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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 2, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> start seeing where the coalitions start coming together for trump and they're going to
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be able to win wisconsin and biden can't win if he doesn't win wisconsin. >> when this administration took over, day one, day one is when we started seeing the chaos at the border. it hasn't stopped. they've ignored it for three years. >> his criteria for vice president is someone that can do the job and number two someone that's loyal to him and to the america first agenda. >> it is inconceivable to me that any community would allow a squatter to take over someone's home and tell them they have to go through a civil process. stuart: this is apparently morgan wallen. >> yeah, huge star. >> featuring.
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stuart: oh, featuring. feat. i like that. >> i can recommend morgan wallen. he's solid. stuart: you know him personally? >> i don't, but i love the music. he's got nice feet as you said. stuart: it's tuesday, april 2 and dow down 400 and nasdaq down 250 and yields on treasuries are going up sharply so. check out first of all -- that's on big eb tech. they're all down. amazon, apple, alphabet they're all down. 10-year treasury yield going up not as much as before but at 4.36%. as for two year, way above 4.5 at 470 right now. and now this, if you're the governor of a state and you're running for the presidency, your
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state better be doing well. gavin k newsom is the governor f california and he's running for the presidency whether he admits or not. and the golden state is in decline on newsom's watch. the homeless population is widening and crime speed is getting bigger and the country has an image of california as a socially dysfunctional society. in the extreme, that's a hard nut for newsom to crack. look at fundamentals, issues by which newsom will be judged on a national basis. california has the highest unemployment rate in the country, 5.3%. the national average: 3.9. dig deeper and you see there's not much jobs available in california. less than one per unemployed person and elsewhere social security one in six. state authorities say it's going to be 73 billion. either way by law, the budget must be balanced. what's newsom going to do?
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raise taxes? they're the highest in the land and faces cuts to services. how's that going to go down across the country? out migration, the population declined at each of the last three years and there's a lot of rich people leaving, taking their tax revenue with them. gavin newsom is a skilled politician and remains -- seems to remain popular in california at least. i just don't see how he gets around that state's problems. does the rest of america want to look like california? does the rest of america want high taxes? high poverty and mindless climate rules? okay. there's a high level of trump hatred in california. that helps newsom in california. but not in the rest of the country. newsomnomics, i coined the expression and not flied east of the california/nevada state line. third hour of varney starts now.
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stuart: jimmy failla, thank goodness on the set with me this morning. america doesn't want to look like california. i don't think newsom has a chance, what say you? >> i agree but one word. i feel for the people of california right now because it's so cold there this week that gavin newsom is advising people to go to the bathroom indoors, which, you know, it's a real adjustment, stu. everybody's got to relearn the process. now there's a doorknob involved and got to have running water. it's a whole to do. fair amount of time i spent in standup in california and my agents apparently hate maine it's a mess. everything you need to know for all the metrics you quote is the one we talked about frequently off the compare the fact you can't get a u-haul to leave. think about that. it truly is the hotel california. you can check out any time you want and everyone has, but they can never leave because there's no available outdoor going u hauls. think of that as a metric and commentary on your state. if a state is a restaurant,
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okay, there's not a line to get in. there's a line to get to the exits. they're trampling each other to go. that's mismanagement. for him, yes, stick to what you're doing best, which is putting on hair gel with a soup ladle. he use as lot of products. stuart: no chance for the presidency? >> no, this is the tour de france. he's a backup rider pedaling asong side the regular team in case someone falls off their bike, which is likely in biden's case, but i don't know he has the type of presentation to get this over the finish line. stuart: do you write this? >> i don't. i'm unprepared but you bring it out of me. stuart: it's ad libbed? >> i do. if you saw how little i prepared, you wouldn't put me on tv. i'm a good listener and do radio for three hour as day and i have a opinion. i don't put effort into my wardrobe and i'm happy to be here. stuart: i'm trying to move onto the next subject. >> i'll let you. stuart: the view host, whoopie
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goldberg, must have memory issues if they think they were better off four years ago. roll it. >> why is it that some people are having short memory issues, black people? we were not in this insanity of trying to figure out why our history is no longer welcome in the educational system. women were realizing something was happening. if you were coming from another country, if you were coming to this country to find a better life, you were not welcome. listen, it wasn't a good time for lots of people. stuart: have at it. >> i don't 79 to bag on the view because it's the highest rated show in ghon ton mo bay. they -- guantanimo bay. can't water board and it offers no deliverables to voters.
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arguing if we're betting off now than four years ago. it's based on their wallet, which is worse. safety is worse, bodder is worse and quality of schools is worse. look at that level of analysis, it would make sense tickets to the view are 25 to get in and 100 to get out. it's a mess. stuart: that's really cool. don't know how you do it. >> i'm trapped in it, stu. it's fun, but i'm trapped. stuart: you're a new york city cab driver. >> full-time for seven years. both of those vehicular homicides are bogus. i kid, i had a great time. stuart: we'll be watching you fox news saturday night at 10:0. you're all right, jimmy, >> you're the best, stu. stuart: thank you for coming. back to the markets, a pile of red ink, the dow down over 400 points in the nasdaq's down over 230. mike murphy with me for the hour. i'm saying the selloff is the direct result of rising interest rates on treasury. am i right? >> i'm going to agree with you, stuart.
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if you look at the 10-year, it moved up and now i think it's kind of leveled off here. it looks like it's not continuing to go higher, and if you roughed it, rough morning so far for the markets. however, we're in -- we're waiting for the fed, waiting for the fed to come out and cut interest rates. they will, whether or not it's june, wait a few months and find out. interest rates are not going higher but will go lower and 10-year will follow. stuart: people are worried it's the start of a selloff. 5, 6, 7, 8% selloff. you don't see that. you don't care? you'll stay fully invested. >> you don't need me anymore. you've got to figured out. we had a 10% move to the upside in three month in q1 and started off with the great move to the upside, 10%. so you're saying could we sell off 5% and be in the middle of april and only be up 5% for the year? of course we could. but i'm not smart enough to trade around that. i don't know when that's coming. i don't know who is smart enough to make money in that environment.
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stay inv invested and look for opportunities for growth. stuart: see any bearish signs in the market at all right now? >> well, the one that would really change my opinion is if something happened that made the fed talk about raising rates again. if the 10-year started and nothing out there that says something, but something like that would be bad for the markets if we're at 4.5 on a 10 10-year and climbing towards 5%, we wouldn't be able to support the levels we're at currently. there's no reason to talk about that really because it's not on the table at the moment. outside of that, something geopolitical that could happen, but those are always out there. you can't plan for those so i want to talk about and invest around things that i can control and that i know better. better. stuart: yeah, the black swan cannot be planned for because it's the black swan. thank you, mike. lauren, health insurers way, way down. lauren: cvs down 8.5% and humana down 14%. there are fears of a margin
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squeeze off the final medicare payment rates came in below expectations. these names are already under pressure as more people are getting medical care, getting surgeries, and bank of america is warning high costs and the low reimbursement rates and new rates for next year putting pressurer on insurers to cut the number of benefits they offer. stuart: i follow evs and ev makers and following niyo and sure they're down because barclay doesn't like them. lauren: underwait and street preece of 4. weaker march sales suggest they have trouble selling brand new car. that's putting their estimates for all -- their deliveries for all of 2024 at risk. stuart: yeah, and tesla is down as well. lauren: yeah. stuart: move onto chlororocks, they've been downgraded too. lauren: yeah, 1.6% and had a cyber attack over the summer. big cyber attack and took them a long time to get through. citi downgraded and said they lost sales and with that shelf
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space at retailers because of it and recovery will be slow. stuart: not in buy stock in clorox or look at indicator of the economy and consumer behavior. that's my personal opinion. >> you're probably right or other etfs out there that might need it to fill up whatever their certain area of expertise is. stuart: glad you're on the show. hawaii wants oil companies to be liable to pay to offset damages caused by climate change. group of republican attorneys general asking the supreme court to intervene. montana's attorney general, is coming up. nikki haley, former supporters are unhappy with trump and biden so where will they be voting this november? we'll find out. president biden pledged to have the federal government cover the entire cost of rebuilding the baltimore bridge. will republicans try to belong those funds? we'll ask congressman darryll issa, he's on the show next.
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everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. so, you have diabetes, and your glucose is heading low. [ alert sound ] dexcom g7, the most accurate cgm, can alert you before you go too low. now, that's more peace of mind with dexcom g7. ♪ ♪ marlo thomas: my father founded saint jude children's research hospital because he believed no child should die in the dawn of life. in 1984, a patient named stacy arrived, and it began her family's touching story that is still going on today. vicki: childhood cancer, it's just hard. stacey passed on christmas day of 1986.
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there is no pain like losing a child, but saint jude gave us more years to love on her each day. marlo thomas: you can join the battle to save lives. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need now and in the future. jessica: i remember as a child, walking the halls of saint jude, and watching my sister fight for her life. we never imagined that we would come back. and then my son charlie was diagnosed with ewing's sarcoma. vicki: i'm thinking, we already had a catastrophic disease in our family. not my grandson too. marlo thomas: st. jude has helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20% when it opened to 80% today. join with your credit or debit card for only $19 a month, and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. jessica: for anybody that would give, the money is going towards research,
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and you are the reason my child is here today. charlie: i was declared-- this will be two years cancer free. but there's thousands and thousands of kids who need help. saint jude, how many lives they do save is just so many. marlo thomas: charlie's progress warms my heart, but memories of little angels like stacy are why we need your help. please become a saint jude partner in hope right now. [music playing]
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stuart: it's been a week since the francis scott key bridge collapsed in baltimore. i want to know, where are the cleanup efforts? have they got a channel open yet in lauren: yes, alternate channel, yeah. but think about how big of a deal this is. you have tons of mangled steel underwater and it's hard and
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dangerous to get to. it's no small feat. crews opened the alternate channel and for the essential vessels that have to pass around the wreckage, and crews hoping to clear two other routes to the port of baltimore, which is a critical hub in the supply chain for cars, coal, et cetera. this friday biden will meet with officials in baltimore on the response and approved $60 million thus far, but that tab is going to swell. stuart: i'm sure it is. thanks, lauren. take a look at this headline from paul krugman write manager the new york times "will maga republicans block baltimore's rebuilding? congressman darryll issa republican from california joins me now. congressman, this complicated maneuvers politically going on here, but will you try to block funds for the bridge reconstruction? >> well, certainly we'll do what's necessary to stand behind full faith of the united states to get it done, but let's remember the federal government is not responsible for this. a shipping company insured by
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lloyds of london is. the state of maryland is. when you look at why do we write a check? well, it makes about as much sense as saying we're going to write a $60 billion check as fore giveness of college loans that the -- forgiveness of college loans that the president keeps doing. the fact that making sure it gets done in a timely fashion, that's leadership. paying for it is it aerodynamic qualify who ultimately should pay for it. if we're putting money out, it should be in the form of a loan because we're not responsible for, the shipping company lloyds of london is, and obviously the state and the port have responsibility so the governor should be standing up. instead the president is bailing out and no, we're not going to automatically make a payment for what is a private sector thing. stu, when you're always hearing democrats talk about how, you know, the government this, the government that, but then they beat up on private sector. this is an example of a ship
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made a terrible error, and they are insured and primarily they're responsible. stuart: makes sense. okay. congressman, you're leading a bipartisan charge to proposed proposed new leader of the red cross. why do you think the current one should be dis-qualitied? >> well, because he led an organization for five years that was infested with terrorists that led the attack to kill israelis, 160 days or 150 days ago. the reality is that we found the israelis found that the unra, organization he was leading had people that were literally using un assets to store and produce missiles and rockets and other weapons so can you trust somebody that couldn't lead the un organization specifically designed to prevent that kind of event and to help the palestinian people. can you trust them to lead
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another international organization that we normally let go into places that we otherwise wouldn't. you've got to be above being on either side to lead the international red cross. he clearly isn't. stuart: well, there's bipartisan opposition to him. does that mean that almost certainly he's toast? >> welshes it's up to the president to a certain extent, but i can say on behalf of congress, we'll do resolutions, we'll do defunding and whatever we need to do to let the international red cross know that we don't approve of this selection. there are plenty of people who are better managers with clean records. this is one that shouldn't be chosen. stuart: i didn't realize it was the president that had the full-time say on this. if he has the final say on it, no matter what resolutions you pass, that guy is probably going to be in because biden has his hamas people to look after. anyway, i digress. forgive me. >> he does, stuart, we have the power of the purse and this is
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something where republicans and democrats are appropriately apposed to this support of terrorism and happened on his watch. stuart: $380 million was just granted to countries in the mideast for their border security. that's astonishing. why couldn't it go to our border? >> welshes because when you're basically providing uber drivers for millions of illegals coming in, more money only is like putting gasoline on the fire. we need to change the policies and back to the policies of donald trump and if this president won't do it, we need to find someone that will and there is oning who will. stuart: yes, his name is donald trump, i believe. congressman darryll issa. >> yes, it is. stuart: republican of california, we appreciate it, always, thanks a lot. >> thank you, stuart. pleasure. stuart: the governor of texas, that would be greg abbott, he's heading to new york city this week. i've got a buck saying he's raising money. lauren: fundraiser indeed opportunistic thursday, $1,250 a
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plate. look, he's building his national profile. there's talk he could be a vice presidential pick for donald trump. but he's also coming to the epicenter of the crisis he created in new york because he's bussed tens of thousands of migranted that crossed illegally from texas to new york. stuart: i can sense that. lauren: he's being praised for how he's handled the border when the feds have not. he's taunting eric adams when he comes here and has a republican fundraiser here and border is the topic in the belly of the beast. stuart: he didn't create the crisis. lauren: no. stuart: is the border the crisis created by joe biden. lauren: right, and he sends the message busing them here what's happening on the border, that's really hurting texas and has been for years is now a crisis in new york and other places. stuart: does mike murphy -- >> i think you're kind of saying the same thing in that the people got in there and shouldn't have gotten there to begin with and he shipped them
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somewhere and responsible for the people of texas. good for him. we need people of new york. stuart: allow me to disagree with lauren simonetti representfully and quietly. lauren: the people of new york would be sympathetic to them because we see and feel what it's like to pay for migrants. stuart: i would agree with that. lauren: we did it. stuart: the white house has a plan to pay for 500,000ev chargers and the experts aren walleying that won't be enough. jeff flock has the report. remember, jeff just went on the ev road trip. boston plans to put migrants in former housing facility for veterans. meanwhile hundreds of vets on the streets every night and find out how the residents there are responding to that. that's next. ♪
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stuart: dow down 400 and nasdaq down 200 and interest rates are rising. mike murphy is with me. i want the story behind planet fitness. >> it's been one of the best performing fitness studios out of covid and they got it right and have a low entry, it's not a lot of money, people sign up and
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use the gym. however, a few would he bees ago somebody filmed in a locker room a woman -- women's locker room filmed a biological man dressing in the locker room and sent to planet fitness to complain and the company took away her membership because she videoed someone in the bathroom. so a lot of people got together and the company said we support anyone using whatever restroom they feel comfortable with. boycott came and stock got hit. as high as 85 last year and recent stilloff from the -- selloff from upper 60s down to the 50s. the company hasn't figured out the problem and haven't come out and said where they stand on it. short of saying that they support you to decide which bathroom you want to go in. a lot of peep aren't comfortable with that and they've been pulling their memberships. stuart: think the stock could go up? >> well, i think if the company similar to the bud light
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situation and comes out and makes people comfort to believe use their facilities, the stock will go up because it's always been a very well-run business and if not, they have real problems. stuart: got it. tesla, you like them over 165? >> i do. you saw the delivery numbers over 400,000 and wall sprite expecting a lot more and stock sold off. i think this is more of a total story on herbs vs and car sales in general, not tesla specific. but this is a key level here for tesla. i own tesla, and i own a tesla, but down here in the mid 160s, there's a lot of upside if elon musk can get this story corrected. he needs to move quickly. stuart: he does indeed. mike, thank you. now this, boston will house migmigrants in the vacant facily that used to house veterans. what's going on in boston with this? what's the reaction? >> well, there's some outrage,
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but when it. co-s to veteran's issue particularly, it's a place and no veterans are getting moved and it's a building slated for demolition and a parking lot is planned thereafter. so no veterans are getting moved in the situation, but points to the dire crisis the state has that it has to put migrants from overflowing shelters into an old dilapidated building. stuart: it's not a serious issue at this moment because they're veterans. got it. you have an op ed, "unhappy with trump, unhappy with biden". you spoke with nikki haley supporters. who are they voting for in november? >> nikki haley supporters are still making up their minds, and that's across all martys. i think when you're looking at a group of independents, republicans, and democrats, this spell as disaster. peep want to say this spells disaster for tram and spell as disaster for biden and the biden
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campaign will have to do a lot of work to win over those democrats that went for nikki haley because some were saying this is a protest vote but when i spoke at the polls or called those same new hampshire voters up last week to report this piece, they're still saying they're unhappy with biden. they might have rather voted for nikki haley or somebody else. they look at border and name the president's age as issues and they're not happy with the way the country is running. that's the problem for the president. stuart: how many people do you think would stay home because they don't like either trump or biden? >> i think that's become ago really big problem. this election is usually in competition to gain voters and this will be one to keep them and both parties gear up for really big turnout efforts, and i think the biden administration in particular, that campaign has a really big problem and the young voters do that leg work for them unhappy whether gaza or different climate issues and the uphill battle will be for the
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biden campaign to ask the people doing that campaigning and people that turnout in big numbers for democrats to come out again when they're deeply unhappy on all sides. stuart: i'm going to throw this at you, if the election were today, in the city of boston, who wins trump or biden? >> well, i think that biden will win in boston, but i'm not so sure in other swing states like pennsylvania and michigan, when he flipped in 2020. polls show she's tied or trailing in those states so boston is kind of a lost cause for the republicans i would say right now and maybe in the future. but it's those swing states that he really needs. stuart: it'll be a sensation at bos don globe, would it not, if trump won boston. that is a sensation. karine, thank you for joining us. see you soon. >> thanks for having me on. stuart: sure. donald trump just posted the $175 million bond for his new york civil fraud case. lydia hu follows the story. obvious question, what happens next. >> yeah, stuart, this bond means
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trump's assets are protected from seizure by new york state's attorney general letitia james while his appeal moves forward. he's challenging this decision by judge arthur engoron that found him liable for fraud and trump posted on truth sociality just posted a $175 million bond with the sadly failing and very troubled state of new york based on a corrupt judge and a attorney general who used a tat coauthor that was never used for this before". the $175 million bond is less than half of the $454 million that was originally required and then reduced by an appellate court last week. knight insurance group is underwriting the bond and i spoke with the chairman of the insurance cheap. he said he reached out to trump's team to offer his help adding that he'd offer a bond to anyone that need it had, but he's happy his business is serving the former president. watch. >> for us it's easy to do.
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it's what we do. we wanted a opportunity to expand our business, and we feel the cause justifies it. i wish politics weren't involved with this, but i had a chance to weigh the pros and cons and i think i'm doing the right thing. >> he told me that the former president secured the bond with all cash. now we have to remember that if trump does not win on appeal, he'll be forced to pay the full amount of judgment and nearly half a billion and appellate court wants oral arguments on that in september and lawyers say a decision could come as soon as 4-6 weeks after that and right in time for presidential election. stuart. stuart: all in the timing. thank you, lydia. california's new minimum wage law could cost some franchise owners nearly a half million dollars. we'll ask one how he plans to make up for the losses. and vermont joins hawaii in trying to make i'll companies liable for climate change. how do you calculate how much the companies might owe? we'll try to dig into it.
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stuart: this just in, president biden is china's president xi jinping just held their first phone call since is up mitt in california back in november. they discussed taiwan, artificial intelligence, fentanyl and security issues. that's all we know. more coming later i'm sure. it's been two years since president biden dedicated $5 billion to ev infrastructure projects. jeff glock joining me from a charging site in pennsylvania. how much charging stations built so far with that $5 billion? reporter: the norman seven. seven charging stations and the goal was maybe 500,000 by 2030,
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but they've got seven so far. there's plans for a lot more. i am at a wawa station, gas station here in philadelphia supporter bernards healthcares. they have been -- subbernards healthcares and they've been a-- suburbs and approved $737,000 for part of that program to build electric vehicle chargers. unfortunately as you see at the gas pumps, they've not built anything yet and that's emblematic of the way the program has gone. four states now have a federally funded ev charging station, only four states. here are the numbers on the program, $500 billion and separate for $2.5 billion, $federal government pays 80% and partners pay two. who are they -- 20. who are they partnering with? wawa and charging networks like ev go and charging electric vehicle manufacturers like tesla as well as gas stations, bp,
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pilot, love's, all those. here in pennsylvania, here are the numbers. 171 million allocated over five years, $34 million allocated and 55 projects. why are they not built, mr. varney asks? what's taking them so damn long? number one, good reasons. everything made in the u.s., all the infrastructure made in the u.s. and fast chargers and near an express way and regulations like diversity and equity in awarding contracts and getting hooked up to the grid takes time. i leave with with this, mr. varney, most people that don't have ev in addition to the cost and biggest reason is the lack of chargers. and that's a valid thing, when you're switching from the horse and buggy to gas-powered model t, you complained as i recall there weren't enough gas stations out there. you said i like my horse. he can eat grass by the road, he
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can drink out of the river. why do i need a gas station? but then you got an f-150 and changed were mind. stuart: that was very funny, jeff. that was a good ad lib at the moment. i'm moving on because i have no response to that . i'm not as old as you think or i look. what did you say? i'm not as old as i look. lauren: not at all. stuart: murphy is still with us for heaven's sake. if you're investing in electric vehicle, you're investing in the vehicle maker like tesla or charging stations or infrastructure. would you do any of that? >> tesla, yes, because i have one but when you talk about smaller ev makers, i think it's really hard to see if they're going to be able to make it. it's very expensive and tesla proved they're the biggest and best and not worried about ford or gm or older car companies.
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i think tesla will get it right and they've proven that. sorry, lauren. lauren: finish your thought, i was just asking a question that he asked earlier, do you see consolidation in the industry now? maybe some of the detroit three buy up these smaller players for evs? >> maybe, but i think the detroit, the big three, they've proven they can't make money and buy up some of the smaller companies losing more money and i don't know how that helps them. as far as chargers go, really hard to make money. it's a great idea and they'll be out there but making money is a completely different story. i'd say stay away. stuart: got t mike murphy, thank you. city of honolulu, hawaii, sued major energy comp companies and they're accused of lying to consumers about impact on global warming. honolulu wants the companies caused by climate change. the montana attorney general is austin knudsen and joins me now. you're among the group of 20 attorneys general and want the
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companies to step in. what do you want the supremes to do? >> we want them to strike this down on federalism ground, which is the correct stance here, stuart. hawaii doesn't get to step in and dictate to other state what is the emergency policy is. long standing case law, federal case law, this is interstate commerce 101. this is novel but we've been seeing these kind of lawsuits for the past couple years with extremely liberal states trying to step in, use their state statutes, and dictate to other states via their own civil courts and that's exactly what they're doing here. they're trying to use public knuisance law, which we've seen the left try to weaponnize in the last few years, and it's wholly improper. hawaii doesn't get to deck indicate to montana what our -- dictate to montana what our energy policy is. i'm glad it's warm and tropical in hawaii but it's not always in
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montana. stuart: doesn't california impose mileage standards on cars which are inevitably implemented by other state s? >> that's a very similar argument and that's what we've seen coming out of california, not just in mileage but in cafe standards and we've seen california now trying to step in and regulate the livestock industry by trying to dictate the conditions the animal haves to be kept in in california and in other states. that's a real similar argument and dangerous. once you let one state dictate to another, you're really asking the court to turn on its ear, 200 years of precedence here. stuart: you have a good chance of winning it at the supreme court in they take the case? >> i do. i mean, there is a number of cases that are very similar to this.
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clean water cases and again, very similar fact patterns where one state tried to dictate to neighboring states using their state laws, and they've gotten struck down, stuart. i think hawaii knows better here, but i think they're trying to pander to extremely liberal base in that state, and i think they're in trouble here. stuart: attorney general austin knudsen, great state of montana. thanks for joining us sir. always appreciate it. >> enjoy that cart and buggy. i like that one. stuart: nice one, sir. nice one. i'll move on. another state wants to punish fossil fuel companies for climate state, which one? lauren: vermont. because of bernie sanders and they're proposing a bill that requires fossil fuel companies to pay for the environmental damage they cause, everything from flooding downed power lines, damaged crops. so the thinking is you punish the polluter but how do you prove that? put ago dollar figure on what you might have helped cause?
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the state is commissioning a report to figure out the cost from greenhouse gas causes from january 1995 to december 13th of 2024 and they want that report in two years time. stuart: punishing companies because of the weather. what do you have, mike? >> that eric go -- if they're going to do that, the fossil fuel companies could say anyone try driving to work in their cars we want a portion of their profits because they wouldn't make it without us. stuart: exactly. time for a look at the markets. i get a sense there's a lot of selling. four winners and 26 losers and dow down 466 po points and 39,1. california's new minimum wage for fast food chains in full effect. my next guest run as number of franchises in that state. how's he dealing with the increased cost? we'll ask him, he's next. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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stuart: the red ink is still there.
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down 470 on the dow now and down 212 on the nasdaq. the reason: higher interest rates. that's the yield on 10-year treasury moving up 436. not up that much but it's up. investors don't like that. california rolled out $20 per hour minimum wage for fast food workers and i'm joined by alex johnson and operates five auntie anne's and five cinnabon's in california. >> yeah, the increase in wage rate costing me $470,000 so about $50 per location. stuart: are you going to cut any positions because of this? >> we're, you know, everything is on the table right now. we're looking at raising prices right now and something i don't to want co. we've had to raise them several times over the past couple of years because of covid-induced early intervention program fellation. we're seeing our sales -- inflation and seeing sales and traffic decline.
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it's not a good time to have to do this, but we're not back filling positions so as people move on in their careers, our employees and we're not refilling those positions. ultimately myself, i'm not growing anymore in this state or expanding any new locations and i'm actually doing a different franchise in nevada and that's where i'm taking those new jobs versus california. stuart: why are we not surprised. why i would wrong saying under this new rule, someone, a teenager, 17, 18 years old, maybe 16 years old, a calendar hand earning over $30,000 a year. is that accurate? >> that's correct. stuart: they could earn $40,000 a year, 16 years old serving bergeres across the counter, $40,000. >> yeah, with the new fast food council established under this law they have the power to take the wage even higher, and i believe they're already in talks to do so this january. stuart: when they know the impact on the area, the business, and employment, why
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would they do that? pure politics? >> you know, i don't know. all i know is that, you know, my business, we have a very finite set of economic conditions that need to be met for us to make money. this bill cast doubt onto whether we can continue in this state. like i said, i've already started to, you know, invest in the neighboring state of nevada where there just isn't so much regulation, isn't so many oodifferent types of people telling you how to run your business. stuart: alex, may i suggest you make a real change and go to naples, florida, it's a wide open place and it's full of money. it's a great place to do business. just a suggestion. alex, thank you very much for being on the show today. you pointed out exactly how it is and that's what we want. thank you very much, sir. >> thanks for having me. stuart: you got it. here it is, the tuesday trivia question, well, good one: which year did alice ramsey become the first woman to drive across the
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nuance? 1901, 1909, 1916 or 1922? the answer when we come back. .. morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... -alligator. are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
11:57 am
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stuart: i'm convinced i know the correct answer but which
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you did alex ramsey become the 1 woman to drive across the united states. i know what i'm going to say and i am sure i am right. >> i will say number 3. stuart: you are totally wrong. it was 1909 and i will tell you why i am sure. alice ramsey was 22 years old when she left new york on june 9th when two sisters in law and a friend drove over 59 days on august 7th, she took the trip as part of a sponsorship to prove that durability of their cars. that is really cool. thanks for being with us for the hour. and coast-to-coast starts now.


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