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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  April 8, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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time brilliant people but are they kidding me, local governments cannot create 70000 jobs a month, record credit card debt at record interest-rate cannot go on forever. you just heard francis and stacy. according to john byrnes which is probably one of the best out there, people are optimistic about the future would it comes to personal finance for this main reason. over the next 12 months people 22% want to pay off the debt, they're not to keep buying on the credit card and pay off debt, it does not work. it's time with the blowing of smoke in the gas lighting to stop, we need to be honest and folks that are position to make a change to affect change for the average person out there, people are hurting and it's time to acknowledge that maybe we can get policy that looks at them the way that liz claman does with care in understanding. >> you have 18 minutes to get to cleveland. >> i'll call you from there. liz: quick, this is amazing.
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the eclipse is actually affecting the market, the big board composite volume that is not at the new york stock exchange is running 18% below the one month average because so many people are rushing through the huge swath of the path at the moment and they're not trading. this is eclipse mania, you are looking at indianapolis bloomington indiana and if you are near there, you are stoked. if you're not stay right here. you're looking at a life picture of the moon moments away from forming a total eclipse of the sun. in a moment, were about to take you live to bloomington and an interview with captain kirk himself, bill nye the science guy just witnessed the big moment in texas it is going to join me on the curious behaviors in the animal world during the
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eclipse and whether they can trigger earthquakes don't miss bill nye the science guy coming up let's get a quick check of the market after rough-and-tumble first week of april we have stocks for the moment in the green, they have been all over the place the dow jones industrial 36 points, the s&p up six, the nasdaq climbing higher by 27 the russell 2000 is the biggest percentage gain or upset intensive 8% or 14 points, then your transports up 96 points we have real action and treasury yields to been moving higher throughout the day as investors wait a crucial read on consumer inflation, the ten year yield earlier hitting 2024 highs up about two basis points right now and the two year yield up four basis points, flip it over to bitcoin and tesla they are popping. we're going to talk about all of that coming up and paramount is diving 5.6%. stand by all the market news on a floor show coming up.
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as promised let's put you on "the claman countdown" concorde intake you like to bloomington indiana where the shadow of the eclipse is about to envelop fox business kelly sadberry, describe what you're seeing, it looks dark behind you. >> it just started getting darker in the last two minutes. it's getting colder and we know wildlife will be confused at this point and i see the people in the stadium around me, everyone is looking up they have their glasses on. at this point were going to turn off the lights see you can realistically see how dark it is actually getting. keep in mind three minutes ago it was bright and we had great weather bloomington. if you want to experience is like a professional eclipse chaser you should've had something covering your eyes unlike me, you would put on a welding mask or something of that nature so you wouldn't look at the partial phases at all.
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eclipse chases are in it for the money shot which is the full totality moment, these pros are blocking out the sunlight leading up to the events that their eyes are adjusted. you may be thinking that the eclipse in 2017 but this is special because were going to be able to take it in for over four minutes. the sun is also experiencing maximum solar activity so we hope to see a very detailed glimpse of the corona which is the atmosphere that will be able to see around the sun. they're making an announcement so they know when they can take the glasses off. it's very important that they have those on. the last total eclipse was in 2021 and it was only visible over antarctica, this is big for the u.s. it is getting darker and darker as we wait and going to take a look with you. let's see what we can see.
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were almost there and we're going to bring you the shot. liz: this is so cool to watch. >> you can see how dark it's getting a bloomington, the small town has really come together and i would estimate 10000 people in the stadium. take a listen the energy here. amazing, never going to look up, were in totality. liz: as we speak. we are taking it in, the dow is climbing up by 313, two, one, here we go. wow you can hear the cheers and the eruption. we've all taken our glasses off, this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. how lucky are all of the
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students and families that live in the area. we know millions of people that live in the path of totality but another 4 million were expected to travel to see this incredible site. liz: here we go as we look at the corona fascinating to see do you hear crickets apparently crickets think it's nighttime so they start chirping. >> exactly i think if we were in the middle of a forest i would say yes but were hearing the news and awes and families took the kids out of school that had the day off so they could experiences with their friends. what an incredible moment. you can see a plane just passed by. i just looked at my producer to make sure wasn't seeing things, that was a plane right.
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liz: you know what's fascinating as we continue to look at what you are witnessing to me it so interesting the moon is 400 times smaller than the sun but it's very rare when the moon passes in front of the sun where you get to see the ring of fire, the solar disk is fascinating. you also got to speak with captain kirk, william shatner himself. >> we spoke with captain kirk and brought us into the eclipse but we did speak one-on-one with his experience of going to space and why it's important to take this in. now that were coming out of totality let's take a listen.
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>> there are natural events taking place in world all the time that attract our attention we unfortunately taken the magic away and given a scientific explanation but there is so much that we don't understand. >> one of the closest things we don't understand everything is the fact that we can see the solar flares from here, how neat are not sure if you can see it you can see the little dot of orange. liz: here it comes but the glasses back on. liz: total length of the 2024 path 9190 miles through 15 states. will be following it thank you for bringing us that moment. as we mentioned were to put up the mark as a side panel because we know that you want to see the markets are reacting volume very
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thin so many people rushing to see. 31 million people live in the path of totality but millions more are flocking to the long slot to witness the solar eclipse. this video from this morning in mazatlan mexico, the first place at the eclipse became visible as it emerged over the pacific ocean. interest is so huge the u.s. economy could see as much as a 6 billion-dollar boost from the eclipse tourism and lodging business skyrocketing with occupancy rates for rentals along the path topping out at 92% and while many visitors are viewing for pleasure, some are doing it because it's worked. i want to bring in the manager one hotel hosting nasa scientist
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laura brussel is the general manager at the intel curveball texas population to 4000, you just experience eclipse 20 minutes ago, describe how your hotel guest reacted during the big moment. >> there was a lot of cheering everyone was happy. we had a lot of cloud cover but it was remarkable to see the darkness come over and watching it dissipate. we were very excited. liz: i would imagine let's talk about the occupancy and a lot of nasa scientists there what did you do to attract them or was it easy like shooting fish in a barrel considering some of the people wanted to be in the direct path. >> we did have a lot of pursuing of working with the community. i got on several boards and talk to the city of people managers and things like that we were mainly trying to figure out what the city needed from the last eclipse. i started receiving calls the
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day after the 2017 eclipse and people were trying to book then. we did not do anything until the year before and luckily kerrville started away trying to gear up and making sure that we had enough porta potty's on accidents going on, food, everything. unfortunately we got on the cloud cover side but it's been a fun experience in nasa has come in they have been at the parks going around to the schools talking with them giving them what to expect in doing little science stuff with them. if you cook with it or whatever you're going to do they can make science out of it, it's kind of what they have been doing and we've enjoyed having them around and hearing their day and what all to expect. liz: there is so many stories of how this is been a boom for
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somebody local economies. kerrville is a small town about 20000 population. explain what you have seen when it comes to that and what kind of rate you been able to charge. >> i been able to triple, quadruple my rates on a normal basis. however, i had additional expenditures to to add onto t that. in the long run we were able to secure parking. we had extra people guarding our parking area are will and making sure that we didn't just have anybody pull in you want to make sure my guest had a place to park and taking care of and also making sure everybody got fed. that was the challenges that they had other places in the previous eclipse where people could not handle a small town having three times or five times the amount of your population coming in. we've been organized in that regard.
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everyone is a whole vibe they have been here with us for four days in the bible has been fun we've enjoyed talking and having food. liz: i was on your website you the right guys and dying a special a lot of wonderful things there. it feels like there's competition in the small town there is a best western, holiday inn and express what you are feel a little bit more and looking at the shop behind me were in new york city and here comes the shadows. it is inching its way appear, thank you so much for giving us a window into what happened really exciting and fascinating. >> good to see you. take a look at the live total solar eclipse over cleveland. it began seconds ago
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re-13:00 p.m. eastern it will last for minutes to 3:17 p.m., buffalo new york is the next major city at the path of totality as it sweeps across the northern border with canada. were getting reports from cleveland a bizarre human behavior, they are yelling and screaming in the streets of the browns are going to win the super bowl . that has nothing to do with the eclipse we always do that. ohio's marathon, procter & gamble, cardinal health. let's take a look at how they're treated at the moment. we are a business network and as we watch the live solar eclipse yet marathon and procter & gamble high alert the dow jones industrial up 34 points. the path of totality we are following each top of the way. up next did jamie dimon dark in
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the skies over wall street with a fresh and worrisome interest-rate warning, floors trader is here to tell us if he's on the same page as a j.p. morgan chase ceo. j.p. morgan reported second quarter earnings already, friday, this coming friday if you bet on the stock a year ago you are up 55%. "the claman countdown" is coming right back. don't go away were watching the clips in the market, the nasdaq is up 23, s&p better by fives.
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i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. (jennifer) the reason why golo customers have such long term success ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. is because we focus on real foods in the right balance i move so much better because of cosentyx. so you get the results you want. when i tell people how easy it was for me to lose weight on golo, they don't believe me. they don't believe i can eat real food and lose this much weight.
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the release supplement makes losing weight easy. release sets you up for successful weight loss because it supports your blood sugar levels between meals so you aren't hungry or fatigued. after i started taking release, the weight just started falling off. since starting golo and taking release, i've gone from a size 12 to a 4. before golo, i was hungry all the time and constantly thinking about food. after taking release, that stopped. with release, i didn't feel that hunger that comes with dieting. which made the golo plan really easy to stick to. since starting golo and release, i have dropped seven pant sizes and i've kept it off. golo is real, our customers are real, and our success stories are real. why not give it a try? liz: of fox market alert, they are in the green right now you
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are looking at the skyline of cleveland. it is 3:20 p.m. in cleveland, they are just coming out of pitch black. back in 2017 they got a dinky version of that and so the browns did not win that year. >> they don't when most year. liz: be nice. , cleveland is coming back into the sunlight, fascinating. new york is getting dark out here. the shop behind me, let's come out if we can, the side panel of the market. that is radio city right there, magnolia bakery right there, people are coming out onto the street, these are shadows absolutely fascinating. the same thing is happening on wall street the solar eclipse on sonic clear path in stocks have
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been shifting between shade and a lot of the session we have 40 minutes left to trade you can look at the intraday's and see we've been down and up for the loss of about 46 right now the height of the session is 109 we were at the moment up 36, the s&p 500 a loss of seven would punch back into the green up five enough points, the nasdaq up 23 and the level of the session down 27. why in and out that's because investors are watching the eclipse and waiting for wednesday that's when we get the much awaited merge consumer price index. analysts are expecting consumer in prices 3.7% annually that would be hotter than the previously rate of 3.2%. it's supposed to go the other way around. it's supposed to go one tenth cooler before tenth of 8%.
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core inflation this is the one that the federal reserve looks at its expected to be cooler than last month read on the year-over-year month over month basis. but just barely. jamie dimon telling investors in the annual 2023 shareholder letter, market should be prepared for turbulence and still what is more currently priced in. he log this morning, we are prepared for a very broad range of interest rates from 2% all the way to 8% or even more. fed funds future the rate bedding hedge and showing a 51% chance of an interest-rate cut in june why july has been showing a bit more conviction 69.4% but both of these were a lot higher last week can jamie dimon's warning beep pricing or
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out of touch to the floor show and trader scott radler are you on board, jamie tends to sound the alarm loudly and some of his worst fears don't come to pass. >> he likes to cover his basis is one of the most influential bankers of the world and j.p. morgan is one of the best banks out there. for the last year end a half he's been a little cautious in bitcoin cautious, last year when the tenure is five-point to he said it could also go to 78 and that was a short-term top and he's writing in a lot of ways funded in the academy by deficit spending how long cannot last we went from 4 - 5 rate cuts another talking one or two in the s&p hasn't really pulled back much besides the scare last week on thursday and that did not amount to much, the market is still being resilient, the economy is showing some strength in absorbing the changes, the
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jobs report showed resiliency in manufacturing has been positive, the market is still absorbing higher rates. the question of the tenure gets back to 4.8% or more i have a feeling we'll get some pickups in the equity market. liz: i look at the s&p we have a 5208, the resistance levels on the upside would be 5228, support on the bottom would be 5146 i don't want to throw a ton of numbers that are viewers. when you get about interest rates going to 8%. 2% to 8% you could drive a truck through that. i think jamie dimon is an incredible ceo and banker any shown real success with the stock over the past year. i just look at that, that's a gigantic target that anybody could hit. >> i hate to say that being cautiously optimistic it is too
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wide of a range, doesn't have much value we go week by week and need to be more precise. the tenure went from 3.8 to four-point to and if it goes a little bit more 4.604.8 that support level in the s&p around 51 or 60, i've a feeling that's not going to be able to hold. liz: tesla has been doing beautifully today at the top of the nasdaq 100, earlier at the top of the s&p, that is an interesting stock story. i know that you traded that name, would you buy it here? >> at this point i think some of my traders are in it. elon musk is trying to change the story from deliveries to a slow media market and he wants to use as a technology company and they might be the first to come out as a robo taxi, there's excitement around that today will that start a trend to stick with i'm not exactly sure if you
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want to be micro and in tesla sector stop at 168. start the new active sequence in this changes the narrative and it's been a broken stock. down here elon has a few more tricks up his sleeve and it could be a decent entry. liz: thank you, i know you are in the tri-state area and were getting into darkness take a look at tupper lake new york, full-blown eclipse at this very moment. look at that. let's take a look outside on the sixth avenue camera new york city. were only going to get a 90% eclipse in the big apple and were outside were looking at that. and we're coming right back.
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liz: scary music, fox business alert to location split on the screen on your left is maine which is now entering totality and on the right, times square and looks like desk, here we are at 3:30 p.m. eastern time in new york city has alights on in the great white ray there shining extra bright as the sun gives great operators across the u.s.
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say they're ready for the total solar eclipse and ramped up alternative energy sources such as batteries, natural gas, texas will lose the most capacity of any state with estimating solar generation will drop by as much as 92% at the peak, the sun is shining brightly for department income and air communities, look at the game 20 2.5% after asset manager giant blackstone announced it'll purchase the owner of the upscale apartment buildings business for about $10 billion, air communities is on track for a record percentage increase, blackstone has big plans, take it private and invest another 400 million to improve the company 76 housing communities and their combined 27000 rental units. and we were just talking about bitcoin with scott radler look at what's happening with crypto, 11:00 a.m. eastern time across $72000 level. right now we have a right below
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that 71806. this comes ahead of the having event expected on april 20, having topping around every four years to reduce the rate at which new points lower the available new supply bitcoin's, previous having been associated with price gains maybe it's running up ahead of the news, crypto related stocks are also running up higher, tandem with bitcoin's bitcoin strategy etf are all anywhere from 4% to nearly 7%. the eclipse is turning the green mountain state park right now, the path of totality passing through burlington vermont at this moment, this is holton main right below burlington. when we come back, bill nye the science guy is here have put his unique and easy to stand spin on the event dominated the nation and dominating wall street, volume is way down there you can see bill nye he is standing by
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as the eclipse winds down its visit across the united states. will ask him what comes next, not just the path of totality, take a look at the shot straight for my sister in california, westwood, this was reviewed earlier this afternoon, the sky turned orange, thanks holly with a focus on astronomy it's kind of ironic that a company named after a greek goddess is leaving the dow 30 today, nike is at the top, appointing a quarter percent but year to date the sports apparel has doubled 18%. we are coming right back with bill nye the science guy where's the ball? -anybody see it?
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these retractable screens beautifully transform your outdoor space into your new favorite room. with the touch of your remote, you're in control. perfect day, up... not so perfect, down... blocks the elements and insects but not the view with added privacy to make this the place to be. so call now and get $200 in savings. join the over one million sunsetter families already living their best outdoor life. and experience how our awnings or easyscreens™ can help you stay cool and comfortable outside in your new favorite room. call today for your free idea kit and save $200. you'll see. life's better under a sunsetter. liz: you are looking live at the
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view from holton main coming out of the year three minutes 20 seconds of tort tally they will enjoy the eclipse for another hour at the top of the show we watched totality with kelly sabir e and indiana. we want to show you again. the markets are slightly in the green it's not like you're missing anything this is one in many decades experience, pitch black people are screaming, everyone on the ground was cheering what are the most fascinating phenomenon this particular experience triggered, let's bring in one of the most recognizable scientist on planet earth he is a planetary society ceo known as bill nye the science guy who joins us live from fredericksburg, you witnessed the eclipse with hundreds of attendees of the sold-out party. you seen how many eclipses in your time but what makes this so
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special and what was different. >> there are a couple things, three things that i've never seen, hi, it was a great day in fredericksburg it was cloudy and it still cloudy but when the eclipse was happening it cleared up, everybody had his or her glasses on, we were going wild. it went off to the east because of the cloud cover, the clouds were transmitting right and diffusing light. it was a crazy glow way off to the stage left. after a few minutes it went completely dark and we have almost a thousand people from the planetary society out here and people get quiet and they start cheering and the other thing with the cloud cover acting as a filter, we can really see distinctly the solar providence the blast of charged particles off the surfaces
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driven by the strong magnetic field. i've never seen it like that with the glasses on and then when you take the glasses off it was really distinct at pink salmon color was spectacular in the third thing that i've never seen before because of the clouds you can see the light marching toward us. it was wild and as totality gave way to a partial eclipse. it was spectacular. it was wonderful once again to share it with other citizens on planet earth. we have unique place which means the three objects are lined up in space, earth sun and moon. we had the shared experience, it was very moving. liz: really interesting to think about the behavior of the animal
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and human world. explain the phenomenon why bees start or stop buzzing and why the cricket start. obviously it gets dark and they think it's nighttime, what else? >> another thing that happened i had never experienced before there is a breeze here today in the hill country of texas. when the eclipse came the breeze stopped everything became very still in the airflow to the breeze just stopped and we heard birds and crickets texas style crickets but at least for me, mostly what i heard was the humans we had almost 1000 people out here. it was wonderful. liz: i want to ask you about something very rare this time around in that lives within the eclipse sound waves from the sun
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tend to be able to go around the moon as i understand it and projected at the path of totality. the path of totality this time around goes along the largest i suppose the biggest fault line of the mississippi. there were some people that think eclipses can somehow trigger because of a sound wave and earthquake or tremble, what do you think can you clarify for people watching. >> there is an old problem and what nowadays we call critical thinking and when i was in school people may have called it logic or reasoning or logical reasoning in this is an old problem if your human among some of my best friends are humans is correlating the cause with the effect. we perceive as humans when something happens over here, you
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think it is caused by something over there or the other way around so this business of sound waves are a human electronic construct when you take the electric magnetic energy coming up to the sun and turn it into audible sound and air molecules. having a total eclipse and let's say hypothetically which did not happen hypothetically, a tremor they are unrelated but if they happened at the same time you might perceive that what they were related. correlation is not causation as we like to say and skeptical thinking. i remind us all that this phenomenon what were describing is understood through the process of science. i like to remind everybody and senators in their staff and members of congress and their staff, article one section
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eight, clause eight of the u.s. constitution mentions the progress of science, the word science is in the constitution. liz: we learned that on "the claman countdown". let me ask you about the hot air that somehow stopped on wall street. 18% less trading volume today than the monthly average. that is good. there's a causation because people ran outside. you can see new york city behind me. all of the cars had stopped. it passed us and we got dark all the cars stopped on six avenue behind me people were watching in the moment which is something that you talked about the in the moment. >> that is great news, that is cause-and-effect. >> the awareness of our place in space because trading on wall street to go down for the better part of an hour.
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liz: i got an updated number a second ago, the trading volume at 3:35 p.m. eastern when it was coming over new york, 31% lower than average, that is a big market. people are into it. thank you. >> let's celebrate our place in space. liz: indeed. bill nye, great to have you. >> thank you for having me. liz: everybody was like bill nye is on the show, proxy advisors are urging goldman sachs to separate the ceo and chairman roles held by david solomon this often happens with companies but now they're making a lot of noise that entered at least according to charlie gasparino he is breaking the news next. let's take one more look and carbondale illinois as the world stops and watches, they're down
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negative for a second still up three, nasdaq of 17 and s&p up one. so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. ♪ the road to opportunity. is often the road overlooked. at enterprise mobility, we guide companies to unique solutions, from our team of mobility experts.
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serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. ♪. liz: thought you had enough of
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proxy wars with disney? another proxy way may be brewing ahead of goldman sachs annual meeting. charlie gasparino is here. >> shareholder meetings are where shareholders vote on certain american sure. the shareholder measures are called proxies. so people know that. it is kind of hard to untangle. not all shareholders vote. sometimes you go alon the line of proxy advisors. vanguard, black rock go along with iss on glass lewis that could make a difference what shareholder proposals are put up there. this is where it gets sticky for david solomon. i there are two, glass lewis and who are suggesting that he should be removed as chairman of goldman sachs. why is this a big story? i will give you the global 30,000 feet.
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this happens a lot with ceos. liz: jamie dimon. >> they tried to do it with jamie. liz: buffett. >> i don't know if iss would go after buffett t would take huge you know whats to go after buffett but i've seen proxy advisors go after jamie, larry fink, ceo, chairman, ceo of blackrock. larry: brian -- brian mon moynihan. they usually get beaten back. the difference david solomon does not have the sort of track record those other guys have in terms of stock price although goldman isn't doing horribly in terms of stock price. i believe so far this year trailing the s&p but david solomon has had a couple of big blunders. i mean he has had problems starting the retail bank. they had to fold that. he had massive dissent in the ranks. there is an issue here about people leaving. everybody other day i'm reading something about people leaving there is also a thing about whether women are being promoted
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fairly inside or they have been held back. i'm not saying i agree with any of that. liz: this would get traction, many cases they don't? >> i think it is good odds it will get traction. most cases these things will get beaten back. david solomon goes, this is bad, it is bad for morale, it is bad for the company, here is my stock price. here is the s&p. here is other ceos that have the dual role. jamie made a defense that he needs that dual role to operate effectively inside of the boardroom. i think he will make the case. i think he will win in the end. to me this is just another layer of you know what he faces and it is almost never ending. you really got to say to yourself why are we talking about david solomon, he got in there in 2018 and we're still talking about him in these sort of existential terms. liz: the stock is up 26% year-over-year but so is the
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s&p. >> yeah. what was bank of america up, like 30%? liz: well, jpmorgan has had -- >> they're all up. i'm just saying, these other ceos, again -- liz: 55%, jpmorgan. >> these other ceos have not had the issues that he had. they keep building and when i talk to ceos out there i ask, you know, is he going to survive? you know, listen, if you ask jamie dimon, ask anybody, do you think jamie, say larry was sitting here. i did not ask larry fink just so you know. larry fink, is jamie going to survive the next two years, if he wants to. liz: up to them. >> i guaranty you ask some one like that david solomon, they would be like, i don't think so. dissension. traders don't like him. number two john waldron is kind of liked. he might not be the answer long term but might be sort of the interhim guy. i'm saying there is something
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here with david solomon and this jobe which makes you think, you know, at some point, you know, he may just cash it in. liz: you keep hearing this. you know holds on. he is solid at least in his own mind. >> i like the guy. i don't want to see him leave. i think he is a good man. he was handed some crap too. by the way did you see the eclipse? liz: no, i missed it completely. >> you remember that song total eclipse of the sun? the heart. liz: total eclipse of the heart. thank you. >> who sang that song? do you know who sang that? liz: chosing bell, three minutes away. check on the solar eclipse. cleveland coming out of the total eclipse. but as we understand it we're hearing browns fans are still in the dark they still think will win the super bowl. >> nope. liz: my floor show director ran out and started eating. there is an eclipse.
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i feel like eating. keybanc raising price target from 1200, sorry, to 1200 from 1100. keybanc saying the chip make ear's new hardware configuration could help new revenue. nvidia is massive momentum trade. forecast to generate 110 billion in revenue for the year-ending january 2025. rising to 135 billion the following year. joining us key advisors group eddie ghabour. you've been slowly gathering this year. added more nvidia. 100% of your management is in nvidia. clearly you have no problem buying this high price? >> this is clearly range-bound in the last couple weeks as a lot of a.i. names are. maybe this weeks sparks it with the inflation data where we believe all these names are going to break out through the highs. we don't have a problem buying
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it at this level right now and we are looking to look to accumulate that. every client situation is different. we may get up to five or 6% in certain client portfolios but i think you will see these names catch a bid again. we're pretty bullish here going into the summer months because we do think we'll ultimately get a blow off top in the market this year and the a.i. names as well as energy that we've been buying and accumulating we think will be some of the main leaders. so it is taking a little bit of a breather right now. it could be uncomfortable buying sometimes, but that is usually a good time to be buying. we'll wait and see. we're already ready to pivot at anytime, if the dynamics pivot in this marketplace we think it will in the next 12 months we'll pivot and pivot fast. liz: you can't argue with $100 billion plus in sales. that is just stunning. eddie, we know we're getting the consumer inflation number on wednesday. that is huge. you need to call out sick and
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watch the show on that day and every day. what do you expect, will it be two interest rate cuts, or just one or none? >> i think there should be zero interest rate cuts but you think the fed will actually do one. i think cutting rates right now is one of the worst things the fed can do because that is ultimately going to be inflationary. if they cut-rates too soon they will cause inflation to reaccelerate back into the fourth quarter, first quarter of next year. then they're going to be potentially forced to raise rates again and market does not have that priced in. liz: eddie ghabour, thanks to you. so a little bit of an eclipse shadow over the dow and s&p which are slightly down. nasdaq, russell, dow transports in the green. tomorrow we will see you. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. so, we


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