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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  March 28, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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♪ looking good, guys! thanks! vacations are better with the credit gods are on your side. i'm coming up! rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. earn points for travel with credit one bank, and live large. thank you for watching the special edition of the kudlow report. tomorrow a couple of great guests, doug burgum north dakota governor and robert o'brien former u.s. national security advisor. meanwhile, liz mcdonald is here to take you to the next hour. good to see you. liz: thank you so much. we got fraternal order national vice president joe and byron.
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for presidents in new york, three democrat fundraiser with celebrities here in midtown at radio city. president biden, bill clinton and barack obama. we are showing live shot right now, anti- israel protesters about to march on biden. we got more sound coming out former president trump's outside the wake of nypd officer jonathan dillard murdered in the line of duty. first deal, joe, your thoughts on this? >> the chasm between presidential and president biden couldn't be wider. president trump is out there loudly and probably supporting law enforcement, condemning the door clouds against us and attending officer dillard's way, president biden is across town and couldn't even put out a statement condemning violence against law enforcement, the
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work on process 378 close shop last year end to make matters worse, his own press secretary hold a press conference and doesn't have the decency to say the officers name. couldn't even say it. a complete embarrassment. she doesn't mention condemning violence against law enforcement and then starts to talk about laney gun laws. newsflash, this dirt bag that killed the officer was picked up on a gun charged month earlier in the criminal justice system. press conference was a smack in the face, enforcement across the country. liz: crossing the president podcast is the wake was underway for nypd officer. it feels like the president is out of touch again not going to the train crash in east palestine, ohio is so to go to the border, sending condolences to the family, the officer's family through mayor adams. more than 1000 showed up in the rain to attend the wake.
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officer dillard was on the force three years and 1-year-old son, what you make of the president's response to this? >> we should say this is a fancy think the president is going to be doing, a fundraiser at radio city news and barack obama, stephen colbert will be there, moderator or host, big donors pay $100,000 can have their pictures taken with the president by so this is a big flashy party and the biden team is happy expected to raise $25 million. the contrast could not have been greater donald trump attending this wake as mentioned before, the accused killer in this case arrested 21 times. this was in a nutshell, the crime problem trump wants to
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address in the selection and biden apparently does not. politically this was a very smart thing for former president trump to do. liz: the former president is saying we lost a hero in the line of duty. another cop killed in the line of duty. former president trump speaking out, he looked visibly upset, he was moved by what was going on. let's listen to the former president here. >> what happened is such a sad event, a horrible thing and it's happening all too often we are not going to let it happen. twenty-one times arrested, this dog. the person in the car was arrested many times, they don't respect, the family will never be the same. we can never be the same and we have to stop it, we have to get back to law and order. we have to do a lot of things different because this is not working, it's happening too often.
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>> have to toughen up. these things can happen. we need law and order. liz: we need law and order but the white house press secretary is blaming republicans claiming republicans are going week on crime, what do you think? >> that is a real nice trick she's trying to play on the american people. we know what's going on in our communities, we have rogue djs and activist judges from the far left who continue to let these criminals out over and over again. fueling the war on cops in this country. shootings are not 60% when you bared on the numbers, you know who's killing cops? repeat offenders because every single cop killer, 85% arrested before. 71% are convicted felons so if we throw the book at people kept them in prison, we wouldn't have a cop shot every 23 hours in this country. liz: what he said, joe is upset for a reason.
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clearly the american people are being not listened to, the government is failing them so when you see what's going on, he said it's a stark contrast, a divide in america. how do you think the american people will see what's going on with this white house and the with fundraiser not paying attention giving up thought and recognition of a cop, another cop sign in the light of duty, leaving a 1-year-old baby? >> it depends on what party it is. this new fox news goal, are you better off than you were four years ago? 62% said worse, 22% said better. the small amount better will probably be at the fundraiser tonight. they can get the photo taken with the famous photographer. it illustrates big political picture sort of way, the changes taking place in the parties, the
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republican party much more of a working class party appealing to the things that matter most to work for paychex in the united states. liz: final word? >> we need to get back to basics in this country where we actually have law and order, old criminals accountable and prioritizing criminals or victims. liz: thank you so much. it's great to have you both on, a very unfortunate day, sat here in new york. the update on this story, sam bankman-fried sentenced to 25 years in prison today. one of the worst bras in u.s. history exchange ftx. kelly o'grady live with this story. you had breaking right right and left, did the judge slam sam bankman-fried has a scam artist obsessed with political power? it looks like he is 100 million and soleimani for political
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donations. >> the judge was very intense and the political donations, i came up so much. the campaign finance violations, it's not something he was charged with but at the come up as evidence edit early was it focus today in sentencing. u.s. attorney damien williams that underscores that, his deliberate ongoing lies demonstrated brazen disregard for customers expectations and disrespect for the rule of law also that he could secretly use customers money to expand his own power and influence. the judge underscored power and influence, he used it as a reason he didn't believe crypto act, he said it was a lie and a new what he was doing with the customer money. york law, it's all about intent so sam bankman-fried will serve 25 year sentence in a medium
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security prison that is the recommendation as of now. he's required to pay $11 billion back and restitution. it's more of a formality than anything because he's broke but probably the most shocking thing, he used monotone, the words may be showed remorse but the delivery didn't. when he received his sentence, he didn't look up or looked at his parents, he walked out with his hands behind his back even though he wasn't cuffed, erie as if on instinct. the legal team will file an appeal, 25 years, i know that may not seemed like a lot when the maxwells 110 but for somebody who's 32 for the sentence to come down at 25, that's going to be hard to overturn. liz: always great realism from you, we appreciate your. joining us now, president of the american form, douglas, it's good to have you on. we are talking about the tale of two presidency what's happening
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today and here in new york, biden, clinton and obama going to a glitzy fundraiser giving a passing attention to the slain officers wake today, former president trump went to, it seems like they are out of touch here. what do you say, doug? >> it sure feels this way. politics 101, people respect the police, president should display respect as well. liz: you know what also seems out of touch? this white house seems not to listen to the american people and how that inflation is so i want your reaction to the radio host out of north carolina, white house press secretary jean-pierre hung up the phone because he asked about the president's cognitive condition. biden brought inflation down, but he did not. >> when i told a number of people i was talking to you today, it was interesting they all said, would you please just
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ask her, does the president have dementia? so before i move on, does he? >> i can't even believe you are asking me this question, that is an incredibly offensive question to ask. >> but here 45% of democrats are concerned about biden's mental state so i thought okay, i brought that up to her, she somewhat dismissed that and i just had okay, well, does he have dementia? i was surprised she was so offended. liz: you are a respected voice, have you ever seen the white house consistently misleading the american people? jean-pierre falsely claimed grocery prices and egg prices are coming down in the inte interview. >> that was a complete bail. if you are a white house staff o'clock you're supposed to solve problems your boss, not create them as the press secretary, the president's mental condition
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long-standing issue, she should have had a well-prepared answer and had taken the question. i just don't understand that. as far as inflation data and the deficit in record job creation, the administration has consistently been called into question on things they have the president saying. they earned a bottomless pinocchio from the washington post with statements about the investment and inflation is not coming down at the pace people hopefully did well in 2023 and we will get data tomorrow and probably still have three to 4% inflation. they are responsible for it. the stimulus in this economy from the american rescue plan and inflation reduction act and chips act, all of these roads lead to biden administration decisions and that's where the inflation came from. liz: and it inflation still stubbornly high, officials worn
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they may not do any more than three rate cuts, we don't know when they are coming. watch this, hunger relief directive for catholic charities in maine says the economy is the worst she's ever seen. watch this. >> i don't think i've ever seen anything in my 38 years being here economy affecting people the way it is right now. don't care who you are, it seems like things have gotten so expensive. liz: painful. it's hitting every income class. your reaction? show fox news goal, trump leading biden by five points, 5. three quarters rate, economy hunter biden's bed. two thirds disapproval biden, when voters were asked to name the biden administration's accomplishments, nearly four out of ten said nothing, zero. >> in 2021, inflation went up faster than wages in 2022 inflation went up faster that means from two full years asked
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but majority of americans got further behind. they haven't forgotten that. this will take a long time to get back to what it should have been and entered seven to get back to where it should be as well. liz: the president hit the middle to the petal, whatever, too hard. a blanket of regulation texas, too much on the economy, mandate. we appreciate you so much, it's good to see you. coming up, a hot show. andy biggs, former federal prosecutor, big tech expert frederick and conservative commentator, then ferguson. the update on former president trump today again demanding georgia 2020 case be tossed out and house lawmakers ramping up, mike johnson told the senate they will deliver impeachment articles against homeland security secretary mayorkas week after next.
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, again asked the president to testify in the impeachment inquiry and chair, is gearing up energy secretary granholm and we will explain all that. gavin newsom is so afraid former president trump will win the white house again, so much so gavin newsom is putting up the wall around california's colossal regulatory apparatus the california ranks dead last in job creation. plus conservative commentator kaylee mcghee white is here, so where is the diversity at msnbc? former rnc chair donna mcdaniel reportedly may file defamation lawsuit or workplace lawsuit against msnbc and nbc over there inflammatory on air attack after they hired then fired ronna mcdaniel. all of this coming up on evening edit. ♪
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>> this is another example of leftist media religiously pushing this party group. we can look back to the past couple of years and see numerous examples. remember the new york times meltdown when they ran op-ed by senator tom cotton or when the political newsroom freaked out at an op-ed published by ben shapiro. the patent is clear, all ideas are welcome unless they challenge our own. liz: there killing multiple posts publicly attacked ronald mcdaniel on the air. instead of just firing her and censoring her, why not debate her on air? they are siding mcdaniel going on the phone call in 2022 pressure mission officials not to certify about from the detroit area, it looks like the problem is on air anchors run the show, not that they were at the top rest, listen to the defamatory rhetoric we caught on camera that they were saying. once this.
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>> she has credibility issues she still has to deal with. she speaking for herself or on behalf of them? >> i want to associate with my colleagues within nbc news who voiced loud and principled objections to our company putting on the payroll, someone who hasn't just attacked us as generalists of someone who's part of an ongoing project to get rid of our system of government. you wouldn't higher a wiseguy, a made man, like a mobster to work at the das office, right? you wouldn't higher a pickpocket to work as a tsa screener so i find the decision to put her on the payroll inexplicable but i hope they reverse their dec decision. liz: pretty inflammatory. >> it's interesting because i believe this shows a disdain for their own viewers, they think
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viewers can handle being exposed to challenges by ronald mcdaniel. the one republican they want to hire as a contributor and i think it shows disdain for the very things they believe in, if they were so confident in their values, confident in their i guess, it wouldn't be a big deal to have mcdaniel on and a good natured debate but the can't even stand the thought of that because they are insecure in what they believe. liz: that's right. they have faith in their own ability, instead of firing her. this is the same network the said five years claiming trump colluded with russia to hack the dnc and hillary campaigns and they didn't. they misled the 2016 over that and kept on flying about the mueller report saying it didn't happen. they didn't report fully on what hunter biden was doing, they don't report fully on the collapse of the border.
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the issue right now is they are basically saying trump is hi hitler, he acts like hitler and on and on, they make inflammatory statements without countervailing fact saying maybe what they are saying is wrong, poisoning national conversation actively misleading the american people. >> then they have the audacity to complain about other people supposedly doing the very things they do on a daily basis and nbc, msnbc, a choice to make. they can choose to be a place where diversity is not as welcome or choose to be the propaganda machine. liz: thank you so much, but daddy on. congressman andy biggs has oversight, a lot to talk to him about. looks like chair comer gearing up to secretary granholm. we got why and also has impeachment managers sending over articles of impeachment to the senate for home security
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mayorkas and chair comer inviting president biden began to talk to the house impeachment inquiry plus former federal prosecutor andrew czajkowski, former president demand the 2020 case be tossed out. we will explain why coming up in "the evening edit". ♪ ♪ ♪ [coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function,
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sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should.
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it is our commitment. we need to do this. former president trump legal team back in court today pushing to get georgia 2020 case moscow. fox news jonathan live in atlanta with more. >> if is previous rulings are any guide, it may be several days before the judge makes a ruling on the motions he heard at today's hearing. tonight trump attorney steve laid out argued the former president's efforts to overturn the 2020 election were actually protected by the first amen
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amendment. >> there's nothing alleged actually guns president trump it's not political speech. >> is not being prosecutor relying, he's been prosecuted for lying to the government. it does harm to the government. >> this is the first hearing in the georgia case since march 15 special prosecutor nathan wade designed to allow district attorney fani willis to continue prosecuting it scott mcafee ruled prosecutors could not try the case together after the defense alleged conflict of interest because of will assist past romantic involvement with wade. the defense is expected to appeal. >> will argue the decision could have gone further actually disqualifying her. >> prosecutors initially hoped to bring the case to trial early august but as of now, there's no official start date in the
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calendar yet. liz: you always do such a great job reporting, appreciate you so much. joining us now, former battle prosecutor andrew. what you make of that story? panic will assist team alleging former president trump engaged in conspiracy the highlighted georgia's version of the rico act. >> today was about the first amendment and the first amendment doesn't care about politics and it doesn't care whether the person speaking is right or wrong about what they are speaking about the defenses challenging the basis of the allegations in the first place trying to have case kicked on the indictment alone as opposed to typically all first amendment cases work after the introduction of certain evidence along the way we have to remember many democrats had bowel over elections and torture, very specifically with stacey abrams effectively denying election results years ago so something that comes down
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to a matter of the constitution, not a matter of politics. liz: nixon did the elections in hawaii against kennedy. the president trump submitted a notice to the u.s. district the southern district of florida alerting judge late may or early june trial is no longer workable for former president trump because he faces april 15 hush money trial in new york city. andy mccarthy is on our show, there are constitutional due process violations against tr trump. for trials against trump at o once, all complex, millions of patients documents that would take years to prepare, what do you think of a single? >> the push for the child to go as quickly as they are, the challenges the rights of the accused to defend themselves through due process. their attorneys have time to prepare, not just thousands of pages, millions of pages of
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documents attorneys have to go through, hundreds of hours of statements made by witnesses to ask for more time is normal and criminal defense world. speedy trial is entitled to the defendant, not the government although there may be statutes, at the constitution to protect the defendant speedy trial rights. there are options the trump team has ultimately donald trump could fire his defense counsel and the supreme court ruled you have the right to switch cou counsel. liz: could he appeal based on what you said? >> trump likely doesn't have a pretrial appeal for purposes whether his team has enough time to prepare, test generally collect in the discretion of the trial court judge. judge cannon probably has been the most lenient in terms of giving more time to the defense team. liz: but maybe later on he could appeal. andrew, thank you so much, good to have you on let's welcome to
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the show house judiciary, congressman andy biggs. we got a lot to talk to you about, congressman. speaker mike johnson said articles of impeachment will be sent to the senate april 10 for homeland security secretary mayorkas and has oversight chair comer invited president biden to again testify before the impeachment inquiry, can you take all of the song? the mayorkas impeachment, please not transmitted the articles of impeachment from house to the senate, that will take place apparently april 10. we will october and delivered those to the senate and then majority leader schumer will do what he's going to do, my guess is he will try to table it or perhaps even charge impeachment dismissed so we'll see how that plays out but that will initiate the trial phase of the
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impeachment. when you get back to james, or chairman asking of the president will come in, queensland so much during the deposition of the biden and business associates that indicate strongly when he was vice president of the united states and hunter biden's business dealings and transactions, it looks clearly to us he was providing access and selling access to foreign entities so we said the president, here's an opportunity to comment and clear this up, two different potential impeachment. liz: energy secretary granholm, it looks like chair comer called her into testify for months, it sounds like she's not doing that, she's not answering a request to testify and send a letter about her misuse of the strategic petroleum reserve to lower gas prices help biden's
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falling goals. that is not falling goals. talking about abusing taxpayer dollars for granholm's road to her and electric cars, what is the impact of this? >> she has been stoning us and it's consistent with the biden administration so we want to ask for these questions clearly. for instance, strategic petroleum reserve for emergencies, they weaned it down using it to lower gas prices generally. that was for political purposes. we want her to come in and testify to pull host of things her subordinates have presented to the committee so she's basically stonewalled us and we want to hear from her, she is the secretary of energy and we want to hear what she has to say to defend priorities we see
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happening. she said no and not only did she say no, she started to ignore us. >> the other thing is presidents polls to take kids to the botched exit out of afghanistan and rising costs of gasoline. strategic reserves, i think it's the lowest level since 1983, a 40 year low, well below capacity of something like 713 million barrels. the former head of the spr energy department told bloomberg last year the u.s. could be vulnerable to price shocks and it means during domestic supply crunches the u.s. will be left at the mercy of exporters like russia and saudi arabia, iran and venezuela and the rest of the opec plus cartel. >> this true but i want to highlight that, you're right but don't forget, the biden
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administration settled domestic energy production so if we rent up to production when it was under president trump we would be in better shape and you wouldn't worry about opec for russia or any other cartel foreign energy producers this goes hand in glove with his green new deal project we are trying to fight and she's right in the center. >> we always appreciate you coming on, thank you for joining us, it's good to see you. >> good to be with you. liz: one of the nation's best experts on big tech, we got for top facebook analyst coming on. this news coming in, it is concerning. officials warn top bank executives held the treasury department thieves and fraudsters are increasingly using artificial intelligence to swamp and flood and overwhelmed
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u.s. banks defenses in order to scam americans. in u.s. banks. the new onslaught? first, dagen and sean, what you have coming up? >> it is you, joe biden found millions of dollars of border security but u.s. border security foreign countries border security. the guatemalan president wants even more. the green energy war driving up gas prices. >> rich lowry on the dark difference of a day or two president. the child attends at the wake up explain your police officer jonathan gillick. joe biden will be yakking it up with clinton and obama, a beach trying to raise money. we also have lieutenant governor of virginia on fact checking bs
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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this is an alarming story, u.s. treasury department warned more than what he u.s. bank executives told the can't keep up with scam artists using potent artificial intelligence
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to overpower bank defenses. there's a lot on the story on what the government is doing. hilary fun live on capitol hill with mark. good to see you. >> great to be with you. the treasury department is warning artificial intelligence is being used by scammers to essentially steal your money straight. they want them criminals are using artificial intelligence to sophisticate their stance making it easier for them to mimic your own voice trying to impersonate you to get access to your bank account. the treasury department is looking into ways to crackdown on this and arm tanks to push back as well. the white house is also pushing an effort to deploy artificial intelligence into government agencies. the vice president kamala harris is the ai parcel she announced rules of the road today for the federal government when it comes
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to putting ai in agencies. there are three new guidelines, make sure ai tools don't endanger american safety or highlight rights pushing for transparency requiring agencies to publish what ai systems they use and appoint nai chief each government agency to oversee at all. >> it the veterans administration wants to use ai and va hospitals to help doctors diagnose patients, they would first have to demonstrate ai does not produce racially biased diagnoses so i offer that as an example. >> some new jobs, they are on the ai talent search looking to hire 100 ai professionals into the government to help guide institute ai into each agency. liz: what a story. thank you so much for bringing this to us, appreciate you so much. let's welcome to the show big tech expert former facebook
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analyst top analyst carrier character friedrich. is your answer to that? >> looking at kamala harris, i don't think we are in great hands with ar but one thing i did agree with, increased transparency. that delved into the effort were talking about with the treasury and banks. this is a big issue and what it essentially does, the sophistication, let us right. it sharpens pre-existing tools and attacks the arsenal. almost any enterprising visual can use ai technologies, the barriers getting lower and lower and you look at things like what big tech is doing, microsoft has a tech to speech model which precursors claimant could loan a boy space up three seconds of a voice sample so the got a lot of resources but criminals, i
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always say if you build it, that actors are going to use it and this appears to happen. >> let's keep the viewer up to date on what's happening with the 42 bank executives telling the treasury department. they found quote bakes ai used by thieves to break into bank accounts so if you have a phone out and facial recognition getting into your bank, a fraudster can get your face and basically use it to break in possibly via phone bank app into your bank account. what you say is your voice recognition, used to be kara, these deep fishing phi, sh ing e-mails where you click on the e-mail and they send a link and enter information but this is something more, this is about mimicking the county, attr attributes, your voice and face to break into your bank account, is there any think we are
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missing? >> i think part of it is a combination of the two, thing called automated fishing come up with the ph you talked about, what ai can do is it can do it at scale so instead of attackers an e-mail trying to figure out what they are right or wrong, they can do this across many accounts all at once and you adding target customization, ai is excellent at taking data sets and integrate the data and identify specific patterns or individuals for scrutiny for potential crimes so combine that with automated fishing that target summarization and you've got an onslaught against banks and adding the boys cronies that agencies like the ftc are trying to tackle with the boys cloning challenges fighting fire with fire creating ai tools to de detect. you got a basket of ilk but people have defenses, we should
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as individuals. liz: thank you for joining us, it's good to see you. >> thanks. liz: look at this report, governor newsom so afraid trump is going to win the white house again, gavin newsom ramping up building a wall california gargantuan regulatory apparatus when it comes to climate change but california thanks dead last in the nation and job growth. the state accused of the books on job growth. look up cohost, ted cruz and ben ferguson fired up and ready to go. next on "the evening edit". ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms.
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elizabeth: we're happy to have podcast host ben ferguson back on. we love him, he is so smart, politico reports that governor newsom is is afraid former president trump will win back the white house, he is ramping up an army state bureaucrats to defend california climate change regulatory apparatus, what are the priorities? california is ranked last in nation in jobs growth. >> yeah. once a socialist, always a socialist, gavin newsom is a
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socialist, biggest threat to his creating in california is donald j. trump. look at minimum wage. $20 an hour, pizza hut laid off 841 of their delivery drivers, is that good or bad for the economy. i'm sure that is bad for the economy. and at the same time, newsom, this is a scum bag move, he then tried to hook up his billionaire friend at pae -- p panera bread with a carve out said if you make actual loaves of bread, you don't have to may $20, he got busted for that, but this is his mind set, he does not care about people of california or workers in california, this is a guy that rolls out red carpet for china, when they come to town and cleans up san francisco to fake it so it looks like a nice place.
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and gets rid of homeless and illegal immigrants on the streets and says. come in china, we want to do business with you, they are putting people of california last, it will cost him big time, and people of california, they are moving out. elizabeth: you know what else is happening. the associated press you know nonpartisan ap, it is accusing california of cooking the books on california job numbers, reporting california claimed created 300 thousand jobs, the year through last cement. -- september, it was just 50 thousand, and three quarters of state's jobs created in last year through february. was state government sh jobs, something like 61 thousand jobs out of 82 thousand -- that was state government jobs. that is what they are doing in california, happening in dc as well, federal government jobs. >> yep, once a communist
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always a communist, lie to people, cook the books, look like your form of government is working when it is a clear disaster and you are last place in a beautiful state, live the state of california, i feel bad for people in california under this regime, but, he is going to put this type of government over success of the people. he doesn't want to admit there are disasters with crime, property, illegal ill break, he i'm break and does not' to admit people are leaving the state, they are losing more citizens than are coming in they are going to great states like texas and florida, to free states. where you can actually succeed in business and small business, and if you look at warnings. back to basic issue of $20 minimum wage for fast-food workers, they were warned, gavin newsom was warned by his billon air friend at
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panera bread, he did not character, -- care because he is a fundamentalist. the state is powerful, the people are weak, they don't care if they destroy a great state like california. elizabeth: you know gangbusters, data, florida, nevada and texas. their economy is roaring. final word. >> just don't california my texas when you come to texas, where i'm right now, that is all i ask leave your crazy liberal ideas in california. elizabeth: ben ferguson thank you so much. >> and join us tomorrow night with congresswoman claudia tenney, jason chaffetz and more we'll have a jam-packed hour for you, that does it for us, i am elizabeth macdonald over to dagen and sean. >> thank you, emac. elizabeth: sur


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