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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 22, 2024 9:00am-10:01am EDT

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maria: welcome back. 30 minutes before the opening bell sounds on wall street, take a look at the number, we've got stocks mixed, nasdaq up 4 end points, s&p s&p down 8. nasdaq and s&p hit record highs yesterday. the big story's nvidia. what coyou need to see? >> higher guidance. maria: thank you thank, everybody. great show. right to "varney & company," stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. target has issueded its financial report. it doesn't look good. it's the second largest retailer, and etc. performance suggests -- its performance performance suggests a slowdown in consumer spending. it's another sign the economy is slowing. later today the post important earnings report of them all,
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nvidia. premarket the is stock is holding around $9950 -- 9550 a share. it is up 990% this year. -- 90% this year. today's numbers will have a big impact, watch for some fireworks later on today. politics, another $7 billion worth of student loan cancellations, 160,000 borrowers get a break. this is widely seen as another attempt to buy the youth vote. serious bad news for the biden campaign. a reuters poll shows his approval rating falling to just 36%, lowest in 2 years. on handling the economy, trump is 10 points ahead. his campaign, biden's campaign, desperate to change his image, but they're having a hard time. today his staff had to make nine corrections to the speech he gave to the n if aacp in detroit. to the markets, a miles per hour pullback for stocks -- miles per hour pullback for stocks -- minor pullback. bitcoin trading around $70,000 per coin.
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the precise quote is -- wait for it -- there you go,, it's at $can 69,750. interest rates little changed, the 10-year is up a little bit, the 22-year around 4.86, 4.87 to be precise. gold going down, but it's holding above $240an ounce -- 2400 an ounce. oil at $77. gas actually going up one cent, regular at $3.61. diesel, no change, $3.90. all right, on the show today the fbi is authorized to use deadly force in the raid on trump's home at mar-a-lago. they were looking for documents trump took from the white house. the fbi say they did nothing unusual. senator elizabeth warren goes after big food. the senator demands a task force to investigate if grocery store chains which she says are engaged in price fixing and price gouging. this is how the heft explains
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inflation. it's all the fault of of big pharma, big oil, big food and big business. we might take issue with that a little later. wednesday, may 3232 end, 2024. "varney & company" is about to begin -- may 2 22nd. ♪ ♪ and a i'm free, free falling ♪ stuart: i'm singing. i love the song. the the great tom petty as we look out on sixth avenue. >> he was great. stuart: the he was. >> definitely missed. lauren: it's an uplifting song, to me, but the news is not, of what's free falling. target shares. [laughter] stuart: here we go. we've got to start with target after that introduction. all right, lauren, take us through the numbers, nod -- not good. lauren: there is weakness in discretionary spending, think home furnishings, and they're lowering prices on 5,000
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essential items like toothpaste. so where does the profit come from in target's latest sales fell3 %, their same-store sales fell 3.if 77, and target expects them to be flat to up 2% on the year. so that is cutting a prior forecast. the consumer is weaker, point blank, and there is this bifurcation in the market. if you look at businesses, the ones that a cater to a lower income consumer like fast food jack in the box, for the year that stock is down 35%. chipotle, higher income if consumer, up 38. ditto for retailful target up 999% this year, but -- 9% this year with but walmart is up 24% year. stuart: tells you a lot about the state of the consumer, does it not? thanks, lauren. let's get to politics. democrat strategist james carville wants president biden to stop complaining about the media's coverage of his age. watch this. >> i do think the president has to deal --, the age issue is
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suffocating him. he needs to bring up that he's only 4 years older than trump. he's got to turn it around. they need to quit complaining about the times covering his age. that's a waste of time. don't do that. talk about how you're going to change people's lives and if make it better. stuart: all right. todd piro with us this morning. what do you make of that? >> i agree with everything he said there except that biden needs to point out that he's only 4 years older than donald trump, because the number is irrelevant. it's how he behaves. stuart: right. >> i apologize, i probably should have checked with the price, some of the wild things that joe biden said to the n if aacp. when i was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic. he was not vice president. i'm humbled to receive the organization. it was an award. it's truly in -- lauren: that was on telefronter. >> that was the on teleprompter. stuart: nine corrections. >> that's three of the nine. he then went to talk about after
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i signed the -- [inaudible] into law. it sounds like we're joking, but we're not. the leader of the free world needs to be able to form a cogent sentence, and the fact that he can't is resonating with people because they know how important the position is, stu. stuart: you heard this one, a new poll if reuters, his approval rating, the president's approval rating has fallen to just 36.. that is the lowest in almost two years. >> you talk better when you have an opportunity to talk. unfortunately for him, things don't get better with age unless they're a wine. except for you, stu, but the overall point is he is not getting better, he is getting or worse. and that's why the decision to debate was made with his heart, it wasn't made with his head. he basically wants to have a battle with trump because he hates trump. he is going to get shellacked by it no matter, arguably, the medications he may take to put himself in a better position. it's going to be bad, stu, because he cannot hold up when he doesn't have a prompter. and and unlimited resources.
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stuart: lauren wants to get into this. lauren: i almost feel like trump should do very little, not be the attack dog and let biden -- stuart: implode? lauren: basically. nine errors when he's on teleprompter? just let him show what he's made of. >> great point. stuart: donald trump's going to hold a campaign event in the south bronx tomorrow night, part of new york city and, lauren, that venue where it's going to be, that's either adjacent to or very close to -- lauren: very close. district 14 and she admits to the problems. watch here. >> how do you think he'll be received? >> i mean, i'm not going to be surprised if he's going to bust in a lot of his pals -- bus in a lot of his pals from long island and jersey and wherever. i hope they pay a nice, hefty congestion tax. i hope that they contribute to the revenues of knight and fund -- can of new york city and fund our public schools through
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the their tourism to the belongs. lauren: schools not good, tourism down and then she's insulting trump voters, but is she willing to accept some of those voters might be warming up to a republican? trump? stuart: she was nonchalant ther- lauren: completely. stuart: dismissing it. lauren: because she won her districtly -- by 70 of the vote is. but they're not taking in into account that people might have changed. they're up for re-election in november. are they going to pull their same numbers? i doubt it. they'll win but not by that much. sorry. stuart: we love politics and so do i. you know, i'm very interested in money as well. the markets this morning, this is before the opening bell, we're down 90 on the dow, up a tiny fraction on the nasdaq, that's it. please show me nvidia because they report after the closing bell this afternoon. this is the big one. probably of the year, actually. nvidia are at 9577 right now.
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michael lance berg joining us, he covers this. do you think nvidia is still undervalued at $95 to -- 950 a share? >> i do, stuart. if you look out a couple years, they're going to make $35-40 a share, it certainly is. i'm looking at the growth rate of nvidia, let's say it's trading at 30 times, 32 times next year's earnings and it's growing at 30, 40, 50%, the s&p's trading at 222 times and it's going -- 22 times and it's going to grow at 8%. i'm not saying buy it today, but wall street's undervalued the stock for a long time. stuart: so where dowpg it's going? it's 957 now, it reports in a few hours. where to in the next couple of months? if. >> couple of months, i can't tell you the couple of months. i just look at the trend and say, okay, if they're going to make $25 a share, 35, 40, why is it not a 12, 13, 1400 stock?
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stuart: okay, so should nvidia be a base holding of anyone's portfolio as a almost investment? buy it and hold that thing? what do you say? >> absolutely. ined vid ya now has -- nvidia now has become like this next five years the apple where everybody owns it. i think you need to own it. it basically is the benchmark of a.i., all things are going to sprout from it. i think you also need to own other a. i. stocks, but nvidia's one of those core holdings like apple was five years ago, i think nvidia is now. stuart: okay. big picture for a second, put nvidia aside. you say investors should be prepared for higher for longer interest rates and inflation if. that sounds like a big negative to me. >> well, unfortunately, i don't know if it's negative if or positive. it's t truth. if we've seen -- powell's been talking about innation's going to come down. -- inflation's going to come down, it hasn't. we're seeing it reaccelerate in certain parts.
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commodity prices are going up, homeowners insurance prices are going up. in fact, actually, core services number, the highest it's been in 12 months this last month if over 5%, shelter's going up. so it's the reality. investors need to look at that and say, okay, where am a i, where do i need to invest for the market i have, not for the market i want, and you need to have some things that are going to be there for inflation. stuart: okay, got it. thanks very much, michael. we're just getting this coming at us, the rnc headquarters in washington, d.c. have been evacuated. the building is on lockdown. fox has confirmed that hasmat is on the site. we'll bring you details as we get them. new documents revealed the biden authorized the use of deadly force during the fbi's raid on mar rah a lag bow -- mar a rah a lag go. ireland, norway, spain spain, they're recognizing a
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palestinian state. maybe israel's winning militarily, but is it losing the diplomatic battle? retired lieutenant general keith dell cog -- keith kellogg gets into it next. ♪ ♪
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the coast of gaza facing major with security challenges. trey conviction in tel aviv. -- trey yingst in tel aviv. with what security challenges, trey? >> reporter: yeah, stuart, good morning. nearly 230 days into the war, there are major aid distribution challenges making this job nearly impossible inside if gaza. we do know this $320 million pier that was constructed off the coast of gaza a by the americans is now operating, and since the project became active last week more than 50569 -- 569 tons of aid have been delivered to gaza. however, that aid is sitting at a staging area due to distribution issues. right now new pathways for if aid distribution are being exe motheredded by both the u.s. and the u.n. >> there have been discussions between the u.s., israel, united nations as well as joint efforts to identify alternative routes for the safe movement of staff and cargo.
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>> reporter: the u.n.'s world food program is pushing back against the characterization that money of of the aid has been distributed but does acknowledge that much of it was intercepted by hungry palestinian civilians including 11 trucks that were stoppedded on their way to a warehouse this week. [inaudible conversations] >> translator: we came here with the hope that the pier, we will get the american aid. we have waited from 1:00 until thousand. we are waiting for the american aid, but we didn't get anything. pleasure. >> reporter: it's not just northern gaza suffering from these distribution issues. the u.n. announced this week they are suspending aid distribution can in the southernmost city of rafah pa amid security concerns. stuart. stuart: thanks, trey. ireland, spain and norway have announced that they will recognize a palestinian state. that's a quite a break. retired lieutenant general keith kellogg joins me now. would it it be true to say that israel is winning militarily but losing diplomatically and becoming increasingly isolated?
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>> yeah, stuart, thanks for having me. lack, this is a problem that's actually helped by our inaction, president biden's inaction, reaching out to allies saying don't go there. it makes no sense to have a palestinian state. it's not going to happen. you look at taiwan which is a democratically-elected country and you've got 23 million people, and we don't recognize them as a state. then you go to palestine which has less than 2 million, is governed by a terrorist organize, hamas if in gaza, and then you go if to the west bank and it's also a run by a terrorist organization, the palestinian front, and then to you go you want these people to actually have a state? it makes absolutely no essence. and, oh, by the way, the reality on the ground is it's not going to happen. the israelis won't let it happen, and the allies around that air a lawyer aren't going -- area aren't going to let it happen as a well. i think the president should pick up the phone and say that is the really a dumb move, and maybe we ought to rethink our relations with you as well
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because what you are doing, you are saying point-blank you are recognizing a terrorist state that is led by a terrorist government, and it's the knot going to fly. it's absolutely foolishing stuart. stuart: let's move to to the military side of things. are the israelis about to take rafah? >> yeah, i think they are, and i think it's a good idea because they've got to close it out, basically. they've got to reduce the hamas if battalions that are in there, and this is only four really left that's there. they've not to go in, and if they're already in there. and they're doing, honestly,, a pretty good job, stuart, of careering the area -- clearing the area. the next step's going to be what happens next. but you asked the question are they actually losing -- fighting, winning the war but losing the public relations side of the house, and your answer is, yeah ors it's kind of on the fence. that's where i go back and say this is where the united states needs to stand up to the whole world and say we're with israel, full stop. don't go any further than that.
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just tell their allies, put them on notice, that that's not where we're beginning to go in recognizing a palestinian state. they've got to finish the job militarily, and i think they're well on their way. the hard part is what happens next because really all this is going to be is the end of the beginning. then the follow-on and i constitute gaza as well. stuart: you with don't expect president biden to pick up the phone and call the prime ministers of these countries and say it ain't gonna happen that, the whole world's got to stand firm with -- that's not going to happen is it, general? >> no, stuart, it's not. i know that's not going to happen. it's what probably president trump would have done, he would have picked up the phone and said we're going if to talk this thing through -- stuart: so it just ebbs tends -- [inaudible conversations] you're now talking about a palestinian state, you're extend thing the problem. wishful thinking, yeah, they're going to have a state, that extends the problem, doesn't it? general, i'm sorry, we're with out of time. i do apologize. i let myself run on here. general, come back and see us
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again soon, thanks so much. texas senator ted cruz, todd, things got kind of tense, didn't they? >> yeah, they a did. i think we should just roll the tape. take a listen. >> no one, starting with president biden, has done more to make sure they have what they need to defend themselves from hamas to deal with the threat -- >> all due respect -- >> no, that's simply wrong. >> -- that's ludicrous. that is ludicrous. why have you cut off weapons to israel then? if this administration, you and president biden, funded the october 7th attacks by flowing $1000 billion to a homicidal, general sidal regime that funded those attacks. >> that statement is profoundly wrong. it's a disgraceful statement. >> you funded our enemies and you undermine our friends, and the world is much, much more dangerous as a result and americans are at greater jeopardy because of it. >> there you have it. the munitions package if hat biden administration pausedded
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contained 1800 large scale bombs and 1700 smaller because they were concerned those bombs could be used in densely-populated areas in gaza including after pa. stuart: quickly, check futures, a little bit of red ink on the screen. the opening bell is coming up and, look, the there you have the dow down 84 points. that's in advance of the opening bell. first, though, take a look at this, please. fleet week kicking off in new york city. the first ship is coming in right now. that is an amphibious assault ship from norfolk, virginia. ain't she beautiful? ♪ ♪ ♪
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your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit stuart: all right, preeting and and updating the rnc headquarters in d.c. evacuated and the building was on lockdown. the capitol police just cleared the suspicious if package, and the hazmat trucks have left. got it. check futures, please, we've got three and a half minutes to go til the opening bell. dow off maybe 70. eddie ghabour is with us today. nvidia reports after the bell. now, you own it. do you plan on buying more?
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>> we do, stuart. nvidia is the most important name in the market. i don't think we can get semis to take the next leg are up without the best of breed name like nvidia moving. so we have about a 3% position in our tactical advantage, we're going to double that position especially if we get a dip postearninging. selfishly, i hope we do get a dip postif earnings. beth thing for that stock is a muted move up or down, but we're not awe grade to go big. stuart: let's go through this because around 4:00 eastern time this afternoon nvidia releases the raw numbers looking backwards. when hose numbers are released, the algorithms will react and you've got some type of movement inspect stock price, could be very -- movement in the stock price. that's what we're going to see this afternoon, right? >> absolutely. and guidance is the most important thing. you've seen these stocks move 6-8% after guidance the next day, so tomorrow's going to be an exciting day, hopefully a
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great opportunity for a lot of investors. stuart: now, where do you see nvidia going eventually? i mean, not in the next couple of hours or day, eventually. where does it go? >> the reason why we're going to double our position is i think you could see a 20% move in this name, and it's hard to predict its exact price, but between $11000-1200 by the end of summer because i think with the fed, we have a goldilocks movement moment here short term for the market, and your best of breed names and these high flyers in the semiconductor space should be the leaders. this is why we want to be in there as well as some of our inflation hedges that we have on for clients. stuart: if you're right about nvidia and it goes up significantly, does that drag other big techs up as well? >> absolutely. i think you'll see a broad-based rally in the other big tech names, but i think you'll see the names line nvidia lead -- like nvidia are lead the way and the semiconductors be the leader
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leaders over the next 22-3 months. it's a great set is up -- stuart: you'll be glued at 4:00, i'm sure, to all the numbers. >> absolutely. stuart: you probably won't trade immediately, will you? unless there's a big dip. >> i hope we get a big dip. [laughter] stuart: thanks very much for joining us. great having you with us, eddie. let's transfer our attention to wall street i now where the opening bell is about to ring. we've got about 10 seconds to go. ring that bell -- lauren: it's nvidia morning. stuart: 10 seconds before the actual market opens they ring the bell. lauren: and you have to clap really hard help you're ringing on the podium for 10 seconds. my palms hurt -- stuart: we did that this, remember? we're open and the dow has dropped just a fraction, down .07%. more losers than winners among the cow 30, that's what i -- dow 30, that's what i can see from here. the s&p 500 opening -- well, very little change, put it like that.
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s&p 500 is down one-tenth of 1%. the nasdaq composite, that is pretty flat to slightly higher, up 8 points at 16,840. check big tech, please, we always do this. we've got meta, amazon and microsoft up. microsoft just hitting $430 there. apple down a little, only 16 cents lower. all right, let's get back to target. that stock is tumbling. it's opened, it's tumbling. lauren are, what was the big problem? lauren: traffic is down at their actual stores. on line sales rose. saving grace, first increase in a year, that's your good news. the bad news is management, point-blank, sales and beauty -- sales in buy ifty, food, household items all a down. stock is down 10%. stuart: tjx -- lauren: the ceo says the second quarter is off of to a good start. their profits rose by 22% in the last quarter. stock the's up 4.5%.
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stuart: williams-sonoma, pottery barn? lauren: they own pottery barn and their namesake. they're seeing robust demand for home furnishing, home decor, so that's good. they lifted their annual ownerring margin forecast. that is a big deal. that means their supply chain costs are coming down. maybe eventually that will mean their $7 spatula might only cost $6. nub theless, williams williams snow that if is summering right now -- williams show ma is summering right now. stuart: the the president of justice fuse cause -- accuses apple of monopolizing the smartphone market. that sounds ominous to me. lauren: it's ap an antitrust violation. stuart: that's what they're a working up to. lauren: apple says this is absolutely no merit to this lawsuit or the department of justice, the biden administration's interpretation of antitrust. apple is saying in their letter to the department of justice how are we a monopoly with iphones when we have a major competitor, being google?
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where's the crime, in other words. if is so this is what's considered a first step in filing an eventual motion to dismiss. how this plays out likely plays out in the courts for, in google's case, similar lawsuit, three years. so they're tide up in europe's courts and now in biden's courts. stuart: it's just the idea you'll go after them because you think they've got a monopoly in iphones. that makes no sense to me at all. just interfering with the crown jewels of american business. i don't know why they do it. and then we have google, google search i guess we should say, testing out a change to the a.i.-generated answers. what's the change? lauren: okay. so google's bread and butter is their advertisement business, and when you use with a.i. to answer -- use a.i. to answer a search question, how do you get advertisements in that a.i.-populated result. so, for example, hey, google a.i., how do i get wrinkles out of a shirt? the a.i. will then summarize everything you need to know, put it at so much the question -- top of the form for you and then the supply certain products,
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spray, wrinkle sprays that you can use to get the wrinkles out. so its bread and butter not harmed, it might actually be aided by having those products delivered to meet your search request. stuart: okay. so i can see that a plus for google even though the stock is down -- lauren: they're adapting to a.i. and generative a.i. eventually. stuart: i understand some mcdonald's franchisees are warning the company about the $5 deal -- lauren: it subsidized. how do you sell for $5 a sandwich, french fry ifs, a drink and a 4-piece chick chicken nugget? that's impossible. but mcdonald's knows they have a problem. the consumer is weak, and they're very worried about spending discretionary income if at a fast food chain because it's not cheap anymore. coca-cola came in with some marketing help, they twisted the arms of the franchisees s and they say we'll do it from june 25th-july 25th.
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they don't want to, or they are to -- they have to. their warning mcdonald's, you better do this, we can barely do this for one month. we'll see if it helps traffic. are people going to the buy something extra? if are they feet feeding a family for $10? stuart: i mean, it's obvious, isn't it? if interesting. one more. airbnb and the ev maker chargepoint, they're announced they're teaming up. this is not about those charging stations on highways. this is ab charging in your own home. lauren: yes. so if you lives your home on airbnb, you can get a heavy discount if you install the charge point in your home. air or bnb says, a lot of customers if want to rent homes that have chargers, so they're doing it. partnership. stuart: that's entirely understandable. airbnb with's stock is down a fraction. we have hu lew lemon. that thing -- liu: lemm. mono, that thing is down 5%.
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lauren: their chief product officer is out and will not be replaced. the reason is why. is there something going can on with the products, the items at hulu lemon? they're frequently out of stock, some key colors and prices. is that because demand is so high or they've got can an issue in supply chain? and why aren't they replacing the chief product officer? we don't know. investors concerned. stock's down 5%. some analysts are coming out and cutting price targets on the stock by a lot are. jeffreys says the business has already peaked, and par clay's says what this concern barclays what this does, out with the chief product officer and no immediate replacement, there's no quick fix for lululemon. stuart: what are you going to say? >> i know for one our wardrobe department gave me lululemon if pants just for this upcoming friday when florida's on the plaza so i don't rip my pants -- yeah, they're great pants, you can't rip them. stuart: we're not going to roll that videotape either. >> oh, or you are, every time.
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[laughter] stuart: here's an interesting one. amazon is reportedly upgraigd alexa with a.i. technology. you know thinking more about in? lauren: okay, i have to go to todd -- do you use iowa a lex saw for anything other than than setting -- >> yo -- no, i don't use it for anything. i turn off sirri ors we don't have alexa, none of that stuff. lauren larry use her to set the alarm, and i use her for the weather with forecast. that's it. she's 10 years old. she's not up to speed with all these, you know, chat bots. so reportedly two thing it is are happening, amazon is going to put genre tiff a.i. into with iowa a lex saw -- generative and charge you for i. i don't know how much, but it would be in addition to your $140 a year prime membership. take that. stuart: you're having none of it. >> you're not doing it either, are you in. lauren: that's why i went to you. [laughter] >> i like his sunny spirit.
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[laughter] stuart: let's see what's coming up on this program today. liz peek says it may be time for joe biden to drop out and for kamala harris to step in? good heavens. liz peek, she'll have to explain that one to us at the top of the 10:00 hour. elvis' graceland up for auction? the famous musician 's granddaughter has asked a court to stop the sale. she says it's a cam. the court's decision will come at the top of the hour. closing arguments many in trump's new york criminal trial set for next tuesday. former acting attorney general matthew whitaker was at the trial yesterday. he called it deeply inconsistent with our american system of justice. how about that? whitaker is next. ♪ ♪
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u.s. gold corp, join the golden age. stuart: donald trump's defense team has rested the case in the new york trial. the former president chose not
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to take the stand. bryan llenas is with us. actually,, or he's outside the courthouse. already, bryan, what happens next? >> reporter: stuart, good morning. well, look, we'll have closing arguments next tuesday, then as early as next wednesday we could have jury deliberations. and all of this is happening next week because of the memorial day weekend. that jury sitting out of court for an entire week before they deliberate. judge juan merchan yesterday said he hopes to give the lawyers from both sides final jury instructions by sometime tomorrow. both sides around argued about the jury instructions yesterday. this is the legal road map the jury will follow in their deliberations over whether former president trump is guilty or not. meantime, house republican conference chair elise stefanik formally filed an ethics complaint against judge juan merchan with the new york state commission on judiciary conduct after merchan refused to recuse himself from the case for making a $35 donation to democrats in 2020.
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stefanik if filed this newest complaint alleging judge merchan also has a conflict of interest because his daughter serves as president of a group that represents democratic party politicians and political action committees. new york congresswoman stefanik, a possible trump vp pick, writing in the complaint, or quote: given judge merchan's daughter's clientele and the vast sums of pun that these individuals have -- of money that these vinyls have raised and is there continue to raise off trump's charges, judge merchan's daughter stands to benefit the more legal lille imperilled trump is. trump said yesterday the case should be outright dismissedded. >> it should be dismissed before you even have a verdict. but the judge is extremely -- let's say complicated and and let's also say conflicted. he's complicated and conflicted. nobody's ever seen anything quite like it.
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>> reporter: while there is no court, former president trump is set to have a campaign event in the south bronx tomorrow night. thousands expected to attend. stuart? stuart: got it. thanks, bryan. former acting attorney general matt whitaker joins me now. you were at the trial yesterday. how does the world see new york justice? if whether. >> well, you know, stuart, first of all, good to be with you. you know, new york city, as you know, is nothing like it used to be, and i think one of the reasons is because with -- [audio difficulty] that a puts tremendous resources many prosecuting donald trump and at the same time doesn't do. kind of the smash and grab, nuisance-type cases that would, you know, protect and make new yorkers feel safe, you know? i'm really worried about our american system of justice as we see the former president and what he's having to go through in new york city right now. stuart: look, i've got friends and relatives overseas, and they look at what's going on k ask
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they just call it a circus. which really degrades our understanding of american justice. do you go that far? >> yeah. well, it is a circus. and, unfortunately, in the trying to affect an election, the left has pulled out this lawfare trick that, you know, starts in new york city and flows through the department of justice. you know with, or matthew coangelo, or one of the main prosecutors in this case this in new york city, comes straight out of the biden administration, the number three at doj. and i think that we have to be better, we need statesmen and stateswomen on both sides the speak out existence this abuse of our legal system. stuart: new court documents show the administration authorized the use of deadly force during the fbi's raid on mar-a-lago back in ought of 2022. was that -- in august of 2022.
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was that necessariesome. >> yeah, it was completely unnecessary. the department of justice has been very cheer at least through many years that you use the least intrusive means of obtain thing evidence, and in this case they used a very aggressive means of executing a search warrant, telling their officers that they were authorized to use lethal a force. you know, i was with the president yesterday when he found out about this story, and obviously was also around the secret service yesterday. and the thought that federal law enforcement would be drawing down on each other, you know, is a frightening proposition. you know, my if friends and former colleagues in federal law enforcement are the best of the best, you know in they would obviously deconflict any situation, and the fact that the fbi use views the secret service as potentially hostile the them, i think, just shows you where this department of justice is coming from and their attitude toward donald trump. stuart: matt whitaker, thanks
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for joining us on a very important subject. we appreciate it i all. >> the good to see you, stuart. thank you. stuart: todd piro with me. a lot of people think that the end result of this trial will be a hung jury. how about that? >> if i had to bet,, that's where i would go for this simple reason: forget about the case, or forget about everything we've heard so far. if you were to find 12 random people in manhattan, yes, most of them will not like donald j. trump. but i have to think there are at least one if not two people who are, like, okay, i can tolerate him. and i have to think under this assumption that those people would consider everything that has been presented and say this is not adding up, and there is reasonable doubt. that phrase has been lost so far in this trial. stuart: real fast. if there's a hung jury, do they have to go back and figure out if they want to retry it over again or just walk away? >> they do have to decide. my people that the know that office say they won't try the it again because it won't lead to
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their desired effect which is keeping donald trump off the campaign effect because of the retry, say they -- they say it wouldn't happen until 2025. stuart: coming up, senator warren has declared war on big food. she says giant grocery store chains and giant food producers raise prices toed pad their profits. this is how the left explains the inflation they themselves created. that's my take, top of the hour. you don't need to wait until a warm summer day to enjoy the water. indoor water parks are popping up all over. of madison alworth will show us why these parks have become new vacation hot spots. that's next. ♪ i'm gonna soak up the sun -- ♪ i'm gonna tell everyone to lighten up ♪
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families love is it's always 84 degrees. so if it's raining or snowing or way too hot, you can always be inside and enjoying these rides. and so much so that they're expanding. they're adding three the new locations so by next year 90% of america will be within a 4-hour drive of great wolf lodge. i'm here with brian. that driving aspect, how important is it to your key demographic? >>ed madison, so critical for our guests because as a father of young children, there's nothing worse than spending a bunch of money on air travel, complicated logistics only to find out that more nature doesn't cooperate or you get the dreaded i'm bored. that's certainly not what families experience at great wolf. they come for a care-frees cape to spend that quality time together as a family. super critical to be close and have that vacation start right away when you land. >> reporter: right. if you think about a family of four or five having to buy airfare, taking that off the table, it definitely helps. you're expanding in hospitality
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at a time when others are struggling to hire, so how are you able to fill the employee positions here and at new parks that you're adding? >> yeah, important question because what we've learned is when somebody's ready and looking for a job, they don't want that in three or four weeks, they want it now. so we've implemented a number of a.i.-enabled digital hiring tools to be able to meet people where they are especially for our parks, a lot of guests experience -- these are people who might have their first job. so we've actually been able to reduce that time to hire down from three to four weeks down to nine days. i super or critical also as we're thinking about opening those three new locations, we're going to hire up to 500-1,000 members for those locations in naples, webster, texas, and outside of connecticut. >> reporter: guy, i was able to check out the slide here. it's behind me, it's the yellow one. it's got a 2-story drop right off the top so, obviously, when the team said that i could come a little early and and check out some of the rides, i wasn't
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going to pass that up. i'm not in the key demo of 2-12, but with i still had fun. [laughter] stuart, back to you. stuart: what an assignment you just had. well done. see you again soon back in the studio. todd, thanks very for joining us. still ahead, martha maccallum on biden's approval rating falling to just 36%, the lowest in 2 years, doc siegel on cheaper ozempic drug, and former detroit chief of police james craig on biden's divisive speech to the naacp. the sock hour is next -- the 10:00 hour is next. ♪
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neil: stuart: an easy call by the producers, what you are looking at is it starts today in new york city, all kinds of navy


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