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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 10, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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mainstream and -- >> they're seeing it with voters and easy under this administration and going to take them in and going classic with them and going for them attacking law enforcement. no consequences for any other actions when they look at past performance and they see that their lives became de-mom strategies blizzard warnings better under the trump administration as compared to today under biden where they're demon strategies blizzard warnings worse off. americans need to say why are we elected people in office? they're clearly there to enrich themselves and their families.
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ashley: oh, thank you, producers, david bowie, the band of my teenage years. it is 11:00 a.m. on the east coast on this monday, june 10. looking at midtown manhattan and i'm ashley webster in for stu varney today. take a look at markets and they've been open for an hour and a half and it's been very much treading water with the dow and s&p down ever so slightly and just turning positive and about that and it's a wait and see kind of day and big tech names and amazon and meta and microsoft moving higher and alphabet and apple and kicking off the wide conference today and up 4.46% and it's just the new york bed releasing a survey of expectations and where do you
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see inflation going from here, lauren lauren: 1.32% inflation rate and comes down to 2.8% and going to get that magic too and five years goes back up to 3% bottom line inflation sticking around. ashley: thank you, lauren. now this, polls taking after donald trump's guilty verdict show the former president keeping his lead against joe biden is wall street journal editorial board member bill mcgurn joining us this morning. good morning to you. joe biden made no substantial gains in the polls and i ask you this, has his lawfare tactics failed? >> i think s. a slight gain by joe biden is think they'd be huge gains and seeing from previous polls showing that a conviction might affect their
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vote but i think the polls are right and people don't like donald trump. republicans i'm talking about. they nonetheless don't like the lawfare even more and the trial really stunk to high heaven. this frankenstein of a charge against him elevating and an expired misdemeanor into fel felonies and it really turned off a lot of people and the race to save democracy, that looks bad and this wholesale race to be the first to convict donald trump. new york was sadly a part of that . ashley: anywhere outside of new york and they roll their eyes and not paying attention and say
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that's new york. moving on and south dakota governor kristi noem doesn't care she's on donald trump and campaign making a difference and i can be home in bed and feeding my horses right now wrecking my grand babies, but i'm in wisconsin because i believe president trump needs to win and his policies are right for america and going to win.
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>> suburban women and argument with nikki haley in addition for this traditional republican mask and going bitter primary fight and make the argument for all the other people and regions of marco rubio and going with republicans have made it against hispanics and a going for that d we'll see what happens and vice presidential pick doesn't matter and except it can hurt you and vice president and there's a lot of choices. >> that's true. ashley: i want to get to this one too, bill, big wednesday in europe this weekend or journey
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and the shift going on. >> people elevated with a very big institutions and going to represent that and that would be an international institutions. and put into effect and their desires and wills and going to counter building for the institutions and they don't trust them and think think that they're motivated by values and odds with the voters. they're right in many cases. ashley: yeah, fascinating to follow as always. bill mcgurn, thank you as always for joining us today.
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always a pleasure. take a look at markets and always treading water and bring in jason katz who joins us. we likely will not get rate cuts this year. and i'm hearing that more and more now as the year progresses and what do you think that that does to overall markets and are the markets coming to accept even though they don't want to and may not be a pus here. >> yeah, honestly, i don't think it translates going for that and the markets going to absorb the fact going to get rate cuts and we came into this year and seeing six cuts and none of the s&p done and going up over 13%. i simply wouldn't be alarmed
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when we get rate cuts till next year and rate cuts aren't if it's when. it's going to be a matter of time. ashley: stu says every time and we talked earlier in the show, nothing wrong in maybe getting into treasuries and, you know, 5% return while, you know, you take a bit of a breather and let this sort itself out. >> well, on high quality returns and going to take on incremental money equity-like risk when is you can get equity-like historic returns when looking no further than high quality fixed income and i agree with you and agree with stu. ashley: we all agree with stu. it's in the contract.
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jason, i'm kidding. jason, thank you very much. great stuff as always. take a look at cryptos. thank you. lauren, how are crypto etfs changing the way people invest and are they? lauren: etfs have helped bring in constitutional investors and that type of investor often rebalances their portfolio and used to be bitcoin investors were holding on for dear life and they never sold or sold very rarely and now the space open to consist and regular rebalancing. that's how. ashley: interesting. all right, lauren. thank you very much. now this, people throw away estimated $68 million worth of change every year. jeff flock is in morrisville, pennsylvania and, jeff, what happens to all that money? i'm going to go looking down the back of my sofa and that's an awful lot of change.
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reporter: look at this, we're at a company called re-world in pennsylvania and they incinerate garage and everything from -- garbage and incinerate whatever you throw in the garbage and what's left is all this metal. interesting. that looks like a plumbing fitting of some sort there and this is the metal but here's the interesting thing they find in here. look at this sorting machine. that little round holes in it and they find money in the trap. yeah, it's one man's trash but another man's treasure. i want to show you the process, you won't believe it. this is what the incinerated trash looks like before they store it. ash and pieces of metal but what they're finding and these bins. going small and sort it further
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and look at this. that's money. >> it is indeed. what really important to remember is without our processing, this material would be buried in a landfill and lost forever. reporter: don't bury and send out to sea. you actually harvest money. >> absolutely do. reporter: one more thing real quick before we get away, ashley. take a look at this, this is after they've washed all of that. look at this. that's money. in the trash. they find $2-$3 million worth of coins every year. back to you. ashley: fantastic and may want to check jeff's pants before he leaves. pant pocks could have loose change in there. give him a heads up. jeff, thank you. great stuff. coming up, a claim was put farred to convert new york city's empty office buildings
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into residential units but apparently the city council standing against him. we'll ask the new york city council minority leader joe borelli what is the issue here. barstool sports guy dave portnoy say the people that snubbed caitlyn clark for the olympic women's basketball team must be brain dead. watch this. >> not only a showcase for her, it's for the sport and the other wnba players that are on this team. how dumb, how brain dead, how idiotic do the people running this thing have to be? ashley: what does he really think. bring you mr. portnoy's full comment and a new memo sent to border agencies striking you to release migrants to nearly all the countries in the eastern hemisphere. what's the point of biden's executive action if we're releasing a number of migrants and we're asking sheriff thadius
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about it.
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so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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ashley: a memo sent to border patrol agents in the sector tells them to release all single adult migrants in the country from the eastern hemisphere. lauren, why are border patrol agents being told to release all of the migrants? lauren: yeah f over 100 countries, they're essentially being told you're good to go. so fox's bill melugin call it is a mass catch and release and it continues even after the executive order by joe biden that put a limit on the number of process between ports of entry and the reason is most in the eastern hemisphere going to
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release into our country and their home countries won't take them back. we don't have relationship withs these countries. russia, georgia, zuckerberg beck stan, kazakhstan, curds ick stan and moldova. these countries won't take them. catch and release, come on in. ashley: makes to sense. sheriff, what's the point of biden's executive order if the agencies are being told to release most of the migrants 124 >> thanks for having me back. look, again, serious lack of transparency. they knew going into this latest executive order and this latest executive action this was going to be a problem. the reason this is a problem because when this administration took over and slashed funding to
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detain people longer at local and state levels and if we don't have the capacities to hold people and they're being released. ashley: what do we do with the migrants from countries that won't take them back? >> we should hold them and put them in immigration camps and holding onto them till our government can work something out even if that means another five months till we get another president that comes in and willing to negotiate with other countries and really utilize a little force if necessary to make countries take people back. we can't release them into the united states. not only do we not know who they are, we can't return them and there's going to be bad actors and flooded with more criminals
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and many of them are criminals. ashley: odds are given how many are coming across the border, that's going to happen. what happens to the people saying, okay, listen, we're going to let you go into the country and you're going to have to report when your court case comes up in about five years. what's the likelihood? some may do it but i would argue percentage of going to vanish into the shadows. >> you're exactly right, ashley. the border patrol agent years and we'll issue a notice to appear and states show up at this place on this date and vast majority never do and they realize they don't have to and we're going to turn it down and off the border and we're going to have a full force with the border and now we haven't been under 2500 since the executive action and the injuries and these people are calling this
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president. ashley: yeah, a report earlier of one migrant saying we love joe biden. i'm not surprised and the criminal threat that come withs this but what about the cartels? they must be making out with all the people that are moving across the boarder and sometimes with terrible drugs like fentanyl. >> yeah, that's why they're more involved in smuggling with humans and it's used and going for them and they're going to get more money into their pockets. ashley: this is your opinion but how would you describe the moral because if i'm a border agent down there trying to do my job, i would find is incredibly discouraging.
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>> it has been and director of ice and cbp and sent out letters to personnel and going for them to work and get back to patrolling the borders and securing the boarders. he's doing a good job holding cbp and i'm certain those aren't his own words and a lot of times to get down for administration and ashley: thank you for joining and yous thank you for your work. it's always appreciated. thank you. previously deported migrant with a long criminal history now accused of second degree murder
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and what's the details on this story, lauren? lauren: jorge miranda and sold fentanyl to a guy who died taking it. he's from ecuador and coming into the u.s. in 1988 and at the time of his arrest, he had two active warrants, one for drugs and the other for traffic violations and he's in court tomorrow but long criminal wrap sheet and he was in this country two ti times illegally. >> what is he looking to do? lauren: offer ago pathway to citizenship for undocumented migrants that have been here for a long time and married to an american citizen. the order is not finalized yet and hasn't hit president biden's desk for final review and democrats are already celebrating this plan and they
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think it'll help them regain control of the border narrative and could land politically well in swing states like arizona and nevada. ashley: all right, lauren, thank you very much. a new report said he was more involved than he's letting on and have real political ramifications and we're going to dig into that and new york's governor hochul said she killed the plan for congestion prices and doesn't want to subject people to rampant crime on new york city subwaways and politically unpopular. we take that on next.
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ashley: take a look at these marks for you kind of treading water and dow slightly down and s&p and nasdaq turned ever so slightly green. lauren, come back in here. you're looking at some stocks. you're looking at eli lilly. what's new there? lauren: up about 1%. it hit a new high moments ago. there's an outside group of advisers to the fda that today is reviewing eli lilly's alzheimer drug. do the benefits of slowing outright crime benefit the risk to the brain. eli lilly shares are higher because it's expected that it gets the green light and typically the fda will rule against the crowd strike. it's up for the record high and added to s&p 50 along with go
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daddy up and 10.5% and gamestop, ash. i know it's a game and investors and retail was disillusioned on friday and earlier in the show, microsoft is selling an x box console this holiday season without a disk drive. ashley: kathy hochul going for the pricing plan. lauren: they're only going to focus on basic operations and keeping everything running and a lot of projects will be put here and making stations more
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accessible and mta right now is in limbo and has a billion hole in their budget and the governor's alternative plan taxing small businesses in the state was shot down immediately. she hasn't come forward since then and calling her gridlock and seems everybody is mad at her. i don't know why they thought of this plan in the first place. ashley: david patterson is chiming in that hochul backed off pricing plan because of subways into the city and new york council minority leader joe borelli joins me now. joe, was crime the real m
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motivator or what say you? >> politics afters motivating factor and the governor didn't misread the tea leaves and unpopular from the very beginning and whether it's because people feel uncomfortable with rising crime and they don't want a $4,000 after tax bill to hit them hard, this was a plan that was just going to cost her and it was going to cost the house democrats that are up for reelection or challenging republican incumbents and there was going to be a political bill to be paid. ashley: we have a plan b new tax on businesses being rejected and what happens now? >> mta has to make up the money with seven or eight dedicated lock box sources of funding and tax to surcharges and mortgage
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recording charges and payroll taxes and casino taxes and they'll have to make up the difference somehow and that's for the state legislature to decide. they have the ability to bond out something like $40 or $50 billion every five years and not a question of needing more money but a question of spending money wisely. ashley: a plan in new york city to convert empty office buildings into residential units and supporters say it'll help solve the housing crisis and help address the number of mta office and more. >> that's one of the things that's proposing for the consensus and most advo advocatd people residing in the neighborhoods are okay with that and if not encouraging of this. the mayor is asking for a bit much when he extends the rezonings out to the outer boroughs and lower density
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neighborhoods and wants accessory dwelling units and people living in tree houses and everybody likes to watch happy days and no one pes fonzi and his family living in your neighbor's garage. there's a political head wind from the rest of the city, but this is one of the things he can pass right now if it was a stand alone vote and we'll support it and not do much to address some of the economic realities of why people can't build housing in this city. it is a great start. ashley: unless something is done and it'll be a real major problem and commercial real estate. it's a response tolt changing market and drive to re-pop late the office buildings with
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workers and >> this helps people fleeing new york city and the extra costs. ashley: nassau county nating stuff really. thank you. now this, not often i get to talk about cricket on fox business and how about this, security of the cricket world cup, which was held in new york being held in new york was held up after receiving a threat. what's going on there, lauren? lauren: india played pakistan in long island, new york. didn't you want to go. 34,000 people were there and securities reported a threat from isis k and received threats in april and on sunday they received specific threats against this match and the nassau county police commissioner said the event was like the super bowl on steroids and prepared to make the staidup
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the safest place in the country. it was. india pulled off a shocking victory over pakistan beating them by six runs. are you a cricket fan? ashley: yeah, made perfect sense. very good. hunter biden back in court today and guess what, closing arguments in his gun trial will begin in less than an hour and all the very latest on that. plus, wnba star caitlyn clark left off the u.s. olympic team for this summer's games and clark responded to the snub by telling her coach "they woke a monster". we'll bring the full reaction from clark and the media next. ♪
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ashley: caitlyn clark deft off the u.s. olympic team roster for this summer's paris games and mike tobin joins us this morning. mike, how are caitlyn and her fans reacting to this? >> caitlyn seems to be taking it in pride as the biggest name in women's basketball is not on the team for olympic asks there's plenty of indication that the decision to snub caitlyn clark didn't have to do with who would play the best. clark publicly took the high road and said missing out on the olympics gives her something to work for. >> i know it's the most competitive team in the world and i know it could have gone either way of me being on the team or not, i'm excited for them. going to be rooting them onto win gold. i was a kid that grew up watching the olympics so, yeah, it'll be fun to watch them.
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>> sports writers said everything from clark continues to rise above the pettiness and shelfishness that she's humble, classy and professional and makes the brand stronger and haters angrier and usa today columnist christineen said the real reason she was excluded from team usa because there was concern she'd not play as much mt. olympics as in the pros and therefore fans would have a negative reaction and this is admission of tension that old guard and women's basketball with the rookie drawing worldwide attention of women's basketball and coach of indiana fever said behind the scenes they respond to the olympic snub was more competitive. >> she got the call on the bus and text me to let me know. i tried to keep her spirits. she said hey, coach, they woke a monster. i thought that was awesome. >> clark's exclusion from the team won't threaten the dominance of team usa and they've won gold in every olympics since 1996. ashley. ashley: pretty safe, bet.
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mike tobin, thanks so much. now this, dave portnoy slamming caitlyn clark's olympic snub. what did he say? lauren: it's one of the dumbest decisions ever made by a group of "brain dead people". watch. >> how dumb are these women? how dumb? i don't know who's making the decision, women's olympic committee, whatever it is. i don't care if you don't think caitlyn clark talent wise belongs on the team but put up 37 of 13 with the most points in the history of the league for a rookie, none matters. it's not just a showcase for her but the sport and other wnba players on this team. how dumb, how brain dead and idiotic do the people running this thing have to be. lauren: caitlyn clark is a cash cow and would have been tv gold. portnoy puts her in the same class as lebron james, soccer legend says clark is the only
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reason i'd remotely care about women's olympic basketball. michelle tefoya says the snub is detrimental to the sport. is it a personal snub? reportedly the olympic coach just wanted more veteran players, ashley. ashley: uh-huh, okay. former espn host ja jamil hill sounding off on clark's snub. lauren: hill says this is a good thing for clark and says honestly caitlyn clark not being on this year's olympic's team is a good thing for her in the span of weeks she went from playing college ball to become ago professional to having a grind of a schedule. a multi-week break probably isn't the worst thing in the world. she will eventually make an olympic team. she's right. clark's college career wrapped up april 7. a week later she was the no. 1 draft pick for wnba and less than a month later back on the
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court and practicing and playing for indiana but she's riding the momentum. if you just put her on the olympic team, everybody would watch. by the way, she just tied on friday the wnba rookie record for shooting and scoring three pointers and over 20,000 fans showed up. that was the wnba's most attended regular season game since 1999, ashley. lauren: she's going to bring in the viewers and that's what you want especially as advertisers. ashley: i agree. interesting decision. all right, take a look at markets and show me the 30 dow stocks because you know why, we want to get a sense of what the markets are doing right now. chevron up top there for sure and amazon also up in the top. then on the bottom we have amgen
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and visa and down about a tenth of a percent. media trying to say that hunter biden's laptop from hell was russian disinformation. we all remember that and that was being entered into evidence and his existence was confirmed by who else, the fbi. we'll ask one of the journalists that first reported on the laptop if she feel as sense of vindication. we'll have that next. ♪
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all your favorites. all in one place. only from xfinity. for more watching and less spending... x marks the spot. do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. ashley: hinter biden backing corporate day six of gun trial and closing arguments are set to begin in less than an hour and rich edison outside of the courthouse this morning. rich, how soon can we begin jury deliberations? reporter: good afternoon, ashley. it looks like the jury could begin deliberating even later today or early tomorrow and that's because closing arguments are supposed to begin here at 12:05. traditionally you have a prosecution give its closing argument followed by the defense and after this the prosecution
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can offer a rebuttal if they choose to do so. now the morning the attorney spent much of it with the defense resting and calling the rebuttal and erica jenson with hunter's drug use at the time of buy ago gun. there's roughly two dozen family members and allies here including the first lady jill biden, her sister -- or hunter's sister ashley, jim biden, hunter's uncle and will wife melissa. hunter flashed a big smile at families and allies and overall remained pretty serious. once the jury gets the case, they'll consider whether the prosecution proved beyond a reasonable doubt that hunter was a drug user when buying and possessing a firearm and swore on a federal form he was not a drug user and no witness saw him using drugs during that period
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in october of 2018. if tech athletics had found guilty, he face as maximum of 25 years in prison and $750,000 in fines though. this would be a first conviction for him if he's found guilty and he's a nonviolent offenders. but this isn't his only court date he's got a september 5 date in los angeles and that's related to the federal tax charges against him. ashley, back to you. ashley: all right, rich edison with the latest outside the courtroom. rich, thank you. former new york post reporter emma jo morris joining me now. you broke the bomb shell report on hunter biden's laptop from hell in october of 2020 and, yes, it was originally dismissed by mainstream media as russian disinformation and as did the fbi and what do you make of all
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that? >> the fbi had it and turned into them by the laptop repair shop owner and obtained from hunter and it was verified they all knew it was verified and it feels very silly to talk about it and there's a lot to do about nothing and it's a crime, you can't lie on a gun form while on crack, but really what the american people care about and i care about is the obvious corruption that was detailed on the laptop and talking about this case and how much crack he was doing at the time and also managing millions of dollars on behalf of china and russia and ukraine. those are the things that we're trying to make sense of here. ashley: do you expect to get any
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apology or restatements saying you know what, there was something on him but it was not russian disinformation. i mean, i know the answer to this, but do you think you'll ever get some qualification on what was originally said? >> i mean, listen, >> this information is really important. ashley: good for you sticking to your guns and good for you being admitted and gun trial and what goes around comes around and edward lawrence, thank you for joining us. >> thank you so much. ashley: thank you, absolutely. now from that to this issue the monday trivia question. the question today is what was a top selling car in 2023? your choices, ford f series, the chevrolet silverado, dodge ram
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or good old toyota rav4. think about it much the answer when we come back. [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
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so tell me about your heart attack. our heart attack was... scary! never want to go through that again. but we could. with heart disease, you never know. so we made changes. green juice. yeah, not a fan. diet, exercise... statins helped. but our ldl-c (bad cholesterol)-it was stuck! stuck! just couldn't lower it enough. and high ldl-c meant a real risk of another attack. so i said, "let's ask our doctor about repatha." what can i say? listen to your heart. repatha plus a statin dramatically lowers ldl-c by 63%, and significantly drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose,
11:58 am
sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. we won't let another heart attack set us back. and neither should you. listen to your heart. lower your ldl-c and your risk with repatha. talk to your doctor. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit this is remington. ...he's a member of the family, for sure. we always fed them kibble— it just seemed like the thing to do. but ...he was getting picky we heard about the farmer's dog... and it was a complete transformation. his coat was so soft,
11:59 am
he had amazing energy. he was a completely different dog. it's a no-brainer that (remi) should have the most nutritious and delicious food possible. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. >> before the break we asked you
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what was the top selling vehicle in 2023, ford, chevy, dodge, toyota, lauren, what do you think. >> was at the rav4, toyota? >> that's who i was going to go for, ford f series is very popular and we both were on number one, the ford f series includes f150, the f250 and we deserve the buzzer, the f3 50, last year ford sold over 750,000 trucks, people love them, it wasn't truck it was in car, that is true i changed it to vehicles because of viewers that they're not cars and vehicles. that is it for us, thank you lauren, "coast to coast" starts now, when stocks split in we are in top


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