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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  March 19, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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adam: he is never wrong. i will go with that. ashley: uk, be 0. i will go with number one, 15%. brian: i will go with 35%. what is the answer. don't put me in this. stuart: now you know. that was really fun. don't know how you did it. thanks for being with us. ashley, lauren, everybody else, we are back tomorrow. coast-to-coast start in three second, two seconds, here we go. sean:'s on top of a president angry at landlord's. he says they are sticking it to
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their tenants and keeping rents too long. they are the latest villains of the week, last week it was greedy food companies shrinking their serving sizes and week before that greener oil company's gouging consumers at the pump. it is their fault and that's part of the president's campaign swing to 3 battleground states today. jackie heinrich on that strategy. >> reporter: nevada is one of four states where president biden sees his path to victory. in the american rescue plan, poured money into affordable and senior housing. it is in nevada. president biden launching proposal to bring housing costs which are continuing to rise even as overall inflation is beginning to fall. housing costs accounted for 2 thirds of the annual inflation. in a sweeping proposal not likely to go anywhere during
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this election year, biden calling on congress to pass tax credits for first-time middle-class homebuyers in a bid to demonstrate his priorities for a second term. >> the president's proposal would couple the buyer's tax credit with the tellers tax credit up to $10,000 for middle-class families who sell their starter home to another owner occupant. dollars mortgage is estimated to help 3 million families and unlock inventory at the lower end of the market where it's needed most. >> reporter: biden's proposal adds 258 billion in affordable housing investment through his 2025 budget proposal. calling on federal agencies to crack down on corporate landlords he says are keeping rent high but it is not about his second term agenda. between a good guy and a bad guy launching a new ad season on trump's recent comments
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which the former president's team says were taken out of context. >> is going to be a bloodbath for the country. but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. >> are you willing to condemn white supremacist and militia groups? >> standby. >> reporter: trump's allies say he's talking about the auto industry being decimated in our bloodbath of biden wins reelection but biden's team says we take trump at his word and the voters will too. neil: this does have a familiar theme to it of this president saying he is not responsible for inflation or the spending people say prompted that spending and because the inflation we are seeing now but it is a pattern to look at others who are aggravating the
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situation. >> president biden: the same size bag of chips, 20% fewer potato chips. that's not a joke. somebody may see a tv thing on a snickers bar. same exact price, go with 20% less. i am serious. congress needs to decide bobby casey's bill to stop shrinks away. adam: we try to fact check officials, the president before him and this president but sometimes you have to stick to the facts to understand the reason why we have this shrink inflation and why a lot of companies are having a hard time passing those increases to customers is they find a more palatable way to do it, if we sell the same item or fewer items in the package you will still buy it and feel the pinch
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less. to say americans will be more inclined to buy that than stick with a 30% higher sticker price for the same item. what prompted that and prompted these actions is inflation itself born of government spending. the congressional budget office director in the old days, with american action. i always feel not to be an apologist for companies but get the record straight, we wouldn't have shrink inflation or going after landlords and whether they are affecting their tenants in an adverse way if everyone wants the behind the price gun the -- simple as that. >> the american rescue plan in 2021 is growing at 6.5%.
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no need for more stimulus at a time before $600 billion below potential $2 trillion stimulus, we've got inflation. the notions that this is shrink inflation, the real inflation is in shelters and homes and apartments, they don't shrink. our problem is the fact that we have between inflation and the housing shortage, that's a tough problem to solve. adam: there's a rush to spend money. other administrations with huge deficits and the like but divorce yourself from the situation and say government spending had nothing to do with it makes me worry that your will be seen as more government spending. we addressed this again, which would be disastrous. >> think about what the president will propose. let's give first-time homebuyers, anyone who doesn't own a home for three years, let's give host first-time
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homebuyers more money to buy houses to drive up the price. this cure is not a cure. this is the problem to begin with. they are meddling in housing market, will not get things better than prolonging difficulties. jack: q for taking time to get into this. we are following this and don't see this on the left and right world, we try to look past the red and the blue and see the green, responsible for wasting or making it and therein lies the debate this election year. lydia is following a lot of green that donald trump has to come up with. can you say an excess of $450 million and fast, lydia has more on that. >> reporter: it's a huge sum of money the president's lawyers have tried but can't get that bond for the more than $450 million judgment and he will have to pay cash in that
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amount, or the attorney general, leticia james, could move to seize the former president's access regardless of their former location. that is not the only piece of thing she can target. in new york city alone she can go after trump tower, the trump international hotel among others. james could go outside new york if she chooses to do so and try to seize property like mar-a-lago, the former president's florida home. that would be a long and complicated process. trump's lawyers asked the court to accept a lesser amount, one hundred million dollars. the attorney general's office opposed to that request. lawyers asked the court to waive the bond requirement but if the court denies that, the former president could be forced to sell his own properties teresa cast without bond.
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with the need to come up with the cash, the properties will be sold quickly at a discount and he will never get them back at the same low price if he won the appeal. the former president posted on truth social, quote, if i weren't running for president and leading by a lot, none of this legal lawfair would be happening, election interference amaga. the properties at risk for the president, worth mentioning the attorney general could go after trump's bank account and other assets. there's a lot on the line here. neil: the trial attorney, and can she do as state attorney general, seizing his buildings to cover this bond. >> reality is painful for donald trump.
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he is in the middle of a vortex. there's not much more he can do. insurance companies asking them to fund this bond, why is that important? he has to come up with cash. leticia james wants cash as a bond. there's not much more he can do. when the judgment is against you in a civil case if you appeal that judgment, you'd have to put up a bond to secure payment of that judgment while the case is pending on appeal. there is no exemption. trump's lawyers are reaching out saying can you make it 100 million, no time to be bartering like that, donald trump's team should have anticipated this happening and
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tried to preempt this, selling this property months ago. neil: it is a distress or fire sale picking off buildings that might cover the bill but if he were to succeed on appeal, the value it was, is very different, different figure. >> if i am representing donald trump i would try one other thing, it's called a stipulation. an agreement between two parties. to leticia james i would say i would agree to freeze the following properties, i would freeze the following account so that you have enough money on hand pending that. that's a creative strategy he
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ought to try. neil: she sounds pretty angry, be that as it may, to deplete his assets. i wonder what your thoughts are. the same properties, the money he is putting forward everything a lot less later. >> that's the point. donald trump has a week, march 25th is the drop deadline. i would try, if he reaches out to leticia james maybe he says i have agreed and that is unprecedented, to literally freeze $554 million of assets,
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won't touch those assets pending appeal with that in front of a judge. donald trump doesn't get along with this judge, doesn't get along with leticia james, partly politically motivated. this is what happens, you don't try to engender on people who are prosecuting you. neil: should have been ahead of time. to deal with this ahead of time, the proceeds ready. thank you. in the meantime, we told you about the excitement over nvidia yesterday over the big california announcement of fancy new chips, doesn't done nothing for in the meantime. we should point out this is the kickoff of a 2 day meeting of
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the federal reserve completing big events tomorrow, it's going to be a big one. there are a lot of big questions whether you can succeed by the money-losing company, after this. ♪ (grandpa vo) i'm the richest guy in the world. hi baby! (woman 1 vo) i have inherited the best traditions. (woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share. (grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts.
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her uncle's unhappy. only pay for what you need. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session.
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okay, that's uncalled for. neil: the last big development is the debut of red -- read it, an initial public offering that could make social media concern still a money loser, $16 billion expected to be priced tomorrow and they view it the next day. dick grasso, former chairman and ceo of the stock exchange and one of the best. what do you make of this and the appetite of this in this environment? and offering comes at a unique time. this is one of them. has a lot of warts and blemishes but has a lot of anticipation. what do you think? >> great to be with you. other on reddit, happy st. joseph's day.
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i think reddit is going to be a very important milestone the rest of the year in terms of ipos. last time they raised money it was evaluation higher than 6.5. 10 million was the number. a lot of people will take pause if there's a first daypart but it is great for the nyse, very excited in terms of the anticipated subscription. it is not moneymaking venture, a lot of people wait to see what happens after the pop tomorrow.
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neil: $70 a share. it is soaring along. sometimes it can be very different down the road. >> if you remember, facebook came at 38 and change, popped to 43 and sold off in the ensuing year down to $20, with it now at 480, again, they were able, facebook was able to turn that business model on its head. the ipo, zuckerberg did a great job. i'm a facebook owner since day one. neil: intraday trading.
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this might not be as volatile, high expectations for social media concerns, artificial intelligence and key players. we are already seeing it being tested to the max, supermicrocomputer, start getting hit hard after a run up over the last year because it might be selling a couple million shares. i am wondering, whether it is just viable or not and price of admission to this brave new world. >> you and i were around long enough to know trees don't -- if you look at supermicro or nvidia they have had runs that are unprecedented. supermicro's admission to the s&p caused a selloff but they
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should look at 3 run up, nvidia is one of the stories of our time. this is a different time. ai is changing the whole world of technology, consumerism, the jury is out on reddit for at least three to six months. they get a pop, if in fact subscription is 5 to 1 at this point. you have to step back and ask your self the question, what will management do, to make it a viable cash flow positive model. neil: it's all about making money. you mentioned saint joseph. do you think he reasons always being second fiddle to saint patrick? >> he would look at it as saint patrick was his junior partner.
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neil: understand. >> on the set, have you already indulged? neil: i am also completely smashed. i am enjoying it. loving getting together with you. the former new york stock exchange ceo, frantic activity, but you can't judge on the first day, keep telling people, do not judge it by the next day. the first day is wrong. i have a feeling, you are not focused on ipos. whether the fed will move on interest rates, focusing on something more dramatic and scarier.
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neil: a mad dash to get out of haiti is easier said than done. this is coming from the dominican republic. what can you tell us? >> the state department says a thousand americans are still stuck in haiti. we are in front of the main border crating between haiti and the dominican republic. those are haitian migrants and dr authorities. 359 americans will using this crossing to leave haiti since march 1st. we spoke to a woman on her way to miami, she drove 6 hours to get to this crossing. the state department to travel by land, with updates on violence. the us embassy says it is working on evacuation options from haiti's capital to the diminish in republic's capital
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as the violence in haiti escalates. at least a dozen bodies found after games at attack two wealthy neighborhoods in the capital, a curfew is now in effect at the capital, they control 80% of that city including the airport making airplane evacuations impossible, 5 million haitians are in dire need of humanitarian aid and is being looted by gangs. >> it's not hyperbole to say this is one of the most dire humanitarian situations in the world. gang violence continues to make the security situation in haiti untenable. it is a region that demands our attention. >> reporter: frustrated with the slow response to the government, many americans are getting out on their own. cory mills, a combat veteran, rescues for 23 americans trapped in haiti. and claims they received requests from 200 others so
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far. >> the gangs won't wake up tomorrow to get government jobs. the number one way they are funded is to kidnap and americans are the most expensive lottery tickets out there. >> reporter: you are looking live in a border wall built by these in the neck in republic the last two years, one hundred miles of this and they hope to build up to 240 along the entire front as the security situation is dire and dominicans want to make sure the border is safe. neil: i want to go to cory mills, the former republican kind enough to join us. you are leading this effort to get those who want to get out of their out of their. what are you finding when you do so? >> you are finding a lot of issues to coordinate with local governments but they've been helpful and responsive more
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than the us department but it's just like israel or afghanistan. you almost have to shame the biden administration into doing their jobs. before you had the spokesperson saying no plans or intend to rescue americans, they are getting political pressure and starting to talk about doing something about it. i wish they would do it without the political pressure and optics working against them but this is an election year and the only way to get real impact is to keep shamanism into doing their jobs and get americans to safety and freedom. neil: the state department quibbles with your portrayal and they did arrange a charter flight to get us citizens out of haiti. don't know how many were on board but they are working with those in the come the unity to get americans out. are you i you say that's not happening? >> they are saying they will
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launch an aircraft from camp patient, one of the forest points from port-au-prince where the majority of people need to get out. you are talking about if they did very, 20 plus hours, trying to drive all the way is impossible when the gangs are in control. the majority of people who need to get out can't make it to that destination without a hilo recovering rescue which the state department said we are not responsible for your safety to get there. neil: maybe you can educate me on this which i've heard the gangs are very shrewd. they know to go into wealthy areas, to drive home the message be afraid, be very afraid. what do you make of that? >> they are ruling through terroristic optics and killing people and burning them in the
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streets, they are terrorizing people to convince them they are cannibals and showing they are eating them, they are trying to show a very barbaric portrayal of what they will do if they find you. they are controlling 80% of the capital and that is where the majority of volunteers and orphanages and a lot of americans, i applaud them for starting to step up to do something, they have to realize it is nearly impossible for people to make that trek. by ferry it is 20 hours. it is a 30 one minute flight give or take by hilo from port-au-prince to camp patient so i don't know how they expect americans to get there from port-au-prince and not close to the airport already. neil: i want to pass along the valance as the congressman was wrapping up, citing of the
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ongoing civil unrest, us carriers with cancellations of flights to and from the area that will hold indefinitely. and all shipping concerns at all cruiseship concerns are not frequenting the area as if that were an option. stay with us.
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neil: are you interested in becoming a chairman of the federal reserve? >> what type of comment? 20 years ago i would have loved it. the only time it could happen is if trump were elected which i think he will be and then you have a year and 1/2 before the chairmanship comes for trump's appointment. by that time i will be 854 years old, i will have great great great great great grandchildren.
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it is a little premature to talk about me being fed chairman. jumped right at that one. neil: that is the new 82. the prominent names being mentioned as possible to place that, when his chairmanship ends. charlie gasparino taking himself out of the running. charles: donald trump has bigger problems than the fed chair right now. before i make another point. the trump -- what trump will pick, i know kevin very well. the former board of governors,
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the same thing, these guys are more hawkish. art laffer would be the guy, he's an ideologue. he doesn't believe in bank recipes ever. he would increase the supply of inflation. they are increasing supply to lower taxes and things of that nature. the other two would not. the other thing is the pickle that donald trump is financially right now. i remember, check me on this. when he ran in 2016, a press release. i remember the press release, it was. i'm worth in excess of $ 10 billion and to emphasize it, he wrote out dollars in a press
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release. they wrote out the dollar sign. neil: was he? jack: a devil of a time putting this up. charles: his friends aren't stepping up. neil: steve schwartzman is a friend. real estate, tom barrick is a big hedge fund worth multiple billions. and no exact reason.
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and and bernie marcus is another one. >> -- there has to -- eric adams is the mayor of new york. on speaking terms with tish james, he will call her up and say listen, and commercial real estate is in the dumps. and migrants coming in every day. it is very possible. she would give him some compromise where it doesn't have to dump stuff. if he doesn't start selling stuff.
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neil: why didn't he prepare? if that was the worst case scenario. cash ready or good deal of it. neil: i spoke to someone close to the trump organization when it first came out. did it for some reporting for the new york post, they were adamant they have cash reserves. it sounds like they don't. i don't know how much cash -- neil: where they ready for something of this size? charles: obviously not. they raised some cash. we are talking half $1 billion on top of the 90. neil: that's gasparino. charles: i would be on a beach somewhere. isn't that like -- neil: i guess. you love it when you were a lowly reporter. not earning nearly as much.
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charles: then nothing i love to -- i used to thank my boss. young people never thank the boss. neil: charlie, thank you. very good seeing you again. the former atlanta fed president, the backdrop for this is this two day fed meeting but outside development like the bank of japan stopping negative rates or the idea we are at 0 or less but hiking, the timing is the start of something. what you would to meet it the federal reserve, but something like that influence a decision one way or the other? >> not really. the fed focuses on the domestic economy during the meetings. there are reports of monetary actions by the central banks, the most recent activity in exchange markets and strength of the foreign economies but
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all things considered the us is somewhat insulated from those developments. typically focuses on the domestic side. neil: people fear it's the start of a trend depending on your perspective, good for the japanese yen eventually, the markets are on fire, don't need much of a boost. capital might be drawn to the mentalist drawn to us. they by a lot of treasury notes, is that a worry or are we getting esoteric? >> probably a little too esoteric at the moment. the basic premise is correct. looks like interest rates will be rising in japan. that should create more demand for their domestic corporate debt as well as government debt.
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that means the central bank of japan, bank of japan could be less of an investment in us treasuries whether it is meaningful on the margin and our ability to finance our debt and so forth remains to be seen. neil: how much play or attention do you pay to the markets? fed officials, not much, has got to be to some degree because you worried the market is getting giddy or ahead of their skis, anticipating imminent cuts in interest rates, the prevailing wisdom was march of this year and it is pushed back to june. how much do you tamp down that explanation or markets do their own thing but here's what they are looking at.
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>> good question, not an easy question to answer, not as important and the fed march -- watches the markets ended every meeting there's a clear report of what the markets have been telling the fed and what's likely to be the result of policy actions that around the table but having said that, the fed doesn't get into a you at with markets, the committee becomes reactive to markets, market mowers or market news and generally speaking the focus is on the real economy, the mainstreet economy where most people live. markets are a factor, they are interesting and important but the fed doesn't prove to a market outcome. neil: i always learn a lot, thank you. >> thanks.
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neil: the friction between the white house and tel aviv has never been higher or nastier. the president summoning top israeli officials to the white house to talk about what's going on in rafah, summoning them to the white house, that sticks under benjamin netanyahu's cry. after this. as an independent financial advisor, my promise to you is simple. as a fiduciary, i promise to put your interests first, always. i promise that our relationship will go well beyond just investment decisions. it's the intersection of your money and your life where we can make the biggest difference. [announcer] charles schwab is proud to support the independent financial advisors who are passionately dedicated to helping people achieve their financial goals. visit
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adam: you might have heard nancy pelosi said it was brave on the part of chuck schumer. what was brave on part of it? >> i don't think anything was brave about it. it was a case of a high elected official of the us taking advantage of a friend and to do this with a casual ally or enemy, but to call out the closest allies, a democracy, when it is at war, and tell its people they should dump their prime minister, talk about crossing a redline. neil: it was a big redline. another one is how the
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president described meeting with is really officials and summoned them to the white house. these are officials, words do mean a lot. i wonder what the former us army veteran, blackhawk pilot, restore liberty, you do not miss with that. >> good to see you. neil: what do you think of what joe lieberman was raising, how i was describing what the white house was describing for top israeli officials, a continuation of the war. it does have an oversight role and maybe we shouldn't be playing it. >> absolutely right. this is a power-play, most of these should be happening within the department of state and department of defense but
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don't have to be here to do these conversations. to do this is a message of president biden who is supporting chuck schumer and to bend the need to washington dc showing a brilliant charge. and their response to hamas and that's where it shouldn't happen. neil: you've done a lot to defend this country. if another country had dictated terms like that to us, they would naturally call them off on that. >> exactly and this is continuing the tradition of saying one thing to israel in public been acting in a different way. they have been stabbed in the
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back, benjamin netanyahu is right to reject this or stand up against him saying we are doing this. the us is a big ally and supplier of the financial material so he tends to thread the needle well. i'm a little embarrassed by what chuck schumer said, should never have been said. president biden is doing what he's told, continuing the failed foreign policy. this is a way for them to get back to their central thesis. they want the two state solution with the palestinians and the israelis. that has never worked in history and it won't work. neil: do you think we have threatened aid to israel, it's one thing to say you are not going to listen to us, we might take funding for you. >> that probably has happened.
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i don't have proof. it's not a message that would be relayed from president biden to benjamin netanyahu but when he says things, a come to jesus meeting with netanyahu, people come to many conclusions and threatening our support should be one of those things that on the table. i certainly hope not. neil: they are not going to listen to us and any recommendations for rafah. will that change with this meeting? >> anything is possible. it depends on what' s being discussed on the table but israel needs to control gaza and make their own decisions. neil: thank you for your incredible service to your the genuine article, good seeing you. >> thank you. neil: the dow is sprinting ahead. day one of the fed meeting on tech stocks. maybe rich is lesst reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close.
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1:00 pm
adam: neil: we are getting used to these interest rates, 4.30, i was looking where it was a year ago, it was 3.37%. that puts it in perspective. jackie and deangelis and the big money guys taking us to the next hour. jackie: i'm jacket angeles. brian: i am brian brenberg. welcome to "the big money show".


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