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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 21, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> we know he's a liar, but a thief too so my mom used to say, if you lie you'll steal and if you steal, you'll kill. that's all he's missing rite now. >> the last thing we should do is offer condolences to the butcher of iran. it is outrageous and it's just despicable, but it shows the fecklessness and just weakness of this administration >> i think there's a halo effect when
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we think about nvidia and the results. they're really the center of the universe when it comes to ai out there. >> the frailty between joe biden is age of donald trump. donald trump doesn't just appear younger, he lives younger than joe biden. stuart: i do like this song. i really do like it. it's a nice day in new york as well. it's sixth avenue, sunshine. hardly anybody out there. it's a beautiful day. i like that song. play it as often as you can. tuesday, may 21, go to the markets. a bit of green, not much. dow up 30 and nasdaq up all of two points. big tech and mixed picture and microsoft, apple, alphabet up and meta and amazon down and m mississippi getting awfully
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close to all time high, 429 as we speak. 0-year treasury yield at 441 right now. that's the markets, now this: the headline is about amal clooney, wife of actor george clooney. she helped convince prosecutors at international criminal court to move forward with the arrest warrants for israel's netanyahu and in a statement she says they've committed "crimes against humanity including starvation as a method of war fair, murder, fertilizers cushion and extermination". she's getting attention because she's a celebrity. we should be more focused on icc prosecutor karine ahmed khan. he makes israel the equivalent of hamas and there's no equivalent of the butchers of
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hamas and trying to bring hostages back. this is like prosecuting hitler and churchill in the middle of world war ii as if there's some equivalence between them. kahn says israel using starvation as a method of warfare. over a half million tons of food delivered by israel to gaza and much stolen by hamas. kahn said israel is "intentionally intersecting attacks against a civilian population". he's got it the wrong way around. it is hamas that attack the civilian population and kahn has cot come up with his own version of law fare and that's bending the law for political purposes and that's outlawing israel. this should not stand. the countries that finance the icc primarily japan, germany, france, and britain should withdraw the funding. it'll be interesting next month when george clooney is set to attend a fundraiser for president biden in los angeles, will his wife, amal, be with
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him? i hope so. i'd like to be a fly on the wall when she comes face-to-face with genocide joe. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: ben dominic with me this morning. am i right in calling in law fare on the international stage? >> yes, you're absolutely right, stuart, and this is failure of. icc and shotgun we should not accept and the approach for israel is par for the course in terms of their approach to adjudicating these matters and towards signaling out israel really over and over and over again and holding them to a standard they do not hold other nations to. as for being a fly on the wall at that fundraiser, i think you are hitting on what is a central
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problem for joe biden he does not have a solution to. essentially there's a much larger portion of his party that we even knew prior to and simply no longer believes in israel's right to exist and that's going to hold anything they can against them accuse them of genocide and the like and the terrorists of hamas. stuart: rick grenal making a pitch and trump courting black and hispanic voters and does trump have a legitimate hope of picking up voters that are abandoned biden? large numbers, picking up in large numbers, not just bits and pieces here and there, large numbers?
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>> stuart, i think we could be on the cusp of seeing a performance of the run and he was never really seeing it before and it was really incredit card until terms of the last 40+ years of american politics in which we've seen the democratic party have a stronghold especially on black voters and black men and in terms of immigrating to the country and donald trump is going to perform mis-toric le levels and biden approach to ruling the white house the way he has and and going for this and suburban white voter and lost working class voter and mitella -- middle class voter
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and it's very representative and donald trump's message to them is the economy was good under his leadership and he can restore that and for those who are hit the worst by inflation and the economic challenges under this white house, i think that's a very winning message. stuart: is it the beginning of a real genuine realignment in politics. >> it could be, stuart. but it's going to be incumbent on more people than just donald trump to be able to voters automatly. automatically and making concerns of their priority because. stuart: thank you for joining us, ben domenech. we have the dow up 30 points and going up for that and jamie
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dimon and warren buffet say these markets, stock markets are overvalued. what do you say to that? >> jamie diamond and going at these -- jamie dimon and warren buffett on these hundreds of billions of cash and can't find a place to invest it and that can be a real confusing message for people at home. warren buffett has been negative on the markets for the last five decades and fully invested and worth over $100 billion personally investing at that time and anybody watching at home and shouldn't listen to headlines and time the market as well. people should be investing in the markets and he shows you
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that it's too high. stuart: that's your point. always be invested in the market. >> yes. stuart: trying to time it, just do it. >> the side piece is the mistake people make is they hear something like a jamie dimon and i'm not going to sell. if they do sell, it may correct 5%. 10% before it moves to more new highs and going today and you see a lot of individual investors and no time or try it. stuart: earnings report and the department store and one of the performances of the consumer. >> the consumer and the earnings number and the consumer is out there and spending money and the concern there though, stuart, if the consumer remains to walk a
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fine line with us. stuart: rate cuts here any time soon. >> the fed funds futures and that's the futures and there's a 70+ chance for rate cuts and extending that . stuart: thank you, mike. hillary vaughn on capitol hill. what are they saying? reporter: a mass payoff shelling out billions and paying off student loans and lawmakers making a last ditch effort stopping what they say is unlawful loophole and biden is exploiting and 90 members of the house and in addition to that and additionally to the backdoor
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attempt and enact and continue to use borrowers with political puns and actions are illegal and abundantly clear and zero authority to write off federal student loans and masks. the lawmakers say biden is going up to millions of borrowers and cash payments to do it at price tag of so-called targeted forgiveness at $147 billion and going for the attorney general and also trying to stop this. >> the poll numbers of the president trying to buy votes and trying to buy that and joe biden and working on them and stopping it. reporter: president biden not shy about that and -- >> i'm relieving the burden of student debt and going on the
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chase. helping the michigan supreme court told me i couldn't and i found other ways to do it. reporter: some of them have benefited from this forgiveness but most people don't even make a student loan payment until six months after graduation day. stuart. stuart: exactly. hillary, thank you very much indeed. what we have later in the show, a new cruise line is offering retirees the chance to live full-time on its ships and travel the world. we have the company's chief executive on the show. a transgender athlete in washington state winning first place at a junior olympic track event beating out biological girls by seven seconds and wide margin. with the death of iran's president raisi, i say president biden has real opportunity but will he do anything with that? will he press our case?
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will he press them? we'll ask congressman cory mills next. ♪
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when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house,
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even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dream do come true. xfinity gives you reliable wifi with wall-to-wall coverage on all your devices, even when everyone is online. maybe we'll even get married one day. i wonder what i will be doing? probably still living here with mom and dad. fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi with xfinity. stuart: peter doocy is the at the white house. what is president biden saying about that this, peter? reporter: another quacker of the story is george clooney's lawyer wife is the icc chief prosecutor called upon to look at evidence as they start to pursue the search warrants -- rather the arrest warrants potentially against netanyahu and amal
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clooney is saying we unanimously conclude there's reasonable grounds to believe israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his war minister committed war cross-claims with starvation, war, persecution and extermination. i served on the panel because i believe in the rule of law and need to protect civilian lives. president biden strenuously disagrees and icc prosecutor's application for arrest warrants against israeli leaders is outedge yous and let me be clear, whatever they might apply there's no equivalent between israel and hamas. we'll always stand with israel against threats to the sturt. why might this be awkward? because george clooney is hosting a fundraiser for president biden in california next month. the campaign is telling us the fundraiser will feature a contest including george clooney and julia roberts and they'll be featured in social media posts and digital ads and signed e-mails and text messages to biden and harris supporters.
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the campaign will court celebrities like this to try and help push the platform but that could prove to be problematic if the platform is going to get the host in trouble with his wife. stu. stuart: precisely, peter. well said. peter doocy at the white house. thank you, peter. florida congressman cory mills joining me now. secretary of state blinken is willing to work with congress on appropriate response to icc. what do you think the appropriate response should be? >> defunding the illegitimate court systems and they're trying to create the equivalent of a nation for extermination and hamas and known terrorist organizations is ludicrous. furthermore i'm curious why amal clooney doesn't talk about the genocide of china and the weeingers and flakes ---todded mere putin and his a-- vladamir
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putin and his attack on ukraine and they single out the israeli prime minister and war cabinet but don't call owl those that fund hollywood, which is china. stuart: iran is vulnerable because they've lost the two leaders and the army is not doing very much, they're poverty stricken and poverty in decline and internal revolt. what should the policy be? >> well, varney, unfortunately the loss of raisi, who good riddance, the terror that committed genocide across as well as minister of foreign defense, this doesn't change much because the actual hamas, hezbollah, proxy of iraq and houthis are run by salami and head of irgc and head of ishmael
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ganni and the reality is what we need to do is enforce stronger sanctions. we need to be talking to china to say if you continue to import sanctioned iranian oil, that we're going to levy additional tariffs. they're not going to take the counter of loss of finances giving the fact that united states hitting iran where it hurts on sanctioning and would allow us to go after this access with evil and i linement and slow down the threat of unification of taiwan and hamas with regards to fund state of georgia israel can finish the job in rafah, and it take as direct approach where we're starting to levy the true sanctions that hit them where it matters. stuart: would raise the price of oil and therefore the price of gasoline and then in an election year, that's political and more.
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>> we need to drill in our own backyard and be energy dominant and get back to more than energy and number one thing to help with the economic debt and number one thing to balance the gdp to national debt ratio and number one thing to start lowering the cost of heating and cooling our gas and homes and trying to get goods at a cheaper rate. stuart: you just articulated trump's policy i do believe. congressman cory mills, thanks for joining us, sir. appreciate it always. >> thank you. stuart: now this, three former u.s. foreign policy officials under trump reportedly met with benjamin netanyahu. come on in issue ashley. this looks like trump is conducting foreign policy before the election. ashley: it certainly looks that way. according to to aroiders report, one of main goals is getting a better understanding of israel's
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somewhat complex political administration and netanyahu has battled internal disagreement withs a number of israelis blaming his government for failing to prevent the october 7 a mas attack. robert o'brian, the national security adviser and john the former ambassador to uae and ed mcmullen and ambassador to the leader unclear what the delegation of trump allies discussed with the israelis and the group reportedly not acting at trump's request and had no message to deliver to israeli officials. but, you have to ask the question, is this foreign policy ahead of the election? stuart: good question i thought. thanks, ash. check the cryptos because there's a rally in progress.
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ethereum main making a serious move 3795 right now and check up on that. more price gains for cryptos compared to the stock market. mike murphy is grinning. wow yont touch them with a 10-foot pole? >> i wouldn't. i fear people are investing in things they really don't understand and that's one of the main reasons i'm not investing is that i see better opportunities elsewhere i can understand more. stuart: okay, thank you, mike. department of homeland security is warning ai poses a danger to this year's elections. we'll tell you what that's all about. donald trump's defense has just rested in his case in new york's criminal trial. we're now entering the final stages. how soon could we see the case wrap up? we'll ask uc berkeley law professor john yoo next. ♪
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everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking. i was only 23 when i was first diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer. 40 years later, i've had almost 20 mohs surgeries. i had just accepted that the pain and the scars were going to be part of my life. but when i was diagnosed with two basal cells on my face, i became determined to find an alternative to surgery.
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if you, like millions of others, are affected by skin cancer... it's important to know that surgery isn't the only option. there's another choice. gentlecure. it sounded like everything i had been looking for. gentlecure uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to
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we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ stuart: a lot of people look forward to murphy's stock pick.
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first is disney, at $103 a share. he like it is. >> yes, disney sold off from about $122 after a big runup back down to 103. look at market cap here, stuart. i want to point out, 188 billion is where disney is now roughly saying they figured out streaming. their streaming part of their business is profitable. look at netflix. netflix new all time high today as we speak. $280 billion valuation. a time where people were saying disney should acquire netflix. you could turn around and say netflix could acquire disney. i think just after this resent selloff of almost 120% and 103, the company seems like they don't talk about their woke business policies as often as they used to so hopefully they're getting a i way from that.
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>> zoom is a little different and they're trying to re-invent themselves right now and they've gone from just the video streaming we learned about from covid and want to find different ways to monetize the platform and people and businesses are using it. if they can get that part right and based on earnings today, strong earnings and revenue. stuart: and they're using ai to increase their business. thanks, mike. donald trump's defense team is resting in the new york criminal trial. ashley, what's the latest in the trial? ashley: the defense rested after just calling two witnesses donald trump was not one of them. closing arguments are expected to take place next tuesday, the day after memorial day. donald trump arrived this morning and called the whole
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trial a kangaroo court. watch this. >> the whole world is watching and it's a highly conflicted judge and can't awe low that to happen and the whole system comes down and new york, this is where i grew up. i was born here and grew up here, and as seeing what's happening with the judicial system, and this just call it court of kangaroos and just can't have it. ashley: all kangaroos. after jury instructions and closing arguments, the jury will then begin to deliberate on whether to convict or acquit donald trump. 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. maybe towards the end of next week, we'll have this thing resolved, stu. stuart: can't wait. thanks, ashley.
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uc berkeley law professor john yoo joining us now. do you agree with kangaroo court. is it that bad? >> i think actually despite having a judge that's certainly not on the donald trump side and a prosecution that has really concocted a charge here that doesn't seem to violate any laws yet. i think donald trump and his lawyers are do ago great job and just keeping their defense short. they brought bob costello and made his life to new york juries to undermine the credibility of michael cohen and for the prosecution to end its case, to have everything turn on michael cohen, a serial perjure and someone that judges called a serial liar, that's actually really good for the defense.
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so i think donald trump is getting his fair hearing in the courtroom despite all the obstacles and the bias of a prosecution and perhaps judge. stuart: sounds like a jury verdict of not guilty is what you're expecting. are you? >>en oturu law, he should be inept because i don't think the prosecution has actually proven the illegal elements of his crime and it diverted into dragging donald trump's character into the mud and having stormy daniels testify in length about things that are really irrelevant to a claim about book keeping and accounting and i think if i had to bet my own money, thank god i don't but if i had to, i'd bet a hung jury and bet the jury would not be able to come to unanimous verdict and it would all be wiped away and prosecution would have to decide whether to bring the case again.
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stuart: i'm going to call the trial as cut circus. do you think new york's judicial kcourts are in good standing after these trial s? >> no, that's a point that donald trump made and others and that new york is the financial capitol of the united states for now. many wealthy people and businesses in the financial markets all operate there. after watching the elected prosecution, what they've done to donald trump, if you have a choice of where to move, why not live in florida or texas where you won't be sucket to this kind of -- subject to this kind of politicized prosecution. stuart: last one, professor, the judge's instructions to the jury. i don't know when they come, but i'm told they're extremely important for the outcome of the case. is that accurate?
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>> yeah, it's where the judge tells the jury forget you heard this and pay attention to this and exclude from your considerations and only find a, b or c. i'm not sure in a trial like this whether the jury instructions will make that much of a difference. for example, all the storm any y daniels testimony is mostly irrelevant to proving this case. how can a jury forget that. a judge being neutral should say you have to find there's greater felony here that the prosecution says was enabled by book keeping and so far the prosecution has not prove what had that is. they haven't even told donald trump what that is. that itself is unconstitutional and would be a good grounds to reverse on appeal. stuart: interesting. professor john yoo, thank you for joining us this morning, sir. always appreciate it. thank you. >> thanks, stuart. stuart: department of homeland security warning ai could threaten the election. ashley, how so?
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ashley: jewaun, cyber enabled hacking and spoof campaigns and threatening or plotting attacks against symbols of the u.s. elections. federal officials say the advances of ai can be used to influence and discord and increasing fist indication and department of homeland security is worrying that ai tool cans be used to confuse or overwhelm voters and election staff by creating or sharing altered or deep fake pictures or videos or targeted and election days and claims that a polling station is closed or polling times have changed or to generate or promote false information online. ai can be a very powerful weapon, especially in the battle of disinformation.
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stuart: that's a wide margin, 7 seconds. riley gain os than coming up for you. if you're thinking ochre time soon, one company wants you to consider buy ago permanent room on a luxury cruise ship. the founder and ceo joins us in tell us what's going on with this. he's next. ♪ ♪(voya)♪ there are some things
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that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. across all your benefits and savings options. so you can feel confident in your financial choices. they really know how to put two and two together. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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(qb) this is it. one play. this is when we find out... (luke) hey, quick question. student body math proficiency, would we say it's good? fair? satisfactory? (player 1) what? (luke) like a percentage, if you had to guess. (players) hey, get out of here man. get off the field. (luke) understood. (players) security! grab him! (marci) great student-teacher ratio... (luke) marci! we've got to go! marci! we have got to go! we bring you the real, in-depth school info. (marci) what were you thinking? (luke) i don't know. i. don't know. (vo) ding dong! with dexcom g7, the most accurate cgm,
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you can achieve diabetes results without fingersticks. see how exercise affects your glucose, making it easier to spend time in range and lower your a1c. ♪ ♪ stuart: a new cruise line offering retirees a chance to live full-time on a ship and travel around the world.
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mike peterson is the chief executive and joins me now. take me through this, please. i can buy a cabin on one of your ships, stay in it as long as i like and travel around the world. is that the idea here? permanent sailing? >> that's right. that's right. i mean, we have a lot of unknown expenses heading into retirement and people don't really know how much they have to spend for the rest of their days so our product, which is one of the three products that we offer is a fixed up front that'll cover you forever. we guarantee you'll have an ocean view cabin -- stuart: hold on a second, mike. if i give you or buy in $500,000, i bought that cabin for the rest of my life and i can sail as long as i like? $500,000? right? >> that's right. that's right. and that offer is good on this
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ship and any other ship on our fleet. fleet. stuart: what's on board? a medical expense and food and everything? >> you get your food, drinks, we even offer alcohol with dinner. your first medical visit is free and then of course there's, you know, there's costs associated with that, but we have travel insurance partner that offers insurance and so forth. stuart: $500,000 never runs out even if you're like 65 years scold live for another 30 years, you can be on that cabin for $500,000. >> absolutely. that's the beauty of this program. stuart: when can people sign up for this? >> so we're -- we can sign up now. we're in belfast currently undergoing and we'll be out in the next ten days. then we're on our way. never ending world cruise basically. stuart: just going on and on and on. may i ask how many people have signed up for this already?
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>> so we're about 91% booked. we only have about 30 cabins left for the first ship. then from there we have about 100, 150 in the later segments we stuart: mike. thank you. vast very entering for someone that might be close to retirement. villa vie. there you go. mike murphy is with us. would you retire -- you're a young guy but would you retire and cruise around the world forever? >> it's probably not for me but it's really interesting. if there's 400 or 450 cabins and only needs 450 buyers at $500,000, it's a compelling risk reward for someone entering retirement especially if they have 30 years. he'll sell this out pretty quickly. i just hope he can continue it.
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stuart: he's got so many booked up already. i'm fascinated. >> seems like a great deal. you can eat and drink that much over 30 years; right. stuart: and get alcohol with dinner. how about that. >> see. stuart: sign me up. thanks, mike. now this, one city in florida is just been named the best place to live in america. ashley, got to tell me. i think it's naples, isn't it? ashley: it is indeed. u.s. news and world record deciding if it's good enough for stuart varney, it's good enough to top our list for the best places to live. naples scores very well in job market, quality of life categories and it's beautiful. so well in fact they beat out 149 other cities to claim the top spot. by the way, last year naples came in at no. 6 and then found out that stu lives there and it was game over. idaho's capitol b boise at no. ,
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greenville, charlotte, no. 6 to raleigh, north carolina. the south doing well. huntsville at no. 7, virginia beach at no. 8, austin, texas, at no. 9 and boulder, colorado, at no. 10. naples florida, you knew it way ahead of time, stuart varney. no. 1. stuart: u.s. news and world report got it so perfectly right. mike murphy is with me. new york city, you live in nigh city. it didn't make the top ten? are you disappointed? or surprised? >> i moved out of new york city during covid, and i'm not surprised at all. i think the way that the things are going here in new york city, we talk all the time, doesn't sensorineural serve to be in the top ten. they can turn things around but nothing from the northeast is this. everything from the south is there. and that's a trend in our country. i think a lot has to do with politics. stuart: can't seeing it being reversed any time soon. mike murphy, thank you very much indeed. it's that time, show me the dow 30. all the 30 stocks on the dow and
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how they're doing. it's an even split pretty much. the dow is up 41 points and there are about the same numbers of winners as losers. next case, trans athletes beat a group of biological girls at jr. olympics by almost seven seconds and a one mile race. that's not remotely fair, is it? this is the kind of thing that riley gains has been railing against. she's going to be here -- she is here walking across the studio approaching the set. the formal interview right after this. welcome to the show, riley. ♪
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(wife) saving for retirement was tough enough. (husband) and navigating markets can be challenging at times. (fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments, we keep a disciplined approach with your portfolio, helping you through the market's ups and downs. (husband) what about communication? (fisher investments) we check in regularly to keep you informed. (wife) which means you'll help us stay on track? (fisher investments) yes. as a fiduciary, we always put your interests first. because we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly.
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you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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stuart: a transgender athlete won gold in a track meet and beat the second place female athlete by about 7 seconds. that's a wide margin. riley gains here in studio with me in new york city. i say that's unfair. what's it going to take to bring fairness back to women's sport s? >> we talked about it on your show before, stuart. what we need to see unfortunately is women conceding the. saying i'm not going to compete
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against a boy. it's a sacrifice someone has to make. i'd love to see the adults in the room, coaches and parents and love to see them willing to step up and defend their athletes, defend their daughters in many cases, that's certainly something that's been lacking, but so much of this battle has fallen on the shoulders of young girls and women. women like myself. i know it's easier said than done and i know it's not easy to say, i'm going to make this compromise. i've worked hard but i'm not going to compete. i one willing to do that when i was faced with it, but i will tell you now understanding the trajectory of where we're going, what's at stake if i was faced with this again, i certainly wouldn't compete against a boy. stuart: i want to make the point, we're not being unpleasant towards the trans athletes but saying it's not in the interest of fairness. you're not casting dispersions on anybody or nastiness, you just want fairness. >> that's the whole argument. we're standing for something and women and privacies in areas of undressing and transparency and
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that's what we're standing for. not standing against anything. not saying that trans athletes shouldn't play. there's a place to compete where it's safe and fair and that's the category that lines with your sex. stuart: quickly, there's a school district in maryland fighting to end a policy which allows schools to conceal children's gender identity from their parents and the supreme court won't hear this so the school can continue to conceal the child's gender identity. where are you coming from on that? >> this is bye bye bying increasingly common among our federal courts. we've seen it in the fourth district court of appeals and tenth district court of appeals and what the federal courts are doing is they're saying we don't have the merits to rule on this. we don't have the -- they're advocating responsibility. they're not shooting the cases down because of their merit. they're just saying it's not really up to us right now. we saw it recently in wyoming. the tenth district court of appeals, sorority, kappa kappa
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gambler gamma and would redefine the word woman and has multiple definitions and unquestionably not defined as what she said and definition of so broad that it could include cisgender men as women she says. the tenth circuit court of appeals. stuart: i don't know what you do with that. >> i know, they said they can't rule on this at the time. stuart: there's a book, swimming against the current. >> i sure do. stuart: a 30 second pitch. >> gosh, how crazy is it now to be able to add author to my many titles so what a fun process to write this book and it is a more in death penalty account as to -- in depth act to what we faced at national championships and broader picture here. we spend a lot of time talking about gender ideology movement and harm and severity it caused. but what's -- stuart: are you on a crusade? >> i am and have been for the
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past two years and i'll continue fighting for it and it's a lot bigger than not being able to hold the trophy and bigger than that young girl we saw in the beginning of the segment not standing atop the podium. we're denying objective truth and that's a scurry thought. if we are willing to again, stemming from the tippy top of federal government not be able to define men and women, there's no limits. stuart: okay. defying octoberive truth, that's the -- objective truth, that's the stands out for me. riley, thank you. come back any time you'd like. >> give you swim lessons next time. stuart: ladies and gentlemen, i cannot swim. i never learned to swim and riley offered to teach me for free. i might take her up. here's the varney final hour trivia question, you may not play in this one. memorial day was initially established to honor the fallen from which war? revolutionary, civil war, world war i or world war ii? the answer when we return. we shall be back.
11:56 am
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12:00 pm
ashley: i will go with world war ii, number 4. >> i will go biggest loss of life, number 2, the civil war. stuart: i will go world war i. i was going to say the holiday was first established in 1868, originally called decoration day, memorial day came right after the civil war, you often get it right but you never look it up, do you? i looked it up once and got it wrong. 711, which letter is not capitalize? i looked not time is up for me. justifiably. 321.


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