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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  May 10, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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various retailers to this segment of the market. that's one we like too. ashley: people spend billions on pets and i'm one of them. fresh pet is getting a lot of conversations these days and i totally understand that. thomas martin, thank you, sir, so much for joining us on this friday. awes good stuff. >> thanks for having me on the show. ashley: our pleasure. heading towards the closing bell in about 25 seconds from now, we should point out that all of the major indexes higher for the week. my oh my, that's it for the claman countdown. kudlow -- lauren: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow.
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i'm larry kudlow. joe biden's law fare attack on donald trump and biden's put ago knife in israel's back are both blowing up the biden campaign right now. we have north dakota governor doug burgum to talk about that and other things and experts believe far more israeli soldiers will be killed as a result of biden's arms embargo on israel hawaii a terrible story this is. david friedmann and senator kevin cramer and mike huckabee and the president's decision to embargo arms to israel is incredibly unpopular outside of the bernie sanders wing of the
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democratic party. another untruth on the economy is he claimed he inherited a 19%
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trying to spend about $1.5 trillion in the next six months to buy votes and juice the economy. well, first of all, nobody can spend 1.5 trillion in six months. nobody. but if they will did, the inflation rate jumpeds to 10%. meanwhile this is not the 1930s. joe biden's economic ratings are running 20 points behind trump. working folks don't want things that will damage consumer choice and create unaffordable price increases. even more. biden's law fare tieing trump up
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in jail and can't campaign is blowing up in biden's face and new york trial is a fiasco and new york trial is tide up in immunity and florida classified documents trial is permanently on hold and fani willis shenanigans in atlanta are now stuck in georgia appeals court. majority of voters now believe that this whole law fare jihad was totally politically motivated and voters see right through it. the needle hasn't moved for biden is if anything, the need 18 moving for president trump. plus biden has taken no decisive action to close the border catastrophe and cost of letting in roughly 10 million illegals has been estimated to be at least $150 billion and rising and a new study based on britain's open border kansas city chiefs toosh fio shows the mass -- catastrophe shows the mass illegal migration doesn't help the economy and data shows
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the illegals are taken away native-bourn jobs and causing wage scales to fall. remember the movie bad news bears? here's a new flick: bad news biden and that is the riff. let me start with the law fare stuff. all these -- the trials are being postponed or ended or in court. this thing in new york is a fiasco and it's huge against joe biden is my pal was writing in the wall street journal and unbalanced is probably hurting biden and helping trump which is what biden never expected.
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>> absolutely and total law fare is a travesty for america and had a four-legged stool and four cases and three of those legs cut off and the fourth one is teetering and it's an 8-year-old paperwork case and america see this is is not something that should have ever been brought in an election year and taken at face value and election interference and voters have built that into their thinking and that's why president trump is going up in the polls and joe biden is going down. down. larry: i want to talk about energy you're from north dakota and that's a huge energy state and one of the washington posts, breathtaking pieces. imagine this donald trump met with a whole bunch of oil producers and said to them, you need to get -- raise money to elect me because i'm going to reopen the fossil fuel spigots s
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and all the offshore drills and back to lng. of course he said that. of course he had this meeting with the oil people and of course he's asking them to raise money. he's completely transparent and washington post, isn't this terrible? >> i was fortunate to be at that dinner with about -- larry: give us a blow by blow. >> fantastic discussion and it was the president trump you'll never see on mainstream media, over a two hour dinner went around the scream asked each of the executives challenges they were facing on permitting and regulation and. one by one around the room, listening to everybody on what they're challenges were and of course the conclusion and listen to all that and head winds, the gail force head winds in the biden administration trying to crush u.s. energy and of course in the interest of their own shareholders, they should all be
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trying to do what democrat-led companies do. if it's in their own interest, they support candidates that support the policies that support their shareholders. there's nothing breathless about it. this is just one of these administrations, biden admin vagues trying to kill u.s. energy and the other wants to support it. why would you want to support it? you want to support it because biden's energy policies are the things that are funding the wars that we're talking about. we're in two proxy wars being funded by biden's energy policies because he lifted sanctions on russia and iran. going with foreign sources and venezuela, russia and iran barely with an epa and not producing as clear cleanly as and yous caring alaska the environment and trump's plan and caring about the economy and have president trump p's plan and the allies and caring about
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pump's plan and easy to say at that dinner there was a consensus that, yeah, having president trump would be good for the country. larry: he'll go to supporters and others that outline with what you said across the board and energy protection. i mean, just the most transparent thing in the world and candidates do. another point that just came up former head of pioneer down in texas, sheffield is his name. federal trade commission is now
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launching an investigation with charges that he colluded with opec co-keep prices high. there's no evidence of this netted arkansas not going on the board of exxon anymore. okay. i would say that biden colluded with opec that you're running prices now more or less in a range of $80-$so 0 and we're rely -- $100 and relying on opec and venezuela and russia and that's the collusion. to me, biden is the reason for
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high oil prices. >> they are. they thought if price is high, people will drive less internal combustion machines and didn't take into account two things, one is another arm of the government is shutting down all the electricity production in the country that's base load and i tell anybody that's out there thinking about buying an ev, understand you might not be able to charge it and brown outs and black outs are coming and biden is a price manipulator and he drained strategic petroleum reserves ahead of midterm in half and any term. he turn that had into the political petroleum. larry: that's a direct price manipulation to buy votes and get gasoline prices down before the mid terms. you're exactly right. all right, meanwhile, you have
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strong feelings about this. >> it's a hallmark recordless of who's in power we don't negotiate with terrorists and joe biden is negotiating for the terrorists and drawing a red line for israel saying we're not sending you arms unless you stop doing x, we should have a president of the unit saying hamas, release the hostages or we're going to just take you out. that's negotiating areas. every ally that saw him draw a red line for israel going is he going to do that for us for germany and japan and if the north koreans go into south, we're not giving you arms unless you're nice to the north koreans and you said in your riff, it's all about the hamas wing of the democrat party and votes in november and more of the more.
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the release of hostages and unfortunately. american hostages and biden never talks about and israeli hostages and hostages and other countries and going for them to talk about the deal was broken and they were firing rockets back to israeli soldiers and >> iran funding hamas and lifting for kansas city chiefs qatar and helping hamas and the iran and president trump hamas never would have attacked in the first place and in there now, wouldn't be negotiating for the terrorists and supporting israel in the war would be over.
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larry: there was a rule, which ronald reagan started but there was a rule down to the years and united states doesn't negotiate with terrorists and that's what we're doing. >> exactly. they're negotiating for the terrorists. larry: walking from the strongest ally in the mideast and what's that say to china? what's that say to china stroking their chin and thinking, you know what, un-reliable americans and i think i'll pick off taiwan. what's that say to russia? i think i'll go into poland or lithuania or some such thing. >> exactly. >> world war ii started because of chamberlain's appeasement and biden is passing him in the appeasement category. larra: yes, sir, governor burgum, we love having you on. thank you. >> thank you, larry. larry: coming up, experts
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believe far more israeli soldiers will be kill #-d as a result of joe biden's arms elembargo on israel. it's a terrible story and talk about it with former ambassador to israel friedmann and senator kevin cramer from senators on the shelves and catch kudlow monday through friday at 4:00 p.m. here on fox business and for some reason can't make it at 4:00, please text your favorite 9-year-old and she will she you how to dvr the show and you'll never miss a bad biden week. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back.
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israel is fending often phose from all sides and noted dealing with its number one ally: the united states. more back and forth strikes with hezbollah and lebanon and that expanding operation against the last main stronghold of hamas in southern gaza city of rafah. president biden threatened to cut off military aid f. that goes full fledged, that's the new response from benjamin netanyahu. >> we had disagreements but agreagreements and we've been ae to overcome the disagreements and i hope we can know, but we'll do what we have to do to protect our country. reporter: biden worried about the risk to civilians in the area and un is calling humanitarian crisis unpre unprecedented. dwindling splice of food and medical aid and shelter and
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there's rockets and bombs all around them and nowhere safe to go. they got a border crossing open today and that was little consolation with all the problems of the white house and hamas confirming what's anocreasingly apparent the talks to achieve a pause in the fighting and release hostages held by hamas. for now at least, well, they've hit a dead end. back for a full un member and u.s. joined israel in votes against it and expected to veto when it gets to the security council. a lot going on. back to you, larry. larry: senator cramer, let's begin with you and you and lindsey graham and going with
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them and reading some things about it and seemingful power and feel getting a debriefing for that and signed on for them and going for senator graham and land seizure disorders graham goes -- lindsey graham going forward and going for them to beholden and the joint direct attack munitions and turning them for them and on the precision missile and turning into a precision bomb and going for the reality of them going for more of the bad guys and you save many more and we're just putting and calling them out on it and he's violating the
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passing a deal and now he already pulls it up and going for most precious friend in the middle east and not in the world with israel. larry: quickly, senator cramer, have you all sent the letter and was it a formal letter to president biden? >> senate resolution actually that we've started out as a letter and turned into a resolution. larry: yes, sir. aambassador david friedman, welcome back and we appreciate your time and point of kevin cramer and doing the other night and these precision lines and
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israeli soldiers having to go in and building and combat more and they'll be killed and usually they take a precision bomb and knock out a building and more of the this approach and emb elmorr doing the exact return and more israeli soldiers going about that and conundrum. >> they really need the support and you're right, it's not that israel take as bunch of bombs bs and dump them on rafah and going
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for them and indiscriminately killed for civilians and going for accusations for joe biden is what they'll do and they'll be sending in more soldiers and ground warfare in a place where hamas is going with them and home court advantage and anywhere in the world and going for them and network in the area and soldiers going to time it and 4,000 armed service connectedtists in ragaini 25 and going if -- terrorists in rafah and going in and if there's more, god help america and who knows how many are hanging around because of the open border and and just a few hours ago and rafah and going for a
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big barrage of rockets and they're going up and >> it's a key point that general keen made and take a look at this. >> that's in the name of them and the reality is that this was florida in warfare and offense and defense and d delineate and gnat interesting of them giving israel money, weapons and not
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spending what want him to spend and giving them to the country and you've designated and to me i don't know. that's right larry and all those it's appropriate that had funding with the president issue office sign it had and going with a process of going back through the appropriations and committees and just a couple weeks after passing this
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appropriations and i think you're right going for them looking into that exact point and either way, the president shouldn't be doing that and getting israel what it needs as fast as possible and as much as possible and that way you'll save lives and putting an end to this and on the line. larry: yes, sir. we appreciate you gentlemen. good luck to both of you. coming up front and center over israel's perpetrator and congressional spending and mar-a-lago and the great mike huckabee and other things as well. i'm kudlow, stay around.
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larry: joe biden impeachment and front and senter and alex marlow editor in chief of breaking biden and we welcome back the great mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas extraordinary and alex, begin with you. going for that story and maybe you can tell us a little more, cory mills. going for that and not spending money to ukraine and trump did a couple months later and ped to make sure it was clear of corruption. he was impeached and it was a frivolous impeachment. he was not convicted.
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that is a bigger offense because we don't know when he ever will and he's doing it during wartime. see what i'm saying? it's a breaking of the law. he passed the supplemental appropriations bill and passed national defense authorization bill. both of which gave israel money and biden to stopping it. you can't just willy nilly say congress, i'm not doing what you told me to do. >> yeah, terrific summary and always great to see the governor. this is impeachment by democrat standards and tried to impeach trump for allegedly doing the same stuff and congress already appropriated the money and deputies are saying that joe biden is saying we're not giving to israel and, larry, look what happens now and israel is going to have to send soldiers in on the ground and they're going to die. there's blood on the hands of joe biden for this move and it's
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impeachment and more importantly, he promised to be an ironclad ally of israel and he's reneged on that. it's going to be devastating for joe biden. larry: mike huckabee, 75 to 80% of americans want israel to finish hamas off once and for all. president trump said several times, israel should goat it done and get it done quickly. then biden is put ago knife in israel's back essentially. >> yeah, the last person on earth i'd want giving military barack obama to his credit ordered take down of osama bin laden and he said don't do it. he get it is wrong all the time and boy, has he gotten it wrong here. the stymed thing is he's not just negotiating with the
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terrorists but surrendered to them and given them what they want and what they want is to be able to continue the outrage and imagine if you're taiwan or japan or great britain and watching this play out and what you realize is that with joe biden, his word is dirt. larry: alex, picking up on what the governor said, you're the top adviser to xi jinping and have dinner with him and that night biden comes out with the statement that he's going to withhold funds and embargo funds to israel. what do you think xi jinping thinks about that or, alex, take me around the world and you're now advising vladamir putin and what's he thinking about that when he sees america turn his back on the closest ally? >> yeah, joe biden is a horrific
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negotiator and thank you, always, larry, for promotmotingt and he's snake bit on the foreign policy and donald trump was bullseye and joe biden has not called one thing right flat configuration 40, 50 years in washington and this is famous. even people around him are aware of this. of course people around the world friend and foe know his word means dirt as the governor said. larry: governor huckabee, give me your assessment of this race. we talked earlier on the show, we had governor burgum on and my riff and so forth. the biden strategy, mike, you know, the law fare strategy seems to be blowing up and inflation rate is gripping him even tighter and tighter and inflation actually is speeding up again. not slowing down. seems that everything is going wrong for joe biden is this is may and not november 5 and it's the assess for that and how do you see it, mike?
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>> if the election was held today but unfortunately it's noting held today. a lot of thing cans happen. i want to just say to hall ex's point that joe biden has gotten everything wrong in the last 50 years. here's the real trouble, at least up till the last four, five years joe biden knew what he was doing. right now we have a president that we don't think he even has a clue what he's reading off the tell prompter and decisions he's making spontaneously. every day joe biden is office and donald trump look as whole lot better to the never trampers and there's people that said -- trumpers and there's people saying i'll never vote for trump and they're stupid because trump was the best president in my lifetime. they say that and look at the situation now and i don't know how many of them cannot come around and say, well, maybe i was wrong. day after day, we're hearing that from people saying i'll never vote for tram and just
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ordered a red hat and some golden sneakers. larry: okay. governor mike huckabee. terrific. thank you for coming back on. thank you so much. going to switch topics quickly. how can anybody spend $1.5 trillion? $1.5 trillion without ginning up the inflation rate to something like 10%. joining us now, chief economist at afpi, former assistant treasury secretary and welcome ohio congressman warren davidson. warren, i want to start with you, i'll get to economist faulkender in just a minute. he's got a trillion and a half dollars on the table from covid bills if you can believe that. i wasn't aware that covid was still a problem. state and local money and original sin squill money from the chips bill and money from the infrastructure bill and all trying to spend it to juice the
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economy and buy votes, and the next six months unless you all stop it. so can you top stop it? people think he's franklin delano roosevelt. >> you know, larry, alexandria ocasio-cortez came in and said let's launch the green new bill and it was a shell of a deal and unwork and will you were the advise for president trump and we said what a crazy idea. the difference is democrats get on offense and play offense. they launch the green new deal under everything but the green new deal and call it the american rescue plan and infrastructure bill. the most deceptive one of all was the inflation reduction act. which is inflation expansion plan. they spend all this money and it's prefunded and the money is already there we surrendered all
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that and basically mike johnson said, you know, guys, i fought hard and four corners didn't agree. we knew they wouldn't agree and could have send an intern to find that out and we should have broken through that and said, no, we're not going to fund a government that has this giant slush fund to be able to pay for things like the climate corp.. larry: mike, we can kevin hassett on the show last night. inflation rate maybe worse than 10% and the question is can they stop it? okay, congressman can't be stopped and can it be stopped? can you slow it down? are there things in the next 90 days that you would advise the house for example where money bills originate to do to stop this attempt to buy the
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inflation because biden doesn't care about inflation. he wants to buy the election and thinks he's fdr. spend and spend and elect and elect. >> larry, we can reverse the way the tax credits are formulating the tax credit and spending is a couple of years from now and as the congressman said, the primary spending vehicle where we could do something in the next 90 days and israel and for ukraine and that would have been the legislative vehicle to try and rescind the spending and spending that's being obligated now and can be reversed in the next administration and unfortunately there is legislative way to do that. larry: not easy to spend a trillion and a half. takes the best minds and they don't have the best minds in the
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white house. hopefully they'll just trip over themselves but you know what, last one, warren, michigan consumer confidence index game out today and been falling steadily in recent months is point number one and point number two inflation expectations are rising and here's the thing, warren, index is at 67.4. that hovered around 100. president biden is at 67. what does that tell you, warren? >> the economy is totally being propped up government spending and underlying weakness is there. that people don't know what's going to happen with this election. and they're waiting to see and going to be elected and taking a surge in the economy and confidence will come back and know we'll fix the they're going
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to expire and joe biden if he finds a way to prevail, people will hunker down and prepare for even worse times. larry: all right, we'll all keep our chin up. better times are coming. america is a great country. congressman warren davidson, thank you, sir. mike faulkender. thank you. white house and crooked lawyer michael cohen had his own gag order. charlie will weigh in when kudlow returns. ♪ we're talking about cashbackin. not a game. not a game! we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're not talking about practice? no. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we've been talking about practice for too long. -word. -no practice. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. i mean, we're not talking about a game! cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited.
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and no downtime. the results are absolutely fabulous. see why so many people, including doctors, are choosing gentlecure. call today or go to larry: joining me is jonathan turley. jonathan, you're so big now trump is referring to you in his breaks during the trial. let 34 ask you something, today there was a big flap over this lawyer. i call him a i don't cared lawyer and michael cohen person. trump has a gag order the judge ruled he doesn't need a gag order buts that to be quiet. jonathan turley, what does quiet mean? what does that mean?
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>> the fist question is why wouldn't you have give that bench instruction before the trial and campaigning against him is issue enough and if you're going to encourage someone to be quiet, why would you do it at the start? i mean, he's basically closing the door for the horse. we're in the weekend before he appears as a witness. it's rather belated i don't support a gag order on michael cohen but i don't support the one on donald trump. that's the witness. cohen is not a witness trying to keep his name out of the news. he's trolling for dollars and campaigning against trump. he's trying to run for congress based on this case. the court doesn't answer and they're being stubborn. in the result, it's gagging the
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leading candidate for the presidency. while give ago mild rebuke to cohen days before he testifies. larry: i mean, is there any rebuttal, any everybody is blasting him and does he have any recourse, jonathan turley? >> he is appealing and frankly this trial may be over by the time you get any ruling and all he can do is avoid a violation and it's very important and it's pretty clear from this trial and the prosecution is trying to win an election and not a case.
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they knew she'd be butchered in the cross-examination and didn't care and wanted to get that out and play it on evening news and used in the campaign. in my view is the final confirmation that this is an extension of politics. larry: turley secures hillary clinton for attacking trump over payments despite her campaign being fined for the steel dossier. all right, "they're saying you rigged an election or race that was already run, that's what doesn't make sense". turley says. on and on. you got her here but i wanted to hear it from you. >> well, you had hillary clinton
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going on and saying how dare you try to hide information from the voters before the election. her campaign lied to the media and hid the finances to the media and ftc went after them and litigated the question and said no, no, league ex-presence is a broad category and can cover even this. she did the same thing in the very same election and most remarkable thing was the utter lack of self-awareness and shame. i'm always surprised by hillary clinton but the fact she'd make that argument is other worldly. larry: let me get this right, she did it before the election, trump actually made the payments after the election. that's the part i never understood. he's getting busted for tampering but made the payments of the election. i never understood that, jonathan turley. anyway. thank you for -- >> no, this is one of the
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curiosities of what's happening in manhattan. larry: jonathan turley, everybody. terrorist content stuff. be right back with the last word. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur.
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it's 20 degrees cooler under the sunsetter and we get instant protection from harmful uv rays and sun glare. for pricing starting at less than $1,000, transform your outdoor living space into a shaded retreat your family will love! when you call, we'll rush you a special $200 discount certificate with your free awning idea kit! you'll get your sunsetter for as little as $799. but, this is a limited time offer! for over 20 years, sunsetter has been the bestselling retractable awning in america! call now for this free awning idea kit packed with great awning solutions that will let you enjoy your deck or patio much more often. plus, get this $200 discount certificate that will bring you your sunsetter for as little as $799. but this is a limited time offer. call now! sunsetters are backed with up to a 10-year limited warranty! more than 1 million families in america own and love their sunsetter. now, you too can discover
4:59 pm
why “life is better under a sunsetter...” it's like putting an extension on your home. and talk about options: choose motorized or manual and for just a little extra, add led lighting for evening enjoyment. there are so many incredible styles to choose from in our free awning idea kit. get a custom-built awning, without the custom-built price! call now to get the whole sunsetter story. you'll get this free awning idea kit. plus, a $200 discount certificate and there's no obligation. with sunsetter, you'll create the ultimate outdoor living space. perfect for entertaining friends. call now for your free awning idea kit, with local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. “life is better under a sunsetter!”act now and save!
5:00 pm
larra larry: israel and the army is going deeper into rafah and looking for hamas and do what you need to do. everyone is going to listen to liz macdonald do what she needs to do. liz: welcome to the evenin


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