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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 4, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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l soon take a brutal civil war to bring the nation closer to the promise of the declaration of independence, that all men are created equal. (explosions booming) (triumphant music) (bell rings) (triumphant music) - independence forever. (triumphant music) larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow." i'm larry kudlow. 64% of americans think taxes arn
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too damn high. of course they are. they are right and tragically joe biden wants to keep one. raising them. plus, the bidens are so inept, they can't get the irs to attack rich people. ha ha ha a. we'll have vivek ramaswamy weigo in. we have sky r skyrocketing oil . now they want to spend money a climate corps. we'll ask doug burgham about that. and we'll talk about why trade tariffs are a negotiating tariff and why mr. trump is a free trader. tammy bruce and rich lowry on why selling bibles is not only godly but y patriotic as well. speaking of material things in life, 64% of americans say
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taxing are take damn high. bri i agree. grady trimble is live in doc dch even more tax burdens. >> reporter: it's an interestinl poll. on the one hand, americans say they're being over-taxed. on the other hand, they want more help from the government. here are the numbers from theup latest fox news poll. a almostme two-thirds of voters sy their taxes are too damn high. that's the highest number our pollsters have gotten since they started asking they this question way back in 2004. only 2% in case you were won r wondering say their taxes are too low, they apparently want to pay more. while most want lower taxes, about half at the same time say they want the government to lend them a hand versus leave them alone. that number ticked up during the pandemic and stayed you higher compared to pre-covid times. even though americans are tax
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wary, tax policy is coming up a lot on the campaign trail. president biden says he wants c wealthy people and awo corporations to pay more, president trump says that would be catastrophic.ople >> if biden is reelected he promises to impose a $6 trillion tax hike he which will turn literally the u.s. economy -- will destroy the u.s. economy. - i never heard of a guy campaigning where he wants topr raise taxes. >> he talked about debt, he exploded it more than any other president in a four year term. with his tax cut thatec overwhelmingly benefited the very wealthy and the biggest corporations of america. >> reporter: look at this from the wall street journal editorial board. it says the irs's most wanted, middle class americans and it cites a report interest thehe treasury inspector general forei tax administration say 63% of new audits targeted taxpayers with income of less than $200,000 alook year.
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larry. larry: they can't even get that right. they can't get anything right. thank you. we appreciate it. all right, a couple thoughts from my side. 64% or nearly two-thirds of voters say their taxes are too high. that's a record as grady trimble just reported. and no surprise because all joea bidetin does is run around the country at every stop telling folks he's going to raise taxesc corporate taxes, individual taxes, capital gains, death tax, small here's the catch. he always tells us he's onlyll going to tax rich people and he talks about billionaires for starters. but then he caveats, if you make 100 million, you qualify as apl billionaire. that's calleaintd biden math. it turns out his promise only ta tax people making over $400,000 is also phony. just take a look at the fine print of any of his legislative tax hike
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ifrp mr. biden were reelected hs manic tax hike policies would decemberdessimate the economy. the successful trump tax cuts have not been repealed and the biggest tax benefits under the trump tax cuts were the middlen and lower incomes. study after study has shown that. folks know whenever politicianses, particularly left wing politicians, especially big government socialist politicians, whenever they talk about tax cuts only for the rich, middle income folks know what a lie that is and howe ta they'll be taxed at least as much, if not way more than thess wealthiest. for the heck of it, the truth is the top 1% already pay about half of the federal income tax.
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however, the payroll tax, which supports medicare and social security, is largely shouldered by the middle class. and that is why donald trump is taking a preliminary look at w some middle class payroll taxg reliefpo. meanwhile, if you look at biden's most recent budget, the tax revenue sch share of gdp gos from 16.5% last year in 2023 all the way up to 20.3% at the end of the budget window in that would be a record, record high. that's one massive tax hike to support biden's massive big government spending plans andl those spending plans come with unbelievable regulatory strings attached to them that will he throw a lot of sand in our economic gears. meanwhile, remember the irs story from the misname inflation reduction act? the irs would spend $80 billion
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in order to hire 87,000 new irs agents. but the treasury inspector general for tax administration shows that 63% of the new auditt last year were aimed at the middle class with incomes of less than $200,000 you accordino to the wall street journal m editorial today and instead of hiring 3700 new agents in one year, with this dumb plan, it turns out the irs has only hired 34 in the first six months. 34. and they're chasing after the middle class. how is that for big government efficiency? and they get great benefits including a salary of 125 grand a year and $60,000 in student loan forgiveness, of course. student loan forgiveness. even he though the supreme said
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that's illegal. wait a minute. didn't i see that someplaceed else? second. hold on. here it is, joe biden's domestis green army climate corps spending $8 billion for 50,000dl new no t, no, these will be new raab bid green new deal climate activists, won't they? b hang on. these little public service climateeres will get benefits for housing, transportation, healthcare, child care, and oh, wait a minute, hang on just a minute more, you guessed student loan i justli knew it. with just a little dei as a side order of fries. what you've got here is the potential for 50,000 little
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climateeres who will be 50,000 democratic mail-in ballot activists who will be harvestin. their green new deal as fast and often as had possibly can.den this is better than zucker bucks and it's more crooked when the socialists are in charge. now comes the fun part. joining us, the great vivek ramaswamy, former 2024s, presidental candidate, co-founder of strive asset management and a author of nation of victims, identity n politics, the death of merit and the path back to excellence. vivek, welcome back as you know i love to talk history with you. can we talk about this $8 billion and 50,000 person climate corps which gets fabulous benefits and of course student loan cancellations hadd to be one of the fabulous benefits for everybody's program especially since the supreme court ruled that tano be
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unconstitutional but t vivek, i think you're looking at an army of mail-in ballot harvesters. so what does vivek ramaswamy think about the climate corps? >> i think the climate corps is based on a false premise. there is no climate emergency in the united states or around thei world.t is larry, you get me started on this. you got to be careful. we have eight times as many people dying of coldte temperatures rather than warm ones in the united states and around the world. yeah, actually an earth that ist at a a relative low of carbonio dioxidxie in its atmosphere relative to most points in human hihistory. carbon dioxide is plant food.ha for every 100 people that died in the 1920s of a climate related disaster, you know how many 2 died today? the answer is two. advance is powered by fossil
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fuels. the climate change agenda is absolutely a hoax. it has nothing to do with the climate and everything to don with greater control by thena government and china is laughing at every step of the way as the very people who want to call f r climate corps volunteers in the united states, shipping carbon emissions to places like china a where they're not saying a peep. it's anti-american at its core.h this tricks thise economy becaue americans have less money to spend out of their own pockets. washington, d.c. starts spending tax dollars on regulatory agendas that impede the economy twice over. so it's a double wham hey. that's why we need to put an eni to all of this nonsense. larry: if trump wins he's going to zero this thing out.ll l am i too cynical? you launched this climate corps, 50 you 50,000 people with all kf benefits, including student loan cancellations, come on, these guys are going to be mail-in
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ballot harvesters. it's better than zucker bucks. it's a grand, federal scale, vivek. >> so buc look, i don't think you're being too cynical, if you want to be a step further cynical, here's what you have to look at. a lot of the biden policies areo oriented towards what maximizes the chance of re-election fore biden thisof fall. that's part of the reason we'rea nollt seeing he deportations in the country. these are potential long run voters for the democrats. we're seeing soft borderrat, policies. this isn't som se sort of wild theory. democrats about 10 years ago were saying the same thing,sa loose borderid policies, lax immigration policies are a big way for democrats to secureig lasting electoral majorities sor yoatu want to know how somebody behaves, what policies they support as a party, look at their incentives and their incentives to win elections areh tiedey to so many things they'ru doing today that are he destructive for america as we know it. larry: mr. trump spoke
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yesterday in grand rapids,sp michigan andok we h some sound n that very subject. >> when i'm president instead o asking you to cram illegal aliens into your homes, i'll i tell you that the illegal alienl transes passers, they -- trespassers, they must go back to their homes. they have to go back because no country can withstand this invasion. it's wrecking our civilization,t destroying ourro country. day one, i'll seal the bordere and we'll begin the largest domestic deportation operation in thebegi history of our count. larry: largest domestic deportation operation in the history of our country, i mean, vivek, for all i know you could be the secretary of homeland security. i mean, you're qualified for it. you've been in business. you have a great track record. what do you make of his pledge, the largest domestic deportation operation in history? >> i think it's common sense. if you have had largest massss illegal migration into the
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country in american history, it stands to reason that we require the largest mass deportation in american history as well. this isn't novel. we've had mass deportations unde r president iceen our, theyse workco. -- eisenhower, they work. the track that the media has led the public to believe, i think we have to explain to the public what's going on, this iss cr cruelty. o americans, t cruelty to many hispanices communities in america who camet legally to the country who o suffer from crime and other effects from the illegal mass migration. it's people in inner cities than are suffering, black, white,suff brown and everything in between. democrat and republican inclueded. the south side of chicagon converting local high schools into encampments for illegal migrants. it's a rejection of american principles, we're a nations fo founded on the rule of law. i don't think this is cruel. the compassionate thing to do for americans and to stand for the rule of law. it's logical. end those incentives to be here
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illegally. stop funding sanctuary cities, stop funding central america until they stop the north war td flow. it's putting o the military on b southern border, thaws how we t put anhi end to the border cris. i think the mass deportation is the right thing to do for americans and we're on the righ. side of history on this one. larry: you don't want to lose track of this.her the latest fox poll shows about two-thirds of americans believe they are over-taxed.eve and mr. biden, although he always says he's going to taxil rich people, middle class people hear politicians say that, they guard their wallets, they know they pay the bulk of the taxes. are americans over-taxed andd what should we be doing about it? >> i think we need to make the trump tax cuts permanent as a starting point. the reality is, on one hand you can stimulate thyoe economy by e
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pputting more money in people'sm pockets, something we're failing to do under biden. we need to make sure hardd working americans have more of the money they earn actually flow into their pockets so theyd can spend it. but the other thing is when you have more of that money flowing to the washington bureaucracy, it feedsey the regulatory state that's impeded entrepreneurs and small businesses from creatinga. value so i look at it inrse, reverse. first we need to slash and burn much of the federal bureaucracye down s size the size of the government and you need a smaller tax base to pay for it. you need to reduce the complexity of the tax code. most people have no idea what deductions are baked in. bring down the rates, broadest possible base, lowest possible rate, that's how you stimulate the economy and i think that'sat the fair and just system that's the pro-american way for us toyh embrace our excellence instead of apoll guying for it. larry: -- apologizing for it. larry: it's well put.
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i love that si, shrink the base, lower the rate. art laffer talks about how if you have that kind of tax reform, flat tax or oriented r, you lower the rates, simplify thredue code, change the brackeu it would reduce tax avoidance and in so doing would reap a benefit wind fall this was the basis of the laffer curve. give you the last word on that one. >> even for those democrat friends on the other side of the aisle, it reduces the effects on crony capitalism. people talk about corporations not paying their fair there's though tax code to game if you simplify the tax code, broaden the base and lower the rate. i think it's the fairest system for competition in america,is allows everyone to achieve their potential and economic successca with their hard work andve
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dedication, that's what america is founded on. the reason we want low tax rates in the country is not just toor stimulate the economy, but it'sh an expression of whoat we are as americans.n. that's what our founding father believed. the boston tea party, they started that for a we have to remember that today as we look at stimulating our economy today. larry: i vivek, i'mon so old, i was therr at that boston tea party. they were talking about the laffer curve and how tax cuts will generate higher taxso revenues. i heard them say it. very surgery, the best of -- vivek ramaswamy, the best of tha best, thanks for your wisdom. thanks for your take care. >>swe be thank you. larry: you bet.ank coming up on "kudlow," oil prices are spiking. but is there an even bigger price explosion in our future? well, we're going to ask north dakota governor d doug bugham about that.ur yoguu can catch "kudlow" monday through friday 4:00 p.m. on fox
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business. if you can't get us at 4:00, text your favorite 9-year-oldxt and she'll show how to dvr the show and you'll never miss a-old laffer curve, ever. i promise. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. miss a lafr [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation.
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larry: okay, the price of west texas crude oil recently gone from under 70 bucks a barrel, presently over $85. and brent crude, european crude, is now about 90 bucks, up $20 in just the past couple months. so one question is, how high arg oil prices going to go and why are they going there?re for more o on this we welcome bk governor doug burgum from the great oil and gas producing state of north mr. burgum, thank you. we always love having you on and your wisdom. you'redako watching oil prices m sure. you produce a fair piece of it in your home state. what's driving them up they and how nature do you think they're going to go -- how far do you think they're going to go? >> part of the reason oil prices are going up is because the markets understand it just theat way that consumers put gas in their tank understand the bidend administration's has a full onti you assault on liquid fuels in
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the united states. when you are trying to shut dow the u.s. energy industry, take out what could be the world's largest producer of liquid fuels, take that out of theou marketplace through government red tape and action of course the markets are going to go up and under president trump it wa the opposite. we were supporting this industry and not just because it's great for america, but it's great for global stability, great fore peace. biden's energy policies arean emboldening our adversaries. it makes no sense for america at any level. larry: same s the bidens sa well, gee, whiz, we've had a lot of oil production in december. they got up to 13.3 million barrels a day but. but,of but, but, as you well kn, pre-pandemic in late 2019, early 2020 under the trump policies ws were producing 13.1 million barrels a day so my point is, in four years, sir, we haven't incrossed production. -- increased production.
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we should be at 15 million barrels a day, maybe more, instead of holding atat 13 million. that's because they've taken ies many leases off as they can, they ruled as much land in alaska and elsewhere off limits for drilling and fracking as they can. we should be producing vastly more. when trump says drill, baby, drill, that w that would lower y prices and the inflation rate because energy permeates the entire economy. >> absolutely, larry. it's taken four years to get back to where we were before ant with the red tape that's being piled on -- in north da co-take we're fighting 27 different g efforts, anyin one of which could have ahi seriouchs downturn effect both n oil and gas production and base load electricity. biden wants every car to be an electric car. you saw the results.c electric cars are selling at he's less than 3% growth over .
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sales have not just slowed down. they've hit a complete wall. larry: if more people bilek to trick vehicles we need a -- buyh electric vehicles we need a lot more electricity. in california they're trying to shut down electricity as he best they can. i don't know how we get out of the dilemma. you w were mention -- i believe you mentioned iran or china before. president biden just talked to president xi jinping on the phone, telephone call. my question is -- nobody can give me an answer. probably it's never raised. china, we, the united states, not saying anything at least public, if anything privately, china is financing two wars against the united states by buyinbuying russian oil and by
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iranian oil. we'rthey're not supposed to bece it's sanctioned. we don't raise a stink about it, we don't punish them or take actions. they're financing two wars o against the unitedn states. why doesn't this administration do somethinged t about that? >> p well, i don't know that thr ar pe going to, larry.ns, that's why this election in november makes such aon difference. weakness, whether ondiff iran, russia, venezuela d china china is filling their strategic petroleum reserve with discount oil. biden's sanctions turned china l into a dis discount p gas stati. biden turned the strategic troll petroleum reserve into thedo political petroleum reserve by draining it. he'sh, canceling the building of lng export facilities which
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everybody in western europe -- we would be thrilled if we were building those.nd russia in the kremlin they're celebrating when he put that word in. it's not only that he's not sanctioning china, it's like hiy energy policy was he designed ta help china and help russia. larry: justla talking about th, some numbers, i'm sure you're aware of it. january of 2021, the beginning of mr. pie biden's term, the strategic petroleum reserve had 640 million barrels in it. today, as of the most recent month, which would be january o2 2024, it was all the way down to 363 million. that's about 50% cut. just a little less than halfway cut and they're not going to refill it. okay. so they missed their window whee oil went down to 65 or 70. now it's back to 85 or 90, could be going higher. they have wrecked a national security and energy security
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method. >> well, absolutely. and we know that you can go bac to world war ii, wars are won t anhad lost by who is controlling the energy. this isn't just about our price at the pump. that matters, because biden's polls sis are driving inflation -- policies are driving inflation for every american. it raises the cost of everything. inflation is killing everybody. strategically as we head into the world of conflict created bf biden and all of his weakness, again, iran, the largest funder of terrorism in thfue worldnd a they're providing drones to russia so we all have all of thr people exporting energy areia supporting, our add adversariess is why we need donald trump back in the white house. when america is strong and we have strong leadership, a smart energy policy where we sellum energy to friends and allies, stop buying it% from adversaries, when we stop that,o the worlrld is a safer place. that's why we need president trump back in in november.
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larry:r do governor doug burgu, thank you, sir. we appreciate your wisdom as always., coming up on "kudlow," we'll have senator bill haggerty and breitbart's economic senatoron john carney on why tariffs are c negotiating tactic and why donald trump may actually be a free trader.ader probably didn't think of that but i'm going to explain it. remember, folks, "kudlow" available as a podcast, episodes available every weekday right after our show spotify, apple and i am a podcast. morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... -alligator. are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me.
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rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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guess what? trade tariffs are not the end oi the worlffd or the economy as se would have you he believe. they are an important negotiating tactic for an america first economy. l right? america's own interest. guess what else? donald trump may actually be a f
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free trader. put that in your pipe and smoke it. let's talk about it with tennessee senator bill haggerty, former u.s. ambassador to japan and a member of the china trade group. and john ca carney. welcome to both of you. john carney, i'm going to start with y.just because you wrote thisec great piece,e march 28th, s ago.e ay we talked about it on the radio. tariff-mageddo is back. tariffs are the end of thethe world, they cause inflation, consumer decline, destroy the economy. so mr. trump using tariff as an important negotiating tool against china, i'm a freeee trading but i completely supported the china tariff effort because we have work to do with their unfair practices. they were stealing intellectual
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property, forcing technology transfers. the end of the oper economic world did not come. it ne, did not come. i don't know whether we succeeded to china to the extenc wehi wanted to but inflation was tiny, rock bottom, let's starto. there. >> they said right from the beginning, they said this is going toning cause inflation. it will drive up the price ofhe cars, drive up p the price of televisions. they didn't happenal all. happen we had almost no inflationpl during the trumpac years. the idea that consumers are going to pay more, hair bringing that back -- they're bringing that back again. the old record didn't work theol first time. they're going to try it again. it's not going to work again. i think one of the most important things president trumt used to say a lot was the word reciprocity. larry: there you go. >> i like the word reciprocity. if you're fair with us, we'll bo fair with you.u s, when you put up trade barriers for the united states, we're going to put them up against
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you. you have to do that.wi llif you play the sucker at theh card tableat, everybody is goiny to cheat you. that's the role that the united been put in. donald trump started to change that and hopefully he's going to get a chance to change it. h larry:as senator haggerty, you were a part of the china tradeyo youmu heard trump talk about res process at this. thats is the key -- reciprocity. that is the key. >> it solved so many problems. people complain about theld chinese buying land here in america. are we able to do that in chinaw reciprocity would solve that problem. we should use our economy as a tool of leverage. we should be seeking reciprocity at every turn and we don't have it. you can did all the way back to world war ii and think about the advantageous trade terms we put in place following the war. we should have capped it in terms of time or gdp or per
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capita or by some measure. today, many countries have a much more advantageous trade set of tariffs than we do.- larry: when china entered the world trade oranization, the wto, in the year 2000, we gavei them a license to cheat and steal because so-called undeveloped economy, they're thd second largest economy in the world, anyhow, they were allowed to have higher tariffs, more nontariff barriers and nobody could do anything about it. there wae s no adjudication in e wto. that's the way that was set up.. other countries signed onto that and trump saidth no. reciprocity works two ways. right? let's sock assume in the case l japan we had a small trade deal with japan. japan lowered some barriers andt we did too. on the other hand, in some countries, want want to name anc
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names, butou germany for example has terrible trade barriers on automobiles. terrible. so we should treat their cars the same way they treat our cars with higher tariffs. that's reciprocity. what's wrong with that? >> nothing's wrong with it. k at the difference from those tariffs, it's e enormous. you could sell a c car from america into germany and you'll have a 10% tariff. they sell the car here, 2, 2 and-a-half percent. that's not resi reciprocal. larry: away are from the trade game, mr. trump who is quite a good negotiate r, who never gets credit for it. go to the open border debate with mexico. mexico wouldh not help us in 2018, 2019 until trump basicall0 said okay,19 fine, you won't hep us, i'll put 100% tariff on your manufacturers and auto exports.
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that's right.ey suddenly they saw the light. the lord shined down on them. they put 25,000 troops at the border a and adopted remain in mexico. thatmexi was tariff negotiating. what's wrong with that. >> we built the greatest economy in the world in the unitede states, we can use that r to make the world a better place. we can say to -- whether it's our trade partners about their trade barriers, whether it's other countries about policies h that we have that we don't like, like you're saying mexico's attitude towardss the migrants, we can say look, we need your help on this.ts you want to sell things into the united states. we're going to charge you a cover charge and take that cover charge can be a tariff or it can be you complying with the policy goals that we have in yourou neighborhood. when they won't do this, then we need to say, okay, look, this isn' gt a free ride. you don't get free access to the u.s. markets. larry: that's exactly right. i heard trump say many times i
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wrote several op-ed pieces of the eve of the g7 and g20 which the president saw and signed you off on where i said basically h- is a free trader who wants to f seree a world of zero tariffs, zero nontariff barriers, and zero subsidies. that's his ideal vision of free trade. >> i remember that, larry. zeros. larry: i love>> i that. i wrote it up, he signed off on it, kind of drove lightlieser ay little crazy. trump would use tariffs to get to that world. i think that's a good definition of free trade. >> we have a huge competitive advantage and that's the size of our market and access to the u.s. market is a great leverage point for us as well. tariff as a means to control that, but also deny access and tariff as a means of yous achieving that but as you think about the other market access
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tools that other nations use with the regulatory construct, et cetera, we need to look atk res pros the at this tato use te term -- reciprocity, to use theo termok that trump used, we needo the look at reciprocity at every level. larry: i had the european side. what a mess. tha do you think china was bad?s i'm running out of time. jay powell, our hero, spoke today. two things tha t came out of there. number one, i didn't hear anything new about lower interest rates and number two, , he said this once o before anc few years ago, the jb of the, fed is not climate change. >> that's right. larry: do i>> have that right? >> that's right. he really put the foot down on this idea that the federal reserve should be a climate cop and start policing everybody about whether they're doing wha the left wants them to do on climate change. he said we're not going to do that. we're not going to do it for a very goo nd reason. what? it's not our job. if it became our job we would
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lose fed independence because we then become a political body. he doesn't want that to happen.o he's defending theli fed, he ise defendinndg their independence d as you said on interest rates, he said something very importann that went over a lot of people't heads. he said we need to see numbers that are better than what we had in january and february.. the numbers we've been havingme don't mean they're goingan to c. so that gives you a baseline. unless the economy starts tots t sag, the fed's not cutting. larry: you and i are keeping this option some called itme a nonzero probability. bill haggerty, to finish this off. under these circumstances, with the durable economy, inflation above target, if the fed were to cut rates now they would be accused of goosing the economy -- thi >> to ensure the current administration staysad in power. they've goout to remain data driven as they've said and
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chairman powell needs to tow the line. he's held the line in the most recent conference. he has to continue to do that. larry:li sounds like it was a good day today. >> very good day. raphael bosstik said no cuth until the first quarter, that'st after thooe election. larry:el senator haggerty, it'a pleasure, john cair carney, alwa pleasure. coming up, tammy bruce and rich lowry, why selling buy he b biby only godly, but it's pay ty trot--patriotic as well. stick with "kudlow." you're going to love this. hey all, so i just downloaded the experian app because i wanted to check my fico® score, but it does so much more. this thing shows you your fico® score, you can get your credit card recommendations, and it shows you ways to save money. do so much more than get your fico® score. download the experian app now.
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(sfx: crowd noise. ref whistle) sarah, you got this. ok? (sfx: referee whistle) ♪ say, what you wanna say ♪ ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ ♪ honestly, ♪ ♪ i wanna see you be brave ♪ ♪ with what you wanna say♪ ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ but they lost ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ not really. ♪ what you wanna say ♪ not where it counts. ♪ i wanna see you be brave ♪ ♪ just wanna see you be brave ♪
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larry: check this out. rich lowry, editor of national review writes, quote, don't knock trump's bible marketing, the king james' version is aer very american group, end quote. he joins me now, welcome, rich lowry. also with me, tammy bruce, fox news contributor. all right, rich. bible selling is a very american venture, particularly the kinges james version, trump's endorsed,
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it's a very american in fact, the american book. >> absolutely. might be the ship's carpenter on the may flower brought the firsm copy to our shores. it's the only thing that showe up in wills very early in m america.ay oftentimes the only book people owned and once the printing presses got going, the market got going, millions moved. you wouldn't have martin luther fking without the king james bible. it i s the most american book, larry. larry: tammy, whyr ki is the lt so -- they're crazed about this. >> they are. god forbid, pun intended, they don't want anything -- look, big government, they want to be the thing that you look right? that's thet entire issue with socialism that they are god. if you having separate andsoci outside of the infrastructure that you look to regardinge of values and the future then thear power and the grip that the government has on is lost because it's christ or it's your
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faith, it's something beyond f government ant and that's whaty cannot stand. in addition, president trump something a bible is kind of a r regular guy thing to be doing. it's not -- oh, it's not presidential, right? you've got the sons or the brothers to do the selling of things. this is what trump does. it takes him into people's kitchens, into their livings, rooms. while the left is sitting up on the highest mountain in thet world,mo looking down on all of the hoypaloy and there is donald trumd trp reaching in and being himself and being able to late i think to the average person. >> a lot of the pa patrioticupl bibles, i have an idea for you,, supply sider bible, you, art laffer, steve moore get together and market it.yo larry: and show the supply side aspects of the bible. i'm on it. >> if i could add, you mentioned king and faulkner, people say it's william
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shakespeare who set tone of all the dramas, the novels, theea great romanct e stories and a murder and everything else, it's not shakespeare, obviously it's the bible. the bible informed sh shakespea. it inf in -- it informed awful n story telling. larry: trump beats out biden in six seven swing states, the wall street journal poll just out, arizona, michigan, northth carolina, biden ties in wisconsin. >>. wisconsin a little rough. larry: do we believe these numbers? >> we don't like the we talked aboun't this. here's what you take from this.. after years of condemning donald trump as the second coming of satan, after the indictments and
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the arrests and the marla he the mar-a-lagothing and white s terrorist, he'whs not only headg neck in neck with the incumbent, he is -- it's the trend of that is what the statement of that is, so when we think we can't trust it, maybe it is unbelievable, i do not think so. i think it's -- that's the signal, it's not noise, aboute the american people saying we'vn seen what you're doing, we see you, and we don't like it and this is what we're going to do. >> the big factor here -- larry: this is almost a biblical story. >>eopl what people look at in te poll, trump's retroactive approval rating is he higherng than biden's. you can tell us all these things about him. what we care about is we think he diddi a better job. the electoral path is clear, win georgia, and he needs one ofga those, wisconsin, michigan, h pennsylvania, where he'se runng close or ahead. larry: it's in the bible.
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it's foretold in the bible. thank you ever so much. y both o'f you, appreciate folks, i'larl be right back. but starting it 8 months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs. the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours.
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larr larry: that's it for "kudlow." thanks for watching, folks. ♪


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