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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 31, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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bringing onto the show lawyer and legal spokesperson for former president trump. it's good to see you, alina. we got news coming in, what is your reaction to president biden saying that it's irresponsible to say that the new york trump trial and guilty verdict was rate plus he said former president trump had a chance to defend himself, what you say to that? >> it's very convenient from the person that is what the finger pointed at him because it was exactly what he asked for and coordinated. are we surprised? let's be honest, he's deflecting we knew this was happening, we knew he was ready to do the speech the it's
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ridiculous statement to make. >> he's taking a victory lap ignoring questions on this and how can trump legal team appeal and defend against what they don't know what exact crime trump was convicted for? the jury did not indicate what exactly was the underlying law was broken influencing collection plus the jury didn't have to be unanimous. isn't it easier to convict when you strip the defendant other due process rights? >> it's very easy to reverse when you fail to identify what the crime is an fail to have them say you have to select what the intent to cover up what the scheme was. if you look at alvin bragg yesterday, it's most telling he had his narrative set in the truth was, it was false. he said he was guilty of trying
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to effectively deal election in 2016 but that's not true. that's not what he was found guilty of by this jury and frankly, that's what he was hoping the narrative would be but they couldn't find a crime so they gave a slew of options to select from and they said your guilty of one of these four things, he will have to decide which all unanimously but you just have to say there was intent to do some sort of crime. we don't know what the crime is but that is the grounds for the appeal. along with the jury charges in the fact that we can get an expert in along with the fact that we couldn't bring tax information and even though they charged him with attacks crime, who were excluded and precluded from bringing evidence and. the things on appeal are so voluminous and i know they reported on, we will take on that really right away. >> this is just to get the
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statement out there, trumps a convicted felon because they know what they want get overturned. harvey weinstein's conviction was overturned by the new york appeals court but that wasn't until four years later. you plan to go as high as the supreme court? >> if we have to, we will. we have no problem with that. we taken the matters we think are incredibly important to validating and preserving the constitution our country was made on. there work incredible constitutional violations in this whole proceeding including current gag order on meat and the president and anybody who works for him. it's crazy. we care about america, we have to fight for it and legal team is prepared to do it in whatever way we need to. >> this was a contortion twisting of the law here, ill-conceived unjustified mess. saying it's a political case and would not have happened to anyone else in america if their name was not trump. the danger now is neither justice system is in the zone of
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having integrity destroyed for political purposes. this case is about biden. wake behind in the polls abusing the legal system, cap d.o.j. official left his number three job and bags d.o.j. took off the trump in a local case. pro- biden judge who donated to causes like stop republicans and nda who can't on trump. >> he couldn't have said it better, one 100% true. it's a sad thing for our country you see this desperation and administration focused on running the country but they are totally on trying to take down president trump because he has no loyalty to anybody but america. he can't be bought, everybody knows that and he put america first. everybody knows that the president today smirked in front of the camera. that says it all. smirked is louder than his words
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and anything else, not part of the white house block that joke state constituent das and 80s are visiting the white house. all this put together says one thing, we are in trouble and need to act now. president trump set for november 5 will be the real verdict and i stand behind that. >> trump lawyer todd blanche told jesse watters prosecutors da bragg's office meeting with witnesses talking about reviving this case starting in 2019 the d.o.j. dropped it and when trump announced he was running for reelection in 2022, then da bragg launches it. what you think? >> i think it's obvious. it wasn't just da bragg, it was symantec says no and da bragg says no. mark pomerantz who may have come to handle the case who's a friend of the clintons and everybody comes in and is angry they didn't bring the charges and leaves and write a book
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about it and they still don't bring it. when did they bring the charges? the minute president trump said he was running for office and that's when they indicted him. this was past the statute of limitations, eight years old. all rules don't apply when you're trump. hochul made a roll, she made a law just to go after trump. we see rules broken and we are seeing laws made to attack them. it is a complete front to our judicial system. >> lady justice is a blind. terrible. come back soon, good to see you. former deputy assistant attorney general, federal prosecutor jim trustee, previously an attorney before president trump. it's good to see you both again. chris teal, jim. one twitter user says the first felony conviction of a former u.s. president was not for iraq or afghanistan wars illegal cia crews and drones spying on
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americans, overstate misdemeanor on books and records case that expired for a porn star and that is nda so this is what the left is doing to america. >> that's a strong. i would add the russian dossier to my list of outrageous moments without prosecution but what you just heard was right, what's happening is l'affaire, prosecutors manipulating law to go after an individual and it is destructive long run. so shortsighted. look at overnight, we have michael cohen going on tv is the minister of truth result those who are in l'affaire. you damage the system because
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the ends justify the means mentality so we are in hairless straits i would say. >> would want the legal system abused like it is. we want your reaction to voters on the street. watch this. >> it's a complete failure of our justice system, it scares me that we had literally go after whether democrat or republican, any person running for office that we would go after them to silence, a scary place to be. >> it's probably not going to influence a lot of people who decided to vote for trump and a lot of people who decided to vote for biden. >> what you think? >> i think the prosecutors and our system have had a lot of power for 200 years. they've never gone after the president before, former president because we had people have leadership ability, good
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sense because we understood it you start going after former presidents we will create terrible incentives for future presidents and have presidents who instead of thinking about the best policies to protect the country, you will start worrying about liabilities whether they are investigated or sued by their successors so that constitutional historical practice is broken down and i believe president biden, i blame the das for that and i'm afraid that because these charges were so weak they've now opened the door for all kinds of cases brought against presidents and it might be the case republican das have to prosecute hunter biden and joe biden and future democrats to restore. >> you don't want to protect banana republic stuff. democrats brought it, showed dozens of republican senators uniting in sync with happening
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what's wrong. polls from emerson college and new york times showing trump leading mr. biden anywhere from 75 swing states new york times trump leading with independence in swing states and including pennsylvania. the majority of independent voters with no impact or more likely wouldn't vote for trump and comes fundraising crashed because people were pouring into donate. we waited for the ftc records on that and said they raised nearly huge $35 million in one day since the product from, way more than what biden made him witty hollywood fundraising and new york and march. >> it goes to a central lesson which is the american people, a huge swath of the american people at least recognize foul
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play when they see it. they don't have to be lawyers or know about jury instructions or defense witness not being allowed to testify but when they see something off the rails where it is targeting the person first and dreaming up inventive ways of prosecuting second, they know it's wrong and realized crossing the rubicon and i hope and think a lot of people whether they are donating or not take the time to reflect on what it means in the long run if we have a politicized wet tonight will justice system. >> you got ten seconds. >> i agree, i think the only way is for president trump to win and put an end to this prosecutorial power to wage political worker. >> thank you for joining us, it's good to see you. house oversight, fox news contributor joe concha, former cia station chief dan hoffman. fox news contributor liz peek. nancy tengler, journalist and
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author, a jampacked hour. federal control starts monday. more lawmakers saying joe biden visiting a star witness in the case is witness tampering "the evening edit" breaks down why voters should seriously question items or middle class narrative. details surface about biden's luxury lifestyle and families high crime history and a new read on inflation saying hi plus the white house new claim. we will take on extending the trump risk that will ignite and inflation bomb and details on this threat to the biden campaign. a student group here in the united states act by hamas terrorists reportedly plan to try to surround the white house next weekend the white house
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response to russia saying trump guilty verdict is biden's elimination of his rival and the media getting roasted for keeping viewers in the dark. constitutional violations in the trump case. is this only about their own access to the biden white house? all of this on "the evening edit". we are going to be right back. ♪
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look who's here, fox news contributor joe concha, it's good to see you. let's get your reaction to the media reacting and plea to the trump guilty verdict, the biden campaign breaking out in cheers when they heard. biden campaigning on the guilty verdict, the president speaking out today. what you make of this? >> let them load and celebrate because there's already one poll today showing donald trump with six-point bump postconviction. we seen the movie before, 1999 you covered it for the network i'm sure or another network, bill clinton's impeachment over his affair with monica whiskey republicans overreacted including is impeached and clinton's approval jumps to 70% as he leaves the oval office despite the country going into recession because nobody likes
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political prosecutions and donald trump himself will tell you after his first impeachment over ukraine while in office, his numbers jumped to the highest they spent during his presidency following that trial so you look at the fundraising and the fact that what he million dollars was raised by trump, ten hours after conviction and a third of the voters, their new donors never had contributed to the trump campaign before so is like a repeat of 2016 or donald trump one that year to the people who haven't voted work, no trust in government they saw trump is a true change agent the spoke to them, forgotten men and women of this country so the media can do their dance now but from what it looks like, the money is going to trump and numbers are moving and trump direction even more and people see it for what it is, a crime that can't be defined or explained and it will not change any votes and get trump even more votes. >> you and i have talked about it, take out the word trump and
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you see the truth going on but the media msnbc keeping viewers in the dark and ignorant about the constitutional violations. these are the same networks who said botched exit out of afghanistan was a victory and the border is secure, trump russia christopher steeles dossier were real and we know that story. watch what they are saying. watch this. >> we been holding our breath as a country for a long time waiting for the calgary to arrive in the form of rule of law and it did arrive today and it's a majestic day. >> alvin bragg will ask for incarceration and i think judge merchan mershon will seriously way that. >> special treatment would be if you are not given prison sentences. >> right. >> ten impeachment charges against trump even before they did that push led by nancy pelosi. when you heard them say it's a
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majestic day, what do you think? >> we just heard one of the most insanely idiotic things i've ever heard. at no time and rambling incoherent responses was or anything even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. everyone is now dumber for listening to that. those are activists, those are objectives people who analyze the law and legal system like jonathan turley or andy mccarthy and therefore that's what you see, cheerleading all around not understanding what it does to the country this is a travesty and one of the darkest moments in our country's history when we have a former president prosecuted over bookkeeping errors? they are voting for him to go to jail but i think democrats are having a plate in their hands it if the election were held today, donald trump winds and landside and must things change in gas prices, the border among donald trump will win with it they want
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to call him convicted felon or not because this is way too much for the american people especially those in the middle with bigger things to worry about and what happened to chris's records falsification. >> is the media asking enough why a judge who's families got rich off democrat party fundraising is allowed to preside over in the first place? records indicate political firm run by judge merchan merchant daughter great nine-point seven million in 2020. adam schiff paid the judge's daughter, he's not fundraising off the guilty verdict but judge merchant himself ruled to not recuse himself. that in and of itself is a conflict. this judge made three small donations just $35 but the biden campaign, act blue and groups internet campaign called top
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republicans. we know it's tiny, we get that but the commission formed the judge saying what you did was wrong. didn't discipline him but they cautioned him. >> shows the cancerous metastasized through the judicial system that this man was were not removed from this case given all acts you laid o out. it feels more like moscow than the united states of america. >> we love having you on, it's good to see you. still ahead, eric burlison from house oversight. hunter biden's trial and gun charges starting monday plus why voters should seriously question biden's dubious claims about his middle-class joke route. a luxury lifestyle and details surfacing on how the family took excessive office on military contracts dating back to world war i and world war ii plus former cia in the middle east,
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fears are growing, president biden will drag the u.s. into a direct conflict inside nuclear superpower russia. taking it on on "the evening edit" coming up. we are going to be right back. ♪ (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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look who's here, former cia station chief in moscow in the middle east, dan hoffman great to see you again let's get your reaction to former national security advisor robert o'brien on the trump guilty verdict calling it saying a lot of help for political prisoners ruled over has been extinguished, every dictator and tyrant need a smile and invokes the names merchant. when confronted about jailing their opponents. do you agree with that? >> i have a slightly different take on if you look at our
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adversaries russia, china, iran, north korea, dictatorships that absolutely trample on individual human rights and allow nothing of the rule of law we enjoy so they will carry on doing what they are doing repressing the citizens. i still believe our country is bright and shining city on a hill as president reagan used to talk about what is going to college and those are high standards to which we owe ourselves and continue to do that. >> let's get your reaction to lincoln. he's reacting to news reportedly telling the news briefing the trump guilty verdict as president biden's elimination of biden's political rival and we want your reaction to biden letting ukraine right inside russia with u.s. weapons.
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>> the put out a statement saying the trial shows the white house is illuminating biden's political rivals. they are trying to use assess away to get the legal system, how do you respond to that? >> if you look back as well as what we are doing now, it reflects deliberate determination to make sure we are getting ukraine what they need when they need it. >> ukraine using u.s. weapons inside nuclear superpower russia, what you make of biden allowing that. >> a couple of points. first of all, russia and the rest of our enemies are going to use whatever domestic turmoil we are dealing with this in in this country against us, that's what putin does, it is propaganda they are trying to so deficient in our country. the ayatollah recently said students protesting on behalf of hamas are part of the axis of
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assistance so that's what you get from our adversaries overseas. when it comes to dealing with the brutal invasion of ukraine with the biden administration, it's given ukraine the green light to target military sites being used to hit ukraine second largest. limited strikes inside russia against military targets. ukraine is saying they need to do this to counter precious brutal invasion and in spite of the fact that russia suffered over 400,000 casualties, they are carrying on with this barbaric attacks on ukrainian civilians and civilian infrastructure. the war could and today, vladimir putin stopped the invasion but he's not doing that in the fastest way to end it is to give ukraine with a need to defend themselves in the biden administration has been way too slow to do that. >> with never heard anything like russia or any u.s. enemy in bogart attacked the u.s.
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president for their political opponent in jail for saying it's okay reminding inside russia, we appreciate you, thanks for joining us and hope to have you back on again soon. jury selection set to start monday on hunter biden's trial. right to fox news david and guy live in washington d.c. with the latest. some action possibly on monday. >> we will see, likely a day of jury selection but no question hunter biden's life is going to change when the jury selection when the trial kicks off boarding air force one hours ago on his way to washington d.c. from delaware. now we know some of the evidence that will be presented. david weiss' team will introduce parts of the hunter biden laptop as evidenced which his attorneys, hunter's attorneys fought vigorously to exclude. we don't know which parts make be brought up. this is the same laptop 51 former intelligence officials in
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october of 2020 just before the election counter as the classic earmarks of russian information operation. it turns out it wasn't, special counsel wrote the defendants laptop israel will be introduced as a trial exhibit and contain significant evidence of the defendant's guilt. moreover, evidence on his laptop is corroborated by independent sources. hunter was in court last week for a final hearing before jury selection started with three felony counts of lying on federal gun from claiming he was not a drug user. his attorney previewed a theory in court last week under did not check drug use. you see the former is there he says needs to be examined whether other people may have tampered with the form or to see if there chain of custody issues. conflict hundred did check that box. will the special counsel cannot mentor under. she was the same judge a tour of
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the plea deal last summer that? estate was a sweetheart be deal. it's always possible that the 11th hour could be cut at some time over this weekend, possibly even monday before jury selection begins or even jury selection or trials underway. however, it seems both sides are ready for trial to begin may last two weeks possibly going into the third week. >> a lot of work to do. you will be busy. thank you for the update and appreciate you. let's bring in house oversight congressman, it's good to see you. we are hearing from lawmakers thing this is witness tampering president biden recently visited a star witness in the case, hunter biden's sister-in-law under slept with, is this witness tampering? >> i think it is, it is suspicious especially given the timing. he hasn't visited very often and chooses to do so a couple of weeks before set to testify. >> this is the same to biden to
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work on setting up 20 shell companies for the biden family to taken tens of millions of dollars from overseas deals america's enemies like russia and china so you feel media is covering up not doing enough to report on hundred set up 16 of those while joe biden was vice president in the obama white house and that's when the biden family influence peddling ramp-up during the obama white house? >> we have had to fight tooth and nail just to get any coverage on the settle. the left mainstream press loves to investigate and come with cody allegations republicans and trump but they are ignoring the facts of the case and a lot of evidence there. you got business relationships, they've taken the biden family
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and associates taken $3 million, six and a half million from ukraine and another three and a half million from a russian oligarch. in total, $20 million the biden family and business associates have taken and they are not registered as born which is remarkable that none of them are being prosecuted for this. >> there is also the story, joe biden's narrative called into question we been reporting on this new yorker magazine story and what we are finding how he's lived in luxury mansions with swimming pools including one with a ballroom when he was a senator, he's gone into debt and says he's in the senate because he went into debt to buy houses. a long history of government probes and government accusations, the family took in excess of profits from government military contracts
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including army and the navy dating back to world war i through world war ii. joe biden is campaigning saying his father was out of work when he was little. the reason he was out of work according to the new yorker magazine was because the federal government clawback millions of dollars in excess profits the family took for the families ship repair business they abuse u.s. navy contract taking four times government profits what they should have. that's of the commission found during world war ii. final word. >> the biden family is anything but middle-class. they are closer to the vanderbilt than anyone in middle-class america. how many people middle-class america can afford to purchase 10000 square-foot home with a ballroom? narrative they want but it's not true. they have family history, as you mentioned, his father and great uncle devise a scheme to raise money and the o'clock the
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federal government and the federal government took him to. reporter: >> they did a probe government review boards so we appreciate you so much. we will stay on the stories and we hope you come back on again soon. still ahead, fox news contributor liz peek and ceo nancy tengler, they are fired up and ready to go. the white house is claiming republicans wanting to extend the trump era tax cuts somehow will ignite a quote inflation. really? young voters under the age of 30 are hammering biden on the economy. border collapse, overseas war and a new pool from meredith college. want to check in with dagen and sean. what's coming up on your great show? >> we kristi noem, she is going
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to join us. a wrongful conviction and we are going to talk with her about massive amounts of small dollar donations and big ones coming up for president trump. >> here to talk about how government is insidious causing inflation. group regulation. talking about just a little more than one and a half trillion dollars in regulations strangling business and consumers. jim jordan, guess who's getting cold to capitol hill. district attorney alvin bragg. we cannot wait. top of the hour. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly.
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you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. joining us now fox news contributor, great lawyer liz peek. ceo nancy tengler, we love having you both on. we want you to take a crack at this. first deal, liz. edward lawrence is reporting the white house is out with a new wild claim that extending the trump tax cut will ignite inflation bomb, what you say? >> i would remind the white house when taxes were cut in 2018, inflation went nowhere and at the end of trumps term despite what biden continues to
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climb, it was only 1.4%. inflation is the product of too much money being forced into the economy. that's what caused inflation, not lower taxes. tax revenues as a percentage of gdp are about where they should be hispanic, totally out of whack. >> what you think? >> i think that's right but the inflation bomb with the inflation reduction act with the government spending not just trillions there but $10 trillion since the pandemic with debt at $35 trillion while gdp is around 26.3 trillion, the cbo doesn't report total that, only that so they tell us where ratio is only 80% of debt to gdp, it's really 1.33 times so that's the pro problem, it's bending and more spending and indiscriminate
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spending. the last thing as interest costs have gone up two years from 400,000,300 billing because the treasury spending at the short end of the curve. >> so the april personal expenditures, a mouthful, it will break people's brain know that i set up. the federal reserve measure. inflation is sticking 2.7% higher in april versus same time last year. what you make of msnbc host wanting a quote economic explainer to tell americans they are confused king they are not doing well? we have double digit increases in the cost of groceries? chicago that president to say wait a minute, you got more purchasing power since the pandemic. what you think of this? >> it's not true. what we know his real incomes have gone down joe biden was elected so that does not translate into more purchasing power.
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condescending and hideous the democrats keep thinking the general population is stupid to know whether they are federal cannot. a lot of people go to the grocery store and come back without enough food to eat. i saw something they are making up. credit card debt has gone through the roof and 20, 25% interest rates people are beginning to default. statistics are overwhelming an enormous number of people in america are not doing well and that's why the polls, short for joe biden. they can't talk us into it. >> the question is, time looks like it's running out for bi biden's campaign. the gallup poll and make for on ten competence in the economy something like 46% for trump. us the new pool majority nearly eight out of ten younger voters under the age of 30 don't approve of biden's job he's doing, don't like him very much,
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don't think he has the mental fitness to be present not guilty she's handling the economy and the border at all. >> there's a lot of problems individuals face all the time. i live in arizona and mine insurance prices have gone up so you can't make enough money to compensate for lack and housing affordability nonmanagerial person has to work 71 and a half hours a month just to cover their mortgage, the highest level only october of last year since 1999 -- 1991, sorry. there are a lot of problems that are not made up in the cannot talk you into it when you live it every day. we are filling up our tanks and going to the grocery store and only in washington and wall street would you say inflation is declining when it is actually going up less quickly.
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>> having great weekend, thank you for joining us. still ahead, columnist and author, new disturbing details on this new threat to the biden campaign in the white house. hamas terrorists reportedly plan to literally quote try to surround the white house in protest next week. growing for the fbi to really crackdown on anti- israel groups inside the u.s. coming up on "the evening edit". we are going to be right back. ♪
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and here we are. marlo thomas: st. jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. tiffany: she was referred to st. jude at 11 months. they knew what to do as soon as they got her diagnosis. they already had her treatment plan drawn out. and they were like, this is what we're going to do. this is how long it's going to take. this is how long in between. this place is like a family to us now. like, i can't say enough how grateful we are to be here. medical bills are always a big thing to everybody because everybody knows that anything medical is going to be expensive. we have received no bills since being at st. jude. we have paid for nothing. marlo thomas: thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from st. jude
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liz: look who's back, journalist and the author of second-class how the elites portrays the working men and women the one
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and only. we are tracking us on social media, the new development. new reports that a student group is good to see you again student group that hamas tears back in support the students for justice in palestine, they claim they will surround the white house next week on june 8 and protest. this is coming days after hamas and other palestinian organizations called for students to act, what you make of this news? >> just this week the ayatollah, the supreme leader of iran tweeted american university students you were on the right side of history which is like the surest sign that you're on the wrong side of history if you're being praised by iran. the story is so funny to me because the biden administration has no one to blame but themselves, they signal to the students that they were listening by waffling in their support of israel and as a
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result of the waffling, iran launched 300 drones from iranian soil into israel and thank god because of abraham accords, a coalition of the u.s. and the uk and saudi arabia and the uae stopped them from hitting, thank you, president trump for saving thousands of lives with abraham accords. the biden administration has really been telegraphing to the students that is paying attention even though this is so marginal is so few americans are on the side of hamas that is who biden is pandering to. liz: not doing enough to say cut it out, stop and get away from hamas terrorist, it feels dangerous. we know the d.o.j. and fbi do a terrific job trying to stop attacks he would side the u.s. the question is should they be investigated a conspiracy involving hamas and seed for the white house, we know they probed
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as domestic terrorists, catholics and schoolboard parents and i wonder if they're probing this, they likely are we, heard it. >> i hope they're doing their job, this is an extension of the college protest which we know were infiltrated by outsiders and a lot of it was very stupid college students and to me i like that this happened on college campuses because they have a free-speech right to voice their very ugly and stupid and wrong views about the middle east. it shows everybody how useless and how amoral these institutions that claim to rule the country and claim to have the moral and intellectual superiority i'm glad to see it in the open so the american people can see what they're teaching the students. liz: students for justice in palestine the group at north carolina state and duke university posted images for the june 8 protest which reads biden we are your redline final word
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on this. >> biden has no one to blame but himself if you waffle on israel to cater to the know nothing they them this is what you get a get and they deserve it. liz: where we can go what happens? >> we need to keep elevating working-class voices in the working class of america will never turn on israel and the jews and as long as we make sure there being heard as the amoral social pathic college student this country will thrive when we give the amoral college students more than we give the working class the way the democrats do that when we sing. liz: we have to watch for the dnc convention 1968 all over again. thank you so much and thank you viewer for watching "the evening edit" on fox business. i'm elizabeth macdonald. that does it for us we hope you enjoy the show, but send it to dagen and sean. they're fired up and ready t


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