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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 16, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow. there he goes again. president biden with more of the same old class war fare untruths on the campaign trail, a falling tide of sink all boats that is his motto, sandra smith and art laffer and kevin brady will fact check biden's latest tax hike and mayorkas articles of impeachment get to senate floor but will chuck schumer do his job? senator rand paul will give us latest on all of that and over on house side, the whole israel uukraine foreign raid story, in big trouble. unraveling as we speak, we have congressman kevin hern. to tell us what is happening and steve hilton and mollie hemingway why voters nostalgic for good old trump years and can donald trump get a fair trial in upstate
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new york. our en e own edward lawrence has details. reporter: let's start with the impeachment. this could be first cabinet person in president biden's cabinet to be removed from office, impeachment articles officially went over to the senate today, and you can see managers, they are managers from the house side, they are carrying the articles m marjorie taylor greene and andy biggs and chairman mark green, foreign affairs committee michael mccaul, walking this in, this afternoon, is when chairman of homeland security commission started reading the articles of impeachment, managers stood bo hein behind him as he read it in the well, some were reading along, there were a lot of decorum,
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some read along some were watching the manager speak. president biden for his part is in a campaign events in scranton, pennsylvania, he has two, he just finished one, he will go to do second, he will pitch his own tax plan and unveiling a new campaign line describing former president as out of touch. >> people like donald trump learn different lessons, he learned the way to get rich is inherit it, and that paying taxes is something that people did for a living did not him. reporter: president arguing that tax cuts under former president trump helped only rich. the latest polling shows 61% of adults say national economy is fairly bad or very bad. 35% say, it is fairly or
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very good. with 4% not sure. economy the economic messaging from biden campaign is that president biden inherited an economy in shambles because of covid pandemic, the president said he fixed it the critics say fix sparked inflation and it is 19% higher than day president biden came to was. >> that is the biggest issue. the prices that people are paying at the stores and gas pump and health chunk, the prices are up 22 to 25%. it almost like inflation is a sales tax every time you go to the store, people who make less than 400 thousand dollars are getting hammered. reporter: joe biden trying to remessage the this economy so people feel better. going on campaign rally today and tomorrow, he has an events in pennsylvania and former president trump stuck in court in new york city. back to you. larry: all right edward
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lawrence thank you very much we appreciate if. couple comments, every time joe biden says something about tax policy, i have to go back and write another riff to re to -- rebut his falsehoods, i'm tired of this game. untruth after untruth, it is class warfare, millionaires are bad, billionaires are worse, and if machine makes a million bucks some middle or lower income family loses a million bucks, that is not how our capitalist economy works it not a zero-sum game, add congressman jack kemp said years ago. if you encourage work and investment, with lower tax rates you will get more work and investment.
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as art laffer said thousands of times tax something less, you gets more of it. tax something more, you get less of it. economic returns after tax and after inflation, matter for individual or, economic decisions biden's latest so-called tax fact sheet is wrong, factually, it is okay to have your own opinion. about how the world works. but it is not okay to make up your own factoids this whole biden diatribe against donald trump's 2017 tax cuts, is wrong. i just put out a few facts, i have done this so many times, such a wearying exercise, but, for entire trump term real weekly earnings for typical working class families went up 9.2%. that is for the entire trump
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term. so far under joe biden 3 years plus. they have actually fallen 4. 5% that is middle class wages, biggest gainers from trump tax cuts were middle and lower income earning, in fact, the lowest 20% had the biggest gain. then, poverty dropped all the way to record low of 7. 8% under trump. under biden so far poverty is 12.4% of workforce. unemployment for blacks for hispanic, asian and women dropped to record low under trump, a nberstudy shows, worker wages were biggest beneficiary of the trump tax cuts. and revenues over a few years, actually broke even. biden is plaghterring on that corporations don't pay
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taxes only the wealthy benefits and deficit and on and on, none of that is factually true, by the way no administration has given out so many tax credits and subsidies to the tax code, than the bidens green new deal misnamed inflation reduction act that kept budget of deficit at 2 trillion, one of greatest corporate welfare slush funds, wealthy people, living in this cities and suburbs on east and west coast, screamed like stuck pigged when trump lowered salt tax deduck deduction too 10,000, that. meanwhile joe biden wants to roll back are all of the trump tax kurtz and institute various wealth taxes on unrealized capital gains and other asset
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confiscation, but probably will come to 5 trillion dollar tax hike, mr. biden still spending 8 rate of 24% of gdp or more with additional massive spending plans if he gets reelected. the inflation rated has gone up 19. 19. 40%, a paper suggesting that actual inflation rate, could now be 7%. borrowing costs included. but these numbers ac aaside, donald trump cut taxes and the o entire economy benefits, bottom 20% the most, a rising tide lifted all boats. today, the day after tax day, joe biden is out there someplace in middle america boasting how much he will
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raise taxes. that means, a falling tide will sink all boats. what a loser's message. but, i'm sure this is not last time i'll have to write this article. all right. that my riff, joining me now, great sandra smith, coan oanchor of america reports and kevin brady, and art laffer. former reagan exist, everyone, boys and girls welcome back. >> hey, larry. larry: art, i will start with you, you taught me all i know about taxes for god's sake, put away every detail. trump cut taxes, rising tide lifted all boats, all biden wants to do is raise taxes, i will say a falling t tide will surge the boats go ahead take it and run. >> you are correct. trump did cut.
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reduced corporate rate, i think from 35 to 21. there were a lot of other things in there what happened. as you said, the lowest unemployment rate, poor, minorities and under educated all of that went to the lowest unemployment rate poverty went down and tax revenues went up, you did not mention another huge beneficiary of trump tax cut was increase in revenues for government. that is just federal government, they are tax revenues up as a result of tax cuts. but look at when it did to state and local taxes they were raised. so, they really benefited from the tax cuts and jobs act. now, but we also know is that when we raise the highest marginal income tax rate in america on the rich, the biden plan, whenever we have done that attack revenue from -- tax revenue
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from rich have gone down, economy has under performed and the poor has been hammered. those are facts, just the facts. i am very sick of people using the frayed in my opinion -- phrase in my opinion, this is not about opinions it is about facts. larry: i don't care your point of view, you can't make you of facts, sandra smith we're coming to you, kevin brady, you helped write the former president trump tax cut, i will say, that biden's assault is just factually untruthful. i know kevin, presidents never lie but they do tell untruths, this is from top to bottom, untrue is it not. >> absolutely it is, fre -- it is great to be on with taxly joins, president's claims have been de bun bunched -- debunked.
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the fact checkers have a new name, zombie claims, they are dead, they are not alive. trump tax cut delivered prosperity, in 2019 we saw how tax cuts would drive the economy that one year, we saw household income, grow more in one year an all 8 years under president obama and vice president biden, and poverty hit 50 year low, and income inequality began to shrink for first time in half a century, bee we did that not by sending them government check but letting them keep more of their own paychecks, that is why former president trump polling numbers are so strong on the economy. larry: sandra smith, a day
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after tax day biden is going to scranton, pennsylvania to raise taxes and blame trump. so, i want your take on this you are a important of middle america. >> first, i am very honored to be with a all. but he was -- he delivered this speech, during america reports. there are students -- telling voters, he is doing a great job on the economy, and will make things better, anonymous in there is 17%. he is not getting good masks on the economy from -- good masks on the economy from voters there, you pay 888 more a month under this president than you were before biden took office. average price for a fallon gallon of gasoline is up a buck under joe biden.
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house prices, it is expensive to buy a home in pennsylvania, they are up 31%. the ultimate tax is inflation, people pay more afor everything, then the president, he is telling everyone, it is okay. it will get better, he is transferring student debt, and that will get transferred to american taxpayers, and when you have him touting, the tax hikes, that basic tenant government knows how to spend your hard earned dollars better than you. larry: right, that well put. >> who will pay for the cancel student debt. >> hard working american that likely did not order never will go to college. >> 65% will pay for the 35%. how is that. >> amen.
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>> people remember that. >> think about what you said government can spend your money more than you can, he is there saying to people i'll raise taxes by 5 trillion dollars and reverse all trump tax cuts, which people approved of, we saw "new york times" poll, people thought they did better under trump. i will raise your taxes, and spend more money. how does that give you confidence about economic future, and opportunity. that is the part i don't understand. >> people are not optimistic they are taking on more credit card debt to pay for sky-high prices. up a fasa brand new reutters poll came out. showed that trump is over biden 41-34% to who voters think best to handle this economy. he is still getting higher marks, and when i was listen toed biden, i did not
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hear president utter the word bidenomics they are running far from that. larry: kevin brady he did not mention bidenomics. i want to -- if there is a trump tax cut 2.0. can we flatten the rates and s simplify the voad. code, drop corporate rate to 15%. what should we do with the code. you were one of the authors of landmark bill? >> yes, make it more simple. and flatter. fairer and more pro growth, there is more there to be had. corporate with your leadership and president, we lower 21%. federal government generating more revenue at 21% than it did at 35%.
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because businesses are investing in their workers, and community in america. we have seen a huge sort of a sucking sound back into the united states of investment manufacturing and patents here, i would go for -- first lock in the low rates that we have today, they are fair. and pro growth, for businesses, second, you know, i would continue to try to drive rates down as low as we can, on you invest ment, we were not able to lower capital gains rate, and for more investment, that is always purpose, we don't -- important, right now we have an economy driven by consumer spending and government spending not sustainable. we could make more proes progress in pro growth air going forward. larry: art, what sandra
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said, you either cut taxes or raise them. since when would a 5 trillion dollar tax hike help an economy. since when? and you always say, after tax, income, drives work and investment. if that is i tax something more. you get less tax. -- of it tax something less you get more, these are fundamental truths why can't the bidens understand this. >> i don't know, but let me put it straight forwardly, i have never heard of an economy taxed into prosperity that makes no sense, you look at what biden's solution is. welfare spending and more transfer payments, and again, i never heard of a poor person spending himself to wealth. these two are are -- just silly, if you tax
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people who work and pay people we don't work, don't be surprised if you get a lot less people worker, that is where we are today. and it say shame. we have the potential to be really productive and really fair and balanced and really to help poor, and we'll frittering it away with the biden policies, it is really straight forward and simp simple. larry: sandra, a rising tide lifts all boats, this is what mr. biden does not understand, ex iconically, in 1986, joe biden voted for reagan second tranche that brought top rate to 28. and only other rate to 15. that is what j john f. kennedy taught everyone. >> maybe you should spell it out more, what would growth look like with a 15%, i thought of you because, i
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was clipping a montage of biden, i know you love, when he says, the american economy needs to flow from middle out and bottom up. >> my favorite. >> not the top down. >> i don't know what that means. >> sideways. >> sideways. today accusing trump of inhe-- inheretting his money. >> "wall street journal" pointed out irs most wanted man, the irs is targeting those making 200 thousand or less with audits more than any other group. how about them? >> uber drivers and waitresses thank you sandra smismith and kevin brady and art laffer. >> you can catch sandra and john roberts on america reports on fox news. >> kudlow, mike johnson,
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israel, ukraine foreign aid package has blown up, we have congressman kevin herns try to tell us what happens next. i don't know, let's go back to the border close the border. i'm kudlow, she is sandra smith, we'll be right back. lkint practice? no... cashbacking. word. we're talking about cashbacking. cashbacking. cashbacking. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product.
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larry: according to reporting an israeli counter attack on iran may be imminent. jeff paul is live in tel aviv, what can you tell us. reporter: we know that israeli war cam was to meet today, it discuss their next moves we're see seeing reports that meeting might have been postponed for tomorrow, regardless, what happens to night speaks to how fragile the situation is as israel trying to figure out its next move, and images from the idf regarding from left over material from the iranian attack. this is a fuel tank spanning 36 feet long from just one of estimated 110 ballistic missiles fired from iran.
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idf said it was retreved from the dead sea. had air defense system not been so accurate, the after maftermath could have been far more devastating. israel a acknowledges that response must be c strategic and not escalate the conflict. >> we can't, allowed to live you were the threat of the ballistic missiles. that is unaccept able. reporter: top of situation with iran, israel has its on going war in gaza now today we're seeing there is some rising tensions in north part of israel, a bit of aiexchanging between
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hezbollah and the idf. >> jeff paul thank you. be safe out there we'll talk soon. larry: switches gears back home. speaker mike johnson foreign aid package has blown up. let's spring in oklahoma congressman kevin hern. chairman of republican study committee. so this is -- 4 pieces, israel, ukraine, taiwan, far east and various funding devices has fallen apart from what i'm told by various insiders, what you can tell us. >> well, thank you for having me. we look at what iran has just done with israel, no wonder with joe biden telling u.s. israel to stand town. iran saw an opportunity, it has been continuing since august of 2021. this president has shown
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weakness abroad. when you see package that we're working on right now, and voting for support bills that will lead up to funding package, but send a message that republicans in congress support israel. the democrats do not. that is what we'll see, there will be a handful of democrats that will support the bills, maybe, when you look at package in and of itself, the funding package, problem for us is that ukrainian part. i want ukrainian in middle of a war, what is going on is a travesty, american voters say why are you more concerned about ukrainians border an you sent 1220 billion and not our southern border that blew up the package,. larry: kevin, i have tell you. i think what americans are worried about is southern border, israel -- look i
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support israel. israel is funded. give them a couple more fine. but to my, it is the border. it is the crime. it's the police dates. deaths, it's the drugs, it's the sex problem, it's the cartels. everything. i think it is the border. i know you know, some advice is free, i think y'all should focus on border. and mayorkas impeachment is biggest even today, maybe schumer will bury it but i think that the single biggest event that will catch everyone on headlines tonight, the border and why they have not en fored that bored -- en for enforced that border. >> what is what you heard from members in con f --
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conference, we're not getting votes for ukraine and this package until the border is secure. it is what american people want as you said, 9 to 10,000 people a month that are dying from fentanyl alone. larry: kevin hern we appreciature update, good luck on negotiations. >> coming up impeachment articles again may head to the senate. we'll talk with senator rand paul about that story next. the senate, may be handicapped and business will stop because schumer does not want to deal with mayorkas or the border. democrats don't want to deal with the border. biden doesn't want to deal with the border, the border is everything. anyway, coming up senator rand paul, and i'm kudlow, i'll be here too.
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larry: to may articles of mayorkas may articles much impeachment, reaching senate floor, joining us kentucky senator rand paul, welcome back, tell us, will chuck schumer allow this trial to take place? or are you and others shutting down the senate? >> you know i think what will happen is something unprecedented we never had impeachment of a president or impeachment of a cabinet member that se sent over and dismissed without discussion or debate, we hear that chuck schumer will move to table, he would nullify the results without a trial or discussion, it has never happened. it is unprecedented. i think a dereliction of duty, i don't think this is what constitution intended when something serious happens b like an impeachment, there should be
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a trial. larry: i certainly agree. is there something you can do about it, tie his handing until mr. schumer gets back to right constitutional path. >> if senate republicans had guts, stamina and integrity and wherewithal to day together, 41 of us can stop anything in senate, we could have made them compromise on spending but every time spending comes up we capitulate, oh, no, they say it will be us shutting down the government. no, we should say they are not doing their constitutional duty, so nothing happened in senate, already -- next thing they have up is spying on americans through fisa, the way they speed on trump, they are freaking out, instead of telling schumer you have to impeachment they will say how quickly can we dispense of this, some
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republicans are secretly say let's get it done to do a white wash on fisa and let them continue to have all power in world to spy on americans, i will not let them do it easily and i do all i can to make sure there shea deba de-- make sure well is a day b debate on nic fisa. larry: go h rand go, i am hearing about spending bills, i don't hear word pay for, i'm listening, i know i'm old my ears generally work, i don't hear pay for. >> speaker mike johnson came in, his first act, he passed increase money foreign aid for israel but paid for it by clawing back irs money, he had a pay-for, now he is
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negotiating with himself, putting forward another israel bill, that is not paid for, i can not support. we're bankrupting our country. mike johnson will negotiate with himself, chuck schumer said he will not accept it if it is paid for. mike johnson will wilt and say here is israel aid unpaid for and ukraine aid unpaid for and taiwan aid unpaid for and a bunch of money that puts us further into debt, i think our biggest risk from our nation is rot from within with debt, we have to do something, our national security is threatened by this, we need mike johnson it step up and stare down mike schumer. larry: perhaps mr. johnson will arkans round to your liking, the day after
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tax day. i know a great celebration in hour household. once upon a time you were for a platt tax, -- flat tax, how about that flat tax? >> absolutely, i love steve forbes flat tax, i had a platt flat tax when i ran for president, we need a flat tax but everyone needs to pay weekly or monthly so they see it coming out of their check, no more withholding, we'll see how upset americans are if they pay their taxes of day and see their taxes up front. everyone has to see their taxes then there will be a tax revolt. larry: that is what dick army wanted years ago. see it. and that is where the pinch is. the pain. i just feel you know, to me, right now, i know there is a well the to talk about. the border. the border is everything. and i just hope you all stay
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on the border, i hope you fight for this mayorkas impeachment. i think it is important. >> absolutely, and without question, we have take care of our border before we try to figure out problems of other country's borders. >> senator rand paul thank you, sir. >> all right, we'll move on talk politics, oh, my gosh we have mollie hemingway. fox news contributor and if that is not enough, s steve hilton. welcome you to. mollie, welcome back. "new york times" poll looked like, i don't usually do polls. looked like biden was closing the gap but you look under the hood. and you ask people do you remember good or bad, all of a sudden donald trump wins
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every category. people 18 to 29, by 3 to 8, they were the trump years, as good. what do you you make of that. >> people remember that for them, that economy was great during the trump jeers years . there you years and inflation was low. they remember they could have ford to put gas in their cars, and they could afford groceries, and life of better for americans. not permanent dc class or media but the americans. people have -- remember that
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things were good and they know that things are no grade now. larry: i have been arguing for attention to border. steve hilton, joe biden is out today on the campaign trial in pennsylvania. basically arguing for a 5 trillion dollar tax hike to renovate the economy is that terrific? he is blaming trump but he want to raise taxes under the trump tax cuts, and lower taxes are problem not the solution. >> it is just amazing. they never ever learn. they -- the bad ideas, just keep walking around the political landscape like zombies of the left, we can see impact of tax increases look at my state in call with highest taxes in country. -- in california with highest taxes w. we have businesses leading we have highest unemployment lowist job creation, lowest
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income growth, the democrats love to expand the size and scope of government, that is what they live for, they have appetite for more taxes, they say only the rich, but in the end there are not enough rich people to go around as margaret thatcher said. larry: what said, people who stand in middle get hit by cars going both ways. >> mollie hemingway, you wrote the book about zucker bucks, you taught us all that election of lost before voting, you know president biden putting out executive order andic aic a economy are on thing all of it is a bureaucrats and agents, i don't know when agency, go out there and register and harvest voters and we'll pay you for
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administrative live, people call them biden bucks this is san exe-- is an executive order that biden issues after he came into office. this is a problem, we need to know we can trust election outcomes. we also sense that if this were a free and fair election, you would see a 1980 style plow blowout, because of ways that we're doing e elections and not caring if they are secure, people who -- they should be. >> i have never seen anything like it, it is stupid. mollie hemingway thank you, steve hilton thank you, time is short, talk soon. >> coming on kudlow, how
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long it take on pick a jury in bragg case against donald trump, and mr. trump is scheduled to be outcome painting in the bronx among bodegas. we'll have trump attorney will scharf when kudlow returns. ng... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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larry: will scharf is part of trump legal team and a candidate for attorney general in great state of missouri last night we heard interesting thins from professor alan dershowitz. will scharf, we'll drop in the tape in a minute. a lot of people want to know. this is new york, how long will taic to pick a jury. >> you know we could in for a long wait, it is new york. which not a particularly favorable venue for us, but, you have had wall on wall media coverage, saturation. highly misleading narratives about the facts and law pushed by media here. that is one reason that we move to push trial until after the election. one of reasons we move to change venue.
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but seating a jury will be a profound problem. we need a fair and impartial jury, if we get one, president trump will be acquitted. but that will be a challenge over next couple weeks. >> here is what professor % dec ders dec dershowitz. >> now one in world history has been indicted for failing to disclose hush money, why would anyone pay hush money if they have an obligation to disclose it, that is an oxymoron. larry: i am not a lawyer, why would anyone way to disclose it is an oxymoron, this trial is political and two-tiered justice system. >> this is not a hush money trial. i will take issue with what my former professor alan dershowitz said, this is a case about business records, records that were entered in
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new york while by the way president trump was sitting in white house running country. the,, recorded payment to a lawyer for retainer payments, they say purpose of this sup suppose, record fraud was that cover-up an election epen, eepence. it is clear they were not, this case should have never been brought, if is purpose important this is a case 'accuracy of business records not alleged underlying hush money issue. larry: that is an important point. we're all -- reporting mr. trump will go out and do campaigning on the bodegas in harlem. which ask terrific -- is terrific, they can't hole hhhold him down. >> he is irrepress able, he
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has boundless energy, he will be our next president and i don't think that anything that radical left andal vip alvin bragg will do can stop him from achieving that. >> will scharf thank you for were.
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larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. - if i offer you a penny for your thoughts, it's not because i think your thoughts are worthless.


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