tv Varney Company FOX Business June 6, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT
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stuart: hit me with your best shot. this goes from way back, 1970s. good morning, it is 10:00 eastern straight to the money, the dow up one hundred 80 points but the nasdaq down 48, split decision. the 10 year treasury yield has been moving a little higher today at 4. 3% exactly. the price of oil $74 a barrel or thereabouts, bitcoin moved up to 70 one thousand earlier where it is now. that's the market on thursday morning, d-day. now this. when the wall street journal published an article highlighting the president's declining mental and physical condition the white house was rattled, the president's
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cognitive ability has been questioned since he took office, but the general suggested the decline was speeding up and getting worse. that is a suggestion the white house had to nip in the bud fast. within hours they trotted out the left and people contradicted the fact in the journal article and implied it was just a political attack. >> this has the feeling of trump acolytes laundering their attacks through a reputable prestigious news organization, the wall street journal. >> spent time with biden and trump privately. international affairs, if you want to talk about how to get bipartisan legislation, president biden is light years ahead of all of them. >> goes around the globe, on the chart, in the situation meant points out the weaknesses and strengths of the united states relationships with each and every country he's talking about. with no notes. with no notes. stuart: no notes is very important.
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you can understand the urgent need to refute the journal's article but you can't refute the facts. in meetings the president did speak so softly that people sitting a few feet away struggled to hear what he said. he did constantly deeper to aids. he does mumble. he does lose his train of thought. he's in fewer group meetings, he's not sharp as a tack and then there's the issue of the tapes of biden's interviews, the justice department will not release them. he describes the president as an elderly man with poor memory. he has diminished faculties. there is no way the white house will let anybody see the tapes, the president's performance, don't want to see it because the tapes would confirm the journal's article. they are trying to bottle up the story but it won't go away. the president appears for the first debate in three weeks from now, his acuity will be topic one.
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everyone will be looking at that. the chicago convention rolls around 2 months from now the question will be asked again and again, can this man be the president for another four years. second hour of varney just getting started. donald trump says president biden's age and mental state make our country weaker. >> the most dangerous point in the history of our country because of the power of nuclear weaponry and i will tell you we have a chance of going to world war iii because of our leader so i don't want to get into what state he is in, in one way it is not something for me to talk about. i can tell you this. president xi of china, vladimir putin, kim jong-un, all these
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leaders are at the top of their game, mentally at the top of their game and dealing with somebody that's not at the top of their game. stuart: in what way does the president's age and fitness and mental acuity put the country at risk? >> i think it is a point where we are all sitting around the table and a large portion of us are saying we have to talk about grandpa, he's not doing that well. do we need to be making plans, put him in a home, he's talking to people, friends as if they are there when they have been long dead and gone which can we really trust that type of person with the nuclear football? that is on the minds of just about every american voter. even if you're a democrat, a
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lot of them are concerned that it is not a question of if but when kamala harris ends are taking over in a potential second biden term. that an enormous problem for the country, one that i think this white house has dealt with poorly. they haven't been able to hide the fact we have so many people who have seen so many examples of it and the accusation this is somehow trump allies laundering something through the media you lead that clip with is completely absurd to. it is a known fact in washington that joe biden has become a recluse, a hermit when it comes to having meetings with lawmakers because he can't effectively communicate with of them and they don't get anything out of it. he has to read from notes, rely on aids, there is no negotiation factor that he used to have earlier. stuart: next one. democrat congressman eric
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swallwell on why the department of justice will not release audio recordings of the president's interview with robert hur. >> what is the harm in handing over the audio? >> the investigation is closed. there was no wrongdoing found. it seems there's no end to what they want to do. once they get the audiotape, than they want the videotape, than they want him to be polygraph to. >> what is the harm? what's the harm of handing over the audio? stuart: what are the democrats are worried about? >> first off, he's lying to people. wasn't that there was no wrongdoing found, they didn't think they would be able to convict him which is why they didn't bring any charges. the point is on point which is we have the transcript. the harm in having audio and
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video is audio and video are more powerful when it comes to communicating the degree of the president's decline and they expect people to read through the transcript and see it in black and white. for near the relies on so many things in the media they understand the power of the imagery of what you see happening when president biden is on stage and for most americans, cringe worthy moments. stuart: we will never see the tapes. that's the way it is. see you soon. growing number of doctors calling on the president to take a cognitive test. is this in response the wall street journal story? lauren: 24 hours after that report from the journal biden showed signs of slipping, other stories including doctors on the record saying president biden should take the montréal cognitive -- the pressure is on. let's clinically find out is
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there cognitive decline or will they tell us what it is? stuart: reasons to get a cognitive test. lauren: this wall street journal reporter under fire for the white house, not the only one, time magazine a few days ago, the transcript has been released and if you want to assess the cognitive ability of the president, he says go to the transcript. he is as old as he seems. stuart: another one for you. the trump campaign sent vetting material to potential running mates for donald trump. is on the list? lauren: paperwork has been exchange with doug burgeram, marco rubio and jd vance, trump is asking get for information on these four potential, tom cotton, congressman byron donald's, elyse stefanik and doctor ben carson. they support him during his trial in new york. if not vpi would say they find
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themselves in a future trump cabinet but the vp, trump is a one term president if he wins, the vp would likely be in running for president of the united states. i don't know if any of those names seem very presidential to you. one word on j d vance, ohio as a red state, jd vance wasn't always a supporter, he brought him to silicon valley donors. there's a major fundraiser in silicon valley at david sachs's house, jd vance. stuart: thanks a lot. back to the markets please. we've got a nice gain for the dow and a tiny little loss for the nasdaq. nvidia past apple and market value. it's value. it's the second most valuable company in the world. why do you call nvidia the most important company to our civilization for decades to come? that is pretty strong stuff? can you justify that? >> absolutely, thanks for having me. a number of reasons and i will
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give you three. first off, the gpu on the hardware side of things will be the most important mention of all our lifetimes and holds the keys moving towards more ai driven world and jensen being inventor of the gpu, really driving the modernist kind of computing capability at events out there on the technology side of things. look at the 7 or 8 years that we've seen the gpu improve computing north of one thousand times, that's the geopolitical side of things. nvidia the most important side of things in terms of the asset we have in the us, we are on the cusp of a major ai arms race with other leading nations, specifically china. nvidia gives us kind of an advantage in that race and third, the software story is underappreciated as far as
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nvidia is concerned. they are creating a number of software capabilities. a massive library out there, with new use cases and capabilities across every single sector out there in the market. of example of the drug discovery, things like autonomous cars that nvidia will get in the forefront of, making our environment a much safer place to drive in. there will be a number of ways nvidia is going to change the game for our entire civilization in the next decade or so. stuart: it splits tomorrow and will emerge on monday morning as a split stock. does it go up from there again? >> we increased our target price on nvidia to 1390 but we highlighted the fact of one stock split driving enthusiasm over the last week or so and
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will result in some profittaking good, if you are an investor you want to look at this massive move but wouldn't be surprised if we saw stocks. stuart: 1390 is your target price now. thanks for joining us this morning, see you again soon. look at the movers, lift moving up big time. lauren: they are forecasting 15% annual growth through 2,027. stocks up 7%. who were is up 3%. both are allowing advertisements in the apps. it is nowhere for lift and very profitable. stuart: advertising revenue within the apps. united airlines get an upgrade. lauren: they were upgraded to buy, price target 70, but
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spending control drives free cash. stuart: lululemon straight up this morning, not that much. >> stocks have come down a little bit. the rally is softening at this moment. these were indicated higher just moments ago but basically their earnings were good, china sales are tremendous and they got an upgrade and they say the stock is going to 425. stuart: white house press a terry jen psaki suggested biden took executive action on the border for political reasons. president biden's new border policy in effect about migrants don't seem deterred. watch this. >> it illegal to cross the border like this. you don't care? stuart: that star reporter, bill melugin, hundreds across the border just hours after new rules went into effect. ♪
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stuart: the white house is under intense pressure to stop the flow of fentanyl over the southern border. madison alworth jointly. how much worse has the fentanyl crisis gotten since biden took office? >> it got incredibly worse and i've got the numbers. take a look at the latest numbers of those fentanyl deaths. what we've seen is since 2019-2023 fentanyl deaths have increased by 860%, nearly doubling from fiscal year 22, to fiscal year 23 alone. of those drugs turn into deaths. synthetic drugs like illicit
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fentanyl kilmore than 150 americans each and every day. the american families like the chapmans are impacted by this, they lost their 16-year-old son after he purchased and took a prescription pill laced with fentanyl on snapchat. 's father and other parents are suing social media companies for wrongful death. his dad tells us on open border is leading to unnecessary deaths. >> i thought the president who last two children would protect our children. by letting fentanyl pour over the border more children have died under his watch than ever before. >> reporter: we reached out to snapchat regarding the lawsuit and they sent the following, saying we have deep empathy for families who have suffered unimaginable losses. we've been looking at law enforcement for years to bring dealers to justice investing in advanced technologies to protect and remove drug-related content and continue to evolve our service to keep communities
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safe. biden pastors exec of actions earlier this week, part of that without 100 drug detection devices along the border. the problem is if it is got to the border is our chance it could get through and that is why across the entire country they are experiencing these tragedies. stuart: thank you very much. i want to bring in sheriff mark daniels from cochise county, arizona. have you seen any slowdown in migrant flow since biden's border action took effect? >> i know it is early on but the answer is no, we have not. i don't anticipate we will. the executive order was a feel-good headline but it was also a false headline that gave people the sense that this border is now secure. it is not secure, i work it every day. the community knows that especially on the border.
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stuart: jen psaki suggests the border action was pure politics. watch this. >> politically this is one of the biggest vulnerabilities. regardless of who is mad about the details of what is in here and what isn't in here it is a political vulnerability for the president and his campaign. they know that, they knew they would have to do something like an executive order before the election politically as well as that is what we are seeing play out. stuart: what do you make of the timing? right before an election. >> you got to look at it. for 31/2 years, no acknowledgment for this president or his administration can't to this day, never said there's a crisis on the border that's not manageable or anything, just no engagement by mayors are sheriff's to work off that and no prioritization. too little too late.
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that's what the national sheriffs association came out moments after this decision by president biden condemning his executive order. it is a feel-good statement, not an actionable statement that will change anything. it gives operational discretion to dhs. stuart: how do local people feel in your county? they have seen this for 3.5 years and it has gotten worse. how do they feel about it? >> they are frustrated and you see a lot of frustration, we have politicized this border which has hindered public safety, national security, humanitarian, lives being changed every day, social media tracking juveniles, criminals coming to the border, fentanyl poisoning your reporter spoke about which i agree with 100%, we are seeing that.
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we are frustrated and to come out with a political statement right before the election, people are too smart to understand, it's all political rhetoric, it's fear. stuart: thanks for joining us this morning. come back soon. see you later. sheriff mark daniels on this. congressman from texas said the fed is losing an important voting group in her state. good morning, ashley. which group? ashley: hispanics. texas republican congresswoman monica delacruz says biden's mishandling of the border is earning him at the polls especially among hispanics. watch this. >> it shows president biden is losing at the polls and most importantly losing the hispanics all around the state of texas especially in border counties. this is why he finally, after
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three years of allowing chaos into our country has decided to do the bare minimum lodz as a mother myself, my heart breaks to hear about these children who are coming through the border with cartels who are raped, 6 trafficked. it is horrific. ashley: to that point, in the last 24 hours at the border sources tell fox news there were 5200 encounters and averaged more than 5000 every day for the past week. stuart: thanks very much. the rapper 50 sent says black men are identifying with trump after his conviction. how many black voters have switched to trump since the guilty verdict. giano caldwell coming for. and older woman in chicago facing intense backlash for her decision to stop sharing crime alerts even though shootings
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and robberies skyrocketed in her district. garrett tenney has the full report from chicago next. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes
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stuart: is out up one hundred 20 points, nasdaq down ten, split decision. nvidia is lower now. had hit an all-time high earlier in the day. it's one hundred $80 billion from topping microsoft as the world's maps to valuable company. that our power far behind microsoft it is. lauren is looking at the movers and i suspect salesforce is moving the dow. lauren: they are opening an ai data center in london, all part of their for billion dollar investment in the uk and they use ai in the software they provide for businesses. stuart: what is with instant card? lauren: they've improved a new $500 million share repurchase, though thirds in september when they went public, they want to boost confidence in their growth potential, shares went out at $30 and stock is and stock is at 30/30. stuart: neil reported a big loss. they are down 8%.
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lauren: the chinese ev maker, first-quarter loss, ev sales for them down 9. one% in the quarter. shares are down 41% this year. stuart: thanks. a democrat leader in chicago wants to stop sending crime alerts because they create a bad perception. what do the people who live in the city think of that? >> reporter: we spoke to a dozen people and almost every single one told us this policy change doesn't make sense. over the last year, crime in the fortieth board has skyrocketed, robberies are up 70%, sexual assault of more than doubled, the number of shooting victims has quadrupled but the older woman for that area says her office will no longer post crime alerts online, and only residents who
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often will receive them via e-mail. she says she's making that change based on feedback from her constituents the crime alerts didn't make them feel any safer but the folks we spoke to said it is not the crime alerts that are making them feel unsafe, it's the crime. in a blog post the progress of older woman also explains the policy change is based on research that shows overreporting of crime leads to inaccurate public perception about crime rates and negatively impacts our most marginalized and underserved neighbors. the source she cites for that research is tehran university in iran. the altar woman was scheduled to sit down to explain this policy change earlier this week but a few minutes after she arrived at the studio her aids seemed to realize we were fox news had not a local fox station and they canceled the interview and opted out telling us in emergency had just come
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up and she's been unavailable since then. that invitation is always open. stuart: thanks. let's bring in giano caldwell. your brother was murdered in chicago and a couple last their baby in a brutal attack in the city. is it right to stop alerting crime in chicago? >> the altar woman's plan is systematically stupid. to have people be warned about what's going on in their area with crime and being so pervasive. at the end of the day it is a city that needs to change its laws and mitigate them, people should be going to jail for these crimes. the safety act eliminates cash bail for the entire state. we will see an uptick of crime but many members of the city of
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chicago, crime isn't a black issuer a weight issue or hispanic issue. it is an issue that impacts all of us regardless of our affiliation. we have been making this message very clear for many years. with the murder of my brother, so many people in chicago have lost their lives like christian. went to sit stop and went to they get serious about taking action against the criminals there? that's the question everyone wants to know. stuart: a lot depends on the black vote. the rapper, 50 sent, fity, says blacks are identifying with trump over biden. roll tape. >> african-american men in this election. >> i see them identifying with trump. the charges. stuart: how many black voters
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will switch to supporting trump because of the guilty verdict? >> that an excellent question and truth be told we know trump's numbers with african-americans are going up already in swing states which count 20% but after the conviction i don't know how many will switch over but i know i've gotten calls all over the country from people saying this reminds me of the jim crowe south. i'm going to support donald trump they have been telling me because of that. you've got other folks who know what we saw was political theater and for court room by our fund brag and because 50 sent is such an authentic person in this space, he comes from the trenches of new york, the hoods of new york, he's been shot multiple times and he understand the pulse of the people, a prolific person not just in the black community but across the country especially
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entertainment so when he says he believes or is in it with many people i believe him one hundred% i take him at his word. we will see what those numbers look like on election day. stuart: we will indeed. thanks very much for joining us. we hope there's progress in solving the crime of your brother's murder. >> thank you so much. former msnbc host chris matthews says it is reasonable to assume another trump presidency would become a dictatorship. we have that story for you. the georgia election interference case has been paused indifferent become does that mean a trial won't begin until after the election? steve harrigan has the story, steve is next. ♪
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stuart: donald trump's election interference case in georgia has been paused indefinitely. steve harrigan has the story. does this mean the trial is going to be pushed back after the election? >> it is quite likely it will be pushed back after the election, that's a big win for donald trump and a defeat for the district attorney andiwillis. it up to the georgia state court of appeals to decide whether or not willis gets to stay on the case. they are not likely to start hearing arguments until october so many analysts say it is likely there will be no decision in this election interference case until well after the presidential election. >> there is almost 0% chance of the georgia case going ahead. a real opportunity to have the democracy 2020 election tried before the 24 elections which
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many people thought might be very important for the decision-making process for the presidential election. those are slowly becoming unlikely if not impossible to bring before the election. >> this case was already delayed for months after it was discovered the da and the prosecutor she hired were involved in a romantic relationship. questions were raised when that relationship began and whether the two spent government money on themselves and their travelers. fans ally willis has not been hurt by criticism at the polls, she recently won big in a democratic primary. the question is whether she can hold onto this case. stuart: we hear you, thank you very much. a former ms nbc host has a bold prediction of there's a second trump term. who is to is it and what did this person say?
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ashley: chris matthews refracting to a report from the new york times on republican leaders calling for legal retribution for trump. matthews says in his opinion very reasonable to assume that donald trump will become a dictator if he gets a second term in the white house. >> unbelievable the way he talks about his opponents. this is the choice we have, dictatorship or democracy. we have to choose, do we want a dictator who will tell the u.s. congress don't do anything about the border, don't do anything, let it rock 'n' roll, let thousands come through between now and election day, he could end up rolling the score, got congress and the supreme court, i own it all, i am a dictator. it's very reasonable to assume that's where he's headed. ashley: it's going to be armageddon.
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the same interview, joe scarborough listed potential situations he fears from a second trump presidency including people from his show being arrested and networks being taken off the air. stuart: thanks. look at the big board. where are we? up 39 points, 38,846, dow winners topping that list, salesforce up 103%. proctor and gamble on the list, the s&p winners of their, uber technologies, salesforce, pay power, nasdaq winners, lululemon, charter communications. show me the crypto's. bitcoin at 71,200, ethereum down slightly at 38-thirty seven. coming up, trump suggested his political rivals could face similar prosecution to what he has had to deal with if he wins
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in november. we will deal with retribution. house republicans sent criminal referrals to the justice department against hunter and james biden accused of lying to congress which house ways and means chair jason smith will tell us what happens next. he is on the show. ♪ moving forward with node-positive breast cancer. my fear of recurrence could've held me back. but i'm staying focused. and doing more to prevent recurrence. verzenio is specifically for hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive early breast cancer with a high chance of returning, as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence versus hormone therapy alone. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock.
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so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. stuart: house republicans issuing criminal referrals against hunter and james biden, both accused of lying to congress. they issued their referrals. what happens next? >> reporter: it's a wait-and-see game because it is up to merrick garland to see if he will press any charges and continue with the prosecution after these referrals. house republicans are putting pressure on him saying the president's son violated the law by lying under oath that he should not be treated differently than anyone else.
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>> the ball is in the court of the attorney general. he testified this week that he doesn't want to show that there's a 2-tiered system of justice. he has an opportunity to prove it and people will see what step he takes. >> reporter: on the other side of things, hunter's attorney says this is nothing but republicans trying to distract from a failed impeachment inquiry into hunter's father and democrats are marking the gop for continuing with that impeachment investigation. >> is that still going on? >> going great for comber, he should just keep going. lauren: things could come to a head in a couple days as marjorie taylor greene is threatening to force a vote on the house floor for an impeachment of president biden over his job on the border,
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something not related to the current impeachment investigation but the votes are likely not there and democrats have said they would block such a vote. stuart: thanks very much. let's bring in jason smith. you are leading the inquiry into the bidens. what are they alleged to have done? >> the two irs whistleblowers that came before the house ways and means committee last year released 1500 pages of documents showing the influence peddling being sold all over the world in multiple countries from russia to ukraine to china and where we stand, we see an administration that continued to obstruct our investigation. even to the sense you saw james biden and hunter biden by congress, one of the first
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messages was the what's apps, between hunter biden and chinese business associate trying to shake him down, and it was under oath. the irs whistleblowers, showing three months of continuous messaging, the chinese business associate, and criminally prosecuted for that. the biden administration will treat anyone with a last name biden the same way they do trump. stuart: there's been criticism as if this is a tit-for-tat operation. biden gets a guilty verdict, so
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you go after biden, and his family members. is it tit-for-tat? >> the only person in the only party that is politically targeting through the justice department, joe biden of the democrats, that's what they are doing to donald trump. hunter biden should be charged for multiple tax crimes. the justice department slapped him on the rest, whistleblowers came out. and in california. i hope the justice department make sure they honor what they are doing with other people who lied to congress and those criminal charges. stuart: donald trump suggests he could prosecute his political rivals if elected president again.
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>> when this election is over, based on what they have done, i would have every right to go after them and it is easy because it is joe biden. stuart: would you support retribution? that is what donald trump is talking about. >> donald trump is not talking about retribution, donald trump is talking about every american standing as an equal justice system. what we have seen is if your last name is biden you are treated much more favorably than any other american. that is what he is talking about. the fact that hunter biden lied to congress and the biden justice department does not bring prosecution over the next six months the trump justice department should do it because it is a felony to lie to congress. just because the president's son and the president's brother they should not be immune. stuart: does it bother you many
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people in the country don't want endless investigation. they are done with that for the past 8 years. >> what i hear from people all over the country as they are concerned with 30 plus million dollars that have flown into the biden family if there influence peddling scheme, they are concerned about at that time vice president biden withholding money to the ukrainians because he wanted a prosecutor fired that was investigating the ceo of burisma which is son hunter received millions of dollars serving on the board of burisma. it smells awful, the american people are not happening. stuart: a pleasure having you on the show. check that market. the green for the dow up 50, fractional loss for the s&p going nowhere and tiny loss for the nasdaq composite.
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not that much price action today but you have the jobs report, that could move the market. check out the big three as they've been named by lauren seminary. they are the big three. the five, the magnificent seven. lauren seminary's big three. what was that again? nvidia is $165 billion shy of overtaking microsoft. lauren: starting monday, big developers, the ai iphone and what we find out about it, the ai plays, us ingenuity, we own it, $3 trillion companies. stuart: $10 trillion, still ahead, congressman darrell isa in normandy, france, the eightieth anniversary of d-day, june 6th.
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martha maccallum on mike pompeo saying biden is no longer up to the task of being commander in chief. leo terrell on trump campaigning in california, the state is deep blue, how will trump be received? the 11:00 hour is next. ♪ ♪ [coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night.
10:58 am
trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®.
10:59 am
what will you do when the power goes out? power outages can be unpredictable and inconvenient, but with a generac home standby generator, your life goes on uninterrupted. because when your generac detects a power outage, it automatically powers up, giving your family the security and peace of mind they deserve. we don't have to worry about whether we lose power or not. if the utility company does not come through, our generac does. after the hurricane happened, we just want to be prepared for anything. 8 out of 10 home generators are generac, with thousands of satisfied customers. number one thing to prepare for is extended power outages. don't make it so hard on yourself, have a generac home standby generator. and owning a generator is easier than ever. special financing and low monthly payment options are available, and if you call now, you will also receive a free 5 year warranty valued at over $500. call or go online now to request your free quote.
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