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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  May 6, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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business plan and 34 billion last year the cost had risen to 128 billion, china has actually seen the high-speed rail. and twice as fast as california trains. the california high-speed rail would share some pictures and what the train station to get a look like one day i don't know why they wouldn't have the private sector in the first place i look at sr 71 the fastest ever develop from 1966 the blackberry, let's do that, liz claman over to you. cha.liz: they were prioritized n
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london and it works really well. sometimes not so much but in some cases i agree with your priorities isolation, thank you as we kickoff the final hour of trade stocks are on pace for the best three-day performance since november dow jones industrials up 108 points the s&p getting 41 the nasdaq 150 points russell 2000 the biggest percentage of 25 points. no massive individual gains but when you punch up the five day chart we start with the russell because that best shows a muscular move of about 3% and it leads to the small and mid-cap breaking of big-time, billionaire investor leon cooperman about to reveal to stocks in the russell that he has unmassed quite mistaken why he remains fully invested and will ask the business school
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grad the news breaking couple of hours ago that his alma mater has canceled the main commencement ceremony and he's been very critical of the university leadership and how it handled the pro-palestinian pro-hamas campus protest and announced on the show back in october he was pulling all future donations to the school, leon cooperman is coming up let's get to the nasdaq the past five sessions stack up to two and a third% gains much of what you see today for the tech heavy index thanks to micron investors pounded the table on the chipmaker the top performer on the nasdaq 100 after a single analyst upgrade. not just any analyst upgrade. was one of the last remaining neutrals on the stock they finally slipped it to outperform and raise the 12 month price target from $115 all the way to $150, right now the stock is at 119 with a gain of 4.5% that
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pounded the table reverberating through the entire semiconductor sector as witnessed by the etf that holds a bunch of them. they could use help it is had a rocky start to the second quarter let me pull out key names in the sector that are doing really well today super microcomputer, nice gain of 5.5%, arm holdings which reports quarterly numbers this week thursday "after the bell" of 4.6% in advanced micro devices up 2.5%, no pop just drop for apple shares the stock is losing wanted a quarter% second worst performer on they're down after self-professed apathy and warned warren buffett that his weekend meeting he checked the huge steak for the second straight quarter, brookshire sold 13% or 115 million of the 950 million shares of apple. right now the stock is struggling intraday, speaking of brookshire the buffett run
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conglomerate often seen as a proxy for u.s. economy because it's 17 plus businesses reflect just about every single sector was shares up to 30% after the company reported blowout first-quarter operating profits of 11-point to billion dollars that's a record by the way brookshire is looked at the proxy for the economy because it has everything from industrial to home-building, lending to jewelry to car dealerships under his wings the question is what do the earnings and buffets move to sell apple stock say about the near-term economy in the overall stock market let's get to the floor show, j.p. morgan chief u.s. economist michael m bullseye chief market strategist alan nachman. not all but a very large number of brookshire businesses show real growth and strength from the quarter from high-end to the jewelry to what people most can afford dairy queen, benjamin moore paint, sees chocolate, how
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valuable is brookshire as the temperature gauge of the whole economy. >> i think we know that the data through april looked pretty solid for the sheer granite we had a bit of a softer number for jobs in april but that being said we've also seen retail spending pretty solid final sales in the economy pretty solid so it's not surprising with the bactrim and of course nominal gdp even stronger so it's not surprising with the backdrop that company profits are doing well. >> he has a lot of housing related companies and among them acme brick. again you could look at benjamin moore paint as one of those and so many more he does home lending and news out of the homeownership or dream of home ownership with the new york federal reserve today, i found it really upsetting and most people believe that homeownership is not going to happen in their lifetime they
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will rent for the rest of their lives. if you look at the homebuilder stocks are doing gangbusters probably because prices continue to go up how do you view that as a problem for the economy or not. >> i think it's a structural problem that we have it under supply of housing and have had for as much of the past decade were recently some of that reflects higher mortgage rates of course but it's not just mortgage rates the actual construction cost of housing has gotten pretty significantly over the past few years as land prices so you really haven't seen pretty strong housing numbers and you have exceedingly move-up and vacancy rates in the housing sector. bad time, bad news for a potential homebuyer or want to be homebuyers but good news for home suppliers including some of the names that you mentioned you. liz: one thing for sure buffett and brookshire have a massive stock portfolio and if you look
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at some of the stocks in here everything from bank of america to coca-cola, obviously apple is the largest holding, amex, occidental, spans the gamut but the trimming of apple steak grabbed a lot of attention, people wondered if you love it so much why are you doing it, here is what he said. >> we own american express which is a wonderful business and coca-cola which is a wonderful business and we own apple which is the better business and we will have apple as our largest investment but i don't mind at all and the building and the cash position when i look at the alternative of what's available in the equity markets and i look at the composition of what's going on in the world.
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liz: he said he doesn't mind building cash, he sold apple to do that is not worrisome that he chose apple, granted he's made so much money i think what he bought it was 35 or $45 and right now 181. >> is getting 5% on his billions in cash, that is a lot of math, apple like you said is never going to pick the top of the market but i think his timing and who might question his timing it's infinite where arbitrator i have to time things his timing and apple in the fact of the bottom base and the reversal just like tesla did there were two stocks that i got participated in the rally but those stocks have had a sentiment shift enterprise pop in what we've seen in the stock market in general and we seen this every time there's been a solid 5% pullback in the s&p it's only been below 5001 day
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since february 22, we've seen a dip and rip and it looks like were set up for new all-time highs once again after getting above the halfway point of the drop from the top. liz: a dip in a rip will be haven't seen more than 5%, i guess we can't even call that a correction, let's bring it back to the economy. if it weakens even more and what's barely weak at the moment we got the job number for april and it was slightly softer than expected so people thought that'll make the federal reserve more inclined to cut rates instead of holding off, do you believe that and by the way that appointment ticked up to about 3.9%, this is the far right at what level would have to hit for the fed to say now let's cut rates. >> i don't think the last friday's number was enough but that was a move in the direction
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that we get the fed cut later this summer, 3.9% unemployment is pretty low. liz: 40 year low is 50. and for up to half a point from the lows of 3.4% a year ago if that moves up a little above 4% and we continue to see some of the john numbers low that i think the fed would probably get a little comfortable going back to the plan from late last year end adjust rates lower but as i said last friday was only a first step in that direction and i would like to see the cpi's come in a little softer than what we saw in the first quarter in to see the job numbers with the moderation that we had early hints of last friday. >> were in the position of waiting for new inflation data, michael allen great to see you both, thank you for weighing in the dow up 94 points, the reserve bank president john williams saying that inflation
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would have retreated more swiftie had russia kept his hands in military off of ukraine and the rich farmland that russian president vladimir putin doubling down today he is ordering nuclear weapons drills as significant ramp-up in his war on the eastern european nation howard buffett the side of the article of omaha warren buffett has been spending hundreds of millions of dollars in ukraine since the start of the work the long term farmer is here in a fox business exclusive why the business world needs to join him, fox business exclusive have energy sector is moving oil holding around $78 a barrel in the aftermarket session "the claman countdown" is coming right back with howard buffett. ♪ we're talking about cashbackin. not a game. not a game! we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're not talking about practice?
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liz: we have breaking news coming out of the milken institute 2024 global conference in beverly hills new york federal reserve john williams during a conversation there blamed russia's war on ukraine for much of the stubborn inflation consumers are facing saying inflation would've retreated more swiftie had russia not attacked its neighbor ukraine is known as the world's breadbasket you can understand where he's coming from as the war drags into the third year end at this hour is getting much needed infusion of help cook the trashcan the first installment of the $61 billion in military aid and weaponry has arrived on the front line but help for the nation is also coming from another quarter the howard g buffett foundation is on track to spend more than a hundred
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billion dollars by the end of 2024 and humanitarian assistance for ukraine the eponymous young son of billionaire bu warren buffett serves as a director of berkshire hathaway has visited ukraine 11 times since a full-scale invasion began howard buffett who is also a lifelong farmer joins us now in a fox business exclusive that's a pretty powerful, by the new york fed president when he blamed sticky inflation on how much of that has to do with the indirection in the fermis of wheat, soy and corn. >> i would agree 100%. if you look at the beginning of the invasion at the time in 2022 it only took a few months call to drive basic food africa by almost 50% and obviously you can't recover from someone who is a major exporter of corn and soybeans and barley and wheat there is no way you can't turn
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that around right away. in terms of his comments i would agree 100%. >> people need to understand ukraine the soil is the best on the planet for farming that were showing video of missiles and weapons russian missiles and weapons that have cut huge holes into a huge part of the farmland and contaminated it. it's incredibly dangerous to farm because the russians planted hundreds of thousands of minds. how do you make sure your money is going toward farming but also say farming. >> we are both supported agricultural efforts as well as mining efforts. we are very well informed on what is happening and i think the key thing to understand
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there is a lot of the farm ground that isn't getting farmed, that goes back to the original comments about affecting inflation, food inflation and the fact that less food is available at a normal price, in terms of agriculture is twofold, one is give a large area that is not being farmed in the other you have russia with almost 20%, close to 20% of ukraine occupied and they're taking all of the production from that area. it was estimated last year with the wheat production that russia took almost 28% of the total wheat production in ukraine from the occupied areas and i've b been, it is kind of a double slap in the face if you put it that way, it's 28% of the wheat production and using it to fund the war. ukraine has tens of thousands of
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factors that cannot be farmed. some of the is because it's too close to the front line and much of it because there is landmines all across the. liz: it is not just you, there is not enough. even $800 million by the end of this year end philanthropic efforts from your foundation will not be enough to rebuild ukraine. you are a capitalist and your dad is the king of capitalism, make the case to business viewers and investors right now that they should be investing in ukraine it's a tough sell at the moment. >> is a tough sell at the moment because obviously it would be a tough sell within a country at war. i would work it backwards a little bit. i would look at it and say what are the consequences of ukraine failing in russian succeeds. the consequences are huge. they are economic as well i
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think you can look at and two different ways, one was happening in the war now and if you look at the new package past, almost 90% of the allocation for weapons is actually spent in the united states. a lot of people don't think about were understand that they think we are spending money to ukraine. but were spending $45 billion of the package roughly in the united states producing weapons, u.s. jobs, keeping plans open. if you look at the other direction and were in this war no matter what, were in this war and want to be in it or not, in terms of how that affects us, you have to look at it economically as well. the nato countries represent 31% of exports. it will affect 31% of her expert activity. it will affect its got affect
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everything including interest rates, inflation in the stock market anytime our country would be at war it's going to affect our economy in a number of different ways. if russian succeeds in ukraine we will be in this war through nato and anybody who says we can't respect nato and stay in nato and meter obligations of nato is not thinking about the economic consequences or the long-term security consequences. we have to partners and friends of this world and if we abandon europe we will have no when that's going to stand by us in the future. liz: if we abandon europe, sweden and finland to join nato in the past year, i completely agree with you it seems really smart if you look at jobs and economic standpoint that being part of this is really important. i'm sorry that i missed you over the weekend at the berkshire hathaway annual shareholder meeting. i've been there 16 times it always been able to speak with you and your siblings. to me it's a fascinating study
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of everything that goes on. you will be nonexecutive chairman when your dad leaves, what does that mean can you explain to our viewers that role how you define it will be. >> i'm the only executive chairman but the board votes that way, i'm not assuming anything but what it really means i won't be able to go to ukraine very often. it just means i'm going to help maintain the culture of the company and support greg and his efforts and g in his efforts and do whatever i can. it's not a management position it's a position where you actively engaged in managing the company but you are overseeing the board but you're also supporting the culture and maintaining the type of culture that my dad has bill over many years. that's probably an important thing to be able to do. liz: the brookshire stock is up today people liked what they
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heard over the weekend, record profits for the quarter it's wonderful to see you, keep doing the wonderful work in ukraine. >> nice to see used to. investors playing chicken with the stock of the largest poultry producer and the nation. we'll tell you why the chickens have come home to roost for tyson foods. later billionaire investor leon cooperman reveals the top holdings right now. one of which hitting a five-year high today. we will also ask the columbia business school grad what he thinks about graduation being canceled at columbia and how his alma mater handled the chaos on campus. the fox business exclusive. let's go back to the dow we have blowing, almost at the top of the wall street journal reported the faa has opened a new investigation, blowing almost at the bottom into the planes inspections of the 787 dreamliner, we are coming right back, don't go away.
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liz: a few days after mcdonald's and starbucks said their customers are sick of high prices tyson foods is on track for the worst in the year after the u.s. meat company posted a quarterly sales miss, tyson chicken unit dropped more than 8% of the second quarter and the company expects total sales to be flat in fiscal 2024.
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the stock down 6.5% of the ceo persistent inflation is now waiting on some consumers, it brings the stock to a record low during the session after the budget air carrier forecast for the second quarter, the airline says its outlook has been hit hard by slow growth in domestic demand in the grounding of airline crafts due to whitney geared turbo fan engine issues hymns in her, andrew backpedaling, city made last week the sexual healthcare stock after praising anti-israel protesters and encouraging them in a twitter post to keep pushing schools to divest from a 0 it does 8% and today saying i and no way condone more support acts of threats of violence, anti-semitism or intimidation
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when there is absolutely no justification for violence on our campuses, the shares are crawling back about 3% of the losses but still not back to where they were last thursday. the fallout from the anti-israel protests at columbia university and the other institutes of higher learning could come with the big cost, were not just talking about broken windows or cancel graduations. the endowment funds already seen donations from big donors dry up and will they dry up for good, columbia business school grad and billionaire investor leon cooperman told us in october he was cutting off his donations and things have gotten worse since then, what is he have to say about that now. on another side, he is a top investor, where is he investing, all next to the fox business exclusive with leon cooperman who never holds back. were returning in a moment, the dow is up 90 points.
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liz: we are for sessions intimate with the maeve under major averages are holding steady we are looking at gains and for all of may the nasdaq up 4% which is good news considering what happened in april when the blue-chip saw 5% shaved away the worst monthly performance in september of 2022, let's pick out stocks that did really well big and maybe a bit smaller the top five performers last month so monthly gains around 31.3% for snap and 13.9% perverted holdings one of those is a top holding at omega advisors the family office of wall street budgeted billionaire leon cooperman who joined me now at a fox business exclusive that's going to make you happy, what did you see when you first started unmasking the steak inverted that told you this is a real opportunity.
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>> the stock is done materially better than we thought it would do we invest individually with a lot of respect to david and he's in a great job but the sector has been very favored by the market because of the growth in a.i. it's been in a.i. stock and through a.i. he's been taken off the charts. liz: you have another winner that is energy transfer ticker symbol e.t. hitting a five-year high. >> a little but ahead of the s&p and we don't have that much technology. i'm not a bowl and i think the market is approaching a short-term high and i think the stocks are still the best place relative to alternatives but i don't think stocks are all that
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attractive what it comes down to is the market 21 times earnings and when i see was going on around the world i don't think so we have an election coming up, two choices one spot the other ones worse and i talk about translation i was honored by the new york yankees and i was honored of a pregame pitch and to be technically correct my youngest son came down from manchester through perfect strike and with the prices of everything. >> the hospital was $8. >> that's incredible how expensive everything is i don't know if you heard president john williams a couple of hours ago blaming russia for a lot of the food inflation because they invaded ukraine which is known as the breadbasket, that is good news but when you say you're not
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a bull but still in stock that is really important for our viewers. >> it to get the best alternative i would not touch a bond because they think they belong higher than yield at four and half% what they're yielding presently in the market is bifurcated in the market might be to anyone times earnings but i find a lot of things eight, nine, ten times earnings that's what we focus our attention and we've been doing well despite not having a big technology exposure. liz: at the end of 2023 i believe the sec filing showed that you sold off your investment in the ice shares 3 g completely away because you find much better things, give me some names that you think are an absolute when. >> paramount resources has raised the dividend
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approximately 20% to canadian oil and gas company yields close to 6% and they produce oil $31 a barrel and produce 105,000 barrels of oil a day and they have the infrastructure to go to 150,000 in the next few years and what's going on in the middle east you want have a decent energy exposure so i got that in a more natural gas and oil and run via a very smart guy and energy transfer another smart guy with a very big steak that when yield seven or 8% and 80 ta times earnings, apollo 12 times earnings i just find a lot of things i wanted you and i don't think it's being built on a strong foundation not only do we have a budget out-of-control but a budget deficit of
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1.6 trillion in the economy is fully employed in the budget office is projecting 1.8 trillion, if the deficit mattered that i'm looking at the wrong thing but ultimately the deficit will come back and bite us in the ass. liz: leon never holds back, let's keep on with that when it comes to obviously inflation in deficits. >> i heard the mayor of los angeles. >> federal reserve jay powell is waiting for the jobs market to cool down just a little bit. do you see any rate cuts this year? >> i see one rate cut and you discount a stock with a long-duration asset and longer-term bond any bond rates are far too low historically prior to 2008 the ten year government bond yielded with all gdp if you have your growth of
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2% you can see the ten year bond at five or 6% and is currently four and a half so the rates are too low if i'm wrong i'll be wrong of the market i've been surprised how strong the market is but i think were towards the end of the run. i remember the 60s growing up in the market to phrases guns and butter and crowding out we have guns and butter and were supporting two wars were supporting israel and ukraine as we should and no attempt to deal with this, biden is looking to get reelected so he's forgiving student debt in the anti-deficit and i think were making a big mistake and i think at the end of the day i'm assuming we have a financial crisis in the public sector and the stock market is not counting the financial crisis and is going to drop and right now i look at this is the
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third bubble that i live through a live through the nifty 50 which ended with opec tenfold and we had a recession in the technology bubble of 2000, cisco was nvidia it was 300 times earnings and the stock dropped 90% after the break when the break came in cisco today 24 years later is below were sold at 2000. liz: you are absolutely right let me jump in you mentioned supporting two wars in israel obviously there may be some type of deal on the hostages a cease-fire possibly that is developing as we speak but it was back in october on the show that your comments went viral u.s.a. columbia business grad very upset with those who were protesting things calm down and got a lot worse in the past two weeks which smashed windows, students taking over.
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today it was announced. >> my wife of 59 years was quite critical of me when i said they have ships for brains, i would repeat that it's worse now. organized ana anarchy is the ste of disorder and refusal to recognize authority these kids do not get it. i would have to say the demonstrators with a couple of different groups you have the students the legitimate students that don't get it and i'll explain why they don't get it then you have the professional demonstrators that are wearing masks and doing crazy things. i think in the end it's better late than never. think the administration columbia recognizes the problem now and they're doing what has to be done. liz: when you were with us you said no more money you gave
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50 million. >> in the past i gave money without direction to the university in my understanding the university took a percentage of what you give to the business school and i specified all my future giving to the business school and no tax. i think there recognize the problem now into make the campus safe for all students eliminate hate and bigotry against all groups not just israelis and jews but it's very clear and anti-semitic over child and i don't get it i repeat what i said earlier israel's only democracy in the middle east and the only reliable ally of the united states. israel's excepts gays and lesbians as what they are and don't israel took the financial support from the west and in constructive things with it. allowed hamas and they
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built tunnels. if we try to tell the united states how to conduct themselves in pearl harbor we would laugh at them the people that were trying to and if these demonstrators use the common sense and really worried about care side one of the good of russian demonstrate russia against what they're doing and ukraine don't forget hamas attacked israel. the story the attack very close of doing a deal with saudi arabia that will move things forward in the middle east and why don't they go to gaza in protest what hamas is doing in gaza, 71% of the palestinians have great support and hamas so you get.
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liz: exactly go see what it's like that if you wanted so much. always a pleasure to have you. thank you so much for talking disney earnings before the bell with rich greenfield. ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ . . low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®.
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♪. liz: we are watching the clock here. 17 hours away from disney reporting earnings. 16 hours 37 minutes. while the stock gained 30% so far this year that's nice, but it's been far from a fairytale start to the year for the mouse house. disney had to fight off a proxy war with nelson peltz. ceo bob iger won that one. investors want to know where the fresh film content is mia. we have greenfield. that's a fair question, is it not. let me start with nelson peltz, is he gone, is he "gone with the wind" or hovering or lurking still. i don't know, liz. you have to ask it. rion or speak with trion i don't know that answer. look, disney's stock is still down a lot from where it was a couple years ago.
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it is suffering from a lot of the same troubles at that have plagued all the traditional media companies. this is not unique to disney. you if look what is happening with the cord-cutting, change in advertising. wbd stocking later this week. that is warner brothers/discovery. we'll look at paramount. this is tremendous pressure as consumer behavior changes. what i is interesting for disney right now, what you highlighted at the top of the segment, it is more about the content. more than any other country in this sector, the lifeblood of the walt disney company is the content creation. it certainly has been off its game. it has definitely been struggling. sure show gun did well on hulu, shogun, not massive but on hulu. they have not had breakout content. the tailor movie they licensed
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did not perform. another stop show is about. luey, another show they don't own. investors looking for the great content. all the franchises disney owns and controls, where is the success of that content. liz: if they are in a creative funk, we agree where they are, how do you turn that situation around? the fortunes of the studio really matter. i agree with you, they used to be churning out all kinds of stuff and where is it? >> and, liz, you know, even if a movie like "deadpool" this summer works, it is not a movie that leads to rides in the theme park or plush toys being sold. one of the more adult skewing franchises in the marvel portfolio. you're looking for, where is disney's frozen? where is the avengers, where is the you think of disney, core franchises they're better than
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anybody else at monetizing. they have just struggled in that regard over the last couple of years. unfortunately, you're not going to love this answer, i don't think investors will love this answer, it takes time, right? you know these things just go in cycles and it takes time. eiger only came back a year ago. liz: i know, they have lucas film. they have got all these creative houses that churn things out. i know you are on a time limit here but i do have to ask you about paramount plus really quickly and paramount. is there going to be a deal or no deal? >> you know, i tend to believe there is not going to be a deal. i think, you know, it feels like national amusements, the control shareholder of paramount has gotten increasingly concerned with the legal challenges to doing deal obviously clearly benefits the control shareholder and pivs everybody else, you know, all of the class b
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shareholders, gives them the opportunity to create a lot of value but over a much longer time frame than the control shareholder and it just doesn't feel like national amusements which is the redstone family wants to pursue that option right now. i think getting involved with sony and a pe backed bid comes with lots of regulatory concerns. there is a way to do it, there is definitely a way to get that transaction done but it is a long approval process. i think time is of the essence right now for paramount. they need to make moves. they need to scale back paramount must. they need to sell some assets this talking about selling things like b.e.t. time is of the essence for this management team, continuing to wait for a deal to materialize, wait for regulatory approval, god forbid it doesn't end up actually getting approved they just can't be in that situation. i honestly believe they will stop the m&a process and focus on executing this new strategy.
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they fired the ceo last week. i think you're going to see a new company, new strategy under this new management team. they will move forward in that, sort of door number c, liz. liz: rich greenfield, thank you very much. paramount global up 3% right now. let me get right to charlie gasparino at the milkin institute global conference at beverly hills. charlie? >> liz, i was about to walk off the set. i was sitting here and not getting to my hit. liz: go for it. >> well, although i'm not your closer, but in any event, here is what you're hearing here. take off a little bit what rich said, i spoke to let's say a ceo of a major media company, told me the betting, the inside betting right now is there will be no deal and no deal for this reason. shareholders, common shareholders hate the skydance deal. they think it doesn't benefit them enough.
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they are going to sue. on the other hand apollo, and sony will not get through regulatory reviews. it will take two years. it will die on the vine. what you will see the hydra-headed monster, three triumvirate of running this thing will be there for a while. that's what the betting is on wall street right now and in the media industry. the other thing that is big here, liz, antisemitism on campuses this is, this is a technology and wall street finance conference but, you know, what's going on on campuses right now is engulfing this part of the industry. richard sandler who is, michael milkin's personal lawyer, also author of a great book about the prosecution of michael milkin, richard will do a panel on that today. ken griffin was here. bill ackman was here. they were talking about it as well. it is one of the sort of galvanizing topics of this what is going on on campuses just how
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cowardly the administrations of these major ivy league schools are in the face of what's, you can't sugarcoat it, it is antisemitism, it is allowing it to happen. it is a radicalized minority but sizable minority of the student body. professors teaching radicalization and a certain world view of how to look at israel as some sort of a, a sort of, you know, nazi state. that is what they essentially compare it to. so that is what people are talking about here. let me tell you something, a lot of people here who graduated from these schools. gave a lot of money to these schools. not anymore. liz: good point. [closing bell rings] nice gain of 171. tomorrow scots miracle-gro on cannabis. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. all right,


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