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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 7, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> imagine getting into an argument with donald trump and threatening to gag him. it's like fighting with a gorilla over a banana. if he's convicted of a felony, 80% of americans say it make no difference. >> in real life, in the real world, it's biden and the democrats. >> they know a lot of people are using attacks to take me down because they're scared of me. stuart: do you think you're still in line to be vice president? >> it's up to donald trump. >> it's right and wrong and israelis are good and hamas is the bad. we have -- this administration
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hasn't picked up on that. ♪ stuart: music for sushi are you kidding me? i'm hungry. >> are we camping at columbia? are you kidding me? stuart: it's harry styles so must be okay. it's 11:00 eastern on a tuesday, may 7. on the market, dow up 110 and smaller modest gains for the nasdaq and s&p. show me big tech. not all higher except microsoft is down 90-cents and the rest up ever so slightly. and where's the yield on 10-year treasury? ask every day and that's important. 4.43%. way below 4.5% and that should help stocks. now this, as donald trump rises
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in the polls, trump derangement syndrome makes a comeback. of course it never went away, but the dismal performance of president biden makes the left nervous that trump may actually win a second term. oh, the horror. sometimes their fare is quite funny. i'm going to read through a long message on x by a former cnn reporter michelle writing, a few weeks ago i had dinner with a few couples, friends of friends all american. all were well educated and successful in careers. they seemed great on the s urface. for like an hour. but slowly over a few drinks, they began to let slip their true maga natures. one of the couple each attended top ivy league colleges but now that was it was university time for their own kids, they were adamantly not letting them apply to any ivies and weird explaining why and the kids would be double legacies and my
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friends and i realized we were surrounded we carefully closeted maga and extremists and wrong beliefs can't help but leak out, and when you least expect it and from the people you least e xpect. they're out there, this dinner continues to haunt me. they all seemed so normal". i've run across this kind of situation myself, people ask my family if i really believe trump was a good president. varney seems to nice they say. they think i'm from another planet. i'm not, i'm normal. third hour of varney starts now. ♪ stuart: you have to laugh, don't you. we have jimmy failla and michelle seemed surprise that had educators, accessesful and normal looking people support trump. >> the surprise of this tweet is that this woman has hands. who wants to hang out with someone so self-righteous and
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actorrizes it as it's crazy that the ill informed stupid people with the wrong ideas always let it lek out. is it the wrong idea to secure the boarder and not blunder us into world war iii. it's not necessarily bad and not letting inflation get to a 4 0-year high. the gas station doesn't have prices but pictures you have to do for the romantic gesture for the clerk to pay for gas. that's a problem for a lot of people on the left and i mean this and catering seldom support of superiority. these people are racist or dumb. that's enough to justify d ismissing a conversation with the critical thinkers who are voting for trump because they're not necessarily cosigning his behavior, but they're certainly cosigning his results and that takes a little more intellectual latitude and you've got to be willing to put one thing aside and go, but 0 million crossing the border is bad. one guy let that happen.
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so the people voting for trump are the issue voters and the people voting for biden are the sensationalist voters. in dinner terms, as a guy that dresses like a waiter, i get invited to a lot of dinners, let's face it. in this instance, the media is selling a sizzle but not the steak. the steak is in@. and clouds and bad and methane and biden substance and people know that and it's bad and another one for you. stuart: not bad in the washington post on and sign field. >> i want my comedy guidance from some woke skull for the liberal newspaper. they clearly know why the people purchase a two-drink ming mum -- minimum. here's the deal, stu, mainstream comedy is fine if it's funny and polite comedy is fine if it's
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funny. to their point that mean s pirited humor isn't cool, netflix had a roast of tom brady that included 300 of the most vicious jokes you could ever tell, some of which i wouldn't share with you if we were prison bunk mates celebrating 10-year anniversary. that might be too far for the cell block. what people did, they tuned in. they didn't protest, people want to laugh. we come to comedy for one w ithin, it's to laugh. comics are supposed to make you laugh, strippers are supposed to make you a little randy. nobody want as stripper's take on the border, which is a shame because they probably know a lot about lot about family separation. wrongly going after seinfeld and trendy and they didn't like that or own this. >> make me laugh. >> make me laugh on a saturday night on fox news saturday night at 10:00 p.m. eastern and that's
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your show and we'll all watch. >> you're the best, stu. stuart: back to the markets. not that much price movement today and dow is up 100 points and nasdaq up 33, s&p beginning to move a bit up 15. mike murphy joining us for the entire hour. bond yields are driving the market. i knew that. >> yeah, we don't want to be in that position for a very long time and and yield on there's a big selloff in the stock market and i'd like to decouple that for a minute. i like the market to be driven by which direction the fed is g oing and interest rates are g oing but driven by earning ears we'll get become there. right now the market is waiting for the fed and not positive for the all time highs and they cut
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rates once or twice and we'll be back to earnings everybody with the price hike. stuart: everybody says sell in may and go away. >> it rhymes. stuart: you made your money. you don't agree. >> no, there's a lot of people that say that and hopefully not a lot following it because the data doesn't back it up. the hard part is if you happen to sell and market does happen to sell off, then you have to decide when the right time to get back in again is and pay t axes on what you sold, h opefully at a game. stay invested and long term invested and what the market has done for the last 100 years. stuart: stay invested and not always 100% stocks. you put in cash and 100% and the thing is depending on your situation and sometimes people
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overcomplicate things and that's when they want to -- they're too extended or too invested and they need to sell and heard from somebody we're going to correct. corrections happen all the heim and happen all the time and stock market going in one direction and that's up. stuart: got t thank you, mike. stay there, you're here for the hour. ashley, come back in for this one, please. you've got headlines and i want to know what's happening to alaska air. ashley: oh, it's right up your street, stu. they're offering people a chance to earn status by helping them go green. customers can buy sustainable aviation fuel credits. it's a mouthful when they buy a ticket on a flight. it's meant to offset the carbon emissions and purchasing credits for elite status and alaska air has a goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2040. not doing anything for the stock down about three quarters of a percent. i want to talk about high end fitness chain equinox launching one of the most expensive gym
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memberships in the world. 40,000 per year program aimed at improving overall health and longevity. i would hope so. each subscriber will receive a personalized plan to improve overall health and fitness and have a core team that includes a fitness trainer, nutrition coach and a sleep coach. i could use one of those and a massage therapist and new program will cost $3,000 a month for a minimum of six months. by the way, the fee does not include an equinox gym membership and bringing the total to around $40,000 or more for the year. good luck, stu. stuart: thanks, ashley. mike murphy an interesting guy and investing in all kinds of industries and you're a big f itness guy but $40,000 a year for a basically gym membership with a few extras seems high. >> it's definitely high, but -- i wouldn't look at it as a gym membership with a few extras.
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people nowadays are tracking things like their blood levels. we've talked about this you and i. people want to see what levels of metals they have in their blood. what different things they should be using toe treat themselves and what sleep they need or don't need. this has become much more than a workout. it's become people want to live longer and healthier. there's so much here like m onthly blood tests and invested in companies that do that and that will -- life force along with tony robins that they'll come to your home and track your blood on a monthly basis ask tell you where your levels were and are and what you should be doing to correct them or if anything seems off, get an early jump. that's what people want for the future. equinox is onto something here and price tag is going to make their market very, very small. and the amount of people are very large. stuart: interesting lifestyle, got t thank you, mike. breaking overnight, boeing calls off star liner launch to send as in and outs into space.
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what -- astronauts into space. what went wrong. before they defaced a world war statue and set american flags on fire. we have that disturbing story. >> israeli forces have now s eized control of border c rossing in rafah and israeli tanks in that city. up next, i'll speak to former israeli prime minister on what invasion means for ceasefire talks and he joins me after t his. ♪.
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stuart: rizz really tanks into rafah -- israeli tanks into rafah and i'm joined by former israeli prime minister. is israel committed to d estroying hamas matter what or how long? >> i hope so. this incushion into the rafah outskirts is a develop p.m. we have to destroy hamas. i want to qualify it. right now we've taken the rafah crossing not within the city of rafah but in the suburbs and o utskirts skirts and yet going io rafah and destroying the r emnants of hamas. stuart: biden is no -- doesn't seem like biden, president biden is in full support of israel. and there's stories in "the wall street journal" about delaying precision weapons because of what's happening in rafah. are you losing your most important ally?
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jot savage barbarian that rapes and burns, and kills families and starves it is own people and we're trying to destroy it and if i were running the government here i'd have done this four months ago and not stopped till they surrender and really solve hostages and if anything, we should have done this before. i hope we follow through and hope the united states gives us backing and have to do it one way or another. stuart: you're firmly committed and the government of israel united and committed to d estroying hamas in rafah; correct? >> well, it's a stated goal of the government. i'm not in the government right now so i can't speak for the government but i can speak as an israeli st. and as a former -- citizen and former prime minister, yes, we have to destroy hamas. we have no other option. by the way, the world is actually needing us to destroy hamas because if we don't do
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that, we're going to see radical islam rear its head everywhere in the world and they'll see violence pities. stuart: when this is over, and i don't know when that is, but when it's over, will you and america and saudi arabia go forward with a plan to have some kind of engagement between the three of you in a security pact? is that on the cards for when this is over? >> yes. it is. i think it's a vital and win, win, win. everyone wins because e ssentially the meaning of this alliance or this three way agreement is to form an alliane against radical islam against iran's radford dallas cowboys islam and iran is this octopus of terror and sending arms across the world and middle east and finally and weak and
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collapse that regime stuart: needing the rise of anti-semitism on the elite college campuses and are you surprised and i've never seen anything like this before and lived in america for 50 years. >> i actually am surprise that had the extent of this and the combination and first of all in many cases but 70% of the participants from the university and they're from outside the university and i would say organize and et cetera. you've got students and faculty, which i would call stupid servants of radical islam of iran, they don't know where i reel is, where the palestinians are or anything about this conflict, which is a very complimented thing. they go out and fight for who
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they're fighting for with the rape is and murders and iran and there's lgbt people fighting for hamas. hamas would kill them all and that's the law in gaza. that's the law they want to apply in america? why in heaven's sake would you go out and demonstrate for supporting hamas? stuart: because they support hamas and that's what they're d oing. former prime minister of israel, thank you so much for being with us. support you always. >> thank you. stuart: anti-israel protesters vandalized a world war i memorial in new york city last night. ashley, what happened in ashley: yeah, the anti-israel protesters vandalizing a world war i memorial in central park and the 107th inventory and a mob of more than 1,000 marchers were blocked from reaching the metropolitan museum of art to
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protest outside that s tar-studded gala that happens every year. protesters burned an american flag and defaced the base of the memorial with graffiti and red gaza in large black letters and others plastered the bronze soldiers and stickers of palestinian flag that read stop the genocide, end the apert tide and free palestine. the anti-israel protest should be pointed out never reached out but they did damage. stuart: university of virginia under fire after dozens of p rotesters were arrested on campus. the state's attorney general said it was necessary. roll tape. >> virginia is not new york. you have very different governor and very different attorney
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general, and we're not going to tolerate that. stuart: attorney general is on the show. he's coming up. apple just unveiled its first new ipad line in 18 months and hoping the new product boosts slumping sales. hellly o'grady has the latest on the let loose event after this. ♪
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stuart: president bind just arrived at the capitol and will deliver the keynote speech at the memorial and we'll bring you that when it begins. check on boeing, bad news and they were forced to scrub first crewed star liner launch overnight and called off two hours before the scheduled l iftoff because of problem with oxygen valve on the rocket. it would have taken two astronauts from cape canaveral to the space station and the next attempt -- launch attempt not happening till at least friday. the stock is down to $177 per share. overall markets, we still are
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seeing green for the dow and for the nasdaq and s&p. narrow gains pretty match across the board. mike murphy, who's been with me for the entire hour, he's brought stock picks with him. palantir, everybody likes palantir these dais. why do you? >> apparently not because it's down. there's a big push nor ai and earnings in line and good e arnings and good enough but however, guidance was slightly low. i mean, off by tens of millions and the company is growing grod we've been involved and own in the past and on a pullback, i'm watching this. stuart: it's an ai play, isn't it? >> yes, a lot of defense contracting and not being open about everything they're doing and a lot of contracts with the u.s. government and the company
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with a huge upside from here and selloff like this. stuart: you own it and are in i t. will you buy more? >> we don't own currently but have owned in the past and l ooking to get back in it. stuart: consider it 21? >> yes, absolutely. stuart: not asking when you'll pull the trigger. it's a rubric. >> cybersecurity company and recent ipo and the market cap is about $6 billion. this was a high flier in the public market and moved up about 40 and come back down here to $ 34 but when the setup here for rubric is long term growth in a industry that's only going to continue to expand cybersecurity so protecting data online and a name people with catch. stuart: when's it going to $40 a share? >> it'll be back very soon. give it 30 days. stuart: 30 days? in 30 days it'll be at $40 a share? >> write it down. stuart: on video tape? >> live. stuart: producers, mark this down. thank you, mike.
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kelly, what's this new rage about i pads? >> we had her, there she is. being minuted up. let's see now. we're not ready, are we? no, i'm going to look at screen and show you p l is up a few cents having announced a series of new i pads. is kelly there? moving on, technical trouble, folks, that happens and you smile and carry on. now this, 25 anti-israel p rotesters arrested at university of virginia over the weekend. joining me is the attorney general of virginia who joins me here in new york city. why on earth would you come to new york city, attorney general? >> one of the greatest think tanks, the manhattan institute had an award ceremony and
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thought i'd honor them and do fantastic work on crime and p unishment and their work is fantastic. stuart: how have you handled student protest in virginia? sharp edged did you not? >> we decided virginia is not new york. governor youngkin is adamant and not letting 1% of far left p rotesters ruin the educational experience of f the remaining 99%. we took very aggressive action. these were students that were warned repeatedly when they set up the encampments and this is trespassing and unlawful assembly and we've seen tragically. stuart: what are they charged with? >> trespassing, unlawful assembly and some tragically we're tracking down perpetrators at vc and you recollects several officers were assaulted and had battery and more. some were coming in and not students and directed students to flank the officers and taking bear spray, water bottles and putting bear spray in and t hrowing at officers. stuart: you've got somebody that chucks an object at an officer.
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that's an assault charge? >> assault, battery on law enforcement and that's a felony in virginia but we have to find them. they're smart and hide with the students and do attack and disburse. we're in the process of tracking them down. stuart: if you get this and found guilty, will they go to prison. >> new york is one% of the far left and ruining it for the 99%. stuart: violent crime is down and people giving you credit and operation ceasefire and it was called and you've got a plan to combat retail crime. we've cover that had widely on the program. what's your plan to top retail crime? >> i worked in the general assembly and the governor implemented a real organized retail crime bill that got through that put gangs that are targeting stores that are basically if you have an aggregate amount of money, we can prosecute you for a felony.
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there's a task force that's been put in place but listen, we had this from day one coming in and murder rate in virginia was at a 20 year high and governor youngkin and i had attitude to work with law enforcement instead of against and isn't that a novel idea? we're going after repeat violent offenders and activities with operation ceasefire and 13 targeted cities with crime going down on all of them. stuart: seen any change in retail crime yet? >> the bill went in effect this year and effectively this year and know more about the end of the year and early next year and we've seen positive signs in that direction. stuart: you've joined a multistate effort to join title 9 changes from going into e ffect. do you want to stop biological males from competing with women in women sports? is that your objective here? >> hit nine is designed to protect women and we're going to protect women and our female athletes, yes. i've met with some of the female athletes athletes and didn't even get a
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warning they're in a locker room and a biological male showed up and one woman felt so humiliated she had to find a janitor's closet to change into. stuart: will you go so far as to stop biological males from competing with women in women's sports? >> well, we're actually c urrently investigating one school in virginia. we have our own civil rights act in virginia, the virginia human rights act and we're going to protect your rights and dignity as a woman. yes, we don't want biological males in women's locker rooms, in dorm rooms and sports teams because title 9 is designed to say we're going to protect w omen. it's one of the great a dvancements in the civil rights laws and this is classic with the biden administration does with the administrative state and these executive orders. they bypass congress, they do it to executive fiat and fundamentally try to change american society and state ags are the ones taking them to court to stop it. stuart: the state attorney general of virginia here with us in new york of all places. thank you for being here, state attorney general. >> thank you. stuart: now back to apple's big event today and all the new i
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pads. we what's your report about the new i pads? >> there's two. the air and pro. the air comes in at 11 and 13-inch models and running $5.99 and -- $599 and $799 r espectively and faster p rocessing and m2 chip and three times faster than ipad air from four years ago. big thing was the ipad pro. that was also announced and you'll have an 11 and 13-inch model and $999 and $1299 r espectively and a slew of new features and thinnest apple product ever. there'll be a new screen display called ultra retina xdr and it'll look sharper. the big reveal though was a new m4 chip. they said it's going to be a serious performance jump and they elmore fade emphasized ite really powerful for ai and few specifics on that. ceo tim cook said the upgrades will revolutionize the ipad
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products. >> it truly is the biggest day for i pads since its introduction. ipad enables people to take their ideas, work, and their creativity to new heights. >> there's a new magic keyboard and a new pencil as well. if you have been keeping track, the magic keyboard $300 and the pencil will be $129. if you get the most expensive ipad pro, it'll run you over $ 1700 all together and that is exactly why apple thinks it's going to boost their sales. stuart: i wouldn't know how to tournament it on. thank you, kelly. very good. coming up later on the show, a new poll shows fewer black americans planning to vote this year. who is that going to hurt? biden or trump? deroy murdock taking it apart. chicago relaunching universal
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income programs to the tune of $ 32 million. who's getting the free money and of course who's paying for it. that's next. ♪
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stuart: chicago is spending millions to revive the controversial guaranteed basic income program. kelly saberi is there in c hicago. what's getting the free money? i want the first guaranteed income program here, cook county says 56% of the people involved orem ployed and another 50% of those folks had children. in order to qualify for the program in 202t you had to be 18 years or older, encountered adversity during the pandemic
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and household income must have been at or below 250% of the federal poverty level. our estimates show for a single person home, you could qualify if you make just over $36,000 a year and family of three about $ 62,000 to receive payments and updated guidelines for the new round of income or guaranteed income rather will be released soon. the city received $1.9 billion and has 576 million left to use by 2026. in a statement last week, the mayor said "when i said i would ensure the city uses these federal recovery dollars to invest in people, this g uaranteed income program is exactly what i meant. this program delivers dollars directly into the hands of chicagoans that need @ most and will provide much needed relief to help families and communities meet financial obligations and responsibilities". keep in mind, around the country
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it's a different story. already we've seen at least six states ban or limit what it l ooks like. stuart: thank you, kelly. this poll from the washington post shows fewer black americans are planning to vote in november compared to four years ago. deroy murdock joining me now. who does this hurt more, trump or biden? >> definitely hurting biden m ore. what biden needs to get reelect second-degree tremendous enthusiasm on part of his base. a big part of his base is black voters and i was struck by a survey and commend the washington post for entering the 1300 black adults and getting their views. among black women, certainty to vote dropped from 69% in 2020 to 39% this year. stuart: certainty to vote?
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69% to 3%? >> that's a drop of 30% among black women at the very center and core of democrat party. that big of a chunk of vote s aying, yeah, i'm not sure if i'm voting or not. up to 30% of black women, that's devastating. stuart: what's turning them off so much? >> the same thing for all americans, an economy not moving forward very well, inflation and high prices for everything and quoted several people saying groceries are higher, gasoline is higher, energy is higher and a general sense that joe biden made a bunch of promises like democrats always do and get in office and don't really deliver. stuart: is this the start of a real break in for at least a generation, the 50er >>s i've lived in america, the black voters have been solidly democratic. is this the start of a real fundamental shift? >> i think it is. i think there's a lack of enthusiasm for biden. a lot of people look at d emocrats and say why do we keep voting for these people. they scream every four years racism and kkk is coming and we vote for them and they turn their backs on us for four y ears. they come around every four y ears but that's about it. the numbers for trump in the
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polling is 2022 and 28% and tram only at 14% but 2% higher than what he got in 2020, which is 12%. even trump going up a bit in this survey. stuart: with those numbers, biden loses in november? >> absolutely. he can't have 30% of black women not show up and get reelected. stuart: it's not a question of voting for trump, it's a question of not showing up. >> yeah, they don't have to show up for trump, they just touchdown pass stay home and not vote. they don't have to go to trump but just not end up in the ballot box. if they're not in the ballot b ox, you can't count them. if they're not there, biden doesn't win. stuart: governor kristi noem doesn't think sharing her story about shooting a dog will hurt her politically. what do you say to that? >> wrong. she's going to be called kristi the dog killer and talk about your record and what you've done
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and everyone will say she's the woman that shot her dog. she said the dog was out of control and biting her kids and attacking her livestock. if that's the case, what you do with a dog out of control is you take the dog to a vet and put it down humanely. that word again. don't take it and shoot it. if you do that, don't talk about it. nobody wants to hear that . that's a terrible story. stuart: i've never heard anybody say that was great. i'm glad you put it in the book. that was a fundamental political mistake. >> total mistake. stuart: argue what she did back then but can't argue with the idea of putting in the book. >> that's ridiculous. stuart: when you're trying to be the vice president of the united states with donald trump. >> maybe you've done it and wrong thing to do or right t hing, anybody that thinks you put that in a book that's going town crease your political popularity is totally out of touch with average voters and people like me and people like others in the millions that love dogs and want to see them treated with great love and respect, which they deserve. stuart: you're right, thank you, deroy. it's that time. showing you the dow 30 and a sense of the market as we always
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say. i sense there's some buying of the dow 30 and dow up 82 points, 0.21%. the mclemores from the "fox & friends" cooking segments all summer long. roll it. >> the mclemore boys are back in new york. we cannot be more excited. >> i'm speak excitinged if this year. stuart: that's some energy. the father and son duo brought a new cook book and they brought it here and will join me in just a moment with new food and g oodies in the book. oodies in the book. we'll be right back. ♪ (alarm sound) ♪ amelia, turn off alarm. ♪
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when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dream do come true. xfinity gives you reliable wifi with wall-to-wall coverage on all your devices, even when everyone is online. maybe we'll even get married one day. i wonder what i will be doing? probably still living here with mom and dad. fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi with xfinity.
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stuart: spectacular performance right before the break, but that wasn't planned, ladies and gentlemen. the mclemores for fiery cooking segments on "fox & friends". another look at them. roll it. >> take that right there, look at drip. that's what's upright there.
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>> that's when you know it's perfect. stuart: john mclemore sr. and john mclemore ii are with me now with their new cook book, gather and grill. welcome to the program. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: hope you brought us f ood. >> yes, sir. stuart: not hitting the ribs that hit the floor. >> that is the rib with your name on it. stuart: you're meat guys and dental in plant-based food, do you? >> no, sir. we're all about bringing the real genuine beef. we're back at "fox & friends" and 44 farms out of texas s upplying with us all the beef. john has a farm and he's been in a barn daminium at his home and we're doing all the cooking. >> we have acres and our is recreational. we do a lot of hunting and more for fun and support. but we work with a lot of great
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brands and ranches that have authentic ranches, 44 farms is a fifth generation, one of the largest registered black angus ranches in america. it's tough for small business so they're trying to help them. stuart: you've got how many farm s? >> so in harris county, georgia, we've got three farms we do h unting on. stuart: what's your acreage? that's very important in this. >> very important so i don't know we reveal the number of acres we have from our hometown but more than 2. >> for example, i've got a 100-acre farm more for recreation and 8-acre pond we fish out of. i've probably worked on it for seven or eight years now, thinning the trees and putting that money back into the land and i'm actually going to get cows and mine are more for recreation and pets and goats and chicken and i'll have a garden. i want all mine to be authentic,
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real all american. stuart: wait a minute, i have the book in front of me, gather and grill. what's recipe for losing weight? a diet where recipe using this kind of food? >> the good thing about this book is it has nine different categories from breakfast to deserts and leftovers. we have several recipes in there that are good, healthy recipes and did one this morning for janice dean. we love her. we did her a lettuce wrap c hicken sackmary lad. we've got a -- salad and a lot of vegetables in there to smoke and grill. >> mentioning this real quick, this is 30 pounds heavier for m e. i've lost 30 pounds just with portions. stuart: i'm out of time. mclemores, thanks for being with us. love the book and i'll read it surprisingly enough. >> yes, sir. stuart: it's that time, folks. hold on, the tuesday trivia question. how many countries have a population of more than 200 million? four, seven, ten, thirteen? what's the answer? the correct answer after this.
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♪ .. t the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... -alligator. are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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stuart: how many countries have a population of more than 200 million? is it four, 7, 10, or 13? sorry to say you have the honor
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of going get first. ashley: i can only think of four so i will go with number one. stuart: murph. >> number one. stuart: china, india, united states, it is seven. china, india, us, indonesia, pakistan. when the you had taken over apparently not. seven countries with 200 million people in them. we will see you again soon. you have a wonderful night's sleep and see you tomorrow morning. that is it for "varney and company". coast-to-coast start in five seconds. 3, 2, one, starts now. >> the main point is the primary source


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