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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 30, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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if there's a conviction, what happens? the mark i think markets crash tomorrow if there's a conviction but they will bounce back because even if they put donald trump in jail, i think the american people will vote him into the white house right out of the new york city jail. it's an outrageous trial. >> if this conviction, you think -- i think the market will do very badly. i think we will see at least 2% drop. >> i want to thank you. stephen miller and lydia hu, thank you much, a surprised comment from the jury that they have reached a verdict, we thought they were dismissing at 4:30 p.m., that was a half-hour ago. turns out they had a verdict, they haven't come in yet, they are about two. intense situation in the courtroom. coverage continues now with liz mcdonald. >> thank you so much. a historic day, the jury in the new york trump trial reached a
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verdict. let's get to lydia hu lived at the courthouse with the action. what is happening now? >> right now we are standing by from inside the courtroom. it should be about ten to 15 minutes and we could start getting updates about the status of the verdict meaning what it is, what this jury of 12 people, seven men, five women, what they decided to be the fate of donald trump and the outcome of this case. it was around 4:38 p.m. this afternoon that the judge notified everyone that we have a verdict and that time he asked for an additional 30 minutes so they could complete paperwork so that's what we are standing by for updates. we hear from producers inside the courtroom among press that it is very quiet, all kind of waiting on pins and needles for what we have been waiting for
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after this week trial. >> come back to us immediately when the verdict is reached. sit tight, we will need to come back to you. joining us now, francey and u.s. attorney guy lewis. thank you for joining us. the jury reached a verdict in the new york trial against former president trump. what you think it is? >> i am hopeful it is not guilty because not is the verdict they saw in evidence however, frankly, they are back today without additional questions and without additional deliberations so like everybody else i'm sitting on pins and needles hoping and praying the jury d does. >> is in this one business records count blown up to 34 counts, do you see reversible errors here in case there is conviction? what did they appeal on?
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>> the errors in this case are as biggest sky. you could drive a train through it. there are eagle errors, factual errors. this judge beginning with conflicts, beginning with rulings made prior to trial court during trial, jury instructions, i'm telling you almost 100100 jury trials, big ones, i've never seen a case that got so much legal and factual error built into it. >> what is the biggest one box mimic the jury instructions. our laws based on unanimous verdict. to know what the charges are. it's got to be unanimous when the judge gave this smorgasbord mcdonald's either big. >> or mcnuggets or fish sandwich
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to decide what the underlying clouds are, it is three strikes and you're out. that's reversible error. >> let's cut to sam do we sit tight, we welcome back to you. sam do we, for congressional investigator. you've been watching the court system for years, should americans be concerned or scared near new york state prosecutors could take estate misdemeanor of business records charge whose statute of limitations expired seven years ago and turned back into 34 felonies for each check in each piece of paper next overload strategy 34 felonies, it is judicial and includes federal campaign violation new york state has been the zero authority to prosecute, what you think? >> americans should be terr terrified. what should happen in a case like this, meat and petito's
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time if you charge a former president and judge should bend over backwards to show the americans not only was just done but the american people just appeared to be done. they didn't do that here, they didn't even try that here. they know this conviction, if it's a conviction would be reversed on appeal and they don't care if they just don't care. think about that. when you are a prosecutor, you should be trying the case because you believe in it you believe the person is guilty, they should be accountable this team knows if there's a guilty verdict it will not stand up on appeal. they have to know it and they just don't care and that terrifying. >> what you say as they walked conviction, we are awaiting the verdict in the trunk new york trial, they want to conviction to go into the election saying
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trump convicted, we don't know yet but with the verdict about to be read, it's basically sheer volume of the 34 counts alone still built. that's what seems to indicate, it feels and provides, jerryrigged and ad hoc. it feels dirty and tyrannical. >> one 100%. for someone to proceed that way, they've allocated the role as a prosecutor, they advocated the role as a judge and a fair-minded federal justice department would be sitting there thinking is there conspiracy to violate civil rights? it is so transparent they are not acting as a prosecutors and he's not acting as a judge. >> go ahead. >> he's acting as an activist sanction the the jury walked back into the courtroom talk to
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read the verdict. we'll have to cut back to lydia hu in a second let's go back n now. when you see action in the court right now what is former president donald trump, what is his parents? >> ordinarily on the former president is in the courtroom, he sitting defense counsel table and attorneys todd blanche on one side along with other members of esteem and many days when i'm in there, he's , stoic. generally meaning back in his chair and seems to be generally at peace. there are a few occasions it seems he shows emotion and expresses frustration perhaps encounters between his defense team and judge -- >> go ahead, tell us the cha
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charges. >> the first verdict we are getting now is guilty. let me get caught up your. >> guilty on the first? >> we are up through one through 12, 13 all guilty so far and i do care erection from the park over my left shoulder, people are plotting. fourteen, 15, 16 guilty. seventeenth guilty. these are accounts i am reading. count 18 guilty. nineteen guilty. so far, all guilty counts one through 20 of this 34 count indictment guilty up to 21, 22 all guilty so far. counts one 22 guilty. twenty-three, 24 still coming in 25, making our way to 34 counts. twenty-six guilty. twenty-seven guilty and i continue to hear eruptions from
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the park. people, it sounds like a mix of laws and maybe people expressing they are not happy. guilty up to 29. thirty, 31, 32 guilty on all counts and this historic trial, the first criminal prosecution of the u.s. president counts one through 34 of this historic indictment here in new york city guilty on all counts. business records felony charges documents relating to checks, invoices and ledger injuries on former president donald trump. >> sit tight, terrific reporting. we will come back to you in a second. let's get back to former bridal prosecutor francey, for her reaction. the president found guilty of falsifying business records in
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the first degree, all 34 counts. what is your reaction? >> this is a travesty of gargantuan historic proportions because from the jump in this case, it was unconstitutional, unconstitutional when charges were proximal donald trump was not given notice of what the secret felony was that he was charged with. we only found out what the secret felony was two days ago and the prosecution was allowed by the judge to bring in evidence and any other federal court in this land would have been strictly prohibited from bringing in. also, i can easily predict this case will come back on appeal on a variety of reversible error issues because judge has made error after error after error this case was never about justice or bragg, never about justice the judge, this was calling donald trump a convicted felon, possibly throwing him in jail making sure he does not get
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elected this year. it is as the president, former president said many times election interference on a scale we've never seen before and i am not surprised but still shocked. >> we are waiting for former president trump to possibly make a public statement. what do you think is the biggest reversible error here? >> i think it top starts from the beginning and that is the indictment itself because the indictment itself is not get the president notice and the constitution requires the defendant be given notice of charges he's being tried for so he can properly prepare a defense. he wasn't given notice of the charges until after his attorneys have already made closing arguments so there's nothing fair about the indictment or the course of the trial with respect to normal due process protections the constitution provides the defendant so he and his
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attorneys can properly prepare defense. that is the first problem i see with many problems in this. >> we are not going to go to hans von spakovsky for his reaction. former president trump guilty on all 34 counts in new york trial against him. what is your reaction? >> i have the same reaction, this is a travesty, miscarriage of justice. this was a phony prosecution from the beginning and for this jury, think about how many weeks is trial with on and witnesses came in and in a very short time the jury was out, they decided he was guilty on all 34 charges? this is damage to the reputation of the american justice system like we've never seen. i have a colleague that just got back from a conference overseas
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and reaction of people there united states has now got to be the country's where they are from using law enforcement powers to go after political opponents and i think that is exactly what happened here. >> was the underlying federal campaign violation? did we ever find that out? >> there was nothing in the original indictment about any kind of federal campaign violation. they kept saying the legal expenses which is what listed in the business records should have been campaign related expense, a payment made to stormy daniels but as brad smith would have testified applied by the ftc, this was not a campaign related expense. there is no question about that so for this jury to say oh yeah, he violated federal campaign
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finance laws and justifies the underlying verdict, that is an egregious mistake the court of appeals in new york when they get this case, they ought to reverse this almost immediately because of this and so many other mistakes made in this c case. >> how many mistakes? >> i lost count of how many errors were made by this judge and the prosecution. the judge let in all kinds of irrelevant 11 evidence that has no bearing of charges on the president but obviously there to blacken the character of donald trump. if the judge shouldn't have even been on the case. he should have recused himself because of his personal family dealings, his daughter's involvement in making political contributions and violation of the ethics rules in new york. so many mistakes and errors made
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i don't see how the court of appeals could not overturn this verdict. >> was turned to by mcdonald was a monica probably? former assistant secretary for public affairs and the trump white house monica, your reaction to the building guilty verdict? >> i don't think it's a surprise given what we have seen over the last couple of months as the case really developed. they brought the case and a deep blue city and the new state so they knew what jury poll was going to be composed of an you have had a conflict judge with deep corruption with his family being enriched to the tune of tens of millions of dollars so the entire process has been extremely tainted on top of the fact that was never a crime. there is no crime wave approve, no evidence to prove any crime but the underlying or top line crime so nothing to the case at
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all, a fake crime and fake case and clearly clearly political so they wanted to achieve what they have today which is a guilty verdict on the former president of the united states so joe biden and democrats can show to the american people, do you really want to vote for convicted felon? that was the entire thing for this case. not from a low level possible misdemeanor of something entered into an accounting ledger, have nothing to do with that and it had everything to do with the outcome the 2024 election, totally political. i will tell you the political fallout is going to be something the left and democrats will not be able to contain so if they thought all of this would generate backlash against president trump poll numbers will move away from him, we seen the last year end a half, the exact opposite as this law fair
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has been. i will tell you right now, this series of convictions against donald trump is probably good for another five pulling points in favor of donald trump. >> going to call out to my team, please show pbs, npr pulling right now. the majority of voters, democrat or republican, independent said guilty verdict will not change how they will vote in november. julie so full-screen here? shows trump is leading biden among swing voter independence by 12 points, independent voters even if found guilty, more will vote former president trump. monica, your word? >> we seen this throughout the process and certainly since may not trial began where polly market which does the likelihood
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abetting to the likelihood of the presidential winner come november and when the trial started april 15, trump was over biden by one or two points. as a couple of days ago heading into this verdict, trump was leading with the likelihood of being the presidential winner in 19 points. the american people see through what a farce and jam this was, what a fake case this was and the political prosecution and moreover, a political persecution this was and they are creating a political murder donald trump creating the exact opposite effect which is that people are rallying to donald trump and have done the impossible. they've turned him into an underdog. >> now the news is coming in sentencing will come july 11. i want to come back to guy le lewis. the judge is going to decide the sentencing.
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conflicted quote biased. can an appellate judge day or suspend the sentencing? >> the short answer, it is possible but i think likely in this case. i think you will see this sentencing go forward and move to continue. they may even move for appeal but got to tell you, your panelists are right on the money. our systems fail us. prosecutors have failed us. the judge has failed us. i was hoping and praying the jury would step up and say bus. can you imagine? have convicted the former president of the united states and false records on michael
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collins testimony. almost hard to believe. >> for president trump is going to make a statement. >> this was a disgrace, corrupt. rigged trial in a disgrace. we were 6% in this area. this is a rigged disgraceful trial. the real verdict is going to be november 5 by the people and they know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here. we have the da and the whole
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thing, i am an innocent man. it's okay, i am fighting for our constitution. our whole country is rate right now. this was done by the biden administration to move to a political opponent and it is a disgrace. we will fight until the end because our country has gone to hell. we don't have the same country anymore. we have a mess. we are a nation in decline. millions of people pouring into our country right now from prisons and mental into stations and terrace and taking over. we have a country in big trouble this is rate right from day one look at judge the should never have tried this case and we will fight for our constitution.
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thank you very much. [inaudible] >> i was former president trump speaking out in the new york trial. byron donald, what you think? >> this is a disgrace flat. a disaster for the country and for the city of new york in new york state. disaster for america. you cannot have a prosecution when they come up with your indictment not even telling you what the underlying crime is. the whole trial that would identify the crime and the only time they do is in closing arguments when the defense has already made their causing arguments that is a travesty. there's a reason why we have constitutional protections to adjudicated in the court of law.
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president trump has been talking about this judge, a biden donor, his daughter works for democrats, they are highly conflicted. the judges across the country who don't even make a political contribution they don't even go to political offense because they do not want to help themselves seen as being unethical or biased. judge for sean doesn't even care about that. you got the prosecution, they did not even tell you the underlying crime until the very end. this was a total disaster and the democrats now because what is going to happen is people will see this for what it is, political prosecution nothing more, nothing less. the people of america, remember this in november because if they go to the local level to stop and what you think they will do to you to get you to bend a knee to the crazy agenda, failing america?
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>> we showed a college poll, 710 voters including voters who will be voting november say guilty verdict will not vote for including seven out of ten independence. whole is showing trump is leading biden by 12 points swing voter independence. the swing voters other and we have talked to them, what they have said is even before president trump set down in the oval office january 2017, democrats wanted to impeach him. ten counts of impeachment charters against president trump during his term in office even before the impeachment charters were brought john. nancy pelosi, chuck schumer undermine donald trump's presidency from the get-go. lawsuits brought against the trump agenda in court and later leaked tax returns and try to
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stop them from going on the colorado ballot and other state ballots. a massive push back by democrat party like we've never seen before in this country literally that's changed in the past 20 years not the same democrat party this country is used to working with where it is bipartisanship. no longer is it bill bradley, no longer -- bareknuckle wrong politics using the courts to attack political opponents. >> you are right. let's layout the entire fence. in 2016 this is what they made this case out, let's go back to 2016. the democrats never thought donald trump would be beating hiller clinton so when she lost, they lost their minds. from there on, everything has been donald trump. adam schiff running for the united states senate in
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california, a liar when he was ahead of the intelligence community. we can classify into the violation of the espionage act. his entire mission has been think i'm going to be the guy will stand against donald trump but is bigger than that, as to the american people now. we have to be serious what kind of country we are going to be brief democrats lecturing everybody you have to fear republicans because if we run the country, institutions will be destroyed and democracy will be older as we know it but look closely at what we are talking about. a crooked judge and crooked prosecutor, joe biden in the background with his legal team and they have washed it happened it allowed, they have promoted it to happen in the weaponization of the justice department against our political rival. with all that, the same biden administration ignored supreme court rulings a violation of separation of powers.
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they have had on the american people and ignored federal immigration law a violation of federal immigration law in violation of separation of powers. the party of our institutions are the democrat party but they throw this lame case where there is no crime because they can't articulate a crime. they throw out months before presidential election so they can say there rival is guilty. a travesty and a joke, we are better than this and the judges going to do sentencing july 11 so this guy is a political hack of the highest order and wants to do this political sentencing, political sentencing and what to do it july 11 which is four days before the republican national convention in milwaukee. if you thought the democrats were playing politics, you got it right here.
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hollywood couldn't write a script like this, this is disgusting. >> we have monica probably, greg lewis, hans von spakovsky. let's turn to kt mcfarland. your reaction to the guilty verdict here? >> they've elected donald trump president. the other thing is i know president trump and his reaction to things. he looked a little shaken right now but he'll come back fighting and what will happen not only succeeding in electing him but other countries look at us. as a president of the night states you have a lot of stature with foreign leaders and other countries. that's america stands for the right and the good in mexico no. other countries will look at us and say who are you? it feeds into the narrative the chinese president xi jinping and vladimir putin and others
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america's democracy is dysfunctional. democracy doesn't work in the 20% or greater forget americans, a country in decline look to us for the future so if effect. if i am right and donald trump is elected and he comes back stronger than ever what happens to him the international stage is for leaders can look at him and say they threw everything at him, tried to impeach him and try to draw him in jail and try to get everything and he is still standing so even though the impression will be greatly diminished by banana republic show trial will happen is they will look at donald trump is a tough guy so in an audit boomerang way it will make trump personally stronger even though diminished united states. >> what is your reaction to former barack obama advisor
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david axelrod putting out a tweet and a column he wrote for cnn saying it was a bad mistake for the biden campaign to hold a press conference a few days ago 70 of trial saying it's a bad look and they shouldn't have done it? >> it makes the case. foreign leaders look at the united states and say maybe they are not looking at the nuances are campaign violation, they just look at and say the president of the most states is using the justice department to go after his main political and it will given to the white house so clearly a political act in the united states psycho we are not better back, we are probably worse than everybody else. what is just americans especially people sitting on the fence, i don't like the mean tweet but they look at this and
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say what is going on in our country? president of the united states should leading the polls likely the next president of the united states can be torn apart by justice department that used to be impartial but now is clearly working for the democrat party. >> sit tight, who come back to you in a second. let's go to francey higgs what you make of new york republican chevy stepanek sending a letter saying the new york state supreme court system has been pasteurized and conflicted because judge merchan marchant got on the new york trial when he oversaw the trump organization and this deep panic case? >> it's a mystery to me how this happened except politics like this entire case. you have very experienced just on today and everyone is
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expressing shock and dismay because most of us have worked in government and have had a certain amount of faith in the system and works right in the way it's supposed to. i worked my entire career and the jury system and put a lot of people in jail and i've been nothing short of a poll that unconstitutional under political partisan bias shown by the prosecutor and then by the judge your so they lease has good points, i don't know if there is discipline available but he certainly deserves discipline because he should happen recused from the very beginning of the case and went he wasn't, every single decision is made after that is suspect and i don't doubt the court of appeal will say that and say that hopefully soon. though not before the election. >> nondisclosure agreement is legal that's what the deal was with tommy daniels to make back
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payment storm more president made. bill and hillary clinton paid a $50000 to settle the case. maybe to preserve hillary clinton's chances at a future crack at the presidency which she later did but somehow the jury took 55 pages, judge instructions that the judge our to read and somehow came up with a conspiracy charge toward this 34 counts guilty charge so when you hear all that, doesn't make it seem something needs to be done about reforming the new york state justice system? >> i agree with you that it is a travesty. you hit on something great, the prosecution in this case was allowed by the biased partisan judge marchant to use words like catch and kill and conspiracy
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and that was effectively scaring the jury into thinking the case involved a hush money payment scheme somehow unlawful, a conspiracy to adversely affect the election on behalf of trump that was somehow unlawful and none of those things are unlawful and most unlawful of all beyond the notice problem in the indictment was nine unanimous verdict, supreme court justice gorsuch wrote recently in 2020 that it is an absolute requirement in our system that the jury be one 100% unanimous between all 12 of them about every accusation and the judge allowed them to have weird multiple-choice crimes bragg doesn't have jurisdiction over define the president guilty of this case. >> unanimous decisions in the
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bedrock of english common law since the 14th century and that's what the u.s. system was built off of. let's turn to leave forbes for his reaction to former president trump now found guilty on all 34 charges. what you think? >> very bad day for america, bad day for our number democracy. this product has been a travesty from the get-go and unfortunately the real danger is not just donald trump, this will be overturned but the whole political system in america. guardrails have been turned aside and there will be retribution whether it comes from the future republican administration for numerous district attorneys, attorney generals around the country, they will go after the biden family the poisons the whole system because of travesty from the get-go and the real disgrace is the new york bar association from condemning the system get-go. >> what you think joe biden's role in the? many say he's pulling strings
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behind the scenes, what do you think? >> i don't think you can pull the strings on anything but no question. the white house, they coordinated this in the giveaway was the number three person in the justice department give up his job to come to new york for a lesser job to coordinate it. in georgia they visited the white house and other people have visited the white house. this was coordinated from the start and they wanted to harpoon this man and they think they've done it and can still win the election because even though the appeals will come after the election as people marinate on this, they realized this was a travesty from the get-go. the judges are disgrace, the jury got that instruction in a should never have happened. the federal government didn't go after trump on this because i thought i have no case. this was completely manuf manufactured. in our political system is what
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i worry about, they've done a bad thing here. >> we seem to come to a hinge in american history. what you make of the sentencing court days before the republican national convention? >> there you go again, another example of trying to tame the political system trying to get another set of lurid headlines out there as the republicans and nominate for vice president and celebrate the party and wrap up the troops for the battle ahead so again, another example of complete fraud from the beginning. a soviet style show trial it happened in the united states of america, is just appalling. i never thought something like this could happen even if you got a rogue da new york wanting to do it usually are other parties that say no, this is not right. >> let's turn, what do you make of the guilty verdict here?
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interesting former ftc commissioner brad smith was not allowed to testify. the ftc did not take up this case against trump and neither did the justice former manhattan da. what do you think? >> ”-double-low-quote former federal prosecutor, the emotion i have is fear. i am scared to mike or if this is what they can do. this judge had evidence should have been for donald trump in the and evidence that should never have been latin for the prosecution so all the judge did was make sure all mr. trump had but this whole thing was a blindfold and a cigarette and the part that frightens me is if you're political ways are correct, if they see the polls, it is within the judge's discretion to turn around and convict to jail time and bail.
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as the grains me because as we talked about since 2016, the extent we've seen these people go to make sure this president would be never elected or couldn't rule effectively or couldn't stop their agenda or exercise those who voted him into office, there is no reason, i have no cover going forward that they will have a conscious for the judge will decide the best thing to do. >> hans, what do you think the judges sentencing will be? if hans is there. let's turn back to francey, what could the sentencing be? >> it could be up to 100 years apparently although i think the
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guidelines or whatever they use in new york indicate just a few years but i've said all along i think judge merchan entire reason for not recusing himself was so he could sit in the courtroom for the former president in front of him, thunder at him how durable of a person he is and is not above the law and the jury convicted him of serious offenders in order to throw him in jail for a period of time. i really believe he is going to restrict this president's freedom whether it ends up being a custodial sentence or simply ordering house arrest because it is obligated to jail a former president, i'm not sure but i don't doubt he is going to do it. >> i think with got hans back on the line. the former president will likely appeal conviction, how long could that take? could be lengthy or couldn't be
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resolved before election day? >> the new york appeals court should put this on a very fast track the same way the u.s. supreme court but on a fast track. the cases when all of the same groups try to get donald trump off the ballot so voters wouldn't be able to vote for h him. that will be dependent upon the courts and will reschedule they set up but they have an obligation not just to the people of new york but the voters of america to set this on the fastest track possible to get the appeal decided. >> so what is the main.of appeal do you see? jury instruction, what else do you see? >> i think it's everything from the fact that the original indictment did not contain a single mention of any other charges the prosecution brought up that the judge brought up
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from violations of the tax code to violations of federal election campaign loss. a basic violation of substitute due process rights supreme court has said on numerous occasions. there were also numerous errors made by this judge allowing irrelevant evidence that had no bearing whatsoever on the charges brought against him. there are so many errors and mistakes at the appeal. the appeal will be very lengthy. >> by mcdonald how are republicans acting to the guilty verdict against former president trump? >> we are very disgusted. i'm checking the fees of my colleagues, everybody is supportive of president trump
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because what we are watching is wrong, wrong on all levels and counts. we went to the elements of what happened, i won't even call it a trial, it's a phony trial. i will tell you we are going to stand behind our nominee for president trump because the man did nothing wrong here and that is the bottom line and if you leave him out to dry because you are concerned about november, what you will do is feed the demise of our country because we are witnessing the legal system, federal level you know it's already happened with the number three guy over there who left the top job in the lower manhattan, that doesn't happen unless the fix isn't so what we are witnessing is rogue democrats pointing say not just a judicial system but every other aspect of our country and institutions so we will stand behind president trump all the way. >> a lot of voters we've spoken
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to feel like there are too many rhinos, too many week me publicans not ready to do what democrats have done in terms of bareknuckle politics to get what they want so we are dealing right now with, we talked this week about a new yorkers magazine story about how president biden's family has a long history of abusing government contracts dating back to world war i, they were charged with excessive profiteering. we have seen the president has brought on the campaign trail of middle-class joke when you look at the facts, he grew up in a luxury home, he had a product who likes to play polo into highflying lifestyle, lost his job because the government crackdown on world war ii because they found the biden family in their ship business was taking excess profits delivering repairs to ships for
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the navy so the narrative for the middle class joe seems to be falling apart on the campaign trail. when you see the president owning multiple houses, luxury homes see you look right now what is happening outside the jury, when you hear the truth about what is going on with the biden family going back a century of the close links to the government profiteering off the government and now you see the former president donald trump convicted on all charges, does the republican party, are they hearing the waking call? they better, i'll tell you that. we know about the crooked nature of joe biden. there's no way hunter biden and jim biden make millions if they don't take advantage of the fact that joe biden's politics for 50 years. never air force to as far back now as we document in 2014, 15 and going forward.
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hunter biden's ex-wife before she took supposed to testify and gun charge against hunter biden you see the fact that they are crooked and do not care about our institutions, they just like to go on camera and say they do and sound bites and raises how they say the do but what is really happening in america is crazy radical democrats led by joe biden are getting rich on the system taking advantage of working people of america and media covers up for them while they give talking points how they stand for the little guy. that is a joke and the one president last 25 years, 35 years that have stood for the little guy is donald j trump and the entire apparatus of the democrat party made a decision long time ago in 2016 that they can't meet him so they have to go after him. >> kt mcfarland, you heard the
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special congressman by mcdonald so you think it's a wake-up call for the republican party? >> we have talked about this. take the gloves off because these people are willing to shred the constitution willing to open the border and endanger national security, destroy the economy, all in the pursuit of power not just bad guys, they are evil and evil has to be met based on, no more mr. nice guys and the republican party and i urge everyone in congress, investigate everything and take no excuse, take no prisoners. the future of the country is at stake. these people hate donald trump so much and what he stands for which is the little guy as by mcdonald talked about the populace, a guy doing really well under donald trump but
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getting out under under joe biden taken over in school or taken over in the military can't even build for the third of trillion dollars or even function in the middle east yet they hate donald trump so much they are willing to destroy the nation to save it. we have to stand up to these people and it's enough and no one is mr. nice guy. >> would like to turn to monica crews standing by for her reaction. we are looking at a live shot of the former president leaving new york or house. sentencing will come up in a month and a half or so. your reaction to the guilty verdict? >> it is us a disgrace and offensive for all americans that are manhattan judge what not
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allowed the trump defense to bring former chair for the federal election commission who said these charges are not against election law. i think the american people are going to seek through this. it is disgusting and being hispanic myself, we have hispanics who come from latin america where they see the political system used against opponents and when they see a sham trial like this, they do not like it and come november we will see hispanics vote for president trump and republicans because this is not the way america should be. >> reaction from hispanic voters because it makes them feel less safe? >> it makes feel less safe
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because it is not a fair system. you have one political party presidents party going after president trump. the opposition party who is on the ballot in november. these are the things we see in latin america not here in america when people migrate to america, they want a fair system, fair judicial system and what we saw hereby this manhattan jury, judge was a sham and shameful. >> let's turn to congresswoman on all 34 charges in his new york trial. >> absolutely outraged. i am disgusted. i sat on judiciary committee during the impeachment of donald trump and i saw up close and personal how biden and the democrats would do anything to win and this is going to motivate republicans and it is
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motivating me to do everything i can do to make sure president trump wins in number. i think there is going to be a huge turnout. people are upset, enraged and he is going to win and that is the ultimate retribution for this disgusting show election interference. i am so mad i could spit. >> we can hear the emotion in your voice. are you hearing from other republicans? the mark yes. i go out into the public. i am in arizona right now cannot gone to meetings, i went to one last night. they are disgusted and i will tell you, i share their discuss. this is so outrageous when the prosecutor campaigns giving president trump and has a rigged trial and 34 counts in the new york bias area jury, we can't
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stand for this. me is a republican, congresswoman not going to stand for this and we have to battle for the soul of our nation and we are going to win in november and we will win big. >> what is your reaction to reports of the biden campaign all out social media plans donald trump is a convicted felon? >> this is what they have done all along. i am telling you. i stand on the impeachment. these people are ruthless and will do anything and everything. i am totally convinced they will do anything to win and retain power. we cannot let them do that. the american people cannot let them do that. i think trump is going to win the appeal and not only will that help him but help america. i stand with president trump and will do whatever it takes to
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make sure he wins in november to save our country. >> let's turn now to sam do we. we were just talking to guy lewis and francey hicks and we have talked in the past about how he can't count the number of reversible errors they saw in this case that trump could appeal on, do you agree there's countless reversible errors or how many do you see? >> you can't count them and the prosecution knows that. judge merging knows that. he's going to be reversed. we haven't seen this type of trial since lynching in the south. that is how bad this trial is. this is no different than what was done to ed johnson for -- this was not a trial. this was judicial weaponization
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and frankly, you will hear a lot of talk of 241 which was passed on the federal government said what do we do about those types of trials? allows the federal government to prosecute and they did. local das and judges conspiracy valley civil rights in these trials and i think you will see that. >> finish a thought. >> we talk about how conflicted judge merchan is and bragg is, if trump is elected, you heard it here, they will both be arrested for federal civil rights crimes. >> talk to us about the civil rights violations against the former president. >> this is so out of bounds, clearly reversible, so westernized when this was done
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historically be a during the civil rights era or even before when you go this far, it's not a trial, is just the show that can amount to conspiracy to violate civil rights and i'm not saying that is what happened there needs to be an investigation because they do not care the conviction will not stand. this isn't about that i do the right thing as a prosecutor? this isn't about that i apply my best judgment? they know this conviction will not stand. president trump will not go to jail even if he tries because i guarantee right now even if it takes the supreme court and appellate judge will say he has appeal because is likely to be reversed. they know that. the only logical explanation for
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what is going on is a coordinated campaign to smear him and when you do that if you want to talk about is busy, it is conspiracy to violate civil rights. >> let's turn now, sam is saying they purposely brought a sham case to plow through and get a conviction against trump they knew would be reversed on appeal, is that how you see it? the mark sam is right, i have my title 18 in section 241 is conspiracy against rights that requires the prosecution of someone who conspires to oppress anyone in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so what that means is you have the prosecution team and judge in conspiracy to prevent donald trump from
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running for president or at least from winning the election and certainly enjoying the rights and freedoms of a non- convicted felon so the case is a shocking travesty of justice and i can't emphasize enough. even if you are a never trump or trump pater talk you can step back and see that this is all kinds of wrong. his rights were violated right from the time it been handed down until the jury verdict was returned for this unconstitutional, on unanimous verdict and i hope the court of appeals will take up but that won't happen until after sentencing until the entire record is transmitted and that will be up to judge merchan to decide how long. >> that's important. final word from guy lewis and monica crowley if she's there and hans von spakovsky if we can get to it. final word. guy lewis.
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final word on what happened today? >> it doesn't matter whether you love or hate donald trump. what happened today was offensive to the constitution. every single american who loves this country and loves our founding document past, by the way not to restrain americans about the individual. it was passed to restrain the government, to keep the government from acting out of bounds and when you look at t this, take a step back and try to absorb this, how can you not say this is way out of bounds? >> whether you hate or love trump, take out the work trump and you look at the facts and circumstances of what has unfolded in this case, you see civil rights violations and how
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many reversible errors you see? >> to answer that, one question back to everybody who has expressed well-thought-out opinions, how many times in the past has this happened? not one time did the law we all respect trying to live by has to be predictable. it has to be respectable. how can you respect this pro process? this judges opinions? i've never seen anything like this. >> let me get back to sam do we. when you see the judge will deliver sentencing four days before the rnc and you see david axelrod saying the biden campaign should not have held that come press conference outside the new york trial this week putting a mockery of what's
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going on sticking it to donald trump, do you strongly feel joe biden is behind the scenes loading about this? do think he was pulling strings for the stop and? >> absolutely he is gloating and that's what the evidence indicates. it is sad. i'm getting texts from liberal friends, expletives donald trump but the new york trial was a mess. >> monica crowley, hans von spakovsky, byron donald, kt mcfarland, steve forbes, we are going to but now. historic day and turning for america. former president trump convicted on 34 counts sentencing set for july 11. handed over to dagen and sean right now.


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