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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 12, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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last two years and we're going to stop eating, i can see it's not going to be well. we'll need to feed our cat and will have our grains go well and and down about 40% from the h ighs is a solid player with a small dividend of 3%. liz: 10, 15 seconds. are you watching your screens all weekend with this israel iran tension? guilt have masters but israel in my ear and big concern of israel and i'm sorry that we have not done a better job taking care of them as we should. liz: well, the president saying we have israel's back and iran should absolutely not think about watching any kind of attack. thanks to todd and here we go. the closing bells as we close out the week, yes, markets are in the red not just today but for the week. gold of course hitting a record earlier today. ♪ larry: hello, folks.
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welcome to kudlow. i'm larry kudlow. there he goes again. again, and again. joe biden student loan bailout, a never ending illegal vote b uying employee that never w orks. senator eric smith will talk about all that in just a bit. another big market crash today, the dow's tanken by about 2500 points on high inflation and no rate cuts and a little thin jp morgan earnings. we've got kevin hassett to weigh in, meanwhile sarah carter on inflation and north dakota governor doug burgum on fossil fuel war and mr. edward lawrence live at the white house with more on student loans and other matters. edward. reporter: yeah, you know what, the attorney general most of them suing president joe biden because of student loan bailout plan and must weigh voting b uying scheme and seven states filed new lawsuits in order to stop the president from l osenning the ability to relace
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the rules for a vote buying scheme according to that and president biden including about 30 million people in all americans for this bailout and see the states there. they would balloon the cost g etting 30 million included and already existing changes to the programs cost taxpayers $ 53 billion and forgave loans for 4.3 million and republicans say voters won't be fooled. >> bibs is not working for the american people and they know i t. and, you know, this election will be about the economy and about border security. and americans see joe biden is not leading, it's failing on both issues. reporter: the president has no offset and eventually the people with the loan being forgiven have to pay and president losing ground with young and minority voter so this was his pitch
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today. >> props kept to historic $ 7 billion in h bcus to relieve student debt for 4 million people so far, including significant number of black borrowers. including just today, i a nnounced another 277,000 americans and significant number of black borrowers also having debt forgiven. >> president signed into law $ 7 trillion sings he's been in space this student debt f orgiveness plan is not included in that number there. it would increase the debt even further. larry. larry: all right, edward lawrence, thank you very much. they can't even do that right. on this point a couple more points from me, there he goes again and again and again just this morning. president biden announced another $7.4 billion in student debt bailouts for 277,000 b orrowers and cops to $ 153 billion in proposed student debt cancellations.
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the supreme court ruled that m r. biden does not have the authority to cancel student loans in a 6-3 decision entitled biden versus nebraska and struck down use of so-called 9/11 related heros act for student loan cancellations and the court ruled that the president's executive order lacked a clear mandate of congress to be used outside of national emergencies. this was somewhat similar to the supreme decision in west virginia versus epa that ruled against extraordinary executive order regarding fossil fuel and other climate related cancellations. they were based on the same plan and reports to regulated loan payments but this too like to be be struck down by the supremes because the executive lacks a
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clear congressional mandate to cancel the loan and interest payments all together. now the interesting thing about all this the supreme court decision ridden in english clear english. it's our mother tongue. most people understand it. even president biden proports to and yet as he has said several times, he doesn't care what the supreme court says and pes to go ahead with it anyway and cancel $153 billion worth of student loans. if you think is a u nconstitutional or u ndemocratic, you would be r ight. right now the education department holds a portfolio of $1.7 trillion of student loans. so biden canceling roughly 9%. an interesting substory to this student loan drama, it was the obama administration that s ocialized student loans and
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stuck them into the education department. prior to that, the loans made by banks and other private len dormans. the thing is there isn't a person in the 4400 staffers in the education department who know a thing about banking or credit analysis. so they just been givenning away free un-m which by the way results in higher and higher tuition costs among colleges that enroll the debt-laiden students. now, you might say the private banker that understood credit analysis would be much better making the loans and you'd be right. but that's not what obama w anted. he wanted to put all the loans in the education department so that, now get this, the interest payments would go to finance, wait a minute, obama care. how about that for a clever b anking solution. so now mr. biden wants to cancel all the loans and interest
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payments, which will of course underfund obama care. but no matter, he'll just sell more debt to take care of that little problem. in is some high finance story, isn't it? the dumb leagued the behind into more dumbness. now, final part of this sad tale is biden and his genius advisers figured out the student loan cancellation to be a clever way to buy votes for the election and not even that's going to work. think about this, in round numbers, 60% of students across the country don't have college or grad school loans or may have had them and paid them off legitimately like a responsible person. but about 40% do have the loans so you might say the 60% is financing to 40% and that's not a good political ratio. one of my favorite democrat p osters wrote on fox digital column and title biden screwed up life for young vetters and
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could cost him. voters and could cost him. by the share of total population in the united states, 13% have student loans and 87% have not. that's an even worse political calculous for joe biden. this is certainly the guy that can't shoot straight and can't find out how to buy an election. but they shawnee know how to lose one. that's any riff. all right, joining me now to shall we say chew on this, missouri senator eric schmidt. mr. schmidt, welcome back. i hope i didn't overstate the case and bad finance and bad politics and the gang that can't shoot straight and now the question is can you stop this latest several tranches of student loan bailouts? >> yeah, they'll get stopped at the supreme court and i was attorney general in missouri and brought that on the student loan debt relief came and one because the supreme court knew this was
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an overreach and wasn't a mandate from congress to go do it. missouri had standing to bring the lawsuits because missouri had something called mohilo and loan servicing organization within the state and that provided the standings, which what the case hinged on is and my guess is what these cases and challenges are being bought by other ags following a similar path struck down and to your point, larry, this is a sin criminal election year ploy to try and go after younger voters. it's not going to work. it's also a middle finger to working class folks who either work through college or didn't take debt at all or, you know, a bunch of different scenarios and going to cater to people he's losing because the economy is so bad. it's twice as expensive now to buy a home. if you're trying to get in your first house, it's twice as expensive because of interest rates than just a few years ago. every time you go to the grocery store and home depot, whatever it is. things are 20-30% more expensive
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and cost to fuel your home or car is higher because of joe biden. here it is now, an election year and he knows what i think is really going to happen and ultimately it's going to be struck done and after the election and i think that's entirely the point by the cynical ploy. larry: what's so dumb is the financing and these loans stuck in the education department socialize or national identity so they can provide revenues and support obama care. i love it had then and love that notion even more now. the bidens taken that money out of obama care. they'll sell more debt senator schmidt. i understand that's the way the world works under the government socialist administration and i find is somewhat amusing and awfully dumb. >> it's one big shell game. they don't take this seriously. look, we're $35 trillion in d ebt, larry, you know this.
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in the blink of an eye we're going to be at 40. these numbers simply aren't sustainable and paying about a trillion a year to pay for the interest of that debt which is more than we pay on military there's a reason why couldn't doesn't want to vote on it. >> mandating pushing out now and going through the executive action of the votes and united states narrow angle to the and votes in the mouse all they've got left and thankfully the supreme court will strike this down like before and that o riginal case i brought as ag and was a half a trillion and that was half a trillion taxpayers saved and now inching back with new schemes and they're un-layoffful and insult to the american people. larry: speaking of unconstitutional and unlawful, as i understand it republican
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senators are insisting on bringing the impeachment on dhs secretary mayorkas into the senate and if chuck schumer t ries to stop t you all are going to schutz the senate down until it gets going. can you tell us a little more. high information and idea. >> in the history of the c ountry, larry, in over 240+ years and it's never been an instance and never. articles of impeachment coming over from the house of representatives that the united states senate didn't perform its constitutional duties and having for the trial and somebody that's still in office or alive and it's never happened so regardless of how democrats may want to vote on this convict or not convict, we're sworn in and constitution order to have a trial and chuck schumer file ago motion to stable or dismiss before there's a trial. it's never been done.
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it's unconstitutional and it bulldozes any precedent and all because he's afraid of a couple new cycles so we're going to use every procedural tool in the tool box to get to a place that should be at with normal circumstances and it was the senate to perform it is constitutional duty and judge this as the impeachment articles come over. larry: you've got leverage and reading articles you and tom lee and some others. you all can stop business in the senate until mr. schumer goes back to the correct c onstitutional approach which is dealing with that trial. >> yeah, and we're going to do it. this is, look, again, regardless of how you feel, i mean, if politically speaking, new york belongs on mount rush mother of worst cabinet members in the history of the united states. from a legal perspective, he's subverting the laws of the united states whether parole or catch and release and memos and urging employees to ignore long
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standing immigration laws lawsd there's evidence presented and vote to convict or not convict depending on how you see it and the fact is it's really important that the senate actually does this because chuck schumer is sort of acting like a day trader here and very short sided and if he does this, if he actually does this and if he nukes impeachment trials in the senate, which is what he's proposing, there won't be one again. there won't be one if the party in the senate is the same party of the official coming over. we have a higher calling, due to constitution and we've always abided by that, and it shouldn't change because chuck schumer is afraid of the facts and the news cycle highlighting what a disaster the border has been. 9 million people here illegally and crime, fentanyl and national security crisis and all those things because secretary mayorkas refuses to do his job. larry: got it. senator smith, interesting one and i'm drawing on your l egalness, joe biden is trying
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to unleash the whole federal brock seizure disorders to go out and -- bureaucracy and go out and harvest votes to reelect him. that is fantastic. executive orders and competitions and hhs registering voters, hud doing registration, and ballot harvesting and public housing projects. i love this. education, pushing high schools and colleges to register and turn out votes. wait a second, agriculture department. if you get snap or wick, the food perhaps, you're going to register voters and have them and there's one of my favorites, the justice department you're going to love this, you may know this already because you're such a smart fella. the bureau of prisons and marshal services registering and encouraging inmates to vote. ballot harvesting in the prison and some of the prisoners might like donald trump's spirit a lot more than joe bidens but anyway, what ever happened to the hat shack?
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why are these governor bureaucrats doing and getting paid administrative leave to go out for the ballot harvesting. i mean, this is democracy? really? >> yeah this, is one of the most important reasons why donald trump needs to be back into office because i believe -- in my conversations with him, i know he's committed to this and i'm committed to being his partner and know a lot of other senators are, which to fundamentally change the administrative state. to dismantle it. it's gotten way too powerful and founders never intend the unelected bureaucrats that aren't aren't accountable to anyone and their agency and wielding to lives and liberty and getting back to if this is such a good idea, congress should vote on i t. if you should ban gas stoves, make us vote on it. be accountable to voters as opposed to deputy under secretary of some alphabet agency and totally ridiculous but again, this is sort of the
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final stage of the democrats desperation. they know what's awaiting them in november and they know they're going to lose and lost folks and the republican party now i'm happy to say is a multiethnic working class party, and they see what's happening in our country ask it's time to save it. larry: agreed. i think the prisoners will vote for trump anyway. we'll see. as a joke. but i think they like his s pirit. the prisoners aren't going to vote for some wussy, socialist big little guy. senator, great to see you. take care. >> thank you, larry. larry: all right, folks. the dow tanks almost 500 points and that's the worst of the year. higher inflation is a problem, not going to be any interest rates and jp morgan came in light. great kevin hassett, former chs going to talk about it. i'm kudlow.
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those bureaucrats are getting paid to go out and harvest votes for joe biden. can you imagine that . it's not good. not good at all.
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hi, i'm kevin, and i've lost 152 pounds on golo. (uplifting music) my biggest concern when i started golo was food. i'm a big guy and, shockingly, i like to eat. i was worried it was gonna be like other diets that were bland and restrictive. but with golo, my meals are great, and i'm no longer hungry like i was before. i'm so pleased i gave golo a shot. don't wait, go to her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”.
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you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. larry: dow plunging big time today and gerri willis on the
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selloff. >> yeah, pretty bad and stocks tumbling and banks kicked off first quarter earning and inflation fearing they were r ising and dow down 475 points and that's over a percentage point and s&p down 75 and nasdaq down 267 and ouch. jp morgan chase reporting that futures net interest income is a key measure of what the bank makes on loans could come in short of analyst expectations ations and stock down 6% shaving 730 bernards healthcares off the dow and wells fargo falling into the trading and jamie dimon warning warning that persistent inflationary pressures continue to weigh on the economy. and cricking to the inflation worries rising oil prices that touched a six month high on r ising tensions in the middle east and finally a warning for ewe middle income stacks filers and tax day approaches more than half of outrebounded ditterman targets 63% earned 2 million or
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less. 4 million? it's 200,000. larry: sure, willie sutton, the famous economist with the money. why go after the middle class? that's yours truly money is. gerri will willis, the best ofe best. thanks ever so much. with us now is kevin hassett, former chair of council of economic advisers. distinguished fellow at hoover institutions and author of most important book of the century called drift stopping socialism. import price up 0.4 in march after 0.3 in february and 0.7 in january. you know all about inflation over the past three months and c pi about 4.5% and annual array.
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what's going on here, kevin hassett? >> right, well it's going e xactly the way you and i have been saying it would go for the last two years. i wept back to september 2022 and talking about ten steps to stagflation, and we're stuck at step 8. which i just wrote about in natural review and price inflation and wage inflation stick together, price inflation doesn't go below wage inflation and right now they're both r unning between 4.5 and 5%. way above the fed's target. and i think that in january, i remember once you asked me on the show, kevin, any rate cut this year and i said no. inflation is accelerating so much and uncertainty in the middle east and driving energy prices up even more and that'll create serious pressure on the fed to group maybe as much as another percentage point 23 you look at sort of rules of thumb about where interest rating
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should be right now given inflation. bright bard and john carney. . there's a nonzero probably our dear friend larry lindsey w riting back in 2016 it when janet yellen was fed chair, she raised rates, raised rates right after the election at the december meeting and so the question, kevin, is might history repeat itself and tough for them to raise rates and biden was out yet, and i think he may have repeated to today. he expects the fed to cut rates and he just didn't know what month. but maybe they'll weight but the next move might be higher rates
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after the election. >> especially if trump wins. i think that rate hike, i think president trump always felt like janet yellen bees partisan at the fed and one reason not to reappoint her and in retrospect, she probably was. what the fed should do is ignore politics and look at data. if you do that, hike, not cut and really nothing i can see in the data that would lead to rate reductions unless something like a black swan event like middle east cot way, way worse and it turned into a really hot war between israel and iran or something. if that were to happen, markets would drop 20, 30% and then the fed probably would start cutting rates. i think big black swan seventh out of control on the upside and larry summers is right about that . larry: kevin, the other point and last point i want to make is seeing a tremendous rate of government spending.
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harry: you're running a trillion dollar deficit. okay .x it's not lower revenues, it's higher spending. we can hit $2 trillion again. from a president wanting to the fed to drop rates, he's causing inflationary pressures. all the way to 38 trillion and that big ibram increase in debt. leads to inflation and my guess
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is what's going to have to happen aft next election is congress going to have to rebalance and no way the u.s. on the path to germany and stay for another decade. larry: kevin, thank you so much. we're talking tax day on monday. donald trump wants earlier and more debate withs joe biden and we've got david and rich lowry to weigh in and plus, sarah carter on biden's support ovisrael. versus iran. is it really ironclad or not and by the way. way, tough story, hw many hostages are really alive being held by hamas. i'm kudlow, stick around. lots more to dorks on everythg folks.
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larry: welcome back. black male voters as well and talking about it all is david b ossi, president of citizens united and cochair of 2024 rnc cob venges and deputy manager and rich lowry, editor and chief of national review. welcome. david bossi, more debates and earlier debates and gay's got a point. >> certainly does. any time, anywhere. that's what president trump has said. he wants to take on joe biden is make sure that the american people get a opportunity to see the two of them because if this campaign on policy the trump
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administration versus biden is better off today than you were under his administration? larry: rich, the first scheduled debate off the article in mid september but early voting s tarts when? >> the guy on early debates is joe biden is lucky to get undebate out of him and an excuse not to do any and s tanding up for 90 minutes against donald trump at 9:00 at night. >> in trump gets convicted in the bragg case and they'll say
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he's an insurrection exist use whatever excuse to minimize his time or not do debates at all. larry: okay, david bossie, another one for you. big story in the wall street journal and news story from the polling and biden losing support among black men and hispanic voters and by the way they want to build a wall down at the border. that came out of wall street journaling and new information to me and i'm not surprised. black voters, they're getting the short end of the stick and they feel that the illegals are taking their job. this is powerful stuff if biden is losing black voters. >> he's hemorrhaging among black males and females and we saw incredibly powerful video of president trump walking into the chik-fil-a in atlanta a couple of days ago and organically, te young black women gravitate to him and say we are with you.
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and they want to take pictures with him. it was an incredible sight. but if you look at america first economic agenda, and the record that he had while he was president, it helped the african american community and helped hispanic community, and that is what they're coming to realize because to your point, hispanics that came here legally want others to do so as well. and the african americans are looking at jobs, which are h arder and harder for everyone, all walks of life to find and get, they're resentful that others by the biden administration allowed to enter and take them away. larry: rich lowry, that's the lord's chips acten. >> of course it is. there's a case that -- chicken. >> of course it is. trump should not do anything till election day and campaign in fast food restaurants. it's great. larry: he's really so good at i t. >> that's exactly right. these voters care about other issues that other people care about. the economy, the border, crime,
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and maybe, we'll see, these numbers are so aston ericing and see it happen in election to believe it. maybe that this reflection vote as a block and it's going away and voting ideologically and they're patriots and cultural conservatives and don't like open boarders. larry: are you familiar with the npr story and singer, editor of npr that still works there and did a tally. >> i will be checking my 401(k) if i'm him. larry: they hadn't fired him yet but basically broke the story on substacks some place. anyway, 87 registered democrats and zero registered republicans on national public radio. they get hundreds of millions of dollars of subsidies from the federal government and trump s aying stop the money. got a point there. i mean, 87-0. even by modern standards. i bet you have more democrats at
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the national review. >> couple deputies. i was a democrat once. they had me. >> this isn't exactly breaking news. we've lived this our entire careers, but it's astonishing sees from the guy at npr who's a liberal. he vote for biden enthusiastically. but is disgusted by the bias. of course, this day in age of podcast and serious radio and why do we need to subsidize progressive rating? larry: $700 million worth of subdeciding in federal funds and why not? bossie, one more for you. trump raise ago fortune in the past week. my total is $50 million in mar-a-lago and he made $ 50 million and $15 million in buck head, which was wants to suspended ands seed from hot leeanne tafanely -- succeed from hot leeanne data committee. what do you -- hot lanta.
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what did you make of that? >> astonishing. president trump is raising huges appointments of money hand over fist and important for donors to come together and everyone understands the importance. this sin flexion point for this country. this is an inflection point and joe biden must be sent back to the basement in delaware, and donald trump must wine for our children and our grandchildren's futures if they're going to have one. larry: i think biden is doing his best to lose and i think trump is doing his best to win. how about that i conclude on a friday afternoon. dave bossii and rich lowry, you're you're both fabulous. switching gear and talking about israel. very difficult stories but j oining me is the wonderful sara carter, fox news contributor. scar ragaini, great to see y ou -- sarah, thanks for doing this. you've covered this quite a bit. he's kind of antagonist ick and almost betraying israel and don't go in to raffa fade pattern or the southern gaza and lots of humanitarian aid and we want to have a hostage exchange
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and then yesterday with the japanese prime minister and again today he said his c ommitment to israel security is "ironclad" because of course he ran and may have attacked israel and israel took out sarah, which biden do we believe? the one criticizing netanyahu or the one now that says the phrase ironclad. who's right here? >> well, i think we shouldn't believe biden at all. let me explain why he did this and why he did this is pivot this complete 360 reversal and in zeldon itches there last moa nd -- israel i was there and stated if you cross this red line and go into rafah, there'll be heck to pay from the united states. and put israel really on the defensive with the u.s. and placed israel in a really
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precarious position. but what happened right now, this reversal is based on actionable intelligence, larry. so basically he undermined israel and iran once again took the upper hand and israel t argets this general that could force and all the sunday. united states intelligence agency and cia and dia and everyone else is getting information that iran is going to imminently target israel. but it's not just about israel, it's about the united states, and all the sudden this terrible foreign policy that president biden has been spilling across the globe and has been creating this and incredible thing and instability and reversal of the trump years and he's getting advice and people from within his own administration and s aying, sir, you'll step out and getting back to case israel and imminent knowledge and attack is
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happening. proximate jim jordan on the phone and -- proxy is there and going for them. pushing forward with the attack. pushing forward and prime min minister allow this to happen and we saw that was the reason why he was targeted for the attorney general. system of articulation l arry: ironclad and use the phrase and don't. not to invade ukraine and that didn't work out so well. in fact, our john roberts are members of saying in is one of the best to visit and he don't and it's what i tell my dog for the sock. the russians didn't buy it and i don't know if the iranians didn't buy it and how much is here. how much does the united states do and other thing you know, i'm watching the grand crew market and those guys will know if there's an iranian attack c oming, but biden doesn't want to higher gasoline prices and i
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mean, i think that's absolutely motor for the summer. maybe i'm being there and. main story and going for wall street are still alive. half a dozen american hostages as you know all too well. >> correct. >> many of them have died and many have been killed and some are being there for a hard b reaking story. >> one-over the gut wrenching stories and israel just last month with some of the families of the hostages at the hostage.
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it was terrible and i couldn't even imagine being in their position. not knowing for the loved one and not knowing whether or not they'll be released and what we know is this that when the intermediaries were basically asked for the ceasefire and that would be egypt as well as qatar and they asked, you know, whether or not israel ha h ostages had trading and not turns over 40 hostage tans that would be alive. that is very devastating of the families and we need to wait and see. nobody has the exact number right now and i think even israel is waiting to see what's going to transpire. any kind of hostage exchange, and i think we just need to sit back and wait. the families are devastated and i hope that some of these hostages are welcomed home. larry: i got a hard break but you're right, this is a heart breaking story. sara carter, thank you very m
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uch. north dakota governor doug bernards burgum and more attacks on fossil fuels and we all bleed for the israelly hostage story and american hostages and lord knows what's investment opportus happened.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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hi, i'm katie, i've lost 110 pounds on golo in just over a year. golo is different than other programs i had been on because i was specifically looking for something that helped with insulin resistance. i had had conversations with my physician indicating that that was probably an issue that i was facing and making it more difficult for me to sustain weight loss. golo has been more sustainable. i can fit it into family life, i can make meals that the whole family will enjoy. it just works in everyday life as a mom.
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larry: let's bring in north dakota governor doug burgum. biden is raising royalties on federal lands from 12.5% to 17%. okay. the minimum bid raised from $ 2-$10. and another one is the minimum bond for 10,000 to 150,000. all this will drive out w ildcatters and small business and not going to help the production of fossil fuels at all. this crowd never stops, governor burgum. >> larry, it's infuriating and we know in in north dakota because we've been fighting the
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federal government and they're required to hold quarter lease salesser quarter so americans that want to bid in a opportunity in an auction to produce the energy. every president since harry true man held them every quarter. biden did not hold one in the first eight quarters he was in office. north dakota sued sued and we d required them to hold the leases and now they're doing everything they can to essentially tax anyone with higher rates who wants to actually do that development. then you might say, well, hey, this is interesting, but what are we looking at right now? emergency prices are s kyrocketing and it's, he's t rying to reduce u.s. supply under this fantasy, the whole premise of all this of no d rilling on federal land and the premise is that somehow that's good for the environment. when you displace clean energy production in the united states, it doesn't reduce -- just r educes the supply. doesn't reduce the demand. that demand is being filled by iran and venezuela and russia. we're making adversaries rich. i mean, biden's policy is h elping make putin to become the
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richest guy in the world through the green fantasy and who's p aying for that? american citizens and driving the cost ovenergy up at home. it's bad for consumers, bad for america and great for a dversaries. i feel like china and russia wrote biden's energy policy. larry: i gotta picture and i don't know if you can see it or not but we'll put it up on the full screen from "the wall street journal" editorial and price of electricity gone up 29.4% since mr. biden took office. see how flakes ---todded they were for years including trump years and have jumped up astronomical, 29%. as you know, governor, other prices including gasoline have all gone up by more than that. some of the prices, 35-40%. so that's, you know, n thornhill
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tore is the middle class working for them. they can't get electric power and don't want evs and want their gas powered cars, et cetera, et cetera, and costing them a fortune, sir. >> absolutely and not only is president trump going to make america great but affordable again. >> that chart is an exact explanation of biden policies and restrict supply and increase demand because for electricity, they're subsidizing 500,000ev charging stations and batteries where the rare earth minerals come from china. if you're subsidizing all of that, then you're going to have more demand and of course we have ai on top for more demand at the time they're trying to shut down electricity in the country and who's voting for president trump? anybody that puts gas in the cr or food on the table and paying a electric bill is voting for
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president trump because biden's policies are hurting the people that need it most. larry: governor doug burr bum, as always, sir. we appreciate you coming exon talk soon. folks, i'll be right back with my last word.
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where you grew a dream into a reality. the all new godaddy airo. put your business online in minutes with the power of ai. student loan costs, energy and electricity costs, inflation and mortgage rate costs. middle class is getting creamed in this country. they can't afford the biden economy and that is the big problem but solvin


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