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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  June 17, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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washington, what is your answer actually? >> oh my goodness i'm getting with number two, virginia. >> pennsylvania number one. stuart: i'm good to go with iowa number three on the grounds that is oddball. >> were all wrong. washington. 1910 they convince local leaders to celebrate the great fathers in her city, she then advocated for a national holiday. 1966 president lyndon johnson recognized the holiday there you have a 1910, washington. now we know. time is up for us, lauren, ashley, great stuff we will see everybody tomorrow. we don't have much price movement of the market to report at the moment but i can count you down to "coast to coast". five seconds. three, two, do it. >> here you go again.
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>> so many bulls and so many records and i'm not talking about whether the nasdaq makes fixed-rate records in a row or whether the s&p 500 can score the 30th record this year, so far nvidia can add to the 166% entered again this year, so far that is happening as well, the other stuff like goldman sachs upping the price target for the s&p third time or times this year and outside investor advanced international up to $3 billion for a minority stake in fisher investments for the first time all are very powerful signals, some with salable market unleashed and others look at the same development and salable market that might be on a short leash. well, i am neil cavuto. we thought this was an interesting way to begin the week in a good place to start the day and explore the signals for what remains this year, to do that the t-3 trading chief
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strategist i mentioned the bullish signs and analysts will flip them around his salable market that is proving long in the tooth, how do you see? >> i feel if i had a dollar every time they said the bull market is long in the tooth i would have less money than what the market is making for those sticking with it. but i hear you, you set the nasdaq is up 18% or so and s&p of 14% historically over time if you take a 30 year block europe 70% but feels like this half of the year has borrowed from the second half and i don't think anyone is thinking we can have the same type of gains in the second half. it doesn't mean rather short term and it doesn't mean you need to sell the macro holdings, if your trader you have to be a little bit careful with a very specific tape and a lot of complaining how narrow the market is and making new highs in tech participating but then you have the energy sector of a participative small-cap lagging
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and the bios have not been special, the financial. neil: i understand that everybody is going along for the ride and until they do the bull market has some legs. you mentioned energy and small caps away so follow-up, when do you see that kicking in? >> a lot of people are trying to anticipate that, i'm trying not to i'm kind of a market show me i've been involved in tech and last time we were on we talked about how apple was going to play catch of the second half of the here and it started last week and we talked about the setup of microsoft, meta, google and for those trying to play the rebalance trade like a small caps or the rsp or the actually they're frustrated they haven't made money in the last quarter, there is talk if you were to be key which i'm trying to be cute there could be rebalance for the end of this quarter, the end of this quarter is in two weeks into triple witching on friday, what i'm doing for cash flow on
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by next elite calls for next friday actually has pulled in over the past six weeks i'm going with an 88, $89 strike, let's see to be fully transparent it's trading at 8817, you could buy the 89 and $90 calls for next week and catch a cash flow it doesn't mean it's going to start a new trend. neil: it means if you go that way there is a history and the rest of the market following soon. i'm just wondering what you make of that in the argument for the bull run, it goes almost sector by sector and there's a lot of sectors that have not yet participated in this been a presidential election year in interest rates market interest rates that have gotten lower regardless of the fed's intention these are all bullish developments, do you agree with that? >> i do, like i said long-term
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historically over time you want to put monthly flows into the s&p 500 that's how you build wealth over the long term and a 529 for your kids started early monthly that's how you pay for college but if you trade actively for a living you have to look for signals for the signals have been strong to stay with s&p despite being a 21 day. if you pick the wrong sectors you're not making money it's been a i semi and tech and that trade doesn't seem exhausted it seems a little long that at this point is very putin to watch close for an igniting move in the small-cap mab energy to create alpha for the third and fourth quarter but it hasn't really happened yet, at this point you don't need to be so heavy in the laggard sectors but if you start dipping your toe in the iw and an x elite and stay involved if it's working you could have the best of both worlds until something shows itself a little bit more forcefully. neil: i know a lot more people
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with the energy select sector fighter fund that's generating interest in your head at the curb on that one will see what happens always good seeing you, thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. you know by now president biden raised a whole lot of money $30 million over the weekend at the hollywood shindig affair, the question becomes what he does with that were told is launching a 50 million-dollar ad campaign that gets into targeting donald trump as a convicted felon, there is risk with the strategy as you know since technically his son hunter is looking like a convicted felon whether going full throttle, edward lawrence with the latest from the white house. >> over the weekend we saw huge stars trying to get president joe biden reelected it raising money you said $30 million to total, they're talking about stars like julia roberts, george clooney, jack black, $30 million, this is what the
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president is doing with it over the next 30 days buying these ads. listen. >> this election is between a convicted criminal who is only out for himself and a president who is fighting for your family. >> the new ads will not feature president biden instead attacks president trump, president biden told the stars in the who's who election will be about healthcare in abortion rights. >> elect me, i'll tell you why. the next president is likely to have two new supreme court nominees, two more, two more he's already appointed and been very negative in terms of the rights of individuals. >> outside the event, protesters blocked the entrance for some of the people going in to watch the event they yelled, held signs,
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the weekend showed a huge dichotomy reformer president trump went to historically black church to talk to voters directly in detroit no megastars in the audience, the former president pointed out the difference in how people live right now. >> is been the worst president for black people, he's been the worst president for hispanic people there's never been anybody so bad remember what i said about the crime bill under biden real wages for african-american workers are down 6%. president joe biden trying to turn around some of the economic poll numbers especially when they look at voters going forward to the election and what's important to them when they go to the ballot box. >> i assume the sprinklers are quite a distance from you but they don't turn the mine. >> it is hot i wish they were closer but they did just turn them on as they walked out the door. neil: they are caterers, those guys, edward lawrence following all of that we have built a enjoyed innocent wall street journal editorial former bush 43
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whether you agree or disagree sometimes with his words as well the capital counsel llc partner former top joe manchin aid in abiding 2024 surrogate, welcome to both of you. a lot of people are looking at the new ad campaign by president biden and i'll start with you, the notion that he might be doing this a little early and people aren't focused on this right now, they get more focused on the poll traditionally that is when big ad campaigns begin, your thoughts? >> i think early is not the problem we have debates coming up later in the month. i don't think being too early is joe biden's problem it helps to define the other guy i just don't think when you're the incarnate is going to scratch the itch when people worry about inflation, crime, about the
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border and so forth, i don't think they have a message. it's very telling that after his first term joe biden is not running on his record he is running on i'm not donald trump that may have worked in 2020 i'm not sure he can get reelected without. >> we haven't seen the full ad campaign we have a teaser with a convicted felon that could boomerang given the fact that his son is in the same predicament but maybe they strategize this in figure there is a distance between a father and a son in donald trump's case he is the guy, what you make of. >> i think there's two choices when voters go to the polls in november it's a convicted felon on the ballot versus the president on the ballot and i think getting out there early is good because the three of us follow politics daily to a fault of our own and our health but most americans aren't they
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haven't seen donald trump in front of their face for the last four years, they are not getting everything that he's been doing. i think this ad is good because it reminds people this is who donald trump is in the chaos president and the president who cares mostly about himself not about you and that's a contrast the joe biden is going to have but this would be millions of dollars spent on joe biden's record going forward this is just the first ad to come out after the former president was convicted and is now a felon. neil: i've seen so many parallels now with what's going on with the 2016 bill anno domini the democratic nominee to rely on outsiders and other parties superstars or for that matter celebrities to close the deal to fill an event donald trump doing all on his own yet maybe we should've paid more attention at the time when people were criticizing for presumably wasting money in a battleground state we know how that turned out it turned out
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pretty well he's doing all of the all over again, what do you think. >> i think so ethic it's extraordinary, forget about donald trump position and whether you like him or not, this resurrection of his candidacy after january 6 it is extraordinary this is a politifact and i think the idea that julia roberts is going to get joe biden elected people worry about their standard of living in the prices and they still pay the supermarket. i don't think any of this touches that. plus the biggest problem the presidents clearly diminished capacity you know when he walked off the stage by president obama he looks off, the journal had a story saying behind closed doors they're worried about what he does and falls and so forth but it's really what he does in the
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open that everyone can see and i think something like 80% of the people think he's too old to be president. >> whatever people think about is he too old are the things that are magnified when we see them again and again, i'm not here to judge but i am curious a guy used to work for joe manchin has had it with both of these guys, he said they both failed us in their messages old and tired and now he's an independent and i'm just wondering what you make of that whether your old boss reflects the new reality that people don't like the choice and it could turn out how that breaks down, i have no idea but what do you think? >> i think what my old boss said he's tired of both parties not the two nominees, he said he loves this country too much to vote for president former president trump but i think he's mostly upset that the extremes of the party. >> he is indicated to my party that is going to vote for joe biden. >> he has not said that yet, he
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things joe biden can win the race if he comes back to the middle and is the old joe biden the joe biden that one in 2020 and be people like bernie sanders, i think he's hoping that will happen but voters are disenfranchised they don't think both parties are working for them and i think that's why the biden contrast that donald trump cares about himself and i care about you is the right message i have going forward in the contrast in different ways it will be donald trump concerned about not going to presented donald trump is not concerned about another round of corporate tax breaks in donald trump is only concerned about reducing regulations so he can help his friend and big business, joe biden is working for you, i think that contrast will help him a lot and hopefully will bring voters back to the electoral process which they have been going away from, we have a horrible voting record in the united states for years we only go to the 60% rate that is
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embarrassing. neil: it is embarrassing, final word, very good seeing you guys in the meantime we told you how the democrats are planning to portray their opponent donald trump but interesting developments as speaker mike johnson at mar-a-lago it's important from meeting will start in 45 minutes but there cooking up something we are getting early indications of what that might be after this. ♪ (grandpa vo) i'm the richest guy in the world. hi baby! (woman 1 vo) i have inherited the best traditions. (woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share.
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it sounded like everything i had been looking for. gentlecure uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to want to save on some of the biggest names in streaming on the network made for streaming? x marks the spot. now you can add the new xfinity streamsaver™ that includes netflix, peacock, and apple tv+. that's xfinity streamsaver™ for just $15 a month. all your favorites. all in one place. only from xfinity.
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for more watching and less spending... x marks the spot. do it all on the network made for streaming, i was only 23 when i was first diagnosedf. with non-melanoma skin cancer. 40 years later, i've had almost 20 mohs surgeries. i had just accepted that the pain and the scars were going to be part of my life. but when i was diagnosed with two basal cells on my face, i became determined to find an alternative to surgery. if you, like millions of others, are affected by skin cancer... it's important to know that surgery isn't the only option. there's another choice. gentlecure. it sounded like everything i had been looking for. gentlecure uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring
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and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to neil: is he the president in waiting you get more signs as donald trump meets with the powers on capitol hill it may be a new return to the white house chad pergram following mike johnson at mar-a-lago as we speak they're planning a big announcement and a half hour or so chad is on capitol hill. >> afternoon this is the second meeting between the president and speaker mike johnson in recent months at mar-a-lago and mr. trump phoned johnson right after he was convicted, the signs will discuss a possible governing agenda.
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>> what he talked about the most was economy and we have to become energy independent again and bring down energy costs if you can bring down energy cost you can bring down the economy or the inflation. >> the gop hopes to have control of the house, the senate and the white house next year one big issue for former president trump is re-upping his expiring tax cuts they may use a special budget tool to sidestep a filibuster also on the docket bolstering foreign policy. >> we've seen enough from afghanistan, the inflation and everything since then this is not working out for a country he is committed to making sure our parties unified and we get the job done in 2025 the politics talk is over. >> donald's is believed to be among those in play for vice president donald's did not
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answer when asked if he spoke to mr. trump about serving as his running mate, also in the mix gop fortis editor marco rubio democrats are focusing on how republicans are lining up behind the former president. >> trump is continuing his shakedown of the republican party and as we seen from the very beginning and throughout this entire term he's hitting up members and demanding more from an weaponize in the republican party is not for the country and the people of this country. neil: democrats have a strategy to fight back they intend to show voters ties between gop members and former president trump they believe some republicans represent districts where the maga agenda falls f flat. neil: thank you for all of that chad pergram following those most closely and bob nardelli the former ceo and chrysler ceo, i was thinking of you i know
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recently not only the former president me with top republicans in the house and the senate but with the business roundtable some of the most powerful ceos, guys like you and they came away the pentagon who you believe impressed that he is the things that they like to see lower regulation and taxes but some of them thinking he was all over the map in that he hadn't crystallized what he exactly wants to do, what do you think? >> thank you for having me there is no question if you listen to the two prior guest jonathan and bill there is a polarization to no question if you talk to either side that they are staunchly in support of their candidate it's a fine group within the middle that seems like will make the decision to your point on the business roundtable i went back and read to report cnbc and the wall street journal is almost like it
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was two different meetings depending on the point of view in here sponsoring and supporting pretty comes back to the real issues i hope and again, you heard from some of your guest whether it's immigration, whether it's energy cost, whether it's cost-of-living and when i fill up my tank saturday was 3.49 a dollar less than that when president trump was there. we see this administration is draining some for the reserves again and that's a concern as we get into a marketable. within our local ally and some the issues happening there. i think what's going to have to happen between now and november, there has to be a clear deal litigation of what are the policies that you plan on implementing likely just for the former president meeting with the speaker, what are we going to do to improve the safety and
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security within our border in a global basis that will be a defined moment and who will make the decision and who will sway who in the final moments and who will end up in the white house. >> one thing we've learned he throws ideas out there as much to think outside of the box and throat out and see what people think among them replacing taxes with tariffs in other words whatever we gain off tariffs or slapping the add-ons to the countries that deliver goods here that will be a good substitute, the map does not favor that an obviously tariffs in itself are what we pay and that won't come close to what we pay in taxes but he threw it out as a tax alternative, what did you think about? no question former president trump is full of ideas and generating a lot of thought the chip taxes another one that resignation stuck to a wall the
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terracing particularly with china i think we have to tread very carefully because you and i talked about this before we really create an issue with china they could have long-lasting negative impacts on our country from the drugs that they actually supply from the critical materials that they supply not only electric vehicles like boeing and some of the other major industries within the united states. i think we have to be thoughtful about the geopolitical position that we take and i think we have to make the right decisions on what is the benefit of the tariff fixture try and discredit this administration to move to ev that may be a way to do it but what is the endgame and what is the negative impact have on our country. neil: will put very good seeing you bob nardelli these could be good ideas of the former president is growing out to make people debate and discuss and get it out in the public venue
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probably no harm in that. in the meantime updating on the market we have all three market averages advancing for the nasdaq and s&p that would be good enough or record territory in case you are counting that is six days in a row for the nasdaq and for the s&p 500 if it holds the record it would be the 30th of the year we have a long ways to go this year. stay with us. ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles]
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neil: have you ever noticed you can get away from florida being in the news and forget about the floods and oil all over the world and the hurricane season and lo and behold to a gentle running name donald trump is considering from the state of florida marco rubio, we don't know where that goes we don't know what happened right now, there are some complexities to having the same state ghana presidential ticket, carlos gimenez from the beatable state of florida sits on the house armed service committee much more on what he thinks the big omission congressman is you you're not on that list i'm sure the subject will change what you make of the list that you heard.
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>> i like the list that i heard and i like byron and marco rubio and another president will make the right choice he knows once elected he only has four years for us to turn the country around and we need 12 years so it's very important who it takes to be his running mate because you can have the inside track for the nomination in 28. i think some of these guys are videotaped in whatever they call these days remember the comments of marco rubio made in the remember the heated bowels we've seen histories by gonder bygones when they're on a ticket you think before the thing hurts because obviously marco rubio would have to claim a different residence with congressman donald, that is one fix, it's another element that makes their selection problematic, when you think. >> i think all those obstacles
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can be overcome. if the president feels that is the best person suited not only to be his vice president but also to be the president of the united states in 2028 the obstacles are small in comparison to what this country needs is at least 12 years of the republicans in the white house to turn this country around what joe biden has done in four years is unbelievable the damage is caused it's going to take some time for us to undo to get the country back on track. neil: i think you and i chatted about it among the 2 million set of homes a full-time basis were part-time and now they are realizing the flipside of the real estate you're buying is soaring impact enterprise and real estate taxes and homeowners insurance is costly some are passing it up in your state, not a good idea given what could be
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a problematic hurricane season, what do you think of all of that? >> there is a price to pay to live in. ice and i've been living in miami for 60 years, to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world and what are the best places to live. people are starting to find out what a great place it is and when they come down our property values are going up and yes the cost of insurance is going up but again is a great place to live and that's why more people are moving to florida every single year end every single day plus we have income tax, our laws make sense. we are not welcome were not crazy, you can walk on the streets and is pretty safe in florida. it's a great place to live and it's going to cost you a little bit if you come here but not expensive of new york, frisco or chicago it's a heck of a lot
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better. neil: guys like me from new jersey and new york driving on your streets and a lot of them don't know how to do it. it must rattle you a little bit. >> abbott we know who you are, don't worry we just drive around you. neil: a real honor, thank you very much, carlos gimenez a very popular guy in the beautiful state of florida. he gets hot sometimes, but it is the summer david rubin joining us the founder of shiloh israel fund. having you on this day we learn benjamin netanyahu is essentially disbanded the world government into key players have already lapsed it was dissolving on his own what do you think? >> on october 7 when 1200 israeli civilians were severely massive. in the country was plunged into a national trauma. at that moment benjamin
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netanyahu invited benny ganz it and the left of center unity party into his government to bring unity to the nation when we knew we were going out to fight a serious work, the war has continued for eight months and for the past few months benny ganz as a member of the work cabinet and icing caught they have been undermining israel selected government and it's been making it very difficult that together with the pressure from the biden administration. frankly i'm happy to see the two of them go. if you can be united and work together on behalf of this very justified war and you don't belong in the work cabinet. neil: you know far better with the sentiment there, i wonder if things changed among those who
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protest and don't like what benjamin netanyahu does when president biden drew a line and criticized his behavior in the courts of the war and is overreacting and that seemed to get the green light to protesters who might've been secretly there already in the incentive to make their views known and all the rallies future horrific images and invariably a lot of not so flattering shots of benjamin netanyahu but he's become the focus of those attack lines and people in israel suffer from benjamin netanyahu derangement syndrome, so to those in america. with those in america are not just focus on benjamin netanyahu the ones in the street the far left radicals, the muslim radicals who have been launching
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the wild violent protest on american campuses in american streets, they don't have the slightest idea what is going on here and if they do then their plain evil. biden has been sending out very mixed signals because his people are concerned about the election coming up and it's unfortunate because he's making political miscalculation in a don't think it's going to help him to threaten israel and try to pressure israel to back off because if you want to win a war you have to win a war to win the last word to any of the nation of the free world fought to win was world war ii. and since then everyone fights with her hands behind her back against radical terrorist and that is not how you win a war.
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neil: real quickly how do you feel about jews in the country who agree with joe biden in this issue. >> unfortunately jews out of all the religious groups in america and as i explained well in my book and the jews, jews in america have always been the most attached to the religious roots and because of that their religion is liberalism and unfortunately it becomese than liberalism becomes radica a big mistake as well. neil: david rubin always an honor to talk to the former mazer under mayor of shiloh israel speaks his mind you got a good example of it. we get a good example of what the country has been dealing with on the east coast and that is heat a lot of heat like we've never seen in the new york
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metropolitan area in a way that will encompass about half the country when all is said and done. the latest on that after this. ♪ we've always been competitive. yeah... one of us always had to be first. first! first! [continue bickering in background] hold on, guys! [car honk] first. today, we're first together. we love you, mom and dad. thank you so much for making it possible. and now you can finally put yourselves first. vanguard investments and advice. for college, retirement, and all of life's firsts. that's the value of ownership.
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gentlecure uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to want to save on some of the biggest names in streaming on the network made for streaming? x marks the spot. now you can add the new xfinity streamsaver™ that includes netflix, peacock, and apple tv+. that's xfinity streamsaver™ for just $15 a month. all your favorites. all in one place. only from xfinity. for more watching and less spending... x marks the spot. do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff.
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>> it should be nothing but smooth sailing. >> hello i am anxiety where could i put my stuff. >> a new emotion. >> i'm sorry we wanted to make a good impression. >> what you mean we. >> i'm in the, look at your hair. >> not happy. neil: that was the number one movie and officially the number one movie of the year made 155 million over the weekend consider this collectively made 156 million so in one week and showing inside out to has eclipsed that. i wonder if a lot had to do with hot and a lot of places and a lot of people were seeking out the comfort of cool theaters. janice dean knows what written for she's been following this. we are in for a heat wave, are we. >> we are and is early is not even summertime yet that is
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coming on thursday but the west has dealt with extreme heat now is moving across the central u.s. in the east coast you will feel significant heat starting wednesday, thursday and friday let's take a look at the temperatures, 79 in new york but the humidity that is the killer yet the temperatures in the high '80s but with the humidity it will feel close to if not surpassing 100 degrees but will set records in syracuse new york, cleveland, lansing and chicago 93 degrees and this is early to see this heat and feel this heat we have excessive heat warnings in effect for michigan and indiana towards ohio and excessive heat watches for the i-95 corridor from philadelphia towards maine, that he is going to be starting to spread as we get into the midweek the area of high pressure dome of high pressure anchored across the
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northeast bringing record-setting heat and humidity is what's going to be challenging for a lot of folks that have heat related or suffer from heat related illnesses here's the heat risk today for part of illinois, indiana, ohio and the interior northeast this is for thursday today is not as bad as we get there wednesday and thursday that's when things ramp up you been warned a lot of local officials have been in front of the cameras saying we will have cooling centers and make sure the kids are out of school making sure the kids and the elderly in your pets be aware they cannot be inside of a hot car here is the temperature profile as we get into the latter part of this week for new york city but were feeling and chicago, little rock, atlanta, georgia with temperatures into the '90s and we're going to flirt with daytime highs for sure that he index will be the worst and it'll feel close to 100 degrees if not 100 degrees for d.c., baltimore,
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philadelphia towards new york and hartford feeling like 100 that is the concern here is new york city your average this time is 80 but as we get into wednesday and thursday and friday soaring into 90 degrees mark and again, you know what it's like with humidity in new york city it's oppressive so people are urged to take the precautions and if you can't be outside for a great length of time especially if you like you and i we have an illness that keeps us outside for long periods of time that is not a good thing. as soon i'm done with you i'm heading inside i'm going to have an ice cream cone and put my face against an air conditioner. neil: my producer noticed you were out there and you have ms and i have ms and she crudely reminded on thursday we were think about doing the show outside and she looked at janice she puts up with this, what are you doing in that hurt my feelings and i think you're
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showing off. i already stole all the ice cream so you cannot get it even if you want. >> this is why i don't do your show anymore. >> really. >> you take all my ice cream, i'm just kidding. neil: you are a trooper. janice dean what she puts up with including me but she never makes herself a victim. i do not admire that ability that the latest on the heatwave now the latest on the possibility of supersonic travel returning is been a long time. right now they're working on something like that that could be a few years off grady trouble with the latest from greensburg north carolina, what is going on. >> north carolina is famously first in flights and if everything goes supersonic sway it could be first in supersonic flight in the united states as well it's going to be a few years before the company expects planes to roll out of the factory but when they do they
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say the supersonic jet will be twice as fast as commercial airliners today right now the company is testing the smaller prototype in california but here's what the commercial supersonic planes will look l like, booms ceo says newer materials, engines and technology will allow the company to bring down the cost way down for flying compared to the last supersonic commercial plane the concorde, the price will be the same as a business class ticket today that is not bad. north carolina is expecting a huge economic boom from the factory and the company says will bring around 2400 jobs to the area creating an impact of more than $32 billion and potentially taking on commercial aviation giants like boeing. >> would not how to speed up in flights since the 1960s when
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things get consolidated to couple of it companies innovation slows down that creates an opportunity for china to build the next generation of airplanes. we need a new airplane manufacturer in order to restart innovation and continue american progress in aerospace lead leadership. neil: you might be asking what isn't it for me, booms says once the planes are in the air you will get from new york city to london in three hours and 45 minutes or from australia to the west coast of the united states in half the time it takes right now, booms goal is to fly passengers in the not-too-distant future by 2029 there are skeptics out there but i'll tell you who are not among them that is the major airlines boom has preorders from big airlines like united, american and japan they think this thing will get off the ground. neil: there is a pass we do have a supersonic travel in our past the human species, we are capable of it, thank you very
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much, grady trimble gamestop about 13% right now will tell you what is going on in the mean stocks are getting mauled all over again after this. ♪
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(luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. ♪ in any business, you ride the line between numbers and people. what's right for the business and what's best for everyone who depends on it. solving today's challenges while creating future opportunities. it takes balance. cla - cpas, consultants, and wealth advisors. we'll get you there. say goodbye to daily insulin injections with omnipod 5... a tubeless system that automatically adjusts insulin to help protect against highs and lows. try it today. go to for risk information and instructions for use. consult your doctor before starting on omnipod. this is clem. clem's not a morning person. or a night person.
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remember in 202,125 mean stocks for - 6 months was heavily shorted groups now the street is very smart, the whole meme trade amc mission whatever you want to call it from early may lasted two weeks this trait is not interesting i know everyone likes to make a new story about the roaring kitty but i think you left a lot of bag holders in the past i don't think there's that many people following him won't make money consistently following individuals without a process in the plan. >> a lot of people following him because he has a stake in the company and apparently he kept the stake who knows what's accurate you follow momentum and if the momentum is there maybe not. >> i looked at it from time to time very small part of the trading plan they just raise $4 billion in the money offerings and the company has more cash than it had in a while
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so it's kind of interesting there is talk that though take a page in the bitcoin incubator company because they really have no business and maybe that's a little interesting i'm going to keep an eye on it and i don't think people are worried about missing out, don't be on the stock just in case there is some kind of crazy scenario around it but don't waste your time you can buy the 35-dollar calls a few months out and if they start buying bitcoin because they have nothing else to really do with their business, maybe it gets groups excited maybe there is a trade but for now this trade was very short-lived and i think the market is a lot smarter than it was in 2021 to many bag holders, guy like that can make money for himself or you can make money once in a while that's not how you will make money consistently over time. >> thank you for taking the time, scott radler on that we have a gallup 86 points we will see if that holds, jackie
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deangelis and "the big m


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