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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 26, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: i get it.
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the great laid janis joplin. i'm sure that's about crybabies in the media because trump won one. good morning, 10:00 eastern. up 12 for the dow but 76 for the nasdaq. a little green on the screen, the 10 year treasury yield going up a little, just over 4 and one quarter of one%. the price of oil 80 one in large change, almost 8271, now it is 70,385. i have worked in american tv news for 50 years. i've never seen anything like this. the meltdown of tv talent at nbc news, they couldn't handle the hiring of ron mcdaniel, former chair of the republican national committee, the slightest association with
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donald trump for these journalists is too much. start with an angry chuck todd. roll tape. >> i think our bosses hours an apology putting us in this situation because i don't know what the bleep, she's now a paid contributor by nbc news but i have no idea whether in her answer she gave do you was because she didn't want to mess up her contract. there's a reason is a lot of journalists who are uncomfortable with this because many of our professionals for the last 6 years have been met with gas lighting, met with character assassination. stuart: then came morning joe, watch this. >> we weren't asked our opinion of the hiring but we would have strongly objected for several reasons. >> we hope nbc will reconsider its decision. it goes without saying that she will not be a guest on morning joe in her capacity as a paid contributor. stuart: rachel maddow went on a
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29 minute rant. that it was inextricable. she accused mcdaniel of being part of a project to get rid of our system of government, trump's election campaign. nicole wallace at nbc was helping election deniers spread falsehoods. joy read, jen psaki, lawrence o'donnell school joined the club horrified a republican associated with trump should be on their network. it was trump who forced mcdaniel out of her job at the are in c. msnbc made clear that mcdaniel would never appear on the far left network. the word is nbc is considering letting her go. i hope she sues. this is a sad day for nbc. that network can't handle diverse opinion. you've got to hate trumpet if you don't you can't work there. they defend biden, they are agents of his reelection, they reject stories that hurt him, focus on trump's negatives.
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trump thrives on this and his numbers keep going up. voters understand fairness, nbc is being unfair to trump. second hour of varney is just getting started. ♪ to me this shows a level of trump hatred and contempt in that particular media outlet. >> you said it's unfair to trump it is unfair to nbc viewers, these people have a fantastic opportunity to bring rana mcdaniel in, trapped in a studio with lights on, put her on live television it ask how can you defend donald trump, how can you be a fan of his given his record? and she can't say i don't want to do its show she has to show up. it's a magnificent opportunity.
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imagine if we could have john kerry here and bring him in and ask how can you defend the collapse in afghanistan, you and president biden hand 80 billion to iran and ask tough questions. reminds me of college, bringing in conservative speakers when students were bell and say we don't want that person, get him out of here and attacks begin on campus, this is the adult version of that. stuart: i wonder if they will let her go. there's talk of open revolt across the network, she has to go. >> reporter: management should say we hired her, your job is to ask her tough questions as tough as you want, you want to make her look like a full on air that just fine, your job is to ask her questions, find out what she things, challenge what she says and she will present that point of view and you can present the other point of view. that's the view of half the country, out to be there at nbc. we want you think donald trump
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should sue leticia james and on what grounds? >> an interesting comment have not seen before the other day, she said when she is running for attorney general she wants to fight at administration it too mail, to pale into stale, you can talk about that, to mailing to pale constitutes sex and race discrimination. he out to sue her on the basis of the civil rights act, her office gets federal money for various subsidies for law enforcement activity. if she's engaged in that kind of sexual and racial discrimination and language i think she's wide open to exposure on the 64 civil rights act. donald trump should sue her on the basis of civil rights. stuart: have you suggested this to trump? >> i will. i think the message will get to him sooner or later. stuart: thank you very much. a couple minutes ago we did get the latest read on consumer
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confidence and what number do you have? lauren: it was lower at 102.7 for march, february was revised down to 104.8. present situation, decent expectations falling so consumers think looking into the future, the number came in 73.8 is the level, anything under 80, recession is ahead. stuart: the market is taking it as good news. >> we are concerned about inflation, political environment and this is coming across most income groups. stuart: back to ggt as in donald j trump, the stock, 41%, listen to what trump said about it. >> truth social is doing very well, as hot as a pistol and it's going public and the new york stock exchange wants to have us badly. i told them we can't do the new york stock exchange, we are too
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badly treated in new york, we don't want to do the new york stock exchange of the people of stock exchange are very upset about it. the top person can't believe it. she said i'm losing business because of new york because people don't want to be in new york, they don't want to be attacked by a thug like this horrible attorney general we have. stuart: volume was a little low. in case you missed it he was saying he's not going to go on the new york stock exchange because the new york authorities were so nasty to him in court. he's on the nasdaq instead. the gentle on the right-hand side of the screen, scott shalladdy. they jt is up this morning, 40 one%. are people buying this company, this stock because they think it has inherent value or because they want to demonstrate support for donald trump? >> you are probably on to something. it is probably more the second thing you mentioned. is going to be hard if you look at it in comparison to read it
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or other places they are not making the money yet. maybe they do in the future but it is hard to justify the valuation with what we've seen today and something took the teeth out of it. don't know people look at it this way but since donald trump has been on facebook and twitter or x on facebook he has 34 million followers, on twitter he has 78 million but on truth social he's got 6.6 million. that takes a little teeth out of that argument. it has to play out, there is some euphoria, some donald trump may be elected president here but when it comes to this valuation these things typically overshoot the mark the first few days. stuart: almost like the meme stock is the way it will play out. about on whether trump wins or loses in november of this year. if he loses the stock goes way down. if he wins or looks like he's going to when i think the stock does well because truth social
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will do well. we are all in agreement on this one. >> one last thing. every other media group, with the government's finger prints and footprints all over them, this well and truly could be the one they can't get a hold of and influence, there's a little bit of that. this might be truly a truth platform because they are not going to be involved with the government like all the other ones. stuart: that's a good one. i want to take a look at bitcoin, 70 something right now, $71,000, 70,400. you said the bitcoin market is euphoric. does that mean it has gone too far? scott:we've had etf rollout getting a lot of people into the stadium that normally wouldn't see the game. at the same time we had this
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avenue event, so those two things at the same time have rebelled the stock to its highs right now but i can't in good conscience buy it at this level, i can't. i'm not a big fan of what it can do for us because one of the big reasons it was sold me the last 5 to 10 years is it's outside the government purview. let's get one thing straight here, the government is broke, they are going to come for whatever money they can, whether your real estate tax or taxes on trading or taxes on gains in bitcoin, they are coming for it. it's not something you can hide from the government, that was something everyone thought you could, its outside the purview. as long as there is value they will tax it. stuart: thank you, see you again soon. lauren is looking at the movers and i believe micron is moving again. lauren: yesterday they closed at a record. stock is up 10% this week, this
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chipmakers a key potential winner from the ai boom. stuart: i thought this was a crude line, it's not, it's viking therapeutics. lauren: a 25% gain, weight loss drug my tablet, i assume that is a pill and early attitudes where do -- reduced weight loss as much as 3.3% in 28 days. the hope is so many people will be transitioning from injectables, they've lost weight, they can maintain the weight loss with the pill. that's viking's hope of early-stage trial, stockers $87. stuart: stellantis. we to they have stock down 2.4%. the year will be challenging and they don't have enough positive drivers to maintain that. stuart: thank you very much indeed. the white house says they were perplexed after benjamin netanyahu pulled the plug on a delegation meeting in dc, the
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latest on the growing rift between biden and bb. donald trump says israel made a mistake with its invasion of gaza, the bombings in gaza are why israel is losing support. lieutenant general keith kellogg deals with that next.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. municipal bonds don't usually get the media coverage the stock market does. in fact, most people don't find them all that exciting. but, if you're looking for the potential for consistent income that's federally tax-free. now is an excellent time to consider municipal bonds from hennion & walsh. if you have at least $10,000 to invest, call and talk with one of our bond specialists at 1-800-217-3217.
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me the latest. stuart: 172 days into the war, negotiations between israel and hamas appear to be falling apart. today, benjamin netanyahu's office releasing a statement saying they pulled the main negotiating team, they have critical disagreement about demand for israeli troops to withdraw from gaza, developers, after a 10 tens day on monday after the united states abstained from a vote of the un security council allowing a cease-fire resolution to be passed. >> this one didn't condemn hamas. but we didn't veto it because in general unlike previous resolutions this one did fairly capture what has been our consistent policy which is linking the hostage deal and release of those men and women with a temporary cease-fire.
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>> reporter: the move angered benjamin netanyahu so much that he canceled a planned visit to washington with his national security adviser and strategic affairs minister. 's relapse ministry of defense is in washington meeting with biden administration officials, reportedly asking for specific weapons that israel will need a conflict against gaza and lebanon. over the past 24 hours we've seen rocket fire from both the gaza strip and southern lebanon, an indication of both fronts in this war remain active. stuart: thanks very much indeed. donald trump says israel made a big mistake with its invasion of gaza. he said the pictures coming out of gaza are too hard to watch, trump says that is why israel is losing international support. retired lieutenant general keith kellogg joins me now. is he right? did -- he saying we made a mistake in the cease-fire, go ahead.
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>> thanks for having me. first of all i would never speak for donald trump what he says or doesn't say. i can only tell you what i've experienced by going to israel, we always said is relapse back, donald trump did, families have squabbles, have squabbles internally but the saying in israel when you look at it and how we got to where we are today. when you go to is really realize hamas is a terrorist organization, hamas attacked in his will, killed americans, have taken american hostages and they've gone into cities. i've said repeatedly on this program you never want to fight in a city, that's the hardest fight for soldier but the israelis have to do that, they've got to go into those cities because that's where hamas is. where the last four times they are located and probably hostages. israelis have a bit of a problem getting hostages out. we don't know how many there are because they won't tell us.
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they won't tell the american red cross of the western world where the hostages are. the israelis have to fight to get in and see them. we've done in the united states is created a scene, a gap between us and the israelis, that vote in the un the other day on a cease-fire where we abstained, we gave hamas a victory, we should have vetoed that, should always have is relapse back. we constantly criticize them for what they are doing. it's a hard fight, a tough fight. we need to tell the israelis we got your back, finish the job. donald trump is coming from by extending this fight, making it longer makes it harder to the public and what happens is you've got this huge undertaking of people saying they are doing things that are bad, collateral damage, it is, that's the way the fighters in the city and the israelis are doing the best job they can. i was talking to the minister of defense and they are doing
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everything they can. that's going to happen. when you get fighters like hamas is with civilians and hospitals you have collateral damage. where donald trump is coming from is finish it. finish it fast and get it over with and the next steps are going to be. that's where i think he's coming from. we have to have is relapse back, shouldn't create a gaps or seams between us and the israeli government. benjamin netanyahu didn't send his minister of strategy in the united states, ron dermer used to be the united states ambassador, the minister of strategy, he knows -- for him not to come, we helped cause that by the biden administered in. stuart: clearly a gap between president biden and benjamin netanyahu.
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president biden seems to be rejecting benjamin netanyahu, calling new leadership. is he taking that stance because of the mystic politics? the vote in illinois? >> i don't think so. i don't think he is very smart about it. he's done that to other allies. look what he's done in saudi arabia, a key role in peace negotiations between israel and the palestinians and stiffed them. what president biden does not do, donald trump was willing to pick up the phone and talk to anybody and discuss things. biden hasn't talked to vladimir putin two years, you look at the fighting ukraine and russia and he uses these terms that pushes back on our allies and shouldn't do it. is there domestic consideration, sure there is but the biggest thing, i don't think he's smart on foreign policy and i think his policies are damaging and i can challenge you and challenge
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anybody, look at the world today compared to where was four years ago. problems in the least, the far east, the border, the role of our military, major problems in his lap of decision-making. blue in general keith kellogg, thank you for joining us, we will see you again soon. the administration just announced criminal indictment and sanctions against multiple chinese hackers. what is this about? stuart: seven chinese men have been indicted accused of being part of a hacking scheme that compromise the data of millions of americans. the hackers targeted america's most vital critical infrastructure sectors including defense contractor that made flight simulators for the us motor. prosecutors say back in 2018 hackers posed as prominent journalists and sent 10,000 malicious emails to senior us officials in the white house,
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justice department into democrat and republican senators in 10 states. they also announced a reward of $10 million formation nation on the 7 men and an official of the chinese embassy called the charge is unwarranted and reckless. stuart: got it. now this. politico claims the white house, quote, no longer feels a sense of urgency to act on the border crisis. tennessee senator marsha blackburn is at the border. those she sends a lack of urgency. senator blackburn from the border next. ♪ ♪
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put your business online in minutes with the power of ai. stuart: we are one hour into the trading session tuesday morning and the dow is up 67, nasdaq up 55, lauren is looking at the movers. i want to start with apple because we got the news of iphone sales in china. >> apple is at one hundred 70, official data from china says iphone shipments fell by 33% in
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february from a year ago. they fell sharply in january also. apple is really the only foreign seller in china with a sizable market share in china is a huge market for apple so two straight months of steep sales decline based on shipments to japan. stuart: and yet apple wouldn't track below 170 at this point. meta-blooge lauren: snap is up 3% despite florida governor rhonda santos signing legislation, the bet gang kids 13 years old and younger from socially. even if your parents say it's okay for junior to be on social media, if junior is 12, that's in violation of florida law starting january 1, 2025. if your between 14 to 15 you need your parents consent. enforcement will be difficult. lawsuits will be coming in other states. sometimes these laws were
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overturned by federal courts that might be why these computer up today. stuart: i would not be surprised to see other states try to do what china is doing and bring some sort of regulation for youngsters on social networks. >> it's been tried in ohio, arkansas, montana, you name it, but there are lawsuits. >> 13 and under -- >> i cheer this as a parent. made my job easier for me. stuart: make your job -- >> might be less cool. >> chesler is up today significantly. >> 5.5%, they will activate and demonstrate self driving on all the deliveries for a 1-month free trial, monthly that's worth 200 total for self driving is $12,000. stuart: begin to be lessons. lauren: all the bells and whistles and features. stuart: and avoid liability. >> avoid liability and more people pay for it. stuart: republican senators putting pressure on democrats
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to pass the laken riley act in the senate. >> reporter: i spoke to coggeshall and mike collins who had conversations with john ossoff and rafael warnock about the democrat cosponsors to the capitol act and those have gone really well. the laken riley act would allow ice to detain illegal immigrant if they commit theft or burglary and if it was already in law then it could've prevented riley's murder. the senate did not include this billing government funding last week because it would have amended the legislation and sent it back to the house and the house had already left town. in an op-ed in the atlanta journal-constitution representative collins and four colleagues wrote it is my hope and prayer that our georgia senators would not only unite behind this legislation but also shepherd it's senate passage in the same bipartisan manner the georgia delegation
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did in the house. the family talked to them and they tell him they want congress to act. >> right after this horrible horrible murder we were talking and they said if there's anything you can do, anything congress can do to make sure that this doesn't happen to another family, by all means put her name on it and we are in full support of it. >> congress is out for the next two weeks for easter break so it -- nothing happening until they return. lauren: stuart: thanks very much. politico reports the white house, quote, no longer feels a sense of urgency to act on the border crisis. listen to what john kirby is saying about executive action. >> the administration still considering executive action on the border? >> i don't have any
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announcements about executive action. the argument the president hasn't taken executive action is not true. >> nothing more he can do? >> i won't get into anything more he would a wouldn't do. i won't get at the president's decision space on this, the idea that he hasn't taken executive action unwarranted is not true, he has but there's a real limit to executive action in terms of what's needed down there. what is needed is funding more than anything. stuart: they don't have a sense of urgency on the border, do they? senator marsha blackburn from tennessee joined me now. she's at the border in eagle pass, texas. is there a sense, do you detect a sense of urgency from the administration at the border? >> they are letting it go, they don't have a sense of urgency about this border. having an open border is the biden administration border policy, here in texas what you
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are seeing is texas and the texas department of public safety stepping up, the national guard is stepping up, they are doing their part to secure the border because texans feel that sense of urgency. when talking to ranchers and farmers, up peak on orchard on the rio grande in eagle pass. what they are telling you is they want to secure their farms, ranches, community, schoolyards. they don't want illegal aliens coming across into the country. stuart: sorry, mexico's government, the leader of mexico says texas immigration law would interfere with mexico's sovereign right to determine who enters the us. mexico is pushing us around and dictating our border policy. would this be happening if
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trump were president? >> it would not be happening. under the previous administration under donald trump. he had secured the border and when you look at the numbers of those that illegally entered the country and you go back into the trump administration and look at this, it is amazing the escalation rate, what has happened since january of 2,020 one, when people felt like all right, we've got biden in the white house and now we can start running the border, the interesting thing about mexico, we have to realize that in mexico the cartels are some of the largest corporations and they are making billions of dollars on drugs, on trafficking in human beings,
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and sex trafficking rings. they have set up in the united states. this is a big part of how they make their money, trafficking drugs, humans, sex trafficking rings, working with gangs, pushing them into the united states. the cartels are global organizations, they got people from 170 different countries into the us last year and are making money on every single person that enters, all nearly 10 million coming in on president biden's watch the cartel gets a cut and get paid. stuart: and nothing changes at all. senator marsha blackburn at the border, thanks for joining us. thank you very much. got it. house republicans want the national park service to explain its decision to house migrants at floyd bennett field in new york city, that's part of the national park program.
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what is the problem? ashley: house republicans say the migrant camp has led to a concerning uptick in crime that poses a safety risk to employees of the park and residents of the surrounding communities. in a letter to national park service director charles sams, the lawmakers say, quote, the widespread reports of commonality in and around the floyd bennett field migrant encampments include domestic violence, assault, shoplifting, prostitution and panhandling scams. the letter goes on to say the roughly 2000 migrants are not even subject to a basic background search during the intake process and surrounding residents deserve to know if they are living with migrants with previous arrest records and/or convictions, the tent shelter upset residents to say the migrants of gone door-to-door in nearby neighborhoods begging for cash, food and clothes. stuart: seen it in new york, still ahead. prince harry and meghan markel
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have reportedly offered to help the royal family. do they want to go back to england and rejoin the royals? neil sean has details in the next hour. first responders looking for 7 people in the water after a cargo ship crashed into a bridge in baltimore causing the bridge to collapse. serious stuff, grady trumbull on the scene with the latest after this. investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks? or, let curiosity light the way.
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everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? from pep in their step to shine in their coats,
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when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. stuart: the francis scott key bridge in baltimore collapse early this morning after being struck by container ship. grady trimble is at the scene, the latest please. >> reporter: the search is underway for six construction workers who were on the bridge at the time the ship had one of the support beams at a large
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portion of the mile and 1/2 long bridge crumbled into the river below. we know two construction workers were pulled out of the water in the early hours of the morning after this happened. one of them was taken to hospital seriously hurt, another one was miraculously okay, didn't want to go to the hospital. we are getting more information in terms of the timeline of how this happened. we know that the ship left the port early this morning and shortly after, it put through a mayday call saying it had lost power to the ship and that is when crews from the maryland the permit or transportation try to stop traffic from going under the bridge and they were able to save lives because they stop a lot of cars from going onto the bridge once the mayday call came through. unclear what caused the ship to lose power. also unclear if there were any cars with people driving over the bridge at the time.
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we just asked governor westmore in maryland how shipping is impacted by this and he says our focus now is on saving lives, with state and federal officials to find as many people as they possibly can who may still be in the river. stuart: thank you very much. former merchant marine captain joins me now. we have reports the bishop lost power was heading towards the bridge but couldn't stop and hit it and the bridge collapsed. is that how this could have happened? >> when you see the video, initially it looks like that might be the case. when the ship is leaving the porch, the port of baltimore, i sailed on these ships all around the world and been through baltimore a number of times and you're accelerating the vessel as you leave the port so that you can maneuver under that bridge through the channels effectively so it is likely as the increase in speed
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was occurring there was a propulsion failure, appears that way from the video and once that happens it's really difficult to recover from move that. when you look at these incidents typically you look at human error, mechanical error and possibly a security concern. initial glance, look here like it is a mechanical error. stuart: to get out of the board baltimore harbor the ship has to have a pilot on board. if they lost power, pilot or no pilot makes no difference. the pilot couldn't help. set right? >> the ship pilot is a board, the ship's crew, the captain is a board, everyone is on the bridge. all hands available for these types of maneuvers and these ship pilots are the highest trained vessel operators in the world, the port of baltimore in particular. they are trained to deal with these incidents but there are some cases where when a ship
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loses propulsion you just have no way of controlling it and this appears to be one of those catastrophes where it was out of the hands of what anybody could do. sounds from the reports on fox they were able to preserve some of life by not having vehicles across the bridge. stuart: thanks for joining us. you live in that area so i'm sure you're aware of the disruption to trade and traffic. thanks for being with us. ace baseball player involved in what could be a gambling scandal, we have details on that. he says he never bet on baseball, trump tied up in court the next few once. he's got to be in the courtroom for his trial starting april 15th. is that election interference keeping him off the campaign trail. brian kilmeade calls it after this. ♪
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some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. stuart: brian kilmeade is with us this one, donald trump's trial starts april 15th and has
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got to be in the court for the entire trial duration. in my opinion that is election interference, biden is keeping him off the campaign trail keeping him in court. election interference, what do you say? brian: the ball the court cases the one that will really be in question, technically you are right, i think this is a case that has been simmering since 2015, an incident that happened in 2003 or 2007 and now here we are in 2024, if you are upset by april how will you feel about the documents case in september, how will you feel about the january 6th case or one of them coming up in october? jack smith has every intention of doing that. i think it's problematic in april but it's going to be a huge issue in the fall. one thing i would do if i was trump, he got a lot of publicity, when he walks in and out, that helps him. maybe not with independents, it
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helps him but what i would do his name i cabinet. i would name not only my running mate, i would name my cabinet because trump can't be everywhere. he needs the team president biden has got. all the governors, all the people fanned out, you see these people campaigning for him, i would see jahnke radcliffe in there, robert o'brien and their, maybe jason j fits, other people he has talked to like marco rubio and others, give the american people a sense what your government is going to look like if you like donald trump even if he has to sit in court. i think it was effective yesterday when he said the direct link to president biden is the department of justice official who joins alvin bragg and suddenly there's charges in new york. stuart: i want to change the subject. the former interpreter was accused of stealing millions to pay his government debts, watch
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this? >> on a personal note i'm saddened and shocked that someone i trusted has done this. i never bet on baseball. i never asked somebody to do it on my behalf. in conclusion it has been stealing money from my account and told lies. stuart: that's the new interviewer speaking and he said he has never bet on baseball, do you believe him? >> pete rose commented if i only had an interpreter to speaker i never would have been banned, that is just it. he set the bar high for himself, never bet on baseball, never placed a bet, he stole from me. just so you know, if this is the case, he stole from you he's going to jail. if he didn't steal from you and was betting for you he's going to talk. nobody goes to jail for 10 years who doesn't usually do hard times if not.
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also, how is it, he's got a contract worth $700 million, the number one player may be all sports pound for pound even though he doesn't speak a word of english, how is it the entire team around him someone could take millions of dollars out in your name, use it for unsavory practices, nobody notices until they raid an illegal bookmaker in california where sports gambling is illegal and it goes back to ohtani and the los angeles times or us a today at espn? if this is all true, congratulations, you're the most naïve person in the world and somehow you gave your buddy the power to spend millions of dollars without you knowing it but if not, there's guys looking at a band, you lied like peak rose, you gambled like pete rose and at least a year suspension. if he lied.
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i don't think people will stop investigating. a lot of people are incredulous about that press conference and no questions. stuart: it's going to go on forever and this is the lasting baseball needs at this point. see usn soon. still ahead, new york city wants noncitizens to vote in local elections. what does new york state congresswoman claudia to anything of that. is anyone going to sanction the judge or attorney general in new york trump trial civil fraud trial? matthew whitaker on that. neil sean on prince harry and meghan markel offering their services to king charles. do they want to come back into the royal fold? we will answer that, the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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>> never what you think would you see that the you would see, physically see the key bridge tumble down like that. it looked like something out of an actio


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