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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 29, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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yourself and get our 3-week quickstart for just $19.95. my wife making me take relief factor literally changed my life. larry: quickly repeat. joe biden should be prosecuting these accept and the funding them under the civil rights act of 1964 title vi clear as day. that is my take. where are you at on this, mr.
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biden. next up, carried the ball, liz mcdonald. >> a fire moment. false stories during the civil rights marches. civil rights now. it is a serious situation. let's get you updated. developing at columbia university. protesters defying the school's 2:00 p.m. deadline today. not leaving this news coming in. columbia teachers and faculty reportedly linking arms to form a barrier around the encampment to stop police. i will get you an up-to-the-minute report live on the scene in just a second. jewish students civil rights being violated. i will get you to the new development happening now. former home depot and chrysler ceo and from the heritage foundation. bob, first to you. brand-new polls coming in. this biden white house is in serious trouble with voters. also 1970s era protest.
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let's get your reaction to new sound coming in from voters angry about inflation. watch this. >> it is hard to stay on top of expenses. i buy a lot of frozen dinners. they have gone up. >> when trump was in office it was sad but my 401(k) was just going up and up and up. it was wonderful to watch. what is the trade-off? every single thing is more expensive than it was under biden in his administration. everything. everything. >> is at the inflation and if so what about it? >> it is the inflation. just yesterday passing a bill signing 60 billion more dollars in which we do not have. we have to borrow. okay. it's not like -- we have fort knox sitting there full of money and just doling it out. i mean anybody. okay. money that we are borrowing.
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future generations will be paying for that. >> what do you think, bob? clearly, that is the voice of the majority of the americans today and that is why we see it reflected in the polls. every comment they may come at the last gentlemen, for example, $69 billion. if that is a top priority, i've got it, but there is not a business or family that could have the reckless spending going on with this administration and when you pay more on interest in debt and less on military, we are weakening ourselves in the world. >> that is a tipping point for other superpowers in the past. when that happens, ej, what bob just said, look at this cnn poll of the voters that said the economy is a big factor. two thirds say they will vote for trump. seven out of 10 disapprove on
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biden in the economy. rating the economy as poor. biden is the most unpopular beast like president of all presidents in the last 71 years. lower than nixon and carter. the wall street journal reports this election is the most consequential in a generation. biden getting rid of the trump tax cuts raising taxes by $6 trillion every 10 years. that will hit everyone. the middle and working class, to >> you are absolutely right. not raising taxes on those earning less than $400,000. we should not be surprised by that because he has already broken that pledge with the hidden tax of inflation which falls disproportionately among low and middle income earners. on top of that, we have to remember that the net interest on the debt while that has recently passed defense spending , gross interest on the debt which is the actual amount it cost to finance the debt,
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that surpassed military spending months ago. the downward spiral of federal finances has already begun. >> helping turn spain into a downturn. in turn the uk into a downturn. you know, here is the thing, bob , we have the federal reserve with the consequential meeting this wednesday on whether it will actually raise rates or cut rate. wall street started out this year expecting seven rate cuts. now they are worried there may be only two or they could raise rates instead because now nearly 20% combated inflation under biden. this is a serious issue. are we now seeing a bond market crackup? biden overspending. too many looking for too many investors looking at things to spike higher. >> it is a sad state when the weather forecasters are better than the economists. there is no way we would ever get six.
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don't it went to five, four, three, now zero. look at the april numbers. nothing will happen in november or october before the election. you really only have a couple of meetings left. if you look at the numbers, deceptively correct. talking about job creation. i followed this very, very closely. the government was the second largest in florida in 2023. 70,000 jobs were government jobs you've always got to ask the real question. no jobs, no jobs in manufacturing which are the heart of gdp. >> so what bob is saying is extremely important. but the bond market crackup, it sounds like it could be here. too much overspending, too many bonds for sale, yields on the 10 year is breaking towards 4.7. if it breaks above 5%, we could have more regional bank failures
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again, too much money pouring into the system, too much government spending overloading the u.s. treasury market. >> absolutely. on top of that the treasury just announced earlier today that they will borrow approximately $850 billion in the third quarter of this year. in other words, once the treasury blows throughout the tax revenue it got from april 15 , we will be right back on track to spending about $1 trillion every 100 days. this is absolutely breaking the bond market and money markets. that 10 year treasury affects countless interest rates throughout the economy including your mortgage rate. >> absolutely. thank you so much for joining us tonight. it is good to see you both. let's get right to madison standing by live at columbia university in new york city. anti-israel student protesters.
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madison, we are hearing that the school has lost control of the situation. columbia faculty and teachers are linking arms to form a barrier around the encampment against police. what are you seeing? >> we have it right here behind us. students very much still camped out in the center with the backdrop of their iconic library right behind them there. the student still here despite being told that if they did not leave by 2:00 p.m., they would be faced with a suspension. you may be able to see some of those folks in the orange vest. those are faculty members. some faculty members within the encampment themselves. one of the entrances does have more faculty member standing in a line. by no means are they linking arms, by no means keeping anyone out physically, but they are standing there so their presence does create a barrier of sorts.
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there are no police on columbia 's campus at present. lapd outside of columbia's campus where there are about 150 protesters. you know we are here at columbia and you see the activity and you understand why. this has been the center of college protest for palestine and against israel. we are seeing bipartisan bills that push for things like if you do not combat anti-semitism, you could lose federal funding. this newest bill, the columbia act would allow the education department to send a third party anti-semitism monitor to a school and assess how it is combating anti-semitism. those that do not comply would lose federal funding. we are talking about a lot of money. billions of dollars are given through federal funds each year. something needs to change and pulling a financial lever could be the solution. >> there has to be consequences for actions.
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the failure to do so is what is allowing this to continue. federal dollars at risk. student aid at risk. you will see a lot of behavior will change very quickly. >> the latest is, again, two families asked to leave. we have not gotten an update from the university as to what will happen. there is a press conference going on right now. we are expecting an update there but it is still not heard what will be happening. the biggest largest protest now happening outside. as you can see, trying to block our shop because they say we are filming without consent. that is a current status on columbia's campus despite threats. student still very much camped out in staff members blocking our shots. >> states -- stay safe. jewish students getting attacked , civil rights violations, biden white house
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not acting, isn't this hate speech and domestic terrorism? let's go through it. a protest at george washington university evoked a gotti euphemism assigned reading the final solution. physical fights at ucla at least 900 protesters. shouting pro- hamas, anti-jewish statements. what do you say? >> it is disturbing that the biden white house has tried to slow walk around this issue by dismissing the protest as an example of free speech. they have been very hesitant in the strictest terms possible. you are right. these students certainly have free speech but they do not have the right to use that speech to intimidate others, to threaten others and when you are screaming and cheering on terrorist organizations, that is exactly what you are doing. these proposals to use federal funds, to use and hold them accountable are important. it is a school's responsibility
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to enforce their own campus codes. there has to be some accountability when they refused to do so. >> invoking nazi terminology. they are revoking hamas genocidal terminology. the massive amount of tuition that parents and students paid to the schools and they led a group of anti-jewish students shutting down classes, they let in hamas supporters, basically they are showing students how to shut down campuses at places like columbia, ucla, and, again, genocidal chance, these students are not holding up signs calling for peace, for the release of hostages, the end of hostility, they are openly attacking jewish students and civil rights violations. they are breaking the law. why is the biden white house able on this. >> by refusing to shut down these protest quickly, these colleges have set a precedent.
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the students will do this in the future whenever they want to protest something. whenever they don't want to go to class. these are young adults my age. i am ashamed at the state of my generation to see that this is what we have become. when i was in college just a few years ago, yes, you go to college to get a degree and be successful in your career. the point of higher education is to prepare you for self-government. be a responsible citizen. be a good person. that is not what we are seeing on college campuses today. >> attacking 18-year-old students, teenagers, that have nothing to do with what is going on over in gaza. that is what is going on there. it is out of control. they let it get out of control for too long and now it is a seriously dangerous situation. thank you so much for joining us today. it was good to see you. we have a cop show. oversight chair, robert williams
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, greg jarrett and radio host. biden, president biden, white house correspondents dinner mocking trump over his trials. politicized trial orchestrated by democrats. laughing at jokes about cocaine found at his white house. lawmakers outrage speaking out about this. law-abiding citizens are taking notice. brand new poles. biden calling behind trump. this shocking story out of political. jim biden cited joe biden's name and powerful connections to try to get millions of dollars from a major state-sponsored terrorism. kotter to fund his u.s. business partners. the media increasingly hammering biden for going to the press right as lawmakers increasingly
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warned biden is pushing foreign agencies using your tax dollars to get out the vote. that violates federal law. plus wall street journal columnist, mora new poles for biden from cnn and cbs. 55% of voters say trumps presidency was a success. 61% say biden's is "a failure". biden is so badly pulling according to gallup, below nixon and carter. no signs of resuscitation there. all of this coming up on the evening edit.
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golo is real, our customers are real, and our success stories are real. why not give it a try? let get right at it. welcome to the show wall street journal. bill, we are living in history. seventy style protest, inflation , brutal poles for biden. two new poles from cnn. trump leads biden 49-43%. by a big nine points in a five way race 42% of 33%. this is that levels, bill, where candidates historically cannot get back up. >> the lowest approval rating sent they started taking them back in the 70s. specifically in history, 1958
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and joe biden is underwater. not just against trump, but a lot of his own constituencies like latinos, african-american men and so forth. not necessarily that he will win them, but twice what he pulled in 2020 with them and that is trouble for joe biden. >> also the cbs poll, swing state voters, the majority of them in michigan, majority of voters in michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, the battlegrounds, they say that their finances have gotten worse under biden. they agreed they will be financially better off if trump wins. 55% the economy a success. 61% say it is a failure under biden. the least popular i think in 71 years below nixon and carter. biden brings 277 out of 314
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residents, he ranks near the bottom fifth percentile, as you point out, records dating back to 1945. >> you know, i look at joe biden , i look at those poles, especially in the battleground states. they really are the only polls that matter. we are six months away. look at those and then look at the white house and how they are sending people out to walk with joe biden to marine one to hide his shoveling. i just think it is a disaster. people see an old man who was not physically as strong as he was even a year or two ago. i think they cannot hide that. i think that is also reflected in the polling. >> using secret service and other officials as propaganda to block his gait and his slow
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walking. what is your take of florida governor rod desantis and former president trump meeting this weekend in miami to reportedly bury the hatchet and talk fundraising. it looks like the dnc fundraising committees, more than double trumps 93 million. >> i think president trump could use desantis out there actively. i think desantis is an excellent candidate. has been a tremendous governor and, donald trump needs him a lot more than he needs donald trump. i am glad to see that meeting. i think it is on the president to kind of repair hard feelings after the primaries and so forth one of the problems is, because of the presidents attacks on the rival was so personal, i think he called nikki haley -- that is
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a little harder to come back to the george h.w. bush calling reagan's economic land voodoo economics, but it can be done and should be done. >> do you think he will pick him as a vice president running mate >> i do not know. i don't know what the polling shows in florida. i do not think so. i don't know. i could be wrong. he would be a strong candidate. >> thank you so much. good to see you. >> thank you, liz. house oversight chair james comber. we will talk about the stunning report out of politico. the presidents brother james biden actively wants to sponsor terrorism. funding the u.s. business partners. the presidents brother.
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plus we have fox news legal analyst. a great writer and author. more republican lawmakers speak out against biden going all over the campaign trail. a political trial keeping former president trump locked in court. all of this next on "the evening edit".
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we are in week three against former president trump. let's get right to fox news. the supreme court in new york city. it is very soon after spending the weekend in florida. a former banker is going to resume his testimony that began
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on friday he had when he testified that he set up multiple accounts for : including one called to central consultants llc. they use it to wire stormy daniels 130,000 dollars. so far, prosecutors have not directly tied trump to an alleged conspiracy to win the 2016 election. former american media ceo david packer. he testified he had : suppress damaging stories about trump during the 2016 campaign. they have not shared the witness list publicly so it is unknown who will testify next. but in anticipation of his testimony, live stream several times on tiktok talking about the case. he appears to be accepting monetary donations from his followers. todd blanche already told the jury that he is a convicted juror cannot be trusted. he lied in the past to protect
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trump who was his former boss. trump himself spoke outside the courtroom last week. that is one of four alleged gag order violations adjudge will consider in a gag order hearing on thursday. there has already been one gag order hearing after prosecutors alleged that trump broke the gag order 10 times. there will be another one with these four additional examples coming up on thursday. judge cundiff side to possibly find trump or order him to remove the question posed from social media and his campaign website. it is said to resume tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. >> always great reporting from you. thank you. good to see you. let's bring in fox news legal analyst. the author of the book of the united states and other patriotic documents. it's good to have you on. what is your reaction to the report here? >> one wonders will they put
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michael cohen on the witness stand? you would have to be daft to put him on the witness stand and make him your star witness. frankly, that is all that alvin bragg has. michael cohen is a prolific prodigious wire that went to prison for fraud and his lies. you would have to have a calculator to keep track of them all. just a couple weeks ago he is still like. he told a federal judge i was lying when i copped a plea which prompted the judge to say you are a serial her juror. you know, a first-year associate to graduated the day before from law school would bludgeon michael cohen on cross-examination. this will be something to see. >> even david packer said he is prone to exaggeration. let's get your reaction to this. coming out of cnn on what voters
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think of these trials. let's get your reaction to senator lindsey graham here. watch this. >> we begin with new numbers in the presidential race. donald trump spending hours each day in a new york courtroom in his criminal hush money trial. on the campaign trail a brand-new cnn poll out this morning shows trump sustaining his lead over president biden among registered voters 49-43% with more saying they considered trumps presidency a success they abided. >> i think these trials are political. what is going on new york is an outrage. they created a crime just for trump. i think that jack smith trial is selective prosecution. they did not go after clinton, they did not go after biden. most americans are not going to decide how to vote based on trumps legal troubles. i think the court will find that it exists for president trump like every other president.
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i think they will send it back to the lower courts to find out exactly what actions fall within presidential community. >> what do you think? >> well, you know, those old numbers show the boomerang effect. this is backfiring on abided democrats who thought they could damage trump in the upcoming election, interfere in the campaign by tying up in court and by trying to brand him as a convicted felon. people are smart. they see this, liz, or what it is. politically driven prosecutions and it is pathetically weak. we are in week three now beginning tomorrow. jurors are probably sitting there wondering, where is the crime here? this is kabuki theater. it confirmed what we already know, the tabloid was sleazy. it is not a crime.
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paying people for their silence, that is not a crime either. >> gag orders sure sound unconstitutional under the first amendment. thank you so much. you are a great writer. read his book. he is a great writer. james comber. congressman, it is good to have you on. this new bombshell report out of politico. how is it that jim biden lobbies cutter, cited as a state sponsor of terrorism overseas, these countries call it that, but jim biden used his name, his powerful connections in 2017 to try to get cutter to give over tens of millions of dollars to the u.s. companies. what do you think of this? >> well, this is more evidence of influence peddling. that is what jim biden was doing who were they doing that with? with our adversaries around the world.
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cutter is one of the worst countries on the planet. they sponsor terrorism. that is a fact. joe biden refuses to acknowledge the fact that cutter responses terrorism. one of the things we have been investigating through this whole family investigation is what policy decisions did joe biden make and return for the tens of millions of dollars that his family received from our adversaries around the world. this is one of the most corrupt political families in the history of america. the evidence is overwhelming that they were influence peddling. were they lobbying these foreign entities? because they did not have a legitimate business. if jim biden was lobbying on behalf of state owned entity and cutter, why was he not registered as a foreign agent?
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>> biden did not designate cutter as a state sponsor of terror when saudi arabia and other mini stations dead. i financial blockade of cutter because it state sponsor terror. jim biden invoked his ties to joe biden. salt workarounds for restrictions of international money movements. will your committee investigate this? >> this is what the whole investigation is about. politico, god bless this one good reporter that has been on this and they have uncovered a lot with respective to those schemes. all of jim biden's schemes revolve around promising that his brothers contracts in the middle east would help salvage some of these shady american companies in return for money that they called a loan, by the way, which you did not have to pay taxes on. >> it looks like he got hundreds of thousands of dollars out of
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the chain that jim biden was working for. $200,000 went to joe biden. they said that that was a loan. the thing is, cutter, you know, you look at things going on in the parliament, corruption and influence peddling into gear up in the parliament there. jim biden, he reportedly flew to cutter in 2018 making a presentation to the finance administrator of cutter. it is not clear whether that took place. that finance minister was later arrested on suspicion of corruption. what is with this? the biden family behind-the-scenes was really profiting big time. people are frustrated out there that the impeachment inquiry has stalled. >> it is not stalled. >> what is going on with this biden family and corruption is stalling out. voters see it and they do not like it.
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>> it is not stalled. that is something that the mainstream media falsely reports we get this information every day. this family has been influence peddling every day for decades. they don't influence at all with american interests, they don't do it with european, legitimate european countries they influence metal with romania and china and cutter. >> stay on cutter for a second. cutter funds thomas, it is close to iran, it is anti-israel. biden backs off and is not listed at the state sponsor of terror. final word. >> you get compromise if your family takes tens of millions of dollars from around the world. we believe that joe biden is compromise. look at what he is getting. this is what happens when you allow a president to take.
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more information comes in on a daily basis. >> who would've thought it cut that point. >> it is good to have you on the show. still ahead. fired up and ready to go. radio host. we saw glitzy parties protests by biden. all colliding at the white house correspondents dinner this weekend. the president of oman blocking trumps trials. laughing at jokes about cocaine found at the white house. would not be surprised if you felt biden was literally laughing at you. keeping up the next hour on the bottom line. >> thank you, liz.
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we've got a new pulsating swing state voters prefer trump over biden on the economy. democrats cannot figure out why. then ferguson and stacy washington are here to break it down. >> we have florida congressman greg stu b. talking about government through taxes or foreign-policy. we've got all that covered. we are talking about trump derangement for some d people this is a rea♪ problem. >> we will see you at the top of the hour. ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®.
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it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. mac welcome back. let's get you updated on the story. anti-israel protesters greeted the media attendees invited white house officials at the white house annual correspondence dinner in d.c. on saturday. off-the-wall comments and jokes. president biden was in attendance. jackie has more the white house. jackie. >> hundreds of gaza protesters heckled attendees who were arriving. the president did not mention
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any of that or the recent anti-semitism displayed on college campuses. he kept his sharpest attacks trained on trump. >> age is the only thing that we have in common. actually endorsing me. [cheering] >> i had a great stretch since the state of the union. donald has had a few tough days lately. you may call it stormy weather. >> the president also made himself the punchline once or twice playing off his age. >> it has been one year since i delivered this speech. jill was worried how i would do. i told her, don't worry, just like riding a bike. she says, that's what i'm worried about. [laughter] of course, 2024 election is in full swing.
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yes, age is an issue. i've always done well in the original 13 colonies. >> the entertainer -- my weekend update coanchor michael shea was going to join me here tonight but in solidarity with president biden i decided to lose all my black support. i was excited to be appear on stage with president biden and mostly to see if i can figure out where obama was pulling the strings from. >> ending with an apparent endorsement of the president which got a mixed reaction from the crowd and was and by trump is really bad. trump also criticized president biden's performance calling it a complete disaster. debating trump on friday. there is a chance the two can do get out together on stage this fall. >> a terrific. wor radio host mark simone.
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this feels like more and more the d.c. color down there. seriously out of touch with america. democrats pushing that. biden losing support. supporters making fun of that. comparing it to a really important event. marginalizing themselves. donald trump did not come for four years. it is just to get trump event. democratic campaign event. it was just awful. biden had some good jokes. they were good. his tone was just right.
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the medical team got the dosage right whatever they did there. he was better than expected. >> the bar just feels so weird and out of touch. making jokes about cocaine found that the biden white house. here is more about what happened >> back in washington. i love being in washington. i left my cocaine at the white house. a state of the union. i am kidding, of course. he calls it high-speed rail. can you blame the guy for turning to cocaine? he must be off -- exhausted. rigging the super bowl. and gearing up to steal the second election. >> move past the horse race donors, the gotcha moment.
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>> that is biden getting serious about the polls. they pulled brutal against him. the voters turning against him. you know, when you heard all of that, how did you think displayed with voters, mark? >> again, i don't think any voters sought. spitting in the face of america. trump called paying the lawyer a legal expense. imagine if it happened at the trump white house what would be going on. this is a big event. now, you are stuck with somebody from "snl." >> audit. they are usually really funny. we will still watch. mark, you are terrific. thank you so much.
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elizabeth: let's welcome to the child the chairman of the small business committee, roger williams, it felt good to have you on. let's break this down we're spotting something here. president biden at the white house correspondent made fun and the mocked new york times because the same biden is actively and
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business now time for the bottom line with jackie and brian david terrific sho


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