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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 25, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> more and more we've been see.
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the blue collar workers feel left behind. >> i like his attitude and he'll take the stand and he might not have to. >> talking about erosion of purchasing power, when you talk about people just being down, up s depressed, having to work multiple jobs, yeah, no, that's real stuff. >> we haven't had a hot ideal market in a while. what people are waiting for is this ideal market to open up and a whole bunch of startups have a pipe on the back end. >> issue matrix is not good nor biden particularly when thinking about the number one issue for people is because the cost of living cont continues to go up. david: wish we could put this trading day on the backdoor.
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it's not a good day. but the dow is over 700 points several moments ago. it is now down 662, percentage wise the nasdaq is down even further right now. the nasdaq was down over 2%, it's now -- actually, it is tied with the dow jones industrial average down 1.7. it's 11:00 a.m. on the east coast on thursday, april 25. as you can see, there's a big selloff going on. show me big tech if you can. those companies are particularly sensitive no the high interest rates, partly because of what happened earlier today when we found out gdp was up but much less than was expected. we were expecting about a 2.4% gain. it was only up 1.6%. that affected many of these stocks in the nasdaq and the 10-year treasuries went up significantly, 6.7 basis points to 4.7% and the 2-year went up to over 5%. that's where it stands right
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now, just about 5% flat. that's an increase of 7.8 basis points. now this, democrat congressman adam smith is strongly condemning the anti-israel protests an the country. roll tape. >> their goal and objective was not to get their point across was silence anyone that dared to disagree with them to make sure only one voice was heard, and their other goal was to intimidate. that's why they're showing up at member's houses. the solution to it is if they're commit ago crime, which by the way shutting down a freeway, shutting down an airport, intimidating people, that's is crime. they ought to be arrested. david: steve hilton joins me now. steve, great to have you on this. i'm happy some democrats are seeing the light on this. what took them so long? it's been happening for years, this type of not negotiating or debating, but essentially trying to cut off literally in some cases, cut off one side of the
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conversation. >> contactually and by the way, some -- exactly and by the way, some democrats and barely any. some obscure member of congress that no one has heard of is not a forceful response from the democratic party. why? because over and over again on this issue and so many others and you can connect it to their positions on crime and law and order generally and on many other issues as well. they pander to the far left. to the activists who really run that party and what's so despicable about this particular example of that is that if you look across the border, the arguments they've been making for the last few years, what is the number one thing that they constantly accuse republicans of? racism. you're racist. tram subpoena a racist. republicans are racist. what you're seeing here is racism. racism that's structurally part of the left in this country and calling it anti-semitism and racism against jewish people and now a core part of the far left
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democratic platform. david: right, but there is a pushback now significantically people see these proterrorists are not just anti-israel, they're pro hamas, they're pro hezbollah and come out in favor of terrorism and in some cases they may be fomenting it and we don't know what's going on behind the scenes and places like university of texas got tough yesterday and brought in state troopers on horses. lot of new york policeman as liberal as new york city is, we're not going to let it happen here. there is pushback. that must be encounselorring to you what -- encouraging to you somewhat. >> yes, but too little too late and look at students and i've been very clear about this from the beginning, this is not just exercising first amendment rights and making a point. of course we support that. whoever is saying that and whatever they're saying, it's not about that. when you're actually shutting down studies for a group of students that can't come to campus because there are threats of violence, that goes way
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beyond exercising free speech rights and students doing that should have been kicked out of the universities. if they're foreign students, kicked out of the country and we need to look at funding for all this. the qatar regime fomenting a lot of this and pushing into the country, we looed to look at that as well. david: steve, it's property festivus sores and those that elmore -- professors and those that embedded them so deeply and a lot have tenure and mappable to change them unless they change the rules. you have to pull out a lot of radical professors causing this. >> yes, that's why we need to look at big picture. this is part of the far left takeover of our academic institutions that's been going on for decades. not just the last few years and they have completely corrupted higher education in america. then that has gone onto infect other parts of our country, corporate america and so on. we call it wokism. it's far left ideology, but it started with a takeover of the universities, decades ago and we
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let it happen and only answer is to root it out and the optimistic thing i would say is new institutions that present a positive turn around. david: i have to end on a somewhat positive note. cherry curry the lead singer for the run aways, she amplifies a lot of democrats and said it used to be punk, rnr to vote democrat. i fell for it when you live in fear, squaller and beyond your means tobagos, gas, and supporting criminals and hamas, failing israel and demeaning us at every turn, hurt us, lies and more lies, no more. the democratic party can kiss my you know what. you have people like her who are fighting back. >> fantastic. i'm so glad you share that had with me and our audience today, david. that's brilliant.
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brilliant. that should give everyone hope that we can have change even where i am in california, hope is there and change is coming. david: if you can get that from a punk rocker, things are changing somewhat. great to see you, steve. thank you so much. really appreciate it. >> thank you, david. david: check the markets and ryan payne joining me now. ryan, what are we going to do with this market? buy in the dip or is this something -- portraying something worse coming? >> today was a surprise and i thought gdp would have been higher than expected. david: most people did. >> a lot lower and gdp atlanta fed forecasting like 2.9%. i don't know where they're getting their numbers, but it was way, way lower on the real number. looking at actual consumer spending number, that was up a lot. the big fear is it's like the 70s. david: stagflation. >> right, higher inflation and slower growth. i'd argue that's probably not the case. yeah, i think gdp both will
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probably be relatively strong this year. if you take the shelter component out of inflation, that's been the stubborn part right now. david: and rents. >> yeah, rent equivalent is the big one they use for inflation number and down to 2.4% if that was starting to really moderate. david: let's look at tech stocks because they're really sensitive to higher interest rates and mortgage rates will stay up. that's all of that is batted for tech, is it not? you're bullish on tech? >> i'm not bullish on tech. david: oh, you're not. okay. >> the magnificent seven trades at extremely high multiples something like 38 times forward earning ands expectations are extremely high and meta specifically, they're going to spend $100 billion on ai infrastructure and it'll take a long time for profitability from the ai theme. david: i was about tonight with
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you. i agree with everything you said. >> no, bottom line, it's a good time to get away from tech and the expect taces are way too high and this is why any scent of bad news, they'll sell off significantly. david: ryan payne, thank you for joining. good stuff. lauren, trump media. lauren: up in a big way. up yesterday and today and the market is selling off and rest of the social media sector is down because of meta's ai spending warning. look, yes, this is a social media tock and getting money from advertising but they're in their own group. it's an emotional stock. a retail sort of stock. david: i wonder if what he did this morning has anything do to that with? lauren: could be. trans-union lifted four year revenue forecast and posting the first billion in revenue and growth internationally like
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india and canada and stock up over 8%. david: how about southwest? lauren: down big and they have to cut boeing delivery and cutting their operations at some airports. david: lauren, thank you. federal officials concerned about no return of productivity and the tight labor market could be the impeak spltous we need and arizona -- impetus we need and the power to evict squatters. wouldn't that be nice. what oklahoma's governor kevin stitt makes of that decision and what he's doing about squatters in his state. despite giving ukraine $62 billion in new aid and extra billion worth of weapons, the biden administration is reportedly skeptical of ukraine's ability to defeat russia. christian whiten takes that on
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david: u.s. led resolution of ban of nuclear weapons in space received dozens of cosponsors in the un and one country vetoed that ban. which country was that, lauren? lauren: shockingly, russia. i'm kidding. they call this proposed ban to prevent an arm's race in autoer space a propaganda stunt. russian president vladamir putin said that russia has no intention of deploying nuclear weapons in space and what is he hiding? david: a million different things. what's the answer to that question. thank you, lauren. u.s. troops are set to build a
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new floating pier off the coast of northern gaza. supposed to help get more humanitarian aid into the territory. what could possibly go wrong. former official state department christian whiten joining me now. i think of that 1980 explosion by hezbollah at the marine barracks in lebanon and wonder if we're putting u.s. troops in the wrong place at the wrong time again. >> oh, it's pretty weird, david, what they're doing here. they're saying they're going to build this. this is the u.s. army that's going to build it with naval support. they say they're not going to put any troops on the ground in gaza. i'm not sure how you actually construct a pier without ever touching the ground. that would be an engineering feat. think they deliver not putting any u.s. military people in harm's way. this was tacked on at the very last minute at president biden's state of the union address and much of a surprise to much of the military. this goes back to winter and the
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democrats and white house being pressured for not delivering humanitarian aid to gaza and more of a political move than military move. david: israeli government minister torching president biden claiming his policies are weak and "harming israel". he also says if he were an american citizen, he'd vote for tram and republicans. strong words but, you know, the israelis are very good at taking the temperature of the american public, better than anybody in the world, and they see that americans are now fed up with the pro hamas demonstrations. they don't have all the power that they did have a month or even a week ago. do they think that they probably have a free hand now to go into rafah and take care of hamas once and for all? >> i think they do. what goes around comes around and democratic leader chuck schumer basically said netanyahu has to go and said that explicitly and clear that the white house wants netanyahu out
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and said don't go into rafah and it's imperative if you want to get control over hamas. i think the israel feels it must do this and will regardless and the senate, the house made it very clear that despite some grumbling from people like chuck schumer, it will support israel in this war, this critical war. so, yeah, white house is sort of running out of friends. why is the white house so hard on the allies? have they ever called for leaders in iran or north china? david: no, the people that used to scream the loudest about u.s. interference in foreign elections was the left, the democrats. when reagan was doing it, when nixon, they were screaming and now they're the ones doing it. they're telling democracies who to vote for. it's outrageous. no? >> it is and extends into europe and sending the right
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governments into europe and the hungarian foreign minister elected a number of times and he's been the subject of warfare in the united states. david: and they're friendly to leftists like down in brazil. >> that's right and they were happy the reformer got voted out narrowly and look at that, they entered office with the intend of os sizing saudi arabia -- of ostracizing saudi arabia and that's a human rights violator and it's sort of coming back to what jean kirk matt patrick sai- kirkpatrick said with blame america first policy. david: the situation of ukraine and u.s. is giving them $60 billion in new foreign aid and additional billion for mail tear assistance but despite this, biden administration officials are except cal it'll be enough to win the -- skeptical it'll be enough to win the war. what does ukraine need to do if it's at all possible to win this
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war? >> the white house never articulated or define what had it would look like. it's very unlikely that there's the political will in europe and the unit to do what that would take or that ukraine has the means. basically what this money is is a strategy not to lose and prevents russia from making major end roads this summer in the fighting season, but certainly there's no plan in here just because also ukraine is fighting a country with five times the population and much larger economy, much greater manufacturing capabilities. i think basically this is a strategy to kick the can past the election. david: does it at least tie up russia to not any about extending their reach to other places in eastern europe?
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>> that's the hope and we thought we could always see russian tanks going into poland or ukraine and taking the eastern provences of ukraine and invasion of central europe not in the cards but certainly, yes. this will make russia have to think harder about an offensive into ukraine this summer. david: christian, very quickly, any accounting for that money going to ukraine? we know it's a history with a lot of corruption -- country with a history of a lot of corruption. any accounting for it or could they be siphoning off money in the wrong way? >> when you spend that much money that fast in a war zone, this is going to happen. ci director burns was over complaining about this saying there needs to be less corruption and obviously no corruption would be ideal. there'll be shrinkage if you will. david: christian, thank you.
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the foreign aid package includes billions for taiwan. lauren, come on in. what is china saying about that? lauren: china saying in funding pushes taiwan towards a "dangerous situation and seriously violates u.s. commitments to china". the president elect of taiwan says this will safeguard peace, the money will help the island upgrade the military hardware and china frequently conducting military maneuvers near taiwan and china said it raises the risk of war. we're funding taiwan to prevent a war and china says you doing that provoke as war. david: taiwan is still making money hand over foot on semiconductors. lauren: absolute chicago and their own military which i am the. david: checking our markets and still bad but not as bad and we were over 700 points down earlier this morning. we're down 611 right now. and nasdaq is down 2,661.7% loss
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on that. coming up, meta's ai is getting praise for being a lot of fun to play afternoon with. it is also getting slammed for being wildly inaccurate. it's even accused of making up information. we're going to break it all down for you .x nearly half of the nation's governors signed a letter to ask biden to lift a pause on new lng projects but could this pause actually give way to a full out ban? we're going to be asking oklahoma governor kevin stitt, he's right here in new york in our studio. the governor is next. ♪ to me, harlem is home. but home is also your body. i asked myself, why doesn't pilates exist in harlem? so i started my own studio.
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david: nasdaq down 266. lauren, you're watching other movers and start and it's not good news for caterpillar. david: speaking of the -- lauren: speaking of the dow, ibm and cal -- caterpillar is killig the dow. it's spark worries that the boom in machinery demand is coming to an end. david: we were talking about ford earlier and their inability to make money off of electric
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vehicles. tesla was doing well but not so much now. lauren: yeah, tesla, it's up 2.5% and post earnings rally is continuing. david: coming back. lauren: it was down sharply this year. david: good for them. lauren: also helping their rival, honda, announced a new $11 billion investment in canada to strengthen the ev supply chain in north america. bottom line, maybe the ev story isn't completely dead. tesla will be okay. david: nobody does it better than tesla. lauren, okay. new rules to reduce pollution from the power plants. kelly, why is this being called one of the most significant climate actions yet? reporter: hi, david. this is because we're expecting almost all of the 200 coal plants in the nation to close by 2040. let's take a look at how our nation uses energy. 16% of the nation's energy comes from coal. these numbers are from 2023. then we know that natural gas is
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about 43%, renewable energy is about 21%, and nuclear energy is about 19%. the largest number of plants that use coal or produce coal power are in pennsylvania, texas, indiana, wisconsin, kentucky, west virginia, and iowa. and there are some 42,000 jobs associated with coal. lawmakers from these states are fighting back. senator shelly moore of west virginia says she's introducing a congressional review act resolution that will overturn the regulations saying in a statement "electricity demand is set to skyrocket thanks in part to epas own electric vehicles mandate and unfortunately americans are already paying higher utility bills under president biden". the move requires coal plants to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions 90% by 2032 if they'd like to stay open past 2040.
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it'll tackle mercury emissions and these are linked to developmental damage in children as well as toxins that seep into our water supply and plant waste water discharge. one of the only ways to tackle this if you are a coal plant is to use a very expensive technology, that essentially traps the emissions before they reach the atmosphere and stores them underground. david. david: kelly, thank you very much. now this, nearly half of the nation's governors are calling on the president to lift the pause on approvals for new liquefied natural gas projects. one of the governors behind the push is republican kevin stitt from oklahoma, and the governor joins us now. great to see you, governor. thanks for being here. are you concern that had the lng pause so called by the biden administration will turn into an outright ban? >> absolutely. why would you pause these projects? it make no sense. hurts our domestic producers and hurts the companies here in america. more importantly, what do the
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allies think when we're not delivering and helping them and supplying. we're fortunate to be energy independent and have all the resources, but our other allies in europe and asia, they have to heat their homes and they've got to heat their businesses, and so we're just driving them into the arms of our adversaries. david: we have the potential to be energy independ and we were in the last administration. we've lost that title because of the war on fossil fuels. do you see any progress in that war that biden is at all backing down because there is more oil production or at least there is more at the beginning of the biden administration, or is it still gung ho and would go harder if he was reelected? >> i think he'll go harder. i think that he is being driven by a very extreme part of the party. if you look at the permit approvals and look at, you know, the leasing approvals, it's so much smaller than any president
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before him but again, let's take our foot off the brake and allow american companies to innovate and meet the needs of americans and that's with oil, natural gas, that's oklahoma having a holt of wind energy and approach to drive to affordable and reliable electricity grid and i don't think these people are having any kind of common sense thinking about what do the utility prices cost and where do we come from when we plug in our electric vehicle and turn our light switch on. it's got to come from natural gas and it's got to come from coal, wind, we need more of everything in america. david: you know, you use the phrase common sense and oklahoma is known for the state with common sense. do you try to communicate any of this with the white house or anybody there listening to you? >> i do. we've met with the president, we regularly -- i'm part of the national governor's association and talking to other democrat governors, we're very practical and talking to the white house, they're border policy doesn't
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make sense, the attack on do we believe in free markets or not? believe in american innovation and look at germany now. they're building coal -powered plants and it's crazy we're pausing this lng and 25 governors sign obstructing cerumen to the letter to ask the president to reconsider this. david: yeah, something you just signed recently is a bill about squattered so-called rights as opposed to private property rights, rights of homeowners to maintain their property because of all these squatters coming in. property rights should not be
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second to homeowner's rights. >> if someone is illegally in a property, we're not going give them a jury trial, we're not going to do all this crazy stuff to just -- they're going to because the system. people are going to try to because the system and tie things and you happen live rent free illegally, which is harming a person's right to own and operate their business or their property. it just make nososense whatsoever. i think americans agree with us. we're leading them in oklahoma here with common sense. david: you've done the same thing florida does, get the police to get them immediately out. you have to -- don't have to wait for weeks and weeks during a trial process? >> that is correct. and then the other thing is what we were seeing happen asking people were asking for a jury trial and then it just extends this nonsense and so if you're going to be evicted, we're going to go ahead and do it and get them out. we're not going to -- the judge can make that decision right there. david: giving me a wrap and i have to ask quickly. donald trump was out campaigning this morning and doing it very successfully with working class
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union members supposedly biden had that wrapped up and he doesn't. how is he going to do in oklahoma? >> oh, trump will win all 77 counties and we support him and he will be the next president of the united states. you know, people can see the difference between high inpolice station that's happening right now -- high inflation happening and americans are hurting at the grocery store, the gas pump, and then look at nonsense policy on the border security. we need a president trump for four more years. david: governor kevin stitt from oklahoma, great to see you. >> thank you. david: you guys do make a lot of common sense. the white house just announced a new climate goal for freight shipping. what do they want to do, lauren? lauren: cut emissions to zero. how expin sieve with that be? d expensive will that be? there's no date but the goal for the transportation sector hitting net zero is 2050. we also know that the white house already announced its putting charging infrastructure for electric freight trucks and busy places so they're just trying to do all this so fast
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and you're just saying, americans are hurting at the gas pump. it's almost laughable. it's laughable. david:s governor is shaking his head. lauren: aerodynamic applaud the goal but in due time. baby steps. david: export common sense. forget lng. export common sense from oklahoma. >> if they'd listen to oklahomans, we'd all be good. david: coming up, college basketball star caitlyn clark signing a $28 million contract with nike. barstool guy dave portnoy thinks clark is "getting screwed". protesters taking over college campuses but we're talking about investments and semiconductors to host a fundraiser. we have that story coming next. ♪
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david: checking the markets. it was worse. dow down 584 points and nasdaq down 263 points, s&p down 61. let's take a look at two year yield. that's really what's hurting nasdaq quite a bit because the # year was worse and about 4-poin9 and increase of 7 basis points and bitcoin, look at that. it's trading down, 318 and again it's improved a little bit from where it was earlier. $63,747 for a bitcoin. take a look at cruz yay video of a boeing -- crazy video of boeing 747 violently bouncing off the runway. do we have that picture in maybe. it's coming. wait until you see it, folks. it's worth the wait.
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the plane attempted to land in los angeles and touched the ground -- here we go. touched the ground twice before the pilot aborted the landing. they circled the airport and landed without an issue just a short while later. it is still unclear exactly what happened but wouldn't you know it was a boeing. meta has new ai asis substantiate available in the app. is this reliable? lauren: it's baked in and all the meta apps, instagram, what's app, it has it. you don't have to use it and can't turn it off and this means that meta wants to make the ai ambitions mainstream. doesn't work so well and not coming from me but new york times lead consumer tech writer and it's awful and gets facts, numbers, and even recipes wrong. it's pretty good at image generation so you can say, you know, meta ai, build me a stroller with really big wheels
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and it can do that but give me a recipe for whatever and it messes it up. david: the phrase you can't turn it off. that always worries me. i wonder what else they're getting from us and not just giving to us. the president is taking bidenomics pitch back on the road. lydia hu is in syracuse where the president will be speaking later. he's going to be announcing a big microchip deal; right? reporter: yeah, that's exactly right. he's coming to announce $6.1 billion in federal grants or taxpayer money being awarded to micron technologies, the semiconductor manufacturing giant. that money will help the company build two manufacturing plants. one in clay new york and the other in boise, idaho. this visit is biden's second visit to the region to tout the project after being announced
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two years ago. micron will also invest up to $100 billion here for the construction of the plant. it will create 9,000 jobs here and eventually produce advanced computer chips used in everything from tvs to cars and it's all part of biden's chips and science act and the goal there to protect the use economy and national security from chip shortages we saw during the pandemic. the announcement cops as recent fox news poll shows 61% of votvoters disapprove of biden's handling of the economy and semiconductor chips have become a major source of growing attention between washington and beijing since the biden administration cut china off over the most advanced chips over national security concerns and chinese officials warned of escalating trade war and biden promises more tariffs on china and president biden's trips come as anti-israel protests continue
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and biden closer to manhattan later today when he attends a star-studded and very expensive fundraising dinner later this evening, but not on his age agenda -- on his itinerary is there any stop off to columbia university or nyu where as we know the student proterrorists have been ongoing. hundreds of students have been arrested this week. not watching for that from president biden today. back to you, david. david: not up for that sort of thing. lydia, thank you very much. appreciate it. we want to look at the dow stock and markets are down again over 600 points now. this is the some green on the screen, seven stocks are green and see some things positive. lauren: ibm and caterpillar rerealweighing on the dow and an is a huge loser also. david: megan rapinoe and other athletes are urging ncaa to not
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ban biological men from female sports but a new study confirming that biological men do have physical advantages. no joke. ncaa athlete macey petty takes that oncoming next. ♪ ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) with the push of a button,
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david: caitlyn clark going sign an 8 year, $28 million deem with nike. dave portnoy says it's a bad deal. lauren: she ends her signature with nike are worth at least $80 million. he thinks men will wear the shoe she designs so this reported $28 million contract is the most ever for a female basketball player and covers -- it's eight years and covers three different olympics, which would also -- she's playing in the olympics and leads to the popularity. a lot of people saying her wnba contract was pretty bad. she needs more from nike. david: wnba needs to make more money.
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i think they could. lauren: she's a household name now. david: several ncaa athletes are calling on the ncaa to allow transgender athletes to compete against women in college sports. macey petty is a college volleyball player and she's with me now. megan rapinoe has retired as a soccer star and convenient on her timing and gets out of soccer saying that biological men can get in. >> that's exactly right. she's not going to have to bear the burden of the harmful policies she's expecting younger female athletes like myself to have to face the consequences. so far the ncaa has been answering to a very small minority of woke activists like megan rapinoe and now talking about caitlyn clark, the eyes
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are on women's athletics and they're going to have to answer to the american public, which is not willing to sacrifice female opportunity and female sports to this woke agenda. david: now, the group that megan is affiliated herself with claims, and maquetting them, that they -- and i'm quoting them, they want a healthy and safe environment for all athlete heats. hasn't it been proven it can be very unsafe in some women sports? >> that's exactly right. it can be very dangerous in fact for a female athlete to go up against a male competitor with a broad array of biological advantages and megan rapinoe calling on ncaa to uphold their policies allowing men to compete against female athletes, but yet we are concerned women for america and our bodies, our sports coalition as a whole has nearly tripled the amount of female athletes that are called on ncaa to change their policies and uphold sex-based protections in sports.
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david: there's a new study out challenging the idea that trans women have an advantage in sports. the research paid for by the international olympic committee shows trans-women have a stronger grip than biological women and have less lung function and overall cardio fitness than people born female. i've seen research on both sides of this issue hawaii do you make of the new study? >> the studies have a totally backwards idea of what sports actually are in the spirit of competitiveness. it should be, you know, driving you in this competitiveness to sacrifice and push your body to its greatest athletic extent. but the arbitrary number that people are coming up with are encouraging men to compromise their bodies and so called hurt their athletic advantage because they think that if races are close then they're competitive. but we know that's not true because on one hand you have a
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female athlete like myself who's been sacrificing her whole life to reach this athletic potential but on the other side there's a man injected himself with harmful hormones and that's not fair so -- david: it's taking drugs and has to be quick but doesn't it violate the intention of title 9, which is to give women an advantage in their sports by playing amongst themselveses and thereby really engendering more spirit for women's sports? >> that's exactly right. sports were not separated to affirm anyone's ideas about their gender. they were separated to allow both sexes to maximize their athletic potential. david: macey, we have to leave it at that. thank you for what you say and go and wish you the very best. thanks for being here. now time for the thursday trivia question. which two countries have the longest shared international
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border? russia and china, chili and argentina, u.s. and canada, or russia and kazakhstan? the answer when we g get back. it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. .. the test of time. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade. it's 20 degrees cooler
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asked which countries have the longest international border, russia, china, us, chile, argentina, and russia, and kazakhstan. what do you think? >> i set up a go at chile and argentina. david: i was hoping you -- i am going to stick with you up are supposed apple canada but i haven't -- oh! oh! and i didn't look, you saw me. my wife always is americans should know more about geography. on a globe you can tell more about sizes and shapes. the flat always distorts it but i like that i think. my wife would be happy. that's the answer. thank you very much. we can see they are down. time for cavuto to take you through the rest. edward: the do


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