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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 3, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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the bible says and picture commands americans know thou shalt not raise taxes. jackie deangelis and for ms. mcdonald, we will pick up the story from their schenectady link. americans do know not thank you
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so much. i am jackie deangelis and for elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now. president biden former president trump both picking up delegates and last night's primaries new york, connecticut and rhode island the boycott vote against president biden continues to be a problem for the democrat and reporting 47000 voters chose uninstructed delegation in the state democratic primary more than double the margin president biden one wisconsin by in 2020. with me now to discuss the washington times opinion editor and fox news contributor charlie hurt. gop strategist ford o'connell is here with us.
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charlie, what you make of the growing boycott they call it against the current president? >> a real problem for the white house and biden campaign. there is no doubt, obviously you get a little bit of protest anytime even if they've wrapped up the nomination but you have a sitting president getting not just wisconsin but just about every state double digit protest votes and a place like wisconsin which will become a crucial state in the general election ends up being a real problem. i don't think -- they worked very hard to address it from a
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they've come up with no solution for addressing it and i don't know what they're going to come up with in a general face-off with donald trump that will address this problem. >> court, let's wisconsin aside for it head-to-head when we look at the swing states where watching, president trump is leading president biden and six of the seven. >> it's even bigger than that. he's pulling better than at any time in 2016 or even 2020 the reason is simple, the top two issues in the swing states were inflation and the border. i think the numbers could go even higher and charlie makes
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great points about wisconsin. in 2020 joe biden one wisconsin by 20000 votes, it's half of those 50000 voters stay home or vote for donald trump. trump will be the 47th president of the united states. >> charlie, warren brought up the economy and that is top of mind for many voters not only in swing states but across the country. we got new pulling the shows 61% of people say the economy is extremely important when it comes to how they will cast their vote in 2024. 54% of people say when it comes to the economy they trust trump more than the current president to handle things and fix things. >> it is remarkable. we seen a lot of polls easily that suggest immigration might be the top vote, top issues for
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voters but that's interesting and i do think immigration is probably a bigger issue than it normally is but nothing trump the economy. the economy is always the thing elections turn on and when things are bad and feel poor it becomes an even bigger issue. when you go to the economy, gas prices, obscene them as high as they were but they are inching up for you talk about inflation, any of those things or housing prices, all of those things can be tied directly to the policies of the biden administration and it gives an opportunity for a guy like donald trump to make a heyday out of those issues and pin it on joe biden. >> i'm glad you brought up in gratian because that's probably a close second if not intertwined in some ways with the economy as a result of an open southern border in this
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country states are literally bleeding money in the federal government funding money in the trillions from of money we basically don't have as a country so ford, there are a lot of people would say open border, not just economic problems, it's crime in this country and they are worried about the country's future when president trump was in office, you had a closer seven border, remain in mexico policy and we were prospering. >> that's exactly right. when president trump was in office, 45 year low in terms of the rate of illegal immigration and the reason he's leading by 20 points about the economy and illegal immigration is because he delivered results. this election is simple for donald trump, things were great under me, things were terrible under joe biden, elect me back to the white house and things will be good again. that is message. if he delivers at home, will be the 47th president of the united states the first time in my lifetime we got to people who
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have a proven track record and voters can actually say i lived that at one time than the other or vice versa and they can use that to decide. thank you so much. drink this, record number of voters think taxes they are paying are too high. a new pool binding 64% of americans say their taxes are too high, nearly 10% jump from 2019. there's no end in sight for president biden's rampant government spending which we just talked about. joining me to discuss, wall street pro and author of you own nothing, carol roth. your reaction to the new pool and how people will react when they go to the polls thinking president biden just wants to
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continue to hike my taxes so he can spend more. >> i haven't seen many people walking around with vaccinate t-shirts at any time but certainly not of late. i'd like meet these people because i'm sure they are the same even if they think they panel taxes and you are not paying enough taxes. i think there's going to be even more uncertainty down the pike because we have key provisions of the trump tax cuts expiring in 2025 including individual visions and past provisions so whatever you think, if you think you're paying too much now, you probably are going to be paying even more down the road and with people struggling to pay for basic food and housing, the last thing they want to do is give money to the government.
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>> founder and ceo of said o'clock famous on wall street, he is concerned about the national debt as well. let me read you a statement, as we have cautioned over the past year urging u.s. public debt is a growing concern that cannot be overlooked. for example congressional budget office estimates net interest will reach 3.1% of gdp in 2023, full percentage.higher than average from 197422023. that says a lot. >> assess everything and you can add to a list that includes cbo, the fed, imf, treasury jamie diamond, shorter for me to list the people who don't think we have a massive debt crisis under severe pressure. the reality is we cannot continue to operate debt to gdp at 120 +%, we cannot have deficit six, seven, 8% plus gdp,
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30s to be a bipartisan wake up call because we are barreling toward the end of this fiscal cliff and go over the edge, it's care if you're democrat or republican or independent, it's going to impact everybody so we have to wake up and realize it's an issue and somebody needs to have the fortitude to make sure we get more growth and cut many and don't keep printing money that eats up purchasing power. >> whenever i talk to people, i ask about tax and spending and what they think of what they are seeing right now, most people understand obligation to pay taxes, they don't have a pro problem, they would even agree to the levels we are at or slightly higher, they felt the money was put toward a good cause, used properly and in the right way but they all say not only federally by this administration but a lot of these blue states worry all live, the funds are being mismanaged and that's why they are so against any tax increase. >> absolutely, what are you getting for your taxes you feel safe and secure when we have a border of people coming over the border committing crimes waiting drugs into the country? are you happy with the infrastructure, inflation eating up the purchasing power?
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why would you be happy with the way things are being spent on these are the result produced? i agree if there's a great management going on and everybody felt everything was moving on all cylinders, perhaps there would be a different discussion to be had but we know the reality, dollars are more productive in the hands of individuals and in the hands of essential planners so that will never happen. we want people to keep more of the money they earn. >> i'm not going to play the sound the president trump says he's ready to get on the debate stage with president biden, i will because handlers were ever let him do that, got the appropriate place to have these conversations and defend his policies but mark my words, we are not going to see it. wed thank you so much, good to see you.onol between a street of illegal migrants committing crimes, the impeachment trial and growing m concerns that terrorists are be too little, too late for the biden campaign to play the blame game and flip the script about the border crisis. national border patrol council n judge will
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break this down next on "then evening edit". evening edit". ♪am empower. what's next. (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®.
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she shoots from here? that's kinda my thing.
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welcome back, border crisis center stage on the campaign trail, biden administration's own border patrol chief now calling the southern border a national security threat, that is a quote. former president trump calling it quote biden's border, bloodbath. peter doocy live at the white house for us with mark on how the two candidates are messaging around the border crisis. hi, peter. >> donald trump wants to make the board of the number one issue of this election trying to get president biden and his allies to take debate with lines like this. >> sending prisoners, murderers, mental patients and terrace, the worst they have another country, all over the world not just in
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south america. they are coming from the congo, yemen, somalia, syria, all over the world. >> is reason trump wants to draw biden into a border back-and-forth, president biden has twice as many people disapproving his job on the border as approving. >> is the person in charge of presenting -- preventing a terrace attack at home, does president biden think border crossers could be in the united states right now -- >> the president is confident throughout the agency intelligence community, we are doing everything we able to to instruct the safety and security of american people here at home. >> the warning from the head of the border patrol recently was if we don't know who's coming into our country and we don't know their intent, it's a
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threat. the white house was well aware, just unclear based on what admiral kirby said president biden put in place new security protocols for they will just rely on post- 9/11 policies in place for years. >> great reporting as always, thank you so much. donald trump busy on the campaign trail this week, he hit two battleground states yesterday repeatedly going after biden's border crisis and pointing a new name for it. >> i stand before you today to declare joe biden's border bloodbath and that's what it is, it bloodbath. they tried to use that term incorrectly on meat two weeks ago, that's all they do. cheat on elections and disinformation, misinformation closely related, those two words but they basically mean it's all
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talk but a border bloodbath destroying our country. it's a bad thing happening. it's going to and on the day i take office which will be january 20. >> let's welcome to the show national border patrol council, president brandon judd, it's always great to have you. thank you for being here. you got the rnc watching, biden bloodbath, they are trying to aim and target to explain to people and highlight crimes committed by migrants under the biden administration. the website shows data for these battleground states, he was in michigan as well, the former president addressing a murder that occurred there that many people are up in arms about
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saying how many times does this have to happen before we do something to affect change in this country? >> makes me sick about everything is when you hear people say illegal immigrants don't commit as many crimes is what the united people for violating our laws. as long as you do that, they will continue to come. >> there's something interesting happening in florida right now, you've got the administration quietly shipping 300,000 migrants making them desantis problem, he's up in arms about it and essentially he's saying
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it's a program that doesn't give states any kind of notice. they did it in the beginning, two when they were trying to get the migrants out from a they did it at night and nobody saw it coming and they are trying to in my view, attacked florida because that's a state the democrat want so bringing migrants in, it could potentially help their cause but they want to take florida down off its pedestal because it's a microcosm that is the bane of their existence right now. >> anytime you have a governor willing to push back against the administration, you will see the administration act and that is what they are doing, sending more of these people through the cb one temporal program, sending them to florida so of course they are thinking that will put
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pressure on desantis. i believe that is going to backfire. i think desantis will show what's happening. this is a bait and switch, they recognize that they parole people in, they have less people crossing our borders illegally but still amounts to the same thing. it amounts to people who do not have a right to be here in the united states that are here in on the backend on top of that, they're never being removed so look at these 8 million people joe biden released into our country, they are never going anywhere because is not near enough resources to go after them and then on top of that when you look at the known getaways we are talking about another 2 million people so 10 million people just biden has been in office and these people
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are going anywhere and he knows that so in florida where desantis has the resources to push back, i think everything biden is doing will backfire on him. >> it will be interesting to see what his responses, everyone saying about governor desantis and his run in 2024 for the nomination on the gop side, he's done a great job in florida, many people agree. thank you so much, wait to see you tonight. >> thank you, appreciate it. >> former d.c. police detective ted williams, new york residents outraged after six of the eight migrants arrested last week in the bronx suspected of swatting with guns and drugs in the basement of a home work released without bail plus congressman dan from the house foreign affairs committee, gop lawmakers raising renewed concerns about china's chokehold on u.s. technology. all of this next on "the evening edit". ♪ it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out. and check in.
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this place is like a family to us now. like, i can't say enough how grateful we are to be here. medical bills are always a big thing to everybody because everybody knows that anything medical is going to be expensive. we have received no bills since being at st. jude. we have paid for nothing. marlo thomas: thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment that these kids need now and in the future. join with your credit or debit card right now, and we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. tiffany: anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they
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are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. [music playing]
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tik tok has been in the spotlight for national security concerns as critics warned that china companies are infiltrating the u.s. tech world. hillary bonnett as of the white house with the latest. >> good evening. they aren't stopping with tik tok. there's a sister app called lemon aid pushed by white dance, tik tok parent company, instagram, cap and could be the backup plan if tik tok was band.
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they're paying influencers to promote lemonade on tik tok to boost users in the u.s. and president biden brought up tik tok to president xi jinping when i chatted on the phone yest yesterday. >> tik tok did come up was raised on a call with president xi jinping it is important. there's a real threat for these services so operating in the united states put at risk americans personal information and broader national security. he's been very clear about that including manipulation. >> tik tok is the tip of the iceberg. the report shows chinese hardware is infiltrating corporate networks in the number of chinese internet connected devices in the u.s. surged by 41% in the past year. the chinese government could coerce manufacturers to spy on american businesses and users on these systems but china is brushing off concerns, the chinese government spokesperson saying after the phone call, the u.s. is adamant on containing china's high-tech development depriving china of legitimate
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right to development. china is not going to sit back and watch so clearly china stop trying to play nice and sweet talk their way out of band. >> thank you so much for that report. joining me now from house foreign affairs congressman dan weezer, it's great to have you. a report we got coming as the president joe biden held a call with chinese president xi jinping at there are accounts on both sides have a call with but do you trust this president to adequately address the issues that he needs to address with the chinese president on a call like this? >> of course we want to trust our present as you stated, there are two stories coming up. the amount of context from our side is limited unfortunately. the biden administration released the information from the call then perhaps we can
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gain more trust but there are reports that biden downplayed the whole tik tok legislation passed and stated we are not going to ban it, we need you to understand you need to have american investors. it sounded as if the president was defensive and what i've read thus far, i'm hoping they can release more information so we can see the president stood up for america's interest and at the same time respected a superpower when we have a tremendous amount of trade taking place. you can't have both, we can be respected and also deliver respect.
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>> your colleague former congressman made some pretty bold statements about decoupling from china. >> we need to decouple away from china. it may be painful but we need to. every dollar we sent to china will be used against america and american interests so let's stop funding our own doom, we need to get serious about it and for china says we are somehow
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stifling third development, they could develop all they want o'clock we just don't have to buy it. >> it's interesting because it seems like even when it comes ae call. they sent planes overhead just as taiwan had an awful earthquake so we have to deal from the position of strength and how you do that is being the most competitive economy in the world. we are decentralized economy, china is centralized, the wallace showing. look at the markets, the trust american business, the american economy if they don't trust the
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chinese economy so therefore we have to allow our economy to be unleashed and the biden administration is doing the opposite by talking of tax increases and billions of dollars of regulations and all the other rules impeding our ability to compete so when president trump instituted tariffs, the goal was to gain 0% tariffs and reciprocity. the biden administration's goal is to tariffs to protect the american economy from a more competitive chinese about doesn't nice agents came
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in and arrested three individuals we presume are among six migrant squatters released without bail over the last week. a man and woman were taken into custody in front of our cameras. another man arrested lives on air. ice officers old these three from the homes were eight migrant waters were arrested on multiple gun and drug charges. nypd said they did not cooperate with ice because they are not allowed to buy city law because it's a sanctuary city. two hours before ice officers showed up and made the arrest,
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we spoke to 24-year-old hector, one of the six migrant squatters released without bail despite the fact that he previously placed an attempted murder charge. i asked him in spanish he was leaving, still living in the basement. he said he was moving out and said he was tricked into living there. this started last week when nypd said he ran away from police with a loaded gun officers chased him into the bronx apartment. they came back with a search warrant to find work guns, two bags of ketamine and down on squatters laws in general but you got that here combined with migrant squatters on top of it, we're talking the home where
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they found guns and drugs yet they get out without bail. >> it is shocking. i don't know whether these are migrants illegally or legally here in the country but at some time or another we do know they came in contact with a criminal justice system, a system where they found guns and drugs in the house in which they occupied as squatters. let me back up and tell you about the squatters laws in new york. if you are within the home for over 30 days, he become a tenant. then you have to go to court to get the tenant out of the house. if they stay there for ten years
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or something called adverse possession and the law, they could occupy the place forever but these migrants, they were arrested yet you would have thought they would have been deported. they were not, they were allowed to come back into the home. unbelievable. >> new york mayor adams city council, we are sanctuary city they cannot work with ice to do that which is amazing when the laws are not working in the best interest of the citizens of the united states but we are waiting for mayor adams to try to change something. he loves to blame city council and say it's their fault despite the fact that we got new statistics released on how bad crime is an hour city, he says it's a perception problem. we are not stupid, it's not a perception problem. >> perception es. just think about it. all you have to do in new york all around the country is cut your television on and you can see people assaulted in new york. people pushed in front of subway cars and new york.
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people robbed in new york. perception? bs. it is not perception, it's what people see with their eyes or mayor adams needs to get his head out of the sand and realize it's more than perception, it's clearly real. >> you are as outraged as i am but this is what the mayor has to say when it comes to karen. >> we know the biggest challenge we are facing, three areas. recidivism, recidivism, recidivism. too many bad people doing bad things to good people in the city and they believe they have the right. small number of people are committing a large number of crimes. >> real quick, if recidivism is the problem and why do you let people out without fail? >> you have asked the $64000 question because what the man
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needs to understand is the bail reform act in new york is off the chart outrageous. the law makers in new york need to change bail reform clause. recidivism, recidivism, you are right but laws need to change and you need to lock him up and keep them in jail. >> ted williams, great to see you. i wish we were talking about that of things but we appreciate your insight. former energy secretary rick perry because we are watching oil prices sitting at the highest level so far this year. opec plus members, the latest policy meeting earlier today, autonomous warn drivers to be had for the $4 a gallon number at the pump this summer but first, they can and sean to see what they've got coming up on the bottom line. >> thank you so much, appreciate that.
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joe biden says corporations need to pay their fair share but what about wind and solar? stephen moore on that as well as a new study saying if you want to retire, $1.46 million. how do you do that? we have dave ramsey to discuss the muck we have a group of democrats taking aim at republican doctors in congress on abortion trying to put the on the ballot because that's all the democrats have got. congresswoman area is here and chad wolf on the sgt. migrants apprehended at the border. sixty-three 100% fiscal year 2021. oh the danger. top of the hour.
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welcome back to "the evening edit". joining me now, former u.s. energy secretary rick perry. gas literally around the world, but i'm more concerned about than just the price of gasoline going up because of demand in the united states and that is with all of the challenges we have in the middle east particularly with iran, you get the straight locks, 20% of all energy in the world goes through that narrow waterway. that could drive the cost of fuel through the roof literally
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on about like that. we shouldn't put contingencies in place, he would think this administration would understand that. president trump certainly understood, he helped make us energy independent drill baby drill, it's winter, blow, wind and let the sun shine, reasonable additions and alternatives but they are not 24/7. you need to incentivize what you want more of. sending the messages to shut
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down drilling in the united states, we will not send lng out-of-court and not allow -- is not only the wrong message the wrong policy. >> they drained the fpr and never will did up so here we a are. at the same claim the lead. >> he said that yesterday but it brings us to talk about green energy which is what this administration is focused on. here in the united states we've not been able to figure out how to build the for perfect electric vehicle.
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consumers don't want them, they have completely rebelled against the green movement here while china is eating our lunch yet they go around and keep trying to push this as we move forward. >> pete pipedream may be for everybody to have an electric car but you are correct, americans are not falling into the trap if you will and one of the reasons is because we don't have the infrastructure in pl place. desire by the masses out there to buy them and we don't have the infrastructure in place.
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both of those i will suggest will have a negative effect on pete buttigieg vision to the future. >> they are used to make them so when you look at the big teacher, it doesn't take sense. rick perry, thank you for being here. >> good to be with you in the rise and fall of di secretary of state antony blinken appointing a new chief of diversity and inclusion officer at the state department. a growing number of companies are stepping away from these
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kinds of programs. kinds of programs. fox news contributor joe will break that down next on "the evening edit". ♪ ava: i was just feeling sick. and it was the worst day. mom was crying. i was sad. colton: i was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. brett: once we got the first initial hit, it was just straight tears, sickness in your stomach, just don't want to get up out of bed. joe: there's always that saying, well, you've got to look on the bright side of things. tell me what the bright side of childhood cancer is. lakesha: it's a long road. it's hard. but saint jude has gotten us through it.
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that is what blinken said, your reaction to this? i think people have had enough of di but that's just me. >> it is not just you. we'll get to that in a moment. here i thought april fools' day was on monday. now we hear this from the head of the state department. you would think by now antony blinken would realize de i is a failed social experiment. corporate america is running away from these in droves at this point. cnbc pull out recently 30% approval a disapproval. identity politics. to advance nestle security." keep your eye on what is important. the world is on fire it seems mr. blinken this is a signal to
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the world we do not have serious people running this country very. >> it is interesting it's not helping national security. by the way is not helping corporations make money either for they are starting to realize that and back away from it. there has been some serious backlash. we are talking with rick perry letting the market decide sometimes what comes to things like electric vehicles. di is backfiring too. >> look at that chart. above almost 350 and it mentions and now it's down to below 100 but that is a precipitous drop because what shareholders care about is making no money diversity everyone embraces that. i think diversity of thought and ideas in a corporation or a company is far more important then judging somebody by their skin color at this point. this seems like conservative proposals as far as a limiting dei. this is common sense we live in a country where job goes to the
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most qualified person for that job. i do not understand why that is even up for debate. but again it's the two ugly words the cap rearing their ugly head, identity politics that seems to be something you are right more and more people are rejecting. >> what you make of this? university of texas at austin enand up firing thousands of people. they were complying with the new texas law that came into effect on january 1. it dissolved diversity, equity and inclusion programs at colleges and universities but with that says to me is the best person for the job did not have the job if you have to fire people. we are starting to realize when it comes to a company like boeing were other companies as well, we need to focus on skilled labor to conduct the work. and positions they are tasked to do. >> you could say the university of texas, hook them horns are exact opposite of harvard. we saw how that turned out up
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there in cambridge. good for texas. that is the university that still believes in marriage atrocities to your point. there's a reason so many people are moving out of california, illinois, new york, those in the top three states that people are moving out of. print them into place like texas, florida, tennessee, georgia, south carolina because again texas seems to be a commonsense state just like florida and these other states are flailing because identity politics i keep going back to the stewards. >> it's also interesting anheuser-busch sink problems in north america was never able to rebound from the bud light controversy. it tried to choke quietly without apologizing. yet alienating so many people. we are out of time but i love seeing you. >> great seeing you, get an umbrella it's worse than ever trust me. >> joining us tomorrow congressman jeff van of andrew former chrysler home depot ceo bob former chief speechwriter for president george w. bush


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