tv Varney Company FOX Business May 8, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT
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>> a decision like this tells the world, hey, i'm not doing this for donald j. trump. i'm doing this for the nation. it says i'm putting america first. it's not just a slogan. >> we're americans, we're in america. my father fought in vietnam. i want a piece of the american dream. no more crumbs. >> every stage joe biden and his administration belittled and attacked the government of israel and saying stop killing terrorists and hamas. >> whoever wins wisconsin likely wins the presidential race. >> anyone that doesn't challenge what's going on in this courtroom, it is really, i t hink, un-american. ♪ stuart: it's the rolling stones again. we're on a roll. we have the rolling stones saga here. lauren: trying to put you in a
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better mood. stuart: i'm in a great mood. it's 11:00, eastern time, on this wednesday, may 8. check the markets. the dow is up 70, fractional loss for the nasdaq, a bit of green for the s&p. big tech, a mixed picture r eally. we do have some winners there. meta platform is the only one. it's up $6. microsoft is up $2, apple, amazon, alphabet down. the 10-year treasury yield is flat all day and right around 4.5%. now it's 448. now this, today's trip to wisconsin is a classic example of a president handing out money to influence voters. all president do this, make no mistake but because wisconsin is a very important swing state, biden is pulling out all the stops and it's a must win state. throwing around taxpayer money knows no bounds. wisconsin received $6.9 billion from the investing in america
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program already. the president will make a big deal about the microsoft data center in racine going to be announced today and talking up the help his administration is showering on the important badger state. and he claims the affordable connectivity program saving homeowners $2 billion thanks to biden green energy. really? claiming 1.3 million wisconsin voters will each save hundreds of dollars because he has l owered the cost of insulin and vaccines. and he'll point to $44,000 wisconsin students that will vascularized their loans c anceled. he's passing out a lot of money hoping to pull in a lot of vital votes. today's trip is supposed to tout the biden economy and not just the money being ken polcari in wisconsin. this is where it gets tough. inflation is still with us. high mortgage rates and high prices keep youngsters out of housing market, sky high rents
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eat into the wages already clobbered by inflation. latest polls show biden is now 14 points behind donald trump on the economy and inflation. no matter how much he spends, it'll be hard to convince voters that president biden is the best guy to run the economy. all trump's got to do is a sk: are you better off now than you were four years ago? ps, after wisconsin, the president goes to chicago for a fundraiser. he's going to take money out of the city that his policies have ruined. third hour of varney starts now. ♪ stuart: the gentleman on the right hand side is my friend and colleague, clay travis. is biden buying votes in wisconsin? all presidents do this of c ourse. >> yeah, it feels like a desperate play. i don't know if you saw earlier today, stu, that they're s
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pending $14 million to try and outreach blake, asian and hispanic voters in may here. that ain't a good sign. i think there's a recognition on both the trump and the biden camp that if trump can win one of the three big 10 states as i like to call them, the m idwest: michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, it's a done deal. i think if you look at data, trump's going to flip georgia, he's going to flip arizona. there's a very strong likelihood of both. nevada looks really tough for biden. remember, they elected a republican governor there in 2022. it was the only incumbent to lose in any state, statewide office in the 2022 elections when incumbents won o verwhelmingly and i think trump will win all three of the states and that means he just needs o ne, and i think there's quiet desperation setting in among the biden campaign over his failure
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to advocate for what i think has been a disastrous presidency. stuart: clay, i'm sure you saw this but we learned today that the georgia court of appeals agreed to review the ruling that allows fani willis to stay on the trump election case. you're a lawyer, and if she's removed from the case, then the whole case is kind of mute for a long time to come. they've got a start all over and a huge win for trump, isn't it? >> yeah, trump is winning a lot of these legal proceedings right now. i believe the georgia court of appeals will remove fani willis because i think it's quite clear that at a bear minimum, there's a strong appearance of impropriety associated with her relationship with nathan wade, the man who has already had to be removed from that case. i think fani willis will be removed from the case by the georgia court of appeals and the mere fact that they're hearing it is a big win for donald trump
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and comes on the heels of yesterday afternoon's ruling from judge aileen cannon in south florida and postpone that had documents case. that's never going to go to trial i don't think given the supreme court's continuing examination of presidential immunity and the scope of that. i don't think the case if washington dc is ever likely to go to trial with the january 6 relationship. they're all just going to get down the road from where you are this crazy new york city alvin bragg bookkeeping misdemeanor charge elevated to a felony and a lot of law fare failure s tacking up. stuart: the boy scouts of america changing the name to be more inclusive starting next year, they'll be known as s couting america. you got a lot to say on this. have at it. >> have the girl scouts changed their name? maybe i missed it. i have three boys and we had them in boy scouts and that's a
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good and appropriate for young kids. and i think there should be a boy scouts and a girl scouts, quite found of their cookies they sell every spring even though prices have gone up a lt thanks to biden inflation and economics. this is ridiculous trying to strip away gender from the boy scouts saying if you're a girl that identifies as a boy, you you should able to be in the boy scouts. gender is real. doctors don't get this wrong. there's boys and girls and after 18 you want to identify as something different, i guess if that makes you happier, you have the right to pursue that, but the idea of trying to force these gender issues on young children is a failure of american society and frankly western civilization and it's not just america where thissen sanity has taken root. i'll note, england is starting to do a bit better job of p ushing back on the u.s. and i hope we follow. stuart: you got it. clay travis, coming with three soucts in four minutes and did it very well.
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snappy stuff, well done, clay. see you soon. >> better than kristi noem yesterday? good job by you yesterday. that was fun. stuart: yeah, okay. fun for some. clay, thank you very much i ndeed. see you later. thanks a lot. >> thank you. >> for us, price matters, we have to be very disciplined about what we're willing to pay for any stock we buy and/or own. that helps to build in some margin of safety along the way. i will say i'm concerned about that over the course, they're cheering on potential for a rate cut and historical data shows from the time you've a first cut over the course of the next y ear, the market is down about
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20%. and invest sores should be h oping the feds we main in the pause pattern. stuart: has apple lost its way? >> yeah, their event yesterday was awful. tim cook trying to hype it up. they're rolling out an ipad that's thinner with apple's own chip and add all the stuff in goes up to $3,000 and a pencil. i would hardly call that a steve jobs moment for the company. and apple is a company that has gone from being this innovative disrupter to now being a steady eddie executer and it's fine. we have to respect apple for who they are, which is a company that prints cash. and they print cash and need to put ego in their back pocket and take cash and buy ideas if they're not coming up with new ideas on their own. stuart: you invest in a fund that invest in sports teams; right? >> yeah, i along with a handful of my clients invest in a
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private equity funds that owns professional sports teams, baseball, basketball, hockey, soccer for you. but they don't own any nfl companies. the reason for that is the nfl has a two leg rule. so every single owner has to be a human being. private equity firms have not been allowed. private equity firms in nfl are in discussion to allow these companies to come in and own up to 30% of the teams. super exciting opportunity because most funds are closed to new investors and strike the deal with the nfl they'll r eopen. stuart: thank you. stay there. you're with us for the how. have a look at lyft, please. lauren has the -- you've got lyft; right? lauren: yes, i've got lyft. look at this. up and revenue grew and -- we're having a day, stuart. thanks to cost cutting and s horter wait times. they've rotorred 23% increase in rides and look at one year c hart, stocks nearly doubled.
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who can we thank? their ceo that's been there for about a year came from amazon and name is david risher and focusing on customer and f ocusing on cost cutting. stuart: another big gaining stock and i found it and called reddit. lauren: up 3.5 and it was more earlier. social media reporting a surge and daily active users up 37% and first ever report card as public company and they're popular but not yet profitable and not bothering investors today. stuart: anheuser-bush. lauren: difficult year since the dylan mulvaney transgender bud light controversy a year ago. that appears to be ending if not over. worldwide revenue grew 2.6% and it's still down in the u.s. some of the other brands are performing better and stock's up 4.3%. stuart: good u thanks, lauren. days after columbia canceled commencement ceremony, one student is fighting to get it back. she and her classmates earn that had graduation and we'll bring
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interests. this is essentially auditing and it is a temporary pause and starletted several days ago and fourth quarter public. if anyone's protecting hamas, it's iran by influencing groups on college campuses. that's protecting hamas. stuart: biden seems re-luck fant to allow the ziti raillies to o in and finish the job in rafah. seems reluctant to let them do that and he's pausing the precision-guided weapons, which i would have thought would make clearing out rafah easier. >> he's being pressured on this and without looking at the precise tactics used on the ground, it's hard to tell from here what the israeli military is planning. i'd assume the pentagon is engaged in extremely detailed conversations and planning to make sure that, yes, we help and
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go in and finish off the terrorist organization while protecting as many civilians as possible. and, i mean, it's similar in terms of minority of voices in washington saying, hey, let's hold back weapons from ukraine because we don't want to cause problems with rush hawaii i m ean, no one should support that just like no one should support holding back from finishing off hamas. stuart: dozens of people a rrested in dc overnight and police were clearing an e ncampment at georgia washington university and seeing clashes like this all over the country. some colleges, hamas propaganda was found and my college is the college chaos really hamas conspiracy? >> hamas is backed by, again,
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iran which came to power through radicalized students so we're seeing a repeat of what happened in the 70s only it's here in our backyard. it's terrifying. last night i spoke to someone who is in the admin vagues at columbia university and she was talking about walking by before the encampment was cleared t here. walking by, listening to these radicalized students calling each other comrade. it's about time that that the city of washington dc took action last night. this is not normal to see students dressed like terrorists having their faces covered, w earing scarves, you know, yeah. it's -- so, yes. stuart: do the professors share any of the blame here? >> sadly, yes. there are radicalized professors as well. now, we can look at places of
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sanity among professional -- among professors who study international affairs, who study policy related to peace and war. there are some strains of sanity there. but i've been truly shocked by professors i've known for 30 years who are now whispering anti-semitic tropes and this should be concerned not just to people on campus but also to people that care about our economy, who care about our upcoming election because who has -- who benefits from this chaos? it's, you know, it's foreign actors and every intelligence organization in the world has propaganda to try and disrupt i ts adversaries. yeah and one other example, i
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took a phd level course a couple of years back, it was a pretty social science run of the mill introductory course, and i was shocked in the seminar to find out that one student said, you know, we're not a judiah christian nation and another student that served a full career in the military, u.s. military said to me, the one thing i wouldn't want my children to read is the bible. this was a few years ago. these conversations started small and have now metastasized. this is not just freedom of speech. this is not simply simply critical thinking and we want all sides in discussion and m ore. stuart: it's propaganda. >> yeah, absolutely. stuart: laura, thank you for b eing with us. come back and see us again soon. >> thank you.
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stuart: columbia university as we know canceled its main mentionment ceremony because of unrest on campus. some students want to reverse that decision. what are they doing, ashley? ashley: well, a petition is b eing circulated asking c olumbia's administration to r e-instate that commencement program. the effort is being led by columbia senior dana saying students were never given chance to push back and the university is simply letting down the graduates. take a listen. >> why are our students finding out about commencement being canceled through the media and not being notified by the college? it's not giving them a chance to react. it's done with. it's done. that's it. it's canceled. all these students that are graduating this year, they did not get a freshman year that was normal, they didn't get a normal high school graduation and not getting a normal graduation, a traditional columbia graduation, which they so -- they worked
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hard for and deserve it. lauren: columbia is disappointed and they presented unsolveable security concerns and decided to opt instead for a series of smaller events but again, as you just heard the students say, they were never contacted by the school and learnedded about the commencement being canceled through the media. stu. stuart: got t thanks, ash. coming up, new warning from border patrol cartels are s hifting their smuggling operations away from texas. the ladies on the view hope donald trump go to jail. oh, boy. watch this. >> i don't want this to sound like i'm doing wishful thinking, but which prison would be best? you know, i'm okay if he goes to alcatraz. stuart: okay, how do voters
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stuart: not much price movement movement on the market and >> g lp-1 drugs hurting them in the long run and not toot tune of them being down 30% over the course of the last year. i think there's a dislocation between this company's true value and where it's trading right now. it's a good opportunity to get in right here. we spank 35% upside from here. stuart: really think ozempic ad
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other diet drugs take ago bite out of hershey? >> touchdown pass the tune of 30%. 5-10% would be realistic and reasonable. stuart: that kind of impact? that big of impact? >> they're just catching on and as more and more people get on them and get bead up for the pricing and more people are on it and less people eating her hershey but i still like this one. >> this should be a huge ai trend over the course of the next decade and beyond and the stock up 25% off the next peak and occupancy rate from 97% to 96.25. i mean, it's going to go down 3-quarters of a percent and stock down 20%. good opportunity to get in and participate in a really hot long
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term trend. stuart: data center. okay. thank you. a judge denied dismissal in the hush money payment case. ashley: they wanted a mistrial because they believe stormy daniel's testimony had no relevance whatever but the judge said a mistrial was not w arranted even though trump's defense attorney called daniel's defense attorney prejudicial and the judge was doing everything he could to control the witness including unsocketing to d aniel's testimony himself. he also agree that had it would have been better if some things were left unsaid. all of that and very little comfort to trump if his legal team and argue the the prosecution inflamed with the lured testimony that served no purpose.
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adding daniels has been trying to sell a story about an alleged consensual sexual encounter since 2016. the judge says nope, no m istrial. however, during a break, trump vented his anger on truth social and capital letters and no prosecution and no case and has gone too far. mistrial, exclamation point, s tu. stuart: thanks, ash. now this, the view cohosts want to see donald trump get thrown in jail. roll it. >> i don't want it to sound like i'm doing wishful thinking but which prison would be best? i'm okay if he goes to alcatraz and they reopen it? what about wan tan mo bay? stuart: welcome back to the s
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how. how will voters react seeing something like that on tv? >> voters don't agree with the despicable women on the view and wildly out of touch and vast majority of americans and s eeking immediate help and v oters are going to reelect president trump back to the white house very soon and voters see these trials being brought forward for president trump for what they are and sham show trials and election interference in an attempt to the prison of president trump and irony in all this is that joe biden and democrats and these ladies on the view say president trump is the alleged threat to democracy when in fact they themselves are wishfully thinking that president trump will be imprisoned when he's not been convicted of any crimes and that's the real threat to democracy and voters see that and that's why president trump continues his commonance in the polls and not just with republicans and independents but picking umm historic gains with democrat constituencies and
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democrat americans and more. stuart: there's trouble in georgia and fani willis could be thrown off the ace and going to end the case and new york ideal trial is the one that face before the election. >> biden's imposing. >> we're fighting for truth in the courtroom every single day and all we're asking for is f airness and president trump is completely innocent of all the alleged crimes these democrat prosecutor haves concocted and many of which have colluded with the biden white house by the way to bring forward against the president and georgia now being overviewed by the appeals court and it's a huge win and we've long said fani willis should be accused from the case and a lleged misconduct and our position the case should be
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dismissed entirely on the merits of the law and there's hundreds of thousands of documents that need to be reviewed and it's jack smith and acting unfairly and trying to expedite this case ahead of the next election. and it's vindicated and all these cases he'll like to win ultimately and going to win at the ballot box as well. stuart: the proceedings in the new york court and getting the pressure that mr. trump will like the judge and that's significant. what are you saying? >> certainly that would be a travesty of justice to watch the former president of the united states be incourse rated if he's never committed a crime and there'd be an uproar across the country if that were to happen and as president trump said, the constitution comes first and they're violating his first amendment rights to even speak
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about this and he's fighting every step of the way. stuart: thanks for joining us this morning. appreciate it. come back and see us soon. >> sure. stuart: trump has the day off from court. come in, lauren. lauren: axios reporting he's having dinner with the buyers of the nft and they're all going to mar-a-lago and supporters get a card with a piece of actual fabric of his suit and tie that he wore the day he was arrested last year because of what h appened h appened in georgia and his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. he's profiting off being in court. having a mug shot and he'll dine with all the buyers and assuming the buyers are supporters, maybe not. if you're going to mar-a-lago, you're probably a supporter. stuart: thank you very much, lauren a. high schooler in north
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stuart: mexican cartels are shifting border traffic away from texas. ashley, where are they redirecting the migrants? ashley: welshing right now to southeastern arizona, which continues to lead the nation when it comes to illegal migration coming across from mexico. border patrol tucson sector encountered a little over
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373,000 unauthorized migrants this 2024 fiscal year including 31,240 alone last month. in fact, the san diego sector further to the west had the most apprehensions last month. just over 37,000, but logged 222,000 encounters in 2024, which is about 150,000 less than tucson. but the shift certainly is has been to the west. del rio, texas, coming in at n o. 3 with just over 204,000 encounters in the fiscal year. still very high numbers. authorities say cartels work both sides of the border and they just adjust the flames of flow of migrants, drugs, whatever whenever law enforcement in the u.s. pulls resources into one particular area, which texas as we know has done stu. stuart: thanks, ashley. bring in congresswoman kim from state of california. you came back from the southern border in arizona. tell us what you saw, please.
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>> thank you for having me. what i saw was the border patrol agents telling us to take them down to the tucson area and cartels are looking at where it's most likely to get in for the illegal migrants and the cartels are telling them, you just said in your opening that they're now looking at and redirecting illegal migrants mn tucson, arizona. it's not just in tucson. in san diego, where i represent which is so close to my district in orange county. it's now becoming the number one sector where illegal migrants are crossing at 75% more than what we've seen just in the last month alone. this is alarming and again, the
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cartels know exactly where to redirect and give them the instruction. stuart: 15 house deputies want biden to take action on the border. you're a republican, i take it you're with the house democrats that want action but do they want to actually close the border? that's what most people want. will they close the border? is that what you want? >> that -- so i'm glad to see my colleagues on the other side of the aisle are now taking the border crisis very seriously. to the point of telling their own president and administration to take it more seriously. they also know that the president has taken over 60 executive orders to make the border crisis worse. tell him to do one more and bring the policies that have worked. i'm glad we're working towards find ago solution. look, i'm trying to find a bipartisan solution by i ntroducing a bipartisan
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comprehensive southern border strategy act. it's bipartisan. i went down to the border, this was my fifth trip, and it was only two of the five i've taken that were bipartisan. my legislation is bipartisan and i hope we can get those same democrats writing to the president and usualing their administration to take this border crisis seriously and get on my bill and help me get it passed through the finish line. let's come back and say we need to come up with a comprehensive southern border strategy to secure and get our operational control at every mile. in tucson, arizona, their needs are different than my needs in san diego and all the other sectors in texas and throughout. stuart: our reporter bill melugin just confirmed 196,000 chinese nationals were a pprehended by border patrol in the last week along.
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a thousand in a week. >> i want to bring you back to my district in san diego. it's very, very close to orange county, and we are seeing the highest number of chinese illegals crossing the border and about 58 of the illegals from that area on the terrorist watch list too. it is happening everywhere, and it's happened right through our southern border. , in seasoned yay geopolitical sector. stuart: my goodness. congresswoman kim, thank you very much. tiktok is suing the administration to prevent a ban in america. saying a ban would be a violation of the first a mendment. we have the latest from washington on that, next. ♪
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app here in the u.s. is essential to letting americans exercise their first amendment rights, but they -- while they're cage yously fighting for that right in the u.s., they don't seem concerned that s itings like facebook are banned in their own country by their own government and democrats here on capitol hill are calls out the hypocrisy. jowski they're trying to grab their pearls acting like this is some kind of unconstitutional thing, when this is a very common practice of business and kinds of issue we see just in china. reporter: tiktok in the lawsuit trying to quell national security concerns by distancing themselves from the ccp spelling out all the global investors involved in tiktok's parent company byte dance that's based in beijing. in the lawsuit they admit china does have control over what tiktok does saying in their own words "the chinese government has made clear it would not permit a divestment cotyledon"..
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"this continued use of tiktok by president biden and members of congress undermines the claim that the platform poses an actual threat to americans". tiktok sees the hypocrisy at te white house, the white house couldn't commit to biden not using it anymore. >> it is banned banned and we e it in federal government. reporter: this is the first time that congress has passed a ban and they have the president and white house on it is side and ultimately this will probably make its way all the way to the supreme court, stuart. stuart: odds are it goes to the supreme court. it's a big deal. hillary, thank you very much indeed. mark tepper still with me. think tiktok should be banned? >> i don't think banned. i'm in favor of it being sold to a u.s.-based company like a microsoft or oracle so the u.s. government can spy on us and invade our privacy rather than c
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cp. my kids are on it and i want to make sure they're kept safe and data is private and i'm a small business owner and if you're a small business owner and built an account with a million f ollowers to have that stripped from you, that's brutal. you've invested time, energy and money into building that f ollowing. if tiktok gets shut down , you can't take your million f ollowers and move to instagram. you have to restart and that stinks. stuart: banning out right would be very difficult and selling would be the best option if you can get it done. thanks, mark. interesting case here. a 16-year-old student suing his school board after he was suspended from class. take me through the story, lauren. lauren: called a racist. christian mcgee, 16 years old and sophomore at central davidson high school in north carolina. his teacher was giving a vocabulary lesson and the word was alien and he raised his hand and said like space alien or
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illegal alien without a green card. another student was offended and the school had to intervene and suspended christian for three days saying he used a vicious racial slur. christian and his family are suing the district. here's his mom. >> christian was suspended three days out of school suspension. he missed several very important track meets and since that time, we have removed him from the school. we have asked the school to happened l this privately for weeks. i've e-mailed the school board for four weeks and had no response from the school board. lauren: she says it could hinder him getting into college if it's on his record that he was a racist. and it's later come out that the kid who had a problem with this said i wasn't even offended. i just didn't like that he used the term. this seems like it went
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overboard and the lawsuit a lleges that christian's free speech and education and due process rights were violated in the process. stuart: of course. if he made an anti-semitic slur, he'd be fine. lauren: what a good point. but what kind of alien do you mean, space alien or illegal alien. that's a valid kentucky >> vocabulary lesson on the wod alien in high school. you don't know what that means by then? interesting. stuart: time for the wednesday trivia question. heads up, when did amazon expand beyond selling books? 1996, 1998, 2000, or 2002? interesting discussion around the table here on that one. lauren: changing your answer. stuart: changing your answer? so am i? we'll be back after this. ♪
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lakesha: childhood cancer is-- it's a long road. it's hard. but st. jude has gotten us through it. st. jude is hope that you have a chance at life. and it goes such a long way for every child diagnosed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. it's awesome. [music playing]
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1998. stuart: we kind of figured that. lauren: the reverse which i was initially 98 but i will go with 2002. stuart: i did interviews with jeff bezos back then but she was trying to explain what they were doing on the internet. i didn't get it. >> when he still had hair was 1998. stuart: i will go with 2,000. i've no inside track. that is what i was going to do first. selling music along with dvd and video sales when amazon acquired whatever. so they could track which movies were most popular. thanks for being with us. we will see you again tomorrow and coast-to-coast starts now. neil: you thought donald trump had legal headaches. have
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