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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 13, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: maybe you're the problem producers pointing a finger at me, surely i'm not the problem here, interesting song, doesn't that look beautiful on a day like this, good morning, everyone it is 10:00 o'clock eastern we will get straight to the money we have a bifurcated market, the dow is down 200 and nasdaq is down 100 ounces.this is the key to it all, the ten year treasury on the way down still you are up to four-point to 8% that is down three basis points a big move in the bond market, the price of oil 78, $79 of the 860, bitcoin 67000 and change, 678. not this. the debate over our president cognitive decline is not going away, in fact it's the number one topic in politics, by the way key evidence is being
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covered up, i'm talking about the tapes it reminds me of watergate when president nixon kept incriminatingt when nixon resigned, the latest tapes are from the hours ol counsel rt hur, his report based on interviews famously described the president as a well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory, it said biden showed diminished faculties, with the president's ability to do the job now in question it is important to see his cognitive state in the five hours of interview he sat with with robert hur but the attorney general merrick garland will not release the tapes, he flat out refuses to have anyone see them, the house has voted to hold carlin and we have the transcript and we need audio, why is merrick garland holding onto the tape, obviously because they would hurt the president politically, the last thing the biden campaign wants is
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confirmation that the president decline a long time ago, the president cognitive difficulties cannot be dismissed as politics can dismiss it like that, his decline is a national security issue propping up an alien president by covering up his problem is not the right cause of action for any attorney general, unfortunately nothing will come of garlands contempt citation other attorney general bill barr, eric holder have been cited and nothing happened. this cover-up adds to the growing belief that this president is not up to the job. frankly with two wars and innovation across the border, it is frightening. the second hour of "varney" just getting started. ♪. stuart: liz peek, welcome back to the show, have i gone too far is it a national security issue the president cognitive decline.
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absolutely, imagine we all try to imagine what the hour-long conversations are like that he has with president xi or in the old days of vladimir putin, what do we think he's saying the president xi and the conversations, we never get a really good readout on those but going back to the merrick garland, how many times has he said no one is above the law, how often has he talked about the dangers of weaponizing contempt charges, peter navarro, the trade advisor under president trump, steve bannon of advisor in the white house are in jail because of contempt charges, no one is above the law except merrick garland, he talks about how criticizing the department of justice is an attack on a government. he's not only about the law but he's above criticism it's like dr. fauci talking about i am the science and apparently merrick garland is i am the law, it is
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so offensive and to your point why is he doing this why is he risking what reputation he has left obviously because these tapes must be pretty damning and kudos to the white house for not having a single person come out and say it is really true, he is not making the decisions and not writing the memos it is not responding to anything that is going on. it is an amazing close house this white house and no one is willing to talk about what is obvious to everyone in america. stuart: i want to talk about what's happening in new york, you are a new yorker anti-semitism is on the rise especially in new york city pro-hamas protesters targeted the homes of jewish board members of the brooklyn newsy him they tossed red paint and left anti-semitic messages mass protesters took over a subway car intimidating jews, listen to this. >> raise your hand if you're a
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zionist, this is your chance to get out. >> this is your chance to get out. no zionist, we are good. stuart: this is absolutely outrageous why is this still happening in new york city. >> there is no will to confront it, 1.6 million jews living in new york, more than the population of tel aviv and jerusalem combine it's not as though jews are represented here not that they don't have a vote in a voice in the government. what we have is a minority of americans in a minority of people in new york who are promoting the anti-semitism and i was listening to coverage on bloomberg, typical of the liberal media they don't talk about it being anti-semitic it's anti-israel or pro-palestinian they never talk about anti-semitism which clearly we've crossed the line that's clearly what is happening in new york city and it's reprehensible
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in time for kathy hochul, and by the way chuck schumer and other new york officials to stand up and say enough this is entire liberal we will not allow this to happen but they're allowing it to happen one more thing no one gets arrested for any of the stuff, look what happened in washington over the weekend with defacing a statute and throwing things that cops very visibly on video and same thing here why are these people arrested we have video of them we know who they are. >> total application responsibility. stuart: i have to ended there, thank you very much. >> sorry to go one. stuart: you can go one anytime you like, fire cnn host brian is jumping in on claims that trump will go after the media if he wins a second term. >> he addressed rachel maddow that trump will build camps and put the migrants in some of his political enemies including the media and them.
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>> she's raising something apart which is valuable to think ahead to what may happen in a second trump term, rachel maddock is not the only one think about this i talked to the head of news organization ceos of media companies are thinking through nondramatic or afraid of going to jail but they want to know what could trump do to use his power in a second term to punish the media. >> what could he do to punish the media that as a scare tactic, what could he do. stuart: it's a scare tactic, that is ridiculous. stuart: let's get back to the markets i keep saying the dow is down 200 and the nasdaq is up 100, bifurcated market. gary call bomb is with us we know big tech is about a.i. but has a.i. boosted profits, can you tell me. >> for some yes the biggest stock position is nvidia and sales growth in the two hundreds but a great example today is broad, is being reported blowout
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earnings numbers were up a whopping 6%, procter & gamble and pepsi with stronger earnings growth and not living like this leave no doubt the theme is strong as strong can be but ultimately that's the big word ultimately if earnings don't skyrocket for a lot of the names that skyrocketed eventually they will come down off of the sky now were in the midst of that's all i own i even bought apple the move above $200 off of a.i. even though they have no growth and that stock is skyrocketing so was all good for right now be on your toes if we continue to see the dow down to 50 but the nasdaq up 100 it's going to remind them 1999 and you know what happened when the music stopped. stuart: every member it well. why don't you care about the
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fed. >> because they really don't matter when you pass $9 trillion he matter because he caused inflation he caused massive distortion and you screwed and mary and uncle bob was 0% savings rate but the juncture of the ten year yield the free market that's really care about most has taken over and i don't watch his press conference because i don't want to lose my lunch but i watched on your show where jay powell said we fostered a strong jobs economy, what is the 160 million people that go to work every day that do the hard work in the hiring. it's insane to think that they believe they are god and can control a 25 trillion-dollar economy. the best thing they can do is take a step back, leave us alone in the good news the ten year yield has become a lot more stable as they do nothing, memo to them take a vacation will be fine without you. stuart: the yield is down 427.
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thanks a lot. we will see you soon lauren is back looking at the movers i want to start with boeing. >> it was done about 2% reuters is reporting their investigating than the quality control problem on undelivered 787 dreamliner jet and boeing discovered hundreds of passengers were incorrectly installed it's down to now it's up a bit. >> goldman sachs initiating coverage, by target price $3730 this is the stock that is never split they call aaa a top idea and have pricing power, up 3.6%. stuart: at that kimberly-clark is a. >> a double upgrade at bank of america mason it's time to buy they called him a leader in the category because they have pricing they also have brand names, do customers trade down on huggies, kleenex, when you like your brand you don't always trade down they raised it to $160.
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stuart: thank you very much indeed. happening now, former president trump eating w meeting with houe republicans our sources say he's going after biden trump says none of the foreign policy issues and wars would've happened if he was in office. we will bring you more headlines as they come at us. still ahead shareholders decide the future of elon musk and tesla elon musk printer walk away from the company if they voted against the $56 billion pay package, kelly o'grady has a story. take a look at the headline in the wall street journal, gen z plumbers and construction workers are making blue-collar cool. is the blue-collar stigma gone, mike road deals with that next. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session.
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okay, that's uncalled for. stuart: this coming out the supreme court has rejected a challenge to restrict access to an abortion drug, this means the drug will remain widely available, the ruling was unanimous. openai is on pace to double its annual revenue, that sounds good, good morning give me the numbers. >> good morning, how about $3.4 billion of annual revenue that's what ceo sam altman reportedly told employees during an all hands meeting this week, he said the vast majority of the revenue, 3.2 billion comes from openai products and services, the company is reportedly on track to generate about 200 million by offering access to the a.i. models through microsoft.
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earlier this year openai completed a tender offering, the value of the startup of $86 billion not too shabby. in recent months openai has been looking to boost revenue from the products by selling services to enterprise customers and apparently that's all going very well. impressive. stuart: overnight elon musk says tesla share approves the $44.9 billion pay package, but we don't have the official count, kelly o'grady with me this morning, why is this being symbolic. >> the judge invalidated the pay package back in january, a yes vote does not mean he's going to get paid but the hope that the overwhelming shareholder support may help the reversal of that decision were to get the official results at today's 4:3s look like the two big proposals may go through, elon musk posted that they were passing by wide
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margins, remember elon musk indicated if he doesn't get the increased ownership that would come with all stock pay package, he could take the a.i. development elsewhere, you see the stock at 5% today because a positive vote indicates elon musk will remain focused on tesla that's what shareholders want to see, the other proposal is moving tesla state of incorporation from delaware to texas, delaware has long been the place for companies to have their legal home but we seen a growing push to relocate the lone star state is been a local ceo leading the charge and following the delaware judges ruling he said i'm taking the ev maker to texas in many call that reaction erotic others applauded with the potential tax incentives and it appears that shareholders are agreeing with the latter camp and even greg abbott share this on x congrats elon on getting the pay you were promised in the new incorporation in texas welcome to a state that has neither personal nor a corporate income tax the last thing i will leave you with the switch could play
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into the pay package case if they come to texas there is an argument that you can move the case to texas where he could see more favorable legal decisions. stuart: he always has a headline to make. i do a show for a week and have three headlines everything today about elon musk. >> we have another one in the next hour. thank you very much, take a look at this headline in the wall street journal, gen z plumbers and construction workers are making blue-collar cool, perfect time to bring in micro he hosted dirty jobs, good morning to you, is the blue-collar stigma gone? >> it is getting there. let me show you something i was talking to your producer, this is me on fox news ten years ago, we launched a campaign called make work cool again and that is how long it takes when you are turning the ship around it takes
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a new generation to do some math lab to look at the cost of college in the real upside of learning a skill and demand and then they have to pull the trigger i did not think gen z was good to be the generation to do it but they are. stuart: good news, little offkilter, one chick-fil-a location and louisiana is hosting a summer camp for kids that only cost $35 for the week the children will learn customer service skills, how to take orders, this is causing major controversy online some people are calling it child labor, isn't it good to teach kids about work and interacting with people, is there anything wrong with that. >> what did we think was going to happen when we took home and shop and basic financial literacy out of the public schools, sooner or later somebody is going to step up and say we have to incorporate these
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ideas into the next generation if chick-fil-a is going to be part of leading the charge, god bless them somebody has to step in to do this, soft skills basic common sense, all that stuff is still for sale and sadly lac lacking. stuart: here's another one do we have a trade worker shortage? >> yes, we have for a long time it's not just a skill gap it is a will gap and what's great about the article in the journal is that it taps into the enthusiasm is not just a matter of i'm going to go over here and do this job, these kids are chronicling a day on the job and it's not a day of google or aromatherapy and sushi. they're pulling out hot water heaters, their joyfully installing new toilets, the
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running electricity, there chronicling the reality of the job and making it cool and they're not only getting well-paid to do the work in question they are crushing on social media they are actually making work cool again and that's a big part of what needs to happen. stuart: here's a wonderful thing, you have a new movie and it's called something to stand for. we have a preview, roll tape please. >> let's take a trip to the nation's capital not too far from where i grew up to reacquaint myself with the memorials and monuments will to honor the people in this film, in other words it is a field trip and i'm glad you're among for the ride assuming the old truck makes it. stuart: that was a very brief clip, tell us more. >> the movie is a love letter to
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our country but also to the late great paul harvey who had a terrific way of telling stories through mysteries, the story, the film has nine of the mysteries, very elaborate recreations brought to life that tell stories that you did not know about people that you do the people who actually built our country and to be honest, sitting here watching your previous guests talk about the craziness in the capital and what's going on with her statuary in her monuments and are memorials it just seems like a country really does need to be reacquainted gently and respectfully with our past. if we become disconnected from that the chaos is no different than being disconnected from our workforce. stuart: reconnects me mike, micro, good man. we will see you soon. chaos at the congressional baseball game last night in washington, protesters stormed the field, we have a story
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coming up. right now try meeting with house republicans on capitol hill later he meets with senate republicans, marsha blackburn will be in the meeting and we will talk to her after this. ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
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stuart: the market looks a little different from what indented hour ago we have the dow down to enter points but the nasdaq is only up 27. it had been up over a hundred earlier this morning, a slight change in the marketplace, lauren is looking at apple, it had a great run, just up and 92 cents. >> up over 8% this week apple intelligence, the a.i. height apple vision pro are the goggles the 3500-dollar goggles only available in the u.s., apple taking preorders in china, japan and singapore, to give you context the race of 4 trillion, microsoft ahead were 3.2 8 trillion apple at 3.2 7 trillion. stuart: i would love to know how many goggles they sold in the united states i don't think you're going to tell us. we are broad, a chipmaker and
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infrastructure software provider it is up 12%. stuart: strong a.i. demand attend for one stock split and let's show you aaa again top idea at goldman sachs 33700 price target i said aaa never split its stock, they did shareholders approved a few days ago but is not taken effect yet, that will be the end of the month that goes 50 - 1 which is tremendous. thank you good stuff indeed protesters stormed the field of the annual congressional baseball game, was anybody arrested? >> they were, eight people were eventually arrested the climate protesters decided a congressional charity baseball game last night at the nationals park was the perfect time to make a statement, take a listen. >> usa, usa, usa, usa, usa, usa,
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usa, usa, usa. >> that's the response that they got the crowd turning on them booing, chanting usa. the demonstrators themselves were chanting and held signs that had sure says that in fossil fuels and stop playing game with her future a group known as climate defiance took credit for all of this and then they put a tweet on x that read update, eight of us have been arrested for shutting a congressional baseball game they are behind bars now, make no mistake it is the members of congress who should be locked up, the congressional baseball game has been held since 1909 the interfaces money for a number of local charities. if you remember back in 2017 steve scalise was shot while practicing the game by a left-wing activist. but this time it was climate protesters and they were met
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with the course of the booze and usa. stuart: regular lever right there, thank you very much. donald trump is in washington meeting with republicans on capitol hill and spending the morning with house republicans and all speak to senators this afternoon. aishah hasnie on capitol hill what is on the agenda for the meetings? >> i can tell you what they're talking about right now inside president trump talking with members of the house republican conference and am getting text messages from inside he's talking about a whole gamut of things from trying to push a big terrorist act to trying to convince republicans not to be afraid of the abortion issue and he also hit president biden pretty hard one person texted and said he called the president a dope and he has trouble getting offstage it is also talk about foreign policy say none of the words would've happened if he was in the white house. it's really fascinating, two years ago some of the same
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republicans are inside right now supporting the president and telling me privately in conversations that they would never want to see the president come back to washington were be the gop nominee and of course two years later a very different scenario. we are also waiting to see what more he talks about policy this is what speaker johnson told us this morning about what he wants to hear the president talk about. >> were to do with humor can people demand and deserve that is secure the border we're going to revive the market economy and were going to unleash american energy again and get back the weaponization of the government in the justice system, we have specific plans to do all of those things so talking about it and planning is an important part of what we will be doing when we get the leverage of control back. >> after this trump will address the ceos at the business roundtable he's trying to garner support from donors and sell his economic message to corporate america and show unity then help me with senate republicans this
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will be a big deal, for the first time since january 61st time in four years he will come face-to-face with minority leader mitch mcconnell. mcconnell has said as recent as yesterday, he supports the presumptive nominee despite the rocky relationship. i don't think it's hard to ignore, trump is a very visual person and him being here holding court with both chambers of congress is trying to send a message that he has support of at least the majority of the republican conference and he will if he takes back the white house. stuart: thank you very much indeed that spring and senator marsha blackburn republican from the state of tennessee, madam senator what you want to hear from trump when you meet him today. >> i want to hear that he's in good spirits and is energized and that is focused on dealing with the open border, that is the number one issue that i'm hearing from tennessee and as
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i'm around the country i hear from others, the additional issue that we hear a lot about is inflation and we hear about crime in the communities, gangs and another president trump has a plan for this because when he was in office we had a secure border when we left office inflation was at 1.4% in the american people want the price of gas and groceries to come down. i want to hear his plans for this, i know he has them. stuart: a separate issue the house voted to hold merrick garland and contempt, they are refusing to turn over the audiotapes of president biden's interview was special counsel robert hur, senator, those tapes if we could see them would show biden's true cognitive decline, do you think we will ever see them. >> we should be able to see those in releasing those tapes
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is something that the administration should've done they were subpoenaed by the house and they were subpoenaed because the comments that were made by the special counsel so they should be given over to the house. stuart: last one i want to talk but the border officials reported 100 investigations into suspected members of a ruthless venezuelan gang, they are coming over the border and they cannot be sent back, what are we going to do with them. >> what we need to do is lock them up if they cannot be sent back. when you look at this gang coming out of venezuela the crimes that they have committed. what we have to realize many of these countries do not share their criminal databases with us, they're not apart of flybys, they don't share their database like mexico chooses to share their database of criminals,
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therefore you're putting the local law enforcement a very difficult situation because they are the ones that are coming into contact with the gangs dealing with the crimes, they are the ones in hit with the fact that terrorists are coming across the border, the fbi releasing eight known terrorist that i gone into the country, we are arriving again trying to find out with the rest of the upwards of 350 terrorist that of come across the border in the past three years where they are in the country. stuart: always a pleasure thank you for being with us, we would love to hear from you again when you met with mr. trump, things a lot. still ahead a fleet of russian warships including the nuclear powered sub are sitting off the coast of florida fox news senior correspondent on that. is putin getting pushy, that is
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stuart: for russian warships including the nuclear submarine have arrived for military drills about 90 miles from florida, ben hall is with us, the exercises don't pose a threat to the u.s. but is putin trying to intimidate us? >> absolutely, good to see you, this comes in response to the white house's decision to allow russia or the u.s., ukraine to use russian -- i'm sorry to use u.s. weapons against russian facilities inside of russia, vladimir putin has, and said if you can use u.s. weapons to attack russian facilities then we perhaps are able to do the same thing, we've now seen the
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ships across the atlantic in coming to cuba early this morning and they're heading into military drills with venezuelans as well as the cubans you have to titus to the g7, the g7 really coming together in the face of what's happening in ukraine and there gelling at the moment in russia seems to be a stalemate, russia was saying the more pressure you put on us and the more chance we may do something that is hurt more aggressive and that is a sign of vladimir putin and the russians can still continue to stretch your muscles. stuart: biden and zelenskyy will sign a u.s. ukraine security agreement at the g7 summit, has biden been slow to support zelenskyy. >> it's really interesting what you see is happening at the moment does appear if the u.s. support in the tenure security they will help to raise from
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looking at their systems in the next couple weeks, yes ukrainians are saying you allowed us to use some weapons to attack inside of russia and were not able to hit the main basis you promised us extinct and were hearing all the words and were not getting what we needed to sides of this coin promising a tenure security plan and that has been the true sense be getting the word and don't drip things to us we need them now we need them sooner. >> over to talk about a disturbing issue, the anti-semitism i want to show disturbing video mass protesters taking over subway car intimidating jews and told zionist to get out, protesters targeting the homes of board members of the brooklyn museum, red paint on the doors, anti-semitic messages left all of them, is anti-semitism on the rise in america.
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>> absolutely is we put them together for vaccination on anti-semitism we've all been watching the protestants october the seventh and we see the voices and campuses that have been erecting with these things, is no longer a call against the civilian ductal in gaza we put the special together in the funding where it comes from and the college campuses are dealing with and the history of anti-semitism in the way that is continuing to build up, right now there are people who are concerned not just about anti-semitism, what are the things that we look at how anti-semitism is morphine in some cases into anti-americanism you see the israeli flag bieber in the streets but more you're starting to see american flags being burned side-by-side with them, you are starting to see community shouting around the u.s. death to america and death to israel that is a worrying decline at the moment, yes we have freedom of speech but when
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it crosses into hate, that is something we need to look at, that's something we need to focus on the special units worrying when you look into it, the rise and some of it. stuart: a brief clip of the special, roll tape please. >> i had a necklace with my name in hebrew on it and a student came directly in my face and spat at me. >> i get death threats every day people saying your grandparents should've died and i won't stop until you do. >> i've got so much hate but i've been getting this hate for over a decade. stuart: is extremely now? >> a distributed came up this morning and this is a perfect time to watch it as well i think it's more important to be reminded of the anti-semitism in the past to make sure we don't get continuing anti-semitism in the future. i think it's an important time. stuart: it is indeed, thank you for being with us. we will watch and see you later. the transgender swimmer leah
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thomas will not be allowed to compete in the olympics, what does that mean for women sports, we will report, the white house did not rule out a possible presidential commutation for hunter biden, how will that play out politically for the president, brian kilmeade on that next. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game. not a game! we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're not talking about practice? no. we're talking about cashbackin.
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we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we've been talking about practice for too long. -word. -no practice. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. i mean, we're not talking about a game! cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
10:49 am
her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
10:50 am
10:51 am
stuart: tesla is up 3%, overnight elon musk said shareholders have voted in the big pay package, investors like that microsoft, nvidia, apple together they are more than ten chouchou namegabe dollars, apple has been. had recently in its added new high, $214 a share, same with microsoft powering ahead recently, another new high for 42. nvidia $120 per share after the ten for one stock split coming up on 10:51 a.m. that means brian kilmeade will appear on the right-hand side of the screen and three seconds, don't make me a liar, there he is,
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thank you very much indeed, president biden says he will not pardon hunter for the white house won't rule out the possibility of shortening his sentence, commuting if there is one. >> the president i have not spoken to the president about this, what i'm saying he's asked about a pardon in the trial specifically getting into the very clearly and forthright as we know the sentencing hasn't even been scheduled yet i don't have anything beyond what the president said in his been very clear about this, that really wasn't much of an answer was it, the question really is, it biden commutes hunter sentence, how would it play out politically. >> i don't think it will be a problem at all, hunter is not the problem and he's grabbing hookers, obviously buying illegal drugs, now we find out he's given it to haley biden and
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somebody else addicted this is despicable behavior even for an addict, for those people who believe it's overblown check the laptop out which we found out was real who would've known i had no idea it was real for the longest time i thought the russians really got into delaware to get to the repair store to mess with laptops. up until that moment i thought it was fake. after i started up and realized how troubled this guy is i'm interested in the tax case, hunter biden is an addict, it would be great if he recognized his love child from another state and his father picked up the phone and talk to the little girl, she seems like a wonderful little person her name is navy, that's another story but that is an indication of what example is leaving for the american people should the situation happen in your life, get a brigade to something else, i care about the forensics, the millions of dollars deported to all those in counts which he forgot to pay taxes on which is coming your way in september unless he cut the deal, sentencing in september another case coming up
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that is the case where joe biden golfs with his business partners, eats dinner with his business partners, eats breakfast with his business partners, closes into meetings with his business partners but nothing to do with the business cases, that is the story. the story what was his father up to leah thomas will not be able to enter elite competition, that includes appears olympics, i call that a big win for women sports, how about you? >> i'm a little disappointed i wanted to watch a one man beat women in all different sports, now sadly i'm going to have to watch women compete against women, why watch olympics if you see them compete fairly and not knowing who's going to win in which hand they are on the big mystery at the end when we find out the gender when they were born as opposed to what we competed in and no excitement and we're going to look at the total time at the end and find out who one and who crosses the
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finish line and gold medalist as opposed to once was a man and decide to beat up on women, i just find it unbelievable that this is a story but it's a story on every channel and to me the most nonstory, the place used to call home they are also fed up with the transgender rhythm, if you're transgender you gotta compete with other transgender's there's a clipboard and as speech, all watch, keep man going against man, women against women i thought we would pretty much start in the good old days of the east women and arnold schwarzenegger and wonder where they go, those of the good old days who suddenly have acne all over. stuart: as straightforward, haven't you, you got fired up, we like it, come back soon, we will see you later.
10:56 am
still ahead on this program, florida congressman cory mills met with trump this morning on capitol hill, he will tell us what they discussed, derived murdaugh on the new york times columnist, bret stephens calling on biden to step aside, it's the most courageous thing he could do that is in the new york times, corey deangelis on how the pandemic learning the loss is negatively affecting our children's future. the 11:00 o'clock hour is next. ♪
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10:59 am
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