tv Varney Company FOX Business June 13, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT
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with thousands of satisfied customers. number one thing to prepare for is extended power outages. don't make it so hard on yourself, have a generac home standby generator. and owning a generator is easier than ever. special financing and low monthly payment options are available, and if you call now, you will also receive a free 5 year warranty valued at over $500. call or go online now to request your free quote. >> now, to be clear, inflation is still rising. it's just rising at a slower rate so it's not as though we're going to suddenly see prices decline and this is the right direction. >> by the democrat's own standard, this selection interference and they should not be handing over the tapes to congress. >> the place under this administration is not allowing us to have those relationships
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and record check systems with the countries coming in. >> i don't want politics to play a role in judicial decisions. politics shouldn't play a role. we have to be cognizant of the line. >> why is he risking what reputation he has left? obviously because these tapes must be pretty damming and no one is willing to talk about what's obvious to everyone in america. stuart: i like that song, it's the very latest beatles song to be released in history. i'll get it right, it's 11:00 eastern time, thursday, june 13th. to the markets, we have the dow down 260 and nasdaq up a mere 25 points. show me big tech please. all over the place.
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microsoft is the only winner at 442 and apple, amazon, meta down ever so slightly. not a big selloff. 10-year treasury yield down after 4.28%. that's helping stock market or parts of the market. now this, wall sprite journal made public president biden's mental and physical decline. behind closed doors, biden shows signs of slipping. it was in the journal and added clout to the story. now this, brett stevens writing in the new york times the most cage yous thing that joe biden can do what would that be? the one option that could be a win for america and ultimately his place in history. he could still choose not to run. there's still time. in other words he should step aside. this is in the new york times which again adds clout to the
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story. it may be too late to change the democrat's ticket, but that's what the democrats are talking about, and they're increasingly going public with it. why -- we'll know why. the president's mental and physical decline is on display almost every day. today he's in italy and looks lost. he didn't know where he was going and kept asking for help. always had that blank stare, no vigor whatsoever. this is what world leaders see and it's what voters here at home see as well. seven out of ten think he's just too old. truth is, he's declining fast. this week's family trauma surrounding you wanter is not helping. what kind of shape will he be in for the first debate, which is only two weeks away. how we handle all the travel and speech making that a presidential campaign requires. his handlers will try to cover it all up, but that will only make his decline more obvious. i don't know anyone who seriously believes joe biden can be president for another four years. no one.
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third hour of varney starts now. deroy murdock back with us this morning. that was in the new york types and very hard to ignore something in the new york times. >> not exactly most pro trump paper out there. but the trouble here is joe biden lacks self-awareness. we see what we see. a man in complete steep decline and he i think thinks he's vigorous and energetic and gave an interview a few weeks ago with a journalist asking challenging questions and i could take you on. he was ready to beat this guy up. talking about challenging people to push up contests and that sort of stuff. the democrats can't knock him out and invoke the 25th amendment and when they do that, kamala harris is the president of the united states and then she has all her
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problems and they're stuck with him. they made their bed and they're trapped in it. stuart: lots of new polls these days and majority of voters do not think that kamala harris can win as the democrats and democrats. >> they're hoping he's in the debate and hanging on and the expectations and he's just able to hold on to the podium and that's a victory and hope he doesn't continue to stumble too much between now and the election. and every now and then he seems to drink his 5-hour energy and bounce up and then he's back freezing or staring into space. stuart: it's a national security issue and this president incapacitated in the next four or five months and it is president kamala harris. stuart: that's it. >> there's no confidence but how are they going to get her out of the way. figuring out some way to get her
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out of the way, governor gretchen whitmer of michigan, that's racist because she's white and gavin newsom then that's sexist because he's white and male. they're tied up with the identity politics and kamala harris the first black female vice president and goes against all their views and upsets black women at the base of the democratic party and they're painting themselves in a corner. stuart: i don't see how biden can win. >> if he's the nominee, he loses. only way trump-appointed loses if they find a way to get bidden out and put somebody else that can beat trump. stuart: two weeks from today is the first debate. i can't imagine, our president looking like he is now in italy up against donald trump sprightly, aware and dynamic. >> a meeting with the business round table and people are saying we're not crazy about the
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guy's personality but like his policies and economic growth and lower inflation and very energetic going out and looking towards the future and biden is overseas trying to find his little mark on the floor. stuart: i mentioned biden's cognitive decline almost every single day because every single day we've got an example of it. i think i'm doing a public service. i don't think i'm being cruel. but i'm doing exactly the right thing. >> you're showing what's out there. we're a news organization and tell the news. the news receiver day biden goes out and almost every single day he stumbles, slips or says things incomprehensible and then once in a while bounces up and that's a one day story and then continuing all the way down again. stuart: back to the markets and lou basenese is with us for the entire hour. he says one rate cut is likely for this year. what do you think? >> none. they said three, then two now down to one. they're playing politics and trying to give everyone hope there's going to be a rate cut
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and if so, not till after the election. i don't think there'll be a hike, it's necessary but the interesting data point, if inflation stays flat month over month from here to the rest of the year, we need to go to january before we get to the fed's target and we have three hotter than expected reports and we have one cooler than expected and if we get that to continue and still the trajectory no cuts from 2025. stuart: apple about $214 a share and >> this is a seasonal depression with app and will getting very down on app and will saying they can't innovate for the next intel with a former tech darling and turns into the dud time and time again but apple proves them wrong and they're going upright now. stuart: would you buy more? >> app 18 a long term buy?
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stuart: absolutely and you've got some and are you going to buy more? >> do your own reservice connected and have last week on the show, 4 trillion, race to 4 trillion and apple going to be 5 trillion. and? lauren: long time ago. $85 a share. stuart: still in? lauren: yes. i was a kid when i bought it. stuart: lou, thank you very much indeed. stay there. dell, what's it doing? lauren: up 2% and bank of america said it'll benefit in 2025 on the pc re-fertilizer much happening for demand -- pc refresh and the demand. >> going to neutral and time for the spoke for the cfo and the
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new energy stepping back in to the stock. stuart: next one is e bay. lauren: now this week they'll start with the payment option and going down 4%. stuart: donald trump post ago new tiktok video teasing a faceoff with logan paul and his younger brother, jake, is sharing his take on what young people want from their presidential candidates. watch this. >> that's really what the young people in america want. we want solutions and we want all this marketing and all the bs put in front of us. stuart: we're going to bring you jake's full comments later in the show. hillary clinton backing a democrat that's challenging a member of the squad. we have the full story on that. believe me. cory mills is next.
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stuart: donald trump will be on logan paul's podcast and his brother jake reveals what they're looking for in a candidate. ashley, what did he say? ashley: the 27-year-old said it's not about being a democrat or republican, it's about which president will fight for his generation. listen to. >> the young people in america want to have all the marketing
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that we want all the bs and people are struggling with jobs, mortgages and inflation and minimum wage rising and people are having trouble paying off and going to school and then they're feeling like, hey, i have this college degree, but what has this gotten me ashley: paul says voters want the truth and authenticity and told the hollywood reporter that donald trump will more than likely get his vote in november. stu. stuart: ash, thank you. trump is in washington today and this morning met with congressional republicans, florida congressman cory mills was in that meeting and joins me now. congressman, tell us what did trump talk about today? >> well, look, at the end of the day, trump's big plan is how do we win? looking at november, looking at different things we incurred regards to election integrity in key states and his willingness
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and something you don't see from the president and this is a guy running his own presidential campaign and meanwhile what he talked about is how does he help you to win more seats? how do i help you keep your seat in tough and tight races and take the senate and he was not just focused on his own presidential election and strengthening the overall conference and also that in the senate and he's very focused and michael was there and talking about working towards election integrity and going to fire up with great spirits and rally with the gop today and being able to come together and going for november. stuart: if he asks you guys what he can do to help you win, what do you tell him? >> most talked about sticking to the issues and the way we win is real simple and we get back into the white house and that's how we win. if president trump is in the white house, that's a win for
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all of america. it's a stronger economy, it's lower inflation, it's border secure, it's stopping the world wars that are just continuing to spiral out of control under failed foreign policies. all of america wins with donald trump in the white house. it was more about how do we focus on the key issues and what do we need to focus on and what are the policies to deal with and what's the deal to try and gain economic strike thaties to combat the 35.6 trillion and continuing to grow. stuart: hamas wants changes to the proposed ceasefire plan. listen to what national security adviser jake sullivan said. >> many of the proposed changes are minor and not unanticipated. others differ more substantive from what was outlined. and our aim is to bring this
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process to a conclusion and time for haggling is over and time for a ceasefire to begin and the hostages to come home. stuart: congressman, you'll say we should not be negotiating with ma has but do we have any choice? they've got hostages and don't we have to negotiate with them? >> at the end of the day, we shouldn't be negotiating with terrorist and should be applauding idf success of hostages here and what i say is this. jake sullivan talking about expected changes and what those changes were and meanwhile you have the spokes american and leader of hamas and go and israel agreeing to the may 31st biden peace deal and not making it a official statement and it's a lot of pointing fingers and seeps to not have anything in place and this might be playing politics and stuart: probably a third of
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the democrats vigorously opposed and going for whatsoever and how are they going to come up with a solution. >> they're not thinking about that at all, varney. they're thinking about trying to pander to the radical left and islamic terrorists and not to the american will. we have to start prioritizing the american people that are there and we have to start thinking about america as a whole, stuart. stuart: did donald trump say anything about israel and hamas this morning with you guys? >> well, he's a strong supporter and advocate for israel and talked about relationships he built with china to stop what was going on with them. whether it be with with russia, said it wouldn't be happening what's happening now and afghanistan and rescue americans and i would have not been in israel or haiti rescuing
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americans if president trump was in the white house right now. stuart: you did all that, didn't you? afghanistan, israel, haiti. you did it all. you're quite a guy. take my hat off to you, sir. i'll absolute you. come back soon, cory mills. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: yes, sir. thank you. the united nations report is accusing israel and palestinian groups of war crimes. come back, ash. what's this all about? ashley: yeah, that viewing commission accusing palestinian groups in israel and committing those crimes and the panel said that israel's conduct of the war includes crimes against humanity and now the conclusions do not carry any penalties but they'll likely be weighed a by the international court of justice and going for the investigation and the panel of assessment of the behavior and the commission described the significant physical, mental, and sexual violence completed by hamas on israeli victims on october 7 and
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accused israel of war crimes like the use of starvation as a weapon of war and the use of heavy weapons in densely populated areas and commission says it'll continue its investigations. stu. stuart: thanks, ash. speaker mike johnson four roush over the lack -- furious over the lack of arrest following the pro hamas protest near the white house. what is speaker johnson saying? lauren: after they defaced statues with red hand prints and killing another zionist and no arrest. that's unacceptable and he's right. >> the white house, vandals and aspiring apparently aspiring hamas members and hezbollah chant kill orcinists now. tackle -- other zionists now and that happened and it's disgusting that the metro pd didn't arrest anyone on sunday. lauren: strong words. all i have to say is imagine if
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a maga supporter did something like that. just imagine. you know what, maga supporters, they don't cover their face. it's against dc law to demonstrate as such with a face covering. stuart: yeah, a maga person that did anything like that is in prison as of right now. your system. thanks, lauren. a look the dow losers and we often bring you dow winners list. here's the loser's list. salesforce, amazon, caterpillar, amgen and american express. all down. former speaker of the house kevin mccarthy said trump is better prepared now to beat biden in the election in 2020. watch this. >> he's more disciplined than i'd seen before. he's had more come at him than any human being has ever possibly been through, and i think what i see is he stays on message. stuart: would being more disciplined help him win? probably. yes. we'll get into it.
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a new op ed says black voter haves become swing voters and what do trump and the republican haves to do to win them over? david webb takes that on, next. ♪ as an independent financial advisor, my promise to you is simple. as a fiduciary, i promise to put your interests first, always. i promise that our relationship will go well beyond just investment decisions. it's the intersection of your money and your life where we can make the biggest difference. [announcer] charles schwab is proud to support the independent financial advisors who are passionately dedicated to helping people achieve their financial goals.
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stuart: addc micro devices. >> yeah, it's never a winner but not one you shouldn't look at. if nvidia is benefiting, shohei ohtani is amd and expected to grow about double what they're at and big companies can't source chips from one supplier and benefits from that and a gaming division and auto division that's enjoying strong growth. >> some are better and not equal and price goes on and nvidia and leading big companies to source some of their supplies and even if it's 10 or 15% from amd
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versus knifed sackmary so they're not locked in with one supplier. stuart: if i buy amd now, how long do i wait for a reasonable profit? >> amd up 500% over the last five years and not as much as nvidia and riding the ai boom and doubling of ai chip business and the stock should perform very well. stuart: company called e+. >> yeah, e+ is a $2 billion small cap mid cap and technology integrator and if you have a wealth adviser to manage investments, e+ comes in and manages your tech investments. how do you i want memhet ai and -- implement ai and data center and cybersecurity. they've been around for 30 years and a services business with good margins and undervalued at about 17 times earnings. stuart: where did you find them? >> small cap value fund and manager i follow and look at what they're picking and do my own reservice connected and have it's an interesting services pick and shovel plan. stuart: that's how you do it.
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thanks, lou. happening today, donald trump and white house chief of staff will meet with some of the most powerful ceos in the country and offering dualing visions for the economy. what can we expect from trump and the biden team? reporter: yeah, stu, as far as we understand it, former president trump is in the room with the ce oses right now and never know what the former president is going to say but he's been giving us a glimpse of the economic messaging on the campaign trail talking about lowering taxes and regulations and something the ceos might want to hear today. >> we had the greatest economy in history and what we did in taxes no one ever has done kevin ronald reagan gave the biggest tax cut and gave the biggest tax cut in history and regulatory
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the chief of staff will be here making his case for bidenomics and the president admitted yesterday after the cpi report and inflation report came out that prices are still too high. the biden campaign put out a scathing statement this morning about trump's remarks today saying that donald trump couldn't run a lemonade stand let alone our country and say he's a fraud, a crook, and failed businessman and president that left america in economic ruin. okay, so that's what they have to say. here are some of the ceos hearing the messages from both trump and others including the head of the big banks and citi group and by the way, stu, business round table put out the survey and quarterly survey and they say the economy is steady
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and stable but see how they feel and especially as we look ahead to november and the election. stu. stuart: the president really did say that? that donald trump couldn't run a lemonade stand. he said that; right? >> that was a spokesperson for the campaign, not the president himself. if you're wondering, maybe that doesn't sound like president biden's voice, that would be u why. stuart: we want to know whether biden knows it's lemonade or not. that's another story entirely. grady, thank you for being with us. david webb is with us this morning and what does president trump need to do to win over the black vote? >> like with any voter, it's time short term orientation start laying out -- time to start laying out policy and specifics and specifics in the first term donald trump can point to and what ben carson did with the 13 agencies and opportunities vision and centers
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and there's specific examples we now have that four year to four year contrast and go to voters and speak to them. yes, there's billionaire blacks, millionaire blacks and upper class, middle class. they're also a large group of people being underserved in the black community by failed education systems, what will you do with education and expanding school choice and money in the backpack frampton. jay-z teaming umm to push school choice and people suffered under biden is did better under tram and you want to give them a bath pack out of that suffering. stuart: we hear that trump is making inroads in the black community.
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do you know that for a fact? >> i go to areas that are underserved by fred rendition of anthony koenen wilson and he's -- fredericko wilson and she was the congresswoman forever. it began a revitalization of business and education and but the campaign needs to put together their team and be the messengers on policy points and going to the conduct and go to poor areas of the country and poor latino areas and talk to people about what matters and
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>> he's more disciplined than ever before and more come at him than any human being has possibly had thrown at him and he stays on message and he stays with the american people and stays on issues. compare this to where he was four years ago, remember, biden only won by 48,918 votes. but his favorability was plus ten and at lowest point of 37. stuart: david, do you think trump should tone it down a bit? >> it's not a matter of toning it down but let trump be trump but evolve. look, on this one and i'm not fan of mccarthy on a number of issues, but he's right. trump is more disciplined. if you listen -- don't read or watch the msnbcs and other channels, read and look at what he does with his speeches and policies and go out and what
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you'll do and how and they need to do a better job of putting his message out there. the 47, the plan on his website, go out there and talk about that. >> hillary clinton just endorsed a primary challenger running against a member of the squad the ballot needs strong congress more than ever and in congress, they'll protect abortion rights and standup to the nra and fight for president biden's agenda and what he's done going for them
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and sizable lead and going over bowman and 48% to 31% all though it's not clear what kind of impact his endorsement will have. it's interesting. stuart: could we see ai start to be using in our schools and they say we'll see huge benefit ifs we do. we'll cover that. the head of the faa on capitol hill facing questions about the quality and safety of boeing's jets. we'll bring you the latest from washington after this. ♪
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the senate congress committee and giving them production quality. hillary vaughn on capitol hill. what they have to say. >> stuart, he's taking part of the blame that faa should have more visibility into boeing before the door plug blew off the boeing plane mid flight in january. >> faa's approach was too hands off and too focused on it and not focused enough on inspections and we have now moved for more active and comprehensive model and more. reporter: not rule ago possible cover up and how that door plug got there in the first place and there's no paper trail and they want to know why. >> as your investigation determined whether the documents specific to that max 9 plane, whether they even exist.
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>> my understanding is that is true and they do not exist. >> fio understand correctly, the security camera footage was overwritten. boeing doesn't know who performed work on the door plug. no ware work exists is that right. is there concern that faa and employee at boeing hiding key information about this? >> that investigation is ong ongoing. reporter: now the company's 787 dream liner has issues and going with the dream liner fleet and discovering hundreds of fasteners that were incorrectly for some of the jets and boeing confirming the report saying the team in the body area and dream
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liner and ensuring they meet for the specification and in service fleet and he had continued to safely operate and some lawmakers not optimistic about the future and senator john tester and democrat from montana and telling faa administrator today that if boeing continues to operate and has major concerns and they'll be able to copt to exist as a company. stuart. stuart: existential threat and thank you very much indeed. lou basenese with me following the market and would you buy boeing stock? >> with existential threat? absolutely not. i'm with warren buffett on this, airlines and aircraft makers by extension may be great businesses but terrible investigationments. lauren: boeing is america. >> bet on america and great american brands that don't pan out to be great american investments. stuart: they have to. co-back after that . they've got it. >> they don't have a choice. what about air bus. there's 3,500 other choices in stocks to buy in the market. i'm not putting my money on
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boeing. stuart: brutal. fair enough. and listen to this one. american airlines flight attendants are nearing a strike. ashley, that would not be good news for travelers, now would it? ashley: yeah, an understatement and it could disrupt travel across the country and particularly at american hub in dallas ft. worth and 7600 flight attendants are based and the airline has more than 900 daily flights at peak and last week association of professional flight attendants have strike command center in the quarter and the union started advising members to instead of saving money and moving medical appointments and its website is also posting a strike handbook. none of that encouraging and the airline says it's offered an immediate 25% pay hike to flight attendants and is confident a deal with be reached and the union has yet to comment and what's interesting about this, stu, president biden could
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intervene to try and get a deal but does he want to intervene between unions and buses so close to the election? may not want to do that. stuart: 25% immediate pay increase is a chunk of extra cash right now. ashley: i would say no. stuart: all right, ash. thanks a lot. former spacex employees are suing elon musk's rocket company on what grounds? lauren: wrongful termination. eight case x workers accused musk and the company of firing them and challenged his animal house-like work environment and two years ago. they circulated open letter to condemn elon musk tweets and call them embarrassing and they said they discouraged or rather encouraged and a company closure that made them feel wildly uncomfortable. the lawsuit was filed yesterday. pay package vote and we get the results today and i find the timing very interesting.
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stuart: thanks, lauren. a new report shows covid shutdowns will have a long lasting negative impact on our children. education expert corey deangelis and if children make up those pandemic education losses. ♪ over 400,000 people with afib have left blood thinners behind with watchman. a safe, one—time implant that reduces stroke risk and bleeding worry, for life. watchman. it's one time, for a lifetime. (♪) whether you're moving across town or across the country, you can count on pods
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stuart: a new study claims pandemic learning loss and chronic absenteeism threaten our academy and young people's futures. corey deangelis is joining me now. have children made up this educational loss yet, cory? >> no, in phaco, the scores have only plumed and decades of learning loss and 7 point drop in math scores for students and only a quarter of students in eighth grade and not nationwide being proficient in math and this is a total failure and children haven't made it up and
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the parents are fed up and they're pushing back and they're unhappy with what's happened in the school system and the unions held their children's education hostage and families are trying to push back at school board meetings and had mics cut off and labeled as domestic terrorists and families are pushing for school choice like we've never seen before and it's a parent revolution and now there's 12 states in the past three years alone going all in on school choice and it's absolutely -- it's actually a blooding in disguise and they overplayed their hands in the face of the sleeping giant. stuart: tech entrepreneur says artificial intelligence can be used to improve education in our schools. roll tape. >> we're now and have been over the last five years and very different ai systems and an ai approaches including large enliberal models to really benefit education in the country
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and to really help children with a very personalized supportive experience. stuart: what do you make of ai being used to maybe get the kids back on track? >> yeah, that could be helpful and family and kids could be using this technology in the future on the jobs and if schools can incorporate it sooner than later and that could help and we don't want to be relying on ai and have kids to read that and it's on themselves and the details and implementation and allow families to choose schools that are implementing these in the right way. stuart: there's another intense debate going on around the country and whether youngsters should have a smart tone in the classroom. and will go a growing movement saying you don't want them happening. >> yeah, no phones in the classroom because the kids should be focused on education as opposed to all the other things that can be going on on
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the smart phone. and, there's a body of evidence suggesting that more smart phone use in the classroom is aowesuated with more mental health issues among kids. let parents choose and it's personally a bad idea for the cell phone use in the classroom. stuart: sum it up, no teacher's union and lots of school choice and would make corey deangelis very happy; correct? >> yeah, absolutely. more families having opportunities. this is going to lead to a rising tide that lifts all boats and the public schools get better and competition works in every industry and it obviously works in k through 12 education too. stuart: sure does. corey deangelis, great to have you on the show. come back soon. thank you very much, cory. do you want your children taught by ai in the schools?
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>> in all seriousness, ai can be another tool and hands of well equipped tools and more personalized fashion and going for that and stuart: he says the devils in the de-tiles and pass nor and i want to see de-tiles. oh, it's that time, the thursday trivia question. i am confident that i know the answer to this. where is the original london bridge? london, barcelona, arizona, missouri? the answer when we return. [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
11:56 am
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11:59 am
stuart: have to tell you unconfident, where is the original london bridge, london, barcelona, arizona, missouri, ashley i presume you know the answer, don't you. >> i think i do the original one that london bridge is falling down according to the nursery. >> the original london bridge was in london.
12:00 pm
>> where is it now? it's not there now. >> london. stuart: what you got. >> i'm going to go with arizona. >> in the 1960s it was discovered that london bridge was falling down into 1968 and robert mccauley paid to a half million dollars to transport the bridge brick by brick to arizona they debuted into 1971 and it is still there right now, before we go, there he is his name is grayson, grayson christopher i believe children are a true wealth i am a very wealthy man i have 12 children. >> in addition to your net worth. the show is over but "coast to coast" starts now. >> i am neil cavuto, you
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