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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  March 25, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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will make less money. they will produce fewers products. my mind just unfortunate, right? europe is bullying africa. they will not get a lot of these things. the sort of climate agenda. it already ruined europe to the point where it will never be a global power i don't think again. you will america versus asia to the next 100 years. i hate to see them using, these other countries that need the stock market alert, socks giving a mixed picture the nasdaq punched into green by about 11 points. the s&p six, the dow down about 141. we got to get right to the
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flurry of headlines or should we say attacks on u.s. technology giants from about 50 different directions moving the markets. what appears to be you did to us so we are doing it to you move, a new report from the financial times says china wants to pull the plug on intel and amd chips and yank microsoft's window operating system off all government computers and servers. the ftc says this echoes the biden administration sanctions on technology due to national security issues. it also indicates beijing wants to beef up domestic substitutes for foreign technology, give their businesses a leg up. microsoft until in the red each by 1%. amd up a fraction. topic number two from the west, europe to be exact. the european union launching a probe into big 38 -- apple,
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alphabet and meta. two a's and one man. the investigation will focus on whether the company's are dodging compliance of the european union's new digital markets. whether apple and google allow developers to inform customers about alternative offers outside their main story as the law requires. they are supposed to let them notify customers. apple and alphabet down for meta, it's in the red but meta- is a pay or consent plan in the process crossers. it forces european users who don't agree to let instagram and facebook use digital activity to target ads to pay a monthly fee. we got meta- done under 1%. next attack from inside the american technology ten in an effort to challenge nvidia dominance in the ai semiconductor space. welcome, alphabet and intel formed a consortium to take on nvidia and its entire ai
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platform. world renowned physicist here in a fox news exclusive to take on all this and why he says this may be moved because of the world where ai won't need semiconductors to run is already starting to form. can't wait to hear what he says about the. stocks mostly in the red but we have micron at a record and nvidia both helping hoist nasdaq 100 into positive territory but if you want to see the big leader, look at crude oil. energy right now, crude in the aftermarket session by about 2%, $82.14 a barrel. fifty-seven minutes left to trade before the closing bell, blackrock's u.s. head of etf jake jacobs. as well as energy is doing, to stroke but claims because finally you've got the big corn
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etf but look at the going, it's skyrocketing, 13% or $8,011,501 to 70780. here is the two day picture. whatever is behind this, the i sure big corn etf is a huge recipient, that's up 11% right now. what does it say to you about your push to have bitcoin etf? >> first we recognize volatile asset. we see big updates and down days. it's only 15 years old we seen tremendous demand for investors for exposure an account alongside stocks and bonds, they want to see bitcoin there and that is doable because of etf, he'll have to go on a crypto exchange and open a new account for exposure, you can buy and etf in that account.
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>> when you talk volatility, this is what it means to have it in the wild so to speak. it able to trade but good with the bad. last week these etf smarts -- they are young but marked their first outflow, net outflow of 836 million old. now everything is roaring back. there is the up and down but that said, you got the stock exchange saying may 28 they will allow trading of etm, exchange traded notes from everything from bitcoin to either. what is it indicating to regulators who tried to stymie this? >> it goes back to investor interest, investors have been saying for years we want etf providing exposure to bitcoin, they like the asset but want a better vehicle get exposure just like it's easy to get exposure to 500 socks through thought exposure, ag, people want that
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vehicle for bitcoin itself is a huge step forward for investors getting easy access but also a lot of investors for the first time can consider bitcoin. it wasn't available to investors who could only buy things like etf so you see a group of investors thinking about this asset for the first time. >> you see 70 different mutual funds saying i'd like to switch to etf because etf is what the mutual fund trades like a stock, you can move it as many times as you want during the day so give a sense of what it tells me, so many companies are saying let's convert some bar mutual funds to etf. >> it shows how much it's become the vehicle of choice for investors in the market, they seek accessibility trading in nonexchange and potential tax benefits of etf which distributes low tax capital gains returned so is the vehicle of choice, the technology to get
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exposure to stocks and bonds so we see more strategies whether active strategies, asset classes like bitcoin or etf's bringing exposure to investors. >> let's talk about the markets, last week that was incredible to see gains for the dow, the s&p, the nasdaq and whatnot get transports, they went parabolic. the dow that was a 761 points last week. the s&p gained 117, the nasdaq gained 455. transfer the 512. look at the broader market, etf's that match and say this make sense for investors to want to capture all that but i will push you, the trade get crowded, does it not? >> the markets are feeling good where things are which is we have incredible growth right now
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in the markets so weatherstripping things like ai and exuberance around new technology and destruction, we see that and semiconductors, robotics and ir be zero but the fed came in and reiterated three counts of the end of this year which the market loves every time interest rates cuts because it can provide -- >> one nursing maybe just one and we have said just here they are not going to be three, this economy is robust enough to withstand it, not that that is what they want to hear but where does blackrock stand? we think three is likely, in the middle. we think inflation will be stickier than people realize and a lot of entrance we see, make forces. right now demographics with aging populations around the world continues to contribute to inflation because you have more seniors aging out of the
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workplace and less people to replace them and will drive wages higher so we see cuts but we think inflation will be with us longer. >> we are looking at the dow down 146, no big deal. s&p eight points, nasa on three. volatility still incredibly static. look at barely today 13. for those of you who don't follow the pure index, that is incredibly low historically. >> it is. you tend to see us when you see rising risk they can correlate with certain events, maybe elections around the world, maybe disrupted supply chains. we don't know but right now the markets feel like it's goldilocks. , we see earnings growth in the biggest companies in the united states feeling bullish about their businesses and interest rate cuts later this year makes the markets feel good where things are. >> one last check of i did, the market cap right now, $17
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billion. he went from zero to 17 billion in matter of weeks because it went live january 11. it is at a record of how quickly it's random? >> the focus just it's ever been and we have surpassed it. investors had imperfect ways of getting bitcoin before. buying futures, individual stocks. the etf is what people have been looking for and it's proven the outset. >> thank you very much. we are following going from a we need to get to that position on the dow, the number two leader but this percentage gain of one and a third%, it doesn't exactly show a thumbs up for investors major management shakeup. the aerospace company announcing this morning ceo dave calhoun will leave his position by the end of the year bones chairman larry kalmar in the commercial airplane unit also outstripped
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the shakeup after five years of problems with airplanes including two fatal crashes involving 737 max in 2018 and 2019th that combined the two crashes killing 246 people and then the recent door close and flew out the side of in alaska 737 max midflight in january. the problems to think a big members of congress including the chair of the senate committee science and transportation said there will be further congressional action on this. grady trumbull, live our d.c., i'm guessing they're not buying the changes are solving all the problems. >> we don't know, that something i've been trying to get the answer to, they want dave calhoun to come to washington to testify before the commerce committee. i reached out to the chair of the meeting and ranking member,
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democrat and republican and a desk, you want to hear from him knowing he's departing the company? we have not heard back from either side but this is another crisis and therefore other leadership shakeup and it's not just ceo dave calhoun, the head of the company's commercial claims division will be replaced by current coo stephanie of effective today and former qualcomm ceo steve mullen will take the thought of larry and he will lead the search for a new ceo. he mentioned in viewers will remember calhoun took over in 2020 after the deadly 737 max crashes. he was brought in to sort of right the ship while he's at the helm, the company is dealing with additional safety concerns and a big pr problem started when the door plug flew off the alaska airlines flight earlier this year and since then boeing
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has been under the microscope facing scrutiny from the faa, ntsb and justice department investigating facing scrutiny from the general public so the company is going to have to win back public trust in the trust of its frustrated customers, the airlines. the ceo called the shakeup quote much-needed management changes. to that, in a letter to employees he says the eyes of the world are on us and i know will come through other complete and remain focused on completing the work we've done to return our company to stability after the extraordinary challenges of the past five years with safety and quality at the forefront of everything we do. as far as timing of his departure as you noted, he will stay on until the end of the year, the "wall street journal" reports going made the announcement today because the company has plans to meet with
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airline ceos this week and the incoming chair of the board will now attend the meetings which we believed were led by kellner so that is what we are leaving. calhoun will stay on with the company until the end of the year. >> something strikes me and that is we hear the claman countdown and i'm sure neil cavuto, charles payne all put in for interviews with dave calhoun over the past several years, never has he said yes to us. i could interpret that as going leadership doesn't care about our viewers who also flies boeing jets but because they have so insular only choosing to speak to one business network over the years considering we all fly on boeing jets, it's pretty disappointing, let's hope stephen mallinckrodt, excellent leadership, maybe change the way
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they get there message out, liz, the invitation is there, i love it. >> absolutely. you're welcome and we think you tell a story to all viewers. thank you. if you look at boeing year to date they started making a bunch of corrections after the january situation, you can see it's not work, the stock is down 26%. donald trump get tossed a lifeline in the 11th hour center at an appeals court giving him a window, slashing the most of bond do today. upon he needs to pay to delay enforcement to the civil fraud case. he's got ten days to come up with the money as a judge in a separate case set april 15 as the start of his stormy daniels hush money trial. charlie cast perino put it altogether, he's next line help trump legal troubles are squeezing finances in a bigger way than ever.
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whether he can even manage to meet the reduced font. trump social media platform will hit the stock market tomorrow it's done gangbusters, shares of digital world acquisition jumping 37% after the blank check company, now 39% after the blank check company completes its merger with the trust media and technology group, they will start trading tomorrow on the nasdaq under dj t. we are coming right back with charlie cast perino, talking donald trump and the money. ♪
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respect the appellate division for substantially reducing ridiculous amount of money put on by a corrupt judge, put up catch up on quickly, securities, whatever it is. i don't need to borrow money, i built a great company. >> former president donald trump at a press conference in manhattan this morning assuring reporters has a lot of money but does life preserver the appeals court through him have enough air keep them afloat in a sea of costly judgments? charlie cast perino is here goes : to unpack the trump empire as it is so he's a wealthy man by just about every standard but he's not worth $10 billion as he said he was in 2016. for emphasis, he put the $in his press release, the number ten, full cap civilians in no caps dollars. not even close. he got most of his stuff from liquid real estate which depends of the day and time and the guy
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praising it. as we know, he's prone to hyperbole. put all that together and he was never going to come up with that were 50 million. that said, the judgment itself is so absurd given the current. let's just crime", what he did with teacher james, the case she brought the judge convicted him on is not a crime. sam bankman-fried cost people billions, destroyed people's livelihoods. we have some, kevin o'leary, has he gotten millions back stuck and i think? >> yes but facing long jail sentence. >> do you know what his bond was? 250 million. donald trump who lived on his loan application on something that was not binding because the bank did its own review and found it was okay, they didn't
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care on the terms, he gets for 50 million. the appellate division said something, probably has this amount of money cash, 175 and -- >> does he? >> i think he does, who knows? he could probably raise this type of money. 450 is like twice -- >> is turned down by something like 20 entities. >> he's got the stuff coming on the truth social which it's not easy to tell that the only way he could sell that now as opposed to six months from now is get the board to approve it in the board would likely be sued because the stock will go down when he sells it. i think he has to get the money based on what i'm hearing. >> he has had ten days according to the courts -- >> but once he gets it, it puts the appeal process in motion. i think of the cases, maybe the
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most dangerous because the fani willis think, having sex and georgia with prosecutor -- we don't have enough time to go through that. the jack smith case people look at that and it's like everybody takes the documents out of the white house so maybe he has a hard time -- is a criminal case this could screw up his business empire he doesn't have a lot of cash. it gives him time to essentially play the appeals game. the appeals court based on every lawyer i spoke -- lawyers are not crazy about trump what they say this will get left out because the crime was so de minimis, i say crime" cross so over-the-top that it's either going to get down to 10 cents or something very manageable and he can just pay it and move on, it's a stupid case and shows you how corrupt letitia james is. no one covers her.
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andrew cuomo -- she wanted to run against andrew formal for governor. she writes a report about alleged sexual misconduct. none of the cases materialized. this is her. she loves the fact that the democrat nomination nails on trump edgy she does it with this garbage. this is a really dangerous public official. you know not when it comes to trump, i take him all the time when needed. she's extremely dangerous and can't believe it's not a bigger story. >> thank you very much for the numbers. charlie cast perino. we are coming right back. the dow is down 172 points. ♪ thanks! thanks! voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices so you can reach today's financial goals.
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foxbusiness alert, persistence at this hour, activist milton try own group will not give up their effort to give up their seat on the business world. to director candidates ahead of disney's board many april 3. a statement today saying they have no issues with bob geiger but changed his need for board oversight. the entertainment company hitting a 52 week high, up too and three quarters% after the upgraded overweight price target from $90 to $135.119 and change right now.
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disney's is not the only one facing tensions, capital management which already holds two seats on healthcare device maker massimo support planning to start of proxy fight for two more seats. you may remember is the company that successfully pushed for a ban on apple watch imports for violating talks -- plans to separate consumer business in an effort to boost profitability edits healthcare business shares up about two and a half% while off the session highs. fiscal shares halted after the stock dropped to an all-time low of nine pennies. the help after the ev maker said talks with a large automaker unnamed for potential rescue deal collapsed. this process determination of toxic means is looking for other ways to survive including restructuring potential that and equity infusions. shares before they were helpless around 9:30 a.m. eastern down
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28% just today. in china's eb world, they will pray price ev models around $69400. is that a lot? kind of sounds like it but for comparison, tesla's model starts at 969. the company will begin taking orders after officially watches thursday but would be flyers in china can go box at the car right now, 76 stores 29 chinese cities began displaying. today it's up about 1%. tesla is no slouch, tesla last checkbook three quarters of a%. from chinese made cars to chinese hackers, they are known as the most sophisticated sneaking into company service stealing corporate secrets. u.s. companies meeting ai development, they need more
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production now than ever. next, ceo software security attorney to ai chip maker nv nvidia, a foxbusiness exclusive quantum computing, ai chips obsolete, best-selling author making a controversial call, live here to tell us what it is when we come back. don't go away. ♪ jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let his own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care.
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one of the top analysts firms on wall street now naming the sector that could financially benefit the most from the ai revolution. a note saying the artificial intelligence explosion at companies like microsoft and salesforce and adobe and nvidia will accelerate spending and cybersecurity sector. read bush highlighted cloud
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security firms and ground strike to the scaler, palo alto networks and alta saying they are well positioned to reap the benefits of the crowded ai field only getting crowded. the two factor authentication company todd mckennon is here in a foxbusiness exclusive. we did a little digging and you guys have open ai as a customer, nvidia, c-3 ai, they are coming to you for what? >> thanks for having me on the claman countdown, it's good to see you. all of these ai companies have mother challenges to other companies and governments in every company organization has systems users logging in, they need to keep the system secure. you think about data breaches overall, eight out of ten data breaches involved stolen passwords or a lost account or some malicious account takeover and this can keep accounts
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secure and we can do that for ai companies like open ai and nvidia as you mentioned but every other company and organization using technology in the world. >> tell me the top concerns of these ai customers landing on your desk. what are they saying? are they seeing the chinese, russians, eastern europeans, north koreans tapping on the digital world trying to get into steel secrets? >> it's interesting, i would say the first thing they worry about is growing businesses and getting new customers especially in the ai where the applications are so new and exciting, they want to get a lot of users as fast as possible so it's about growth, driving revenue, transforming and growing businesses or transforming businesses along with that comes threat actors and threat actors no people are trying to grow and
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going to new markets and they are showing up the combining ease of use and the best platform to build faster along with great capabilities to block threats and threat actors because they are definitely coming, they know where the risk is an opportunities as well. >> it's almost like they are running so fast to keep up with demand but they is things and you don't want to get sloppy because that's when as you say, threat actors come in. can you give a sense, let's flip it because we are talking about ai companies that are customers, you're using ai to solve some of the threats and stop them before they are able to penetrate. what type of tools are you using that involves ai? >> my knowledge of technology is good at typing things up in this ai revolution, we are probably under hyping and that's a big a deal it is from productivity,
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the new use technology so all that is real but also with it is risk and that comes from the threat actors using technologies in malicious ways as well so great potential but great risk. the other day my team sent me a perfectly sounding voice recording of my voice requesting they transfer money out of bank accounts and it was done through ai so threat actors using ai and that's why our platform we are taking this revolutionary ai technology and applying it throughout our platform with opt ai and it takes all of the data on the platform. we get over 2 billion malicious requests a month we block. it takes the data across 20000 customers and uses ai models to turn that back into capabilities that protect customers from malicious attacks. we have the capability coming
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out to early access second take the information and use it as a defense for customers which is what they want because as we mentioned, threat actors will use this technology for negative purposes and we want to turn it around positive. >> a goalkeeper with these threats coming at us. the same thing happened, we talked about it on the show where they used ai to mimic his voice and asked for a money transfer so everybody needs to be on high alert. you're doing all of that to make that happen. thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. >> stuck up about 29% year over yesterday a plot unfolding in big tech to smash a grip on ai software. indo intelligence running forces at this chipmaker's secret weapon, software status ai
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developers to chips. not true hacks but the group is building a software tools suite that will power multiple types of ai accelerators and open source regardless what companies chip and hardware power it but will ai to speak obsolete in a few years or a decade or two? a theoretical physicist and futurist, he says the success of microchip maybe reaching its end. he's here his latest book he says traditional chips will not solve humanity biggest challenges of the quantum computer might and you say it might render microchips obsolete already? these things are like the hottest investment at the mo moment. >> yes but quantum computers can get all of that. who's worried about that? the cia intelligence agencies
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realize quantum computer can crack any known digital code. i repeat, the crown jewels, any nation and organization can be cracked by quantum computing we are building quantum computers, the chinese, the russians in the country against the first workable computer can crack all digital code. >> , assuming all of our viewers know what it can do. for us 12 -year-olds when it comes to that, what is computing? >> and ordinary digital computer, the smallest is about ten, 50 comes across. these can either be spin up or spin down, to states. when you get down to one across, leakage takes place, quantum theory takes over, the whole thing falls apart. you have to go to a quantum computer. instead of atoms going up or
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down, up or down, it's a digital revolution, that's the basis of the world economy. quantum computers can spin in any direction. how many more states are there like this then like this in this? infinitely more states. therefore how much more powerful is a quantum computer over a digital computer? quantum computer and principal can crack any known -- >> what does it mean for silicon valley and all of these chip companies with been talking about? micron hitting an all-time record, nvidia has blown up like you can't believe. amd, intel the government has committed billings in the chips act to help onshore these companies, are you saying sooner rather than later? they are going to be yesteryear? >> silicon valley -- an old-fashioned technology like
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steam powered no one uses anymore because obsolete and that's what we are talking about. silicon valley can have mass underemployment, that's why intel, ibm and microsoft working on computers, basie the light at the end of the tunnel. quantum is the way to go because we are talking about computing on atoms, not transistors. when you want to see him computer, you go outside. mother nature is it gigantic quantum computer. photosynthesis, fertilizers, birds, organisms, everything you see, are they digital? his mother nature go up and down, up, down? no. mother nature is quantum and how much more powerful is quantum computers in a digital computer? infinitely more powerful. >> what does that mean for the
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word digital? >> it means it will go the way of the up because. it will go the way -- >> how close are we to that? >> was still not time. we got five, ten years -- >> thoracic time or have a decade? connect i think five, ten years. in my book quantum supremacy i mentioned that we are reaching that, quantum supremacy, a quantum computer can crack any known digital code. >> i would say elon musk aim is like a quantum computer he's just emerged with first use of narrow link with a man who was paralyzed, unbelievable, paralyzed from the shoulders down was able to buy a game of chess thanks to a narrow link implanted in his brain. incredible, elon musk company, it could be the biggest game changer for vanity in many ways. >> we are seeing at the beginning of new science, the
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brain net. the internet of old will be replaced by brain net so we will communicate mentally. we will connect the human brain to other human brains and we've already done this on moscow, we connected the brains of people together with bmi technology. >> you are scaring me because sometimes i don't want people knowing what i'm thinking. should we be scared by the possibilities and potential of ai or brain net? >> children, teenagers will love it because they put a happy face after every sentence because emotions cannot be sent on the internet and that's where this comes in. human emotions and feelings and therefore teens will when the time sending emotional messages to each other relevant simply digital code so the old happy
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faces will go out the window. that's the future, the future i think will be what's called bmi, brain machine interface. >> let's keep the emoji laughing with the tears coming out of its eyes because that's what i would like to use. lmao. great to see you. i don't know whether to be excited or nervous but i know some in silicon valley might be nervous. thank you, doctor. next, today's counter closer with a defense company pick shot up 90% for the last year. not an american name but trades here. we have that next. ♪
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a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. (grandpa vo) i'm the richest guy in the world. hi baby! (woman 1 vo) i have inherited the best traditions. (woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share. (grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts. you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business.
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but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? have we piqued your interest? you can get two unlimited lines for just $30 each a month. there are no term contracts. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network-nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible. it's happening. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time
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to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. ♪. liz: closing bell, we're about six minutes away, take-two interactive stock is falling at the moment by 4%. it is off the lows of the session. this after bloomberg reported that it's highly anticipated grand theft auto 6 game could be possibly delayed. the stock is at the very bottom of both the s&p and the nasdaq. all right, well landing big contracts no matter what the industry often translate to bigger earnings.
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german defense company rhine metal is hitting all-time highs after the company unveiled a massive $2.9 billion order from the german government for armored troop carriers. our "countdown" closer says the war in ukraine could push this stock higher, and certainly help the earnings for it. we have landburg, michael landsburg. this is not a name familiar to many of our viewers. you're here to uncover what is a real gem, rhine metal. >> institutional owner ship in the u.s. is less than 1%. nobody really knows it. everybody is familiar with u.s. defense companies and they have done well. we're looking at a pure play going on in europe. they have obviously a auto parts division which has done well, no question about that realistically the munitions and defense side is fantastic. armored vehicles but also weapons themselves. i think is going to be the gameplan going forward with
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russia and ukraine. we'll have to replace equipment that has been used, destroyed, et cetera. it will probably come in more of the form of some of these things. if russia continue its to do well, people like germany needs to make sure they have enough weapons defend themselves. liz: i can hear our listeners, xm 113, what is the ticker since i'm driving? hnmby, rhine metal. big consider the help the earnings which help the stock you have a bunch of names here including synopsys has a bunch of of news because it is one of the testing companies for the a.i. chips. talk about the opportunities when it comes to earnings, propelling these stocks even further. they may be down today mostly but they have had freight runups. >> what i like about synopsys, liz, you have a two-pronged approach. you have the safety of their design business that keeps
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chugging along and you have this a.i. kicker as chips complex. there are very few companies that can do this business. synopsys, a lot of smart people, smart engineers, you get a freebie of a consistent business that plugs along. as chips get more complex, competitors go away and they seem to be able to gain more market share. liz: i look at o'reilly, this is an auto parts company. this is an interesting company. it doesn't have anything to do with all the tech talk everybody is all geeked up about. why are you picking this one? where do you see the earnings opportunities to move this stock upward, northward? >> they have, it is the anti-tech stock. it is do it yourself stock. they have a good business between do it yourself and commercial. it is not just do it yourself home gamers. it is double-digit eps. it is very predictable. so much of the techlandscape is
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not predictable. nice to have things in your portfolio will keep chugging along making money. things wear out over time. it is one of the necessities we have to replace things. they're in the driver's seat. it is duopoly and autozone. we favor o'reilly for better growth and valuation. liz: the anti-tech stock, that is a good way of putting it. up 40% over the past year. very nice move. we have a lot of econ data coming this week. thursday we have march consumer confidence, february pends home sales. pce, the fed's favorite inflation indicator comes friday. what are you expecting from that, michael and how does it play into how you mold your portfolio? >> yeah, i'm a believer that i think the fed is, at least the last quarter, gotten inflation pretty much basically wrong. oil is up, crb index, oil is up, everything is up. things are not going down. i don't see it.
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i think it is the other way. we on inflation in our portfolios. we think inflation will continue to go up. we don't look at pce as much. i look at headline cpi. i don't have cpi dropping below three the whole year. oil being where it is today, gold up today, i think that is an environment where things continue to be where the fed does not want them to be. the big question does the fed raise their inflation expectations from the low 2s. liz: new normal. we shall see. michael lands berg. closing bell on this monday. [closing bell rings] holiday shortened week. markets closed on friday. we have a tomorrow barstool, dave portnoy. ♪. jackie: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. all right trump wins a big one. the appeals court grown-ups finally modify his bon


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