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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  March 26, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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destination, as is the dam itself. this area brings in a lot of tourism. the national park service estimates that 8 million people visited the lake mead area and spent $336 million. people come just to see it and marvel at it. it still has the power to awe all these years later. the hoover dam is truly an american project, all the way from the pennsylvania steel to the michigan copper to the missouri dynamite. as a matter of fact, every single state in the union provided supplies for this historic project. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow all right trump wins a big one. yep, appeals court, grown ups modify his bond for
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appeal in new york state appellate court slashed mr. trump's payment about 70% we talk about it with gre gregg jarrett and joe concha. where are democrats declaring war on israel, john ratcliffe weighing in on that, and let's keep speaker mike johnson, we have claudia tenney. breitbart economics and finance editor will tell us all details, so for more on president trump's bond, being slashed by almost 2/3, lydia hu is live manhattan criminal court. reporter: the slashing of the bond very big development, a positive development for the former president, welcome news to him and his camp, we're outside of the criminal court in manhattan, there is another development in the case involving district attorney alvin bragg, the hush money case, we have a
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jury date for a jury trial to begin, april 15. only about 3 weeks away. that was not the, vepg the events that former president was hoping to unfold today, they were hoping to get that case dismissed or delayed after documents were produced to them late, as trump arrived for the hearings today, reporters more interested in the bond issue, they were shouting questions to him on the day that dal, today -- deadline, that is today, he needed to file the bond 454 million originally, to protect his assets from seizure by attorney general letitia james. in this late morning decision, that you are referencing a new york appeals court slashed amount of that bond, reducing it from 454 million to 175 million, also giving trump 10 more days to post that bond. the decision was very welcome. for the trump team who had
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asked that bond be reduced to 100 million, trump said he would pay for the bond in cash. >> as i say, i have a lot of cash, you know i do, you have looked at my statements, you have been examining them for a long time, i have more in cash, i would like to be able to use my cash to get elected, they don't want me to use my cash to get elected. reporter: smokings person for attorney general office issued a statement saying: note this, donald trump is appealing that judgment, and now he need only post a $175 million bond to protect his
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assets from seizure. >> i don't want that is the keys -- yep that i key, lydia hu thank you. >> finally grown ups enter the donald trump lawfare fiasco. sheslashing the payment by 70%. so, positive day for former president trump. the grown ups emerged hours before the crazy people, new york ag letitia james and democratic hack judge engoron would have had their way. i'm not a lawyer, actually i'm more interested in political fall out, i try to keep up with legal beagle stuff. but politically, i thought it was very interesting that mr. trump said this about the biden legal
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weaponization attack on him. >> i think so far it has backfired, the people of this country understand it. it is backfiring. but they are being run, and they are running all these different cases, so ridiculous. this is all weaponization of doj and fbi, they raided my house in violation of a thing called fourth amendment. larry: so, actually biden's attempt to throw trump in jail for 700 years and take all of his cash and businesses away is blowing up in biden's face. as mr. trump suggested. a new poll by mclaughlin and associates show majority 56% believe that joe biden is looking to win 2024 election by jailing his opponent, donald trump, 56%. well only 30% said no. independents agreed by a margin of 50 to 33%.
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seeking jail for trump for political reasons, the polls surveyed 1,000 likely voters, between march 9 and 14, they are likely voters. very important. also showed trump with a 6 point lead over biden right now, i think it is important that during mr. trump's press conference outside of the courtroom today, even though he blasted the lawfare crusade from biden and james and engoron. he also injected key issues messaging. >> we're going to get our country back, that's what going to happen, november 5 i believe will be the most important day in the history of our country, we'll get these people out of their and -- out will there and seal up the borders and as i say drill, baby, drill, we'll be drilling, getting energy cost down and get
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i.d. of ridiculous electric carman of, -- car, mandate, no one heard of anything so stupid and foolish. larry: these are very important issues, border, and crisis of affordability, middle class folks cannot afford the biden economy because huge gains in basic consumer goods, while they suffer declines in real wages. mr. trump reminds folks of this, when he talks about drill, baby, drill and the ridiculous electric, mandate, people are tired of having washington bureaucrats tell them what to buy or not to buy, denying their freedom, and consumer choice and trying to jam the regulatory consolidation -- decisions down their throat. and president mentioned catastrophic withdrawal from afghanistan, my point is, mr. trump has brilliantly combined his legal battles
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with the key issues, a great strategy. and that is one reasons he is way ahead in the polls, legal, blowing up in biden's face, issues, everyone agrees with trump. let's talk about this we have joe concha, fox news contributor, best selling author and gregg jarrett, fox news legal analyst. and author. welcome to you. gregg, i will start with you, i think it's great that the adults from appellate court came in knocked down that bond. but i have to ask you, why do yo you have to post a bond to appeal that seems un-american. either you appeal or not. why do you have to have a ransom known a as a bond? >> that is the way it is in other states but new york is different, and typical of a
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very different thing in new york. but you know, powerpoint is correct -- your point is correct that grown ups have entered the room, i said this morning, i still had confidence in the appellate court to do the right thing it did knocking down this obscenely high appeal bond, to a reasonable amount, i think this is a huge slap in the face of arthur engoron and letitia james who con firconspired to manufacture this ludicrous fraud case against mr. trump, and all banks testified there was no fraud. no victims. yet engoron, awarded the astr astronomical damages in a case where there were no damages, today a appellate ruling i think bodes poorly are in engoron and james, suggesting that higher court will carefully scrutinize what it is they
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did, i think that donald trump has a descent chance of prevailing on the merits. larry: the grown ups beat down the juvenile delinquents, a big win. >> that is it, some objectivity and restraint has been restored. larry: all right, joe concha. on this other point, i thought mr. trump was very clever, not only did he slam all of these decisions and the juvenile delyn de-- delinquents but he made two cases that were politically significant, reminding people that this legal war fewarfare against him by joe biden is blowing up in joe biden's face, that is point one and point two, putting issues out.
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talking about blow up in joe biden's face, most polling shows it is not working for biden. >> you look at numbers, we're not just cherry picking one poll by mclaughlin, i am looking at polls since october that show donald trump leading nationally and all 7 swing states, north carolina, georgia, arizona, nevada, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania. that is what the election comes down to, if trump wins 4 of those 7 he is next president, people seeing it for what it is, not just letitia james but alvin bragg that case appears to go nowhere and fani willis did not stand by her man. and that case, is a laughingstock at-this-point. here is the big picture consequence of it outside of trump, did you know that nearly 160 wall street firms have moved their headquarters out of new york in the past 5 years, they took 1 trillion in assets with them, when in a see alvin bragg and letitia
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james pursuing these endeavors and they say, look at, that attacks on new york city transit up more than 50%, and subway murders surging, these are real problem that attorney general and manhattan district attorney should be focused on not weaponing a of the justice system but that appears to be their order it is backfiring bigley, to use a trump term on them. larry: they have not done a good job on crime, and law and order the local economy, your point the other day, all these firemen have left, i believe a lot of police men have retired before their retirement kicks in, all uniform services are walking away, joe concha. what does that tell you? >> 2500 new york city police officers have left the new york city police department, they don't feel appreciated. because they keep arresting people and they are back on the street because of people like alvin bragg, some are
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retiring before they get their pension that takes 20 years of service. they are saying, sorry, i'm out of here, they are going to places working in places like florida where they actually feel appreciated, maybe they have some attorney general and district attorneys there that enforce the laws. larry: gregg jarrett the alvin bragg case, that was turned down by justice department and federal election commission could and by former new york county district attorney. even andy mccarthy, a great friend of mine he is no add vo s advocate for donald trump, but he has said this bragg case is a nonsense case. >> he is right. bragg has not identified the underlying crime that trump supposedly committed, it cannot be campaign finance that is federal, this is a state prosecutor.
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bragg is playing hide the crime. but regardless the payment to stormy daniels was not an illegal campaign donation, athey investigated and say, no crime here, the feds stepped in, they investigated, no crime here. manmainly because payments for silence in a nda are not criminal they are common corporations do it every day. but the biggest charade is that bragg star witness against trump is mik michael cohen, a notorious liar, who told so many whoppers he was -- just to curry favor with prosecutors and shave time off of his sentence, bragg is taking a misdemeanor case and he is bootstrapping it to a
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mystery felony federal clank thcharge that does not actually exist. larry: cohen is a bottomless pinnochio to use "washington post," i thought joe biden was only one. but cohen is a bottomless pinnochio to the third or fourth power, whatever john edwards, former president bill clinton, they had shall we say personal issues, they did shall we say take care of them with a 7 degree of rimmunerration but none got busted thrown in jail for federal offensesser crimes, did they, i remember these things. >> prosecutors -- against john edwards. and campaign finance, and
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you know. they got eviscerated at trial, you know, you would think they would learn from their own mistakes. but alvin bragg is be on i believe -- and using lawfare to go after trump to prop up joe biden, and you know americans are smarter than that, they see it for what it is. larry: joe concha as this precedes, right, first, trump has to pay this bond in 10 days. that whole phony trial will keep going on. the alvin bragg thing is probably keep going on. fani willis seems to have big problem in georgia, we'll play hopefully producers can get stand by your man before this segment is over. my favorite song with fani willis what kicked her man under the bus, joe, at the
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end of the day, joe biden helped or hurt by this whole legal warfare throw trump in jail in kind of thing, help or hurt? >> the answer is both, it helps him in sense where what is news cycle dominated bighted, donald trump and the judgment reduced by 300 million and alvin bragg case was supposed to start today, the conversation is about trump, and legal problems and not about the issues, issues that joe biden has failed oh, as far as inflation, and crime and the border and immigration and foreign policies and education, energy, trade, we're not talking about those thing, it happens him this that regard, but this hurts him it provides 1.21 giga watts of petroleum for donald trump's campaign because he look like a
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victim here, in bragg case, a federal judge called michael cohen a serial purger, they see the clowns bike fani wil, like fani willis or michael cohen ora or,al scrin br alvin bragg and no one takes them seriously. >> i think every time these issues come up it helps trump abides -- i think that biden and his crowd have dug themselves into a real big political hole. anyway, thank you, gregg jarrett and joe concha. >> thank you. larry: coming on cut lo. kudlow, john ratcliffe will talk about lawfare against the president, expil a and i will ask him about democrats declaring war against israel that story continues to get worse. and remember, you can catch
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session.
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okay, that's uncalled for.
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larry: very important bit of news business. the boeing company boeing ceo calhoun, out, had the of head of board out with a series of major security safety problems grady trimble is in. he is standing by with more. reporter: well, it was a crisis that lead boeing ceo dave calhoun to his position, and a crisis seeing he him out, he will step down at end of the year, also the head of company's commercial plane division, stan deal and long time board member, chair, larry kellner. safety concerns and production issues that have plagued company for past several years. it started when the door
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plug flew identi off a plane in january this year. they have to do back to win back public trust. in a letter to the employees calhoun said. we'll remain squarely focused on completing the work we have done together to return our company to stability after the extraordinary challenges of past 5 years with safety and quality at forefront of everything that we do. you may remember, calhoun took over as ceo of boeing in 2020 after another safety blunder at the company, deadly the 7 fle 37 ma maxes. >> steve -- former head of qualcomm coming in find a new ceo grady trimble thank
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you for that report. >> more on the democrat lawfare against president trump and other matters, welcome to great john ratcliffe. former director of national intelligence during trump administration. not a new subject after today's news, i still can't figure out why in new york state to exercise your constitutional right of appeal you have to put up a bond, any bond. whatever or cash. but, the question for you is how do you read this biden lawfare attack on president trump. some of us myself included think it is backfiring no matter what juvenile local judges say. >> i think if you heard president trump comments coming out of courthouse, he said he highlights which was right, is that you know they waited almost 3 years to start this. they waited because they
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didn't think he was going to run, they didn't think he could run and win, only when it became obvious that both of those were happening, did all of this ramp up, and because of that larry, they waited so long, everything that we seeing is so unprecedented, not just fact it is a case against a former president of united states, but unprecedented legal theories, novel theories and coordination between a white house and state prosecutors and unprecedented prosecutortorial discretion or abuse of discretion in the cases where you talked about it with -- in the alvin bragg case they took an expired misdemeanor and how some turned it to 34 felony counts under a novel legal theory that's no one can understand. and the case with judge engoron, no damages, and no
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victims yet a half trillion dollar liability find finding that was made before this was testimony in the case. that is before you get to jack smith federal prosecutor who has violated federal principles of prosecutions every day. the principle that says a prosecutor shall take no action the timing of what will impact an election and ever day, every i think everything he does it impact the eel open with timing of his actions, my take, one thing i may be would disagree with some conversation is and president trump said he thought that cases were making him more popular. i don't think they are making president trump more popular. i think they are opening people's eyes, here sympathetic as a figure who is being unjustly prosecuted. what is making president trump more popular is joe biden. joe biden's unmitigated
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failures, domestic policies and foreign policy failures across the board are making president trump more popular every day. people are lodging for return of those -- lodging for return of those policies and results they had in trump administration, and i don't think that changing over the next search 8 3407bmonths before the election. larry: today in press conference, mr. trump, outside of the courtroom, which by the way he used no notes, he just spoke and took questions. for anyone that doubts his energy and cognitive a cue. >> he i think that is smart, you know. not only thing well protest and -- legal pro test an
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judges in new york but he got in the key issues, that you just referred to. where biden is flunking, i think that is pretty darn smart by our former boss. >> well, i think it will s about what it does, this election unlike 2020, allows for a side by side comparison. for the critics of trump who done like certain things about him or the way he went about business, you know, didn't really know what they were getting with joe biden, we were told what joe biden would deliver, now but every sees that he has been a miserable failure over single one of those issues that you talked about, i mean it in sense, americans suffering here at home, and standing and allies suffering abroad because of foreign policy failures that continued, president trump is very smart to -- when he getting a chance to line up side by side comparisons, i think people remember now, what they loved about the
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trump administration and they see the joe biden can't deliver the thing he's promised. larry: john, running out of time, i love talking pole ticks with you. -- politics with you, democrats from biden on down, appear to have declared waro israel. the latest one is nothing to chuck schumer's remarks, to interfere with the election abides biden backing that up, in u.n., they want an immediate ceasefire resolution. which runs you know, counter to israel's -- we have -- here is vice president kamala harris hang on one second. hear this one. >> we have been clear multiple conversations and in every way that any major military operation in rafah would be a huge mistake. let me tell you something, i
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have studied the maps. there is nowhere for those folks to go. >> are you ruling out there would be consequences from th united states. >> i am ruling out nothing. larry: there you have it. there -- israel to not crush hamas, john, this is to me unbelievable, the last minute on this. >> well, larry think that contempt for israel that was hiding beneath surface is now open and not notorious, you talk about u.n. security actions, stunning, that was not conditions to release of hostages that is a shift in policy, and look, you know, i think that you know united states should not be interfering in israeli military operations as kamala harris just
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suggested, we should not be interfering in their political. and israeli should not trachadvtake advise of biden national security team that has been the architect of disaster after disaster in the globe, we should be supporting israel, they are know ally other than brits that we work closely with. those of things that why she should support their effort to go to rafah to wipe out same 4 battalions that murdered 32 americans and holding at least 10 american hostages. >> that is key. anyway, john ratcliffe, thank you, sir, we appreciate your wisdom. all right, more coming up on kudlow, hang around, much more to come, much more a lot of fun, no tears, we'll
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larry: i say, keep speaker mike johnson speaker mike johnson, joining us now great new york congresswoman claudia tenney. am i wrong? >> you are right, mike johnson has been a very good friend of mine, he is going a very good job in an impossible situation we're seeing our own majority eviscerate before our eyes with early retirements, we are last line of defense against the horrible policies you see with thebining biden administration, all we have it this republican majority, small as it is. like johnson is trying to get us through get us a greater majority, win senate get president trump back in office and bako track, that
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is almost irrespectable if we lose the majority. larry: keep the attention on biden. look at why is mik mike gallagher from wisconsin, he is leaving light -- condition you -- look, that seat remains open. but if he leaves i think by april 2 or 5, then they could have an election, it is republican district, what does will go g ga gallagher think he is doing. >> i don't know, he has to stay. we don't have the other special to fill kevin mccarthy's seat until april 30, we could have a speaker hakeem jeffries in inrthe interim. while waiting for special election, if you make a commitment to people that elected you, unless you have a really good reason not to
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serve, why would you do that and are we not team republican, we're talking about saving our economy, and all things talk about without republicans in office we'll lose all these great things we have as a country, self governance, and free market system they are eroding. larry: you have people saying that gallagher is a trader because hig he will diminish, one vote majority that could go away, someone is sick or whatever, this is terrible. >> he is not only one, kevin mccarthy is leaving lif left early, and bill johnson left, and we have a number of members ken buck they are lining they are not fulfilling their full term, if you. -- i think it important to pull fi fulfill your firm term. we have members that will stay and make sure that trump gets electioned.
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>> claudia tenney, keep mike johnson speaker mike johnson. talking politics. this is wonderful story. democratic strategist james carville says, too many preachy females in the democratic party. okay. saying, my quote continues, a suspicion of mine is that there are too many preachy females, don't drink beer, down watdon't watch football, don't eat hamburgers this is not good for you, the message is too mefeminine. you are ruining the planet. -- joining us now rich
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lowry, and batya ungar-sargon. batya are guilty of this. >> let me say, as a preachy female, i volunteer tribute to go to democratic party and explane to them what they have done wrong and get back in track with working class, this is a gross thing to say, was bill clinton a preachy female when he signed nas nafta and obama when he said that jobs were not coming back, ande biden's preachy female, this is about policy, about -- >> it is about woke. are you telling me, what kind of cars i have to buy? what kind of air-conditioners, ceiling fans. >> how preachy are you. >> i will preach to anyone who will listen. larry: are you preachy? look at you. rich lowry.
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>> this is the wokeness, this party is out of touch, they will never do anything. cla-- biden the other day in state of union used world illegal and they came down on him. does high change on substance, no. but does everyone ears perk up, maybe m he is different, he can't, we won't and he never will. larry: i think, what carville is getting at, in his own carville way seeker just a hip shooter. there is too much woke in the democratic party, nobody cares about men. i'm not -- not white men, any men, working men. and i think batya that the trouble, you look at biden's numbers. he is losing black americans percentage. he may lose the entire
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hispanic latino vote, and also lost a lot of his advantages with women suburban women, working women. i think that is what carville is getting -- you don't strike my, you are not a woke ster are you, maybe there is a hidden thing weaker to reassess. >> i think that carville is talking about women because he is not ready to recognize the truth, that this about economics,ure right, there is a war on men, there is a war on masculinity and on working men. on -- >> there you go. >> on physicality, i agree. larry: i feel oh oppressed, issue lowry do you feel oppressed. >> a bliss i'm not that brawny. larry: w.h.o 2 fries and a shake for $17. >> this is why latino and black voters are swinging the other way they feel disaffected from culture of democrat party, she trump, a
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touctough hombre, the guy who says what me is not supposed to. larry: he is opposite of preachy female genre. today, trump got out from under a crazy bond, but he still has to do a bond. does this hurt or-him. >> i think -- there is a divide. most people, if you are invest gutted for something in washington or politics they assume you are guilt they vistcasion is politicized. trump wants to run-up that politicize number. and t to people focus on new york, if she ever goes after a building that would be a bridge too far, convincing team that is wrong. larry: good stuff, rich lowery and fre preachy batya ungar-sargon, i'm stunned about that coming up
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on kudlow, truth social goes public, and john carney will give us important details, i don't think that people realize, how important this truth social thing is going to be, i'd cud lo kudlow, not preachy but just a little oppressed today. okay y'all we got ten orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours. jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let his own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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larry: breitbart economics and finance editor's john carney is here, telling us truth about trump's truth social going public today, is. thank you, john. your piece, which was put out march 22, over the weekend, your point is, the media is making up if of truth social they have not made money, but. reality is all these things., reddit, twitter, they lost money big time for years, before they became successes. >> that is right, it is very typical for a new media start up to lose money. we have seen social media companies lose money, a lot of digital companies, amazon lost money for close to a decade after it was found. of course, reddit its had
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ipo, they have never been profit in, their stock is doing well. twitter lost millions the very year that it went public. the fact that truth social lost money that first couple years ask not a problem -- if you are not losing money, when you first start you are doe something wrong. it means you are not spending enough to grow. larry: you know, your point, you call it va truth social will be stopping ground for conservatives that is the world we live in. only a matter of time, what do you think of this. >> that is right, we have seen fragmentation in media, where people some people watch other business networks and smart people watch fox business.
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so, we have conservative media, we have progressive media. we'll start to see is that has not infected the social media space yet. but it is coming. we know it is coming because they keepi excluding people, you could get thrown off of twitter, not so much any more, but facebook suppresses pains es -- points of view, there is a big tune in things like a.i., we saw when google tried to launch a.i. they launched woke a.i., there are opportunities in this company that people don't see yet, it could become very big quickly. larry: i think that breitbart, a terrific news gathering operation is an example of this. they report stuff that the lefties you know msnbc won't. and i think that truth social, i used to do a lot of twitter, i have not gone
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back since i was in government, ill sign -- i will sign up for truth social and be a part of it, and see what people are saying, that attitude will grow that company to profitability. >> that is right, one thing we're see people are migrating to places where people are welcome, if you are a conservative or a republican, you don't have to worry about being hounded off the platform that is worth a lot, a lot of people are going to go there to have that discussion and debate, they are not allowed to have elsewhere. larry: and could be worth 3.5 billion to mr. trump, not a bad thing. he is posting it on the nazdaq as well. john carney, from brit bart. breitbart, it was up almot 40% today. >> wow thank you. >> we'll be right back with (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different.
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