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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 21, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. we are 30 minutes away from the opening bell. marxs are mixed as we go into the open, we're watching earnings and, of course, geared up opinion for nvidia or earnings tomorrow the night p. monica crowley, john lonski, cheryl casone first great to talk with you all this morning. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you, maria. >> target tomorrow. target earning. maria: cheryl, that's going to be one, certainly, that that markets focus on, right in. >> oh, yeah. maria: all right. we'll have it here live, target and the preview for nvidia. thanks, everybody, "varney & company" picks it up now. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, maria. good morning, everyone. let there be no doubt, donald trump's criminal trial in new
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york dominates politics. biden's trying the put his opponent in prison. republicans show up in force to say what trump can't say because of the gag order. well, today the trial moves into its final days. robert costello back as a witness, a defense witness. monday the judge furiously tore into him for rolling his eyes. we'll try to the figure out how the trial plays out in the middle of a presidential campaign. let's get to the markets, and we're starting the day with bitcoin. just look at it. that's a rally, $71,000 and climbing. that's bitcoin. etherium also sharply higher again today. as for the stock market, well,, the nasdaq closed at another record high monday. you've got a small pullback this morning. down 56 as we speak. a little bit of red red ink for the dow and the s&p but not that much. nvidia, that is the stock of the week it reports tomorrow. plenty of buying in advance of that and plenty the of price target targets above $1,000. right now it's about 80 cents down at $947.
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if interest rates, not much change. the 0-year coming in with a yield of 4.43,, the-year -- 22-year at a range of 4.85 as we speak. going up a bit. gold firmly above or $2400 an ounce. oil moving down again, $78 a barrel with. gas, no change, are $3.559 for regular, diesel actually up one cent at $3.900. politics. the or international criminal court going forward with arrest warrants for israel's netanyahu. outrageous, says president biden. defund the the court, says "the wall street journal." amall clean. ny helped thish s crushes c prosecutor, she says israel is engaged in extermination. president biden taking a lot of heat for his speechessen on race over the weekend. "the wall street journal" editorializes, here it is, biden to morehouse graduates: america hates you. on the show today, life on a
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permanent cruise, sailing forever. what do you get for $500,000? if we do cover it all, you know. tuesday, may 21st, 2024. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ ♪ ♪ ain't nothing gonna break my stride ♪ nobody gonna slow me down, oh, no. ♪ i got to keep on -- stuart: ah, break my stride is the connection to the trump trial. that's what the price are getting. lauren: okay. stuart: i like the music. matthew wilder. that's sixth avenue, new york city. here we go. first of all, let's check futures the start with. we're looking on the downside but not that much. cow can's off 20 -- dow's off 20, nasdaq's off 56 points. i want to bring in mike lee first thing this morning. nvidia reports tomorrow after the bell with, where do you see
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the stock going? >> look, stuart, i can't imagine the earnings are anything other than spectacular, and here's why. if the largest buyers of nvidia chips, google, amazon, microsoft, all had blowout quarters specifically in cloud computing where they would be purchasing nvidia chip, and then you had facebook saying they're going to invest $40 billion into artificial intelligence, and they can't do that without nvidia's chips. is so i can't imagine nvidia not having a spectacular quarter, okay? there is a possibility that i somehow the market is not impressed with those numbers the way they have been in previous quarters. okay, if that happens, you know, you probably see a 1-2% selloff in broad markets if the market's not impressed with, say, their guidance or numbers. but again, i'd say the probability of that is fairly low. i think they will surprise
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dramatically to the upside because we're just at the beginning. stuart: i want a quick comment if you on bitcoin, 71, $72,000 per coin this morning. seems to be moving in tandem with stocks to some degree. where do you see bitcoin going? >> stuart, i think at the, you know, within 18-24 months you're going to see bitcoin in the $200,000 range. so a trim of the previous cycle high -- triple. the rally this morning is because of the pivot and about face that the secs has done in relationship or, sorry, because of the etherium etf, that it looks very likely to be approved. look, we're creating a new trillion dollars in debt every hundred days and, yes, bitcoin has resume ised its 1 to 1 correlation with tech stocks -- correlation with steak stocks. -- tech stocks. stuart: mike lee,ing good stuff. jamie dimon says he's preparing to retire.
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what's the significance of that and what's the timetable? >> he says it's no longer five years ago -- income -- anymore. he said at the the end of the day, he still feels up to the job, but it is up to the board and that maybe it's no longer that five years anymore. so we don't have a specific timetable, but the board saying, look, as long as he's up for it, he can suit up and show up, he's here. but he said if i can't do that and and if i get to the point where i can't do that, i'm happy to leave and step aside. stuart: i could say the same thing. can't do it, i won't up -- >> you'll suit up and show up, stu. stuart: you've been until following the trump trial. what can we preponderate from today? >> yeah, so today, day 20, 9:30 a.m. we did hear yesterday from robert costello, again, he is reiterating -- we might expect to hear him again today, stu the that, again, or president trump knew if nothing about those payments to daniels. also new today we actually could
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hear from the judge. he might rule that they could dismiss z the case. the trump team has asked them to dismiss the case saying we still don't have proof that he tried to falsify any records, so maybe we'll hear from the judge with. we could wrap up thissing whole case maybe this week with. stuart: he might dismiss if ited odd. to might being the operative -- >> yeah, i think that's a long shot. 9. stuart: thank you very much. trump did speak, here's what he had to say. roll it. >> we saw that was -- i've never seen anything like it in my life. everyone's talking about it. you saw what happened -- [inaudible] what just took place in that court or and, hopefully,, the motion to dismiss this trial will go through because this trial is a disaster for our country, it's a disaster for new york state and new york city. gregg jarrett just said where exactly is the crime?
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to quote a memorable line from shakespeare in line, i don't know, it's a mystery. stuart: quoting from shakespeare if p. lawrence jones joins me this morning. what do you make of cohen's confession? >> well, first, i would say before i even get to costello and cohen, the former president talk the about how this was a mischaracterization of justice? looks like we just got those latest fund raising numbers out there, apparently there's a lot of americans agreeing with the former president. he's outraising joe biden percent first time. so that tells you something that they thought that was going to hurt donald trump is actually helping him right now. now to cohen, i mean, we didn't expect that. we know he's a liar, but thief too? my mom used to say if you lie, you'll steel steel. if you steel, you'll -- if you steal, you'll kill. if i think that only increased yesterday. stuart: he helped trump. >> yeah. it just showed he's not a
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credible witness. stuart: right. what about costello? do you think he helped trump? >> you know, i think that's a mixed bag, and i was always questioning that moment anyway because i felt like when you have a win, just take it, and i feel like, you know, the prosecution's case rested on cohen. let that be the final thing that they hear. the judge, i think, is a big factor in it. you never want -- my first job, i have great respect for the court system. my if first job was working in the juvenile court for a judge, and one thing that you always realize about a judge, they're supposed to be fair, and judges have certain things that make them tick. and it's universally applied. i think the thing that is hurting and that has people upset is that the judge showed no animosity or any slight upsettedness when it came to stormy daniels in her testimony which did not contribute to the overall alleged crime. but there was some pushback when it came to costello.
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she was ruled -- he was ruling on the objections of the prosecution in favor of them constantly and then, of course, he dismissed the jury. i think a lot of people are saying that's unfair. stuart: i'm going to change the subject, but i need you to cover this before you leave us. biden to morehouse graduates, america hates you. the piece argues that biden's goal was to stir up racial division. do you agree with that? >> well, when i saw saw, i took great umbrage with it for obvious reasons. my parents made it very clear to work hard, not work ten times as hard. you're already accomplishing the best right there, then why do you need to double it? i think when you have a president of the united states that has opportunity to make gains on improving the economic lives of americans, especially back americans, education and did not do that and because he doesn't have an agenda to run on, the lean on race especially when he did nothing the during
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the civil rights movement, especially when you have the '90s crime bill, he didn't pass the first step act, donald trump did. he says he was on the front lines and got arrested during the civil rights movement, he didn't. he was friends with segregationists, went to their funerals, spoke at their funerals. again, if you want to move the country forward, i'm done with that. i think it's nasty too, and what a day to do that on when you have people going to one of the temperature colleges in the country, morehouse, they have worked hard getting ready to go into the or work force and the country saying the country doesn't love them and heir going to have to work ten times as hard, that was disgusting. stuart: really out of place. lawrence jones, thank you for joining us this morning. new poll says most voters what about rfk jr. in the debates. >> 79% a want biden and trump to debate, 719 want them the include a third-part candidate
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like robert kennedy jr., right? so get him in there. i think from the kennedy perspective, he's come out a lot and said, look, this debate between trump and biden is a collusion to rock up -- lock up america in a head to head massachusetts why can i not be a part of it if i meet certain thresholds? that's the 71%, come on,,s let's have a debate. stuart: it ate gonna if happen in my personal opinion. thanks, taylor. the trump team meeting with arab voters in michigan who are abandoning biden. trump is visiting the bronx thursday. can trump lure these key voting blocs away from biden? ben domenech on that later. the administration getting backlash for offering their condolences for the death of iran's president. if watch this. >> i'm not even sure why you're offering condolences if this guy was as bad as you say he was. >> because we regret any loss of life. stuart: more on that coming up.
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congressman mike waltz says trump stood up to terrorist states, biden coddles them. waltz is next. ♪ ♪ if trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, spend less time searching and more time learning. trade brilliantly with schwab.
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♪ ♪ stuart: the international criminal court, that is a branch of the u.n., by the way, is seeking arrest warrants for israel's prime minister netanyahu and defense minister gallant as well as leaders of hamas. trey yingst in tel aviv. what's israel's leadership saying about this? >> reporter: hey, stuart, good morning. backlash from the icc decision to seek arrest warrants for israeli leaders continues today. we do know israeli officials
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from across the political spectrum if have condemned yesterday's announcement. israels reel's defense -- israel's defense minister calling the move disgraceful adding israel does not recognize the authority of this international body. prime minister benjamin if netanyahu also spoke out about the icc decision calling it a complete distortion of reality adding this: >> the prosecutors' absurd charges against me and israel's defense minister are merely ap an attempt to deny israel the basic right of self-defense, and i assure you of one thing, this attempt will outerly fail. >> reporter: -- utterly fail. >> these complaints overnight if were echoed by president biden who called the decision outrageous, the commander in chief adding this: >> let me be clear, we reject the icc's application of arrest warrants against israel hi leadership -- [cheers and applause] whatever these warrants may imply, there's no equivalence
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between israel and hamas. >> reporter: in an interesting move, hamas if also condemned these arrest warrant for their leaders saying that it was the outrageous the icc made this move. stuart? stuart: all right, trey, thanks very much, indeed. now, the state department was asked why they issued condolences after the death of iran's president. roll tape. >> reporter: what exactly is official condolences? >> condolences on behalf of the united states government. >> reporter: i'm not even sure if you're -- why you're offering condolences if this guy was as add -- bad as you say he was. >> because he -- stuart: congressman mike waltz ginning -- joining us now. what do you think we should do with iran? they're obviously vulnerable at the moment. >> the last thing we should be doing, stu, is offering condolences to the butcher of iran responsible for ten it is of thousands of deaths when he
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was a prosecutor under the ayatollah are, responsible for the deaths of three american soldiers at the hands of their mill mill a -- militias, responsible for 12000 israeli deaths dub 12000 -- responsible for sending drones into with russia, responsible for shutting down global shipping in the red sea as a it heads into the suez canal and on and on. not to to mention the schoolgirls his security forces have literally hung in the street for daring to not wear a head scarf, a hijab. it is outrageous. it's just despicable, but it shows the fecklessness and just weakness of this administration. i mean, this is a moment to stand up and say this guy was a bad guy, he was wrong, and this regime is one that's based in evil. stuart: that's what trump would have done. i mean, if trump were the president now -- >> absolutely.
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stuart: i don't think trump would be offering condolences. what do you think he would do? >> well, number one, trump would be, president trump would be saying we support the iranian people as they fight for their freedom under this oppressive, three9 accuratic dictatorship. -- theocratic. number two, he would have this dictatorship worried about it own survival because they would be under maximum pressure. just a few years ago their currency was tanking, their oil exports were virtually zero, and they were on their back foot, and they didn't have the resources to be supporting all of these terrorist groups and the russians and fueling the chinese military buildup with illicit iranian oil and gas. so none of those things would be happening under president trump. he certainly wouldn't be offering an olive branch to the butcher of tehran. stuart: you know, your home state -- florida, of course -- seized more fentanyl than any
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other state in a recent time frame, more fentanyl found in florida than any place el. who do you plame for this, congress -- blame for this, congressman? >> well, actually, first i want to applaud our sheriffs, our law enforcement. the governor, the state legislature, they made it a second-degree felony just to have fentanyl, just to pez it which is -- possess it which is a hundred times more potent than heroin. the stuff just deadly. but it also shows, stu, that this is a national crisis. it's not just a border crisis. and the administration should be sticking it to the chinese who we know when they send this stuff to mexico, they it's going in the hands of the cartels, they know it's going to poison and kill hundreds of thousands of americans, if we should be putting secondary sanctions on the chinese manufacturers. this administration just does not understand deterrence and does not understand how to teal with these tough guys -- deal with with these tough guys around the world that are all
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too happy to get away with killing americans. and they're just getting away with it. i don't know how we make it another five years. we won't survive it. stuart: congressman mike waltz, republican from the great state of florida, we appreciate it. >> thank you, stu. stouter utah back in october the administration was prepared to move 11 the detainees out of guantanamo if bay. why did they mix the man? >> pretty much opt ecs after the hamas-israeli attack in october 7th of last year. they were going to be moving some of these detainees to the middle east. they were afraid the optics wouldn't look good had they moved those prettiers into the middle east -- prisons into the middle east during that time. current administration if officials really frustrated because the goal of the administration was to reduce the pop if ration at guantanamo, eventually close it. this is slowing down that process given those prisoners are still now at guantanamo. stuart: thank you, taylor. check futures quickly, please. it's tuesday morning.
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how do we open this market? opening mostly on the downside is. a small gain for the dow. that's at the opening bell, and we'll take you to wall street for that next. ♪ won't you fly, free bird, yeah ♪ ♪ (alarm sound) ♪ amelia, turn off alarm. amelia, weather. 70 degrees and sunny today. amelia, unlock the door. i'm afraid i can't do that, jen. ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ why not? did you forget something? ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ my protein shake. the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. you're so dramatic amelia. bye jen.
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nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at
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stuart: macy's reported earlier this morning. the stock is up 2.5. apparently luxury items are selling well. $19 a share for macy's. overall, not that much price movement premarket. the dow is up 11, but the nasdaq down 74 points after hitting an all-time high yesterday. david nicholas with me this morning. david, i want to talk about the nvidia. today report tomorrow. they have very high expectations. they really have to the to deliver, don't they? >> stu, you're right. expectations are very high for nvidia. the street's looking for about $26 billion in revenue for the quarter, it's looking to guide somewhere between 27 and 28 billion. this is what i want to point out, you just mentioned this, just beating estimates aren't enough. they've got to guide well.
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the street needs to have confidence that future is still ahead for if nvidia. but again, even if we see some weakness, i think the stock's going well, but i think the upside potential is there. it is the still trading below its 5-year average, so i think we'll see nice upside, stuart. stuart: i see all kind of target prices above $1,000 a share, it's at $9935 now. -- 935 now. how high do you think it's going to go? >> we raised our target to $1100 a share. if you look at their chips coming out later this year, that'll command a price 40 percent higher than its current chips, the gb-200 could raise somewhere between $2000 billion in revenue -- 200 billion in revenue, so we see massive upside. i still think it's a good time to get in. stuart: 90 seconds left. tell me what is the best hedge against inflation. i know you're going to say land, so why don't you explain that. >> i tell my compliants --
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clients you want to own real estate, you want to own land, specifically farmland. this is something if i hear very little talk about. i think you have a farm that you like to enjoy doing some farming. there's an etf called land that actually gives you expose where cur or to farmland. i think that it's blueerer i -- blueberries, stable crops that are high revenue if, high profitability crops. i think given the way population growth is going, farmland i think over the next two years is a big winner, and it pays a dave the evidence of about 4%. stuart: the i agree 100%. you're right on this one, david nicholas, we'll sew you again soon. all right. they're clapping and cheering. away we go. opening this market literally in a few seconds. we're expecting not huge price movements at the opening bell but do watch the nasdaq. a record high again at the close #kwre. let's see where it goes this morning. probably on the downside at least in the early going.
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the dow is open, it's up 18, 19 points, about a third of the dow 30 are in the green, so that means there is some selling this morning. s&p 500 also opening, narrowly changed. down .16%, and the nasdaq composite, this is the interesting one, that is down .41 after a big gain yesterday. there you have it, down 68 points for the nasdaq can. show me big tech, please. a mixed picture. only microsoft if on the upside. apple, meta, alphabet with, amazon all down. now microsoft just unveiled new computers with a.i. chips, but they're not if nvidia are chips, are they, taylor? >> i know. surprise, surprise, right in qualcomm chips announced yesterday ahead of a big unveiling today. they are saying some of these pcs are able to run some a.i. task ifs if if or you, so maybe the a.i. will be asking you questions. you also have amd, intel chips -- chips in another pc
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available in june. they're starting just under $1,000. we'll see how they do. stuart: microsoft is trying to are revamp the pc market which has been under pressure if lately. they think they're going to do it with a.i. chips, we'll see. stock's up this morning. a couple of big retailers reported before the opening bell. start with lowe's, please. >> yeah. lowe's coming out, pretty good numbers, this is each as customers if are pulling back on some of those do it do it yourself projects. it sort of echoes similar comment we got from home depot last week as well. they were citing a tough housing market. lowe's trying to figure out right now, off just half a percent, how to moverd forward in this tough housing market. stuart: we profited on may is city's, the -- macy's, the stock was up, now it's the up more. >> the see wrote coming out with interesting comments saying, or look, it is early days, but we are hopeful we can return to
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sustainable, profitable growth. so this is a company that has been under pressure. can this new i ceo really start to turn things around? if at least so far the market saying, sure, we'll give you this one. stuart: other at tesla there's -- over at tesla there's huge discussion about elon musk's $56 billion pay package. some shareholders really don't like it. >> a lot of these shareholders are pulling back and saying, no, vote against this big pay package. they are saying elon musking continues to be distracted by some of his other companies, the five or six other ventures that he has and that he is not spending enough time and all of his energy in the car maker. so you do have some investors saying, no, we want the vote against the big pay package. stuart: the stock is up a little, 177 on tesla. what caught my attention this morning was bitcoin breaking well above $70,000. it had been $72,000 earlier. what's behind that rally? >> is so the etherium rally also catches my eye because they're
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hoping that the sec is going to approve an ether etf. remember the bitcoin big surge ahead of the approval of that etf? we could still be a long ways off, but the crypto market certainly getting excited ahead of this. just don't push the cart before the horse on this one. [laughter] stuart: sign i -- cybersecurity firm palo alto, had been going straight the up for a hong time, but it's down 6%. did they have a bad report or something? >> sort of a down beat forecast going forward for the guy. dance. i think there's a -- guidance. i think there's a lot of concern about how much demand there is for cybersecurity. if you're a big company and you have a finite budget, where are you going to spend that budget? system of those big companies are pulling back on how much they're spending on cybersecurity. that was due in part what you see there, the down beat forecast from palo alto. stuart: okay. let's move on to trump's media company, djt. they reported for the first time since going public, and they're
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down. what happened in. >> it didn't go well in terms of the top and bottom line. they the only pulled in about $7700,000 in the revenue, but they lost $330 million in the first quarter, so losing more money than they're bringing in, right? they did, though, say they signed a contract with a data center partner and a hardware vendor because they are trying to launch the truth social tv streaming platform. so that's more news investors can look for. stuart: peloton, they are still around, struggling under a mountain of debt can. stock is down 12% now, $3 a share. what are a hay doing about this debt? >> so they're doing a $1 billion loan to re-fi p right? if basically to pull out existing debt, try to are refinance at lower wields. the ceo said they are encouraged by some of the interest they're seeing in terms of interest for the debt, but this is a company that cut about 15% of their global work force. another company that has a big job ahead of them, pandemic darling, all off that the
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unwound. trying to reify debt -- stuart: can you imagine trying to refinance at a time when interest rates are rising? >> i know. not good. stuart: let's go to zoom. they've raised their annual profit forecast. that's probably good news. are they saying a.i. is responsible for our rising profit? this is an a.i. thing? >> that's it. it's a.i., another pandemic darling, but this is maybe a story that's different. you have big companies and enterprises that are still using it, and they're saying, hey, maybe're even° we're even better than we were. so the stock trying to get a little bit of a lift -- stuart: i'd love to know exactly what a.i. does when i'm on a zoom call. that what will a.i. do for me? >> i i know. asking questions, how about that? stuart: check out that beg board, we're down 20 points, that's it. 39,787. dow winners, here's the list. there are some, headed by jpmorgan, walmart -- sorry, yeah, walmart, goldman, merck,
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travelers on the list. s&p 500, dollar general, eli lilly, first solar, seize or star's entertainment and moog. and the nasdaq group of winners, tesla at the top there, up 2 this morning. dollar tree, lam research, astrazeneca too. the 10-year treasury yield with, always a important, right now it's right at 4.40%. way below $4.5. price of gold with, $2,455, down about $5 today. bitcoin, as we've been telling you, rallying. $70,900 right now. it was $72 to ,000. oil down despite a what's happening in the middle east. oil's down, $78 a barrel. nat gas, $269. gasoline, as in regular, the average around the country is $3.59 a gallon. diesel, it's actually up one cent at $3.90. coming up, president biden wants to flip the narrative on inflation. he's putting the blame on corporate greed. will voters buy that? we're on it.
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a new cruise line are offering retirees the chance to live full time on its ship, travel the world. why not? we've got the company's chief executive on the show. i'd love details on that. fdic chair martin greenberg announced he's stepping down after the elite of a scathing -- release of a scathing report detailing harassment at the agency. the full story next. ♪ where the streets have no name ♪ if where the streets have no name ♪ ♪ ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings.
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been mired with harassment and bullying charges under gruenberg's want grady trimble is with us now on this story. what's the white house saying about it, grady? >> reporter: the president will put forward a new nominee for fdic chair soon. martin gruenberg released a statement saying he'll step down once a successor is confirmed. until that time, he says, i will continue to fulfill my responsibilities as chairman of the fdic including the transformation of the agency's workplace culture. pressure on gruenberg to resign has been building since two grueling congressional hearings last week. lawmakers pressed him on the sexual harassment, stalking and if bullying at the finishing dic under his mel helm as well as gruenberg's own anger issues. >> you've led the agency for 10 of the last 13 years. we've had significant bank failure withs. do you think -- failures. do you think that the fact you respond to bad information by
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attacking or yelling at the person presenting that that information makes those people less willing to present if bad information to you? >> i endeavor to entreat every employee with courtesy and respect. >> reporter: mchenry will there went op on to say that the report says otherwise. and republicans have been calling on gruenberg to step down since that report was released, but most democrats stayed quiet. some of them even defended him. several biden administration officials refused to say that gruenberg should resign, but then yesterday the chairman of the senate banking committee, a democrat, senator sherrod brown where, released a statement calling for new leadership at the fdic and for president biden to name a new chair. now the white house says it expects the senate to quickly confirm its nominee but, stu, or republican senators say the administration if up until this point has been the one dragging its feet on this very issue. stu?
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stuart: got it. grady, thanks very much, indeed. the stock of the week is almost certainly going to be nvidia. they report after the bell tomorrow, so let's take a look at that stock now. this is, the market's open, of course, we're at 9:38. we're down about 1%. angela sue know joins me now, he specializes in -- ang -- angelo zien know joins me now. what's your price target now, any change? >> yeah. so we did enclose our target price to $11000 actually this morning -- 11000 this morning, ahead of those this results after the close tomorrow might and, again, we do expect another beat and raise type of quarter after they report, and it's largely going to be driven by their data center business. i think there might be some concerns about the -- [inaudible] softness ahead of this black withwell launch later this year, but we kind of look at the cap-x landscape right now, very strong the, and when you look at where some of the enterprise a.i.
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adoption is really taking place from the likes of, you knowing, a dell among others, we continue to be very bullish on the nvidia story. institute r. stuart: they'd better exceed expectations by a large margin if they're going to have that stock price go up because people are awfully touchy about these earnings reports. you often get a spike up and a plunge down. they've got to exceed expectations, right? >> no, i think you're absolutely right. so our view is they can beat the number by at least 5-10%, and i think that should be good enough at least to hold the stock up here. now, that said, you actually don't want them to kind of overheat because that actually kind of provides a negative kind of story as you go into calendar 2025, so you kind of want a nice if beat and raise quarter but nothing too hot to maybe put a dent in the story going into 2025 for those long-term investors. stuart: what's this partnership between nvidia and dell? is that all about reviving can ask and revamping the pc market?
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>> yeah. i mean, listen, i think as far as kind of the nvidia-dell story has been concerned, that's been a partnership that's been in place for a long time but when you think about dell, they're an all-inclusive company from the computing side of things all the way to the servers itself, and it's a critical partnership out there the for nvidia. so as far as kind of dell is concerned, as you get more of that enterprise a.i. adoption taking place out there, this that adds another kind of leg to the cat r list here for nvidia -- catalyst. stuart: are the other chip makers are lee -- relying on a good report from invade ya? >> i do think -- nvidia? if i do think there's a level effect when you think about their result,ing they really are kind of the center of the universe when it comes to the a.i. story, so a good kind of nvidia a.i. story out there this quarter will absolutely paint a better picture for the quarter semiconductor universe. stuart: okay, angelo, we will
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all be glued about 4:00 eastern time tomorrow afternoon. angelo zino, always appreciate it. taylor riggs with me. i keep going back to this -- >> i know. stuart: if nvidia does not meet wall street expectations, what happens to the overall market? >> bank of america talking about just that, saying this is exactly the one-year anniversary of when nvidia had that first blowout quarter and sort of surprised everyone, but this market is more than nvidia right now. since that time nvidia's added a trillion and a half in market cap, but a.i. is now empowering commodities, power, utilities. so really it's more than just an nvidia story the, a i much bigger story. nvidia contributed to about 37 earnings growth in the last 12 months, but it's only expected to contribute 9% of earnings growth in the next month. what that speaks to is just this market is more than just nvidia at the moment, so it really does need to perform well, but there is some broadening out which is healthy for the market.
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stouter tooth got it. taylor, thanks very much. coming up, i've lived in america for 50 years. i'm proud of my adopted country, but america has changed and not all for the good. that is the subject of my take at the top of the hour. i've got the tell you though, i am still an optimist. there's been a boom in gramping. lauren went to the catskills to show us what glamping is all about. there you go. lauren is next. ♪ ♪
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we need to do this.
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stuart: glamping, that is luxurious camping, is apparently in these days. well, lauren's in the catskills in new york. lauren, explain to me what is considered glamping. >> reporter: glamorous camping. so you get the rural experience, including bugs which are all over me, but you also have access to a wine list and a really good one. there is a restaurant the right there 1000 feet away from where i'm standing. in this glamping option has increased many popularity for travelers looking to disconnect from modern technology, from the modern world and folks on themselves, go inward -- focus on themselves. there is a sauna, a traditional9
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hot sauna, an infrared sauna, yoga class, mountain biking, ski resorts nearby in the winter, candle making, foraging classes and then the traditional camping activities like making your own s'mores. it's getting a new clientele. new campers, 34% of new campers last year offered -- opted the glamp up from 18% back in 2021. see? those are the bugs. they're all over me. and it's kind of a no-brainer because when you're camping, you've got to pack the car, you bring so much. i slept in a bed and had air a conditioning yesterday. but what the owner here is doing, this is one of three properties that he has, he's trying to tap into an overworked culture, a culture or that's looking to get away and get off the grid which is exactly where we are. i can not move, stuart, from this one spot that i'm standing in. we're using all of the powers of modern technology, a brilliant photographer, marthe if opinion, and i pucer sumner to
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actually -- producer sumner. i basically can't move, i am so off the grid, and it feels really good. [laughter] stuart: apart from the bug withs, i understand. >> reporter: the bugs, oh, yeah. maybe they can do something about that. stuart: come on back to the studio. it's air-conditioned and there's no bugs here. come on back, okay? hold on a second, taylor's -- >> reporter: i'll see you tomorrow. stuart: you've been glamping. >> yes, i love it. the good thing is you still have heater, i went in the fall with my if husband. you have a bed, running water or and a toy met are. but it's that same idea, no technology, no wi-fi, no electricity, you have a lamp, you have s'mores. it encourages going within, disconnecting from the world, you know? stuart: and it's reasonably cheap? >> yeah. stuart: okay -- [laughter] pressure on that one. thanks for being with us for the
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hour. >> thanks for having me. stuart: and we'll watch you at 1 p.m. eastern on "the big money show" right here on fox business. still ahead, will cain joins us. he's talking about bill maher admitting donald trump is much more youthful than joe biden. bret baier on the trump trial. what kind of image of american justice does this send to the world? joe concha on the fight between marjorie taylor greene and jasmine correct continuing into its fourth -- jasmine crockett, and riley gaines. the 10:00 hour is next. ♪ all you have to do is take a minute, just take your time. ♪ all you have to do is stay ♪ ♪
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