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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  March 19, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow. an 8 amendment supreme court appeal may be donald trump's best way out of unprecedented democratic lawfare attacks again, him,
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kevin o'leary and gregg jarrett will weigh in, then, why do democrats hate israel? we'll ask ranking member of arm service committee senator roger wicker, and breaking news, texas razor wire wins accords to supreme court. we'll have senator john kennedy weigh in and some other things. and then, why inflation is much worse than folks think. we'll discuss why with steve forbes and mike faulkender, but first, president trump says he can't secure bond for his 464 million judgment, lydia hu has details. reporter: time is ticking. the deadline is less than a week, his lawyers tell court he has encounted insurmountable difficulties, without the attorney general, letitia james says she will seize his
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properties, she has mentioned 40 wall street, that is not only piece of real estate she could target, in new york city alone, she could go after trump tower. trump park avenue, and trump international hotel among others and james could go outside of the state of new york if she chooses to do so and seize mar-a-lago, former president's florida home, trump's lawyers asked court to accept a lesser amount of 100 million, but attorney general office opposed that request and now trump's lawyers ask court to waive bond require. if court deny, that the former president could be forced to sell his own properties to raise the cash for the bond to stand the attorney general from seizing the properties. and with need to come up with cash in less than a week, the concern is that the properties will be sold quickly at a discount, he would never be able to get them back at same low price if he won the appeal, former
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president trump posting, on hatruth social: >> we think of tro his assets to inc up real portfolio, letitia james go go after other, sets like his bank account and art. larry: just take everything, for what, we don't know, lydia hu thank you. >> all editor kale t yial thoughts are my own, donald trump is so far unable to obtain a bond to gar afternoo guarantee entertainment of the insane judgment against him, and trial ju he, disgraceful civil fraud
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against him. this is part of joe biden weaponizes lawfare attack against mr. trump to stop former president from becoming president. the biden white housing or spated a massive law fair campaign, that aims to put trump in jail for over 700 years and take away his cash and business, let me say his iconic businesses. in new york, florida, scotland, and elsewhere, trump remade the skyline of new york city, rebuilt the skating rink to help thousands of families and on and on. now here comes this crazy new york state attorney general, letitia james, running a scam, that respected constitutional law from feprofessor calls mob justice, listen to this james woman running against trump. >> no one is above the law,
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including the il illegitimate president, i look forward to going into the office of attorney general every day, suing him, defending your rights, and then going home. >> that is selective judgment. that is mob justice. fox news legal expert gregg jarrett says that mr. trump could file a petition in federal court, federal court would have to act quickly to issue a stay it may be mr. president trump's best strategy, 8 amendment said excessive bail shall not be required no ori excessive finds imposed or cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. the 464 million dollar penalty, is to bear some
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relation to harm done. but, there was never any harm done because, there were no victims. and all of lenders to trump business empire made to knows of profits, i believe as on nonlawyer that alan dershowitz and greg jarrett are quick, in advising mr. trump to go for eighth amendment constitutional appeal. this would be a fitting end to this so soviet style new york law fair battle against mr. trump, who by the way is leading in all of the swing state polls, on the way to a potential victory in november despite what the democratic crazies are trying to do to him. all right, that is my riff. my opinions, my editor come, bringing in greg j gregg jarrett fox news legal
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analyst. and author of his latest book. constitution of the united states and if that is not enough, a mr. wonderful kevin o'leary, author of cold hard truth. kevin, i want to start with you. i don't know if you have have been in a pickle like this with this mob justice as jonathan turley calls it. if you were mr. trump, what would you do? how would you proceed. what do you think. >> well, i think this case is not about trump any more, he is in a pickle. but i think this is an assault on the american brand. you think about it we're number one economy is we're able to a attract capital from the world that knows we have a court system that protects property rights, and there is an appeal system in place, so, when
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you get into a situation like this, everyone makes assumption that there will be an appeal. but it seems because of the size of this penalty against this infraction, h they don't match up, he can't get an appeal, what everyone is asking for in financial services industry, is when are the adults coming into this situation, when will someone who says this is not good for the american brand. this is not good for the brand of new york. this case goes well past trump's presidency, if he is elected or this attorney general mandate. we're making case law that and i down have a bir better word other than un-american. larry: mob justice. >> don't you think. >> larry: in new york it is a democratic mob. >> i understand. >> that is what you say, that democratic mob is
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wrecking the american brand. it is wrecking new york brand, who the heck will come in do business? what bank, what business? what entrepreneur. would a kevin o'leary come to new york. >> i would not bring capital hire right now, i am waiting like everyone else for adults to settle this. i want you to understand as a global investor, this is not a partisan issue. this is a bipartisan issue much this is an assault on what american means to visitors in the world and they are watching, we should care regardless of what party we are from, what is happening. larry: aircraft agree. i agree. >> this needs an adult to get in room with kids who have gone crazy, and we have to let this process go through appeal. larry: they won't lit him. >> that is not american. >> i know. >> that is what bothers me. larry: to gregg jarrett about that. as we were talking on cell
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phone, i asked you about the eighth amendment. mr. trump is -- this crazy judge engron said you can't appeal unless you pony up the 4 something million dollars. can he mik make an appeal to federal level, the eighth amendment violate is a federal constitutional violation, can that be done? >> it could. it should be done. the judgment against trump is obscene, a violation of the eighth amendment's prohibition on excessive finds imposed by -- fines imposed by the government, here the draconian find bears no reasonable relation to the nature of the offense or harm which is what the law requires. at trial there was no harm
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shoin. shown, not a single dollar was lost by anyone, the banks that loan trump many made enormous profits off of this. and judge, ruled also that well trump you committed fraud. he ignored fact that all of the bank executives took t the witness stand and said, we were never defrauded. it is happening here is, this is the government engoron and letitia james, the attorney general taking someone's business and property, saying but you can litigate your appeal later omy goodness, that is like saying, let's have hanging now. and we'll have the trial later. >> let me read. the 8th amendment. excessive bail shall not be required or excessive fines improved nor or cruel and unfair punishment can be
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accomplished. there is on the full screen there. my eyes are not good. kevin o'leary, i think that this is where it will go. now, i was wondering, if he can't get to the supreme court, will you loan him that money. to help him to protect america's name. >> to get the bond he was able to get 90 plus million from chubb. i don't know of a bond more than 90 million, i don't recall one, you need cash to back that up. and so, now we're talking about the terminology of seizing assets that actually -- that is foreign language to an american investor, they want due process, they want the appeal that sounds like venezuela cuba, that say bad look for new york it is beyond new york, bipartisan participants and financial services managers,
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are not okay with this, getting un uncom effortable -- unco uncomfortable. we need for this kids' party for the adults to get home, we need them to come home now. larry: some appellate court, new york has a higher court should step up, a judge should say stop, they had ruled against it in first place, and statute of limitation ran out. this whole trial is like a mulligan, a redo by this radical left democratic letitia james, i am waiting as you said, an adult would be in new york from court of appeals, gregg, i judge would -- a higher court with a good repr repr -- rip utation, we're waiting for someone to alike
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an adult and safe new york from itself. >> yeah most judges including appellate judges in new york are liberals. is is possible -- it possible one of them will come to their senses and issue a stay. i would not count on it, which is why i would make the move to did to federal court. you know, more than 250 year ago it is what british did to co colonists. they were imposing the huge fines and putting people out of business, the framers of bill of rights made sure 8ment, against excessive fines of in there donald trump, moment the fine was imposed, his eighth amendment was being v violatedded, and corrupt government officials and bias judges misuse and abuse the law in violation of
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8th amendment their victimized targets can sue, filing a civil right case against the government and move immediately for an expedited review based on a bill of rights, violation by this judge and attorney general. larry: absolutely, bill of right are, magna carta 1215ad. kevin o'leary. you will buy tiktok? >> yeah. larry: my friend steve mnuchin wants to buy tiktok. it has been valued i have seen numbers. who knows, what do you think it is worth. are you working on a syndicate. >> i am, he is and others, i would argue this will be a competition but not worth a hundred billion, chinese are unlikely to sell algorithm. you have brand tiktok. great brand, 170 million eye balls, and 5 million businesses, my shark tank guys in there.
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and 85 percent of people on tiktok know who i am, i think news a stewart to tell them, i'll guarantee, if i buy this asset, the day i switch over, i will turn tiktok china into tiktok usa. i'll bring in an american team, shut down the chinese backdoors, i have tiktok on a bunker phone. larry: shutting down backdoors is algorithm issue. >> i think -- >> will bytedance sell it. >> they will sell it just the name and database sitting on servers, the brand, it is worth 30 billion it is a fire sale without algorithm. >> will they sell the algorithm. >> i don't think so, i will take a different tack, a great team to rewrite them, but i need it reflected in value, also transition, look
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at on tiktok, where or twitter, started 44 billion dollar debt and exquity deal now worth 12 to 16, you mess with algorithm you can lose a lot of growth and a lot of people that happened in in case of twitter, i can't have that happen, i'll bring a great team, it is not just 'being a great banker, i'm not saying steve is not a good guy, there is a competition, who is the best steward, who can bring the best team, but i think that this deal will require cooperation with the white house, who every is in it, i have taken a little initiative, i started calling. i don't know who will win, i talked with trump yesterday about tiktok, i asked him, i want support on this. larry: he is in favor of sale. >> he doesn't know what senate the do. larry: he would like bytedance to sell it. >> he would, not --
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>> he said it. >> i'll do same with biden's team, i need both of white house, i am bipartisan on this i don't know who will win, 50/50. >> i get it. >> i want to know will you work with me if i bring capital and management and guarantee national security issue is gone. i'll guarantee that. and i'll make that part of the deal, you will need the white house onboard, whoever is in in might as well talk to both. larry: i agree, i'll provide you all help that i can. >> appreciate that. >> and you should get onboard. >> i would say, you know biden endorsed house bill, should includes sale in 60 days. i support biden for supporting the house bill. >> all buying groups, can't do anything until this gets through senate. schumer is not moving it forward right now, maybe they don't want to do it. >> we'll ask senator
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kennedy, you are not spotting trump your 60 million. >> that is not -- 460 million. >> that will not happen. >> the record. >> i am -- i don't know that this issue is really partisan. i think this is bothering every american taxpayer. larry: which the -- >> former president trump, everyone knows that tiktok is leaking data. >> assault on trump is p partisan. >> american people are concerned about situation in new york. >> i agree, they are also concerned about lawfare this is unfair, you know. when president trump said to me and others, it could happen to you. it could be your businesses, kevin o'leary, or your assets, and -- there that is natnot lost on me, my kids live in this great state, i want them to live in a witin a
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wonderful city. >> gregg jarrett sorry we lost you on tiktok thing, i assume you are not bidding on tiktok. greg gyou are terrific. to helpous 8 amendment, and trump is posting eighth amendment stuff on his web site. kevin air o'leary. >> folks texas razor wire rings that according to supreme court. we'll talk about that and some other things with senator john kennedy, that when kudlow continues. ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. with chase freedom unlimited, you can cashback 3% on dining including take-out. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or the tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. well, good luck with that.
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>> all right so question, is j. powell and fed juicing the economy is give biden an election year boost, and supreme court decision that gives texas authority to arrest immigrants. joining me now louisiana senator mr. john kennedy. senator kennedy, we really appreciate you come on. i want to start, sir, you have laken riley act, which is important, and supremes toward, as you know, at least for short run, are letting texas authorities continue to arrest illegal migrants and leave up the
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barrier. and seems that is a step in the right direction. >> yes. it is a step in the right direction. i think it is clear to most americans, that if we'll secure the border we'll have to work around president biden and the white house. sometimes when people act like, they don't care, it is not unact. it is clear to me that president biden does not care about the border problem. only the reason he -- has talked about it because it is an issue in his campaign, otherwise he is content with the border being an open bleeding wound, it is chaos by design, the states have to fill the vacuum. larry: so interesting to me, sir, with respect to texas and the supreme court.
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that the barbed wire and barriers actually are working. which harkens back to what trump tried to do with the wall, and remain in mexico, the numbers are down in texas. the problem shifted to arizona and san diego, tijuana, in southern california. barriers work as it turns out, even though the bidens don't understand that. >> well, i suppose this is self evident. razor wire won't hurt you unless you try to go over it or through it. this is not astro physics that is basic. and i never understood politically why president biden wants to oppose the barriers other than the fact that he really believes in open borders. he won't say that, because it is killing him politically, the 3 things hurts the president,
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politically are inflation, the border and his age. many americans think they can it to do pair dpraiz paraphrase one, they think they could roast a thanksgiving turkey in the time it takes president to walk across the stage. larry: let's touch on your l lakers -- laken riley act, this act, which would being in addition to house bill on immigration. but, you would have the authority to make arrests if these illegals commit crimes in the u.s., you can arrest them, will that override the sanctuary cities? which you know, that is the heart of the problem. >> that will take the
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sanctuary cities they have to do the job they have to file federal statute. if they don't, we with hold their money. all this -- our riley act says, in miss riley's case, this illegal immigrant was caught shoplifting and endangering a child. they let him go, local authorities let him go, then he killed miss riley, our bill would say no, if you are here illegally, and you shoplift or communist a theft or something like that illegal immigrant did, you have to be arrested and turned over to i.c.e., and i.c.e. deports you, you don't have the same rights as an american if you will hhere illegally, some of
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my democratic colleagues call them undocumented americans, they are not. they are foreign nationals, they are in our nation illegally. larry: they are illegals, we called them illegal aliens, for heaven's sakes, instead of going soft. you and i have talked about fidel castro monetary policy -- federal reserve monetary policy from time to time, do you think that fed would slash interests, and juice the economy to reelect joe biden? >> well, i i would never bet my house on what the fed will do or not do, if i were betting your house, i would bet that j. powell will not cut interest rates. >> because i don't believe that chairman powell's mother raised a fool, if he did it was one of his brothers, j. powell understands if he kits interest rates -- cutting interest rate if the stipulate the economy and
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trait -- cuts up rates he will stimulate the economy and create more inflation. >> you know, senator kennedy, i'm keeping my house, because, hold your breath, i agree with you. on this point. [ laughter ] i am going to hang on to my house. i think you are right, too i don't think that j. powell is dumb enough for that. >> i bet you got a nice house, larry, nicer than mine. larry: zone, we'll compare -- in don't know of we'll compare some time, you can be a house guest any time you want in rural connecticut. >> i heard your house is bigger than a costco. larry: senator john kennedy, we love having you on the show, thank you so much. >> all right, coming up on kudlow, why do democrats hate israel? we'll talk about it with mississippi senator roger wicker. and why is inflation worse than you think? a new study by larry
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larry: so next up, why do democrats hate israel, fox news correspondent peter doocy at white house. what do you hear? reporter: we're hearing that president biden has not officially or unofficially threatened to stop sending arms to israel at the moment, but we know there is one relatively moderate senator, democrat chris van hollen in senate he has talked about suspending arm transfers to israel if they go forward with an invasion of rafah, to get hamas guys. and today air air force one, emphasis remained on
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humanitarian aid. >> we'll continue to push forward and to do everything we can to get that hostage -- get humanitarian aid and hostages home, we're up, we're increasing our humanitarian efforts into gaza, with the pier and airdrops. reporter: we're just down in the white house booth in basement of press area listening to president's campaign event in nevada, his israel policy, is not something that he emphasizes. he talks about everything el, however, something interesting, axios reports despite sure. disschumer's call for elections in israel, president biden told him that not something he wants. we asked no one will confirm that. larry: peter doocy thank you.
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>> for more on this whole story, bringing in senator roger wicker, a ranking member of armed services committee. >> hello. larry: i don't know maybe you know, there are threats out there to from schumer, some people say biden some not. some of your senate colleagues on the other side deny israel weapons and ammunition, make them stop this invasion of southern gaza and rafah, what do you make of this, why are democrats turning against israel. >> i tell you, you have asked the wr right question. we have no business whether from congress or from president of united states to tell an ally. how to conduct their politics. the very idea of the democratic leader, the leader of the united states
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senate, suggesting a new election in israel is outrageous, israel is our friend, is under attack. from iranian proxies and they are threatened by them, they have every right to defend themselves from a hamas group which uses hostages as a mines of war, there -- means of war, there is a reason they took the hostages so that people in israel, people in the our side of freedom and democracy, and rule of law, will go easy, will let up a bit, in hopes that the hostage situation will prevent us from helping an ally defend itself, i am absolutely outraged that the majority leader in senate would make this request of an ally.
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larry: you know senator wicker, always in politics, where there is smoke there is fire, you hear this talk, a lot of news reports, of that the bi biden administration will deny israel ammunition and weapons. unless israel provides some kind of a full proof invasion of the last part going down to rafah in southern gaza. but so they will never hit a casualty again, no civilian casualty again ethey have been good about this, but you can't be full proof, this is what bidens did to ukraine, they denied them ammunition at start, that put ukraine behind 8 ball, why do they do this? israel is our ally. why are democratic turning against israel. >> this is the wrong thing to do, yes. we were slow and wrong from
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the administration stand point in helping our allies in ukraine. absolutely, we need to be backing our israeli allies. and that is has been our policy for years, this is wrong and it is bad foreign policy, it is bad defense policy for us americans. to send a signal that our allies, that we've been with for years and years that we made promises to, may not be able to depend on us this would be a mistake. against our unrest. if we -- or interest, if we kept our israeli friends from trying to win this exexistential war. larry: i don't think that biden would withhold web opens?o weapons. >> i do not believe he, stranger things have happened, i would call on
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him to stray with our allies and work with them, make suggestions. but. you can't conduct a war when the other side tries to use civilian hostages as a technique of battle. larry: right. >> you can't. larry: thank you senator wicker we appreciate your wisdom. >> you bit. larry: all right. switching giers and the economy, larry summers, saying that there is a big inflation problem on the way. he is recalculated inflation and suggests that is worse than government thinks, cost of money and interest rates are not included in the measures. to break it down we talk with michael faulkender, former assistant treasure secretary, and teaches school on the side at university of maryland. steve forbes, forbes media chairman. and editor in chief.
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steve, with you. you know, larry summers, a smart guy. smart. he hay recalculated old cpi with mortgage rates and car loan rates in it, we have a chart to put up. that old cpi, would have registered 18 % anony inflation rate last year, it would have come down. but only to 7% now, you put in credit card courts costs it will be worse, this why people can't stand bidenomics and consumer confidence is low. >> it shows what hatches when -- happens when you live in a bubble, amazing that summers pointed out pre1983. you put that in, this is what people see. combine food, people see a
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couple times a week, they are still high and payments you write i've month. and you put that together, people feel the treadmill is winning, white house is oblivious to this, what is happening in the real world, and what will happen, if we don't get our house in order, we all know interest costs about up putting the economy further bind. larry: i think that is right, faulkender, white house they don't understand, they think it is so good, they don't understand why biden's economic polls are so bad and they don't understand why consumer sentiment is so bad, i give summers credit, he is putting in personal borrowing costs, the car loans, 8 to 10%. and credit cards 25%, economy 30%. -- could be 30%, mortgage rates above 7 dollars, that stuff which was included in the cpi has been taken out,
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people know it. they have their own cpi's. >> that is right. because, we don't think about buying a house or a car with was cash we think about buying them on credit. we need to incorporate how costly it is, if you have a a 250 thousand mort mortgage who joe biden took office. y you have 60% inflation on your monthly motor mortgage payment, if you are a h h homeowner or looking to buy a new home, incorporate that. >> you would think. that federal reserve understands this or maybe not? >> it is amazing federal reserve ignores money supply numbers, they get a signal cams from the this, they ignore. no surprise. they ignore something like that no one brought it to
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their attention before, how many of those economists, that are working for federal reserve knew that in 1980s, cpi was c calculated in a different way. larry: they dumb thing. -- a dumb thing. you think that so fed now. now. announcement tomorrow. you don't think that jpole j. powell will fr ffry try -- fry to goose the economy. >> h heaven forbid. >> it was a verbal thing, faulkender thank you, someone i, michael faulkender, look at that summers thing, see if you recalculate the cpi . and way, coming up, matthew and byron york on busting trump will backfire on the
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bidens, i am kudlow, that cpi is worse than you think, we'll be right back. the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain.
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now matthew continetti. and byron york. washington examiner chief political correspondent. and matthew. you are writing about this new coalition of working folks, including working folks of color, not just whites, you are right. but, what do you think someone working hard, playing by the rules, you know typical middle class, salt of the earth, they see trump being man handled by the crazy people here in new york, what do you think that reaction is to them about this? >> i think the reaction is they feel trump is being treated unfairly. the lawfare has backfired, first way it rallied republicans around trump, and help will him springboard to front-runner stats that you got him nomination. the second way is for new comers to republican coalition, and many
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independent voters they see the lawfare and an example of two-tiered system of justice, they think that whole system is rigged they will be more like to focus on prices and broken border and world spinning out of control than whatever democrats are accusing trump of doing this week. larry: byron york. you have guys lik jonathan turley calls this mob justice. not a crazy far right guy, you know, he is just tired of this. there you can't appeal -- and trump cond can't even appeal, this sun fair. and everyone can see it. i think this is going to crater against democrats and joe biden. >> i would say that the lawfare has worked for democrats in one way, in sense part of the design was to financially destroy trump, they made real proes frprogress to that
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with new york law the, the other thing, if you listen to add advocates of lawfare they thought indicting trump ph multiple times would knock him out of the race. but now they say, if he is convicted, some polls say people who would vote for trump now say they would not vote for him if he were convicted felon. you are seeing a race, a dash to get trump convicted of something anything. before election d day, so democrats can call him a convicted felon. larry: matthew, last word. you think that will hurt trump? >> i don't think it will hurt trump, i think what you are talking about in previous segment rise in prices that will matter more than any other issue. larry: you are right, thank you. matthew continetti and byron 2 york, my d last word in just a moment.
7:56 pm
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