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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 1, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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the all new godaddy airo helps you get your business online in minutes with the power of ai... ...with a perfect name, a great logo, and a beautiful website. just start with a domain, a few clicks, and you're in business. make now the future at larry: i'll say it again, the new york police department showed us how to keep the peace if and the safety of this city. it was a hopeful moment. just let them do the their job, and we'll all be better off.
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and, by the way, we'll all be better off if we watch liz macdonald. [laughter] elizabeth: nobody does a transition and segway quite like you. [laughter] and i'm so happy you're sitting in that chair to give me it. thank you so much. that was a great show. we're going to pick up from what larry was just reporting on. you know, criticism picking up speed and, by the way, welcome to "the evening edit. " this is about president biden's inaction ands passivity over these anti-semitic protests raging through college campuses nationwide. law enforcement and colleges warn this is being driven by outside actors not connected to the schools. we're going to get into that with senator michael backup. now jewish students are getting assaulted, punched, kicked, shoved and blocked from entering campus buildings, but still no speech, no civil rights action if from president biden. however, the white house does get angry at any questions whether he is sleep walking through this virulent anti-semitism. fox news' peter doocy joins us.
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peter, it's good to have you on. so you did press the white house press secretary today on this, peter. you were terrific. it's great to see you. peter, what did you hear? >> reporter: thanks, liz. we're hearing if officials at the white house that the president's silence this whole week about a campus chaos is not because of because he is worried about offending young people that want to vote for him because officials calculate they've already done plenty for young people. >> the president has taken a lot of policy actions here that he knows that young people care about. student debt relief, we made an announcement today, climate change. something that young people really, truly care about. >> reporter: and we've been told president biden is receiving regular updates on campus chaos. we have not been told which campus presidents he has spoken to, if any, but it does sound like there might be some movement in trying to identify exactly who is orchestrating some of these protests.
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they had matching tents, we're being told that there are professional, outside agitators involved. we don't know if they're being paid to sow chaos by domestic folks or foreign entities. does president biden want his administration to find out who is funding some of these protests? >> with what i can say, you know, i cannot, i can not speak to organizations. that is something that the doy and fbi is doing -- doj and fbi is doing. >> reporter: and officials here are still sympathetic to the nonviolent protesters they are telling us as well that they think it's a very small number of students who are causing problems. liz. elizabeth: got it, peter. so they'd rather talk about climate change than anti-semitism. let's check that box. peter doocy, thank you so much. you're always terrific. thank you for your generosity e in giving us that terrific reporting. let's welcome back to the show from senate education senator
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mike braun with. finish it's great to have you on again, sir. it's good to see you again. >> good to be back. elizabeth: it's good to have you on. so president biden's inaction, inertia here e when it's the states doing the cleaning up it's florida, texas, it's police in new york taking care of this. news coming in just now, they're making arrests at fordham, president biden is largely awol, sleepwalking through this. parents and students are scared. show the images of cops also at unc-chapel hill putting back up the american flag. what do you think of this? >> i think what he's saying is something that a he's fomented with this woke ideology. it's finally boomeranging back at him. and when you're in an election like this where he's hemorrhaging in all the swing states, you see what's happening on campuses, sure, he's going to try to sell loan forgiveness, climate, a bunch of other stuff. here's what we've got, we've got colleges that cost us way too much, i think tuition at
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columbia's $66,000. ucla, i guess a bargain at $15,000. but think of the public universities. taxpayers pay for most of that. they generate degrees often time that don't land a good job, and then they're got to finance the loan forgiveness. and you combine all the woke ideology that's mixed with it, i hope americans are paying attention, because that's the dysfunction of when you try to please too many people, you do it with a woke ideology that comes back to haunt you. that's what he's dealing with right now. elizabeth: yeah. and it's taxpayers funding basically social justice warrior factories. they're pumping out social justice warriors. you know, maybe this is what you do, you suspend, expel and publicize, make public the names of anyone attacking jewish students so all future employee -- employers can see this. you know with, we had -- let me just go through it, violent anti-semitism protests at ucl a,
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protesters arrested and charged with burglary, trespassing and more. nearly 1300 arrested nationwide now, senator, in 23 states. but we've not to get to this, columbia, ut-austin, police mayors like eric adams warn outside hired guns, outside professional anarchists, hamas terrorist sympathizers are radicalizing students. it's like the group students for justice for palestine. while they were at columbia, they got more than $3 million every year reportedly from money flows linked to hamas. >> i mean, you've got all that, and then you hear about a faculty at these places that may be right in there with the students. i just wonder what the parents think that pay the bills that should be with out there having some control over the universities that they support. what do they think? they are going to be the voters that go out there and go to the
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ballot box that a maybe say, hey, enough is enough. when you've got a system that has evolved into this and it's represented in many other ways like the riots of 2020 when you're burning down your with own cities, you do have people like george soros and ores -- others that finance a lot of this broad i'd ideological stuff the on the democratic side of the aisle, sooner or later it comes home to roost. elizabeth: you know, senator, wall street titans like jeff rus demanding biden do much more. let's listen, by the way, the new york city mayor eric adams about how these outside groups are radicalizing i our children. you're going to also hear from former president trump, also house education chair virginia doc. watch this. >> there is a movement to radicalize young people. this is a global problem. young people are being influenced by those who are
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professionals and radicalizing our children. finish and i'm not going to how that to happen as the mayor of the city of new york. >> you look at the anti-semitism, the hatred of israel by so many people. biden is supposed to be the voice of our country, and it's certainly not much of a voice. it's a voice that nobody's heard. and, look, i don't think he's, i don't think he's able to do it. i don't think he's got what it takes to do it, but he's got to. >> we have a clear message for mealy-mouthed, spineless college leaders; congress will not tolerate your dereliction of duty to your jewish students. elizabeth: okay. so as the president is accused of sleep sleepwalking through this anti-semitism the, what is the senate, what do you think the house is going to do? we know that seven house committees are focused on this. what do you think's going to happen, sir? >> zero, because chuck schumer won't take any of this stuff up. and you need 60 senators to get anything done legislatively. but your mayors will, your
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states will, liz, because that's where there's accountability. even mayor adams, mayor of chicago, mayor of other places on the immigration issue, they know how that ends up. other people have to take care of it. this place won't. schumer won't. elizabeth: got it. senator michael braun, thank you for joining us tonight. it's good to see you. >> my pleasure. elizabeth: now look who's here, former deputy assistant attorney general tom dupree. tom, it's great to have you back on. okay, former president trump, he's back on the campaign trail with rallies in wisconsin and michigan today. on his day off from his new york trial. we've got sound coming in later on that. but let's first get to this, what do you make of house judiciary chair jim jordan launching a new probe into links between the biden white house and prosecutors on these trump trials? >> yeah, liz, and, look, this is something that congressman if jordan and a lot of the republicans on the hill have been pushing for for a long time, trying to expose the
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connections, communication between the biden white house, the justice department and some of the state-based prosecutions. i totally get where congressman jordan is coming from here because, of course, the biden white house has denied having any hand in all of this, and i think congressman jordan is just trying to kick the tires a little bit and see if there are, in fact, any connections. that said, i am not optimistic that merrick garland -- laugh is going to turn over the kitchen sink to congressman jordan. [laughter] he has shown a reluck the dance to say anything, turn over any documents, appear before congress. so jordan may have to do a little bit of fighting if he actually wants to uncover the truth here. elizabeth: so we've got this former biden doj official michael coangelo, he's now using in court words like conspiracy and fraud. trump has not been charged with that. it's misleading to the juror. and also this, what do you make of the credibility now that's been undercut of the prosecution's star witness, michael cohen, cashing in by live streaming about the trial on tiktok as trump gets
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threatened with jail and fined for not agreeing to the judge's gag order? we're showing the video of michael cohen collecting money on tiktok talking about this. doesn't this damage cohen's credibility even more than it already is? he's already an admitted liar and perjurer. >> liz, i didn't think michael cohen's credibility could fall any lower, but i think it might actually have here. and you're absolutely right, one of the fascinating aspects of this trial in the first few days is the one thing all witnesses agree upon is that michael cohen is just terrible. they don't like dealing with him, hay don't trust him, hay don't believe a word he says. we have heard that that from witness after witness after witness and the idea that he can be out there doing his tiktok and making all kinds of public statements whereas the judge has restricted the speech of trump and others at the same time, i don't know, liz, i think at some point the judge is going to wake up and see what cohen has been doing and slap a gag order on him too. elizabeth: he might, yeah. the other thing, too, tom, alvin
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bragg's own witnesses are slamming michael cohen as unreliable, tom, that he has -- the prosecution said he has some is, quote, baggage. i mean, prosecution witness keith davidson, you know, he represented somemy daniels. he testified -- stormy daniels. he testified that michael cohen would often mislead, make up excuses and contradict himself. this doesn't look like it's going very well here for the prosecution. >> well, and, look, that's a risk i've got to think the prosecutors knew they were going to have, right in michael cohen is one of the least trustworthy individuals in the united states. he's served time, and the fact that the prosecution's own witnesses are taking a hammer to him day after day in court, undermining his credibility, i don't know what they're going to do when it finally comes time to put him on the stand and ask the jury to believe what he says. elizabeth: well, tom, we need that credibility of yours, because you're keeping us on the rails. [laughter] thank you for your with insights and perspective. we appreciate you very much, tom dupree.
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okay, coming up, we've got a hot roster of all-star panelists coming up. ways and means chair jason smith, former acting i.c.e. director tom homan, fox news contributors marc thiessen and byron york. house gop infighting, where does this lead? marjorie taylor greene wants to force a floor vote next week to try to oust speaker johnson. we're going to get you updated on that. plus, will voters see through this? president biden blocks cameras with a cloud of aides so voters don't see how old he looks when walking. polls show the majority of voters say he's too old to run again. and former biden officials grilled on capitol hill about why they engaged in censorship during the pandemic. why that was the historic turning point of america's feeling lied to by the government. and we've got 20 the states suing the biden white house for refusing parole authority by directly flying in now 400,000
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illegal migrants into with 45 u.s. airports, the majority flown into florida. what's governor desantis going to do about that? plus laffer tengler investment' ceo nancy tengler, she's terrific. new sound from former president trump hammering biden on the economy as biden campaigns on raising everyone's taxes. even jimmy carter did not do that. jimmy carter campaigned on and did tax cuts. plus, the federal reserve keeps rates at a 23-year high because of historic inflation under biden. you are living through history. we're going to break it down on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪ before you use ai to transform business, accelerate growth, predict trends,
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elizabeth: you know, we hate to say it but, you know, reality really bites here with historic inflation under biden. the federal reserve today left interest rates unchanged, at a 23-year high for the sixth straight meeting, and it also signaled rates may stay higher for longer. why? inflation is not coming down as the fed wants. stocks ending mixed today. edward lawrence has the story at the federal reserve. edward. >> reporter: liz, this marks the sixth time the federal reserve has paused on interest rates, the federal reserve chairman wants to see more evidence9 that the economy is
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sustainably moving down to that 2% target before there'd be any rate cuts. the federal reserve believes their monetary policy stance is appropriate and working right now, but he signals that the next move will not be a rate hike. >> so i think it's unlikely that the next policy rate move will be a hike. i'd say it's unlikely. you know, our policy focus is really what i just mentioned which is, which is how long to keep policies restrictive. >> reporter: the fed chairman adds that he does not see stagflation because the last time it happened, unemployment spiked to 10, and we don't have that now. however, sticky core inflation without food and energy prices as well as slightly increasing overall inflation has the fed chairman taking note. so i wanted to know this: was there any discussion about a rate hike in today's meeting and, you know, are you satisfied with 3% inflation for the rest of the year? >> well, of course, we're not satisfied with 3% inflation. 3% can't, you know, make us
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satisfied. we will return to inflation 2% over time but over time. and we think our policy stance is, is appropriate to do that. >> reporter: and the fed chairman hopes hay don't is see substantial economic pain to get there. liz? elizabeth: great reporting, great questions from edward lawrence. joining us now, laffer tengler ceo nancy tengler. nancy or, thanks for joining us. what do you think of what happened today? >> well, as usual, liz, i mean, the press conference we always get these big statements, and then they're often and almost always reversed later. i thought there were a couple of noteworthy things. first, the vote was unanimous, and the fed really likes that. i would like to see some dissense so we know that there's actually discussion going on -- dissension. but they are slowing quantitate tative tightening, so that would free up bonds for retail investors and increase liquidity, and he did say, yep, we're sufficiently restrictive. but what was really interesting
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to me was that he mentioned that they would be prepared to act if the labor market weakens. and as you know from last week when i was on, we think the labor with market is starting to roll over. 284,000 fewer full-time jobs than a year ago a march and higher part-time jobs, average hourly -- average workweek has gone down. wages have rolled over despite the employment cost index report. so i think there are things to be concerned about if you're the fed, and that's why i think they will have to cut this year. elizabeth: well, you know what needs to be cut too? government overspending under this white house. trillions of dollars, government waste, fraud and and abuse in the trillions of dollars. the president doing more inflationary spending on even more student loan bailouts. the latest round of $6 billion. let's listen to former president trump today in wisconsin. watch this. >> the top of all of that, biden has just declared that if he gets four more years, he will driven. -- drench the middle class in
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the largest tax increases in the history of our country. but when i'm in the white house, the biden economic bust will quickly be replaced with the trump economic boom. [cheers and applause] when i left office, we handed crooked joe the fastest economic recovery, it was the fastest recovery, think of this, economically ever recorded. the stock market was at a record ojai. the price of gasoline was $2 and even less than that a gallon. we're going to terminate his green new scam. it's going to be term terminated, and we're going to end his war on american energy. we're going to drill, baby, drill -- [cheers and applause] we're going to bring down your -- elizabeth: he's getting a lot of applause, and his e comments about biden were getting booed. let's stay on this, so that's trump outlining his policies. he's campaigning on policies. his poll numbers have been going up and notably in the swing states. biden is campaigning on raising taxes by getting rid of the trump tax cuts. even jimmy carter, jimmy carter did the opposite. jimmy carter campaigned on tax cuts, tax are rebates, tax
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exemptions, even senate bernie sanders applauded the trump tax cuts helping 91% of middle class americans. but now you've got biden's treasure redepartment putting dei into tax policy based on race. heir going to increase taxes, they're saying, on capital gain because, why? it'll cut racial inequality for black and hispanic families. don't minorities own small businesses? they're going to get hit with a 44% tax hike under biden if he gets reelected. >> yeah. yeah, that was terrible. it's terrible policy. it's going to have the op to sit effect as it always does -- opposite effect. but what you also need to remember is this government has spent $01 trillion in deficit spending since covid. and that, my friend -- [laughter] is what's driving inflation up. we've got way too much spending. is and with interest rates higher, the debt servicing costs are going to become a bigger burden on americans. and that, this is probably the dumbest policy decision or
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campaign decision that i've heard in many, many decades. elizabeth: okay. nancy tengler, thank you so much. we're going to stay on all of this in the coming weeks and months. still ahead, former white house speech writer, washington post columnist, author, fox news contributor marc thiessen, do voters already see through this, what it is? biden is increasingly blocking the media and cam as using -- cameras using a crowd of white house aides so voters do not see his elderly gait as he walks to marine one and more. the polls show the majority if say he's too old to run again. and the media slams the president for only doing friendly press interviews and staged events. plus, we have fox news contributor byron york. gop infighting again. congressman marjorie taylor greene now says she will force a vote next week to try to oust peeker johnson. what happens next? all of this coming up on "the
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elizabeth: joining us now, fox news contributor or, byron york. byron, it's good to see you. so what do you make of this news today that congresswoman marjorie taylor greene and congressman thomas massie, they are going to try to force a floor vote next week to try to oust house speaker mike johnson? and house democrat leadership said they would step in to help speaker johnson? what do you make of these developments? >> well, from a are republican point of view, it's just insanity. i mean, the margin of republicans' majority is so tiny, there are now 217 republicans in the house and 212 democrats in the house. there are 6 vacancies at the moment, most of them because of republican resignations. and so if you lose 3 votes, if 3
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people, republicans, were to vote against johnson and marjorie taylor greene says she will, thomas massie says he will and paul gosar says he will too, without democratic help that's enough to be back in the situation where with there's no speaker again, total chaos, exactly where we were when they ousted kevin mccarthy and no better off. elizabeth: yeah. i mean, republicans are saying they're shooting their feet off here. let's please get your reaction to congresswoman greene here. she's got some points to make, she wants to be heard. watch this. >> now we have hakeem jeffries coming out and embracing mike johnson with a warm hug and a big, wet, sloppy kiss because mike johnson is giving them everything they want. and so next week i i am going to be calling this motion to vacate, absolutely calling it. i voted for mike johnson because his voting record before he became speaker was conservative. he voted against funding
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ukraine. he was solidly pro-life. he voted to secure the border. he voted to fight against democrats, fight against the witch hunt against president trump. but once he became speaker, he has become a man that that noun -- none of us recognize. elizabeth: byron, what do you make of that? >> well, first of all, this is not a real defense of mike johnson who was really unprepared for the job and sometimes doesn't seem up to the job. and if republicans a had a real majority in the next house, which doesn't seem likely, but if they did, they would certainly probably pick a different speaker than mike if johnson. -- mike johnson. on the other hand, you cannot have marjorie taylor greene's level of ideological purity as she sees it when you have the tiny majority that i just mentioned before. finish cannot be done.
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if you're a republican leader and you've got 240 republicans in the house, you can lose 202 of 'em and still win -- 20 of 'em and still win a vote so members can go off and do what they do and still read. elizabeth: politico's reporting top rnc official michael what thely asked congresswoman green not to do this because allies of former president trump doesn't can wasn't a distracting battle but greene argued the xop has time to rebound from a leadership switch in really? i mean, this is coming at a time when the gop is trying to capitalize on the anti-semitic campus protests. [laughter] >> right. if we shoot ourselves in both feet, maybe they'll heal by november. that's kind of an odd thing. it does bring out the issue of where former president trump is in all of this. marjorie taylor greene has been a longtime enthusiastic supporter e of trump. -- president trump. you'll see her at his rallies
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and all of that. but remember, trump just had mike johnson town to mar-a-lago, stood beside him. so i don't think trump, who is trying to win the presidency, wants to get involved in another suicidal house fight. elizabeth: got it. byron york, thanks for joining us. it's good to see you. let's bring in washington post columnist, fox news contributor, marc thiessen. marc, we're showing new footage of president biden. more and more he's trying to use a crowd of aides to block the cameras. this is what axios reported was coming, that biden aides were so worried voters were going to see his slow, stiff walking, highlighting his old age, they're now using crowds of staffers as a shield to block the media as he walk withs. is this going to work? >> they think the american people are stupid. [laughter] i mean, truly. they've shortened -- they're using the short staircase on air force one, they're surrounding him with aides thinking we won'r
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him on the teleprompter when he says four more years pause. that they can't do for him. they're literal -- they are trying to stop him are from falling down literally and figuratively on the national stage, and it's not going to to work. elizabeth you know, we had a quinnipiac poll in february, a majority of two-thirds said biden is too old, not mentally or physically fit to serve a second term. we had this yahoo!/google poll, 64% said he's too old to run again. about half of democrats said that, 48% there. and 70% of independents said that. >> yeah. but that's not -- those e people aren't all voting for donald trump. i mean, they're -- it's sort of baked into the cake. everybody's opinions of donald trump are baked into the cake. there are people who love him, people who hate him, people who are unsure. and with joe biden, people -- i think there was the one poll i think it was "the new york times," 86% said he's too old for another term.
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but if you look at the real clear politics average today, they are statistically tied for the presidency. elizabeth: got it. >> trump is ahead by 1.5 -- elizabeth: i hear you. i looked at that poll, and and i noticed in 2020 trump was behind, but at this point he's neck and neck. >> yeah. elizabeth: you bring up the former president. "the new york times" already called out biden for setting a, quote, dangerous precedent, rejecting interviews with major media, you know, he's not doing anywhere near as much as what trump and obama did talking to, you know, washington post, new york times, "wall street journal." he's also only doing friendly interviews with howard stern or late night. but somehow msnbc anchors are panicked trump is going to shut down journalism when it looks like the biden white house has been blocking journalism. let's please get your reaction to this. watch. >> i've seen that toast a bunch of times. but it landed very differently this year, because depending on what happens many november, accept months from right now --
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seven months from right now, this time next year i might not be sitting here. there might not be a white house correspondents' dinner or free press. our democracy wouldn't exactly fall apart immediately without it, but the real threat looms larger. a candidate with outward disdain not just for a free press, but for all of our freedoms and for the rule of law itself. elizabeth: did trump ever kick any reporter -- [laughter] off the air or from their jobs from 2017-2021? >> of course not. i mean, look, i think donald trump is probably going to send the national forward to round up illegal migrants. he's probably not going to send them to msnbc. i think nicole is safe, okay? [laughter] she can bunker down in her studio and the dreaded thugs are not going to be coming knocking on her door. look, donald trump will talk to anybody. i mean, literally. you know, he did a cnn town hall at the start of this campaign, and what happened? cnn had a revolt that they
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allowed him on the air. how could you dare give him air time, you know, with his disdain for democracy? i would love to see joe biden do a cnn town hall the way donald trump did and without a teleprompter -- elizabeth: i guess he, you know, spend enough time in an echo chamber, you're going to start bouncing off the walls. mark theseen, thank you so much. still ahead, house ways and means chair jason smith. lawmakers gave a tough grilling to former biden white house officials. they were accused of censoring information on how dangerous covid vaccines were. you went through that. you knew that information. we're going to dig into why, that and why the pandemic was the break point for america feeling utterly misled and lied to by the government. we've got a new pew research poll that also finds the majority of americans, 7 out of 10, 8 out of 10 say social media companies have way too much political power. but first, let's check in with
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jackie deangelis in for dagen, and sean duffy's here, back. we want the hear what's coming up on "the bottom line." sean: hey, e-mac, thank you, pro-hamas and pro-life protesters, we discuss the double standard with democrats as they address those two issues with charlie hurt as well as the media reporting donald trump's going to devalue the dollar. is that true? we ask steve moore. jackie: there's some also in washington that are actually condemning the anti-israel protests that we're seeing and anti-semitism in general. gop people rick scott, florida senator, he'll be here to talk about it. we've also got john chell with us, the nypd chief of patrol. we're going to talk about how they handled last night, how they went into hamilton hall, how they bring that all together and keep it under control. top of the hour. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. elizabeth: okay. lawmakers did grill former biden white house officials accused of directing social media and big tech companies to censor information about how dangerous covid vaccines are. this new development, astrazeneca revealed in court documents its vaccine does trigger rare blood clots. that's the covid vaccine. it also triggers low platelet counts. hillary vaughn is at the white
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house with the details from today's hearing. hillary. >> reporter: good evening, liz. former white house officials who frequently interface with social media companies to try to crack down on so-called covid misinformation were in the hot seat on capitol hill today facing questions from republicans. rob flaherty and director of digital strategy wouldn't admit when asked if any of the vaccine narrative pressed by the biden team turned out to be misleading. >> when the biden administration told the american people that the virus didn't come from a lab, was that mess if information or disinformation? >> congressman, again, i can't speak to discussions that were had on that topic. it's been a couple years. >> reporter: lawmakers also heard from a former senior adviser to biden and part of the white house's covid response team. he defended his engagement pressuring platforms to take content down. >> i didn't say that there weren't correspondents, there weren't occasions when they weren't trying to influence social media companies. and i think social media
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companies did often admirable job telling us when they disagreed, and i think those were -- >> what does take down this tweet asap? if that's not trying to make a decision for the social media company, what is it? >> i don't think she was ordering them to take anything down. and i don't know the context of the entire conversation. >> reporter: both 9/11 denied today that -- men denied that any of their engage engagement crossed a line. >> i'm just going to ask you bluntly, did you ever try to force, coerce or threaten any private company into taking specific action related the false information about vaccines or covid at large during this time period? >> no. >> mr. flaherty, same question. >> i can't recall. >> and, of course, both of you were doing all of this to save lives, weren't you? >> yes. >> yes. >> reporter: so, liz, if republicans were expecting today these former white house officials to take anything back or apologize, they didn't. liz? elizabeth: hillary vaughn, thank you so much. let's welcome back to the show the chairman of house ways and
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means, congressman jason smith. congressman, your to that report. okay, people feel lied to, betrayed and misled that the government prevented them from knowing the dangerous side effects of covid vaccines that can cause heart, brain and other organ injuries, also, you know, lying about lockdowns and shutdowns. this is about informed consent. i mean, they make like they're white knights, yes, about saving lives, but this is a first amendment problem when the government steps in like that and gets in between the information flow. that was not their job. it wasn't their role to do that. the more information out there is better for the american people. >> liz,you're exactly right. it is so disturbing to see this behavior that came from the biden white house, to suppress information that americans needed to know about covid. it's just, it's crazy that even the social media companies would allow this to be done. but you know what?
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it's not a surprise. think about the hunter biden report that came out with "the new york post." that it was all suppressed as misinformation, russian information, but now, now the evidence has proven otherwise. elizabeth: you know, so he got as far as trying to tell amazon to restrict, you know, any books about the covid-19 vaccine. you know, by the way, where did all the dangerous variants to? i mean, there was all this news that dangerous variants were going to swamp america. where'd it go? we understand that, yes, vaccines did work, but they were emergency use vaccines, they were off the shelf, they were unproven, untested. they're found to cause thrombosis, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy and more. that's a real problem for the american people that they were not told. they weren't given informed consent by this biden white house. >> it's unacceptable, liz. the american people deserved complete and full information because this is about their health. it should not have been hidden
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just because that it was politically men potential for the biden white house. elizabeth: so we had biden official rob flaherty testifying his office, quote, just encouraged social media companies to censor speech with which the biden white house disagreed. is that really, is that it? just a rell vet glove touch her? because this is a biden administration and also campaign that that has a he's erie of bullying the media. nancy nancy pelosi bullies the media. chuck schumer bullies the media. going so far as to bully the supreme court. this is about bullying. this is about treating the american people as adults, that they can take in the information they deserve to hear. final word. >> you know, liz, it's a pattern that the democrat party and the biden administration has had. hay think they can bully their way to truth but, in fact, the facts come out. and they typically don't like the facts. elizabeth: congressman smith, we
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appreciate you coming on. we hope to see you again soon, okay? it's good to see you. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: still ahead, former acting i.c.e. director tom homan, he's fired up and to go. we have a brand new poll from if gallup. gallup is hearing from voters. voters are saying, yes, immigration and the border are the number one, top problem for the third straight month. outrage is picking up over biden's border crisis. twenty states now suing the biden white house for refusing the parole authority, now directly flying in 4000,000 -- 400,000 illegal migrants into 45 u.s. cities, most of them landing in florida. what does governor desantis, what can he do about that? the story coming up. ♪ ♪ [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants
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reporters and look who's here with us and former acting ice director tom homan. good to see you again. tom, what do you make of cbs report and cbs is reporting the biden white house is considering taking into the u.s. refugees dbrox gaza? >> i think shocking and they couldn't be more wrong about anything and they've done a lot of things that are wrong and nothing more wrong and how do they vet these people? who runs the government there? hamas. think hamas will vet the people and give us national security information and criminallalty information? we can't vet them and don't have access to the information and hamas, you can't trust them with the information and this is a huge national security risk they're taking. event titling they do is not shocking. liz: jordan, egypt and saudi arabia won't take them in. >> exactly.
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we need to ask ourselves why and who knows a lot of people are and who they support. look, we shouldn't be allowing anyone in the country without proper vetting. the country going for them and going for the united states and there was no way these people don't care what they say and i know a lot of people and been involved with the intelligence community for years and there's no proper way to vet people from palestine and make sure they're safe to come into the country. no way. liz: you feel for the humanitarian crisis there and this biden white house botched so many things insiders say and new gallop poll and the u.s. border and they are the u.s. top problem report for them on the third straight month and we've reported a couple of months and immigration reporting and the
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biden white house and going for 300,000 migrants and 43 different airports in the united states and now it's 400,000 into 45 cities and majorities noun into four cities in florida and it's miami, ft. lauderdale, orlando, and tampa bay. going for this. >> there's no legal justification to do this and the biden white house going to ignore federal statues and someone like congress and norman and violating laws in many instances and the courts are sworn to act and this is just another tranche of illegal immigrants in the country and they're overwhelming the system on purpose and they have millions of people in the country and this is the going to take years for them to have
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hearings if they even show up and by the time they have the hearings, liz, they'll have u.s. citizens and kids and equities and jobs and members of the church and when they finally get there, no one wants to remove them. when i was ice director, i got involved with republican senators and removing that guy with two young kids. well, he didn't have two kids when he entered the country illegally and the court order haves to mean something or what are we doing? might as well shut down the courts too. there's a process in place and if they lose a hearing and they must be removed. this administration is overwhelming the system and it's going to take years and bringing people to ports of entry by the thousands every day. illegal frequency tone by the thousands and need airports by the thousands. liz: tom homan, thank you for your expertise and good to see u yo. thank you for watching "the evening edit" on fox business. that's it for us. now time for the bottom line.


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