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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  June 13, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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donald trump back on capitol hill with the republican party in the house and senate. looks like a very big success. you can put that in your pipe and smoke it. then we got liz mcdonald who always has excess for that question. >> we love it because of you,
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thank you. thank you for showing the way as always. good to see you. let's get right to it, welcome to "the evening edit", the race for the white house, former president trump on capitol hill talking to gop members of congress and business leaders bringing his trump nymex prosperity to unify america and the party. grady trumbull live in washington with the update. quite a day. >> it was for the former president and spoke here for about an hour with the most influential business executives in the country. stephen moore was in the room and he gave a low down of what the former president said. trump focused on his track record as president including his record cutting taxes reducing regulations in the former president says he promised more if he is elected in november. he says most of the room was receptive to what he calls pro-business policies and after his meeting with business
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executives, he went to the hilt to meet with senate republicans where he talked a little more about his economic vision. >> we have inflation killing everybody come up with never seen levels like this before and we are going to and that and bring back our jobs, common sense to government. >> a look at ceos in the room today, j.p. morgan, bank of america and citigroup's jane frazier. apple's tim cook was there, to go apple did not confirm that to us. what president biden away at the g7 summit business roundtable invited somebody from the white house to speak, the chief of staff delivering biden's pitch to the same business leaders and also today the treasury secretary janet yellen was advocating for a second biden term in new york city where she made the case that investments like the inflation reduction act
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are good for u.s. manufacturing though of course a lot of republicans and economists at large say spending from the government like through the inflation reduction act is what put us in this position with inflation and high prices. >> you are right, fed researchers and researchers at the san francisco that bank also said that. grady trumbull, great reporting is always. let's welcome back to the show, the former ceo of home depot and chrysler bob and republican congressman jason chaffetz. thank you for joining us, it's good to have you on. it's good to see you again. what you make of trump's appearance today on capitol h hill? >> it's very convincing if you think about it, i always thought this administration had missteps in but now i believe they've been intentional from border, the attack on energy
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independence. how could you not be attracted to what trump is talking about versus what bidenomics presented? i think bidenomics has created a lot of pressure and the faultlines of this economy through seven depressions and i hope it's not an eight. >> finish a thought. >> how could you not be attracted to what's being said there? of all ages. the younger generation you can't buy a home, cost of living is outrageous so an easy decision to make. >> the president -- former president trump makes a dynamic appearance on capitol hill. let's show video of president biden and delete looking confused. we will dig into that later in the show. when you look at these images side-by-side, reuters has a brand-new poll more than four out of ten voters say they vote for trump versus less than that, four out of ten say they will go for biden.
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biden's approval rating hitting record lows amid concerns about his age and mental fitness to serve so even gallup is saying biden is turning out levels where carter and george h.w. lost reelection. >> you could see it in the video. people see for themselves the white house continues, joe biden's figures at all but all we do is watch a video and now it's not true. the difference is for the last 50 years joe biden has been in government. he hasn't been in the real world. donald trump has been building business and prosperity. he personified success in america and for all ages, that's what they want to see and you can see the energy and enthusiasm donald trump brings everywhere he goes meanwhile, you watch the joe biden video and you wonder if he's going to walk right off the stage.
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where is he going, what is he doing? >> we actually have new video where he did just that and we will show it in a second. to what jason just said, it's true biden has been in d.c. since 1974 in the u.s. still has big problems, we don't even know what biden did to fix any of the problems and he's caused a lot of problems even nevada and democrat governor joe lombardo says in a new york times op-ed president biden's quote failure to rain and things like inflation nationwide he will lose voters and nevada saying it's unsustainable. we do have a new consumer price, wholesale prices 2.2, 3.3% respectively for consumer prices. prices have fallen in a single month below 2% since biden's term began. >> jason said something important, biden signed the and
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he's used to signing different. there's a big difference. one is pure business that understands economics and what it takes to have a formidable country and that's what we have had to get back to. if you look at these numbers that come out in my opinion, they are deceptively correct. the large employee in the country last year was the government and what is the return on investment in those government jobs they are creating whether it's the irs? and reckless spending, any ceo would have been fired for making these allegations. >> bob said something important because real wages hunter biden after inflation are down, more than 2%. trump did make this move, the playful potentially tens of millions of workers in the service industry nationwide, he said it will not cut taxes on tips. service industry workers coast-to-coast live on that. let's listen to trump and nevada
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and swing state autoworkers hammer the biden agenda. >> when i get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips. [cheering] >> the government seems to be appeasing the coast. everyone who lives in manhattan things everyone should drive an electric car. pathetic but we have some to and our politicians just go with it. >> people feel like the government and establishment has been delivering for them. as their life better than ten years ago or worse? for many, it's worse. >> that's a cnn report. final word? >> joe biden and kamala harris believe in big government, the altar of big government and quick. if you had to tell yourself or ask yourself, what is the biden plan to drive down inflation and make the economy seeing and life more affordable? nobody can come up with anything other than they promised to raise taxes allowing trump tax
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cuts to expire and want more government. that is the plan of the biden-harris administration and it's not going to fight inflation, it will make your life worse and not better. >> we thank you because we are living through historic times. we need you to keep us on the rails. it's good to have you on. joining us now, let's get to fox news contributor joe concha. it's great to see you again, always a pleasure to have you on. we got media and critics calling out biden again looking confused. let's show the video at the g-7 italy. it's painful to watch the president awkwardly salute italian prime minister, painful to watch italy's prime minister having to pull biden back to the group get together after he wandered off. >> just look at that, he's just drifting in another direction while the leaders are staying in
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the same place and the italian prime minister has to bring him back the way sometimes my son when we are at an amusement park will wander off if he sees balloons. i'm looking at the same reaction that you got to love it when we hear from those in the white house where they say or even media when they say behind closed doors, joe biden is sh sharp. he selling equations explaining the space time continuum to everyone in the room, basically john -- but then you see him in public you think this person shouldn't even be a call start at the local county golf course but along the president of united states and commander of our own forces and this pertains just to the election. biden has to overcome three impressions that are almost impossible to reverse. muchly for gone for the job, overcome production he doesn't know what he's doing when it comes to the economy and he has to overcome the fact that the country in terms of protests in
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the world in general is far less stable than it was before he became president and that's why is it stands right now, biden is clearly the underdog and trump the favorite to win november fish if he is the nominee, who got to wonder when you see him like this. >> a cbs poll, 65% of voters say biden does not have cognitive ability to serve as president, he doesn't have mental fitness to serve again so we have to follow of the house holding ag garland into contempt for define subpoena to turn over biden's interview in the classified documents case. ag telling congress his about the law because biden has executive privilege so everything's okay with joe biden turn over the audio and if everything is okay and he's mentally fit and he should be prosecuted for classified documents, that controversy holding onto u.s. secret.
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>> six words, what do you have to hide? merrick garland is proving to be eric holder to do auto, you know what he said during the obama administration when he served as attorney general, he was obama's wingmen which is not the role of an attorney general and now garland is biden's wingmen because ask yourself, why is he bending over backwards to make sure the state does not see the light of day? is it really that back? we know he couldn't remember the years he was vice president and i was only eight years north the year when his son died so donald trump talks about the swamp, guys like garland who are not doing their jobs and you see everything through a political prism to expand their own power in washington while prosecuting trump over times in manhattan no one can explain but it's backfiring, just look at the polls. none for biden after the conviction. >> he appeared to be against slurring his words and let's listen to cnn's jake tapper,
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there's no basis for them not to turn over the audiotape. watch that. >> was criticized in the private sector to invest. 96% of the investment. >> no basis for the justice department to not give the audio recordings to congress either. three of the last five attorneys general open found in contempt of congress. a citizen who doesn't have a dog might say it seems to me as though the legislative branch is trying to do oversight of the executive branch and the executive branch keeps giving whoever is in charge the executive branch consistently gives the finger to the house. i assume you don't see it that way but there is consistency in
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the streets contempt of congress votes. >> eight media outlets, cnn, abc, nbc, associated press, "wall street journal", reuters, washington post, all suited to get that audio. don't the american people need to know for informed consent to vote? >> we were told this would be one of the most, if not the most transparent administration of our lifetimes and instead it is plead the fifth administration whether it be the fact that was never seen joe biden doing a solo press conference, you will find jimmy hoffa in front of a microphone taking real questions before you seek biden do that so transparency definitely out of premium when it comes to the biden white house. >> you are terrific, good to have you on. appreciate you. senator tommy taco bell from senate armed services national police associations spokesperson sgt. brenner smith, john's hopkins university professor doctor marty makary's and former
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federal prosecutor in new york was political reporter john and majority ceo ned ryun, what a lineup. this debate is firing up. j.d. vance debuts new legislation to get rid of di for good inside the government sank why should taxpayers pay for government workers to define america even more? this new controversy, president biden tries to get the air about potentially commuting the prison sentence, potential prison sentence for hunter biden to buy a gun while on crack. we are digging in, how much is the push to get trump in the courts linked to nancy pelosi and the democrats attacked agenda way back in 2018 when trump was president? we got the details and the new concern the cold war is back on. russia deploys your power submarine and military exercises
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with cuba for the first time since the cuban missile crisis. why exactly military officials are void. we will dagen. a new report out of the house of representatives, doctor fauci's agency allegedly covered up plans dating back to 2015 to create pandemic level monkeypox virus is for vaccines and also -- police for potential terror attack in new york city, we got the details. a hot out on "the evening edit" tonight, stay right there. we'll be right back. ♪
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plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. the results are absolutely fabulous. see why so many people, including doctors, are choosing gentlecure. call today or go to okay, deeply concerning story, a man reportedly" extreme jihadist, potentially terrace views about in new york city yesterday. let's get the update from fox news brian yet us live in new york with the details. what happened? >> wednesday morning 1:30 a.m., police pulled over a black ford explorer because it had a blackout license plate only to make disturbing to story, stockpile of weapons and alarming messages. "prosecutors say the car stopped could have been a disaster for the country. the suspect got 27-year-old jutta sansone was arraigned on
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multiple charges including criminal inside 11 weapons, 9 millimeters handgun, nine loaded magazines, switchblade, unpacks work with, stun gun and baton. prosecutors say alarming phrases were etched on the baton like left me no choice, you learn today and arabic phrase that translates for forgiveness and found nypd logo bullet proof vest and mta best used by employees in the city's subway system. >> i find extremely concerning nypd will approve vest in transit reflective uniform which is we know in the city of new york gives access to almost anywhere you want to go sooner he shared extreme jihadist views
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online, the queens da said at the moment there are no terrorism charges but they are still continuing their investigation into a mode of especially considering the language and weapons. >> what a story, a massive a tax potentially, you are terrific. thank you for the update. we need to talk to national police association spokesperson sgt. betsy brantner smith, she served america. your reaction when you hear he's got access to nypd, what you think he was going to attack? what could have happened? >> anywhere in new york city whether the transportation system, times square, anywhere using body armor and the nypd badge to go anywhere he wanted to but i want everyone to understand this, this was a traffic stop.
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remember, we are often told we should not be making traffic stops for minor license plate violations and that's exactly what the police did to catch this well armed terrace. this is why cops make traffic stops, not to write tickets for lastly license plate violation. >> this is why you can't listen to the far right democrats undercut ice, everybody's racist and law enforcement because they are stopping potentially massive tax that could hit all communities, he could have gotten into the subway system, train system, airport system, we don't know. polls show americans do not feel safe with this far left agenda under the biden white house. when you heard eight isis linked to terrace were arrested in new york, l.a. and philly after the across the southern border illegally of the medical, what was your reaction? this past march, for isis linked
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to terrace murdered 150 people at a concert in moscow so tell me why generation after 9/11 did joe biden get rid of germs border security policies? >> if you remember on 9/11, it took 19 men in this country illegally to bring this nation to its knees and now we have terrorists crossing both the southern and northern border, one of these men from to jackie chan had the cbp out on his phone probably a smart phone you and i paid for with our tax dollars. every week when i fly out of the tucson national airport, i am in a line, military age men with these phones and apps, they come into the country, they are not just got a raise, they are treated like asylum-seekers and go wherever they want in this
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country. christopher wray, director of the fbi has been talking about this for months and months and months. i think it's time we pay attention because we are about to experience a bad summer and that attack. >> there is no more than 100 investigations of crimes tied to suspected members of the violent venezuelan gang including six trafficking and states like louisiana, point-blank shooting of two police officers but nypd sgt., what you make of this? nypd calling them ghost criminals because we have a hard time getting criminal records for them. final word? >> that's the problem, when they come into this country. often our own federal authorities do not contact venezuelan to find out what exactly and who exactly we are leading into this country, it's got to stop. crime continues to go down in venezuela and they are bringing gang bangers here to commit crimes against law enforcement
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and citizens and our nation. >> betsy brantner smith, thank you for your service to america. we will need you to come back and will stay on this story, it's good to see you. this development, given missile crisis seems to be back on, quite military officials are worried is russia deploys to the caribbean and military exercises of cuba, they haven't done that since the cuban crisis plus former federal prosecutor kelly simpson, president biden tries to clear the air about potentially commuting hunter biden's prison sentence for buying a gun while on crack and taking on this debate, how much are nancy pelosi and the democrats push to get trump back in 2018 linked to trump prosecutions today? also, is this linked to allegations of biden family corruption? is that why they went so hard after trump? are taking it on "the evening
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edit" next. ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
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what did you make of president biden having to clear out the air? reports saint he would commute his son hunter biden's prison sentence cutting it down if sentenced to prison for violating federal gun laws by buying a gun addicted to crack. no sentencing date yet, what was your reaction when you heard this way? >> i wasn't surprised because he's a dad, he's made it clear he loves his son and saw the big hug after the conviction so i think if biden loses, the last thing out the door is commute the sentence, he could even pardon him, not surprised. >> senator rand paul today and 28 other senators sent a letter to ag garland condemning the evisceration of the american
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judicial process in the democrats or attacks against president trump. if you take 30,000 but effective on this and look down, take out the words trump or democrats, no reasonable rational person can think what happened is okay. this push to prosecute and go after trump starting in 2018 during his presidency, that's when house democrats led by nancy pelosi, chuck schumer and adam schiff, 14 committees, 85 targets to get trump on stormy daniels, his businesses, his classified docs at malabo and the trump team says 2018 to 2019, manhattan da talked about reviving stormy daniels case to get trump. >> trumps going to have to go into office if elected with wide open eyes, i'm sure he knows is going to have to back up the white house counsel's office because the few launched against
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him in 2018 will continue to rip up and not try to control, the house and senate is crucial because the houses in the hands of republicans and the oversight hearings will be at a minimum so i think they are going to watch again so that's why you see the article in axios, list down the investigations they will launch, a way to intimidate him and it's not going to work. >> abuse of power gone are the days bill bradley days, they are gone. this is wrong, voters don't w want. they don't like it. the justice department is dismissing claims of collusion with manhattan da and the new york trial but breitbart reports on the timeline against trump. watch this. first, biden says the press conference the day after the midterms after trump said he might run again they want to make sure trump does not become the next president. a week after that, all on the same day messy which is number
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three spot to work in the manhattan das office. special counsel jack smith was appointed fda fani willis prosecutor boyfriend nathan wade we took the white house, biden's white house and the georgia 2020 case. >> where's the reasonable explanation for all of those visits? why is a small town lawyer, nathan wade who wasn't particularly successful meeting at the white house? no explanation and it's obviously something going on, we may never get to the bottom of it. >> we are going to stay on it, thank you for joining us tonight. let's bring back to the show, we are delighted to see you again senator tommy tucker felt from senate armed services, it's good to see you again so just would like to get right to it. what was your reaction when you heard russia deploying warships plus nuclear powered submarine
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to cuba for military exercises? is not far from florida. jake sullivan says these exercises are different for the first time since the end to the cuban missile crisis, russia deployed nuclear powered submarine to cuba, what do you think? >> you hit it, ships are one thing, nuclear powered submarines floating around in the caribbean a little different for us in the united states. we foresee the issue, we all know that. we gave approval to use long-range missiles and forced into russia it's unfortunate he allowed that to happen but this is putin's response, he knew he would do something, this is probably as good as we could expect from bottom of putin but he's showing a side of support for his troops, his country, we help this doesn't backfire on
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us. we need to stay calm, understand they are therefore reason, there to show power but we would like for him to move obviously but we have no control. diplomacy is an answer to this, joe biden needs to sit down with vladimir putin but he wants to fund this forever war. >> assist russia sending a message to the biden white house about it anger over ukraine and biden approving ukraine's use of weapons inside russia near kharkiv? there's reports that u.s. military officials are worried russia could deployed nuclear power to's stock up and down the u.s. east and west coast submersibles. >> we can continue to expect that, this all has to be
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negotiated but there's no diplomacy. they have not said one time in our hearings we need to negotiate, all they want to do is force the issues keep us in the war and it is coming up to election that joe biden along with we delete and tweedledum might make some stupid decision and get us and something we would all regret in the next six or seven months but that is up to them, they were put in the office, i haven't agreed with anything they've done nor has a lot of people on capitol hill. >> we appreciate you coming on, thanks for spending time with us. still ahead, hot debate coming up, new york post political reporter jon levine is look who's here, american majority ceo ned ryun, the debate is firing up in d.c. over senator j.d. vance and 20 other lawmakers backing new
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legislation to wipe out, get rid of all di programs for good from the federal government for being toxic and divisive. why should you have to pay for that? details plus the house a penetration committee subpoenaing 15 biden cabinet agencies for biden's abuse of power, that's the allegation. drug-eluting federal workers to get out the vote that could tilt the boat toward biden and democrats. we really want to know dagen and sean. >> "you're fired" up. on capitol hill today talking to a unified republican party, amazing. one person in the room, and abuelita buddha will join us on the bottom line as well as 19% of items border say society should prioritize marriage and having children on that. >> former nascar driver just one the gop primary in the fine
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state of maine. we will talk to him about one of the hottest hotly contested seats in all of america and guy benson while joe biden was out west to rub up against hollywood dirtbags for money, donald trump will be heading to michigan. to associate with those fine folks. we discussed that and so muches more top o]f the hour. ♪ well done, viv. you got the presents, the balloons and the raptor cake.
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to learn more, call today or go to joining us now new york post political reporter jon levine along with american majority ceo ned ryun, it's good to see you tonight, thanks for helping us out. what was your reaction when you heard senator j.d. vance backed by five senators and 15 house lawmakers introduced dismantled di and get rid of all di programs diversity equity and inclusion programs throughout federal government, what did you think? >> there weren't enough republicans signing onto it is about time without funding these eei initiatives which is really neil marxist ideology in which we use taxpayer dollars to fund this neil marxist ideology. i remind people equity is the di in which they want to have everything leveled out most
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social and cultural capital equal among all. it really is socialism and the fact that we've been using taxpayer dollars to fund this ideology and government calls into question, why did we even like the cold war if we have a president administration and fomenting neil marxist throughout our government? >> what we have instead of dei, we have the electoral college so when you heard what he said, what was your reaction you saw the legislation today? >> obviously i agree with everything said, this dei is racist and un-american to who we are i hate to take away the punch bowl here, i think it is unlikely you will see the bill passed, chuck schumer who's the majority leader said it's not going to bring up and even if for publicans to take back the senate and the next elections, i expect democrats will filibuster this bill and never get it over 60 vote. >> that's probably the reality
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check but when you seek what's happening, companies nationwide are getting rid of the i units and even the house got rid of their dei office, a dozen states also are moving to cut dei and state agencies and schools. this is institutionalized toxic poisonous bullying and violation of civil rights laws, and absurd abuse of taxpayer money to divide and discriminate against certain americans even more. >> correct. i would even say diversity officers throughout corporations and our government are just modern day in which they are trying to enforce a certain political ideology that is un-american to achieve their ends of socialism and i think those are the private in the private market have realized it doesn't actually work with capitalism to try and implement socialism through our private capital markets capitalism so it is good to see it being rejected, the sad part is i think it has gained a certain
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focal that will be hard to get out of our government. >> this is basically spending millions of taxpayer dollars on government training that ends up making minorities and women feel singled out, tokenized and this push can never be appeased. it is like a voracious spending blackhole. >> the root of the ei is the way of rectify historical racism with more racism today and we end up with racism against racism so i was going to say to be more optimistic, if president trump is reelected later this year, he'll be able to take action at the executive level in the short term and i think going down the road it has to be a state-by-state effort and you already have states like florida and utah and texas that have banned dei and moves in many states and legislatures right now to rollback access there so there are a lot of promises on the horizon but i don't think it will come necessarily from the senate. >> dei rules, electric charters are being rolled out.
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show the president of the g7 in italy looking again, final word on this, style, chair of house a penetration subpoenaed biden's 15 cabinet secretaries to turn over documents and biden using taxpayer funded workers to get out the vote to potentially favor democrat. pentagon workers, justice department workers, energy, they are not doing a day job so getting out the vote possibly for biden, what you think? >> i'm glad they finally woke up, that was an executive order from over three years ago so better late than never but i think there might be hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars spent by the government to reelect biden so that's when i tell people let's put a pause and have a reality check on fall elections between the biden box and noncitizens getting about.
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>> democrats are going to pull out all the stops especially if polls show trump continuing to gain at every level. obviously you should try to use the courts to rollback access is for you can't but republicans have to step up her game and don't hate the player, hate the game. there's not harvesting legal, they have to. if there's mailing go, they've got to be better on that. it battery across the field. >> you guys are terrific, good to see you. ask for helping us out. still ahead, doctor marty makary, this bombshell report out of the house committee, james commerce, doctor fauci's agency allegedly covered up plans to create pandemic level monkeypox viruses for new drugs and vaccines and started talking about this in 2015. when is this going to stop? who's watching and what more don't we know? we are taking it on on "the evening edit" next. ♪
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liz: 20 is now johns hopkinsunic health, doctor carey, is good have you on and it's good to see you again okay that's give my data, this new bombshell house and energy commerce report come as of the dr. anthony fauci agency bni ead, it approved then 2015, to genetically engineer a new and a dangerous muted monkeypox virus. i could possibly accidentally trigger another pandemic with a fatality rate of 15 percent of this and the drugs and vaccines and plus they lied to congress about it in doctor, how do you stop this and this is correct what we just reported what you think of this report.
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>> will first of all that is the only reason we know about this is that the house energy and commerce committee has been pounding the department of health and human services, for a year and a half with questions try to get out whether or not this actually took place because doctor bernard moscow the head of genetic research, actually admitted that we don't know if it was a gaffer if he was telling the truth but nobody is denying added that we have sort of this acknowledgment, that this research was approved. but gain function committee back in 22015 likely, they haven't special about because they've been evading begin a function moratorium that obama put into place. liz: were supposed to be blab rest lab beagles and live mice, and he said that dr. anthony fauci in the nh as the obstructed oversight in this, falsely claiming of that this was a plan emily sky sent out yes it was.
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>> well nobody is been forthcoming the government about dangerous function research that the u.s. government has been conducting and finding other places, the only thing that we do learn about it is from whistleblowers and from foyer requests and is not because anybody is open and transparent and bernard laws is about 86 years old and we need term limits he's the guy he was leading this research and he was doing a bidirectional genetic transfer from a more lethal strain of monkeypox and more transmissible strain nobody should be doing that research and has too many rest. liz: monkeypox, is in the same family viruses like smallpox enemy there was a global outbreak in 2022 infecting tens of thousands of people, but this is a monkeypox strength of the could kill people what you need that. >> will come of the dinosaurs of science, the older people who think that all knowledge is great regardless if it is
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dangerous, and the quest again it, they are dinosaurs and believing that we have to create a frankenstein these dangerous viruses in order to predict when they're going to come in in order to develop cures in advance and that is flawed, that is not what we need to be doing. we need to do is when novel editions occur in effect humans and we sequence it begin the quest to create therapy for. liz: the final work and dr. anthony fauci busy again playing god. >> well dr. anthony fauci has decided that the law and the obama care moratorium did no matter you'll doing like. liz: think you for joining us and is good to see you and join us again tomorrow night, we have congressman franchot and mike on the beat and brent tolman a hot chauffeur you thank you for watching the evening at it on elizabeth mcdonald is time to send it to my buddies dagen mcdowell and sean duffy for the bottom line ready to go. ♪ ♪ ♪


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