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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 19, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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describe to me what in your mind you were seeing. what was in the hand. say it slowly. what was in your hand that you're picturing? it was a full house with three fours and two
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queens. really? yes. open your eyes. still take a look. how the devil did you do that? just as it was during the barack obama presidency. americans don't feel as good about what's going on as barack obama did. it's time for us to secure our own border. and we do that by being smart about going to haiti and joe biden getting off his hands. people are frustrated with the way the democrats have been running things, or not running things, i should say they're just not representing the people. i don't care too much for money. money can't buy me love can't buy me love. money can't buy me love. i do believe that's true. maybe i'll give it a shot. hey. oh stewie, it's 11:00 on the east coast, and it's tuesday, march the 19th. it is. i believe it's almost the first day of spring it is today on the markets. the dow is up 142. the nasdaq's down 80. kind of a
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mixed picture we got going on here. show me big tech i think it's all over the place. we have microsoft at 420. apple 174 amazon 175 alphabet meta. down a little, the ten year treasury yield. where is it? up and down all day for 230 as we speak. now this. they were never close and they are definitely not close now. it's affecting this year's election. obama and biden joined at the hip as president and veep. well, they had a falling out. biden wanted his boss to endorse him for president, but he went for hillary clinton and she lost. and biden was sore about it after he won the oval office in 2020, axios quotes a former biden aide as saying this the obama people thought biden would suck as president. they didn't think he'd be organized enough to execute. end quote. it was biden who insisted on the withdrawal from afghanistan because he wanted to show how good he was at foreign policy. that debacle confirmed obama's worst fears.
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the obama biden relationship is not going well now. the white house is leaking like a sieve behind closed doors. biden thinks obama might be jealous of some of joe's achievements. really? obama is disappointed in biden because he considered joe's terme as his third terme, and it's not making him look good. obama's making him look good. he's been critical and running in year and attention between obama and biden's own people in the white house. the backdrop is here and it's this: it's the democrats intense anxiety over their 81-year-old canned indicate. that's in the background. it's very important. they don't want him to run and suspicion that barack obama is pulling the strings to get him out before november. why did obama pay a quiet visit to britain's prime minister and biden's support for israel and obama is none too pleased about and unofficial foreign minister apologizing for the old guy back home and paving the way for a different candidate? pure speculation of course.
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but there's something going on and it's not good for the current occupant of the oval office. biden needs obama, but he doesn't have his full throated support. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: jimmy failla is here this morning. >> great to see you, stu. stuart: something going on here? >> yeah, but to the point of obama going to ted downing, trying to find out what's up with kate middleton. there's a lot of speculation. to get onto the grown up stuff for a second, when you see obama surveillance galts calling for biden to get off the ticket and we saw earlier, okay, in the winter, okay, and you realize biden is polling historically low, okay. i've said before, this is a guy that's polling behind isis. that's not technically true, but you get where i'm going with the metaphor. we've never had someone run for
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reelection for incumbent polling in low and bush was polling leer and certainly trump was but they had the ability to get out and campaign. biden doesn't have that ability. so i think we're back to a earlier version of this rift and what i mean is biden was obama's vice president for eight years as you noted, obama thought so highly of him. he talked him out of running in 2016. now he's saddled with that same guy eight years later and certainly can't be anymore impressed by his judgment now than he was then given the situation at the border or maybe over in afghanistan. so i think this might be a last ditch effort by obama to at least give the okay to party leaders, because he doesn't want to openly do that but wants to behind the scenes and now or never moment as elvis presley sang. now or never for obama/biden removal effort and if you ask most americans, they'd quote elvis a second time and ordered
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him by mail they'd say return to sender. >> you get a double elvis on the varney show. got to bring goodell vis to varney. everyone knows this. stuart: did you see this? elon musk got into heated exchange with don lemon with big tech censorship. roll it. >> we leak thing ifs they're illegal. these have been up there for awhile. >> are they illegal? >> they're not illegal, but they're hateful and they can lead to violence as i just read to you, the shooters, you know, in all of the mass shootings attributed social media to radicalizing them. >> you love censorship? >> no, i don't. i believe in moderation, but i don't believe in censorship. moderation is a propaganda word for censorship. >> is it ever? i'm with elon on this and what do they mean by moderation? get rid of anything we don't
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agree with. we saw moderation during the vaccine debate and the hunter biden story. you get into the semantic hurdle, it's not prostitution, officer, i'm paying her for a date. it's like it's the same thing, stu. sorry to take it there, i am a former cab driver and more well versed than that than moderation. stuart: 60 seconds left of the story i can't believe. a cry spa, c-r-y spa opened in new york city. rent out a private cry room for $20 for half an hour. are you signing up? is this a place to really go to cry in the thing? lauren: do they help you cry? >> a great scene in god father like what do i do? martin brando said you can act like a man. self-respect. i'm old school. if i want to pay money to cry, i'll buy a ticket to a met game. everybody winds up crying by the seventh inning but at least you get a pretzel. stuart: walk in and pay $20 and do they make you cry? >> i don't know how it works. there's a lot of broken people out there.
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instead of teaching them to fight through, we're now charging them for their brokenness and exploiting the weakness instead of repairing it. stuart: mike murphy would never. i suspect you'd not invest in that. >> possibly the worst idea i ever heard. stuart: that's okay. we share a opinion. jimmy, we'll watch you on fox news saturday night at 10:00 p.m. eastern. thanks for being with us, jimmy. check the markets, please. the dow is still very nice and must be a couple of stocks in the dow 30 doing particularly well. it's up nearly 150 points right now. mike murphy, the afore mention second-degree with me now. the fed decked off two-day -- kicked off two-day meeting and do you see any rate cuts at all coming in year? >> this year, yes, for sure. this meeting, no. i think the market has come to grips with where the fed is and i think they understand the fed unless there's outlandish news where the economy is overheating, we're going to get the fed to begin to cut interest rates, probably in june, that's
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what we're looking for now. if it's pushed out a bit, that's fine. as long as the direction is not rates going higher, it's rates coming lower and that's where we are and where we're going. >> looks good to you; right? >> yes. stuart: microsoft and nvidia are two huge companies and stocks, are they carrying in market? >> they're carrying the market for now, but last year the knock on the market for all the peoplt there saying we're being carried by the magnificent 7 and a very small handful of stocks and not the broad market. now you have microsoft is carrying, nvidia is carrying but two components that aren't helping is apple down 10% year-to-date and tesla down 30% year-to-date. yet there's a market that's just sitting a few percentage points off all time high and that takes the bear case and throw it is out oturu the window. stuart: you've got to be in the market and you've been right. ups and downs over a period of time were up now and we're doing well and that's a good point,
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always be in the market. don't come in and out. don't try to time it. >> trying to time it is absolute certain way to lose money. being in the market long term and look back over last 100 years, it's a guaranteed way to make money. stuart: so long as you have the time available to stick in it for the long term. >> like saying a player that's injure second-degree day-to-day. we all are. we all are so none of us know how much time we have. stuart: so many of us less time than others. what a conversation for the show. bring back oz, i want to know when i'm going to die. thank you, murphy. looking at movers. meta. lauren: down 1.6%. so they're offering to almost half the monthly fee of europeans that use instagram and facebook and get it for free if you agree to be tracked by advertisers but if you don't want to be tracked, you pay that fee cut nearly in half and meta's move to appease the antitrust regulators.
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stuart: sound hound. lauren: ai stock and up over 400% in the past year and voice provider and down 6% because they're getting swept up in the ai selloff link to nvidia, but they're using nvidia chips to develop a voice command service for the car. you done even need a cloud connection or an internet hookup so i'll be talking to a robot in our car. stuart: sounds like a good deal. >> good deal but to point out, nvidia actually invested in sound town and money in there and people watching at home if they believe that's a good reason to invest. stuart: what is national cine media? lauren: make ads displayed at movie theater and record revenue per patron in the last quarter, fourth quarter of last year because of taylor swift movie, brought in the big new demographic for them. b riley says time to buy the stock and going to 650. stuart: up 25%, that's not bad at all. thanks, lauren. don't miss this. meant list oz pearlman back again this hour and he'll take
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on myself and mike murphy. also, biden team says they have aggressive campaign strategy to win swing states. how will republicans counter it? new rnc chair will tell us and chicago spent $300 million on migrant crisis and now many migrants are facing eviction. where are they going to go? pastor cory brooks on that next. ♪ meet ron. ron eats, sleeps and breathes hoops. and there's not a no look pass, double double, or buzzer beater he won't wax poetic on. ad nauseam. but oh how he can nail a software solution like the best high screen pick and roll you've ever seen. you need ron. ron needs a retirement plan. work with principal so we can help you help ron with a retirement and benefits plan that's right for him. let our expertise round out yours.
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deciding on a mansion tax in
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chicago. is this the same as in los angeles? reporter: good morning, stuart. this is similar. in la it was for properties over $5 million. it did not succeed. what they thought it would achieve the numbers were much, much lower than that. here it's similar in the sense that it's also going to be a graduated tax if it passes, but it will be for properties over just $1 million. right now the tax rate is $3.75 for every $500 in purchase price. the proposed tax model would cut that down by 75-cents for properties sold for less than $1 million. so a 20% decrease. sales between 1 million and 1.5 million and it's $10 for every $5.5 million. over 1.5 million and the tax is increasing to $15 for every $500 in purchase price making a
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$200 million property tax increase from $15,000 to $60,000. proponents say this could raise almost $100 million to combat homelessness but others say this isn't just downtown sky scrapes that we're talking about. take a listen. >> one thing we're very concerned about in areas of black community like brownsville where there has been several people since the 1980s who have invested in that area and they own properties that are now worth over $1 million. you know, that community will suffer from this. reporter: some estimates say this could affect 40,000 properties that are owned by every day hard working people in a very windy city, stuart. stuart: very windy indeed. kelly, thank you very much. staying in chicago, the city spent nearly $300 million on the migrant crisis and eviction from the shelters are beginning now. pastor cory brooks is with me. thousands of migrants are being evicted in the near future.
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where are they going to go? >> well, stuart, very unfortunate that state and city funds are being stretched to the fullest and individuals who are going to be put out of these shelters and out of the homes will be going to the streets and they'll come to places like ours, not for profit organizations like project hood. i left the office today to come here, there were 10 families already in our office and i already know when i get back, there's going to be more. that's very heart breaking because we're already stretched and it's already in a difficult position to try and help as many people as we possibly can. stuart: they're going to be out on the street. that's it. okay. no longer winter, but it's not that friendly environment on the streets of chicago. that's literally where thousands of them will end up; is that right? on the street? >> absolutely. i mean, where else can they go? if you have organizations like ours like project hood where we're already overwhelmed and trying to do everything we can to maximize the help we can give to build our infrastructure for the community we're in, it's --
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we don't have the resources or the tools to be able to help all the families that are going to be needing help. stuart: can't you -- sorry to interrupt you, pastor, can't you get money from jay pritzker, the oregoner of illinois? money from joe biden, the president of the unit? united states? it's their problem as much as yours. >> the problem is they're going to continue to tax individuals. when there's a budget that's stretched and financial sustainability that's mappable to handle uncertainty and anxiety already following, you're going to tax us and burden the citizens and that's what we don't want. even the mansion taxes they're trying to pass, it's taxing their way out of situations to do what they want to do and taxes people to fix a problem is never the solution. stuart: according to the chicago tribune, migrants are buying cars without licenses and insurance and they're using these cars to get around and work, i guess, and get around and do business. do you approve of this? >> you know, lawlessness is the order of the day in chicago.
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if we allow people to operate vehicles without a proper licenses basically what you're saying is it's okay to break the law in chicago and becomes next and if it's okay to go in store and hungry and okay to break other laws and we have to put our foot down and say listen, these are principles and precepts and laws of the land and abide by them and especially for individuals that are coming in newly and need to know the law. stuart: let me come back at you, pastor, what are the folks supposed to do. they're there and on the street. what are they going to -- what are they supposed to do? they need to drive and work and move around. i mean, what are they supposed to do? >> well, the good thing about chicago is we have an infrastructure with city transportation that's available to everybody and so if you need to get around, there are other ways to operate in the city without breaking the law. i think the moment we start saying it's okay to break the law, then that's a slippery slope that we don't want to go
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down, especially when we already have so many problems in the city of chicago with violence and with crime and with lawlessness, we don't want to go that route. stuart: pastor cory brooks, thanks, as usual, for being on the show. we hope to have you back again soon. >> thank you, stu, appreciate it. stuart: a migrant shelter in arizona on the verge of closing. ashley, what's the story there? ashley: well, federal money about to run out and the shelter in pima county, arizona, will be forced to shut down within the next couple of weeks and administrators say the county will not afford the roughly $1 million per week that is been covered up to now by washington. funding for migrant shelter and transportation has been tied up in a congressional night over illegal migration and government spending. pima county certainly not alone. funding issues are a big problem in cities like new york city, chicago and denver. without the federal dollars, communities will face many more migrants living on the streets,
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greater demands on police, hospitals and sanitation services. one pima county official said if shelter services are not available for migrants, the end result will be "homelessness on steroids". stu. stuart: thanks, ash. folks, listen to this one: bentley, they make nice cars, delaying the plan to go completely electric. this is part of a growing trend among automakers abandoning the green ambitions. we'll tell you more about it. trump with the presumptive republican presidential nominee and the primary in ohio is a test of the influence. what happens if his candidate loses? ask the new rnc chair michael whetland after this.
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- to find peace. - [narrator] and as each warrior's needs evolve, so do we. because these last 20 years are just the beginning. stuart: on the marks this morning, mixed picture, dow is up nearly 170, nasdaq's down 73. mike murphy is back with us with his stock picks. the first one i've never heard
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of, cloud, k-l-o-u-v-i-o. >> it was priced at 30 and ran up to about $40 and sold off to where you can buy this 20% below the recent irk po price and it's trading about 24 at ipo and big growth and announced earning ands growing over 30% and i think this is something it's worth take ago look at. stuart: think it'll bounce back to ipo price. >> then some. stuart: okay. apple, how come you like apple when most of the world does not? >> trading down and down 10% for the year as we've talked about but it's a huge growth engine and so many parts of their business and talk about china and iphone sales, but i'm betting that the iphone sales will continue to be strong and i think it's a stock that is getting to a point where it's cheap down here in the low 170s. i expect it to be back up above 200, back to a new high this year. stuart: okay. not bad. that would give me $25 on 174
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stock, 200. >> in a quality name, one of the best names out there continuing to grow. stuart: mike, thanks very much indeed. primary day in ohio. three republicans are facing off on the gop senate nomination. mark meredith in bay village, ohio. give us the state of play, please, mark. reporter: stu, good morning. today is one of the biggest tests yet of former president trump political power and he's back in one of the three men running in the senate primary but the race is a tossup and voters at polls and three different candidates to choose from. secretary of state of ohio frank laros and he recollects state senator matt dolin and bernie moreno. trump is backing moreno in the contest and the businessman spent much of the maga base behind him and ohios see him as a true supporter of the trump agenda.
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>> at end of the day, people want something simple. if you vote for a republican, you want them to do republican things. it's not anymore complicated than that. send me to washington dc and i'll be the good enforcement here for jd. reporter: referring to jd vance and some pushing his candy and a democrat pack with ties to chuck schummer and boosting moreno's maga crede credentials and mikee was out supporting matt dolin and he was out telling crowds that dolin is the best shot to retake the seat held by senator sharon brown. >> polls clearly show in the fall matt has the best chance of winning. particularly interesting that the democrats obviously, the senate democrats think the same
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thing. reporter: he's going to be voting for himself and outfundraised in the race and it's a tossup and know who the winner will be. stuart: mark, thanks very much indeed. i want to bring in michael whatley and newly elected chair of the republican national committee. michael, all eyes on ohio primary and my question is what happen ifs trump's candidate loses? >> we feel great about ohio, you know, you think that president trump won ohio in 2016 and he won it in 2020, and he's certainly going to win in 2024. we feel great all up and down the ballot in ohio that we're going to have a great year so any one of these three candidates that comes out of the primary, we're going to feel great about going into the general election. stuart: if one of them is not -- if the candidate is not moreno, then you've got a split party
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and indication that trump's hold on the party is not so strong accident right? >> trump -- president trump's support in ohio is absolutely rock solid. right now he's beating joe biden in that state. the latest poll we saw was trump 50 and biden 38. we have seen every single poll had him in a very, very strong state and the republican party is fully unified behind him so we feel great about where we are in the state. stuart: the biden campaign, talking the biden campaign now, they've revealed aggressive swing state strategy and telling fox that beating trump will take relentless efforts, their words. michael, what's the republican plan to beat the relentless effort of joe biden? >> look, the republican plan is to ask the voters of our battleground states in fact of all 50 states: are you better off today than you were four years ago? the answer is clearly no for all of american families. we are going to put a tremendous force behind president trump.
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we're going to be in the battleground states, but right now if you look, we're winning in the national polls and president trump is winning in every single battleground state poll because the voters of those battleground states, including ohio, do not want four more years of joe biden. stuart: on a couple of occasions recently, i've criticized mr. trump for his language. i thought sometimes it's out of bounds and suggest that had he wants to win more than just hissuation and to win the presidency, he's got to have more than just his base. think i've got something going here that his language is sometimes out of bounds? >> i would certainly agree with you that we need to do more than just win the republican base. when you look at states like ohio, you look at states like arizona and nevada and north carolina and other battleground states where there are pluralities basically. when you look at north carolina for example, 30% of the voters are republican, 33% are democrat, 37% are unaffiliated.
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you're not going to be able to win with just republicans. the thing we're seeing right now is among the undecided voters and unaffiliated voters, independ voters, president trump is leading in every one of those polls because they are seeing that the inflation that joe biden unleashed on america. when they see 9 million illegal immigrants coming across the southern boarder and fentanyl and other issues they've brought with them, they don't want for more years of that. yeah, we absolutely are going to be working in every battleground state to make sure that we are putting together a winning coalition. stuart: so he doesn't need to tone down his language? >> the opposed to a great communicator and he'll communicate with the voters directly. he's never going to get a fair shot from the mainstream media, and that's okay. look, we need right now the voters understand that the president biden is where he is is not acceptable to america and we're going to do better.
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stuart: okay, thanks. sir, thank you so much for being on the show, michael whatley. come back soon. >> thank you, sir. stuart: trump was hit with a big setback in the stormy daniels trial. ashley, come into this. what's the latest? ashley: yeah, he lost his bid to block testimony from michael cohen and stormy daniels in that up coming trial. the former president argue that had cohen, his former attorney, had a history of lying and would likely lie again and that daniels, a porn star whose real name is stephanie clifford, would try to use the story to monetize her story. the judge said he was un-aware of any basis for barring a prosecution witness because their credibility had been called into question. now, trump pleaded not guilty to 34 country-specifics of force fioing business records to cover up hush payments to daniels and the trial is scheduled to begin next week but now being delayed until at least mid april but a setback for the former
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president. stu. stuart: thanks very much, ashley. as you can see, the dow industrials were up 200 points, that's very different for what's going on with the nasdaq and s&p. complete difference and these are the dow stocks that are projecting and pushing the dow up 200 points. mcdonalds, home depot, goldman, apple, they're all dow and it's up significantly 200 points and the nasdaq is not. coming up, china ramping up export of cars, appliances, homes and much more. economists say american jobs could be at resident and can we have the story. the energy department softening the ev mileage ru ru rules and s like a win for the auto makers and grady trimble has that story right after this. ♪
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and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, you can spend less time searching and more time learning. trade brilliantly with schwab. sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this.
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stuart: china enjoying an export boom flooding global markets and cars and appliances and so much more. ashley, could we see another trade war with china because of this? ashley: well, it's certainly cranking up trade tensions, but we all like cheap stuff apparently. not only is china flooding the markets with goods but prices are also falling. u.s. imports from china cost 3.1% less than a year ago. now, okay, that helps the fed in its fight against inflation but those low price chinese goods could hurt sales of american manufacturers and threaten the biden administration's election year's promises and hopes of boosting the factory job and china's export boom creating a trade imbalance larger than doing the period of donald trump imposed tariffs on most chinese
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imports if you remember. american companies complain the chinese benefit from generous subsidies as they've done and especially for auto makers and steel producers and say tariffs are one way to help level the playing field and with so much of a problem on their own economy, stu, in china, they're flooding the world with cheap goods. stuart: yes, they are, thanks, ash. energy department unveiled new rules that would soften the rules on ev mileage ratings. this is a big deal. grady trimble is with me. what does this mean for evs? start with that. reporter: stu, in the long run could mean more electric vehicles on the road and new department of energy rule sets standards for fuel economy for electric vehicles, and the reason this is seen as a win for the saw to industry is because -- auto industry is it's a less strict version of proposal and automakers lobbied hard for the rule to be scaled back a bit and it's complicated and bear with me for a second
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and essentially what it does is cuts back the biden administration's goal for electric vehicle mileage ratings by leaving the ev mileage ratings higher than the original proposal, allows the auto maker to make more gas powered vehicles for a bit longer and gas cars miles per gallon will be offset by the higher ev mileage rating and environmental groups are also claiming victory and sierra club and natural resource defense council says this important update from the department of energy will curtail automakers use of phantom credits they use to keep selling gas guzzlers and need to hit the accelerator on more fuel efficient vehicles, saving consumers money at the pump. just yesterday the energy secretary, jennifer grandholm, insisted green energy is good for business.
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>> northeast companies doing investment in clean energy are not making the choices out of charity or because of them being nice to have. they're doing it because their bottom lines demand it, goosed by incredible tax credits. system of articulation reporter: this doe rule out today is different from the epa rule, which republicans criticize as a way to force americans to buy evs. we're expecting that rule to be finalized tomorrow so maybe a win for the automakers today and l for them tomorrow. stu. stuart: grady, thank you. pleasantly delaying plan to offer electric vehicles exclusively and only for electrics. what happened, lauren? lauren: they can't sell as many as they want and investing hundreds of millions into
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hybrids and they're the compromised vehicle and flying off the dealer lots and hybrid sales up 50% in the first two months of the year and bentley's first ev as they've pushed bigger into hybrids pushed back a year late 2026 and announced in 2020. late 2026 before their first ev obviously costing more than $200,000 is released. stuart: it's a beautiful car though, isn't it? lauren: it is, actually. stuart: thank you, lauren. check out the dow 30. as we always say, get a sense of the market. looks like an up market to me and most of the dow 30 in the green, they're up. don't go anywhere. mentalist oz pearlman is back for round three. see what's it store for mike murphy and myself after this. ♪ only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice
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11:48 am
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11:49 am
stuart: the man never wrong oz pearlman is here for round three today. >> lauren yingsted me saying are you ever wrong? of course, i'm not a psychic. what's all the money in the world good for if you don't have time. use time effectively and the best thing no matter how your investments do is experiences. imagine this, lauren, you take a
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globe and you go anywhere in the world, spin a glob and spin it and just stop in one place. go. i want this to be a place that number one place in the world that you've never been to before. lauren: got it. >> got it. so fast. >> i don't want it, stuart. do i get it wrong, i want here, change. i don't want the number one place and said he must have heard me or told someone in makeup or whatever. lauren: okay. >> imagine you went there and cross it had off your bucket list and said where am i going next. number two on your list. now a curve ball to lauren. pick which place. lauren: yep, got it. >> i think it's a country. am i right? or did you go more specific or country? you wanted explore. don't say it out loud. count the number of letters in your mind. lauren: first or second? >> whatever you're thinking of now. don't use fingers. it's a long word, stuart. see that, it was four or five
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letters. stuart: never wrong. >> close your eyes, please. don't open your eyes. i want to show them. stuart: got it. >> you did this. open your eyes. it's like a popping sound. there's no p in any of this country? lauren: no. >> i wonder if i'm close. i think you want to speak english, tell us all. change your mind in the middle. change your mind. how could i know. lauren: australia. >> australia. spontaneous. you're in australia trail jaire and bump into somebody and can't believe this. you cannot believe. it's a family member, neighbor, friend, random as can be, reich now, boom, a name pops in your head. have someone? lauren: i have someone. >> anyone that could know this? lauren: no. >> zero. thought of it that second. seco. lauren: there's no way he knows this. >> okay. all right. look, stuart's on the edge of his seat.
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am i ever wrong? it was a man or woman? lauren: man. >> still in business. first name. lauren: ray. >> ray. family or friend? lauren: family. >> saw me writing, mike. you watched. when you do a wiggle and r. went with friend ray. lauren: who is he? >> mike, how about this, you know what, money talks, baby. money can't buy happiness. have wallet and cash? >> i do. stuartdo >> take the hundreds.m. i'm throwing hundreds around. going with a 20. take the rest of the money back, mike. anywhere in the world but don't pick somewhere that you haven't been. maybe you've been or haven't. a random choice and they say money can't, can we get in tighter. i want everyone to see this. get in tighter and see me. mike, tell us all you're going somewhere and doing something.
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what's the country you picked? >> say it out loud? >> the country. >> japan. >> what do you do? >> eat sushi. >> sushi. look, look, look. money can't buy happiness but experiences and your 20 billion says sushi in japan, folks. stuart: what! by the way, there's a finer thing, if you read your mind, i get to keep the money. stuart: that's incredible. >> stuart, there's an issue. he says japan on the spot. random, come on back to me. come on back to me for a second. japan sushi, but you can't spend $20. how much -- curious, how much will it cost us. what are we looking at and in japan, what's the price? spending on sushi? >> me and you? >> average, what's it going to go for? >> 10,000 euros. >> if he wants 10,000 yen, that right there, his 20, 10,000 yen. >> i'm keeping the yen.
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stuart: that's extraordinary. >> they're red lighting us. what would if i got it wrong. what would you have said if i got it wrong? which place -- random, what did you go with? stuart: tell you? >> yes. tell us. stuart: list of things. >> have you been there before or no? >> where is it? random and picked at random. stuart: name of the country? egypt. >> what are you doing there? stuart: tell you? going to the pyramids. >> you thought of egypt too. lauren: that was my first choice. >> fio got it wrong because if i got it wrong i got ready for this moment and i want to see we're ready to go to the pyramids. stuart: oh, no. that is extraordinary. lauren: that you haves my first choice. >> that's incredible. props and everything. look at that. >> mike murphy is like props and everything. that's it. the show is move something going to egypt and shooting from the pyramids and i'll be there with you. stuart: you didn't write it on an old t-shirt, it's an egyptian
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t-shirt. >> egyptian cotton and didn't decide on the place and tell you about 20 minutes ago. >> i'd say 20 seconds ago almost. stuart: well well well. where can people see you? >> a big theater show coming up june 1 oak dale in connecticut connecticut and tickets available and come see me and look me up on social@ozthementalist for where i'm at next. mike, look at me, the social security. overcoat. stuart: already all right. >> i'm a big fan. my wife as seen you in florida. >> love florida. home away from home. stuart: tuesday trivia question, what percentage of americans who wear braces are adults? the braces on your teeth, that's what we're talking about, 15, 25, 35, or 45%? i don't know if oz is playing in this one. he can if he likes. >> this is below my pay grade at this point. stuart: he's never wrong. the answer when we return. we'll be back.
11:56 am
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11:58 am
11:59 am
stuart: before the break, we asked the percentage of americans who where braces as adults. oz: i'm going to go with 25%.
12:00 pm
adam: he is never wrong. i will go with that. ashley: uk, be 0. i will go with number one, 15%. brian: i will go with 35%. what is the answer. don't put me in this. stuart: now you know. that was really fun. don't know how you did it. thanks for being with us. ashley, lauren, everybody else, we are back tomorrow. coast-to-coast start in three second, two seconds, here we go. sean:'s on top of a president angry at landlord's. he s


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