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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  March 21, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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give aag a call today. - [narrator] call aag, the country's number one reverse mortgage lender and get your free info kit. call the number on your screen. ♪ me and my friends ♪ ♪ life is better with the credit gods are on your side. rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. credit one bank. get cash back rewards, and live large. larry: tell you what, americans do not want a chinese nanny state. they want freedom and freedom of chias choice. ev, fine, don't dictate to us what we can and cannot do. and of course you could dictate a little bit to watch liz macdonald every night. that's okay. elizabeth: i don't know how you do it. you're so good, larry. showing the world how to do it.
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thank you, larry. good to see you tonight, gentlemen. first to you, governor, what do you make of oversight chair james comer inviting president biden to testify in front of the itch peachment inquiry and they're not giving up even as the white house demands they shut it down. >> joe biden is not going to go. the interesting thing is though, he won't go and he'll invoke executive privilege and he's right to do. how come peter that varicose veins row is in prison for the same thing and let joe and peter share a cell for the same thing and failing to unload on congress. i mean, why not. let's be honest and that's never going to hatch. joe biden is not going to go and testify. i think the house is doing the right thing by the
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investigation. i don't think it makes sense to take an impeachment vote because they may not get it and even if they do, it goes to the senate and it dies faster than an ice cube at beginning of the door of hell. it just isn't going to happen. elizabeth: ain't going to happen. what may happen, hans, is lawmakers saying they're going to send criminal referrals to the doj. we don't know if it happened. hans, what we know from house investigators and witness testimony, members of biden family working on oil and gas deal withs china and russia and selling u.s. liquid gas to china and joe biden accused of using multiple fake e-mail addresses and used 20 shell companies burying the companies and 24 million from overseas and burner phones involved and diamonds and u.s. banks filing 150 suspicious activity with the treasury department and what the biden family was doing. what do you make of all this,
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hans? >> yeah, look, we had the testimony this week tony bobulinski with hunter biden and the biden family, and he was the third, third former business partner all of whom have consistently had exactly the same testimony. the involvement of joe biden, he's meeting with their clients and in fact they were selling the joe biden brand. this is the kind of behavior giving deals to children of important -- political figures that we've gone after american companies for for doing in foreign countries and foreign corrupt practices act. so, you know, you would think that if there's nothing to this as joe biden keeps saying, he'd look forward to the opportunity to be able to testify in front of this committee. elizabeth: watch a former biden insider testify claiming that hunter biden did talk with the
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chinese business partners about getting joe biden a board seat on a chinese company and listen to former biden family insider tony bobulinski again. watch saying in is not a rico act. >> they want assurances that joe biden would join the board, yes or no? >> yes, he d. >> he wanted money in his account instantly and shook down the chinese and willing to send him $5 million because they vised it as a prescribe to the biden family and say it in their own communications. >> did you witness the president commit a crime? is it your it'll testimony today -- >> yes. >> and what crime do you -- have you witnessed in >> how much time do i have to go through it? >> simple, name the crime. did you watch him steal something? >> corruption statues, rico and conspiracy. i c, o you're obviously not familiar with.
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>> excuse me, sir. excuse me, sir. rico is not a crime. it is a category. elizabeth: governor, it's not a crime? it is a crime. it is a crime. does that mean fulton county da fani willis should drop her 2020 case against trump in georgia? >> oh, absolutely, liz. in fact, i have it on good authority, she'll filling out the paperwork right now based on aoc's brilliant assessment of the rico act and dropping all charges and he's going to take extended vacation in the caribbean with nathan wade and we'll all live happily ever half. elizabeth: hans, take this away. i love when the governor said. where do you think this leads? >> obviously the president is not going to testify and they testify and it's the duty of the house to decide whether a president or other official should be is impeached. they should not concern
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themselves with whether or not the senate will acquit him or find him guilty. that's beyond their control. if they think acts have been committed that fit within the grounds for impeachment, then they should impeach. elizabeth: got it. governor huckabee, hans von spakovsky, thank you for joining us tonight. >> it's hitting the 2024 race and continues to drop president biden's polls down and getting to just a second of venezuelan immigrant advising illegal immigrants to come in and invade american's homes to squat in them and take them. we also have this story, we're going to get to this first. reports coming in and somehow the biden administration did not file the right paperwork in time where apparently hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants fell through the cracks. nate foy has from more eagle pass, texas. reporter: liz, another chaotic day on the southern border and
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learning in the past few minutes at least one migrant is facing assault charges after a large group of migrants pushed past texas national guard soldiers towards the border wall in el paso. we'll show you that video momentarily. a lot of concern after a report that you just mentioned that finds since president joe biden took office, 200,000 deportation cases have been thrown out because dhs didn't file the correct paperwork on time. take a look at some of the migrants that arrived today and talking about notices to appear before in immigration court. many of the migrants that arrive today are columbian nationals and border patrol is processing them and according to the report, it's by a nonpartisan group called track and dhs scheduling immigration hearings before the agency is capable of filing those ndas and that's contributing to a court backlog of 3.5 million immigration cases. and i mentioned breaking news
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and over 300 migrants breaching razor wire and rushing border wall in el paso, texas, several migrants pushed past texas national guard soldiers in the process. i mention at least one is charged with assault and texas law enforcement sources tell fox that more arrests may be coming. congressman tony gonzalez remits that district and he posted on x "there is nothing safe and orderly about this. it's a break in. it's illegal. there needs to be consequences. as we take a live look at fox news drone right now, those consequences, liz, are unclear right now. texas is still awaiting an appeals court ruling that will determine if the state can enforce senate bill 4 for the next two weeks. the law allows texas to arrest and deport migrants that cross the border illegally. the court will hear arguments about whether or not it's unconstitutional coming up on april 3, but texas isn't the only state doing this. arizona is now considering a similar bill that in my ways
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resembles sb4 so we'll see what happens with that as illegal crossings skyrocket in the western states. back to you. elizabeth: always great reporting, nate foy. thank you so much. bring in sheriff thadeus cleveland of terrell county, texas. great to have you on, sheriff. we have a migrant from venezuela going viral on social media telling illegal immigrants to actually invade american's homes and invoke squatter's rights. look how angry he is right there. what do you think, sheriff? >> i saw that today for the first time and again, i often say that just when you think you've seen it all, you haven't. to see something like this is just -- it's unconceivable how our government could condone something like this and this administration is doing that and letting people in that we don't
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know who they are and don't know the records and i can tell you the country of venezuela is not going to share their records on people that are coming to this country if they're criminals or not. elizabeth: that's going on too. i would love to get your reaction to texas governor greg abbott saying texas is going to fight in court to do the state's own border crackdown and dramatically dropped illegal crossings and hundreds breaking through at the border. you know, let's listen to what's going on here. listen to greg abbott and you'll hear from senator katie britt, watch. >> 28 points of entry in the state of texas alone people could cross and strioto seek asylum if that's what they wanted to do. instead, they're going between ports of entry and sometimes under the bridge, right above them that's a port of entry. joe biden through his actions is violating the laws of the united states of america. that's exactly why i declared our authority under article 1 section 10 of the united states
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constitution texas has a right to defend ourselves and we will use that authority to declare an invasion and fight back against that invasion. >> it's absolutely disgusting and despicable. when we see them using american taxpayer dollars to fly these people in and then see the result of what's happening, you wonder when joe biden will wake up and realize enough is enough. his disastrous policies are tearing america apart. my question to president biden is this, how many people have to die, be raped, victimized, innocent americans before he stops this. he could do it today but the truth is he doesn't want to. elizabeth: yeah, you know, sheriff, a lot of people saying they should have passed that border bill and we counted at least a dozen flaws with that bill and would have enshrined
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record illegal border immigration and crossings and biden said it was a crisis even. that bill is inherently flawed and what do you make of what you heard from the governor and senator katie britt? >> i don't know in you're aware, i spent 26 years with united states border patrol and sheriff in my home county and i grew up here and was raised here. i started my career in the united states border patrol under president clinton. from clinton to president bush to president obama to president president trump, all four of those administrations passed bipartisan legislation to make the border the most safest and secure it was. till trump left office. this current administration dismantled everything in place it by the four administrations and getting to governor abbott's comments, he's exactly right. i was a border patrol agent at the beginning of this administration and as a border patrol agent and a sheriff of the state of texas, we're grateful for governor abbott is
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doing. my county benefited tremendously not just from grant money but from state personnel working operation lone star working today and have been working the last thee years in my county. we even keep the gas on the pedal and continue to bolster texas' border till we get a president in the white house that's actually going to come back and restore order here on the southwest bored. elizabeth: it's interesting, seven states are moving to follow texas with their own crackdown on illegal migration. kansas, oklahoma, mississippi, louisiana in there. iowa as well. sheriff, thank you so much for being with us tonight. we appreciate you so much, sheriff cleveland, good to see you. >> thank you. adios. elizabeth: we'll have you back on again soon. tonight, congresswoman debbdebbieless koenen and up dae fight with letitia james taking first steps to seize trump's assets before he can appeal that massive $464 million new york
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civil judgment. legal pros finding even more violations of the u.s. constitution here. the president, president biden is speeding ahead with his mandate to force you to ditch your gas cars by 2032. it's a move u.s. has never seen before. why this will fuel even more inflation and why voters aren't buying it. and speaker johnson plans to invite israel's netanyahu to address congress. that's a rebuke to senator chuck schumer. plus, congresswoman kat cammack from house law enforcement and hold ago thing in dc on capitol hill and more on home invasions happening. all this and more coming up on "the evening edit".
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their
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“price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. elizabeth: the house held a hearing on out of control crime in the nation's capitol and people hurt bibbing lawmakers, congressional staffers and tourists in dc. aishah hasnie on capitol hill with the details. reporter: despite the fact it that two democrat house members are the victims of violent crime, one democrat decide to show up to today's hearing. the house administration committee spoke with the capitol
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police chief and dc police union president today and here he is breaking down just how bad crime has gotten around the capitol complex. jot district ward 6 in the downtown area and barracks road and capitol hill experienced 188% increase in homicides and 66% increase in robberies, 42% increase in sex assaults, 57% increase in carjackings and a 44% increase in violent crime. reporter: dc is facing a policing shortage and correct me if i'm wrong has stepped into dc affairs before and chairman brian stiles says that may have to happen again and some democrats at least in the upper chamber tell us there's nothing to see here. >> i think some of the potential threats have been exaggerated and overblown. we can't turn the united states capitol into a fortress or prison. reporter: democrats blasting republicans for not addressing gun safety. elizabeth.
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elizabeth: aishah hasnie, thank you so much. welcome back from house law enforcement congresswoman kat cammack. you heard that democrat senator saying crime is overblown in dc, really? >> come on, liz, you and i both know better than anybody in the nation's capitol in the last couple years knows that's a lie. in phaco, it's gotten so bad that when people come up from our districts to visit their nation's capitols we have to arrange ubers and lyfts and taxis because if they're walking more than two blocks, there's a fear they could get mugged. this is a very real threat and not just petty crime, it is not just theft, it's violent crime. we've had members of congress that have had guns pulled on them and carjacked. we've had members of congress assaulted. it should not be the case in our nation's capitol or any community in america for that matter, but this is what happens when you have no cash bail and soft on crime policies. this is the direct result. elizabeth: it's normalizing crime. what's going on in the country? we had the story here in noshing
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queens, here in new york that locals are trying to chase out squatters out of her home and police arresting the homeowner because she changed the locks to get them out. we're also tracking this, home invasion robbery gangs in at least five states and illinois, california, michigan, massachusetts, and georgia. >> yeah. no, when you think about this, liz, this is crazy. think about private property rights. fundamental tenant of the fifth amendment of our nation's constitution and here we have a government that is essentially saying no, if they're in your property, you've got to prove it's your property. and of course we know that in some of these blue states in the cities, soft on crime and no cash bail and no prosecutions, there's no consequences. so we're only going to see more of this as time marchs on and no one wants to uphold the law. i think biden will have a really tough time in this election when
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everyone is feeling the pain of rising crime in the communities. it's not just petty theft and not just trespassing. we're talking violent crime and it's continuing to go up despite what they try to say in the data and facts, it's not going down. it's actually going up. and keep in mind, liz, more than 4,000 police departments around the country are not reporting their crime statistics and say they're painting a very skewed picture. elizabeth: yeah and if you're not doing the arrest, crime data goes down; right? the other thing too is it's hurting minority neighborhoods and black, hispanic, asian american voters in minority neighborhoods. this is coming in. california has a new law. it stops police departments from posting mug shots of nonviolent suspects on social media starting this year. so the me mirietta police
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department posting mug shots with learfi lego heads on their. lego company said stop doing this. >> i read the statement from the police department and it's laughable. in the south we'd say bless their hearts. they're committed to transparency except coming to publishing the photos of those arrested for crimes. that to me is just another sign that these folks are not serious about crime and to add insult short term orientation injury, the officers putting their life on the line really making sure that they're doing a bang up job of getting them off the streets and in jail and they're de-moralizing and it's impact of recruitment and retention of law enforcement arnold the country and what's the point of arresting someone if they're going to be back on the street the next day. when you're too shy to publish their photo to let concerned citizens know this person could be a threat to the community, you can't even see their photo. in is laughable and we're
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absolutely hamstringing arrests and trying to get tougher on crime and has to change and from the state perspective and federal perspective, if they want to play those games, cut their funding. elizabeth: interesting. you made a good point about police resignations and something like it's up nearly 50% or 47%. police officer resignations since 2019. that's really significant. congresswoman cammack, thank you for joining us. great to see you. >> always a pleasure. elizabeth: congresswoman debbie lesko and michael waltz going after democrat eric swaylwell happening in a hea hearing and n speeding ahead to force americans to ditch gas cars by 2032 and americans don't like this or want it. we'll explain why. this is really inflationary .x forbes media chair steve forbes coming out with president biden does even more government handouts to win the white house as federal reserve researchers
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warn government overspending is re-eight hours nighting stubbornly high inflation next on "the evening edit". ♪ (qb) this is it. one play. this is when we find out... (luke) hey, quick question. student body math proficiency, would we say it's good? fair? satisfactory? (player 1) what? (luke) like a percentage, if you had to guess. (players) hey, get out of here man. get off the field. (luke) understood. (players) security! grab him! (marci) great student-teacher ratio... (luke) marci! we've got to go! marci! we have got to go! we bring you the real, in-depth school info. (marci) what were you thinking? (luke) i don't know. i. don't know. (vo) ding dong! ♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop,
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elizabeth: election watchers calling out president biden campaigning on spending even more of your money on free handouts. when fed researchers have warned historic inflation at 18.5% compounded under biden, it's partly fueled by government overspending and hillary vaughn on capitol hill with more. hillary. reporter: good evening, liz. it must be a great way to wake up because the president this morning e-mailed 77,000 americans letting them know that their student loans are effectively paid off. the plan impacts public service workers like teachers, fire fighterrers and nurses and total payoff is $5.8 billion to anyone in public service making payments on student loans for ten years and were a part of the public service loan forgiveness
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program. the e-mail directly from the president reading "because you pursued a career in public service, you're on track to get eligible student loans forgiven and thank you for the work you're doing to strengthen your communities and keep your work up". this latest is forgiveness is giving biden forgiveness and points with young voters and some are pushing for more. congresswoman ilhan omar saying "let's keep fighting till we cancel student debt for every single borrower. ". liz, forgiveness isn't free and applies to federally funded student loans and ultimately taxpayers that gave the student loan borrowers in the first place and the president is taking credit for it, it was taxpayers like you that paid for it. liz. elizabeth: hillary vaughn, you're terrific. thank you so much. bring back into the show, forbes media chair, editor in chief steve forbes. what's your reaction to hillary's report? is this fixing the front end of the problem? how colleges are basically
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living college frees and doing tuition gouging of american family s? >> as you know, tuition haves been going up in the resent decades at four times the rate of inflation and don't get to route cause, which is massive government subsidies and allow colleges to keep raising tuitions and having the students in their parents ending upholding the bag. what biden is doing here is contradiction of the supreme court ruled several months ago and blatant way to buy votes for the november election and on all counts, political, economic, moral and it's wrong and going ahead because it's thinking a way to inwin the election. goelizabeth: u.s. treasury secretary and thinking of larry summers and new inflation report and mortgage and car loans and inflation going for 1983 and he
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says inflation in 2022 was not record 9% hitting that year and it was 18% and what is it now? sounds really high. >> it is. not 2-3% they're banning about now and 7 or 8% and you take somebody took a 250,000 mortgage a few years ago before biden took office, it was $1,000 a month. now it's over $1,600 a month so for middle class, under middle class family, that's several $6 or $7,000 extra a year they're having to pay out. the real cost of living, that's why people are so sour in this country, despite the official statistics, which show biden worships and in reality they go to store and the gas pump or paying those monthly payments on credit cards and car loans and mortgages and they see costs going up and not down. elizabeth: you know, what's happening is key swing state of
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nevada he's neck and neck and in georgia and north carolina, biden is losing to trump as of right now, we know it's early in the race. this new poll out of marist shows black voters backing off biden. biden was around 79% among black voters in north carolina but that's down from 92% in 2020. so why are more blacks and latino voters going for trump but the media says trump is hitler? >> that's lost its punch appeal. in terms of latino and black voters, they realize they're doing worse under biden than trump. which trump was president, wanes are going up and at a faster pace for lower income people than everyone and he wills people were getting able to move ahead and now they're falling behind because of the real inflation numbers that are out there and real cost of living. not fake ones from washington.
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elizabeth: so, you know, inflation is probably much higher but the president wanting $5-$7 trillion more on top of the economy and what do you think of treasury secretary yellen wanting a new minimum 25% tax on total income including unrealized capitol gains. they want to go down the tax bracket to do this. why did most of europe ditch it? it's totally undoable and requiring more irs agents to value fair assets than the tax would bring in? >> numbers talking about here are far higher than the europeans did and if joe biden got his way on the taxes putting in the new budget proposal, u.s. economy goes into a depression. it destroyed capital and no one invests in a environment like that and who do you want to have the investing money and american
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public or government bureaucrats. elizabeth: steve forbes, you're terrific. thank you so much. welcome to the house from house energy congresswoman debbie lesko. good to have you back on. sit tight. we want your reaction to that impeachment hearing yesterday representative michael wattle went after representative -- waltz went after representative eric swalwell accused of hire ago chinese spy and helping fundraise for the 2024 reelection campaign. watch. >> thank you, mr. chairman, and i find it incredibly rich, mr. swalwell was going to come to this committee and lecture us about how china p penetrates our government. he may know a thing or two about that and talk about china penetrating the highest levels of this government, including this president and this white house. elizabeth: okay.
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what do you think? i mean, house ethics did end a two-year investigation into swalwell here. didn't take any further action. what do you make of this? >> well, there's always a lot of drama that goes on around here, but what we need to focus on is that the biden family got millions of dollars from china and other foreign countries that over 20 shell companies and they didn't do any work so you tell me what's going on with the biden family. seems very fishy to me and we need to focus on that. elizabeth: got it. congresswoman, the biden white house is speeding ahead with the mandate to force everybody to drop. can't buy gas cars, only can buy electric by 2032. maybe hybrids too. newt gingrich and others say it's flat out government coercion and it's inflationary and more polluting these gas cars -- excuse me, electric cars to make and batteries lose half their power in ten year sos you have to buy another one. they cost a lot to fix, they
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tear up roads and that's all inflationary. then you're going to wipe out thousands of u.s. auto jobs. >> well, i totally agree with you and the biden energy policy is just radical and he's using all of the agencies, this one was the epa and tail pipe emissions where he's effectively going to ban vast majority of gas-powered cars by 2032. 56% have to be all electric and another% electric plug in hybrids and this is unrealistic and people don't want the government telling them what kind of car they have to buy and that's why republicans passed a bill in december of last year saying we want freedom of choice to buy whatever car we want. the other policies are radical
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and increasing energy prices for americans and only help china. elizabeth: yes. china dominates this market. is the u.s. power grid ready, congresswoman? >> you know, not for all this new demand. there's already big concerns and biden wants to put all of america in the same position as california. so they had to get rid of power and had preallot ages and had to tell people not to charge their electric cars and it was really a problem. i don't want america to be like that. i want a diversified electric grid with diversified american energy. elizabeth: got it. congresswoman lesko, thanks for joining us. good to see you. >> thank you. elizabeth: coming up, gop strategist and attorney ford o'connell and ag letitia james taking the first steps to start seizing trump's assets for the
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$464 million new york bond, that civil judgment. he's got to do this -- it's going to happen even before he can appeal it. again, legal pros scall this is disturbing and finding even more violations of the u.s. constitution. but first, let's check in with our friends dagen and sean. what's coming up on the bottom line? we love your show. >> hey, e mack. we love your show. no to president biden with the student loan debt but he's still doing it and congressman jim jordan is here to discuss and the critical role in apple's business and morgan o rtagus joining us. >> then you can't show their faces of criminals in california and cover them up with lego men.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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elizabeth: okay, joining us is gop economist strategist ford o'connell. great to have you back on the show. we have reports that new york attorney general letitia james filed first steps in court to
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seize trump's assets in the $464 million new york judgment against him, ford. isn't this a violation of the eighth amendment man on excessive fines and amid fire sales and cruel and unusual punishment and wouldn't it be a violation of the fifth amendment takings clause? >> let me put it this way issue it's not just a violation of the eight amendment b beyond obscene and no victim here and no financial losses and somehow the new york lobbying a half billion dollar penalty against donald trump, the controlling case is tens v. indiana and the answer to the question is, yes. coming to the fifth amendment due process and understand what's going on here. if he doesn't post a half billion bond, he can't appeal his case. that is not the american way. that is definitely in violation of the fifth amount as well. elizabeth: yeah, it's due process as well. tough pay up to appeal? i mean, kevin o'leary said what's happening here is they
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took a new york consumer fraud law that was meant to help consumers overcharge for things like refrigerators and washing machines to seize an entire empire. we get the allegations, but this is -- what they're saying is this is over the top and did it without a jury. there was no jury. the judge decided it. ahead of time a summary judgment and massive due process violations and kevin o'leary warning what's happening to trump is unprecedented in america and if it happens to trump, it can happen to everyone else too. watch this. >> you think about america, the reason this is number one economy on earth is that we have laws and we have due process. we have property rights. it attracts foreign capital from all around the world. all of that is being shaken to the core here. the concept of seizing assets in 30 days on a bond number that's never been issued, no insurance bond company ever issued
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anything near there thornhill tore and no chance it was going to happen. and only giving 30 days notice and time that's a really bad message. i think new yorkers should think, well past trump whether he's president or not and whether this attorney general is gone in four years or not, it's irrelevant. elizabeth: what do you think, ford? >> he's absolutely right. letitia james is short circuiting justice to break trump financially and if she can do this to donald trump, it can be done to anyone and they're backdooring a little known law in new york that was never meant to be put to this test. look, i question the entire law overall and unfortunately, o'leary is right because business in new york will suffer if you can use this law at will. elizabeth: new york attorney general james also questioned trump saying that he can't get a bond using real estate as collateral. 30 surety companies told trump they'd not accept real estate assets as collateral. lydia hu reports insurance
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companies rarely accept real estate as collateral for the bond and neuroers are not in the business to -- insurers are not in the business of managing real estate. he's got to come up with liquid cash. >> coming up with cash like this and not even jeff bezos and elon musk can come up with half a billion by snapping their fingers and the idea they can't manage real estate is exactly right. they want liquid financial instruments, and that's very, very hard to come by and therefore they knew it and that's why i believe judge engoron layed down the penalty the way he did and no way the trump corporation could ever comply with this and all about breaking donald trump and they violated and abused the law to do it. liberals the deadline is monday. what do you think will happen, ford? >> hopefully america comes through and supreme court or higher court in new york state steps in saying wait a minute, we need to take a pause and this is truly a violation of the eighth amendment that tense v. indiana case and essentially was a unanimous supreme court ruling and it was ruth bader ginsburg
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that wrote the majority and america would be happy to know she's on the side of donald trump. elizabeth: thank you, ford o'connell. good to see you. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: this is a first and happened in israel's war to stop a mass terrorist and houthi rebels claiming responsibility for a cruise missile strike landing in israel. tensions rise between israel netanyahu and chuck schumer and house speaker mike johnson is inviting israel's netanyahu to address congress. lieutenant colonel bob magin nis going to break it down on "the evening edit" next.
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elizabeth: look who is back retired lieutenant colonel bob maginnis. colonel served our nation for 24 years. wow you have served america, sir. what do you make of the iranian-backed houthis out of yemen, claims responsibility for a cruise missile strike launched out of red sea that hit israel. >> liz, the cruise missile hit, it didn't do any damage, we're concerned they are using more sophisticated weapons, they are also expanding their war against
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maritime traffic into the indian ocean that will disrupt more traffic that has in the past gone through the red sea, now trying to go down to the cape of good hhope. this escalating the fight, as everyone knows the houthis are aligned with the palestinians and hamas, and demand that israelis stop this siege of gaza extricate themselves. and let the flow of humanitarian aid go in. there are a lot of issues, what i find fascinating is that just in the last day, the russians and the chinese through their proxy, the irk aroiran iranians struck a deal, russia and chinese ships have free passage through the red sea without interference from the
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houthis this dicey in the region. elizabeth: that is a new development. we hear that loud and clear. so, there is this development house speaker mike johnson plans t to invite israeli prime minister netanyahu to congress, but chuck schumer refused netanyahu's request to speak with democrats. >> this is interesting. netanyahu last spoke to a joint session of congress in 2015, he used that opportunity to bash the obama administration for its jcpoa, anti-nuke program with iran. rightly so. now, johnson is going after schumer calling his you know, condemnation of netanyahu and calling for a new election as absurd.
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that is quite you know, i think well deserved much. schumer si as a jew should know better than to go after israel in this very delicate time period. netanyahu said yesterday, this hamas anti-hamas campaign will go forward. and the white house invited a host of israeli leaders to washington to kind of debrief them on a way ahead, they are concerned is that the idf, about to launch into rava. rav -- rafah, the southern city in gaza, that is very densely populated, there will be more casualties, netanyahu made it clear, this will you know, end with hamas being destroyed. if they don't do it, it is existential threat against the nation of israel.
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elizabeth: hamas does not want a two-state solution. they want to annihilate israel for senator schummer to call for election -- schumer to call for that people are questioning, t. your final word. >> war is you know, pretty dirty, and dastardly, we have seen it in ukraine and history, hopefully, we can bring it to a resolution soon. get rid of hamas. elizabeth: lieutenant colonel bob maginnis. gang, tune in to gutfeld fox news tonight at 10 p.m. it will be fun. thank you for watching the "evening edit" on fox business, i am elizabeth macdonald time for "the bottom line" with dagen and sean. dagen: thanks emac. elizabeth: sur


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