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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 8, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ ♪. stuart: bad moon rising on the
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eclipse, nice try producers. i think six avenue by 215 or 230 this afternoon there will be a lot of people on the streets looking at the eclipse and hopefully the clouds hold off. good morning, 10:00 o'clock eastern, straight to the money. a little bit of green but not that much, the dow is down 18 nasdaq on 23 points not that much price movement, the ten year treasury yield keeps on going up, 441. the two-year getting awfully close to 5%. the price of oil, $86 a barrel this morning and bitcoin over the weekend moved up about 5% you're looking at 71900 for bitcoin as we speak. that is the market. now this. israel has been betrayed by this administration, betrayal is a very strong word but in this
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case it is justified. president biden has told the israelis not to finish off a loss fighters and hamas leadership and if they try america threatens to withhold weapons and supplies. biden is responding to domestic political pressure any needs the bug although in his concern with the swing states. he's putting his own political future in front of a major ally. he is also responding to intense international pressure especially after seven gaza aid workers were killed in an israeli attack. it doesn't matter that israel investigated and punished two officers involved. hamas and their supporters in america have successfully transformed their image from terrorist victims. six month after hamas started the war, biden refuses to allow israel to finish. imagine what that means for other allies. biden's america cannot be trusted.
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for decades democrats and republicans alike supported israel. when trump was president the abraham accord brought peace with several arab and muslim states. when biden took office he tried to revive the new talks with iran and let loose not accommodated on october the seventh when hamas killed over 2000 israelis and marched off with hundreds of hostages. that is the group that biden will allow to win. it is contemptuous. as the wall street journal says denying weapons to an ally time of war is a definition of the trail. so what is. the second hour of varney just getting started. ♪. stuart: byron york with me now. in your opinion has the u.s. betrayed israel because of domestic political pressure. >> israel is a sovereign nation and he can do what it feels like it needs to do in response of the attack of october 7. on the other hand the united states is also sovereign nation and the idea that domestic
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politics would affect some of our foreign policy does not strike me as not surprising. if you look across the democratic party there is increasing skepticism and in some cases hostility toward israel's policy and gaza. the attack, the three-part attack on the convoy from the world central kitchen seems to be a turning point in you even have democratic lawmakers who have been longtime supporters of israel suggesting they would attached some conditions to aid for israel the fact that the political reality that you're talking about in the democratic party should have an influence on american foreign policy is not at all surprising. stuart: even democrat senator chris van hollen is not sure what biden's position is on israel, watch this, roll tape. >> i was glad to see the
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president at least reported out finally say to benjamin netanyahu, if you do not follow my request that there will be consequences. but the president in the white house have yet to lay out what consequences they have and they want to impose on. we have to make sure when the president request something that we have a means to enforce it. stuart: that's all over the place in my opinion. let's get to the truth of it. biden has betrayed israel as i believe what impact will have on the november election. >> it's hard to see right now how controlled the democratic party is by the significant fringe that is definitely anti-israel and in some cases pro-hamas. i still think that is a friend of the democratic party. what you saw in senator van
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hollen's remarks is really interesting in the sense that it's based on the idea that the united states tells israel what to do and israel does it. i started out by saying israel is a sovereign nation, there get to do what they feel that they have to do regardless of approval numbers in the united states. when the election comes, there is so many other issues around joe biden, most specifically his age. i just saw your discussion with stephen moore about inflation not going away still a very serious problem and there's so many other issues that will be bigger issues in the election than the israeli story. stuart: where does that go inward is a muslim boat go. as you say it's hard to say. thank you for being with us on monday morning. see you again soon. >> dnc chair speaking out about the president. what is donna brazile saying. >> the former head of the dnc
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saying biden does not speak much and when he does no one listens. that is an unbelievable comment. listen in. >> alex made a point that president biden does not talk about the war very often, should he? >> not to sit israel, ukraine, we are a superpower. he is the commander-in-chief. he should speak out more and we should cover what he saying because often when he speaks nobody listens. >> doesn't speak very much for heaven sake. >> when he does it's garbled or it's not authentic. it's very choreographed but the media does not cover biden is that true? >> that is nonsense. >> is a media cover trump. >> they try not to. >> we are six or seven months from an election when technically the media does not cover either candidate and they likely want to be each other.
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>> donna brazile is an obama person exercising on the sideline. thank you. next case, the market it is a monday morning everything is dead flat, the dow down nine, s&p down to, nasdaq up for not much movement on a monday morning. ryan payne with us on a monday morning. are you worried about a selloff after the rally that we've had. >> i'm not too concerned, there is so much on the sidelines which was remarkable last week you had a lot of fear and the fed officials talking hawkish and dovish and we saw a selloff in literally go into the money market funds, $70 billion up to $6.1 trillion in money market funds that is a lot of money a lot of people were seduced in the five percentage rate that you can get on a money market fund i see why people put their money there but the reality is you have a lot of investors with the stock market and economic
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has been phenomenal. >> you been right on this, you said for a long time your money belongs in the stock market, by the dip read i don't think you ever said by the dip he said consistently put your money into stocks is that correct. >> you're not saying at this moment take some out. >> i'm not there is too many investors out there that miss this move. if we think the economy is going to continue to be strong. unemployment are pretty convincing on friday, 300,000 new jobs. inflation is moderating in a little bit stubborn but people have money and their wages are growing over inflation which wasn't the case and since last year you see the change were inflation is less than what people make, that is a huge catalyst for the future. >> do you care if the federal reserve does not lower rates at all this year. >> i'm in the camp that they shouldn't be at all because we have a hot financial market the
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reason bitcoin is at 70000 is not healthy there is a lot of speculation and we know home prices are close to all-time highs and stock market all-time record high. my biggest fear the fed is going to cut too much in an election year end a lot of pressure from the real estate industry, the lobbyists are not going to cut rates, they do that that could add a lot of gasoline to the fire that is really burning. >> i'm not selling because momentum is up and economic data is up in the market has a lot of money coming back in. >> kudos to you you were right all along, i hope you're right in the future. looking at some of the movers, you have to start with micron up again. >> digit time is reporting that micron will raise ssd prices more than 25% in the second quarter, the report says that's what they have been telling clients. that's good for the bottom line if you can charge more in your client stick with you.
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>> it's a 22% gain, they manage upscale apartments, blackstone is a major real estate investor they're paying $10 billion to buy it out and take it private that works out to $39 a share which is 25% premium that's why the stock is up. stuart: i own a little bit of blackstone little tiny sliver as usual. it's been very good for me. also beauty. >> remember the selloff we couldn't stop talking about it because executives came out and said once red-hot was slowing. loop capital gave them an upgrade and said it's time to buy price target of 540 which applies to anyone% upside. the warning from executives came on wednesday of last week the stock dropped to $439. >> now it's 455. >> it was one week ago today before 529 it's quite a selloff. >> inquiry from one of my family members is that in the clips
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draft. >> the sun and the moon. i thought another earthquake. >> the governor of texas, greg abbott says the u.s. is being invaded because biden's open border policy. we will speak to texas sheriff who says he seemed more than 5000 apprehensions in his county a day, how about that. another suspected member of a tourist venezuelan gang was arrested at the border the border patrol chief warning america keep your eye out for more. bill melugin has that report, he is next. ♪ (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪
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stuart: on the market not that much price movement. the dow is down two points. the nasdaq, the s&p is up one of the nasdaq is up 16 points. border patrol agents arrested another suspected member of the gang from venezuela, border patrol warning americans, keep your eyes out, eyes open. bill melugin and zach the border in eagle pass texas. what exactly should americans be keeping an eye out for. >> according to border patrol, they have to keep an eye out for the venezuelan gang members who have been spilling across the border, primarily as got a ways. in speaking to the point, take a look at the video our team shot new mexico over the weekend more illegal aliens got a ways innovators trying to sneak into the country these guys are dressed in black clothing, sometimes camouflage in sunland park new mexico some suspected
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cartel scouts and coyotes watching from the mountains above as outnumber portable juul agents are trying to respond to try to catch the invaders. you'll see one border patrol agent is able to apprehend a couple of these guys. it is a constant game of cat and mouse at the southern border. another video. take a look at the second one, same area more of the invaders all single adults dressed in dark clothing walking over amount in an effort to get into the united states and sneak further into the country, this is what portable juul has to deal with day in and day out as new mexico is seen arising got a ways in the state of texas has locked down. take a look at the photos, border patrol posting in el paso, the agents arrested another suspected trend der walker the prison gang make it his way to the united states this guy was covered in tattoos associated with the prison gang. once or here in the u.s. a lot of them up and getting arrested for crimes all over the country,
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the chief of the u.s. portable show, jason owens tweeting out, watch out for this gang the most powerful and venezuela known for murder, drug trafficking, crimes, extortion and other violent acts. back out here live, ice says one of the illegal alien squatters nypd arrested in the bronx later admitted to be a venezuelan gang member and said he served time in venezuelan prison before he first crossed into the u.s. right here in eagle pass in october of 2022 and despite dhs claims of that enough the southern border, he was released into the country and made his way to new york city. will send it back to you. stuart: the governor of texas, greg abbott says the u.s. is being invaded because biden is playing political games, watch this. >> joe biden has created this open border policy that is allowed illegal immigrants into our country to appeal to and to
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appease the far leftists and the democrat party, the people like ocasio-cortez in hopes of trying to win their support while at the same time destroying the country that he is in charge of. stuart: the sheriff in texas that is cleveland and the sheriff joins me now. you are a border town you're right on the border, can you describe what it's like being a sheriff on the border. >> thank you, before i took over as sheriff i was a border patrol agent i spent 26 years with the border patrol the last 11 years right here in texas, this is my home and this is where i grew up. what i see is not what you're seeing happening in el paso, eagle pass, arizona or california where we have people to enter the united states they want to enter undetected and when we encounter them, they run. very different than what we see with the asylum-seekers. stuart: what kind of people are they if they don't want to be detected in turn themselves in.
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you would think that drug smugglers and criminals, would that be accurate? >> to be honest what we see here are primarily adult mexican men that want to cross to make different point in the united states and i could list those points out because of years of catch and interviewing them but they're coming here to work out of this area primarily adult mexican males that we don't see very many women and we don't see very many unaccompanied children either. stuart: are you allowed to question them and stop them on the street and say who are you and where are you from, can you do that. >> with my county is the tenth largest county we have a very rural area we have five deputies who were actually working to help keep our county secure, we don't have a crime here, we've a border security probably 54 miles of border with mexico so technically if we see somebody that does not look
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normal and again, 70 crossing our border and camouflage with dark clothing very easy to spot and we will encounter began talking to them and hand them to border patrol. stuart: is there any razor wire in your county and if not, why not? >> we do not have any razor wire here in the 54 miles of border in international boundary with mexico, we have a god made barrier. the rio grande river here runs through deep canyons and you're looking from 500 to 2500 square feet of canyon walls. it makes it difficult but it's still possible. no need for the infrastructure here. stuart: your border guard for 27 years now you the sheriff of the county and 27 or 30 years has been on the border. i take it things have changed completely, is accurate. >> 100%. what's happening now can be
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stopped tomorrow. as you mentioned earlier this administration is spending more time fighting governor abbott then fighting the actual cartels. it makes no sense and is very frustrating. the 26 years of my border patrol country or enter career, we made such progress that this administration completely dismantled that in a matter of six months that is what we are left with now. >> thank you for being with us and telling us what it's like. we appreciate that hope you can come back soon. >> thank you, god bless. the district judge ruled border patrol agents must care for migrant children waiting to be processed. good morning, what kind of care must they receive? >> were talking about food, shelter and basic medical care, the judge's ruling means a homeland security must now quickly process the children and place them in facilities that are safe and sanitary with proper access with bathrooms, sinks and temperature control.
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there has been a debate over whether children waiting in makeshift camps are actually under the border patrol custody because they have not been arrested. but the court's ruling says the agents must process the minors and turn them over to the u.s. health and human services department within 72 hours. customer border protection have been ordered to provide a report on the number of minors being held insights in how the agency is complying with the judge's order by may 10. >> thinking. a new study shows people who use vape's have a higher risk of experiencing heart failure, details on that coming up. the president went after trump raising money from hedge fund billionaires. meanwhile biden had a star-studded fundraiser in new york city where a lot of wall street people were in atte attendance. media guy joe concha on that next.
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stuart: lauren is looking at the movers and you better start with telsa. >> investors are cheering the robo taxi unveiling august 8 according to ceo elon musk as a growth catalyst the stock is up 4%, deutsche bank says the self driving tesla is so good, they like that they're going down this route of autonomous vehicles, robo taxis because it avoids the rabbit hole of cheap ev competition which is what the regular tesla model three and model why is facing now. >> will be on the road in 2027, three years from now. >> i don't think he said that exactly. >> i thought we had the earlier. >> he sees it coming up in the near future. i don't have the time frame but he says one timeframe and then you have to add on a few years, that is a problem. cathie wood cease free cash flow 100 billion in 2027. stuart: i don't understand the relevance, warner music drops
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plans to acquire. >> they were trying to buy a french digital label called believe it is a french company, there was a lot of talk about regulatory hurdles and now they have dropped out of the bidding a day before the bid was due, warner music is a 3.5%. stuart: them europeans. president biden headed to wisconsin going to unveil a new plan for student debt forgiveness. edward lawrence is in madison wisconsin. madison wisconsin, for college students, that is a boat that he wants, that's why he's giving away taxpayer money isn't it. >> that the fact that the state poll shows he's tied 46 - 46 of the former president he'll be here at the madison area technical college he will announce changes to existing student loan forgiveness programs in those rule changes have added 4 million people to student debt forgiveness putting all the taxpayers on the hook for $146 billion, the proposed
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new changes would expand the number of eligible people to 30 million in balloon the price tag. >> at the same time college is an important experience for some to, that student debt relief, this is very much a part of the president saying we want to make life more affordable and opportunity more open and we want to make sure that everyone regardless of their path gets to share in that. >> the latest moves will expand the eligible people who have not yet applied for student loan forgiveness. automatically forgives loans for undergraduate students who started repaying more than 20 years ago, graduate students who pay 25 years ago. it will include students whose universities failed to provide adequate financial aid but does not define that. it also includes forgiveness for people who can show hardship in paying back their loans. it doesn't define hardship. republicans say it's unfair for anyone who paid off their loans in most of the people with the highest student loan debt are in
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the best industries. >> this is not even a group en masse that needs help. if you really want to reduce the cost of higher education, the best thing that you can do is to stop all of these ridiculous student loan programs. >> the new changes would need to be finalized, the last time they finalize the rules it took five months. if the holds to that timeline then september we can see the final rules right before the november election. stuart: right before the november election. a key detail. president biden going after donald trump for his fundraiser in florida this weekend. watch this. >> you know trump is down in florida today raising money from a bunch of hedge fund billionaires that wanted to cut social security and medicare and their taxes. this campaign is korean versus palm beach this is a grassroots campaign of nurses and teachers and firefighters and cops versus donald trump in a couple
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billionaires looking for a tax cut. real people who know the state of the selection and rolling up their sleeves to pitch in what they can, you're making a real difference folks. stuart: i can't bear it. i'm sorry joe cut social security, where did that come from, cut medicare where did that come from. biden said trump posted hedge fund billionaires, biden had all of hollywood and most of wall street at his new york city fundraiser. i cannot spell it but i say it, it's called hypocrisy. >> is called bs, i would love to use the full word but our bosses would not like that. this is gas lighting with kerosene in a blowtorch. to your point last week radio city music hall with former president clinton, obama stephen colbert in the biden fundraiser was largely fueled by the richest 1% and wall street bigwigs. by the way, every time joe biden goes on vacation outside of
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delaware or camp david you may notice he stayed at the estates of hedge fund billionaires when he visits places like nantucket which is a long way from scranton or tahoe or st. croix. the democrats writing a book about this, no longer the party for the working man or woman. a district leave the party is seems more and more for coastal elites ironically republicans used to be called the party for the rich. there more seen as a populist movement led by donald trump and that appeals to the voters that decide election in places like pennsylvania or ohio or michigan or wisconsin. >> is a change in american politics, wealthy people vote democrats, working people vote republican. i've been here 50 years, what a total change that really is. i digress. obama advisor, david axelrod is blasting biden's handling of the economy. i say obama is writing the campaign what say you. >> when your david axelrod speak he speaking on behalf of barack
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obama is never by accident and tim tried to speak to biden in terms of stop doing this and saying bidenomics is great in the economy is going so well in americans and feel much differently about this at home don't know better. it is a shame that david axelrod is still hoping to run the campaign. he is 100% correct on this, this is a feel election and people feel for example that food prices are too high. then you see the facts to support the wall street journal last week shows since 2019 food prices are up nearly 40% that is something that people feel on a daily basis. only one third of americans can afford an emergency of more than $500, can you imagine that, we have people going paycheck to paycheck and when food prices go up in gas prices and rents in interest rates are still too high that is something that cannot be unspun even by the best advisors like david axelrod or the president's campaign team, they will have to acknowledge that people are struggling and they feel their pain, bill clinton who used to
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effectively in the '90s. stuart: i feel your pain, a different accent perhaps. we will see you soon biden says trump's fundraiser was hedge fund billionaires, what is biden's campaign saying about it. >> you can imagine the biden campaign communication director michael tyler taking a swipe, he squirts the people who attended the fundraiser. here's what he told msnbc. >> people like john paul said that ali was the cut social security but famous as a hedge fund or rooted against the american economy, betting against the american economy. it's no surprise he's invested in somebody like donald trump is rooting for the economy to crash but a whole lot of them are billionaires skimmers extremist and racist to understand that they fund trumps legal fees he will cut their taxes while he cuts her social security. trump is raising billionaires is doing nothing more than paying off his legal fees right now.
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>> biden campaign also claims that trumps grassroots fundraising has slowed down while biden has his best grassroots fundraising month to date in march breaking a record for small dollar donation for a fifth consecutive month. stuart: were all a bunch of races that we want to cut social security, et cetera. i'm getting sick and tired of it. still ahead senator john fetterman told the new york post that squatters have no rights. he's a democrat first god six. is he trying to appeal to the moderates. jon levine will tell us about his interview. that is next. ♪
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stuart: democrat senator john fetterman sat down with an
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interview with the new york post and he ripped the idea squatters rights. he said, squatters have no rights, how can you even pretend that this is anything other than your breaking the law. i am not woke. jon levine did the interview and joins me now. it seems to me that fetterman is trying to appeal to moderates in the state so that moderates can capture the state and the election, what say you. >> it is funny that you mentioned that something also fetterman told me is that he plans to campaign vigorously for joe biden in pennsylvania and is going to be a very close state anything's president biden will win and the polling is very mixed on that. a number of people texted me after this came out and they said if he gets over the finish line in pennsylvania it's going to be because of john fetterman barnstorming the state in making a case for him. fetterman has a lot of credibility with moderates and swing voters as a real independent of advocate if anybody can get them over the
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finish line at ob fetterman. stuart: fascinated the wall street journal reports there is a fracking boom in pennsylvania, that is for sure there really is and it's hurting biden's reelection chances. fracking has a big role in pennsylvania, democrats don't particularly like it. is that hurting biden? >> energy is very polarizing in the selection. if there is a fracking boom president biden is not a friend of fracking and when i say polarizing young traditional energy, oil and gas, fracking and coal that's good to be more republican and you have new greener energy like solar and wind and maybe they can make fuel, asking to be closer to democrats in the green new deal. if you're in traditional industries like fracking and oil and gas, you're knocking to vote for president biden yes an agenda that is at odds. if you see it like the keystone xl pipeline which is a wall street journal article went on to talk about how it hurt jobs
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in the industry. stuart: why is it that pennsylvania minute call it a tossup stay in the moment, why is that i would've thought the border, energy, crime in philadelphia, et cetera i would've thought that was enough to push the state into trump's column, why not? >> it's a difficult question, there is no clear answer and senator fetterman did not even know the answer. democrats have lost touch with the blue-collar union people that you mentioned earlier now you have all of these working-class people the populists were supported republicans in trump is making a play for the coalition and democrats are the party of wealthier more urban white-collar people with advanced degrees and republicans are increasingly reaching out to a lot of the voters that would've been the democratic coalition. stuart: times have changed, thank you for joining us i know we will see you get again soon. take a look at this,
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pro-palestinian protesters outside the biden tobin willington delaware. are the democrats losing support over biden's policy on israel. >> they are in there on the spot about this, the pro-palestinian protest have not only targeted israel but also president biden and other democratic officials the answer is really chance are mixed with the administration to rein in the israeli defense forces and prime minister benjamin netanyahu. that is force the administration to try to walk a fine line between being tough on thomas, also trying to keep a check on israeli actions, several democratic members of congress including former speaker nancy pelosi had demanded and to arms transfers to israel pending a u.s. investigation of the tragic attack that killed seven aid workers but others like mike pompeo tell us that attempts to try to curb israel only help thomas. >> i think nancy pelosi and the
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democrats are playing. domestic politics on this in our support for israel should be unequivocal, they will fight this war the right way. >> it's been six months since thomas savage an evil attack that was marked by valleys and remembrances of the hostages and the victims in washington, d.c. democratic congressman jamie raskin made clear that the burden falls squarely on hamas and it is a terrorist group that needs to be held accountable. >> we say to hamas, let the hostages go now. we say to all the governments of the world that the freedom, the security and the peace of the hostages in all civilians is the paramount ethical imperative in consideration at this moment. >> get this in dearborn michigan on friday muslim protester shouted death to america and death to israel as they protested the war, they claim that america is to blame.
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stuart: that is pathetic in my personal opinion. thank you very much. changing the subject. coming up the cdc issued a health alert after confirming a human being was infected with bird flu. we have the story. hours away from the solar eclipse. doctor marc siegel will tell us what to do to watch the clip safely. the doctor is next. ♪ business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out. and check in.
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>> one hour and 20 minutes into the trading session. we are picking up a little bit of steam the dow was up 70 nasdaq up almost 70 points. 30 million people live in the path of totality of the eclipse path and millions were traveling to see it. doctor marc siegel joins me. why can't i watch the eclipse with a pair of very expensive sunglasses. >> you know that you can't because dogs and cats know that they can't no animal looks directly at the sun usually so
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no human should they know let's follow are smarter on four legs. when you look directly at him eclipse this is 89% of the total, last time it was total 100%. when you look at 89% without polarized glasses that they make for these things that i've hoarded since 2017 we had a eclipse. when you look directly at it, even for a matter of seconds you could potentially burn a hole in your retina. you know why, your retina does not have nerve ending it cannot feel anything then you say an hour or two later and see the spot that i did not see before it can get worse the next day. you do not want to do that. , the other thing you don't want to do is drive your car and suddenly say what's that look up the guy behind you plows into you. that also happens a lot during an eclipse. just stay inside.
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stuart: can i hold up my phone pointed out the eclipse am i safe? even with those glasses they could have a whole and mine from 2017 are only because i'm a hoarder. you could actually do that. why don't you go online somewhere and downloaded from someone else that said imbecile. i would not be taking pictures of this thing. stuart: i think we will move on frankly. change the subject. now we have something really important. health officials just confirmed the first human case of bird flu in the texas panhandle same place where the virus was founded in dairy cows, now humans got it. should we be worried about thi. >> absolutely not. i spoke to the cdc director about this last week and she said the most important thing
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which it has not mutated it is the same bird flu and we know from somebody in the netherlands who actually determined the four mutation that you would need before this would be a problem human to human. none of those four have occurred, this is the same virus as before. it just drifted into cattell's and probably not a reservoir in capitals meaning the cattle probably were in contact with birds. you know what is a problem for bird flu, poultry have no immune system, terrible immune system the way that we raise them so when they encounter bird flu it rifles through them and a lot of them die. we've lost over 400 million chickens or turkeys over the past 20 years. 400 million but humans very rarely does anybody get sick in the one guy that got sick was given tamiflu and he got better he had a mild case.
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stuart: were learning about the long-term effects of vaping, those who use vape's are 19% more likely to develop our failure compared to those who do not use vape's. i don't think this is good for youngsters i see a lot of youngsters using these things. >> that study was done many thousands of people and it was done over four years. it is valuable but is observational waterway mean by that i don't know what's causing the heart failure, is there also smoking cigarettes or they smoke cigarettes before but you made the best point of all i use the cigarettes to get a 60-year-old smoker to stop. i think it's better than tobacco but the problem 14 to has its own independent risks and is one word that has to do with that called nicotine. nicotine stops blood flow and constricts what vessels it is no good and definitely not good for your heart. stuart: my problem would
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legalize marijuana teens getting higher, you cannot study and you cannot do school when you are stoned. i'm afraid were out of time i know you want to chime in but will save it for another day. see you later. >> it to see you. >> speaker johnson promises the ukraine aid package this week. what isn't it. pat fallon on that. steve forbes on victor davis hanson laying out how biden is destroying america. former levi strauss brand president jennifer said on a study this is wearing jeans is bad for the environment. the 11:00 o'clock hour is next. ♪
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