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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  June 14, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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economic surprises. liz: ten year at 4.21% and avoid t bills and history doesn't prove that to be true and fed has to cut aggressively something bad happens and maybe and payroll going for that and the establishment numbers. liz: by doing what jack says, build in security and the portfolio and thank you so much. jack macintyre, five records in a row for the nasdaq and yes it is happening and going for george cure indian going for a fox news business.
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larry: hello, folks, welcome to kudlow. i'm larry kudlow. donald trump returning to washington with high energy and joe biden in the g7 in italy and no energy and it's a big difference and meanwhile weave got kevin o'leary and senator eric submit to talk about that -- eric schmidt talking about all the details and jacqui heinrich on the details of the trip to italy. what do you have? >> hey, larry, waiting on the readout from the president's private meeting with the pope. we have no idea the president leaned down to greet the 87-year-old pope with a handshake and forhead to forehead moment with embrace and
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pope gave remarks and artificial intelligence deliver ago warning that politicians had to protect human dignity in developing ai so algorithms don't produce life-altering decisions and called on countries to ban the use of lethal autonomous weapons or killer robots. >> we need to ensure and safeguard a space for proper human control and human dignity itself depends on it. i want the president's big meeting with the italian prime minister georgia maloney and the g7 host and avoided talk about the elephant in the room: abortion after biden threatened not to sign the g7 communique if maloney, a conservative, stripped out references to abortion, which were included in last year's g7 statement. the rift reportedly stalled negotiations till 2:00 a.m. several days this week. but the two leaders talked about chai narcs big objective of this summit was deliver ago warning that beijing must not help
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russia in the war on ukraine and yesterday's press conference current president zelensky indicated he didn't think china would be a big issue and citing a call that he had with president xi and biden chimed in to counter zelensky's comment. >> he said he will not sell any weapons to russia if he's a representable person and he said he will not. >> china producing the weapons and the technology 20 do it and it is in fact helping russia. >> it's unclear when there was a conversation he referenced with xi and the last conversation we know about was april of last year. zelensky bound for switzerland for a peace summit on ukraine and six of the seven g7 leaders
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heading to except for president biden is skipping out on that and sending the vp in his place and jetting off to la later on today for a big fundraiser happening for the likes of george clooney and julia roberts and the most popular figure and barack obama. larry. larry: jacqui heinrich, thank you very much. no energy biden, that's the substantive of the riff and high energy versus no energy and president joe biden goes to the g7 meeting in italy and gets lost in a crowd of about seven people. georgia maloney had to dbrox off and get him and not a good look for american power. by the way, prime minister maloney is a super star in the european stage with her conservative policies that are shaking up italy and rest of
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europe. donald trump goes to washington for the first time in 3.5 years and blows up the liberal media and high energy positive pro growth tax cutting message and as he promised during the primaries last winter, mr. trump was unifying the republican party. ark critic mcmcconnell shaking hands and fist -- mitch mcconnell shaking hands and fist bumping and mr. trump praising and endorsing former maryland governor larry hogan who is a moderate republican running for the u.s. senate and could well win in an ultra blue state. i'll bet you a senator hogan votes for trump policies 70% of the time. that's pretty good. that's very good and pompeo seizure disorderses becoming unifying and that's a big part of the message and he is a
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growth guy. he told all the big shot ceos at the business round table and nice round number and 18% and even go to the 15% rate and going for the favor in the 2016 campaign. going for the tax raiser and he's a pro growth prosperity and not a redistribution and no energy for biden and want as trail dollar tax hike and would give high energy and big government socialism and high energy trump is aiming for a significant tax cut that will give no energy to the government and high energy to private
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investment and free market capitalism. some tell the ceos he'd stop overregulation and watch significant permitting reform for inflation curbing drill baby drill and all manner of instruction projects. that's high energy. that's es g-man dates and kept business pinned down and that's a low energy economy and mr. trump emphasized he wants america to be a nag net for the best -- bag net for best and brightest all around the world and provided they've got proper vetting and legal visas and, yes, he's going to close the border and he'll deport criminals but he also told the business ceos he's okay with high skill technology immigrants providing they are legal. if young people already living in america presuming they are vetted and graduated from college and they ought to be
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going to ship back home some place. trump has long believed this and advanced thinking and what business would hear and what business needs to perform and produce it would be a big one for working folks and zorching fallen real wages for 3.5 years under biden is how about tax free tips for service industry working folks. hard bound antibureaucratic and sit on your hands business. going for the american decline and we can't have that. that's a trump message we got to unleash the animal spirits of prosperity and opportunity and
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we've got to restore american greatness as soon as possible. that's my riff. ken, welcome back. first of all, trump's message to ceos and i'm going to cut taxes and low taxes and could be 21%, could be torques could be 15% kevin o'leary and i tell you what, i was there and moderator ceos and didn't move going for the drop and they were rivetted by the message of them and >> fantastic and we're getting into the election and hearing both sides of the policies and trump, this narrative on trump for the 15-21 gets you right into the top core of g20 on
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competitive tax rates and corporations and that's pro business and and it's p5 on the regulation and it's the problem and it's the rest of america and all the companies 5-a 500 employees and going 62% of jobs and there's small business in any state and you're also bound by federal regulations and it's slows you down. i want 20 see it in the doe bait and going for the debates and that's really how people will make their decisions and particularly independents and you've got to remember, a lot of independents are running family businesses too. they're taking care of their families and they're creating jobs and taking care of our taxes and i don't want to hear about porn, i want to hear about power.
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larry: no point here. we're a family show. you know what, trump's response to the business ceos, which affects small business too, overregulation is a killer. as you well know, i mean, you've got all these alphabet agencies in washington and this is what the business round table people are worried about. you've got ftc, federal trade commission and you've got the federal communication and ftc wants to stop every business merger and all they want to do is fight nonexistent monopolies and federal communications commission wants to take over all of the internet and all communication and the security exchange commissions kevin, you're an investor and you're buying and selling and those guys want more information, personal information than even the fisa courts would want and intelligence and national securities and see my point and overti and it's a disease and it's a virus and that's part of the big
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government socialism that the biden's want and trump is saying with great clarity, no. i will change that. there's no fourth estate. there's no fourth branch of government and we have to have good people running those agencies and so they don't run business and the economy into the ground. that's his point. >> i'd lake to hear more on all that and devil in the detail coming to policy and regulatory environment and example and both candidates talking about that and digital payments and bitcoin lining now that the sec approved that and going for ethereum as well and talking that through and learning details and going for them and set down quite a bit and that was a huge momentum in digital economy and some kind of stable coin act liking to hear more about that. all of the sectors and all eleven sectors have own issues around regulation and we want to hear more about power and we want to hear about border and
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you've had new tech companies going public and has been the last four years and three and a half years and they just happen and a lot has to do with a tone of regulatory environment and access to capital and interest rates as well. larry: that's what i'm telling you and reason is no mergers and this with socialist planning and how about this one kevin o'leary and going for them and ceos and if young people are here illegally and if young people go to college and have to leave here after a period of time and we'd like them to give us our resources and we want to be a magnet for the smartest people and best and the brightest all
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around the world and some to america and trump said that and i think a lot of people forgotten that he stood for that way back in the first term and going for this america and should be attracting the best around the world and this could be the greatest place and most freedoms and hopefully the best judicial system in the rule of law and we'll grow like top seed, kevin o'leary. >> that's a important element of immigration law as you point-blank layupsed out and most of the time -- pointed out and most of the time we discover and immigration at the border and you take a third of the class at mit to graduate for engineering and probably the number one institution on earth are not american and nationals and i think the policy should look like this and i'll hire them and going for passport and
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staying in america and going for a ceo and best and brightest and didn't start as american and that's the immigration policy that founded the nation over 200 years ago and we want to keep those people because frankly larry i paid to educate them with my taxes and sending them back and going for them and i like this discussion and very, very important and something else i want to point out regarding trump and at the end of his last mandate, you couldn't get a single ceo and going to stand behind him and i'm not craze psychiatry and it'll be different this time and you're seeing all these and out here in the west coast and i'm in la and a lot of tech leaders here willing to endorse trump's policies so all of a sudden
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trump figured out i don't have to be nuts and i can give out great policy and i just have to find a team to execute it and is all the head of cabinets and looking at it now and doesn't have to be crazy and could be a really big selling point. larry: he was never crazy, i beg your pardon. he was never crazy. >> you know what i mean. larry: crazy stuff was brought against him. i want to make that point because i don't think you can generalize this that way, kevin o'leary. nutty stuff and russian hoax stuff was nutty and unproven and turned out to be wrong and he didn't do that stuff. >> that's probably getting him some ex-wety. larry: he didn't do that. >> he bought the jamie dimon stock and talking about it now. larry: he's always been a policy guy and pro guy and tax cutter r and refresher and he's like hitting the refresh button and making sure the ce os understand
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he was he was there and ryan higgins effective and going for that and we've got to go. consider it and low taxes and deregulation. >> you know i love you and i have to be a bipartisan guy. that's why you love me. larry: that's why i love you. i have to think about, yeah, there may be other reasons why i las vegas you too . how about that . i wouldn't limit it to just a bunch of economic policy. you come cuddle up here with me on the set next time. i want you real close so we can cuddle and talk about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, kevin o'leary, the best of the best. straying from our mission as a family-oriented show. how about abolishing the corporate income tax all together? this is interesting rumination we're going to have with senator eric schmidt as one of the smartest guys on the planet. i'm kudlow and larry and i will cuddle on the set in a future date.. date.. stick around, lots more to come.
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4:21 pm
i was only 23 when i was first diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer. 40 years later, i've had almost 20 mohs surgeries. i had just accepted that the pain and the scars were going to be part of my life. but when i was diagnosed with two basal cells on my face, i became determined to find an alternative to surgery. if you, like millions of others, are affected by skin cancer... it's important to know that surgery isn't the only option. there's another choice. gentlecure. it sounded like everything i had been looking for.
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gentlecure uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to larry: all right, how about abolishing the corporate income tax and missouri senator eric schmitt. now, mr. schmidt, i'm not pulling any funny stuff and all
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thought experience much i want to get your take. mr. trump and all these meetings and some of the meetings you may have heard it, talked about substituting a tariff for the income tax, a 10% tariff. now, you may oppose that if you do, please, sir, speak up. then maybe replace with the income tax and numbers don't work but the corporate income tax numbers work and we did some little bit tariffs about 4 trillion worth of tariffs produced and worth of ref knews and that exists just a bit less than what the corporate tax collects and if you had a 10% tariff across the board, what do
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you think, sir? i don't know, are yes not connecting with senator schmitt? is there a technical problem? usually he has a smile and i don't know if he heard the question and not sure what we can do. we'll try to fix it. i'll say it's as we do this and for viewers trying to catch up here, mr. trump has been ruminating and we'll use that word, ruminating almost wild horse saloonfully and what wouln time in late 19th century and not having an income tax till the it was the great tariff of 1887 and mckinnley was the chair of house ways and means excite tee and and beside that, we bring in scott perry and technical details get in the way
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of cable tv. you could have a 10% tariff with no corporate income tax and scott perry, you're there alone and you're bailing us out. we appreciate it very much. it's lym nating and not policy and not documented yet and nothing initial it's a 10% tariff for the income tax and individual income tax and 4 trillion worth of tariffs and $400 billion worth of revenues and that's about what the corporate tax is and you could replace the corporate tax with a 10% tax, again, this is rumination and >> yeah, but the
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american citizens keep more or all of what they earn and certainly we have to fund the government but we have shown time and time again that we don't have a revenue problem at federal level and we've got a spending problem and there's some folks that are going to scream that we can't afford it. well, the american people can't afford these taxes and what we can afford is our government so i think that'd be consumers pay them and reduce the spending at federal level and they'll juice juice the economy and out of inflationary psychoand will rising prices to no end and
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spending. larry: thank you, sir. we're back to the show and i don't know if you heard any of this discussion and who is william mchenry. let's have a little friday history lesson and i'm not even old enough to have met william mchenry. i want to say that . he was the chairman of the house ways and means committee and passed the mckinnley tariff in 1887 and i'm talking to both of you and having fun and he became florida of 1886 and he was wildly popular and won a second term and chose teddy roosevelt to be his vice president and unfortunately after only a few months in the second term in
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1901 he was shot and teddy roosevelt became president. mr. snooker, what is mr. trump thinking too much about tariffs and that's a part of this or could we wish them more? >> i want to wish the 45th president and soon to be the 47th president a happy birthday today. it's worth visiting what happened with the mckinnley tariffs and the goal of this is to bring more jobs back to america to have an economy that's working for the american people. and to reduce our reliance on
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china in our supply chain and there's a number of ways to do that and there's gonna be an ongoing discussion about how we do that. i can tell you republicans in the ways and means will be ready to work with donald trump and we'll have a opportunity to do that and we'll reverse the disastrous policies of this administration so we're now having these discussions and it's an idea that the president has thrown out and we'll be looking. larry: i'm not in favor of it. i'm just saying let's look at it. it's a very interesting thing and when i was listening yesterday at business round table and he mention it had to me and he said i should bone up on the tariffs of 1897 and it was the mckinnley tariff and the rest kind of flows if you know how he thinks and i do. the other thing is leaping now aside for a moment and it's just something to ruminate and study
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to put it up and hold it there and see if it makes any sense and, scott, i want to come back to you and one of the big winners i think is mr. trump's advocacies of no taxes on tips for service people and tax except tip winner is a thing. >> i would agree with you and like i said in the beginning that lloyd had thoughts on it and any time you can have any time the american people are working for winning and earn ago living can keep the money they earn or more of the money they earn, that's better for them and it's better for the united states of america and it's better for the american economy and the market is deciding which is most efficient and reacting that way and i'm fully in support and it's a fantastic idea and we don't have a revenue problem at the federal level and we have a spending problem and
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we have to acknowledge that some day. larry: these things like no taxes on tips and it reduces the tax on work and employment and work effort and i mean that's why i think it's so clever and ruminated in the press and moderating and it's put out there and that was the original campaign in 2016 and how about a 15% corporate tax? whoopie, how about that? i'm for that and that's your ways and means and you're like a real understanding of these numbers. going for the front ask we'll e we're going to be rooking at corporate rate and seeing that
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most americans work for. and these are the companies that we want to ensure that we are continuing to -- l i'm sorry, gentlemen. i have to get out. larry: we appreciate you guys and the late president william hick henry. i'll -- mckinnley and commune with him later on in the afternoon and coming up, trump's growth in tax cuts was the big take away this weekend and we're going to try it again with senator eric schmitt and he was in the meeting with the senators. what a heck of a weekend for mr. i'll tell you what. high energy and great message and lots of unity, pro growth. i'm kudlow, william mckinnley, very interesting american president. be right back, folks. i got to talk to mckinnley.
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larry: joe biden will not commute or pardon hunter biden is live at the white house with all the videos and thank you for this. what can you tell us? >> larry is not clear and president biden is not there and hunter biden met earlier and that name did come up during the press conference last night and the president asked if he'll pardon his son. >> i'm extremely proud of my son hunter and he's overcome addiction and he's one of the greatest people i know and i'm satisfied i'm not going to do anything and i would abide by the court's decision and i'll do that and not pardon him.
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>> hunter biden making first son of sitting president to be convicted of a felony and facing up to 25 years in prison and being found guilty on all three counts related to purchase of the handgun and 38 caliber colt revolver and hunter was on drugs at the time of the purchase in violation of the law. hunter had a sexual relationship with his sister-in-law after his brother died and spoked crack with her too she admitted. now, beau biden is attorney's general locking up drug dealers and aishah hasnie asking donald trump about this case.
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>> i think it's a very serious thing and i understand that people have it in their family and tough thing and tough situation for father and it's a tough thing and so that's a tough -- it's a tough moment for their family and it's a tough moment for any family involved in that. reporter: hunter faces another trial in september and this one is alleged failure and paying 1.4 trillion in taxes. larry: lucas tomlinson, appreciate that very much. folks, continue our discussion about tax cuts and pro growth and great missouri senator eric schmitt. sorry, senator schmitt, whatever the technology is, we'll be a little shorter and tvs a unity meeting and one of the themes of our show tonight and last evening is a important message
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and they're getting overshared. what did you think? >> he had something to do with it and i apologize for that. it's going to be -- it's good to be back with you and the way i took a few things from that meeting and first of all, president trump was upbeat and z abundancety and winning and struggling under joe biden's economy are working folks and i think president trump unveiling this idea of not taxing tips in nevada was genius and really important thing and relevant and important and then they expire and next year's going to be a really important time for us to
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think critically about this and do the right thing for the american worker. we've got a great opportunity to do it and it's also worth pointing out that his willingness and those battleground states and excited for what lies ahead. larry: senator, on this point, i mentioned this at the top of the show, his endorsement of moderate republican larry hogan former governor ran for the senate and was it it a terrific thing? it was exactly right and it was big 10 and hogan will vote for trump's policies and 60, 70% of the time and put a guy in maryland and i wouldn't say a
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new donald trump and newish donald trump but it's a big tenth and what do you make of that? >> i the he knows whatever the yard line we're on. i think he sees the end zone. and how important this election is and you've never really had a opportunity in our lifetimes, larry, to compare two presidents that are running at the same time and you've got four years of president trump and four years or three and a half years of joe biden is the american people that's a rare thing and ultimately relating to the senate map and majority growth as possible and if the democrats ever get it back, larry, they're on record all of the candidates are running and talked about they'll end the filibuster and pack the supreme court and add states to the union and federalize elections and they'll have it's important for us not
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to get to 51 but 54, 55 if we can and expanding that map is critical and president trump is a big part of that. larry: yes, sir and plus a $5 trillion tax hike. sorry, senator schm to the best itt, we're alittle short. william mckinnley got in the way. we'll try next time. for more on president trump's comeback in washington dc, we have david webb, host of the david webb show on siriusxm patriot and charlie hurt washington times opinionuater and charlie, trump said set for greatest political comeback in history and going to tell us about them riding on good news
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for the party and we talked about a lot, donald trump is invigorated by his platform about ideas and whether it's talking about tax cuts or talking about dealing with a america first agenda and drilling for more oil and gas. his agenda is all about the issues. they've propelled him back into the belly of the beast and he's stronger today than he's ever been since he came down here
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he's run on issues, pocketbook issues, kitchen table issues and immigration, crime issues and that's why he's gotten where he's gotten. >> this is important, he's going to michigan that lost 25% of population in that initial failure and 34% of the population since 2020 and now median income all of these ththings are they're underwaters a population and he's going to go there and demonstrate to them or at least say what he did the first time around and take a chance to the 180ture and have issues that affect the afternoon american out there and frankly
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it affects all of us no matter what level you're on. another thing, the republicans need to do this, they won a big victory in michigan over the secretary of state and issued mail in ballots and trump bringing them together on issue of voter integrity and election integrity and more and that's all the issues that should affect us. larry: charlie hurt there's been a technological conspiracy for this entire show and that's why i got to get out. i hate to say, you know i love you, but i'll just tout your column and trump set for greatest political comeback in history and returns to swamp a conquering hero in the washington times and we'll beat the technology next time. i love you. david webb, it's a great pleasure to see you onset. >> great to see you. larry: folks, coming up, talking to david bahnsen and the
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technology and david bahnsen the great will be here onset. we'll talk to him then. ♪ [introspective music] recipes. recipes that are more than their ingredients. ♪ [smoke alarm] recipes written by hand and lost to time... can now be analyzed and restored using the power of dell ai. preserving memories and helping to write new ones. ♪
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lyric bringing in david bahnsen and i say that's ronald reagan and that's pro growth and that's supply side and i say that instills confidence. what do you say? >> you're right, that message is regulated and that's mature and supply side and thoughtful and sometimes it has economic platform can be very emotional and there's emotional things to tap into politically in 2016 and when he sounds the way he did in the round table, it makes a very old antekuwaited supply side gue and it's focused and free market. larry: look what he said about immigration and it's very interesting. he wants us to close the border and i don't close the boarder and he talked about if kids with visas go with college and
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stopping the boarder and supporting and there's another side and brtcos really like it had. >> the language of close the border taken to mean something it doesn't mean. guy like you and i mean stop illegal immigration and people coming through improperly and let's do it the right way. when he's talking about work visas, the technology, the special needs we need, the more specialized labor in the work force and having some of that method of immigration and that's incredibly profound message that some people think is inconsistent with closing the border and it's not. it brings the whole message together and winnable message.
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larry: it never got anywhere and a lot of people assumed there was none but there isn't. he gave a taste of that and i think what he's saying down there and he's saying i'm for growth. you're for growth and this is a business and i'm for growth. i want i want lick trek bills and per -- electric bills and permits and fossil fuel back and keep your taxes down and stop overregulation. that's a profound -- yes, it's pro business and pro worker and it's pro investment and it's pro stock market. >> that's exactly right. it's pro growth in the right way. when biden says he wants to give people money to put a down payment on a home, that's not pro growth and artificially stimulates more demand. when he's talking about not taxing tips for workers, it's pro growth of blue collar low wage earners and i think these are the things we're talking about and need to stimulate more productive activity and it's a supply side message and you can call it regular identity and
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going to be applied to the issues now and i think it's skeptical sometimes. b larry: david bahnsen is the bes of the best. ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seeee, ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪
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or go to mr. trump in washington, high-energy growth message. cut taxes, stop overregulation, good for business, good for workers, good for america. just as american as apple pie and now we get a little apple pie from liz mcdonald. >>


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