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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  May 20, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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was that necessary? no. neither is missing your daughter's competition to do payroll. with paycom, employees do their own payroll so you don't have to miss your daughter's big day. time to shine. get paycom and make the unnecessary unnecessary. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow. all right. let's get to top story
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today, alvin bragg star witness michael cohen is not only a liar but a thief and embezzler from president trump organization, lydia hu with light -- with the latest, what can you tell us. reporter: i just stepped outside of the courtroom, i can tell you as we're nearing the finish line of the trial it is within sight it is getting tense, hearing a lot of objections from both sides and tense debate and arguments over matters that are important they determine what information the jury will hear. the prosecution rested its case within the past hour. and the defense was able to call their first witnesses, one a witness that was used to document some of the phone calls, and most importantly second witness is now attorney-client robert costello, we know him
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as one time legal adviser to michael cohen, costello, i'm getting notes, just testified on the stand that michael cohen said numerous times, that president trump knew nothing about payments to stormy daniels. that is really important because that is inconsistent with what michael cohen is now testified before the same jury, michael cohen is told jury in his own words that trump knew of the payments and approved. so now the question is, is he lying then or now? after 4 days of testimony from michael cohen, on direct and cross, michael cohen's credibility has been left in tatters, most recent example of, merging this morning in a bombshell moment, michael cohen admitted himself, to stealing from the trump organization, and way he
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explained he did it by leading trump organization to believing he was owed more money, tens of thousands more in reimbursements than what he was entitled to, he admitted to roughly 60 thousand. a pretty big revelation from the disbarred attorney who at the time was representing the trump organization and was to be acting with his client's foremost interest. now we're moving forward with defense's case in chief we have bob costello, judge said today, that moving forward to the end of the week we can expect closing arguments to be next week, we can expect the case to last over the holiday weekend, into next week, but it seems like we're nearing the finish line. larry: great reporting thank you lydia hu, we appreciate it. we'll have more w with
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former prosecutor andy mcarte -- joe biden trying to buy the election by pumping green money that no one wants in to the swing states. that is a subject of tonight's riff. 3 biden bills for total of 15.4 billion dollars in government spending, mostly for green energy, being injected in states like arizona, pennsylvania, michigan and elsewhere, the biggest church from -- chunk from misnamed inflation reduction act. but a conduct side nationwide poll, a kudlow tipp poll over 1400 americans. shows, that 54% oppose the epa mandate for electric vehicles by 2032 that would ban gasoline powered cars, 54% oppose. then, when consumers are asked about having a choice,
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to drive gasoline powered cars if they want, survey was consumer choice. by 83%. interestingly from poll, perch first of democrats 89% of republicans and 83% of independents say, they want to be able to decide for themselves. then, the kudlow tipp poll asked whether biden's ev push is blind to a lack of consumer demand, 60% said that the push ignores consumer demand and doling out government money to buy the election 66% agreed that climate was often used as an excuse to favor certain industries, lobbies ow or the interest groups. and how concerned about prospect of increase
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crisis? potential contribution to inflation, answer is 74% worry that climate mandates will cause higher inflation, that brings me back to point of joe biden doling out money to buy the election, borrowing a page from fra frank roosevelt in 1930s, whose political strategy of spend, spend tax and tax and election and election, that was a long time ago that helped ruin t economy today with joe biden he trueing to spend total 1.6 trillion that we're obligated by congress but not yet spent the, that say hell of a task in 6 months remaining before the election, the bidens will try, including massive student loan cancelations, when in total might exceed
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500 billion, and has been ruled illegal by the supreme court. joe biden is the biggest spender of all-times, and generated worst inflation in over 40 years, which in turn has made it unaffordable for working folk fos -- folks to live in the biden economy, take home pay, has worst performance under joe biden since world war ii. georjoe joe biden ev push is driving a square peg into a round hole, people worried about cost of living for biden's spend and spend strategy will spell lose and lose in november, that is the riff. now. let's switch gears again, and turn to owe edward lawrence who is live at the white house with latest failures of bidenomics. you are not to trial, what do you got. reporter: it is a trial of
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day as we work here. going to your riff, president biden has an image problem and a spinning problem. -- spri spending problem. he is losing ground with minority voters, lead to former president trump in all of those polls, this is why we have seen president biden on campaign trail in the battleground states trying to reenergy his case. >> my name is joe biden, i'm a lifetime member of the naacp . matter of fact, first organization i ever joined was the naacp . reporter: so, new "fox news polling" shows when it comes to the economy, people trust
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former president trump, president back to blames companies for inflation saying in a memo obtained by fox business, as major corporations many seeing record profits over change the american people in some cases, keeping prices elevated despite inflation falling, toll -- pollsters say people are feeling two different economy one is severely impacting the low and moderate income familys. >> this economy for average people who are working hourly jobs, they are suffering, they can't afford bananas any more and they can't buy milk, that is the crowd that is disproportionately hispanic and fani will and african-american, there no question they were better off 4 years ago. reporter: america's net worth, up .7% under biden to
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date in same 4 to time frame, under former president trump, net worth about 16%, people felt more wealthy under the former president. larry: that is kemet rick that last one thank you. >> terrific stuff. for more, we have john carney breitbart economics and finance editor. and liz peek fox news contributor. just as a starting point, to this net worth thing in a second. liz peek, i am saying people don't want the extra spending. they see what he is up to, they see what the results have been on inflation. and how hard it is to live in biden economy. he is doing old time religion to buy vote, i don't think that people want that. >> i think it is very encouraging that early on in administration, after they pass that horrendous american rescue act and
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inflation then 4 months later accelerated people connected the dots, they saw pushing that money into the economy at a time when there were supply chain problems and limits on what you could deliver to people, prices went up. i think that, to me it is heartening that people did connection the dots and blame president biden for spending that money and driving prices higher. i would add to the riff, it is not just electric vehicles but how we'll get power in the future, electricity prices in this country have always been benign, they have never gone up quickly. now they are because you are forcing some much electricity on an economy that is not ready for it and demanding renewables. it is badly planned, a badly executed. >> i have answer to lookty part, drill, baby, drill. drill, baby, drill. it is not so hard, john carney this memo to which
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edward lawrence referred to, which came from the press office andrew bates, they blame business for inflation, business is to blame for evil, greedy, raising prices, not paying their fair share of taxes and being bad citizens. >> you know they had to write it in a memo because they can't say it with a straight -- face, this is just not true. if there was a green surge, we should vote him out of office. if -- >> hang on. listen, fighting -- standing up to -- the biden approach stand up to corporate price gouging at core of the inflation fight. mayor corporation seeing record profits that is a dirty word, over charge the american people, keep prices elevated and charging abuses
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and junk fees like airline baggage. is that it? it has nothing to do with spending money or with any of that pump priming by the fed. all about evil, greedy corporations? not paying their fair share. >> i think they are getting it wrong when they think that people are against profits, american people are not, s say oh, no everyone is making profits. that is a good thing, when they say by the way there a con contradiction, they are raising prices even though inflation is falling, you can't be raising prices and inflation is falling, we saw in beginning this year inflation stopped going down, started going up. that is theni thing they are worried about. larry: full screen chart on household net worth adjusted for inflation, it is revealing. red line is what, it is trump and blue is biden.
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what is it? household net worth, about 160 trillion dollars a big number. it is all assets what you own, it is stocks, bonds, money in your bank account, treasury security, the home and all that minus your liabilities or debt, you adjust for inflation you see during the trump years that red line plus 16% cumulative very handsome real gain. the biden line is flat, zero. liz, that kind of goes with the other problem, we'll disposable income. ratireagan called it take home pay with success. they have not gone up in biden years. that is spend and spend
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att, and tax and tax. >> there is not a single economic indicator that is better under biden than it was under trump, they would say yes job creation is better because they think include in trump numbers that collapse of the economy, shutting down of the economy under covid, looking at december 2019, trump wins on that one too, there is no economic rationale for preferring biden over trump. larry: john you talk about rerise of inflation this year, you are right. we got charts all the commodities are booming, gold, copper, silver, comes to mind. i think we have some full screen charts. there is the overall crb index. got gold, it has been broke through 2400 dollars an ounce, gold, goal, anyway,
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we wait for gold. here it comes. what is this about. there is a copper chart too. >> this would have happened last year biden lucked out. it commodity was delayed because china's economy of doing so poorly, bringing down demand for copper and oil, they held down oil prices by basically turning a blind eye venezuela oil, and russian oil and iranian oil, we want to re-elect biden, they politicize the opt the sanctions that helped them, you can only do that for so long, there is no more oil coming out of iran, not out of russia. we're seeing commodity inflation this year that tells you that inflation is not going away. larry: does that bleed into
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the indexes. >> absolutely, it the push up price of consumer goods, next greer year it will keep going, the the it creates demand for copper. american people are right. larry: 30 seconds gavin newsom stopping out gasoline and fossil fuels in california has raised price of gasoline in southern california, close to $6, but also raised price of gasoline in nevada and arizona. >> republicans have to go in and tell them why that is happening put onus not just on gavin newsom but make it clear joe biden's policies aid those of gavin newsom. larry: hold on to that. very good. john carney and liz peek thank you very much. >> -- newt gingrich is coming up, why biden's only
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debating trump out of pure desperation. do you think that mr. biden should be drug tested? i do. you can catch kudlow, monday through friday, 4:00 right here on fox business. if you can't catch it then you can dvr the show, i'm kudlow we'll be right back.
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larry: so why is president biden sudden looking debating former president trump, economy because he -- it could be because he is desperate, joining me to talk about it great newt gingrich. author of march to the majority, welcome back. 100 house people in wildwood, all of a sudden biden, saying i'm debating, but it is phony, we have talked about this. he wants two debates, and the liberal left networks to cover the debates, they will control the microphone, so you can't ask a good question, former president trump believes that everyone both should be drug tested. before they go on.
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what do you think about this? >> [ laughter ] larry: i know. >> i think that circus -- no, i think with donald trump the circus never ends. always something going on. you know, first of all, very idea that you will have three people from cnn both moderator and two questioners all three. are bitterly deeply anti-trump. and joe biden. so, the debate stage will be 4 to 1, then they want to rigs it by having the mic cut off i pri presume by mike wallace who is clearly anti-trump, and we're supposed to pretend it will be a fair debate? my personal guess is that trump will win the debate. you know if i were him, i wouldwould have every
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other concern would be go to the grocery store and be calm. i am doing a news later on biden's advertising versus biden's grocery store. the fact is that people, i said this over dinner last night with friends, everyone that goes grocery shopping knows that joe biden is a failure, you can't buy enough advertising to offset the next time people go to grocery store. i think that trump will win the debate on facts. he will win the debate on energy. and drive. and it will be fascinating to watch it will be 4 to 1, you seldom give up these kinds of odds. larry: i think it is interesting and a political miscalculation. fdr biden thinks he is the new fdr, he and harry hopkins spend and spend tax
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and tax, election and election. biden i thinks spend and spend. and but, newt, i think that people because of your grocery store, and the cost of living issues related to that, i don't think that people want spend and spend. i think that spend and spend is a loser. >> we have a project, that you are aware of, america's new majority, and you can see at america's new, we do polling all of the time it is clear, big government spending is the primary driver of inflation and that inflation is great threat to their economic future, people believe, they have contempt for politics of give away, they have lived through it, roosevelt did it in depression it was brand-new,
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now we have had 90 years of it, just further demeans the politicians, because, you are so stupid, think i can buy your vote and more and more americans are saying no, this is disgusting. as you know i'm the only speaker to have balanced think about 4 straight years in your lifetime, people liked having a balanced think about, they liked having lower taxes and they liked having an explosion of entrepreneurial opportunity creating jobs. if biden has well -- you either pay a lot more or you get smaller products. take cereal, if biden is president for 4 more years, ul be down to buying one
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bowl at a time. larry: you called it big government socialism 3 years ago plus and you are right, we carry that. i got one more thing. take a listen. this is joe biden on the campaign trail this weekend, i believe yesterday in detroit, michigan. here it comes. >> when i was vice president, things were bad during the pandemic. and what happened was barack said go to detroit and help fix it. larry: newt, what is he talking about? he was not vice president during the pandemic, none of that is true, he says it i believe he is speaking to the naacp, what is that about? >> i think it is fair to say that the number of connects between joe biden's brain and reality have been shrinking. he always had a bad memory, and always said things that
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were nutty, but as he is older he has less and less memory of whatever is real here, panders to everyone. and you know it is not true, but you also know he has not got a clue what he is taking about. -- talking about, as a citizen, i find it scary. to have a commander in chief who is this out of touch with reality to know that back up is kamala harris. i mean not since james buchanan have we had this great a danger in the white house. larry: i am up against a hard break, you are heart there is a neurological disconnect that is getting worse and worse, he should be drug tested before. newt gingrich big government socialism thank you. >> up next michael cohen admits un under oath he embezzled from the trump people, we will talk about that with andy mccarthy.
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larry: all right as reported, michael cohen has admitted un under oath he embezzled from trump organization, joining us from the court house andy mccarthy. let's just talk a moment about this embezzlement or cohen stealing, he has been ripped apart as a liar 20 times but this is this about. reporter: you know what thinga that state keeps trying to do is suggest all of the cohen reimbursement was for stormy daniels, and there were a number of components to it. the reimbursement for stormy
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daniels and money he laid out for digital services, then there was also a bonus. so, the -- with respect to the polling, he lays out 50 thousand dollars which they as they say, grows up to 100 thousand, they are thinking about possible tax implications. it turns out that he didn't pay 50 thousand to the red finch he paid them 20. and pocketed 30. he told the trump people, he paid 50. and they doubled it up. in the end he laid out 20 and got 100 thousand. pretty good work if you can get it. larry: nice if you can, he admitted turn around oath today on the stand? >> yes, but him admitting things under oath is not necessarily something you want to take to the bank but yes. larry: if cohen is
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prosecution's alvin bragg's top witness, with respecta respect, to altering business records what kind of case do they have left? your judgment? >> larry, they have is the kind of case that the federal prosecutors at my old office scout ern district of new york would not take in first place and that s vance would not take. and after letitia james good ought that from civil fraud case this is what you end up with, let me be first prosecutor to indict a former president. larry: still now identification of a federal crime? >> there is nothing explicit. it is clear that what he is
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relying on is federal campaign finance violations and there has been a lot of testimony about, that i think this worst part of the case worse than allowing graphic sex testimony from stormy daniels because what he has let in the judge that is, is that cohen pled guilty to two campaign finance charges and i think he did it because he was trying to sell himself as a cooperating conditions to southern different -- cooperating witness. the jury heard that, they may think that the question of whether there is auley a federal violation or not has been settled. and in fact, that evidence is not admissible against trump it should not have come to the case. larry: federal election commission looked at this case and did not bridge objections -- bring any objections to it. last -- >> larry, your point is very
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important. the fec is responsible for civil enforcement that is a lower standard, so, even with the lower standard they didn't think they could make the case. how this is in criminal court, this is crazy. larry: last one, an an andy mccarthy, thank you, defense will bring robert costello as a witness, former lawyer to michael cohen. costello has also called michael cohen a lawyer in congressional testimony. what do you make of this, what do you reckon will happen. >> well, costello is testifying as we speak. and what he is doing is demolishing what is left of michael cohen's story about you know how he ended up with the lawyers that he ended up with and the most important thing is he told
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costello that costello said to him do you have anything on trump we could use to trade with southern district to get sentencing leniencing he said 10 to 20 times, bob i have nothing on trump. larry: well. nothing on trump, okay, i get it. pretty small beer, weak beer, andy mccarthy, maybe you will come visit us tomorrow down there we appreciate your commentary. >> thank you, larry. >> you bet. >> all right, switching gears, we welcome back to the show friend wisconsin senator ron johnson. senator johnson welcome, a couple things. i have some sound from donald trump speaking to the morehous college commence -- i am sorry joe biden. here is biden at morehouse
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graduation, listen to this. >> israel heartbreaking. hamas is vicious attack on israel killing innocent lives and holding people hostage. this is a humanitarian crisis in gaza. that is why i called for an immediate ceasefire. to stop the fighting. bridgbring the hostages home. larry: he called for a immediate ceasefire to be permanent that sounds like stabbing israel in the back and they continue to withhold the heavy artillery including precision bombs which would make this civilian casualties less as israel wipes up hamas, what to you make of this senator johnson, graduation speech, his messaging. >> well, it sounds like joe biden is stabbing israel in the back because he is stabbing israel in the
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back. after the horrific attack on october 7, joe biden said he would support israel. now he seem seems to be greatest protector of hamas and coddles iran. iran loses its leaders and this white house offers condolences. further coddling iran. again. president biden is pandering to his supporters. that also support the palestinians and hamas. in michigan this is political and furthering weak ending america and weakening our ally israel. larry: how long can biden withhold the the money that congress obligated and appropriated? he is violating the constitution and the whole process. how long can they do that? >> well, larry, you are
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fully aware this is a lawless administration as was obama administration, he could do it as long as courts don't step in and intervene. congress passed the aid package. pretty well explicit they wanted to support israel. and now he is withholding that support. unfortunately, our judicial system operates at a snail's pace, he could get away with this. >> one other one on biden policy senator johnson. we have not seen it yet but there is a lot of talk about an executive order regarding open border illegal immigration fiasco biden had said earlier he had no authority on this, but apparently they are cook ing something up, that cooking up something that says 4 thousands illegals a day, that is okay. if you go into 4 thousand
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and 1 then we'll close down the border. i find that pollyannish. i don't believe a word. but i don't think that is a good idea. what do you think about that? what do the republicans think about that potentially executive order? >> in 2018 supreme court ruled that executive has current law exudes deference to the president in terms of border, president trump used that executive 24 authority to secure the border biden used that same authority to open it up, now he claims he is close it once it hits 4 ,001. if he can close it then he could close it immediately, this all been a charade. now public pressure is building, they are trying to figure out a way to achieve political cover. that is all this is about,
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politics. larry: yes, sir, senator johnson thank you ever so much we appreciate it, hope you come back soon. >> have a good night. larry: all right, coming up, big debate, the big debate. ii'll ask, donald trump said he would be drug tested, why isn't joe biden subjected to system standard. ? we have congressman keith self and ronny jackson who is a doctor, they will weigh in next on kudlow. provides 2 shh and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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and now sweeten drinks wherever you are with splenda zero-calorie liquid sweeteners. try all three. available in the baking aisle. larry: all right joining us now, two distinguished house members from great state of texas mr. keith self and dr. ronny jackson, thank you for coming okeith self, you were downtown in the courtroom this morning. all day or something, what was that like. >> it was surreal. that was a travesty, a parody, a mockery of any sense of justs they judge has one thing in mind, along with the da, not justice. a conviction, harassment. larry: can i ask you, don't want to ask. what -- you have been around for a long time. you say he has a conviction, he will bust trump, what was
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it tip-off to you? what happened that made you think this is just as bad as i thought. >> how he stopped to prosecution and defense, immediately for prosecution. he let them do whatever he wanted, he let defense have no defense. that was very obvious. larry: you saw cohen lying on the stand. >> he admits he stole and he lied. what credibility does he have? he said, this is in his testimony, revenge against trump is best served cold from his words today. larry: interesting, dr. ronny jackson. good to see you. as a doctor, you are a white house doctor for a good spell. >> 14 years. larry: yes, sir, trump says before the first debate they should be drug tested, he would submit to it, and thinks that mr. biden should be, people tend to take it seriously. what do you think?
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>> i think normally we would never suggest that but we live in a different world now, president trump saying what everyone else is thinking that what is going on with this man, what is he on, for three years he has slurred his speech, sleepy joe over last few months he cams out publicly. he is juiced up on something. he is a screaming at the camera, and his eyes are wide open, he is not blinking, he looks for all the world like he is on some type of drug.. the question is what is he taking, we don't know his doctor is untransparent, they refuse to go out and talk to the press and answer questions about what medication he's is taking or any other questions related to his while. we need to know -- his hihealth, bee need to know this is a security issue. larry: am i being unfair, or people being unfair, he was
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at naacp in detroit saying that president obama told me while i was vice president to go in clean up the covid problem in michigan, he was not vice president in 2020. is that unfair to ask the question about drug testing? >> it is not, he panders who whoever his audience s he was raised wa -- with anan ethnic background, dr. jackson is right, we can see it, if he has mental want it to control the nuclear codes i m maintain he does not. larry: you were in nuclear command. >> in green berets in germany. we never go the deployed to
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exercise nuclear war, nobody wants to but you have to have someone of a sound mind to control those nuclear codes. >> thank you for your service, down see why any of these -- i don't see why any of these presidents shouldn't be drug tested as former senior white house staffer we were drug tested. and the medical unit and chief of staff could have asked any of us at any t time to be drug tested, at the end of the day it is good. some things in life are unfair. there is a track record. moving on, r ronny jackson, you have september 30 end of year, i don't know if there will be a reconciliation package on budget, but bidens' to spend 1.6 trillion dollars it has been out there, in the next 6 months, that is not easy to do.
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they are vote buying on a grand scale. can you stop it, will house pass some kind of budget resolution that would go into reconciliation to stop the massive spending. >> we have to do something, it out of control. the reason we have inflation is the reckless spending in last 3 1/2 years he has been president. all this -- you are right, we find out today that the white house is showing us where that money is going, it is selectively going to blue states and blue areas here, is. you say buying votes. larry: swing states. >> right. larry: great lake states. >> that is all he is about, buying votes, he is figuring out where he needs the votes, it is ridiculous. it is -- you know, we can't pay our debt already. larry: dr. ronny jackson and
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8:00 pm
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