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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 3, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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a pretty good living fighting fires because you can. but the truth is, of all the firefighters i know, and i know a few, none of them are in it for the money. they do it because they feel called to do it. right now there are a million men and women fighting fires in america. that's career, volunteer, and paid per call. but their numbers decline every single year, and fire seasons get worse every single year. so the need for more firefighters is clear and present. if you feel the call, if you think you got the right stuff, check out the many opportunities at in the meantime, big thanks to everybody over there at grayback forestry. you guys are the best. thanks for doing what you do. be careful out there. and we'll see you next week. larry: hello, folks. welcome to "kudlow."
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i'm larry kudlow. i markets selling of'mf big to i day, maybe because we're not going to see another rate cut in my lifetime. we'll see. oil prices surging, gold surging, commodity indexes surging. sewe haveie senator kevin cramee have our own taylor rigs, most importantly, and we also have steve moore they're going to weigh in on this story and joe biden's ev farce. we have a great you day for dond trump, he posted his $175 million bond in new york, planning a huge grass roots fundraiser, maybe madison square garden, maybe yankee stadium, maybe both ander a band-aid for joe biden, losing support among young voters, minorities and suburban women. we have kellyanne conway fore. that. and mark levine will ask why joe biden is asking israel to stop
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dealing with iran an and alec le on why biden is the real threatn to our democracy this november. first, a quick update on the stock market from our expert, gerri willis. there were no bears, now maybe thers e are a couple. >> we havereat you few bears. it was a selloff for stocks as markets weighed the outlook for a fed rate cut. bond yields climbed. the dow down 395 points, s&p down 37, as you can see, theup nasdaqda down 156. big tech and healthcare leading the way lower. but it was an economic report issued yesterday tha that led to to's selloff, a survey of purchasing managers, indicating a more robust economy than traders thought and dashing expectations for early and frequent rate cuts. the futures market pricing in 59% chance for a rate cut in june, that is down. bond yields jumped, the 10 year
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treasury yield topping 4.4%d while the two year soared abover 4.7%. crude oil cracking $85 a barrel, hitting to highest levels since october. if you're lookinl g for good ne, shares of trump's media company. djt rising 6% after a selloff yesterday. larry. larry: how about that. gerri willis, thank you ever so much. we appreciate it. for more on this, let's bring in our big money co-host, taylor rigs, steve moore and kevin youn cramer. thank you all for coming back on. we appreciate it. let me talk to the person in the building that probably understands the market best, and that is the great taylor rigs. taylor, by the way, i dhiengt we're going toco have a -- i dot think we're going to have a rate cut this year. that's my view. i think markets are pricing it wrong. what's interesting is open market rates, the bond is up, 10
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year up to 440, that's a lot and then you've got commodity booming, crb, gold booming, oil, west texas 8 85 but brent almost 90 buckst . you've got inflationary signs flirting around. what do you make of it. >> and a decent economy as well. usually when there's an equity market selloff, you think flight to quality. but today was the exact opposite. yields are opp rising. it's all about the rate cuts or maybe not rate cuts like we've been talking about. m soay they came out and said a he risk is cutting rates too soon because it could restoke some of the big inflationary measures that are under hug way. i think inflation is a big issue. larry: kevin orr said it rather well on the show last week.
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too much fed wrapping. wrap --t fed yaping. do we need to hear what the futures market is saying. it's been wrong for the last 100 years. we don't act too soon but, c, there's no rate -- really?pi is thereng any value added fromo what she w said. really? >> jay powell was asked this question on friday. it was good friday and the markets were closed. they said are you too transparent? he said i don't think so. they like coming out and doing these talks. but i think you're right, sometimes it can be confusing. what is good about this fed speak, the markets came into the year asking, begging for six rate cuts and at least now finally they're looking at two and-a-half rate cuts so they're getting moread in line with what the fed has said. la.larry: never seen it happen. kevin cramer, you know somethinb about oil coming up from north
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dakota. we're seeing a pretty big rally, the best sinces december, i think, or even further back, october.the west texas, yes. brent crude, yes. what do you make of that? what's going on here? >> well, what's happening is really it gets to the point of what's making this inflation so sticky. energyk so prices, high energybe prices will add to the inflation of everything we grow, produce, manufacture, move from one place to another place whether receiving it or whether you're sending it to another market. what's happening is this is the direct f result of bad publict policy. the federa2 l reserve cannot fix bad energy policy.y: so you're seeing growing demand around the world. you're seeing a shrinkingo supply, even though thhee united states by the way as you probably noticed had a record production month, but larry, at that it's still probably two, three, 4 million below what it should be or could be whichig would bring prices down by increasing the supply, meeting
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the global market demand but that wouldn't fit into the everybody should have an electric vehicle in their garage routine that this administration is stuck with so it's a bit o confusing as long as this guy is president. larry: steve moore, c have you got an electric vehicle in your garage? [laughter] >> i'm going to have to get one, because we need a tow truck to take away our cars under these policies. kevin cramer is one of my favorite senators, i'm honored to be on with you, senator. i don't see any signs of falling inflation right now. you went through gold prices up, oil prices up, commodity prices up, bitcoin us up. all a of the alternatives to the dollar are showing rises in value. so i just do not see a case for falling inflation. i wish i did. but i think we're looking at 4 to 5% inflation now at least for the rest of the year and that may be too low. my gosh, look at what happened to the crb index in the last 24i hours, it went up substantially.
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when you have higher commodity prices, kevin cramer's right, that means that's going to filter into consumer prices so somebody show me the case for lower inflation. where isat it, larry? larry: the question cane is go-- thequestion is going to be, gentlemen, senator kramer foror example, i k would argue with te oil prices going up and commodity going up and interest rates going up, et cetera, etcetera, any rate cutting by the fed will be perceived as a deliberate effort, intent toor juicte the economy, to elect -- reelect joe biden. and kevi -- kevin cramer, that d of thinking, that kind of charge, even that kind of appearance would really be very damaging to the federal reserve and that's the reason why they really shouldn't do it unless there's a clear-cut case to lower rates which there isn't as
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steve moore -- we've all agreed, there's no clear cut case.wi senator, the fedll will be diggg their own grave here if they start moving. >> the fed's objective at thise undendr scrutiny. t how's questions abou independent the fed is. i have to you say, all in all, i think jay powell hasn done a pretty gool d job of trying to create a soft landing. i think he's going to come up w short.ilp but you'resh right, the worst outcome for the federal reserve would be to be perceived, because perception can become i reality, as tilting the scales in favor of one side or the other in the next election that's an additional factor for their consideration. larry: taylor, two questions. t important questions, iwo think. one is, i had an instinct today when i looked at the computer screen that these commodity runs might have had something to dove with the tragedy of the
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baltimore bridge and the freighter. but then again, the trend line started way before that.i do so i don't think that explainss it. r thing is, the yield curve is still inverted. i mean, the fed funds rate and the t-bill rate, i'll call it 5 and-a-half percent, more or less, 5 and a quarter, 5 and-a-half and the 10 year is att 4: 440.curv 440 gee whiz, that's a long tim for a yield curve inversion, does that have any meaning at all. >> i'm very excited talking about the yield curve. the inverted yield curve typically is something they use not asno a sign that there is a f aiosion but more o predicter. as you know, it works as a lag. so it inverts and typically six, 12, 18 months later it is a sign that there is recession. but yois au could also note thau get a recession, because it'sen been too t late in cutting ratea
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that's why it's inverted. so i don't know.s i hear from the market p participants that thare twos, ts inversion becomes less helpful the longer we go on. w i think there's structural issues with this economy which are different which is theec reasonon the traditional signals not working this time. larry: i always prefer the three month bill to the 10. >> now yo u sound like jaywe powell. larry: that'sll the new york fo model which byde the way worked for 5 # of or 6 -- 50 or 60 years. it hasn't worked this time. nthe other thing is, the atlana fed gdp tracker model is up to 2.8% for the first quarter. that's almostht 3%. that's not nothing. i mean, it sure ain't a recession. >> loretta messter repeated that today, this economy ised revised a little i a higher, it defies all the logic from all t the economists out there that the economy is healthier than we thought. maybe in part thanks to a consumer who isn't pulling back yet despite the inflationary y
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forces. larry: steve moore, i knoouw you're a big fan of the evs and the ev chargers. joe biden's injected a fortune into these ev chargers,y supposedly, inin the misnamedre inflation reduction act, whatever it was called. my question to you is where alexei navalny thesetion ev chargers? [laughter] >> yeah, i think they built a couple dozen of them with several billion dollars. larry:se couple dozen. >> what happened to all that money? where are the ev chargers. you jokeit you about whether it my i ev. the fascinating thing that's going on in the auto industry ie nobody's buying evs, despite the fact they're showering the industry with money and they're saying you've got to buy thesein things and it'gss almost the moe that biden pushes them on consumers, the more em areth saying give me my old fashioneda gazis car. it's as macing we have oil --h it's amazing we have oil demand
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around the world as high as it'e ever been at a time when all biden has been talking about for the last three years is we've got to stop fossil fuel use. r point. we've had this whole discussion on this show and so many shows about whether the fed will raise interest rates or not. the single most important thing washington can do right now to help this economy and i want senator kramer to listen to this because i know he's on my side on this, cut government spending. larry: that'so list way too ea. that's so easy. that's way too easy of. [laughter] laa morei thought you had creative solution. i think biden is now -- each charger's got a million dollarsl costios a million dollars.r] [laughter] larry: pu t 12 -- the ev model is broken. i'm going to give you the lastlr word on this. >> this has been great, by the way. i woulid rather do this than jut about anything. the model is broken.
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even with big subsidies, only rich people can buy an electric vehicle anped that's not very my people and they don't work in places like north dakota and we don't have adako grid that can o energize them, don't have enouga transmission, don'tit have enoui generation, we're closineng the efficient power plants in the country. it's se o upside down and so screwed up, donald trump can't get in the white house fastfo enough. larry: the whole story is bassk akwardwa if you know what i mea. be sure to catch taylor and brian brenberg and jack i did je deangeles on the big money show right here c on fox business. big wins for former president donald trump today, he posted his 175 million and latishame james ain't going to get hers on hands on any of his cash or businesses or so there you go. deal with it. g madao,m ag. we talk abou it it with kellyane
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conway and a fewe wi others. i'm kudlow. nice to be back. with kellyanne con kaconway and a few others starting a business is never easy, but starting it 8 months pregnant... that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours. hello, ghostbusters. it's doug. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.
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when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dream do come true. xfinity gives you reliable wifi with wall-to-wall coverage on all your devices, even when everyone is online. maybe we'll even get married one day. i wonder what i will be doing? probably still living here with mom and dad. fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. larry: former president donald trump had big wins today, lydia hu has some of the details.
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>>p hehay there, larry. the former president posted his $175 million bond in his new york civil fraud case, that means his assets will be protected from seizure by the new york attorney general while his yoa y appeal moves forwar. he's challenging the underlyinge decision thacit found him liable for fraud. he said on truth he social i just posted the $175 million bond with the sadly failing and very troubled state of new york based on a corrupt judge and attorney general who used the statute that was never used for this before.5 that $175 million bond is less than half of the $454 million that was originally required any reduced by an appellate court last year. knight insurance group is underwriting the bond. i spoke with the chairman of the insurance company. he said he reached out the trump's team to offer help ating
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he would offer the help to anyone but he's happy his business is serving the former president. >> for us, it's easy to do. it's what we do. we wanted an opportunity to expand our business and we feel that the cause justifies it. i had a chance to weigh the pros and cons and i think i'm doinggh the right thing. >> he told me that trump secured the bond with cash and if trump does not win his appeai he will be forced to pay the full amount of the judgment, nearly half a billion dollars. thethe appellate court wantsto arguments in september, the decision could come four to sixa weeks after that, around the time of the presidential election. larry: i don't believe it. thank you ever much. we appreciate it. a couple additional thoughts on all this. donald trump posted his 175 a
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million dollars bond, latisha james mott going to take all his cash or assets or his businesses. that's m iy forecast. mr. trump actually had two big wins in new york courts. one appeals judges knocked down the bond from 454 to 175. second trump posted it and thes trump media stock offering ie believe shows great support for the former president throughout the country,it it was retail investors, not the big brings on wall street -- big boys on wallo street that bought the stock offering. step back and a look at the big, big picture. just a reminder, mr. trump is putting together a new coalitio based on typical working folks and their families who want a pay raise, not a pay cut, whoe o want to close the border, not open it upen to a wave of bidend illegal crime, who want to return to law and order and thed support of the police who c appreciateut mr. trump's first term tax cuts and deregulation
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that contrary to biden's constant untruths by far benefited middle and low income workers the most. the folks work hard, play by the rules, reject the woke culture,r are tiree,d of wash bureaucratsa them how to live, what cars they should drive, what kind of you shower heads, et cetera, et cetera. they favor drill, baby, drill, because they know turning the fossil few spigots back on will reduce prices and increase their take home pay. over half of the voters say t they'rhee worse off compared to 2020e in including young peopled minority voters and they're sict and tired of biden weaknesses and america's declining world standing and can you bet mr. trump will put an end to unfair trading practices by china and others as he defends his america first economy. just today in michigan, mr. trump talked about garnering support from suburban women whon
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want a law and order response ti biden's crime wave, the crime o wave therd democrats continue to ignore, forcing trump to pay hundreds of millions of dollarse take a listen to what he said. >> i'm the only one that has ts put up a bond. you know, i put up a bond. i didn't do anything wrong. i had to put up a bond this morning for $175 million.g foi did nothing wrong. they can shoot somebody, kill somebody and walk out of jail a hour later. do you think that's a fair policy? that's called radical left. larry:ow yesterday, mr. trumpd gave his top day one priorities to the new york post famed columnist, cindy he said close that border and get the prices down. there he goes again. steady as a rock. trump tough.h. building a winning coalition. that's my little take tonight. joining me now, my dear friend kellyanne conway, former counselor to president trump, fox news contributor, author of the very good book, here's thesu
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deal. >> theburb democrats think all e care abouts is abortion, theye had speak toab us from the waist down, donald trump speaks from the waist up, where the eyes, ears, nose, hearts and brains are. would wwomen are worried about m future for their families,t is they're worried about safety right now. it's about the southern border, the crisis at the southern border is in everybody's b backyard. that's why you see akyar rise in also, they seem to be payingyi attention to what'ngs going ontt abroad. they wha know joe biden broughto two wars. the big themes going into november are safety, affordability, security, affordability, fairness is a big one. president trump talked about what was fai, prr and unfair. that's the way people look atis men and women's sports, the wayo they look at the tax code, thee way they look at 8 million people coming here illegally.
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they want to kno w the government is treating everybody fairly.t doesn't meanme equity, equity nonsense, equality of outcomes.k it means equality of opportunity. larry: i think people woke the stuff, and they hate the woke stuff around easter. you know what i'm talking about, it's so phony. > you said something important. you said biden is ignoring thesr crime wave. helped to create it. defund the police in the summer of 2020 is now come canning home to roost. -- coming home to roost. you see the articles out of austin, texas. in austin, they proudly defunded e police, moved $100 million awayolic from policing and into public safety the city council celebrating it is a member of congress h representing theav you have people not to get 911 calls processed in time. li think the shenanigans from 2020 are hurting the democrats now. also on the border, president trump is right b to tell cindy
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adams of the new york post this will be my first priority it's the first priority ofci people in the swing states. it's the ninth year since donals trump elevated the border into the national consciousness and said this will be one of my priorities of, he did that to international ridicule and now he has many non-trump voters saying i agree with you, i'm say going to vote for you. larry: agr we're glad cindyed a dams has gotten -- cindy adams has gotten herself well. trump is doing surprisingly well among young people biden and his ccan't stand it. they're doing voter registration for young people who may be voting for trump. >> a big washington post article talking about how the democrats are conflicted,ar they're arguing y amongstinue testimony selfs whether they want to continue to register people who are nonregistered by party. that used to favor the democrath by 20 points, now it favors them by 2 points. the difference is donald trump.e many will say they're going to
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vote for him. he's up about 15 points from the 33% that he got among young people in 2020. in large part because the economy, safety. if you're oma youny.g person, yu look at joe biden, in addition to feeling you have nothing indt common with him, in addition tom seeingmo his abill he aabilityd acuity this guy thinks he can buy mey off by buying off student loanso how am i going to buy my first home? immigration is the top issue. there are many reasons that young people are not going tog biden. a lot ofpeople them are going tk junior. you look at the five way ballotl rfk junior, jill stein, cornell west, trump and biden, in the fox poll trump's numbers improve in the six swing states and nationally because rfk is there to take votes away from biden and of rfk on fox news this
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morning, fox and friends, said joe biden is a worse threat than donald trump. larry: i know we were kno goinc play that clip later. can we run the clip right now for kellyanne.r here it comes. v unbelievable team. here it comes. here it it's coming. one second. >> here it comes. larry: don't visit. all right. >> that's what he said. and he's, we got family members saying they're going to votey ne against him. what they need to realize isat that young people are going to go to rfk junior for some reasons but they're also going over to president trump and larry, young people, hispanics,, african-americans, women, i just mentioned four groups that trump is doing better than he did in 2020. he doesn't have to get amen,t tr majority of any of of them andin still win. 2 he had has to get -- larry: peel them off. > biden, tell me one thing d biden is doing that will get them back. larry: he's messaging now --
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>> h>>e talks about policy. people want a fighter. it doesn't mean fight with each other, it means fighting ongh behalf of the people. that's what they want.lf o they know he's that way. when they see him in the the courtroom they think he's fighting injustice. c peopleas think it's politically motivated, instead of legally grounded. even if you're offended by this truth social or that tone or this thing, you're going to vote you according to what affects you not what offends you, that's what we do as americans, we vott according to our self interest. why wouldn't you vote for what affects you and your family members. larry: what's biden's messaging. terrible. steal. i don't get it -- stale. i don't get it at all. he has semismart people around him. i think thk e prospectth of dond trump coming tru back and havina second term makes otherwiseke reasonable, intelligent, sane people crazy to the point wherep they say and doio nutty things.
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i don't understand their messaging, i don't understand why they won't do something onue the border to show they're trying.ey instead, heres what they're doing. you talked about people working hard. i'll go one better. they're letting people inbi illegally at thede border. when you arrive, the hardn working people of america see those taking the easy route, they come here, they're allowed to stay.ey they're flying here free of charge. then when they arrive they get clothing, housing, cell phones, cash. this is not just wrong. and unfair. but people look and they say hold on, i'm working super hard and they're taking the easy way and you're rewarding that.rdin and sure, some people come here because they're being persecuted or assaulted but that's not wha we see on the border now. we see a lot of men rushing the fences. larry: thesrushe are young, abe bodied men carrying suitcases. >> we don't know who they are, what they're doing. larry: they're arresting people
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from china. >>n. all over. larry: i've got to get out of here. basically, you're saying trump's on message. >> he's on message. larry: i agree with that. you're the expert. >> i prefer more insights, fewer insults but he's on mess average. he's projecting strength and determination. he's being very, very specific and ssolution oriented about whp first day agenda will be.0 there'exs over 200 executive t orders ready to go. larry: trump. >tough.>> biden weak. larry:gh biden's border crime wave is out of control. president trumenp chompingt ate bit to fix it. plus, joe biden is the reall threat to democracy. t we will play the rfk quote from fox and friends this morning. all of that with batya sargonon and alec lace on set. i'm kudlow. we're available as a podcast. oh, my god, episodes available
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larry: well, now, former president trump slammingr pr bis border blood path in michiganmi today.x ne fox news reporter pea he tear py pressed the white house aboutre it. >> we hadporter a nice chat win kirby in the briefing room as donald trump is starting to call the immigration policy a border blood bathba. i wanted to know what they're doing about the immigration policy here. >> let's get those 1300 get additional border patrol agents down there t 1o do their jobs. >>r everybody in the room knos that the bill you guys keep talking about that's a solution is dead at the moment and -- >> says you.yo doesn't need to beu, dead, does it? >> iist is dead. >> says you. >> the whence the vote. -- when's thevote?
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>> ask speaker johnson that. >> there are real problems atst the border while the bill lang wishes. the chief of border patrol is saying 140,000 got aways if we don't know who w is coming into- the country and we don't know what their intent is, that is a threat. does presidentth biden agree? >> the president absolutely believes thayt along that border we do have significant nationalc security concerns that havure to be met. larry: and he . >> he went on to s they think e u.s. security apparatus that's in place can detect and address any threats that may be coming across the border into theo homeland. the othemelar headline, presided bideenn had an hour and 45 minui conversation with china's xi, the first chat since november. president biden asked him to stopg helping russia in ukraine and they hadha a chat about tiktok, of course the paradox here ins os the biden campaignbe remains on tiktok while thequ
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bideirn white house saying they will sign the bill that requires china to divest interest it ifrr the democrat controlled senate ever brings it up for a vote. larry: do you think chinana buying russian oil is basically financing the russian war effort?ai whicneh in ukraine has engagedu. u.s.s. interest. aneresd secondly, china buying iranian oil is financing iran's war on terrorism including hams on israel, again, against thef interest of the united states. i wondernd ierf he asked china o quit buying oil and violating the sanctions. >>e well, based on everythingas that we know abouted that, i wod say it helps and it helps but we exactly how much depth they went into considering john kirby said the conversatio waans cordial over the hour and5 minutes that they chatted. we don't d know exactly why they felt like they needed to talk
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today. maybe it is some urgent issuehr concerning threats posed beay russia or threats posed by iran that china might have someuenc influence over but y you apparently they're trying to tao once every five months counts. larry: let's bring in alec lace, host of first class fatherhood, podcast, i've got a podcast too. we can podcast together orrnal something. and batya sargon.t the bookto is out today. a picture of it on the full screen. thank you very much. before we get to elitings and ed other things, let's play th robert f kennedy quote about joe biden and democracy. i believe it's coming now. >> president biden has done something that no other p president in history has done
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which is to order media, particularly the social media, facebook, at at twitter, instr google, to censor his political opponents. if you have a president who can censor his political opponents, he has a license for any kind os atrocity, that is a genuine threat to our democracy. larry: he's talking aboutip censorship, clear and simple, and he regards biden as a bigger threat than trump. what did you make of that? >> hrumpe started out by sayingt ong cnn which i think was incredibly powerful. that's not the kind of messaging that the cnn audience usuallyet gets. its. was powerful for him to go into them liberal audience and tell them the way that the other half of americans see the obsession with democracy and whe is the real threat to it. larry:y: it's interesting for kennedy to it runnns directly against joe biden an d the democratic party establishment is in a tizzy thay
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kennedy chose this left wingse woman. do you think and f kennedy wantn to lose and trump to win? >> i think it was an honestye thing fos,r rfk junior to say. i think he does want biden outs ofag there. 20 years ago, rfk junior would be running for office right now, he would be the nominee. he lines up more with then democrat vision ofof the future r the country, not with the maga republicans., so i don't understand anywhere -- i think cnn, if everybody that watched that segment on cnn voted for biden, he would lose maybe 10 voters. i thinink rfk junior is going te pull votes away from buy p den. ti think that's the -- from bin of. i think that's the ultimateou goal. larry: batya, you don't like the elites, do you, you wrote a book, how the elites betrayed america's working men and women. without disagree about that, i'm just curious, what made you>>
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write th ie book? >> it is my view that we are constantly told that this country has never been more polarized since the civil war and that is a fiction.fict i believe, based on research and polling and the year i just j spenust traveling around americ, interviewing working class americans, that much more uniteses us than divides us as americans and that polarization is a totally elite phenomenon. the elites make money and get power off of telling us to hatey our fellow americans, convincing us of this lie, when the truthtt is that most americans are very united, theyth love their felloi american, they don'tca believe o mehating people over something s silly as who you vote for and in politics there's huge consensus that unites working class liberals and working class conservatives. larry:larr i riffed on that ear in the it seems to me the elites embraced woke and typical working class families of any
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color do not. they do not embrace the kind of woketh thaeyt the elites did including the issue ofersi diversity, equity and inclusion. which isis essentially massive u affirmative -- it runs counter to america's ethos that we are a merit based society, not you ,h affirmative action. >> the parents in the country don't care about this stuff. we want our kids to succeed, be happy, be healthy.y no we don't care about this other stuff. we want to go toe to work, raisd families, go on vacation, watch kids play sports and be left alone. they're jamming the agenda downt our throats and it's wakingja parents up and the parentsmm are the underdog in the done you th, they're the ones that will save it in november. larry: the working folks would like a raise, they would liker after inflatioinn wages to go up as they did under trump, aser they've gone down under bidenof and outside of the cultural
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issues and away from foreign policy, i think that's a gigantic issue. give me a raise. >> 100%. larry: you finally -- this is the first thing you and i have agreed on.n. >> oh, no. larry: it's fantastic. [laughter] >> i aagree with everything yot say, larry. larry: that'seryt not good eit. [laughter] larry: that's not good.w alec, they want a raise. >> if you're going to get a raise, inflation's got to come down, otherwise the raise ismo worthless.reer yteverything you see at the stoi iss costing more. bidenomics is crushing familiesh in theat country. that's what will drive thee people to the ballot box and o drivute him out of the office. border is the number u one issun second, is inflation. it's killing the american family. larry: batya, alec -- put the book you tha up one more time. second class, she does not like the elites, i hope i made the cut. coming up, mark levine is asking why israel is the only one even talking about iran. .special ops veteran eric combh
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will weigh in. stay right here on "kudlow." ♪(relaxing music)♪ (♪) (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. larry: the great mark levine saysla the only country talking about iran's terrorism is rail.
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joining us to talk about thatg and maybe some other things,us aaro tn comb, israeli special os veteran. take listen to what mark said on his show this past weekend. >> there' s no reason that biden e funding iran. he doesn't get any votes for that. there's no reason that bidenis n needs to go to the is extent hes going to eviserate the elected government of israel.el there's no reason he pounces on his life long ambition to create a terrorist palestinian state in israel's ancestral homeland that will become an iranian satellita state. it's as ifif h he's taking a mah to the middle east and the state of israel. larry: so prince aaron, first of all, welcome back. secondly, i was very happy to see that israel took out one of these iran generals, maybe the
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top guy or whoever he it speaks to what mark levine was saying and what joe biden never seems to want to do. what do you think? >> i'u thm with us 100%. obviously you and i see eye to eye on exactly what he said. the general that israel took out, it takes months and months, sometimes years to develop the typef of intelligence that isr needed to be able to aattack th. general in syria but they that general was responsible for coordinating all of thoseti attacks beinngg conducted by hezbollah from lebanon andincl including syria and so israel got -- listen, larry, israelcoun survives, the moment they have intel they're going to be h aggressive. they have to.av the othee,r piece which is realy critical is rai israel has to
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preempt. the iman, the internal security service, they've had six months. they'r ne working at lightning speed and a they're working to neutralize the terrorist. that wasn't a knight. ah hathat was a rook. you'll see a lot more of that. larry:sole trump took out out . israel was right to do this. i'm reading in the papers, israel has a completely differenel ht view, this businen abouest a big famine in gaza, they're delivering record amounts of food and humanitarian human tearassesses tans and alln humanitarian assistance. why are we listening to hamas
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numbers, from gaza hospital, whatever it's called. you know it's all bs. >> larry, it's really bizarre what's been happening with the war with hamas in the last six months, in my opinion.n ha in the history of modern war warfare, i've never, ever seen a group like the united nations take methodologies and data from a terrorist organization. this s a decemb designated terrt organization. either they're completely lyingi or theevy have no ability to kep track of actual numbers andmb they're as dumerb as i think thy are as far as what they're going to be able to accomplish in the next year against israel, now that israel is getting tuned upi so it's kind of -- it's laughable at this point. i don't know why the u.n.y continues tobi listen to hamas.t they've got to do the job like we've discussed. they're doing a good job. israel is going to make mistakee but there's 400 trucks sittingtt on the border ready to go.
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larry: aaron comb, the best of the best. thank you, sir. we appreciat e it.h folks, i'll be back with my last word. a new application then developers will have to write code. a lot of code. if an application needs to be modernized then you'll need time, resources... and caffeine. if this sounds daunting then use watsonx code assistant ai designed to multiply developer productivity so you can generate code quickly. let's create a more modern foundation for business, with watsonx code assistant. ibm. let's create.
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larry: that's it for "kudlow." thanks forw, watching, folks. ♪


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