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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 22, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm EDT

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ashley: president biden low approval rating is far worse factor for him in getting reelected than a third party
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candidate. >> xi jinping talk about timeline in his 2024 new year's message last december said that he put taiwan's in a paragraph of things he wants to see this year. >> what it was we gotten past the kangaroo trial phase and now we're at the e -- phase of donald trump this is about, taking away his signature assets to give hail slap in the face. >> you know most the time squatters are regular people, entitled people they're a different breed. >> this idea that this is an appropriate way to proceed with campaigns or we understand that but this is now about personal destruction. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ashley: late great mercury queen
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in manhattan good morning everyone it is 11 a.m. on the east coast on this friday march 22nd i'm ash webster in for stu today get straight to the markets open for what an hour and a half or thereabouts gain more downward motion s&p down 2 tenths of a percent same store on the nasdaq so perhaps a little breather after some strong fed fueled rally this is week. let's take a look at big tech. bit of a mixed bag alphabet apple moving higher and microsoft amazon moving higher microsoft up a 10% and tenure treasury yield of 4.22% on the tenure. all right now this. a measure to fight homelessness in california passes by a razor thin margin. the state will now spend 6.4
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billion dollars on housing, e mental health care, and addiction treatment. guess what? perfect time to bring in our resident california expert, steve hilton. steve, great to see you this morning. governor gavin newsom made this a top priority that barely passed. now what does that tell you about his supporting california? >> well it is fascinating ash because it wasn't just the top priority. it replaced other priorities it bullied said no it is all about this one and called it proposition one he put his name all over it he was in all of the ads barely got through a handful of votes and spent last few weeks scrambling around to find votes to pass it, as you say it is a bond measure it will be interest so this is going to be nine, 10 billion of extra taxes. and so let's be fair. critics say, that this measure
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is actually not going to solve the problem it is more of the same. it is not actually dealing with the underlying issues. it is actually taking money away from the counties to spend on mental health services but okay. whatever, let's be fair. let's say right -- this is the big solution to homelessness, let's give it a shot then. so in two years time, mark your calendars, has homelessness been solved in california? he's put all of the emphasis on this. let's wait and see. many people are skeptical. but that will be the time to judge. is it possible to keep spending billions and billions of dollars without changing the policies that have caused homelessness in the first place and hope to solve the problem? ashley: yeah we shall see i want to get on to one, though, steve i find amusing president biden taking aim at private jets. why not? she wants to crack down on corporations and wealthy people who he says take advantage of tax writeoffs make them pay their fair share, man 37. do you think that includes his
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former climate czar good friend john kerry? >> exactly. i mean mr. private jet himself. obviously, in the name of solving the great environmental issues of our day jetting around the world he should be number one on the hit list for this this is yet another xeample of the politics of envy, let's hit the retch by the way, the rich generate the income through their business activities we know that pay for all of the other things that we take for granted. i mean it is just ridiculous why don't they actually learn from the lessons of economic history through the ages? that the more you pile taxes on, the more you reduce incentives for people to generate the wealth that we need to keep our economy growing? ashley: exactly right. always go after the people that actually do the most. right? meanwhile, 09% of the people pay a frarks of the taxes just leave it to the wealthy we could talk about this at -- i think people get the message.
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steve hilton you know, i have to mention this one more time because it fascinates me he grew up in a tiny community called peace haven. it is on the coast of east sussex i grew up in a tiny community called beam next to each other. so what are the odds of that? it is incredibly small world and here we are, talking to each other on network television in america. life is amazing. >> our american dream ash, there you are. ashley: it really is leave it on that high note steve hilton steve thank you so much for being here. appreciate it. all the way to peace haven one state rejected a mandate that would have boosted electric vehicle sales which state, lauren? lauren: maine i was surprised by that. their environmental protection board said we've got 1800 comments during the public comment period, and basically all of them were negative. the democratic congressman from maine jared golden says affordable transportation is a requirement not a luxury in rural maine.
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so folks in maine realize that regulations must recognize reality and the reality is, reliability major concern during the cold maine winter especially in the rural areas. ashley: well that's a very good pongt and for all of the other cold states. thank you lauren let's take a look at the markets now bring in our -- geed good friend jonathon, jonathon good morning to you we all read your stuff. you think we're seeing a changing of the guard in the markets. so if we shouldn't be putting new money into big tech and magnificent 7 blah, blah, blah what should we be looking up now? [laughter] market has been up five straight months what is interesting is what hasn't been up that's so many of the names we've talked about over a well over a year like apple tesla adobe down to date so i'm looking at banks i'm looking at insurance companies. commodity oriented stocks small and large cap, it is a positive thing that the market is broadening out that's where i'm
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putting me money new markets now focus don't bite losers don't buy the dips focus on what's working now and that isn't big tech. ashley: great advice. apparently you're focusing on microcaps explain. >> well it's been the biggest of big names stuart -- excuse me ashley that have led market for so long, i mean, look they've led the market well over ten years but on a longer term time horizon, small caps have actually done a lot better. so iwc is atf that is trading at half of the evaluation of large caps and it is underperform as against that long-term trend. so it is breaking now the now i think you're looking to diversify just don't buy another large cap tech stock buy microcap breaking out and i own them in my fund. ashley: exotic pick of the week or was that it? >> that was it. it shouldn't be that exotic ashley because when you're talking about diversification, you should be looking at different size companies not just all large cap so looking at
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microcaps people don't own them but they're looking a lot better on the charts than they have in years. ashley: very quickly jonathon i've been asking analysts we're in a bubble had a tremendous runup. some say absolutely, others say no because there's so much cash still on the sidelines. what say you? >> in the biggest names have had the biggest runs, of course, ashley they're ones that dominate the end cease i think we're very much like on a period from say 2001 to 2010 large cap stocks like microsoft were dead money during that period but small cap international, commodity oriented names value oriented names they outperformed for a decade. so market might be just taking a breather and that's why you want to focus on what's not just working, but what's working now. ashley: very good indeed. jonathon thank you sir for being here have a great weekend we enjoy your segments indeed let's bring back in lauren simonetti looking at some of the movers you're taking a look at digital world we've been following this.
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lauren: it is selling off. it's down -- almost 8% and it could trade as early as monday. on the nasdaq, under djt ticker symbol for donald j. trump investors approved with trump social platform this is why the stock is selling off the company is losing money and according to their own perspective they say they expect for the foreseeable future that's a quote then you have to look at another risk that's trump himself he often post on this platform and those posts are used as evidence in lawsuits against him. and the third major risk is if you look at elon musk and x formerly twitter, they might have already eaten truth socials lunch with the conservative voice that's why the stock is down after the good news after the merger approved after three years. alphabet and google is the best increase and priced target to 1.75 and google search dominance
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won't be hurt by artificial intelligence and eve this a generative a.i. tool in it and lululemon look at this this is steepest drop for lulu19% in four years north america is still growing, but at 9% rather than 29%. as it did a year ago. ashley: that will do it dow 19, 18% thank you very much. by the way another message to our viewers it is still not too late to send in some friday feedback we love to hear from you. sending in your messages to varney viewers at we can take the heat. now this, dozens of patients are are suing ozempic say they caused harmful side effects. dr. marty will be here to break down those side effects for us and get his thoughtings on it. and take a look at this video it is a group of migrants rushes aboard a fence in el paso knocking down barrier take away razor wire and injure one member of the major guard.
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we have a live report from texas, next. ♪ ♪ (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®.
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i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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♪ ashley: all right back to this chaotic scene at the border hundreds of migrant storming through a razor wired fence mowing down national guardsmen in the process nate foye is in eagle pass, texas this morning and nate was anything arrested in this distinct? incident? >> yeah ashley one migrant is
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charged with assaulting national guard soldier after a group of 300 migrants pushed through razor wire and rushed border wall in el paso more than that ashley there were several hundred migrants 600 migrants there in total including women and children. these migrants were processed under title 8 meaning immigration court and then many of them will be released into our country after this chaos. take a look. [chanting] [inaudible conversations] >> so over 300 single adult migrants many of them from venezuela ashley, pushed past you see the razor wire south of the border wall and trample over a national guardsmen. a new york post reporter was here as this unfolded and she explains what exactly led up to this moment. >> 300 single adults there were 300 families and children and
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women on the other side those people were going to be taken for border patrol that was their priority. single adults were being taken off into small groups. back to mexico -- they realized that was their fate and it just within a matter of seconds became absolute chaos. >> cvp put out a statement in response to that search saying individuals and families without illegal basis to remain in the u.s. are subject to removal and subject to a minimum five year bar on reapplying for admission but that's after migrants are often released into the country and given those mta now more than that, venezuela is not accepting migrants deported from the u.s. in this case ashley, many of these migrants aren't welcome back in their home country. and democrats are being to react on capitol hill. listen to this. >> it is not just about security it is about a humane process. to treat folks as they're coming in many of whom we know are seeking dire circumstances.
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>> texas governor greg abbott says dps instructed to arrest every illegal immigrant involved for illegal trespass and destruction of property and one migrant has been arrested. but i'm told that number could go up we'll sending it back to you. ashley: all right thank you very much. nate foye with the very latest from the border joining me now is terrell county texas sheriff thaddeus cleveland sheriff good morning you. we just saw nate foye's report there. well over a hundred migrants break through razor wire knock down guards and cross into texas. what more or what should be done to keep them out? >> good morning and thank you for having me. i'll tell you what -- we just saw shameful and it is shameful on this administration. look, i spent 26 years in the united states border patrol and i worked under this administration and the prior four and never seen anything like this. we continue to see it ramp up to
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this point, what's next? and ill tell you those prior four administration both rmg and democrat never allowed something like this to go so my point there is this administration has completely failed us at the border. completely failed us here in my county. ashley: you recently called out biden for what you called abandoning u mexico border saying it's more like the u.s. world border what do you mean by that and what action do you want the administration to take? >> you know what any abandonness over three years ago -- he inherited the most safest and secure border that we had ever had. i was still working at that time ill tell you we saw low numbers of apprehension and injuries but the u.s. world border because so many countries throughout the world are exploiting the u.s.-mexico border to make the entry into the united states and the reason they're coming because this administration again and i don't just use this as a talking point.
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you know, i don't get talking points from the department of homeland security or state of texas i make my own from experience this administration -- before it took office in the presidential debates of 2019 on this on president biden said he would welcome asylum seekers that's the direct result of what we're seeing but i'll tell you we have a governor that is fighting back filling the gap this is administration has made and we're seeing results of his work because now we're starting to see activity flow towards arizona and california. >> and you know what sheriff it is such a security issue we don't know who these people are. where they've come from, and what their intentions are. it is just ludicrous -- >> 100%. and you know, in that piece we watched before coming on air venezuelans are not accepting them back in their country we have no idea who they were. we don't know if they were criminals or in prisons and let out similar to what we saw in early 80s with the out of
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cuba -- the same exact thing. we will be dealing with this problem for decades. we're still dealing with the cuban crisis not just venezuela but others sepgding their people to the united states. ashley: you know sheriff what will make this iconic about all of this it was okay until migrants were shipped to blue run states like, you know, illinois, new york -- california. then all of a sudden this issue was right on their doorstep and then they started, you know, telling us a different story. how can this happen this is outrageous you know what this is what texas and arizona and california have been going through for years. >> yes. yes, sir you're exactly right, and to be quite honest with you, those cities didn't make a stink about it until governor abbott started sending them to those sanctuary states but nongovernmental mgos they were sending people to those
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locations my hats off to the govan for continuing to sending bus loads throughout the united states i think we should expand it to more cities and more states. ashley: yeah. yep it is a national problem for sure. sheriff thaddeus cleveland thank you so much for joining us this morning we do appreciate your input you're right there on the battlelines we do appreciate it. >> thank you god bless. ashley: thank you sail to you, sir. house democrats demanding that biden administration make improvements to the app that helps migrants to claim asylum in the u.s. lauren what are their demands on this? [laughter] lauren: they're saying problem at the border has to do with the app. these democrats say that -- cbp app needs to be translated in more languages now it is english spanish and haitian creole and needs to be more friendly to migrants who don't have digital literacy. so because of those two reasons, some migrants are presumed
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ineligibility for asylum when they present at the border for asylum because they have issues with the app. it is all of the problems with the app. that's the problem at the border. i mean -- ashley: ridiculous i know can't make it up. all right lauren, thank you. another shake of the head. coming up, let's move on republicans suing the justice department to get answers from attorneys who worked on the hunter biden investigation. we're going ask a member of the house judiciary committee what answers are they exactly looking for? and a new study says loneliness is actually worse for you than obesity, alcoholism or even smoking 15 cigarettes a day. is this legitimate? dr. mccarey will be here to tell us about it, next. ♪ ♪
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♪ looking good, guys! thanks! vacations are better with the credit gods are on your side. i'm coming up! rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. earn points for travel with credit one bank, and live large. ashley: all right let's take a look at these markets that's been done from the very opening bell but nasdaq just turned barely positive the dow off 150 points the s&p down about a tenth of a percent.
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lauren simonetti as always, following all of the movers. let's begin with nike lauren. lauren: this is a 6 month low 93 dollars share. this is the year of its transition nike say first half of 2025 will shrink it is losing ground in the running category. they're trimming supplies at the classics like the air force one and the peg issue and did get one downgrade at rbc capitol big time is canopy growth surging because germany legalized cannabis stock up 31%. it's another market that was, you know, it is wide open now for the pot stocks. and finally a sterile labs we spoke about them yesterday ipo and make for artificial intelligence they went out at
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$36 hit $ 0 at one point and in a few -- 36 to 68 another 7 and a quarter percent pop today i guess if you've got a.i. in your wheel house, all of those trees seal to grow to the sky these days, ashley. ashley: they certainly do you're absolutely right lauren thank you. now this, a new study suggest loneliness may be more dangerous to people than smoking 15 cigarettes a day that is a startling headache marty makary joins us now what makes loneliness so dangerous for our health? >> you know, it's not very clear but what's very clear is that your physiologic risk your capacity to handle stress goes down when you're alone. and we also see other down stream effects like less mobility dxz in muscle mass remember lower muscle mass is
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number one predictor of a for shortened life so this research showing risk of loneliness may be high of smoking or alcoholism or other risks. ashley: very interesting and worrying for sure. i've got now this one, everyone is talking about it. but dozens of people doctor, suing the makers of different weight loss and diabetes drugs claiming companies have failed to notify patients of harmful side effects. the companies are fighting those claims, let me ask you, what kind of side effects are we talking about? >> well the side effects that people are concerned about are the slowing down of the g.i. system what we call presis of the stomach and claim they're intestine are not moving but i disagree with the company that they do not advise about it and that is, in fact, one then ares
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why these medications works. they slow -- they slow down the no and absorption never heard of a case of it being permanent as they're saying but these are drugs mimicking normal hormones in the body but you know anyone is entitled to a claim. ashley: what's annoying about it is that diabetic patients with regard to ozempic it is bringing down their a1c numbers. but they're finding hard to get because people are buying it left right and center to lose weight that is not the intended, purpose, right? >> you know for serious about health equity what we're seeing right now is a serious grab by people with power and access and money and the folks who benefit the most are the folks who cannot afford it the folks that may not have great access that's the community that many people are concerned about. ashley: you know, but back to
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wrap it up before we move on to next topic do benefits outweigh those potential side effects? >> i think for most people they do although there are some questions about long-term effect on reducing muscle mass and new generation of medications like ozempic are going to attempt to reduce the muscle wasting that could be seen long-term. ashley: interesting. all right i want to get to this one. doctor, surgeons just transplanted a genetically edited pig kidney into a living person for the very first time. why is this such a huge medical break through and what are the implications? >> well there's -- half a million americans that get dialysis, and about a hundred thousand plus that are on the wait list waiting for a kissny not enough donors and so if we can get organs from animals that are genetically modified to be -- rejected less frequently, then
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that could address the massive supply problem remember -- one percent of the entire federal budget goes to pay for dialysis. that's how costly it is, and it is a significant burden it can be miserable. so this may represent a milestone moment. but there's still some outstanding questions is there a risk of viruses transferring from the animal kingdom to humans? is the rejection risk low muff to make it worthwhile? those are questions that have led some to say this may have been a little premature or maybe we need a little more research we're not priefe to preliminary data that harvard doctors had. ashley: all right we'll have to leave it there but terrific stuff as always. doctor makary thanks for joining us today. >> thanks so much. glaish thank ashley: thank you s california wants to insent vise to see more medicate patients why are they doing that?
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lauren: doctors aren't making money in those with medicaid a lot of people in california 15 million on medicaid in the state they call it medi cal 15 out of 39 million are on medicaid because it also covers illegals. but doctors who are in the state are saying would woe look at std if you have optometrist medicaid might pay $45 for a visit with that insurance versus what you would -- 145 would be the normal rate. so they just can't get by and governor newsom has to figure out a way running state budget deficits on how to get more money to pay doctors so that they can stay in business -- by treating medicaid patients. >> another california problem for sure lauren thank you. ashley: coming up advisors are telling president biden that 10% of workers are vulnerable to artificial intelligence we'll
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have that report plus -- lawmakers have released the text of the 1.2 trillion dollar spending bill doesn't sound like we're curbing our spending harriet will be along next is she supporting the spending ban? we're going to ask her, coming up. (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) how so? (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client'' best interest. (fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products. (other money manager) then how do you make money? (fisher investments) we have a simple management fee, structured so we do better when our clients do better.
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ashley: take the look at markets setting records all week but today taking a bit of a breather dow off 170 points that's of what a percent drop. nasdaq is flat as a pancake and s&p 500 down just a tenth of a percent. this also take a look at bitcoin a hectic weak up to 74,000 down
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1700 now stands at 63,000. for bitcoin also we want to get another look if we can at dewak latest on this now down 6%. lauren: shareholders approved merger between this shell company and trump true social parent company but this is a stock yes selling off now 5.5% and tripled in the past 52 weeks. as soon as monday, this company trump true social will trade at the nasdaq under djt that's the ticker and there are risks. the company is losing money, they don't expect to turn a profit any time soon and some sense donald trump himself is a risk because of legal issues that often come with him. and then you look at how big twitter is right twitter has millions and millions of followers there's not even 9 million who have true social
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accounts those are reasks but nonetheless a big win after three years that merger have been given the green light. ashley: very good thanks for the update also lauren the white house issuing a new warning about artificial intelligence disrupting the work force. what are they saying? >> yeah they're most comprehensive report to date and they say 10% of u.s. workers are in jobs most exposed to a.i. and being replaced by robots and algorithms. mainly low income and less education required roles. and to get ahead of this the white house is meeting with industries to prepare them right they're meeting with some of the unions service unions manufacture unions to say hey as we go further as we get deeper in with artificial intelligence this is what your industry faces and there might be a lot of people out of work entirely. ashley: yeah. it is going to be a difficult bumpy road i think in that respect. next one for you. rfk jr. he recently went after
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"the new york times" in an interview with them. what was that about? lauren: i was shocked by this he openly said "new york times" is out to help biden. >> "new york times" democratic is essentially an instrument to the democratic party. >> i understand you're making argument i'm asking about the work we do and posing question to you. >> institutional arguments since this started. you know, you are a -- you're an instrument of the dnc. doing what you're doing is to try to spin this some way that is going to help biden and hurt trump and get rid of any threat to that. narrow guardrail in the guardrail contest that "the new york times" approves of. it is just not right for our country and i'm not going to go along with it. lauren: imagine that he said that -- to "the new york times" reporter that was interviewing him. look rfk jr. polls a 10% that
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could really be a spoiler in november when the race is so close. ashley: you're right. you're absolutely right. at least he speaks his mind and he does have a small but loyal following. all right lauren interesting stuff. let's move on the house is voting right now. on the 1.2 trillion dollar spending bill, and if it passes, the bill then o.c. will head to the senate. but it is unclear when they will actually vote on that spending plan. the deadline by the way to avert a partial shutdown is midnight. nothing like the last minute. it always happens. but included in this bill is lose to $10 billion for i.c.e., there's also $824 billion for our defense budget that includes $300 million for ukraine and 300 million for taiwan. there's also $79 billion for the department of education. that is a small cut from last year. so we'll see how that perceives deadline is midnight tonight. all right, now this, let's take
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a look at dow 30 stocks to get a sense of the market as i told you earlier, it is been somewhat of a breathe a day if you like you can see a lot fewer in the green on the dow than the red. the boeing and apple leading the way. but for the most part we've seen more selling than buying. dow off 161 points. all right. that's it. don't go anywhere. guess what is coming up next? oh, boy -- friday feedback. we'll be back. ♪ ♪ ♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard.
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ashley: well this is jus coming into us congresswoman marjorie taylor green has filed a motion to vacate against speaker johnson. that is interesting development on the phone with us is harriet hagman republican congresswoman. congresswoman thank you for joining us. let's get to the bill. the voting right now on the 1.2 trillion billion in the house oh
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it just passed i'm being told. well i'm going to ask you are you for it? do you like it or not? >> i voted against that bill for a lot of reasons. one is, they never gave us the required time review it. and another one is that we are hard wiring in to our spending the nancy pelosi level of spending during covid. i do not believe that this is where our country that our country is going to be able to survive. this kind of spending at $34 trillion in debt, and exponentially rising every single day we have to get control of spending but in addition to that, it isn't just about the money. the policies that are going into these kinds of bills are devastating for the american public. the continued effort going down with the green new deal, the policies on dei and gender affirming care and we are funding these i simply will not participate in that. ashley: your reaction to that
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motion to vacate speaker johnson i'm assuming this is because of lawmakers like yourself upset with him and this spending bill proposal? >> well i think that it is one of the reasons i haven't talked with the folks who filed that yet i haven't had that opportunity. but we have been making our voices heard. we are telling them that we cannot keep going down this road. the american public gave the republicans the majority for a reason. and we have to start pursuing conservative bills and policies. ashley: yeah. the spending out of control. we were just talking earlier congresswoman that social security, i mean it is facing insolvency and this administration wants to spend, spend, spend -- >> and then you look at the invasion bringing 11 million illegal aliens into this country who needs housing, education, service clothing, food all of those things, and we have an administration that is unwilling to protect our communities, to
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actually follow the constitution and protect our states from invasion. they are -- they are radically changing the culture in our cities, the lawlessness is out of control. this is getting to be scary and we need to stand at that and say no more. ashley: we'll have to leave it there but we hear your message loud and clear congressman harriet hagman thank you we appreciate it. we're going switch gears quickly here and get to friday feedback come in here lauren let's get this started. first one, is from a viewer by the name of john who said on last friday's feedback you dabbled in the multiple ways to say -- over st. patties pints good for you can you take this up again and how does ashley say can't -- can't it is difference in the vowels how would you say it
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lauren? lauren: can't so i missed this discussion. can't, cannot -- cannot -- but i'm sure -- ashley: i would say cannot. can't but it is a long r all about the vowels. lauren: i'm sure they had an interesting discussion over a couple of pints on st. patrick's day. lauren: i t get another one. i won't make it out of this bar. ashley: next one this is from robyn and verne says are you guys -- english breakfast guys what is your most favorite decadent breakfast and oj with a cupper god bless you robyn and verne what about you lauren? lauren: what's a cupper? do you know? ashley: a cup of tea. is that -- lauren: might be one fried the bacon in the frying pan and you use bacon grease and scramble your eggs and cook in that. with toast with lots of butter.
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ashley: sausages fried and eggs throw it on there. and it is a -- lauren: a cupper. ashley: next one is from who says if fox wanted a reporter of a space flight from one of the private companies and paid for it would you go? all right lauren would you -- put on your helmet and put on your seat belt would you go? lauren: ten years ago in a heart beat now no i can't risk it. what are you ashley? ashley: i would -- i would. i'm a bit of a thrill junkie i think. i would definitely do it. i got to fly in an f-16 once with the thunder birds and it was incredible, and to go into space i think would be amazing. yeah -- lauren: did you get dis dizzy perhaps vomit? ashley: dry heaved it was not pretty. next one from henry he says we
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know about ashley's love for david bowie and stuart jokes about lauren's love for elvis. what are their favorite songs from each artist? all right lauren -- what song stands out for you -- lauren: suspicious minds hands down favorite elvis song. it is you -- david? ashley: david life on mars 1971, and gene jeanie 1972 i grew up with bowie top act and i love -- lauren: i kopght give you a single year for elvis's songs. ashley: i'm a music nerd thanks to everybody who sent in their feedback please keep it coming in. it is time now for the friday trivia question. a question stuart would have loved. bang joule is the capitol of which country he would know it gambi or tugo fun to say. i have no idea think about it. and we'll have the answer when
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we come back. (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) morikawa on 18. .. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute...
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comes to geography. what is your guess? lauren: escambia is number one. ashley: gambia. i will go with -- let's have a look. yes. the answer is gambia. very good. been jewel was originally known as st. mary's island under british control. it gained independence in 1865. st. mary's island became the capital, the city changed its name in 1973. you've done so much work today, a little extra in the paycheck for you. we are out of time. the market is moving lower. "varney and company" will be back monday. coast-to-coast starts now. ashley: lunchtime on the east coast and we are focusing on two big developments in the
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