell me these thieves are like ghosts, don't know who they are, where they land and on paper, they disappear. the biden administration, removing chile from the visa waiver list. could the mugshots here, they tell an untold story. posing as tourists terrorizing us neighborhoods.
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>> i cannot comprehend why the united states government is trying to protect those who are coming in and breaking their homes. >> member travel from chile to wealthy neighborhoods in new york, phoenix, detroit, indianapolis and many more. they break in, take cash and jewelry. >> a significant increase in burglaries from organized groups outside the country. >> reporter: using fake ides to rent cars, police databases, with home security systems. they don't use guns, they won't hold them, das won't prosecute, so why now? chile is the only latin american country as tourists without a visa or criminal background check.
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>> the visa waiver program and sending criminals to burglarize my constituents. >> police a chile to do a better job of cooperating with the us or lose its waiver status. the state department said is it up to our cvp to approve those tourists beforehand. >> customs and border protection at ports of entry have broad statutory authority to conduct inspections to deny admission. >> da spitzer filed a lawsuit against the state department demanding more information about what chile is or isn't doing. stuart: i hear you, thank you very much indeed. jason rantz is joining me now. what is the evidence of the burglary tourism? was there hard evidence? >> a little bit. they do end up getting caught
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without actual ids. they are able to track these people down and with the arising going on based on the fact they are not carrying weapons but just released immediately. once you identify them you are able to track movements and often you see it is not just chile, it's colombia, ecuador, peru, all these countries are taking advantage of soft on crime policies. they are going in areas where they know they are not going to see significant charges and where they do see charges they don't stay in those areas. we've been seeing this for a little bit of time. it's not exceptionally new. for the last couple years we've been seeing this around the country. stuart: let's get back to trump's bloodbath comments.
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listen to how many times and people in the media used the word bloodbath themselves. >> as reports on the, quote, bloodbath of the rnc, >> try to take america. the headline refers to it as an impending bloodbath. >> the midterm elections may not be the bloodbath for democrats that has been predicted. >> president biden talked about a negative bloodbath. >> it would be a bloodbath. >> they could see a bloodbath. >> republican party will be destroyed. it is going to be a bloodbath. stuart: we got the point. the administration released an ad attacking trump taking the word bloodbath out of context again. go ahead. >> the ad is amazing. they are considering the american people to be totally
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examined. one thing to be said if you were doing this where we didn't have access to x and youtube and all the videos that have come out that show the context here. when they go overboard in this way, not just the biden administration, never actually occurred, you've got talking heads doing this. daniel goldman said when does anyone use the term bloodbath related to economic problems? it's the literal definition. it is a literal definition of that term. they don't have respect for the american people. it's not going to work and it is going to backfire because even though they are being lied to, they start to say enough is enough. i know you are trying to do the trump is chaotic and dangerous thing but clearly you are lying, then we start thinking about their light under donald trump and it was other than than now. stuart: coming up you got to
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stay tuned for this. any award-winning mentalist oz perlman has his unique mind winning -- >> of that we 6 children. i'm putting these in. describe to me what in your mind you are seeing? stuart: it was a full house with two queens. >> really? open your eyes and take a look. stuart: how did you do that? he's going to do that again with another mystifying performance. ♪
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stuart: i promise to sensation and i will deliver. oz perlman is back. go ahead. >> people watching the show care about their financial future and what to invest in the future. the 50 or 60 most common assets people purchase, the list is obvious. i went you to imagine you hop on your phone or your computer, looking up the price of this asset, one of the 50 or 60 most common ones, don't say because i'm hoping there's no way you can look it up. do you know what this trades at or you are not sure? lauren: i have an approximation. >> eyes went up. that interesting. i am going to go with this.
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and put a dollar sign before it. lauren: you think i know these prices? >> tell us all. which stock did you go with? lauren: you want me to say it? it's not a stock, it's an asset. >> what was it? lauren: really? bitcoin. >> you threw me a curve ball. never bring a knife to her gunpoint. bitcoin it is. come on, hold on. imagine, hindsight is 20/20. i wish i got bitcoin a year ago, would have been one hundred 50% on that. cross this off. you have a crystal ball. you can't what you had a year ago. imagine you can see into the future and not holding you to this. the stock that march 19, 2025,
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pops and you can see this. it is a stock. i got my stock. >> i guess so. >> close your eyes please. close your eyes please. close your eyes. keep them closed. everybody see it. i want you to see it. a new one. lauren: no way. ouz: did you tell anyone what stock popped into your head? brian: no. oz:what did you go with? brian: i said medtronic in. oz: our investors at home want to know where it is going. when do you purchase and when do you sell? timing it is the hardest part. how do you reach it at the top? i want to catch it at the bottom and sell at the top. picture your crystal ball is
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there. what is it trading at now? any idea? brian: 86. oz: it better be a multiple i will disappoint you. look at this way. tell us. i am putting you on the spot. look over here. it is 80 something. stock ticker, the bell rings. somehow you know the future one year from today. how much is it trading at? tell us how much that is. brian: tell you the dollar amount? 317. oz: did i tell you to say that? >> totally random. oz: is at 317 on the dial? what is it? brian: it is 317 all along. oz: take a look. what you see in the stock market and what you see, you see something like that.
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when we start to be race, getting tighter. you always got to keep the penny. got to keep the penny. take the penny, take the eraser. you can keep it. stuart: that is amazing. that moment, thank you very much indeed. he is coming back, the 11:00 hour. we can't wait for you to come back. we were all blown away by this. don't know how you can possibly -- i've got to tell everybody what's coming up. donald trump's lawyer says practically impossible for him to pay $454 million in his new york civil fraud case. it has become a politicized
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joke, let's see if o'brien kilmeade agrees with me. that is next. ♪ that advances innovations like robotics. fresh, warm hot dogs, straight out of my torso! one for you, one for you. oh, you're a messy one. cool, right? so cool. anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. hot dogs! fresh, warm hot dogs! before investing carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me,
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stuart: kate and will walking and smiling in public, first time we've seen that in months. the video shows princess kate at prince william in windsor. kate was described as looking happy, relaxed, and healthy. this video comes just one week after she apologized for editing a family photo. check the market please. the dow industrials up 131 points, nasdaq is down, we are 64 points there. bitcoin, $63,000 a coin. 70,000 last week. it's 10:51 almost on the east coast. in a couple seconds, we will talk to brian kilmeade about donald trump having trouble securing his $454 million bond. impossible to come up with that money by next monday, 6 days
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away. i'm saying there's no justice for trump in new york. >> absolutely. a previous guest i had, this isn't like -- remember, the billionaire, multibillionaire making a ton of money in russia and russia vladimir putin says keep making that money, don't run against me. he said i think i will run against you. they put him in jail and took his wealth and after ten years, they kicked him out of the country. is this the same thing they are doing, he's going to run for president, he could have won in russia if they had a legitimate democracy and now you have a guy who is beating president biden in every battleground states so suddenly letitia james who got elected saying i'm going after trump has a judgment, at which time he loses and they say you only $50 million, only 30 companies that do this none of which said they
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don't take collateral properties. no one has $1 billion in cash laying around. he is appealing 100 million. i'm not going anywhere. you have a monitor looking over my business. you studied it for four years, you know where the money is, there's no damage to the city while we wait for appeal. this is all punishment unless you back out. i think it helps him. in the meantime, clearly being get attacked. it's a terrible precedent for rich people in america, stay away from new york especially if you are not a democrat. stuart: this city is spiraling down. i don't have much faith in the legal system like this. i don't feel safe in this city and all around the city i see migrants camping out on the street and begging. the city is going down and it's
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the authorities who have authority in the city that are dragging it down. how far can this get? brian: we have a guy in long island, four people the chopped up two people, and left body parts in the woods, they left on 0 bail. we have the cfo, 76-year-old of the trump organization, didn't do the taxes right or have his kid get car service and put it on the business and goes to rikers island. then got a billionaire who build buildings and gets jobs and builds those buildings and people have jobs. and target him. then tweet about you winning a verdict that was already rigged to begin with because you got a left-wing activist judge who said before he took court this is absolutely insane. the people have figured it out. they are not saying i like or dislike donald trump. that might be true but come on. this is ridiculous.
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stuart: i've got to get to this. caitlin jenner said she supports nassau county's new executive order banning biological men from competing in female sports at county run facilities. this is your county. what your reaction to caitlin jenner? brian: there is no kid that wants to play high school or college but watch these girls get crushed by these trends women and get hit in volleyball, bounce off their head, through them to the ground. getting ahead of it. leticia james, we love her and has a suit against him. he's getting sued by a roller derby team, and i was the best athlete in the world in 1976, i'm still biologically a man, my license says female, should not be allowed to play women's sports. it's a strong argument.
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he's going out for because he believes in, his credentials are pretty strong. relatively unique. stuart: relatively unique. stuart: all good stuff, see you again later. brian brenberg, can you believe that? brian: i don't believe it. stuart: thanks for being with us for the hour. make sure to catch you on "the big money show" weekdays at 1:00 pm on fox business. jimmy failla on elon musk's content moderation. today's primary in ohio. what happens if trump's candidate loses? cory brooks on evicting 15 migrants from their shelters. were where do they go? the 11:00 hour is next.
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10:59 am
11:00 am
describe to me what in your mind you were seeing. what was in the hand. say it slowly. what was in your hand that you're picturing? it was a full house with three fours and


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