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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 9, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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maria: oh, yeah. >> i needed the glasses. i thought about pulling a donald trump and just squinting up at it anyway, but i decided to save my retinas the trouble. maria: yeah. i'm glad you didn't do that. no, i had the glasses, and you could really see it with the glasses. it was cool. i'm glad we experienced it. kaylee mcghee white and mike huckabee, it's been great having you this power hour, thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. >> thank you. great to be with you. maria: we will see you soon is. 30 minutes away from the hoping -- opening bell on wall street, a market that is higher at this point. the momentum continues, dow up 43, the nasdaq up 70. all hands on deck tomorrow, the consumer price index right here, live, 8:30 a.m. eastern. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. a direct challenge to president biden, israel's bibi netanyahu says an invasion of rafah is going to happen. he says, quote, there is a date.
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he insists op wiping out hamas leadership. biden has said that if israel does that, there will be are con especially intentions like limiting the -- consequences like limiting the supply of weapons. that will be a significant diplomatic break. separately, pro-hamas demonstrators in america chanted death to america. on the campaign trail, biden has released a harsh political ad on abortion. he tells the story of a woman who nearly died after being denied an abortion in it's. the ad says, this is trump's fault. to the marks, fairly quiet so far this week. the dow up maybe 30-odd points at the opening bell, nasdaq up maybe 70. you'd better take a look at gold. we've got another record high. $2,368 per ounce. i believe that's the 15th record high for gold this calendar year. no retreat for interest rates. the 10-year yield withs 4.39 as we speak. and the 2-year, it's getting closer to that 5% level. it's getting closer.
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we're now at 4.76%. remember on january the 12th it was 4.14. bitcoin right around $70,000, it briefly touched $72,000 earlier. watch out, gasp keeps creeping up. -- gas keeps creeping up. regular has hit $3.60, diesel $4.05. the department of justice will not release the tapes with special counsel robert hur. the transcripts show biden to be an elderly man with a poor memory and empired faculties. republicans believe the tapes would demonstrate the the president's true condition. on the she today, the giveaway president, that's my expression. the latest? free community college if he's reelected. this on top of his promise to forgive all or part of student loans to 40 million people. on the show today, the government now pay out more in interest on the national debt than we spend on defense, and it only gets worse. we'll take a look at the debt
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bomb that looks likely to explode. a trip to the edge of space with champagne served when you get there. first flight scheduled for 20225, the cost is $, 125,000 -- $125,000 per person. and look at this. right in the middle of the eclipse, trump's campaign team came up with this. like him or not, that graphic certainly seized the moment, didn't it e? [laughter] laugh out loud, sports fans. it is tuesday, april 9th, 2024. varney and pane is about to begin. ♪ -- "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ if muck ♪ if. ♪ ♪ stuart: all right, good morning, everyone. an important challenge out of israel. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he has set a date for the invasion of rafah, something biden and the democrats have tried to prevent. liz peek with me in morning. liz, it seems to me we're at a crisis point between israel and the united states. do you think that biden is
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trying to stop netanyahu from finishing the job in gaza for guestic e political reasons? is that what why he's doing this. >> yeah, i think the imagine imagine -- magic number is 15, the number of electoral votes in michigan, a swing with state, where you have half a more arab-americans who have turned violently against joe biden. in the 2020 election he won 96% of various counties in south deerborn part of michigan. recently in the primary he won 4%. that's the problem for joe biden in michigan. look, i think everyone in the world is concerned about the plight of people in palestine. it is a horrible war begun by hamas. that is what we have to continue to remind everybody. and and, by the way, hamas could end this war by releasing the hostages. they refuse if to do so, they refuse to sign on to any if kind of ceasefire agreement which has been offered many times. all of the pushback against
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israel talking about how they don't care about a civilians, etc., stuart, they go to enormous lengths. why isn't this being reported? if to protect the citizens. they hand out leaflets, they announce where they're going and when they're going. this is a terrible media campaign against netanyahu really, not against israel so much as against netanyahu. stuart: true. >> -- and joe biden is just right there sailing through for political purposes. stuart: would you like to speculate on the jewish vote in november of this year? >> you know, i'm not -- i talk to a lot of american jews who actually have turned against israel but mainly, again, against netanyahu. they consider him a strong man in the image of donald trump. he was a close ally of donald trump. anything that trump was involved in, obviously, is terrible. we all mow that, as far as the media's concerned and democrats. but i don't know how it's going to turn out. you know -- stuart: it's a question at this
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moment. >> yeah, totally. stuart: stay there for a second. got something else later on. i want to get back to the markets, back the futures. this is how we're likely to open up this morning, i mean open up. not a huge amount. the dow up maybe 20. look at the nasdaq though, 65 points to the upside. mike lee with me this morning. mike, it has been a tough start to the month of april. i know we're not very far into april, but a tough start. you're a bull. do you think the bull market has lost its momentum? >> no, not even close. and i think what shows the strength the of this bull market is in only we were looking at six rate cuts -- in october. now we're looking at three maybe. maybe one, maybe two. over the course of this year. and the market hasn't really slowed down until april this year, so what i would say is a little bit of profit taking, people waiting til march to close out to show that their books are up so that they can build on that higher valuation at the end of the quarter. and now we're just a little bit of profit taking and
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reorganization. but i'm still bullish. i think this a.i. cycle is nowhere near done. it's a boom, it's the largest technology upgrade we've ever seen in the history of the world. [laughter] stuart: you're right, okay. you're also a bitcoin bull, i believe. $72,000 the per bitcoin today -- sorry, $700,600 -- 70,60 as of right now. you say it's going to continue to run. how high do you think it's going to go? is. >> i think over the next 18-24 months we top 200,000. stuart: 200,000? >> yes. stuart: there's a lot of people. i don't mean to single you out, but you pick a very high, headline number, and that makes the headline, and everybody looks at you. you really think it is it's going to be $200,000? >> stuart ors based on historical trading patterns. what's happening is all the bitcoin miners, their reward for profession transactions it's going to get cut in half in a few weeks, okay? every single halving cycle, which is what it's called when this happens, has led to the a
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trim of the previous cycle high. that previous cycle is $67,000, previous cycle high in 2021, so that puts us right about $200,000 at the end of this cycle. and like now with the u.s. government creating a trillion dollars in new debt every hundred days, okay,, you know, invention of the etfs making it much easier for many investors to own bitcoin versus owning a cryptocurrency wallet, we've seen a fundamental change. i would say $200,000 is elatively conservative. -- relatively conservative. stuart: mike lee, thanks very much, indeed. let's get back to politics, and liz peek's still with us here in new york. the op-ed she just wrote, biden's stealth but clever strategy to maintain control of the white house, end quote. you say biden's going to do whatever it takes to win. like what, liz? >> well, we've seen that he'sing willing to throw the his opponent in jail. beyond that he has, he issued early in his presidency, like in march of 2021, an executive
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order that a commands, commands every single federal agency basically to loose their federal employees to register voters and to use their agencies to promote voter registration including assisting people filling out their early ballots, filling out their polices for early ballots, etc. it's actually unbelievable. it has been challenged by some pennsylvania lawmakers. it probably will be heard by the supreme court. whether it'll get there in time to stop this, i don't know. but, stuart, there are 3 million federal employees. a report by a group of 50 left-leaning organizations reported that if this was done right, they could register over 3 million new voters. i mean, i don't think republicans have any idea what they're up against. and i gotta tell you with the hatch act, remember that that, that was supposed to make
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electioneering illegal by federal employees, or apparently that's only if you're in uniform or on duty so all these people d i mean, this is an incredible thing. and i think, again, you know, george bush talked about a fail withdrew of imagination accounting for 9/11. this is the republicans' failure of imagination p. who could imagine that you're going to have this number of people out there working on behalf of joe biden. stuart: and they'll go that far to win. >> yeah. stuart: liz, good stuff. thank you very much. >> thank you. stuart: staying on 2024, rfk jr.'s new york campaign director has a number one priority, and lauren's going the tell us what it is. lauren: preventing joe biden from winning. stuart: why am a i not surprised? if. lauren: and turning new york red are. quote, the only way that trump can even have the remote possibility of taking new york is if bobby is on the ballot. if it's trump versus biden, biden wins. biden wins sick days, seven days a week. with bobby in the mix, anything can happen. and, yes, new york could go red. she was of speaking as a private
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citizen, i do want to point that out, but her comments do reflect the brief that a third party candidate can, an rfk jr. hurts biden more than trump, and that's why the biden war machine is out to get him. stuart: why did the justice department refuse to hand over the tapes of biden's interview with robert hur? lauren: the committees have already received the extraordinary accommodations of the transcripts. to go further, by pollution audio files, would compound the likelihood that future prosecutors will be unable to secure this level are of cooperation. they continue. the special counsel, robert hur, declined to charge biden for retaining classified documents. he said biden was an old, forgetful man. democrats say he's not forgetful. so why don't you release the audiotapes and let the public decide? stuart: no p, the republicans are saying that. lauren: right. yeah, exactly. the democrats are saying he's
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not forgetful, so maybe if you release the tapes, maybe the public will decide can maybe the democrats are right -- stuart: i hope we get to see him and hear him, because that would make a difference. thanks, or lauren. quickly to futures, i see some green, especially e for the nasdaq, you're up 60 points there. far-left protesters in progressive rashida tlaib's district made their anti-america feelings very well known. watch this. >> we live in one of the rottenest countries that has ever existed on this earth -- >> [inaudible] [speaking native tongue] stuart: well, i'll calm down. how is widen -- biden going to deal with clear anti-semitism within his own party? good question, we'll try to answer it. biden says he will never if stop his attempts to forgive student debt. roll tape. >> folks, i will never stop to deliver student department relief for hard working americans for the good of our economy that's growing stronger
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and stronger. stuart: missouri's attorney general, andrew bailey, is suing the administration to stop that loan forgiveness. he's here to tell us why and he's next. ♪ nothing i can see but you when you dance, dance, dance, girl. ♪ feel good creeping up on you so just cannes -- dance, dance, dance ♪ muck mart quemuck better outcomes. the new dexcom g7 sends your glucose numbers to your phone and watch, so you can always see where you're heading, without fingersticks. dexcom g7 is the most accurate cgm.
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stuart: president biden unveiled details of his new student loan forgiveness plan when he was in wisconsin yesterday. what did he have to saw say? lauren: the first attempt was shot down. he says he's not going to stop because it's unfair that graduates have to pay the loans they agreed to take on. >> folks, i will never stop to deliver student debt relief for
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hard a working americans f it's only in the interest of america that we do it. and again, it's for the good of you are economy that's growing stronger and stronger, and it is. by freeing millions of americans from this crushing debt of student debt, it means they can finally get on with their lives instead of their lives being put on hold. lauren: 30 -- [laughter] i know. we're back to this. 30 million americans would see, if this is approvedded, their debts canceled. but this time there's no income limit on the forgiverness. it's targeted -- forgiveness. it's not this blanket student the debt erasing for 40 million americans. it's for 30 million, and it's targeting most libor rowers that come under three categories -- if you paid your loans for 20 year, if you owe more interest tan you actually took out on the loan and if you can claim hardship, but childcare could be considered hardship. [laughter] so the criteria are pretty vague. stuart: especially the doctors and lawyers of the future, isn't it? lauren: yeah.
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the plumbers paying the doctors' loans. stuart: vote buying even for the rich are. thanks, lauren. i want to bring in the attorney general of the state of missouri, ann andrew bailey. mr. attorney general, welcome to the program. you just filed a lawsuit to stop biden from forgiving more student loan debt can. on what grounds are you suing? >> first of all, this is personal for me. i paid for my school in service with the united states army and with the -- awed a awed a tiff -- [audio difficulty] i paid for my school in blood, sweat and terrace. we can't leapt joe biden saddle families with ivy league debt. missouri has an instrument thalty of state government, the missouri higher education loan authority that administratorss -- administratorss payment and reat the same time of student loans, it would is have cost missouri taxpayers $44 million, more than a half trillion martially, and we anticipate this plan is going to cost missourians exactly the same amount if not more.
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we know nationally it costs more, so we can't let joe biden saddle hard working missouri families with debt. we're -- stuart: biden says he's also pushing for free community college. watch this, roll it. [no audio] >> i also want to make -- and i've been pushing this, and if i'm reelected, i'm going to push it hard, we're going to get it done next time, is i want to make community college tuition-free. [cheers and applause] we won't need loans at all. we'll cut in half the cost of going to college. [applause] if we do this, the economic gains will far outweigh the cost, and that's not hyperbole, that's the truth. stuart: okay. mr. attorney general, free community college tuition. will you sue against that too? if. >> well, if he does so illegally without any congressional authorization, we absolutely will. that's the whole point of this. it's a separation of powers
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issue. the constitution gives the power of the purse to the legislative branch, not the executive branch. and unless congress explicitly authorized this redistribution of wealth, it's illegal. president biden keeps pointing to these vague references in statute saying somehow he has authority to redistribute this wealth, but the court has found that congress never explicitly authorized this. when you have a program on this order of mag any if tuesday, this enormous political, social and economic impact that congress has to be explicit, it's a constitutional issue, and that's why we're fighting so hard to put a stop to it. stuart: mr. attorney general, state of missouri, thanks so much for joining us. hope you come back soon, thank you. lauren, do we know who will benefit the most from biden,'s loan forgiveness plan? if. lauren: you said it earlier, doctors and lawyers, but it's gen-x, those who have been paying their e debt for more than 20 years and for graduate students who have been paying for more than 25 years. that means gen-z, that's the age
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group he's targeting for votes, the oldest of gen-z is 28. they wouldn't be the prime beneficiaries of this debt reliefal a though they could get manager if, but they're not the main beneficiaries. that's the age group he needs to court. that's why we have student debt forgiveness take number two. other people that would benefit, borrowers z who balance balloon because of interest. they can get $20,000 in debt wiped out. stuart: but it's also automatic. you don't even have to apply for this loan forgiveness. lauren: is that true? great. stuart: if you've got the numbers, you're in. lauren: vote buying. stuart: change the suggest for a second. one college association just banned transgender athletes from participating in women's sports. lauren: yeah. stuart: which association did that? if how many scoops? lauren: -- schools? lauren: 240 small colleges and universities covered under the n if aia a, national association of intercollegiate athletics. they voted 20-00 ban transgender women athletes from women's
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sports. if a trans if student has taken hormone minutes, they can practice on the school's women's teams, but they cannot compete. this policy contrasts with the9 ncaa which represents the larger universities. their policy is sport by sport. they don't have a blanket ban for trans-women athletes. stuart: and this group does. got it. check futures, please, the opening bell about 7 minutes away. dow's up about 48, nasdaq up about 990 points. the opening -- 90 points. the opening bell is next. ♪ no shoes, no shirt and no problem ♪
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4.76. do we have any individual stocks that we're looking at? some. lauren: there's a one. of individual -- bunch that we're looking at. reprimarily google. the stock should open at an all-time high. they have a new chip which could compete with nvidia. it's a viable alternative to nvidia can chips. it's an a.i. chip, but you can only get access through the google cloud. everybody's spending money on the best of a.i.. google one of those names. stock's at 156 in the premarket. stuart: all right. so alphabet google, that's the stock you're talking about, right in with the new chip? if it opens at that level, $155, isn't that an all-time high? lauren: believe that would be. stuart: what else have you got for us? they're a lauren $155.7. 4, all time high for google. moth, betting big on japan. -- microsoft. they would basically set up labs and train workers there for
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robotics and r and d. stuart: okay. can we have a look at the price of gold, please? yeah, you got it. gold, i believe, has hit 15 records so far this calendar year, 2024. right now it's at $2,369 per if ounce. up another $18. this thing is on a tear. it's got something to do with the value of the dollar and also the likelihood of inflation picking up in the future. gold is a hedge against inflation. it's been moving up as inflation has been moving up. lauren: talk of a second wave of inflation. we might be in it now. cpi numbers come out tomorrow. you can see how bad it is or how much it has improved, the flipside. a lot of the gold miners today whether it's newmont or barrett gold, their up around 2% with a couple of minutes now, one minute before the opening bell. stuart: and we should say we were looking at the price of gas as we look at it con stabilitily, regular has reached $3.60 on average. it's been gradually rising. it's up about 30-40 cents in
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about 6-7 weeks which is a consistent move up. that will affect inflation. lauren: yeah. because gas is used in everything. u.s. just dose through the economy -- goes through the economy and the manufacturing process and right into your wallets. stuart: crowd oil is down 5 cents a -- this morning, but that makes no difference. bitcoin, show me that, please. bitcoin is now at a $70,000 per coin. it had been $72,000 earlier on today, but you dropped back to 70 as we speak, so gold, bitcoin both down a little this morning. sorry, gold's up $18. what am i saying? lauren: yeah, a record for gold. but the bitcoin halving event just a few days away. it is expected to prop up the price to new all-time highs. stuart: watch out for if etherium. we're locking like they're going to etf on that one too. the market is open. we're off, we're running, and i see the dow very close to 39,000. the dow is up 92 points right
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from the get go this morning x there's a vast preponderance of buyers on the dow 30 as opposed to sellers. buyers in the green, sellers in the red. the s&p 500 also opening just a little higher. not bad, 18 points. s and and the has damage composite, that is up about a half a percentage point. i presume big tech's doing can well. show me, please. if the nasdaq's up, big tech is up. google, $156. that's the new intraday record high, i think. amazon's up. meta is at 5222, up again. microsoft -- 522. apple, still below 170, it's at $168. individual stocks we've got with news on, eli lilly, for example, it plans to spend big on an obesity drug plant. they're a going to make it. how much are they spending on it, and where are they going to build it? lauren: it's not the u.s., it's germany. and the amount is $2.5 billion. that plant opens in three years' time, in 2027, and it would
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produce mounjaro as well as the pens used to add a more the weight loss shot. why germany? because it's close to equipment manufacture if manufacturers that eli lilly already uses, and europe i don't want to say untapped, but the market for the weight loss drugs in europe is not as big as it is here. one reason is european unions has, ultimately, a a ban on insurance companies covering the weight loss market. stuart: oh, or ye with. hawaii. [laughter] lauren: pfizer is hobby being -- hour bying to change that. stuart: well, if the insurance companies are prepared to the pay for made -- or made to pay for it, the con suggests will go up. let's have a look at truth social. it's down again, 1%. $36 a share. lauren: wasn't that the price that it priced at two weeks ago a, exactly two weeks ago? stuart: can't remember are. lauren: on march 26th.
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that means if you look at the sharp decline since then, the $2.8 billion in market capitalization, wiped out just like that. trump has a 57% stake in his social media company. his stake was $5 billion two weeks ago. stuart: i'm interested in apple. can't believe it's staying below $170 a share. tell me what dan ives, he's the ace analyst -- lauren: he's really good, and he's still the at a buy, and he's going with his $250 price target for apple. as you know, it's at $168. that's a hefty price target. he says point blank china headwinds for apple, for tim cook, obvious black cloud. but he and his team just did a channel check trip supply chain check trip -- [laughter] can't even say these words -- stuart: he went the china. lauren: he went there. he said it's not as bad as they
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thought. iphone wild, holding -- build, holding steady. it's not a deteriorating situation. so his point is if you can get through a couple weak quarters for apple, you know, and you just -- that big june with event, the worldwide developers' conference that's this many uni, that's the a.i. event, that could be a growth cat lit to get apple stuck at under $170 or around a $170 to the $250. stuart: i've never if owned apple. never owned one share of apple in my life. lauren: not even in the steve jobs days? stuart soother i just didn't get into it. apple at 168 with a big event on a.i. coming up and dan ives saying it's going to 2 2050 -- lauren: he calculated that 270 million are wait or if for iphone 16, they're in that automatic upgrade -- stuart: the stock goes up 10 cents. lauren: maybe the market doesn't. stuart: we've got pfizer, they
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release, believe, trial date for the rsv vaccine what's the results in. lauren: this is the a big deal because the new trial data shows it protects 18 to 59-year-olds who are at high risk. why is that important? because they currently have approve for 600 and older and pregnant -- of 60 and older and pregnant women to protect their babies. so this greatly expands the user base. pfizer plans to submit that data to the fda for expanded approval. huge market opportunity. there are no shops available by any company -- shots available by any company nymph anywhere for young adults. stuart: five minutes' worth of business, dow is up 74 points. your real -- you're real close to 39,000 on the dow. show me the winners in the very early going. cisco, dow, 3m, caterpillar and salesforce p. here are the s&p 500 winners on your screens, nasdaq, moderna, freeport-mcmoran, newmont if gold corp.. gold at at a record high, gold mine, rs go up.
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nasdaq composite winners, moderna, ill human new york, on semi and atlassian. no big names on that list, in my opinion. the 10-year treasury yield, where that a? fractionally lower today but look at that level, 4.38%. gold, talked about it all day today, new high. now up $24 per ounce. bitcoin at $70,600. the price of oil stable in the mid '80 range, $86.45. nat gas, don't care, below $2. the arm price for a gallon of regular, watch this, gasoline is creeping up, $3.60 per gallon of regular. diesel at $4.05. creeping up again. coming up, joe rogan predicting when democrats will drop biden. roll it. >> may. >> may. >> i think he's got til may. >> no way. >> i feel like right around may they're going to pull hum. i think he just has health
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problems and the country understands. stuart: how about that? if rogan also said who he thinks will be biden's ore placement. i'm tempted to tell you with, but i won't. transportation secretary pete buttigieg, who has a constant security detail, downplayed crime in d.c. roll it. >> the simple facts and the simple reality are right here staring us in the face including the fact that i can safely walk my dog to the capitol today in a way that you couldn't do when we all got here. stuart: well, it helps to have a security detail, doesn't it? because d.c. just is had its deadliest year in more than 20 years. guaranteed, we're all over it. benjamin netanyahu say says a date has been set for an invasion in rafah. congressman scott petty, he's on the foreign affairs committee. does he want biden to stop israel from taking rafah and hamas? the congressman is next. ♪ ♪
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stuart: on the markets this morning after 11 minutes' worth of business, modest gains. dow's up of 60, nasdaq's up about 90 points. check out google, please. i believe $157 a share, that is a new all-time high. and amazon at $185, that's nearing its first record close since july of 2021. both stocks up nicely. overseas israel's prime minister says a date has been set for the invasion of rafah if. trey yingst in tel aviv. what more can you tell us about this, trey? >> reporter: hey, stuart. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says his troops will enter gaza's southernmost city of rafah. currently, there are more than 1.4 million palestinians that are sheltering in this area. it's not exactly clear when this will take place and how long the process will be to get those
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civilians out of the way, but it is a consequential decision for a varian tough reasons. netanyahu says the move to destroy remaining a hamas battalions is needed to win the war. [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: this victory requires entering rafah and eliminating the terrorist battalions there. this will happen, there is a date. >> reporter: it's day 186 of the war between israel and hamas. the amount of aid going into gaza is slow isly increasing with more than 400 trucks entering the enclave on monday after idf if soldiers withdrew from southern gaza over the weekend. some palestinian civilians returned to the wreckage of their homes in the city of khan yunis. recent reports estimate more than 50% of buildings in gaza were damaged or destroyed since october 7th. while the folk for israel does remain on the southern front, israeli force are on high alert in the north amid continued attacks iran-backed lebanese militant group hezbollah. stuart. stuart: trey, thank you very
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much, indeed. congressman scott perry joins me now. congressman, do you want biden to stop netanyahu's invasion of rafah? >> well, stuart, thanks for having me on. i would just refer to robert gates, president obama's defense secretary, who said that joe biden was essentially on the wrong side of every single strategic and and consequential foreign policy decision for the past 40 years. and president biden, of course, presided over the completely botched withdrawal from afghanistan. so while he's the president and he can certainly call the prime minister and give him his opinion and his thoughts, we a ought to let it up to, leave it up to israeltheir prime minister and their military to insure the receivety of israel and it citizens -- safety. stuart: there have been threats to stop the supply of weapons if israelis do go after rafah and the militants in that city. would you stop that? would you reverse that? would you insist they get the
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weapons regardless? would you say that? the. >> of course they need the weapons. this is the most anti-israel, the most anti-semitic administration probably since the '30s, and it's in the democrat party. you have people openly chanting death to america and from the if river to the sea in the democrat party. so, absolutely, we should have a bold line here of distinction. republicans support israel, support their sovereignty and their security. and, by the way, stuart, in keeping with the fiscal responsibility we should pay for whatever we send to israel. the house sent that package last fall, the senate has done nothing but reject that over church. stuart: extraordinary. i'm i'm going to change the summing for a second. will you insist on a border fix before you give any more money to ukraine in. >> again, we're -- allf us are appalled by vladimir putin and russia is' actions in ukraine. we have a wide open border in the united states of america, and before we go around without
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any accountability in an open checkbook to places that are listed as the most corrupt place on the planet, or we ought to secure our border. that needs to be the our focus. we want to help, everybody wants to help, but we've got a wide open border with terrorists pouring into the united states of america. it has to be a priority. stuart: are you prepared to lose ukraine or, bottom line, have putin win in ukraine because of the border? are you unwilling to change anything? will you sort of say they can lose in ukraine unless we get action on the border? is it that way? >> no, we don't want to lose ukraine -- stuart: but they might. >> -- but the question for democrats and chuck schumer and joe biden are, is it worth it to save -- because you're probably not going to really save ukraine, let's face it. they're not winning the war against russia which is that massively overpowering them. stuart: are you writing them off? >> are you willing to spend
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billions of dollars -- no, we're not writing them off, but are you willing to essentially write off america and america's border to send $65 billion to ukraine for which we're never going to see anything come back and and we're not going to see a victory for? we have asked the biden administration for their strategy for victory, for their strategy for anything in ukraine. we have yet the receive it. stuart: okay. there are reports that in your home state, pennsylvania, voters are beginning the lean more towards trump. apparently, heir worried that biden will underpennsylvania's very lucrative -- undercut pennsylvania's very lucrative fracking industry. is that what a you're seeing or congressman? >> well, the people of pennsylvania are seeing with wide open eyes what the biden administration is doing that -- to their livelihoods. they can't a afford or their grocery bills, if they want to buy a car, choose anything other than aen electric vehicle, and they see this as an assault on their very well-being and their opportunity, and they're going to vote with their pocketbooks. they're going to go with the person that's going to make sure that they live their best life
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in america, and it's certainly not joe biden. and we don't have to tell them that. they're seeing it every single day at the grocery store and the gas pump. stuart: 20 seconds. pennsylvania's a key state. if the election were today, would it go for trump or biden? >> if it was today, trump wins, absolutely. the question is, is do we have the election integrity to prove that. nothing has changed since 2020 in pennsylvania on the election front, and we've got to get that squared away. stuart: scott perry, congressman from pennsylvania, thanks very much for joining us, sir. we always a appreciate it. >> thank you, stuart. god bless you. have a great day. stuart: president biden hopes his green agenda will boost his popularity among young voters. first of all, what does the polling tell us? lauren: hope springs eternal. all of the polls have said that the top issues for voters are immigration and the economy, right? number one and number work the any order, right there. climate change is right near the bottom. the "wall street journal" has a poll of voters in seven swing states. 3% of 18 to 34-year-olds name
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climate change as a top issue. for all ages, it's 2%. so how -- [laughter] how do you make climate change less e nate with all -- resonate with all voters, in particular the young people, the voting demographic you're going after in the widen campaign -- the biden campaign thinks it's changing the message, make it an economic issue and hopefully get more people onboard. it's a risky gamble. stuart: it sure is. thank you, lauren. coming up, joe biden is the giveaway president. he's giving away your money. he's giving away our country. what really worries me is that that the as a political strategy, it might work. votes can be bought, and biden runs the master or class in vote buying. that's my take, top of the our. taxes are set to go up for everyone because the trump era tax cuts are expiring. what exactly does this mean if for you? a full report next. ♪ ♪ if you leave me now, you'll take away the biggest part of
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stuart: higher taxes are on the
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horizon as the trump era tax cuts are set to expire. grady trimble with us. when the tax cuts run out, and a what will that mean for working families? >> reporter: stu, at the end of next year, so whether the cuts stay or go could largely depend on who is in the white house and who is in control of congress at that time. and to answer your second question, a number of deductions and exemptions for small businesses and individual files would go away. according to our colleagues at fox, many americans will be forced to pay anywhere between 1-4% more in taxes. that is, unless the cuts are extended, revised or made permanent. the is ceo and finder of engineer if tax services says we're in a situation which many american families and businesses are hanging on by a thread. letting the non-permanent provisions of the tax cuts and jobs act expire could be catastrophic to our overall economy and the with-being of many working -- well-being of many working families.
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>> on one hand, you can stimulate the economy by putting more pun in people's pockets. -- money. but when you have more of that money flowing to the washington bureaucracy, it feeds the very regulatory state that's impeding entrepreneurs and small is businesses from creating v.a. value. >> reporter: the u.s. chamber of commerce if also wants to keep the trump era tax cuts in place. president biden, though, is campaigning on raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations, he says. the chamber has said biden's tax policies would lead to lower economic growth, fewer new businesses starting and less job creation. stu? stuart: i hear ya, grady trimble. thank you. check those markets, please. the dow has now turned south. we're in negative territory. the dow is off 70-odd points at this moment but the nasdaq's holding its gain, of of 0 points higher. deroy murdock on pro-hamas demonstrators chanting, this is in michigan, death to america, death to us radioel -- israel. that is antisemiingtism writ large.
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surely, a problem for democrats. ucla's medical school force students to attend class on -- forced students to attend a crass on racism. karol markowitz deals with it. "the view "cohost sunny hostin tried to link the solar eclipse with climate change, are you kidding? jimmy failla's going to have some fun with that one. and senator mike braun on biden's latest attempt to forgive student loans. biden also wants committee community -- free community college. vote buying, anyone? the 10:00 hour is next. ♪
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stuart: this is billy joel. he is well known. on sixth avenue today after the eclipse.


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