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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 22, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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like the music so will play it, sixth avenue new york city, good morning, everyone 10:00 o'clock eastern starting with the money things have changed in the last half-hour we open the market at 930 with a sharp run-up across the board, now it's 10:00 o'clock 30 minutes later and the dow is struggling to hold onto an 80-point gain s&p up 20 nasdaq over 113 points higher, some of the selling and buying has faded a little, the ten year treasury up slightly for .63%, oil in the $80 per barrel range 82.62 and bitcoin not doing much despite the having $66000 per coin as we speak that is the market. >> the supreme court takes up this issue, all the homeless encampments disfiguring big cities, they famously liberal
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ninth circuit court of appeals has arrested in moving the homeless is cruel and unusual punishment that ruling going back years created a constitutional right to camp out on public land, hopefully the justices will reverse because giving to the homeless has been a disaster the town of grants pass oregon trying to find homeless people for camping and public parks activists went to courts arguing the homelessness is involuntary. in other words they have no choice. you cannot punish them. thinking this through, what other forms of involuntary behavior are protected kleptomaniacs that feel compelled to steal. how convenient, the california governor gavin newsom as the justices in the ban on clearing opposing him and, gavin newsom. the ninth circuit tied his hands in the supremes have set him free he wants to be president in
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dealing with the homeless would make him look good. it's not going to be easy the drugs, the crime and the mental illness but if the constitutional right to screw up vast sections over cities is reversed there is a chance to turn the tide. the second hour of "varney" just getting started. stuart: guy benson joins me this monday morning. i would expect the supreme to deny the constitutional right to camp and public spaces. i think you're going to roll in that direction, what say you? >> i want to see what the argument looks like and what the court watchers say and what they might suggest. i would hope that you are right, i am rooting for the outcome that you are talking about very interesting wrinkle on gavin newsom that is insightful. sometimes you will hold my fire and anticipate something of the
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supreme court and the arguments start happening and you start to say maybe i was wrong and i'm inclined to agree with you and i think you're right but we will see. stuart: i want to refer to something that you are a part of, the dean of students at northwestern attended an anti-israel protests last week. the newspaper spoke to the dean she said she was there to protect their right to free speech. you went to northwestern and you been in touch with the school, what is the story. >> i went to northwestern and i love the school and anyone who knows me knows that i bleed purple and i have my necktie, the color is not an accident today i'm not an anti-northwestern alum, i'm engaged and i care about the place. i been critical especially over the last six months and october 7 aftermath where i think the school has dropped the ball on numerous occasions hearing from so many jewish
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undergrads, alumni parents and others who share those concerns many heartsick some frightened this particular incident i would call he probably targeting the jewish life jewish student center on campus in the jewish students were at this rally and i've seen a photo of her it's not disputed she was there, she told the daily nest under northwestern i was there to see the first free speech to ensure everyone free speech rights. i was very concerned about this i reached out to a number of people that i know and i posted about this publicly northwestern reach out to me and as i said i been outspoken for six months this is the first time the school reached out to me and they said it's a misunderstanding in no way shape or form which either solidarity with our group she was not participating she or her
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representatives to make sure everyone's safety to insurers guidelines are being upheld and including the people being targeted, that is the line that they're giving me not appreciate the communication but think about this for a second, let's say a group of right-wing students on campus that were targeting the lgbt q student center or the muslim student life organization and they said the school should cut ties completely. i wonder how that would play out i wonder if the school would've taken a week to go on damage control mode and i wonder what might happen to the students that participated in the hypothetical protest compared to the hamas hate rallies targeting jews. i think things might look and sound different. stuart: i think he pointed a double standard. i think that's what you've gotten a hold of. if you look at columbia university today and yell at the new haven. it got completely out of hand.
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>> it's disgusting. stuart: thank you for doing this, we appreciate you being here always. see you soon. the governor of illinois, he said chicago is ready for the democratic national convention despite massive anti-israel protests. watch that. >> understand how joe biden and peace in the middle east to end the hostility between israel and gaza to make sure were providing humanitarian aid. anything about the protest it's joe biden standing for peace and a lasting peace at that and it's republicans that frankly would stoke the flames of war in the middle east. we were under believe in free speech and we will allow people to protest and say whatever it is they want to say. the reality were also to make
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sure people of ingress and egress and that there safe in our state. stuart: what you going to do about targeting jewish people and hate speech directed at israel and jews. protesters are expected to launch mass demonstrations during the convention and a cause for a full cease-fire and who knows what else about israel, that is that, let's get to the markets. luke lloyd with us, the rally is losing some of the steam were up 100, 112 on the nasdaq. i want to start with tesla what is your forecast, that stock is $140 a share, 142 and heading south. what is going on. >> is no longer just about elon musk and what he can do in the mindset of innovating and delivering dollars to every shareholder. it's about electric vehicles and the fact of the matter is he designed to get too complicated what is not ready for electric vehicles in the government pushing the monist was a bad
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idea and it messed up the free market. i say the government intervention slowed down technology innovation within the electric vehicle sector look at ford, gm and unprofitable all the subsectors within the industries are within electric vehicles ford lost three or 4 billion on ev's and if the government let the free market work properly, more people would be willing to adopt electric vehicles and we would be further along with infrastructure span then we were at to make sure people actually want them and charging them properly and get to where they're going. stuart: difficult situation for elon musk down to 142. big tech earnings will they set the market direction what is your prediction. >> absolutely is good to be the same story the earnings season will be all about a.i. and if there's fear uncertainty or doubt created around a.i. and growth projections for the future there will be a big scare
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in the bar is set pretty high and i do expect earnings to come in really strong but pretty disappointing price action after netflix. i do think that's possible with all the rest of the tech earnings people looking for any excuse to run the bank and take profit. stuart: do you have time to tell us what you mean by were in a democratic doom loop. i have a minute, go. >> just as milton freedman said inflation is a monetary phenomenon, the printing of too much money so were in a democratic doom loop where democrats have mastered the art of gas lighted americans to think all the problems in america come from the rich and wealthy and corporations instead of politicians creating the inflationary pressures that we have in the first place. all you need to do is look at california to get engaged of the doom loop that were in and where america is headed. inflation is hot california raise the minimum wage to $20 and unemployment the highest in california at five-point to percent, the solution the democrats are pushing to inflation is more inflation by
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raising wages and putting more money to bail out things and create jobs in the public sector, that is the new doom loop. until government spending is pulled back whether democrats are republican pulling back because it will spend too much money in something major breaks, inflation will continue to run hotter than expected which means higher for longer narrative and i will impact the market as a whole and big tech doesn't have a lot of debt outstanding so big tech will be where people run to because they fund themselves. the whole broad market needs to refine is a hundred billion dollars of investment in all corporations have to refinance 20 trillion globally and that's what the market is taking a turn recently and right around the corner. stuart: don't hold your breath about either party. seriously cutting spending. i've never seen it yet and i don't expect to see it in the future. >> i've never seen in my life. >> thank you for joining us, see you again later. hilary clinton said trump wants to kill his opposition and drive journalist into exile, just like
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putin, victoria said the national security advisor for trump will respond to clinton's remarks coming up. israel intelligence chief has resigned over failures to prevent the attacks on october the seventh, this as benjamin netanyahu slams reports of possible u.s. sanctions against israeli defense forces, jeff paul has a full report from tel aviv next. ♪ (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®. everybody wants super straight,
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children. victoria coates is with me. do you think there will be a military response to this incident. >> almost inevitably. good to be with you these are the awful situations that are the outcome of hamas attacks on israel on october 7 and yes i think we will continue to see the back-and-forth between israel and hamas until the last brigades in rafah are finally dismantled. stuart: what about the quiet on israel versus iran quiet down over the weekend and perhaps this incident will liven it up again, what do you say. >> it was an interesting exchange with unprecedented attack out of iranian soil on israel the previous weekend which was defeated by is really missile-defense systems in support from the united states, france and the uk but notably
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saudi arabia that's an important signal and israel responded over the weekend with a very measured attack that i think the iranians have backed down from. for looking for de-escalation between israel and iran. i think that may be happening but in terms of hamas i don't see any indication that israel was going to accept any resolution except for the dismantlement of all of the hamas brigades. stuart: they seem to be pushing ahead without regard as to what joe biden has to say or anybody else. i think they're going to finish the job because that's what they want to do. hilary clinton suggested trump wants to kill his opposition if he wins reelection in november. >> trump was gaga over putin because putin does what you would like to do kill his opposition, imprisoned his opposition, drive journalist and
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others into exile, rule without any check or balance, that is what trump really wants, we have to be very conscious of how he sees the world because in that world he only sees strongmen leaders, he sees putin, he sees president xi, kim jong-un and north korea, those of the people he is modeling himself after. stuart: it seems to be getting more extreme. you served as deputy national security advisor for mr. trump on the what is your response to what hilary was saying. >> this is outrageous from secretary clinton to use this disruptive dangerous rhetoric. remember she's the one about half the country in her basket of deplorable's. she made clear her as dane for anyone who is a conservative that might support donald trump
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yarn to her point about putin she needs a history lesson only president of the last three presidents who putin did not invade a neighbor under was president trump. trump was clear with putin there would be very strong ramifications if he went into ukraine and he did not do it. under president biden who i assume hilary clinton's chosen candidate this year we had two plus years of a grinding horrible war and he's been powerless to resolve. the notion that president trump wants to kill the opposition he did not even prosecute hilary clinton. she should count herself lucky that he took the high road rather than going after her for her. i think this is absolutely awful and i hope that half of the country will stand up and tell her that we really don't need to be taking lessons from her on this. stuart: just for the record, what did president trump say about putin that allows hilary to say trump was gaga over
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putin, what exactly did he say. >> i don't understand president trump knew he had to have some kind of functioning relationship with vladimir putin to manage the relationship better than either president obama or president biden did. i've been on phone calls with him, i've not been in the room with him so it's not clear to me but apparently instead of insulting and adversarial toward putin tried to come up with some common ground primarily in counterterrorism, that for hilary clinton is appeasement. stuart: thank you for joining us we appreciate it. thank you for bringing your expertise soon. thank you very much. israel's military intelligence chief has resigned. the first senior official to step down over failures to
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prevent october 7 attack. jeff paul joins me now, what is this about sanctions coming from the u.s. to the israeli army unit? >> this is happening as israel is entering the seventh month close to seven months at war in gaza. were also learning israel will likely benefit from the new foreign aid bill once it passes the israeli government officials have said they appreciate any new funding but all of that happening while the u.s. reconsiders new sanctions on one particular idf group the u.s. has not outright named this group were talked about specific sanctions but the israeli government officials are already getting out front of the saying any sanctions that would be imposed on the idf would be unfair especially in the middle of a war. also around the infantry italian groups referred to alter a orthodox soldiers, that unit was to accommodate the strict
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religious beliefs of israel's orthodox population group that is normally exempt from mandatory military service, the military unit has been criticized for the treatment of palestinians especially in the west bank, the u.s. has called for a criminal investigation after soldiers from the unit were accused of being involved in the death of a 78-year-old palestinian american. u.s. secretary of state anthony blinken has said determinations have been made regarding israel violating u.s. laws that could prevent military assistance to individuals or units. anthony blinken said an announcement could happen soon. benjamin netanyahu called the possibly of sanctions the peak of absurdity and a moral glow others within israel's war cabinet or helping the u.s. reconsiders all of this happening the period of peace between iran and israel appears to be holding and we also have an upcoming passover holiday in israel. stuart: jeff paul, thank you. a new poll puts president biden
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behind trump in nearly every category including mental acuity and ability to handle crisis. it shows voter enthusiasm at a 20 year low. peter doocy has a report on all of that coming up. opening statements under trump's has many trial in new york city. the prosecution first witness is expected to testify today. media guy joe concha has all the girlsdetails next ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education
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rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. earn points for travel with credit one bank, and live large. stuart: a modest amount of cream on the left-hand side of the screen. the dow is up 100, nasdaq trying to hold onto again at 23 points. a new nbc news poll shows voter enthusiasm is not a 20 year low that's for the november election. peter doocy at the white house. why the lack of enthusiasm any idea. >> officials are trying to figure out and hoping to figure out why the voters they need are so tuned out. look at the new poll 64% of voters saying they are very interested in november's election according to nbc news and that's as little interest as the pollsters have found since i
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started asking about this in 2008, this poll suggest that rk junior's rise could be hurting trump more than inserting biden that is counter to what we seen in recent polls but head-to-head trump leads biden by two points. in a five way race biden leads trump by two. the cost of living, trump advantage 52 - 30 necessary mental and physical health to be present, trump 45, biden 26, handling a crisis, trump woody s president, 46 - 39 competent and effective 42 - 36, no doubt whether the two of them are going to have a debate stage, both sides are really focusing on energizing their basis at the moment that's why we get to see president biden later on today in virginia at a about 7 billion taxpayer dollars to solar panels. stuart: thank you so much
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indeed. nbc news poll found that president biden suffering and erosion of public confidence on a number of critical issues. joe concha with me now. any idea what democrats will do to change the candidate or change the campaign. >> i think at this point and happy monday, if they're stuck at this point we are in late april to throw some videos in there at this point and install another nominee and joe biden would have to agree to all of this and i'm sure he wouldn't. even if he did i don't think voters would like that we had all these primary state votes and suddenly the democratic party powerbrokers are going to decide who gets inserted in their. this poll is devastating because is not just that voters by decisive margin believe trump is a better president by 22 points that is a staggering number in terms of how to handle inflation cost-of-living and things you talk about every day but who is more competent and effective,
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trump be divided by double digits and on having the necessary mental and physical health trump nearly doubles biden by a 21-point margin with only a quarter of voters one quarter were not just talking republicans and conservatives but a big chunk of independency democrats say they believe the current president has no business seeking a second term. the problem for joe biden he's not would get better with age as we had to election day we see what happens when is outside of the teleprompter, odd and dishonest stories i claimed last week that his uncle was consumed by cannibals. he was not the first member to graduate college or that president he inherited skyrocket inflation. we have finite time and this is why i'm leaving on the back that joe biden will not to be donald trump in the fall he simply is lost unless the words are written for him, if he ducks out of the debates and those are watched by 70 or 80 million people it'll be in my opinion the final nail in his campaign. stuart: if he does debate he loses, if he doesn't debate he
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loses by not debating. that would be my position. trump's tushman in trial new york city do you believe the trial, the preceding so far have hurt trump at all? >> i think they've helped him to a certain extent but it doesn't help that is not on the campaign trail but what he improvised and went to the harlem bodega says get his campaign add that your ever going to see every republican a former president and harlem in a deep blue city getting the reception that he did, that was telling but overall because the jury selection has gone so poorly in terms of jurors being accepted and dismissed and the fact that donald trump is in the trial where the prosecution cannot seem to identify what the felony is. in the end and the strangest way this helps them to a certain extent because it makes the argument for him that the system
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is rigged in justice system is weapon ice and this is election interference it's hard to argue against this when you look at this objectively. stuart: he handles the trial or the immediate aftermath of the trial very well. he goes outside and you can expect some form of press conference and expect him to go somewhere locally and the contrast with his ability to answer any and all questions and meet the people face-to-face, the contrast with him doing that with joe biden gets more and more stark as this campaign rolls along nothing that's going to change i'm dying to hear what he has to say after the proceedings today. >> is going to be very interesting. to your point with the fact that he speaks to the people. he'll speak to the people of new jersey and the blossoming of a republican candidate campaigning in my home state he will do it in wildwood new jersey which is down the shore where everything is alright and it could be interesting because he can attract 20, 30, 40000 people down there. it'll be on the beach and just
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to see that and the fact that joe biden may have to defend new jersey by putting resources there because we see pulling that trump is in the margin of error in this state which is unthinkable you might think it was the last one to win new jersey, between new jersey and virginia the math has expanded and it's not good news if you're the income them. stuart: i live in new jersey too. the nbc news poll finds the rfk junior's presidential run is hurting trump more than biden. you can see that trump leads biden by two points in the head-to-head matchup but bringing other candidates like rfk biden has a two-point advantage. do you think rfk junior is taking votes away from trump? >> it is interesting, this is one poll and i know we cited in terms of the numbers of trump biden how to handle the economy but i've seen a trend for six months were trump has seen the better person to handle xy and z, this is one poll i would have
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to see other polls that show rfk junior from trump invited and i've seen other polls were says rfk is pulling from biden more than trump. either way in the end remember what he did in 1992, bill clinton ended up winning the presidency which is 43% of the vote while the incumbent, george w. bush only got 38%. i don't know what to make of the poll if i see four or five others that tell me the same thing, that is telling us something, what rfk has decided liberal and definitely a democrat and old-school one. i don't see him drawing from trump because on the issues they don't align on anything except for vaccines. stuart: thank you, will see you soon. thank you. even california governor gavin newsom is worried about rfk junior getting on the ballot. watch this. >> i think we have a great shot there in the last three michigan in the two that i'm referring to today nevada and arizona where i'm putting my time and energy and focus on abortion i think
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will play an outside role, bobby kennedy junior if it gets done more than the one critical swing state of michigan and gets on the ballot in some of these others i think you have to take that very, very seriously. stuart: gavin newsom thinks the obsession with trump's trials, biden's obsession with trump's trials will help trump in the election, still ahead a rabbi at columbia university telling jewish students leave campus anti-over israel protester creating chaos and threatening jews on campus. will speak to a jewish student at columbia, what is it like to be a jew in new york city. we will be back. ♪
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stuart: on the market right now and hours worth of business a little but a ring, die what 100 nasdaq is holding onto 45 points. much stronger earlier in the day.
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all classes at columbia university will be remote today anti-israel protests continue to create chaos on the campus. alexis mcadams is outside the university. as the school doing anything to stop the protest? >> we know they told everybody to work from home and are going to add more security precautions in the nypd will be on high alert but the question the jewish students and their parents who have spent all the money to send them to columbia university will it do enough to protect the students. the pro-palestinian protester not to set columbia university where it started a week ago there popping up at campuses across the country. just this morning at yale university, you can see the crowds gathering in new haven connecticut chanting slogans on and off campus as police gave a warning to the students to get off campus. >> we will give you a few minutes to clear the area. our street or wall street.
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no one will stop you from leaving. if you do not leave you will be arrested. we will give you time to leave. if you do not leave you will be arrested and. >> we know there were arrests made out their yell but back out where i am now at columbia university there are more walkouts expected for students who showed up to campus and it's gotten so bad in the past week or so that a rabbi affiliated with the university told jewish students in a long text message, about 200 to stay home. watch. >> people have been saying for a while that they don't feel safe and a lot had to do with the rhetoric but i want to be clear, this is gone to physical safety. i no longer feel physically safe on my campus. >> overnight the president of the university calling for a reset. president shifting the virtual classes to de-escalate and consider next steps whatever
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that will mean we will have to see asking staff and students who can work remote to do so. he said he saddened by what's happening on the campus, it comes as tensions remain high at columbia university called in the nypd the other day to sweep the so-called gaza solidarity encampment were than 100 students arrested for trespassing charges and also suspended. students and outside groups are planning the walkout, the groups are demanding more from amnesty for students and faculty protesters and calling on the university to divest from is israel. new york's mayor eric adams said this. i'm horrified and disgusted by the anti-semitism being spewed at an around columbia's campus i condemn the hate speech in the strongest of terms back out here live another thing that shows you how bad it is, professor here who is a jewish professor that is requesting a je police escort to get around campus that some people are feeling here. stuart: thank you very much indeed, an orthodox rabbi told jewish students to leave campus,
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return home as soon as possible. meanwhile the white house is condemning the anti-somatic protest, they said this no place for the on college campuses. a jewish student at columbia university is going to join us now. describe to us what is it like being a jewish student at columbia, what happens to you? >> is incredibly scary right n now. there has been a shift from violent rhetoric to violent action there is an immediate and animate safety threat. i'm currently speaking from tel aviv. i feel safer in a war zone right now that my own college campus. i came here to be with my family because i cannot be on campus right now. stuart: what do you think is the reaction of the authorities if there were people demonstrating against black folks or muslims is there a rhetoric they're using against jews what would the authorities do then? >> the authorities presume would
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immediately shut them down as they should. if there's hate speech being spewed in a eminent threat against any sort of group they should immediately shut it down that is something they're not doing to jewish students and i can't understand why. stuart: what about the pro-palestinian people are they taking over columbia at this point? >> absolutely am not sure if you saw but a couple of students that tried to go onto the lawns a couple of jewish students and when they entered the pro-hamas mobs started screaming let's form a human shield linking arms to push them off. it's a communal campus everyone pays tuition in order to access this communal space and yet it's only able to access by the select few who are now holding this place on campus in their hands. there is no world in which they
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can reserve that space and make it their own and not allow any jewish students on it. it is unacceptable and honestly at segregation. stuart: senator schumer the highest elected official in the land of said nothing so far, not to my knowledge about what's going on at columbia, the white house deplores the protest that's all he had to say. what do you make of chuck schumer silence in the white house deploring the protest have they gone far enough? >> i appreciate that the white house condemn the anti-semitism that is happening on campus right now but something needs to be done immediately. it's not enough to cancel classes there is a bad safety threat that they had to cancel classes and move them virtually. i'm not paying to attend virtual classes were run away to be with my family because campuses not safe something needs to be done immediately. a question that not enough people are asking where are the students getting their funding from how are they getting the
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tents and supplies and megaphones of microphones in huge speakers, where is that coming from and why is it acceptable to have the outside funding groups supplying students. it's unacceptable, columbia is a private institution and they should take immediate action against the protesters who were hindering me and every student on columbia from attending classes and studying our right as students at columbia university. stuart: well done will see you again soon. back in new york i hope at some point. thank you for joining us. actor michael rappaport has a warning for anti-israel protesters he says they're about to hand the election. watch this. >> it's going to be great when [bleep] donald trump gets elected, i'm not saying i'm voting for him but when he does when andy's going to win, the screaming that you're doing at jews about free palestine in the screaming to zionist is going to
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be nothing compared to the screaming you're going to be doing come november when [bleep] donald trump wins presidency because of you. stuart: he is a liberal actor and comedian and he said he will not vote for biden. the bird flew to dairy cows, the world health organization becoming concerned after the virus and raw milk, details on that. the dea said the rise in adderall prescriptions could be the start of another opioid epidemic. doctor siegel takes it on next. the future is not just going to happen.
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cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me.
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cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. stuart: the drug enforcement administration is worried about the rise in prescription for adderall, they say it could be the start of another opioid epidemic. doctor marc siegel joins me. if i'm not mistaken it's describe for attention deficit disorder. i know it's a widespread prescription, or people becoming addicted? >> the dea is not overreacting. i think we should start with the
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word over prescribed. about 6 million american boys have been diagnosed with adhd attention deficit hyperactivity disorder but the problem 45 million prescriptions were written last year with telemedicine flying in during the pandemic and you can get anywhere online. it's a vast overprescribing of it with the misunderstanding with what the condition actually is. guess what that's how the opioid epidemic started. let's go after pain, prescribed for pain without understanding what pain is great i call it outcome analysis. if you take a student and you give them adderall they will do better on a test but it does not mean that they need it. 15% of on children have difficulty concentrating. they might outgrow it but the vast majority of somebody notices that they offer them something like adderall if it's
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not in the shortage but it can cause him some near, anxiety, seizures, hallucination and might affect your heart. i don't like the long-term health issues especially when it's not indicated in i think it's becoming an epidemic. i don't know if it's a physical addiction but certainly a habituation. stuart: next subject a dutch man died after being infected with covid for what i'm told a record 613 days. they said the virus mutated more than 50 times inside of his body before it finally killed him can you explain this. >> i don't want to scare people about this. the sars code v to mutate a lot inside of people especially if their immuno compromised and a lot of the mutations never amount to anything they don't make the virus more dangerous or transmissible. we actually think the omicron probably came out of central africa because somebody with hiv
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who is immuno compromised could not get rid of it and it kept mutating inside of their body. that's what happens if you can't completely fight it off. it's not as unusual as it sounds and i think were pretty clear that we stayed within the omicron sub variance were not coming out of them so essentially that's why were out of the pandemic. all of us have a substantial amount of immunity. stuart: we need perspective on another subject. the top scientists at the world health organization says bird flu outbreak is a great concern in the virus has been detected in raw milk to people that have been infected in the u.s. put this into perspective how concerned should we be. >> i think we need to monitor this. but i don't like the world health organization as a place to start, they have been fear mongering on bird flu since i wrote a book in 2006, jeremy for
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our is the latest fear monger and david navarro said 100 million people would die. here's the thing that's protecting us as species barrier, even though it's getting into cattle and may be entered raw milk is not pasteurized in the fact that is very unusual for a human to get it in the current form. only two in the united states has gotten it. it's about four mutations away from where can spread human to human. a very close exposure to an infected cow or an infected bird and poultry could give you this but the one person we had in texas had mild symptoms. i'm not worried about this and just monitoring it. i think you're overreacting. stuart: thank you so much as always will see you again really soon. steve forbes on dozens of companies limiting or dropping diversity initiatives. navy seal are going to give billions to israel. are weakening it the high-tech military equipment and return.
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jon levine on the beauty queen who served on the front line getting assaulted by a pro-hamas mob in new york city. the 11:00 o'clock hour is next. ♪
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